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FCPS Q BANK Resistance is directly proportional to ?
a) viscosity b) Haematocrit c) Length of the vessel
d) Radius of vessel e) velocity of the blood smotic pressure difference b!" #nterstitial fluid $ plasma is ?
a) 1.% m osm b) & m osm c) % m osm d) no difference 'ind out correct about (ranial nerves "hich are para)sympathetic ? a) ###*+*+##*, b)
###*+##*#,*, c) ##*###*,#*,## d) #*##*+*, QR. comple/ find out "rong statement ? a) ccurs
due to ventricular depolari0ation b) has 1ve $ )ve "aves
c) occurs 2ust before ventricular systole
d) #ndicates atrial depolari0ation 3%4 of filtered 5a is reabsorbed from ? a) 6(7 b) 8(7 c) Loop of Henle d) 5one +enous return depends upon ? a) velocity of blood b) #ncreased mean systemic filling
c) cardiac output d) .tiffness of vessel +olume remaining in the lungs after tidal volume
e/piration is ?
a) residual volume b) :/piratory reserve volume c) 'R(
d) +ital capacity e) 7L(; : Regarding 7hora/ find out "rong statement ?
a) pump handle increases transverse diameter
b) abdominal type of respiration is seen in children
c) 8iaphragm is important muscle for respiration
d) /iphisternum is located at 7< vetebra<: #n asthmatic patient allergen react directly "ith ?
a) =ast cells b) eosinophills c) macrophages d) epithelial cells>: 67H increases (a re)absorption by acting on ?
a) 6(7 b) 8(7 c) Loop of Henle d) none /ygen Hb dissociation curve shifts to left due to ?
a) #ncresed (2 b) decreased 6H c) High altitude
d) (arbon mono o/ide poisoning : limination of ?minoglycosides ?ntibiotics from the body in
:lderly is decreased due to decreased ?
a) fat metabolism b) Hepatic metabolism c) Renal e/cretion
d) plasma protein binding e) volume of distribution #mmune mediated disorders occur due to location of genes on?
a) HL? b) R@( c) A@( d) none Bastric emptying is delayed by ?
a) Bastrin b) ((C c) .ecretin d) B#6 patient presented in :R "ith dyspnea 6H 9.1& * (2 %% * H(& 23 * 62 -< * he is
C!( of (68 * "hat is most liDely 8iagnosis ?
a) Respiratory acidosis b) Respiratory alDalosis
c) Respiratory acidosis "ith type)1 respiratory failure
d) 'ully compensated Respiratory acidosis
e) Respiratory acidosis "ith type)2 respiratory failure Hamartoma is defined as ?
a) =ass of mature dis)organi0ed tissue indigeous to part
b) :ctopic rest of normal tissue
c) ? tumor that can metastasi0e
d) ? malignant tumor that can cause serious complications (utting of ?rcuate nucleus of Hypothalamus "ill predominantly
Leads to inceased level of "hich pituitary Hormone ?
a) BH b) 6rolactin c) 7.H d) ?(7H e) '.H $ LH;: L)dopa given in the R/ of 6arDinson*s disease leads to
8ecrease in level of "hich Hormone ?
a) 6rolactin b) BH c) (ortisol d) 7estosterone<: ?8H increases "ater re)absorption by acting on ?
a) 6(7 b) (ortical collecting tubule c) =edullary collecting duct
d) Loop of Henle e) :arly distal tubule>: .trong chemotactic agent is ?
a) (%a b) (%b c) (&b d) psonin e) platelet (arcinoma stains "ith "hich of the follo"ing ?
a) 8esmin b) Deratin c) vimentin d) 6?. e) (ongo red Ahich of the follo"ing malignancy is transmitted as autosomal
8ominant mode of inheritance ?
a) (a)colon b) Retinoblastoma c) (a)@reast d) (a)Liver Lady is having cervical Lymph adenopathy $ is dignosed as a case
f Lymphoma * "hich immunological disorder she is most liDely
Having ?
a) ?#8. b) .L: c) 6?5 d) R? e) .2ogren syndrome #st symptom that occurs due to hypopituitarism due to pituitary
7umor "ould be ?
a) Hypothyroidism b) Hypogonadism c) Hypoglycemia
d) Hypoadrenalism e) Hypovolumia "hich of the follo"ing is benign tumor ?
a) ?denoma b) Hepatoma c) =elanoma d) Lymphoma Ahich of the follo"ing has least malignant potential ?
a) '?6 b) =etaplastic polyp c) 7ubular adenoma
d) villous adenoma Arong about meta plasia ?
a) ne adult cell type replace another cell type b) #rrevesible
c) can occur in Lungs d) can occur in epithelial cells
e) 6rotective change against chronic irritation;: /ytocin $ ?8H originate in ?
a) 5euro hypophysis b) Hypothalamus c) ?deno hypophysis
d) 7halamus e) =id @rain<: @ad ne"s provided by doctor should be ?
a) #nfront of nursing staff b) @y 6sychiatrist c) at bedside
d) #nfront of all family members
e) #n formal session in area of :/clusivity>: @est "ay to start (ommunication "ith patient should be ?
a) @y asDing cross Questions b) @y asDing about illness
c) @y asDing about 5ame* ?ge* ?ddress $ ccupation
d) @y asDing Leading Questions Hormone "hich increases protein deposition in .Deletal
=uscles ?
