Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Sevice

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Program: MIMA International Marketing

Course: EFO705 International Marketing Masters Thesis

Supervisor: Jan Lwstedt
Date: June 8th 2008
Abstrac t
Date: June 8th 2008
Program: Master Thesis o! International Marketing
Course Code: EFO705
Supervisor: Jan Lwstedt
Autors: "hokaew #oo$gra$e% 8&072'
(aider )a*a A$$as% 820+0+
,un-anu.h "hutti/a% 7508'2
Tit!e: "usto/er 0atis!a.tion toward TrueMo1e "usto/er 0er1i.e
Pro"!em Stateme#t: (ow are TrueMo1e .usto/ers satis!ied with the .usto/er
ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e sho2s in 3angkok4
Purpose: To e1aluate 5whether6 and 5how6 TrueMo1e .usto/ers are satis!ied or
dissatis!ied with the .usto/er ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e sho2s in the 3angkok
region with the hel2 o! e1aluation o! ser1i.e 7ualit- $- .usto/ers o! the sho28
Teor$ a#d Metods: The resear.h $ases /ainl- on 7uantitati1e /ethod9 that
is 7uestionnaire /ethod8 The 0er1i.e :ualit- ;a2 whi.h ai/s to /easure the
.usto/er satis!a.tion $- .o/2aring their e<2e.tation and 2er.e2tion o! ser1i.e
a!ter e< the ser1i.e ser1es as the !ra/ework !or the
resear.h8 Moreo1er 0E)=:>AL di/ensions .o1ering )elia$ilit- Assuran.e
E/2ath- )es2onsi1eness and Tangi$les are used in the !urther de1elo2/ent o!
theor- and /odeling o! the 7uestionnaires !or this resear.h8
Co#%!usio#: TrueMo1e .usto/ers are not -et !ull- satis!ied with .usto/er
ser1i.e 2ro1ided at the TrueMo1e sho2s in 3angkok region8 The ser1i.e 7ualit-
2er.ei1ed .annot -et /eet the e<2e.tation o! .usto/ers in an- 0E)=:>AL
Re%omme#datio#s: The issue o! relia$ilit- in ser1i.e as2e.t needs to $e dealt
with an o1erhaul o! s-ste/s and routines while other as2e.ts o! ser1i.e .all !or
e7ui22ing e/2lo-ees with re7uired knowledge8 A ! on s2e.i!i. to the
target grou2 o! .usto/ers also needs to $e esta$lished8
&e$'ords: TrueMo1e "usto/er 0atis!a.tion "usto/er 0er1i.e Thailand Mo$ile
O2erator Market TrueMo1e 0ho2s 3angkok
The a..o/2lish/ent o! this stud- is a .ontinuous result o! .ontri$utions $- indi1iduals
whose .ontinuous hel2 and assistan.e during ea.h 2hase o! resear.hing 2ro.ess is greatl-
a22re.iated $- the authors8 First o! all the authors would like to thank ,ro!essor Jan
Lwstedt whose su2er1ision had enlightened the authors with a lot o! knowledgea$le
ad1i.e and whose assistan.e had $een with the authors sin.e the 1er- !irst ste2s o!
resear.hing until the end8
E7uall- i/2ortant is TrueMo1e "o/2an-9 .onta.t 2erson Miss #an.hanawan 0ira-a
Assistant ?ire.tor o! TrueMo1e whose de1otion had $een in re2l-ing the inter1iew
7uestions gi1ing re7uired in!or/ation and .onta.ting all TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok
region to distri$ute the 7uestionnaire8 Also the authors would like to thank Mr8 )at*i2orn
0o.hitha/kul9 "usto/er "orres2onden.e o! TrueMo1e in .onta.ting with the authors !or
re2orting the 7uestionnaire result through TrueMo1e data$ase8 @ithout the assistan.e o!
$oth the authors would !ind it i/2ossi$le to !inish this stud-8
Also the authors would like to thank Ms8 0risa/orn #oo$gra$e one o! authorAs /others
2arti.ularl- !or assisting with the .onta.t with TrueMo1e through the a!oresaid 2ersons8
The assuran.e o! lots o! .onta.t in!or/ation and other /is.ellaneous rele1ant issues .ould
not $e addressed without her hel28
The authors also are thank!ul to the o22onent grou2s who had gi1en .onstru.ti1e
.o//ents !or the i/2ro1e/ent o! this 2a2er8 As well as sharing great e< with
the authors to !ul!ill and enhan.e the authors knowledge8
TrueMo1e 0ho2sA .usto/ers are thanked as their answers to the 7uestionnaire are the
heart o! this resear.h8 This stud- would not rea.h its goal without these res2ondents8
Further/ore e1er- 2ersonnel at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok and e1er- .olleague at
MBlardalen >ni1ersit- had enhan.ed the learning e<2erien.e with the authors8
A!ter all the authors would like to thank ea.h other9 !or su22orting the resear.hing
e<2erien.e !or de1oting with the enthusias/ and de1otion to a..o/2lish this stud- and
the last $ut the /ost i/2ortant to $e !riends8
Co(ae' &oo"gra"e
)aider Ra*a A""as
Pu#$a#u% Cutima
T ab le of Co nte nts
C)APTER +: INTRODUCTION ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +
+,+ TrueMove: te Fo%a! Compa#$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +
'8'8' TrueMo1e 3a.kground 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 '
'8'82 TrueMo1eAs ,rodu.ts and 0er1i.e 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 C
'8'8C "usto/er 0er1i.e at TrueMo1e 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 C
+,- Mo"i!e Operator Mar(et i# Tai!a#d: A# Out!oo(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .
