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Womens Healthcare of Clarion

Table of Contents
Agency. . . 3
Client Profile. . . 4-5
Research. . . 6
Situation Analysis. . . 7-10
SWOT. . . 11-12
Target Audience. . . 13
Problems and Opportunities. . . 14
Objectives. . . 15
Marketing Strategy. . . 16
Creative Strategy. . . 17
Creative Brief. . . 18
Survey. . . I
Focus Group. . . II

Charitable Folk
Integrated marketing is our specialty.
We deliver research-driven strategies
that reinforce our clients strengths and
release untapped potential.
Our efforts are dedicated to nonprofits,
for we believe that any organization
that shares our passion for
humanitarianism deserves the success
our service will provide.
Client Profile
Our client:
The Womens Healthcare of Clarion
Pennsylvania Chapter, West Penn Division of
March of Dimes

Our contact:
Miranda Stiglitz
March of Dimes is a non-profit
organization for the health of babies by
preventing birth defects, premature birth,
and infant mortality.

Founded in 1938, the national voluntary
health agency dedicated its time to
funding research, education and advocacy
for healthy pregnancies.

Advances from research funded by March
of Dimes have helped save the lives of
infants for over 75 years.
Client Profile
Resources are minimal.

The organization is in need of donations.
Currently, funds are raised via T-shirt and
candy bar sales.

Campaign to raise awareness.

Through selling candy bars, hosting
charity dinners, t-shirt sales and prize
giveaways, March of Dimes accomplishes
its financial goals.
We at Charitable Folk believe in research. Through our results, we are able to refocus the
organization with efficient resource management.
Only 2 out of 16 have previously volunteered 11 out of 16 believe March of Dimes benefits
the community
Research Questions
What is your gender?
What is your age?
Would you consider becoming a volunteer?
Have you worked with this organization before?
The March of Dimes does good work in the community
I will be involved with March of Dimes in the future
Describe what you like about the March of Dimes.
Describe how we could improve awareness.
Situation Analysis:
Womens Healthcare of Clarion is directly affected by the success of March of Dimes; both are in
the business of healthy pregnancies. It is in Womens Healthcares best interest for the March for
Babies to thrive. This can be done by committing other local businesses to the cause.
Because the employees of Womens Healthcare pay for all March for Babies promotional
material themselves, resources are limited. Promotional materials and fund-raising must be cost-
effective and direct.
High-profile sponsorships are a priority to the March of Dimes national organization. In 2001,
GNC teamed with the March of Dimes to help the Pittsburgh chapter by providing vitamins to
clients. If those kinds of partnerships can be made on a local scale, the brand would double in
value and lead to more profits and support for Womens Healthcare of Clarion (Editors, 2014).
Situation Analysis:
Analysis reveals that our consumers include families who had a premature birth or are
experiencing different stages of pregnancy.
The consumers wants and needs vary according to their individual situations. The
consumers intentions are not buying intentions; they are much stronger than that. Its all
about the chance of life for both mother and child during the birth process. March of Dimes
greatest strength in this market is its utilization of local womens centers and clinics.
Consumers form a diverse group of individuals. It does not matter what they do for a living,
which hobbies they pursue, or what products they consume. Its based on the fact that they,
like everyone else going through the process of pregnancy, want to be a happy, healthy
Situation Analysis:
March of Dimes mission is to aid families with children who have birth defects and to
promote healthy pregnancies. However, this has not always been the case. March of Dimes
initially formed to research a cure for polio. They succeeded. The company had a choice
between closing and reinventing itself. It chose to refocus, or rather, expand its mission.
Ultimately, March of Dimes has a history of success.
The organizations strength is its community-focused methods of raising awareness. When
someone participates in a walk, they generally do so with friends or family and are likely to
participate in following years. However, because individual chapters are virtually left to their
own devices, it can be difficult for small town operations to generate enough fundinglet
alone awarenessto successfully make an impact.

Situation Analysis:
The ubiquitous American Red Cross could represent the biggest challenge to March of
Dimes, specifically because of its sterling reputation.
Make-A-Wish generates buzz by having media cover its activities. Like March of Dimes, it
focuses on children with degenerative diseases or birth defects.
Due to the emphasis on local fundraising, March of Dimes also competes with regional,
smaller charities. These organizations certainly have an established relationship with their
communities, and may even focus on assisting local families on matters pertaining to
pregnancy, birth, and unhealthy babies.
March of Dimes greatest strength
is its community-driven manner of
raising funds. Local partners are
capable of raising money
independently. Furthermore, the
message is broad and
uncontroversial, allowing donations
to be politically neutral.