a) :strogen b) 7estosterone c) (ortisol d) 8ihydrotestosterone
e) 6rogesterone Bro"th Hormone ?
a) ?ffects metabolism of (arbohydrates
b) (auses sDeletal $ (artilage gro"th through .omatomedins
c) Has Half life of 3)2> minutes in circulation
d) #s a Hormone of 6ituitary gland
e) #s a polypeptide Ahich of the follo"ing organ causes @one gro"th by
Releasing peptide ?
a) @rain b) Liver c) Cidney d) B#7 e) ?drenal corte/ 'ormation of #nterstitial fluid increases "ith decreased ?
a) (apillary hydrostatic pressure b) capillary permeability
c) #nterstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure
d) Lmphatic flo" e) 6lasma colloid osmotic pressure 7ight Blucose control is essential in 8iabetics patients *
6ost prandial state is characteri0ed by ?
a) High blood levels of ''? $ high levels of glucagon
b) High blood levels of ''? $ lo" levels of glucagon
c) High blood levels of glucose $ high levels of #nsulin
d) High blood levels of glucose $ lo" levels of #nsulin
e) High blood levels of #nsulin $ glucagon Ahich of the follo"ing is inappropriate for #nsulin ?
a) (auses entry of glucose into cells of ?dipose tissue
b) #s anabolic Hormone c) decreases gluconeogenesis
d) (auses induction of lipoprotein Lipase
e) increases glycogenolysis (orrect about ?5. ?
a) ?ll .mpathetics are ?drenegic
b) ?ll 6ara)sympathetics are (holinergic
c) ?ll .ympathetics are (holinergic
d) ?ll 6ara)sympathetics are ?drenergic
e) ?t ?utonomic Banglia all are ?drenergic;: Ahich of the follo"ing has highest 6H ?
a) .aliva b) 6ancreatic Euice c) @ile d) Bastric Euice
e) .uccus :ntericus<: ? - yr boy presented e (! 'ailure to thrive * Recurrent .inusitis *
titis media $ R7# * he also gives H! chronic diarrohea* there is
'amily H! such complaints * the most relevant investigation in
7his case to confirm the 8iagnosis is ?
a) (hloride ."eat 7est b) 'at absorption 7est c) Ee2unal @iopsy
d) +it @)12 assay e) .erum #mmunoglobulin level>: .mall child present "ith =alabsorption * foul smelling stool *
.teatorrhea* deficiency of the follo"ing is liDely to occur in this
6atient ?
a) 'olate b) #ron c) (a d) +it:8 e) +it:@)12 Regarding active transport* find out most appropriate ?
a) ccurs up)hill in fe" cells b) al"ays reFuires 5a
c) ?l"ays reFuires Blucose d) 8oes not reFuire energy
e) #s carrier mediated $ carriers proteins are en0ymatic in nature 7ractus .olitarius contains ?
a) ?uditory 5eurons b) #st order neurons for test
c) 2nd orders neurons for test d) 5one .harp* 'ast pain is mediated by "hich of follo"ing 'iber ?
a) ()fiber b) ?)delta c) @eta d) 7heta e) 5one Regarding 7halamus * most appropriate statement is ?
a) ?ssociated "ith @ehaviour $ emotions
b) ?ssociated "ith 7emperature regulation
c) ?ssociated "ith Aater regulation
d) 6lays Dey role in se/ual function
e) #s relay centre for all somatic $ .pecial senses 'acial 5erve collects test information from ant: 2!& of tongue
through its (horda tympani branch * functional component of
test sensation is ?
a) general somatic afferent GB.?)
b) general visceral afferent GB+?)
c) general visceral efferent GB+:)
d) .pecial somatic afferent G..?)
e) .pecial +isceral afferent G.+?) 5erve passing through foramen vale ?
a) =a/illary b) =andibular c) cculomotor d) 7rochlear patient having deviation of angle of mouth * dribbling of saliva *
(an not close eye $ "rinDle forehead * nerve most liDely involved?
a) 'acial b) =a/illary division of 7ri geminal c) ?uriculo temporal
d) =andibular division of 7rigeminal nerve;: Hairy cell LeuDoplaDia is associated "ith ?
a) H#+ b) 'ungus c) ?LL d) (LL<: Histological characteristic of 7@ is ?
a) ?cid fast @acilli b) (aseation c) Bram1ve d) none>: +ibration is carried by ?
a) 6acinian corpuscles b) =eissner*s corpuscles
c) Ruffini corpuscles d) 5ociceptors .tatic pressure is carried by ?
a) Ruffini (orpuscles b) pacinian corpuscles
c) =eissner*s corpuscles d) 5ociceptors =y/oid degeneration is mostly associated "ith ?
a) (arcinoid valve disease b) #nfective endocarditis
c) Libman)sacD*s endocarditis d) =arantic endocarditis
e) =itral valve prolapse ?mongst the causes of fatty changes in Liver * most freFuent
(ause in our country is ?
a) ?lcohol b) H@+ $ H(+ c) Halothane
d) besity e) .tarvation Regading 8ysplasia * most appropriate ?
a) 8iss)array of cells* having loss of architecture b) pleomorphism
c) increased mitotic figures d) #ncrease in si0e of cell #schemic Heart disease "ith or "ith out seFuele ?