'828' Attra.ti1eness o! Mo$ile O2erator Market in Thailand88888888888888888888888888 &
'8282 An Outlook to the .urrent situations 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 5
+,/ Pro"!em Stateme#t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0
+,. Purpose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1
+,0 De!imitatio#s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1
+,1 Target Audie#%e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2
+,2 Stru%ture o3 te Paper ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2
C)APTER -: 4ITERATURE REVIEW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +5
-,+ Tai!a#d Mo"i!e mar(et 6 %ustomer satis3a%tio# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +5
-,- Previous studies i# re!ave#t area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ++
-,/ Core teories dis%ussed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +0
C)APTER /: MET)ODO4O78 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +2
/,+ Te Se!e%ted Topi% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +2
/,- Te Cose# Teories,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +2
/,/ Data Co!!e%tio# o3 te Resear% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +9
C8C8' ,ri/ar- ?ata 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 '+
C8C8'8' Inter1iew 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 '+
C8C8'82 :uestionnaire8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 '+
C8C8'82a 0a/2ling 0iDe 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 20
C8C8'82$ 0a/2ling Fra/e 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 20
C8C8'82. the ?e1elo2/ent o! :uestionnaire 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888 2'
C8C8'82d ?istri$ution o! :uestionnaire888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 22
C8C82 0e.ondar- ?ata 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 22
/,. )o' to a#a!$:e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -/
C)APTER .: T)EORETICA4 FRAMEWOR& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -0
.,+ Servi%e ;ua!it$ 7ap,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -0
&8'82 "usto/er E<2e.tations o! 0er1i.e 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 2E
&8'8C "usto/ers ,er.e2tions o! 0er1i.e 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 2E
&8'8& "usto/er 0atis!a.tion o! 0er1i.e8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 2E
.,- SERV;UA4 Dime#sio#s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -1
.,/ Servi%e ;ua!it$ Measureme#t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -9
.,. Co#%eptua!i:atio# o3 Teor$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /5
C)APTER 0: FINDIN7S 6 ANA48SIS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /+
0,+ Tota! Respo#de#ts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /+
58'8' )elia$ilit-888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 C'
58'82 Assuran.e 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 C2
58'8C E/2ath- 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 C2
58'8& )es2onsi1eness 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 CC
58'85 Tangi$les 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 CC
58'8E "on.lusion 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 C&
0,- Cross Ta"u!atio# prepaid users ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /.
5828' ,re2aid >sers >nder 20 FearGOld Fe/ale and Male8888888888888888888888888 C&
58282 ,re2aid >sers Age $etween 2'GC0 Fe/ale and Male 88888888888888888888888 C5
5828C ,re2aid >sers Age $etween C'G&0 Fe/ale and Male 88888888888888888888888 CE
5828& ,re2aid >sers Age $etween &'G50 Fe/ale and Male 88888888888888888888888 C7
58285 ,re2aid >sers Age o1er 50 Fear Fe/ale and Male 88888888888888888888888888 C+
0,/ Cross Ta"u!atio# postpaid users ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .5
58C8' ,ost2aid >sers >nder 20 FearGOld Fe/ale and Male 88888888888888888888888 &'
58C82 ,ost2aid >sers Age $etween 2'GC0 Fe/ale and Male 8888888888888888888888 &C
58C8C ,ost2aid >sers Age C'G&0 Fe/ale and Male88888888888888888888888888888888888 &'
58C8& ,ost2aid >sers Age &'G50 Fe/ale and Male88888888888888888888888888888888888 &C
58C85 ,ost2aid O1er 50 -ears old Fe/ale and Male 888888888888888888888888888888888 &&
0,. Importa#%e o3 SERV;UA4 dime#sio# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .0
0,0 Co#%!usio# o3 Fi#di#gs 6 A#a!$sis 3or Ma#ageme#t App!i%atio# ,,,,, .1
C)APTER 1: CONC4USION ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .2
C)APTER 2: RECOMMENDATIONS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .9
2,+ <RIN7 A<OUT RE4IA<I4IT8 IN S8STEMS AND ROUTINES ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .9
2,- EDUCATE= TRAIN AND E;UIP T)E EMP4O8EES WIT) &NOW4ED7E ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .9
2,/ SPECIA4 CUSTOMER 7ROUPS RE;UIRE SPECIA4 SERVICE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .>
REFERENCES ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 05
APPENDI? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0.