The reliance on independent
part ners, such as Women s
Healthcare of Clarion, to raise
money for the cause severely limits
the organizations ability to raise
awareness. There is no advertising
campaign or marketing strategy
other than what the local charity
workers are able to establish
themselves, which are limited in

All the pieces are in play for March
of Dimes to begin a massive
awareness-raising campaign. With
loyal donors and local charity
workers, the organization needs to
unify its efforts and support them
financially. Few charities have
mission statements structured for
longevity like theirs, as well as
proven records for accomplishing
those goals; March of Dimes can
exploit this.

The non-profit market is cluttered
wi th l ocal and mul ti -nati onal
organizations. Without solid local
awareness or a national campaign,
the brand is lost in a jumble of
voices asking for money.

Target Audience
Secondary Market
Family members who are not
mothers: fathers, brothers, sisters etc.
Ages 16-65
Any occupation
Students: college or high school
Disposable income

By targeting businesses, we are developing the grassroots image we need for March of Dimes and the
March for Babies to succeed. Advertisements in these reputable institutions will expand the brand to their
clientele, introducing entirely new demographics to the event. This will diversify our marketing based on
race, ethnicity and sex complements our brands community-focused message. Publicly recognizing and
encouraging everyone to support young mothers and their families will resonate with men and women from
virtually every background.

Primary Market
Local Business owners (Clarion)
Good standing in community
High school and/or college education
Disposable income

Problems and Opportunities
Womens Healthcare of Clarion has a limited number of resources
March of Dimes leadership does not financially support its community cells
Nonprofit market is flooded with organizations asking for same thing

Cur cllenL's goal ls a successful March for 8ables, and Lhey welcome asslsLance from oLher local organlzauons.
lnvlung oLher buslnesses ln Lhe Clarlon area wlll help reach Lhls goal.
Cur agency musL uullze any and all free and lnexpenslve means of ralslng awareness. Addluonally, lL's become
much easler Lo make 1-shlrLs or vldeos because of Lhe Lechnology we have aL our dlsposal.
March of ulmes has a proven record of success, whlch we can use Lo make Lhe charlLy sLand ouL from Lhe pack.
Women's PealLhcare of Clarlon ls dlrecLly aecLed by Lhe charlLy's buslness and research, Lherefore, Lhe
comblned lnLeresLs of Lhese organlzauons lend credlblllLy and honesLy Lo Lhelr supporL of Lhe charlLy. ln essence,
passlon moves people lnLo donaung.

Increase community participation by 10%
Raise $3,000+ in donations more than last year
Increasing media awareness
Adding 3 new business partners

Marketing Objectives: We hope to capture our target audience
by utilizing media, planning promotional information in bright
colors, which are easy to read that are contrasting

Marketing Strategy
Expand the consumer demographics, thereby increasing
donations and volunteers
Use promotional materials such as posters and videos to extend our
clients community-driven message
The posters and video will clearly belong to the same March of Dimes
campaign, as well as promoting Womens Health Clinic of Clarion

Creative Strategy
Objectives: Diversify audience in order to raise money and volunteers
Target Audience: Community leaders, businesses, etc.
Current Opinion: Community-focused, helps with expenses with mothers and children in less
fortune families as well as with its research to prevent future complications in birth
Cur Creauve 1eam wlll creaLe !"#$% '(%)'* (%')+!'* and ,$#+% -%.)+.)
CommunlLy - Pope - SupporL
8elnforce company's posluon
Creative Brief
Radio Ad:
Inform the public about the event
Use professional tone to reach target audience

Focus on family and community:
A young couple who frequently attend the March for Babies cannot go together this year, as the wife is pregnant. Her husband feels,
more now than ever, that it is his responsibility as a healthy member of the community to support women through pregnancy and
childbirth. Although hes gained a few pounds and no longer fits into his trusty Womens Healthcare of Clarion T-shirt, he happily heads
off to march for the universal cause.
Appeals to our target audience (business owners) on a personal level
Asking for support, not money, to emphasize a partnership
Cardona, M. M. (1999). March of Dimes ads tout folic acid. Advertising
Age, 70(1), 26.
Editors, B. (2001, Apr 17). GNC announces corporate sponsorship of
march of dimes walkamerica 2001; partners with march of dimes to
provide educational information for women and healthy babies. Retrieved
Child, A. (2013, Apr 13). Treasure report. Retrieved from
March of dimes history. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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