a) (hronic #H8 b) 6rin0mental angina c) .table angina
d) Hnstable angina e) =# ? young child on anti)malarials passed cola colored urine * "hat
(ould be the cause ?
a) B368 deficiency b) 8rug reaction c) #ron deficiency anemia
d) 7halessemia Brade)#+ :ncaphalopathy is caused by ?
a) ?lcohol b) 6aracetomol c) :thylene glycol d) ?mphetamine;: ? -> yr male on ?77 for last & "eeDs (! 2oint pains * his
.erum uric acid is raised * "hich is culpirit drug ?
a) #sonia0id b) :thambutol c) 6yra0inamide
d) Rifampicin e) .treptomycin<: 8rug of choice for 7raveller*s 8iarrhea ?
a) ?luminum Hydro)o/ide b) 8ipheno)o/ylate
c) =etaclopromide d) .ucral)fate>: ?ngina may be "orsened by ?
a) ?tropine b) salbutamol c) 7heophylline
d) vasopressin e) +erapamil .ynapses are absent in ?
a) 8orsal horn of spinal cord b) 8orsal root ganglion
c) Lateral horn of spinal cord d) .mpathetic chain ganglion
e) +entral horn of spinal cord =uscles of bacD are supplied by ?
a) 8orsal rami of spinal nerves b) (ervical ple/us
c) +entral rami of spinal nerve d) none 7ype of 2oint b!" t"o pubic bones is ?
a) .yndesmosis b) .ymphysis c) 6rimary cartilaginous Eoint
d) 'ibrous 2oint e) none =ost appropriate regarding 'ibro)(artilage ?
a) #s present in nose b) contains type)## collagen
c) #s present in #ntervertebral discs d) none Eunction b!" t"o :pithelial cells that does not allo" free
=ovement of substances is called ?
a) Iona adherence b) 7ight Eunction c) 8esmosomes d) none 6atient has suffered from &rd degree burn * he is "orried about
Ahich of the follo"ing most liDely complication ?
a) Aound 8ehiscence b) (ontracture c) Celoid
d) 7raumatic neuroma e) none Regarding =id brain find out most appropriate ?
a) (erebral aFueduct forms cavity of mid brain
b) 6osterior surface is marDed by presence of 2 colliculi
c) 7ectum divides 2 crus cerebri
d) 7rochlear nerve emerges from anterior surface;: Ahich of the follo"ing receives sub)capsular afferents?
a) Lymph 5ode b) 7onsill c) 7hymus d) .pleen
e) 6ayer*s patch<: ? poly morph LeuDocytosis is e/pected in ?
a) ?ppendicular tumor b) Blandular 'ever c) =#
d) 7yphoid $ 6ara)7yphoid e) (hronic osteomyelitis>: (orrect about Respiratory Ione ?
a) 7erminal bronchioles to ?lveoli
b) ?lveolar duct $ ?lveolar sac
c) Respiratory @ronchi to ?lveoli
d) =edium si0e bronchi :nd plate fiber of 5euro muscular Eunction contains ?
a) ?cetylcholinestrase b) 6re)synaptic ?ch vesicle
c) 6ost)synaptic (a vesicle d) synthesi0es ?ch Hepatic 6edicle contains ?
a) Hepatic vein $ (@8 b) Hepatic artery $ Hepatic duct
c) 6ortal vein $ Hepatic duct d) 6ortal 7riad @asal ganglia comle/ is uniFue in that it contains ?
a) High (opper b) Lo" copper c) =anganese d) High =g Regarding +ertebra* find out most appropriate ?
a) Lumbar is Heart shaped b) ()9 has long spinous process
c) 7horacic forms 7ransverse process d) thoracic is Didney shaped ? young lady presented "ith Lump in outer lateral Fuadrant of
@reast* "hich of the follo"ing group of Lymph 5ode is involved ?
a) ?nterior a/illary b) ?pical c ) 6osterior d) internal 7horacic Right Didney is differentiated from Left Didney by ?
a) colour of Didney b) 5o: of coverings of Didney
c) Relations of structures in the Hilum
d) .urfaces $ poles of Didney e) Aeight $ si0e of Didney 68? is persistent part of the Left ?
a) -th ?rch b) %th ?rch c) 3th ?rch d) 8orsal ?orta e) +entral aorta;: Root of Right lung is crossed by ?
a) .ub)clavian vein b) ?rch of aorta c) ?0ygous vein
e) right pulmonary artery<: +essel "hich supply derivatives of fore gut ?
a) (eliac artery b) .=? c) #=? d) .plenic artery;>: 'ollo"ing "ill not form boundary of #nguinal canal ?
a) Lacunar ligament b) :/t: obliFue aponeurosis
c) 7ransversalis 'ascia d) (on2oint 7endon e) #nguinal ligament;1: 6atient treated via conservative surgery for (a (olon * best marDer
'or disease progression is ?
a) ?lpha feto)protein b) (:? c) @)H(B d) :rythropoeitin;2: .tructure found 2 feet a"ay from #leo)cecal 2unction * at
?nti)mesenteric border * is most liDely ?
a) mphalocele b) =ecDel*s diverticulum c) +olvulus
d) Bastoschisis e) #ntussuception;&: #ncorrect statement about ?bdominal ?orta ?
a) 8ivides at level of L- b) has #nferior vena cava on its right side
c) Bives out paired lateral branches to parieties
d) Bives out Renal arteies at level of L2
e) Lies to the right of cisterna chyli;-: .udden out breaD of some disease in .chool sho"ed 8ramatic
Response to 14 6ermethrin Lotion * "hich organism most liDely
Responsible for this ?
a) 6ediculosis capitis b) 6thyriasis pubis c) 6ediculosis pubis
d) .arcoptes .cabies
Qno.;%: 8rug not used for R/ of (andida ?lbicans ?
a) ?mphotericin)@ b) (otrima0ole c) Brisofulvin d) 5ystatin;3: 6atient presented "ith (! vesicles on lo"er lip * "hich of the
'ollo"ing is most liDely responsible ?
a) H.+)1 b) H.+)2 c) +I+ d) (=+;9: Ahich of the follo"i"ing is not responsible for formation of Liver
Branuloma ?
a) Bumma b) .ilicosis c) 7.@ d) .arcoidosis;;: =ost common risD factor for @ronchogenic (arcinoma ?
a) ?sbestosis b) .ilicosis c) 'ungal #nfection
d) @erylliosis e) 7obbaco smoDing;<: ligo urea is clinically defined as ?
a) H6 J1oo ml!day b) H6 J%>> ml!day c) H6 b!" 1)1.% L
d) H6 of about 1L e) H6 J2L<>: (hild presented e (! s"elling in the 6arotid region* !: (linician
'ound that Right testicle "as also s"ollen * "hich of the follo"ing
#s most liDely ?
a) =easels b) =umps c) Rubella d) (=+ #nfection<1: :/ample of 7ype)2 Hyper sensitivity Reaction is ?
a) 6.B5 b) :rythroblastosis 'oetalis c) 7.@ d) 6enicillin rash<2: :/ample of 7ype)& Hyper sensitivity reaction is ?
a) 6.B5 b) :rythtoblastosis foetalis c) 7.@ d) Hay fever<&: 7ype)& Hypersensitivity is characteri0ed by ?
a) ?rthus phenomena b) (ontact dermatitis c) Doch*s phenomena
d) Hives e) .preading cellulitis<-: Liver is not involved in the synthesis of ?
a) ?lbumin b) Bamma globulin c) 6rotein d) Lipids e) glycogen<%: @oy presented "ith gynaecomastia $ dignosed as a case of
Clinefelter*s syndrome * most liDely Daryo type is ?
a) -%,> b) -3,, c) -3KK d) -9,,K e) -9,KK<3: .tored blood has one of the follo"ing disadvantages ?
a) #t has un stable factor ##*+##*#,*,
b) #t has un stable factor +###*#, c) platelet has half life of % days
d) 7here is risD of e/aggerated hemolysis<9: #n "hich of the follo"ing conditions @leeding time is prolonged?
a) Heparin 7herpy b) Haemophilia ( ) Aarfarin 7herapy
d) +on Aill brand 8isease<;: #n -> yr old man "ith 'racture of 6elvis $ #n2ury to @ulbar Hrethra
Hrine "ould e/travasate into ?
a) 8eep perineal pouch b) #schiorectal fossa c) 6aravesicle pouch
d) Retropubic space e) .uperficial perineal pouch<<: :pinephrine $ .erotonin are metaboli0ed by ?
a) (=7 b) =? c) =ethyl hydro)o/ylase d) none>>: .canty @arr)@odies are found in ?
a) 7urner syndrome b) 8o"n syndrome c) Clinefelter*s syndrome
d) ?drenogenital syndrome e) 21)@)Hydro)o/ylase deficiency>1: 5eurotransmitter for slo" "ave sleep is ?
a) ?ch b) B?@? c) Blutamate d) .erotonin e) 5or)epinephrine>2: Regarding QR. comple/ * most appropriate ?
a) #ndicates atrial depolari0ation b) #ndicates atrial systole
c) ccurs prior to ventricular systole d) none>&: .hort term control of @lood pressure is done through ?
a) @aroreceptor system b) Renin)angiotensin system c) ?56
d) (5. #schemic response>-: 8uring ?cclimati0ation at High altitude * 'ollo"ing changes
Aill occur ?
a) ? marDed increase in 6%> value b) ?cidosis
c) increase in pulmonary ventilation d) pulmonary vaso dilatation
e) 8ecreased :rythropoeitin secretion>%: 6atient "ith prolonged 6)R interval $ &:1 6 $ QR. comple/* this
Results from ?
a) =obit0)1 blocD b) =obit0)2 blocD c) 6artial blocD
d) (omplete ?)+ blocD>3: 8uring strenuous e/ercise blood flo" to muscle is maintained by?
a) 8ecreased 6H b) #ncreased arterial 2
c) #ncreased arterial 6(2 d) decreased arterial 2
e) (ollateral signals from higher centers>9: Regarding #sotonic :/ercise * "hich is incorrect ?
a) #ncreased heart rate b) #ncreased stroDe volume
c) #ncreased 76R d) #ncreased pulse pressure e) #ncreased (>;: Ahich is a Dey factor for maintaining cerebral blood flo"
8uring hypovolumic state ?
a) Hypo/emia b) ?rterial 6(2 c) +enous 6(2 d) none><: =ean arterial pressure * most appropriate ?
a) 8ecreases in old age b) #s normally about ;>mm Hg
c) :Fuals the diastolic 11!& of pulse pressure
d) #s difference b!" systolic $ diastolic @lood pressure>: @est measure to estimate B'R is ?
a) (reatinine b) #nulin c) 6?H d) Hrea e) Aater #n &rd 7rimester of pregnancy lady comes to 8r. she e/perienced
:pisode of faiting * 8r. advised her to get into Left Lateral
6osition * this position "ill increase blood flo" to @rain * 8r.
?dvised this position to avoid compression of "hich important
?bdominal structure ?
a) .pleen b) Liver c) .+( d) Lungs e) #+( Ahich of the follo"ing is not a @acteial disease ?
a) 7@ b) Histoplasmosis c) Ahooping cough d) (holera ? lady brought her baby "ho is preferring @ottle)feed instead
f @reast milD * "hat is most liDely ?
a) (left hard $ soft palate b) cleft soft palate c ) 5asal blocDade
d) #n adeFuate Hormones e) AeaD Laryngeal muscles Regarding #ron 7o/icity * "hich is inappropriate ?
a) ?cute iron 7o/icity causes constipation
b) chronic blood loss causes #ron deficiency anemia
c) ?cute #ron to/icity causes metabolic acidosis
d) Haemolysis causes #ron over load
e) @ody has no means to e/crete e/cess iron that is "hy it
is usually treated medically =ost liDely paralysed muscle taDing origin from 'emur *"hich
(auses instability of Dnee Eoint is ?
a) Rectus femoris b) .artorius c) +astus Lateralis
c) .emi)membranosus e) .emi)tendinosus Loss of :version of foot occurs due to damage to "hich of
7he follo"ing muscle ?
a) 7ibialis anterior b) 7ibialis posterior c) .oleus
d) 6eroneus Longus .econdary oocyte is surrounded by (orona Radiata * "hich
f the follo"ing layer contributes to formation of corona
Radiata ?
a) Branulosa cells b) #nterstitial cells of ovary c) primary oocyte
d) 7heca :/terna cells e) 7heca #nterna cells;: .afest site for draining pleural effusion is ?
a) Lo"er border of upper rib in mid)a/illary line
b) Lo"er border of upper in mid)clavicular line
c) =iddle of #ntercostal space in mid)clavicular line
d) =iddle of #ntercostal space in anterior a/illary line
e) Hpper border of lo"er rib at site of ma/imum dullness<: ? 1% yr old boy (! loss of appetite * vomiting $ high colcoured
Hrine * !: yello" dis coloration of sclera * #nvestigation of
(hoice ?
a) ?lDaline phosphatase estimation b) @ilirubin $ ?L7 estimation
c) Hepatitis ? $ @ +irus d) Liver biopsy
e) .erum $ Hrinary bilirubin>: .tab "ound occurs in the -th #ntercostal space * structure
=ost liDely damaged * "ould be ?
a) #ntercostal membrane b) #nternal intercostal muscle
b) :/ternal #ntercostal muscle d) none 6atient presented "ith repiratory depression "hich is not
Responding to 5alo/one * 'ind out culprit drug ?
a) =orphine b) =ethadone c) 6heno)barbitone
a) Heroin e) 6ethidine ?n :pidemiologist "as maDing an study for assessing the risD of
.moDing for Heart disease * %>> coronary Heart disease patients
Aere asDed if they smoDe or not * %>> Healthy friends "ith
.imilar age * se/ $ socioeconomic bacD ground "ere also asDed
?bout their smoDing habits* Result revealed that smoDing is a
RisD factor for (H8 * study is called ?
a) (ase control b) (ohort study c) (ross sectional study
b) 6rospective study e) Randomi0ed matched controlled 7rial 7ransmission of #nfection via droplet "ould be possible upto
Ahich distance ?
a) 1)& feet b) &)3 feet c) 1>)12 feet d) 1%)2> feet =icroscopic structure pf 6ituitary gland reveals that ?
a) (hromophills contains fe" cytoplasmic granules
b) (hromophills have little affinity for basic dyes
c) (hromophobes are smallest cell types in anterior pituitary
d) (orticotrophs constitute about %>4 of anterior pituitary mass
e) .omatotrophs represent the basophills of traditional light
microscopy Left a/is deviation occurs in ?
a) R@@ b) 7ricuspid stenosis c) 6ulmonary stenosis
d) .hifting of ape/ to right side e) =# 8uring 2nd "eeD "hich is appropriate test for 7yphoid fever ?
a) Aidal1@lood culture b) @lood culture only c) .tool culture only
d) @one marro" culture e) none 6ositive predictive value of test indicates ?
a) .ame as sensitivity
b) same as specificity
c) proportion of true negatives among all negatives
d) proportion of true negatives among all positives
e) proportion of true positives among all positives;: 21 yr old male comes "ith H! mild intermittent Eaundice *
#ncreased un)con2ugated bilirubin * normal albumin levels *
He might be suffering from ?
a) crigglar 5a22ar syndrome b) Bilbert syndrome
b) Rotor .yndrome d) 8ubin Ehonson syndrome<: patient having loss of sensation in the region b!" :ye $ =outh
:/tending as for as :ar * most liDely damaged nerve is ?
a) 6osterior ?uricular 5erve b) 'acial 5erve
c) =a/illary division of 7rigeminal 5erve
d) ?uriculo temporal 5erve>: 6atient has pain in parotid region * "hich aggravates by che"ing *
5erve most liDely involved ?
a) 'acial b) ?uriculo temporal c) =a/illary d) pthalmic ? 2> yr old male during a test for driving "as unable to
8istinguish b!" red $ green * most liDely defect is ?
a) 8eutranomolus b) 6rotanomolous c) 6rotanopia
c) 7ritanomolus e) 7ritanopia 8igastric 7riangle of necD is bounded by ?
a) ?nterior $ posterior belly of digastric $ mandible
b) @ody of hyoid bone* anterior belly of digastric $ mid line
c) (lavicle * 7rape0ius $ .ternocleidomastoid
d) .ternocleidomastoid * mid line $ =ylohyoid
e) .uperior belly of omohyoid* .ternocleidomastoid $ mid line ?n elderly patient fell on his elbo" $ "as brought to :R *
Radiograph revealed fracture of surgical necD of Humerus * He
(ould not raise his arm $ had loss of sensation over the lateral
.ide of pro/imal part of arm * 5erve most liDely involved ?
a) ?/illary 5erve b) Lo"er subscapular 5erve c) Radial 5erve
d) 7horacodorsal 5erve e) Hpper subscapular 5erve :arliest change in Retina in 8iabetic Retinopathy ?
a) 8ilatation of Retinal arteries b) Lipid deposition in ?rterioles
c) +itreous Haemorrhage d) Retinal detachement
e) +itreous bands Ahich of follo"ing microorganism is not transmitted by food ?
a) (lostridium perferinges b) (lostridium @otulinism
c) =ycobacterium ?vium d) .taphylococcus e) Biardia Regarding 5eurogenic .hocD * most appropriate ?
a) (old $ clammy peripheries b) Hypovolumia
c) decreased peripheral vascular resistance
d) decreased functioning of Heart e) none Heart rate is decreased by ?
a) @ain)@ridge refle/ b) cculo cardiac refle/ c) Left atrial refle/
d) (5. #schemic response d) none;: ?rea to be auscultated for 7ricuspid valve ?
a) Left 2nd #!( space b) Right 2nd #!( space
c) -th left #!( space in mid clavicular line
d) %th left #!( space in mid clavicular line
e) Right side of lo"er half of body of sternum<: Local cause of delayed "ound healing ?
a) #nfection b) #schemia c) +it:( deficiency d) cortisol>: #n ?cetylsalisylic acid poisoning "hich is incorrect ?
a) increased 6H b) #ncreased +entilation c) decreased 6H
d) Right shift of 2 Hb dissociation (urve e) none #ncreased risD of transmissibility of H@+ infection is sho"n by ?
a) H@s?g 1ve $ H@s?b1ve b) H@e?g1ve $ H@e?b)ve
c) H@c?g1ve $ H@c?b Lve d) none "hich ?utonomic receptor mediates secretion of :pinephrine by
?drenal =edulla ?
a) ?drenergic alpha receptor b) ?drenergic @)1 receptors
c) ?drenegic @)2 receptors d) (holinergic =uscarinic receptors
e) cholinergic 5icotinic receptors structure derived from 2nd pharyngeal ?rch is ?
a) @ody of thyroid bone b) (ricoid cartilage c) pertien of mandible
d) .tylohyoid ligament e) .phenomandibular ligament Regarding throid gland "hich is incorrect ?
a) =oves on deglutition b) .urrounded by pre)tracheal 'ascia
c) Related to RL5 d) #sthmus lies at level of 7hroid cartilage ?nomic ?phasia occurs due to Lesion in ?
a) ?ngular gyrus * ?rea &< b) @roca*s ?rea c) 'rontal lobe
d) AernicDe*s area Ahich of the follo"ing has pre)potent potential ?
a) .? 5ode b) ?+ 5ode c) 6urDin2e 'iber d) +entricular muscle 6hase of cardiac cycle during "hich 2!& of +entricular filling
ccurs $ &rd Heart sound is produced ?
a) #sovolumetric contraction b) #sovolumetric rela/ation
c) rapid filling d) .lo" filling;: 3> yr old male 'arm "orDer presented "ith ascites * ?scitic fluid
Aas Haemorrhagic $ contained malignant cells* Liver biopsy
.ho"ed ?ngiosarcoma * "hat is most liDely cause ?
a) ?flato/in b) ?romatic amines c) ?rsenic
d) Hydrocarbon e) +inyl chloride<: % yr old baby*s @lood (6 sho"s Hb 9g!dl*
7L(: &>>>G;;4 Lymphocytes)* %>>> 6latelets * "hich is most
?ppropriate #nvestigation ?
a) @one marro" aspiration b) .erum #ron level c) Hepatitis profile
d) 7#@( e) 'erretin level>: 7ranslocation of <:22 is characteristics of ?
a) ?=L b) (=L c) Hairy LeuDemia d) @uirDit Lymphoma 3> yr old male presented "ith gum hypertrophy $ :pista/is *
His @lood picture sho"s 7L(: %<M1><* mostly mature
Lymphocytes * he is suffering from ?
a) ?=L b) (=L c) (LL d) ?LL Regarding 7otal 6ar):ntral 5utrition* most appropriate ?
a) "hole of the energy need can be provided by Blucose
b) Blutamine is present in most synthetic preparations
c) ?minoacids should be given as 8e/tro)isomers
d) :ntral nutrition has less chance of infection 5erve "hich e/its from .Dull $ does not become content of
(arotid sheath ?
a) Hypoglossal b) ?uditory c) Blossopharyngeal d) +agus (ancer occurs due to ?
a) ver e/pression of anti)oncogenes b) 6%&
c) ver e/pression of proto)oncogenes d) none 6lasma colloid smotic 6ressure is maintained by ?
a) ?lbumin fraction b) Blobulin c) 'ibrinogen d) none Regarding .L: most sensitive initial screening test is ?
a) ?5? b) ?nti 8. 85? c) ?nti)La d) ?nti)smith e) ?=? #nsulin increases entry of glucose into ?
a) @rain b) .Deletal muscles c) #ntestine d) R@( e) Cidney;: #mmediate response of body to heat production by cold is ?
a) Hunger b) .hivering c) #ncreased release of (atecholamines<: @=R is increased by ?
a) High 7hyro/ine Level b) decreased sympathetic activity
c) .leep d) :ating e) none>: Eaundice is caused by ?
a) bstructive 2aundice causes #ndirect Hyperbilirubinemia
b) Hemolysis due to un)con2ugated Hyperbilirubinemia
c) #n Hemolysis un)con2ugated @ilirubin appears in urine
d) Hepatitis due to un)con2ugated Hyperbilirubinemia :ffects of (hlorproma0ine resulting from 8opamie receptor
@locDade include all of the follo"ing e/cept ?
a) amenorrhea)galactorrhea syndrome in "omen
b) anti)emetic action c) ?nti)psychotic action
d) parDinson*s .yndrome e) 6ostural Hypotension Levodopa is given along (arbidopa in R/ of 6arDinson*s
8isease b!c ?
a) carbidopa decreases its peripheral activation
b) 'acilitates its entry into @rain
c) potentiates its effects on @rain
d) increases its B#7 absorption Ranitidine differs from (emitidine in ?
a) Less potent b) Less (5. to/icity c) decreases L:. tone
d) decreases .tomach motility
e) 8ecreased peripheral venous conversion 8isease in "hich #mmunological 7est is of diagnostic +alue ?
a) =alaria b) Cala0ar c) Hydatid cyst d) ?moebic Liver abscess 8igo/in 7o/icity can be precipitated by ?
a) 6atient taDing 8igo/in "ith Quinidine
b) 6atient taDing 8igo/in "ith (aptopril
c) 6atient taDing 8igo/in "ith HyperDalemia
d) 6atient taDing 8igo/in "ith Hypermagnesemia
e) 6atient taDing 8igo/in "ith Hypocalcemia ?n old aged bed)ridden patient C!( of (68 suddenly
8evelops .@ $ 7achycardia * "hat is most liDely ?
a) =# b) .pontaneous pneumothora/ c) 6ulmonary :mbolism
b) ?:(68 e) none ? patient has a @lood 6ressure of 9>!-> mmHg $ serum Lactate
f &>mg!1>>ml G5ormal 3 to 13) . (ardiac output is 2L!min $
(+6 is 2cms of "ater. =ost liDeDy cause of this condition is ?
a) (ardiac 7amponade b) ((' c) Hypovolumic .hocD
b) 6ulmonary :mbolism e) .epticemic shocD;: =ost #ntense response to Hypovolumia is ?
a) @aroreceptor response b) (5. #schemic response
c) cculo cardiac refle/ d) @ain)bridge refle/<: #n Hypo/emic state * Respiratory centre is stimulated through ?
a) ?ortic .inus b) (arotid body c) ?rterial 6(2
d) (arotid .inus e) none>: #n cells :n0ymes /idases are present in ?
a) (ytoplasm b) Bolgi apparatus c) Lysososomes
d) =itochondria e) pero/isomes #ron deficiency ?nemia occurs due to ?
a) +it:@)12 deficiency b) 'olate deficiency
c) #ron over load d) (hronic blood loss from B#7 +it:@)12 is absorbed from ?
a) Ee2unum b) 8uodenum c) 7erminal #leum d) colon e) .tomach -> yr old male presented "ith "eaDness $ numbness of limbs *
=(+ 112 * "hat is most liDely ?
a) 'olate deficiency b) 6ernicious anemia c) .curvy
b) .yringomyelia e) none 6atient on investigation having follo"ing Laboratory Report *
=(+ 123 * Hypersegmented 5eutrophills * "hat is most liDely ?
a) +it:@)12 deficiency b) #ron deficiency
c) ?nemia of (hronic 8iseases d) none Resection of terminal #leum "ill lead to deficiency of ?
a) 'olate b) #ron c) +it:@)12 d) (a e) +it: ( 6atient taDing ?spirin for prophyla/is of ?therosclerosis in order
7o decrease platelet aggregation * ?spirin "ill do so by ?
a) decreasing LeuDotriens b) 7hrombo/ane ?2 c) 6rostacyclins
c) 6rotein ( e) protein . Ahich is slo" gro"ing tumor of 7hyroid gland ?
a) 6apillary b) =edullary c) 'ollicular d) ?naplastic e)Lymphoma;: =ost common cause of :dema in 5ephrotic .yndrome ?
a) HyperDalemia b) Hypo)albuminemia c) Lymphatic bstruction
d) #ncreased capillary permeability
e) #ncreased Hydrostatic pressure of @lood<: 6atient on ?77 * unable to differentiate different colours * find out
(ulpirit 8rug ?
a) 6yra0inamide b) :thambutol c) Rifampicin
d) .treptomycin e) #5H;>: @aroreceptor respond to ?
a) Hypotension b) Hypertension
c) Rapidly decreasing arterial pressure
d) Rapidly increasing arterial pressure;1: Regarding .calenus ?nterior =uscle * most appropriate ?
a) #nserts into outer border of 1st Rib
b) Bets origin from &)3 cervical vertebrae
c) 'orms posterior relation of @rachial ple/us
d) Lies anteriorly to subclavian vein
e) #s crossed anteriorly by 6hrenic 5erve;2: Regarding :ating behaviour * most appropriate ?
a) decreased by Leptin released from ?dipocytes
b) decreased by Leptin released from =uscle cells
c) .avage if feeding centre is damaged
d) decreased if satiety centre is damaged;&: @est classical :/ample of ?uto)#mmunity against single organ ?
a) Hashimoto 7hyroiditis b) R? c) .L: d) 6?5
e) .ystemic sclerosis;-: ?n old aged patient having increased 7ranslucency of Lungs in
Hpper fields * flattened diaphragms* no evidence of infiltration *
5o H! of fever * prominent both pulmonary arteries *
6rominent right border of Heart * "hat is most liDely finding in
6ulmonary arteries ?
a) Branulomatous vasculitis b) ?therosclerosis c) ?neurysm
e) =edial dissection e) none;%: ? % yr old baby comes "ith Recurrent cervical Lymphadenitis *
Clebsiella 6neumoniae is isolated on each occasion * he is most
LiDely suffering from #mmunodeficient status of ?
a) chronic granulomatous disease b) 7)cell function defect
c) common variable agammaglobulinemia
d) severe combined agammaglobulinemia
e) ,)linDed agammaglobulinemia of @ruton;3: "hich of the follo"ing is not ?nthropo0oonotic disease ?
a) ?nthra/ b) 7.@ c) Rabies d) 6lague;9: Regarding =ycobacteria ?
a) #t is only acid fast @acilli
b) 5on)tuberculous disease is as contagious as 7uberculous
c) =ycobacterium avium infection occurs only in ?#8. patients
d) 5on)mycobacterial disease is caused by =.@ovis
e) 5on)tuberculous disease is transmitted through "ater;;: :rythropoeitin is secreted by ?
a) =esengial cells b) EB cells c) =acula 8ensa d) 6(7
e) 7ubular epithelial cells;<: Regarding (oronaries ?rteries * most appropriate ?
a) ?nastomosis occur at arterial level
b) ?rteries run in their respective grooves
c) +enous drainage system carries same names as arteries
d) .? 5ode is supplied by Left coronary ?rtery<>: 6oor prognostic feature of .epsis ?
a) 8iffuse 7issue Hypo/ia b) 8#(
c) 8iffuse 7issue #n2ury d) none<1: #n the plasma of @lood group ? person there are ?
a) ?nti)? antibodies b) ?nti)?@ antibodies c) ?nti)@ antibodies
d) #gB antibodies e) 5o antibodies<2: Aithdra"l refle/es are mediated by ?
a) =eissner*s (orpuscles b) 6acinian (orpuscles c) 5ociceptors
d) Bolgi 7endon rgan e) =ercDle*s 8isc<&: 6atient presented "ith (! cough for last one month * associated
Aith fever* Lungs having #nfiltrates $ multiple opacities* biopsy
.ho"s :pitheloid cells * "hat is most liDely 8iagnosis ?
a) ?sthma b) 7.@ c) 'ungal #nfection d) none*1<-: 8iffusion depends on ?
a) =olecular "eight of substance b) charge of substance
c) 5oN of solute particles d) none<%: Hypertrophic (ardiomyopathy is mot liDely due to ?
a) :ndocardial 'ibroelastosis b) =yocyte degeneration
c) =yocyte disarray d) 5on)necrotising granulomas
e) .arcoplasmic tubule dilatation
.Q:no.1<3: Ragarding 6heromones ?
a) are substances produced by animals that act at a distance to
produce behavioural response or other physiologic changes
in another animal of the same species
b) 6roduced by one specie $ act on other specie
c) 5ot "ell developed in Humans d) none<9: Ahich of the follo"ing is most liDely to bring about improvement
#n :/opthalmos ?
a) ?dministration of 7- b) ?dministration of 7estosterone
c) ?dministation of drugs that inhibit the production of 7) Lymphocytes d) Hypophysectomy e)
7hyroidectomy<;: #n R7? * man suffered from 'racture of 'emurr $ died after &
8ays *at autosy @rain sho"ed 5ecrotic changes* "hat is liDely ?
a) 'at :mbolism b) (oagulative 5ecrosis c) .epsis d) none

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