List of
Figure +: The Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/e: Page -9
0our.e% ;ho$adian 02ellar H Jones '++&
Figure -: "on.e2tualiDation o! the Fra/ework: Page /5
Figure /: Total )es2ondents E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion: Page /+
Figure .: the E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers >nder 20 FearG
Old Fe/ale and Male: Page /.
Figure 0: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers Age $etween 2'G
C0 Fe/ale and Male: Page /0
Figure 1: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers Age $etween C'G
&0 Fe/ale and Male: Page /1
Figure 2: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers Age $etween &'G
50 Fe/ale and Male: Page /2
Figure 9: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers Age o1er 50 FearG
Old Fe/ale and Male: Page />
Figure >: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,ost2aid >sers Age $etween 2'G
C0 Fe/ale and /ale: Page .5
Figure +5: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,ost2aid >sers Age $etween
C'G&0 Fe/ale and Male: Page .+
Figure ++: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,ost2aid >sers Age $etween
&'G50 Fe/ale and Male: Page ./
Figure +-: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,ost2aid >sers Age o1er 50
FearGOld Fe/ale and Male: Page ..
Cha pter 1: INTR!"CT IN
Toda- the world is growing in an in.reasingl- ra2idG.hanging en1iron/ent8
3usiness /arket has $e.o/e /u.h /ore .o/2etiti1e8 To .a2ture target
.usto/ers as well as di!!erentiate !ro/ other .o/2etitors /arketing is a ke- to
.o/2anies throughout the world8
0er1ing .usto/ers well is at the heart o! /arketing as well as su22orts a
.o/2an-As 2osition in nowada-s .o/2etiti1e /arket8 Its i/2ortan.e is as
?e//ing I'+5'J stated 5@hen Iser1i.eJ 7ualit- i/2ro1es .osts .o/e down and
.usto/ers are ha22- and tell other 2eo2le8 This $rings in /ore .usto/ers8 As a
result 2ro!ita$ilit- i/2ro1es68
A .o/2etitor in ThailandAsA .o/2etiti1e ra2idG.hanging /o$ile o2erator /arket
TrueMo1e9 the thirdGlargest /o$ile o2erator .o/2an- in Thailand now
en.ounters with /ore di!!i.ulties in .a2turing .usto/ers as well as striking
/arket share8 , is no longer an e!!e.ti1e tool to .a2turing .usto/ers8
Instead the trend .hanges to e/2hasiDe on o!!ering a $etter ser1i.e8 >ni7ue and
di!!erentiated e<2e.tationGanswered ser1i.e is the .urrent ke- to su..ess IMarket
in!o 2008J8To i/2ro1e its 2osition as the third in the /arket9 !ollowing AI09
KAd1an.ed In!o 0er1i.eA the nu/$er one in Thailand Mo$ile O2erator /arket and
?TA"9 KTotal A..ess "o//uni.ation ,L"A the se.ond res2e.ti1el- hen.e is well
2ossi$le through its e!!e.ti1e ser1i.e 7ualit-8 "usto/erAs e<2e.tation answered
ser1i.e is indis2ensa$le to a.hie1e the .o/2an-As /arketing goal8 There!ore this
stud- ai/s to resear.h TrueMo1e on the as2e.t o! the .o/2an-As .usto/er
ser1i.e9 as it is an ke- to .o/2etiti1e .a2a$ilit- in the /arket8 I0
#an.hanawan 2008 2ers8.o// '' Ma-J
1# 1 True $o %e: th e Foca l Comp an &
1#1#1 True$o%e 'ackground
TrueMo1e was !irst laun.hed in ThailandAs /o$ile tele.o//uni.ations ser1i.e in
Mar.h 20028 It is a su$sidiar- o! True "or2oration ,u$li. "o/2an- Li/ited
"onglo/eration8 The $rand o2erates along with other $rands within KTrue ;rou2A9
o! whi.h all $rands in.lude TrueMo1e TrueOnline True=isions TrueMone- and
TrueLi!e8 As to e<2lain ea.h $rand TrueOnline o!!ers !i<edGline 2hone ser1i.e and
its 1alueGadded ??L Internet and .onsu/er $road$and
Internet and @E ,"T I,ersonal "o//uni.ation Tele2honeJ True=isions
o!!ers 2a-GT= $usiness8 @hereas TrueMone- o2erates ?igital "o//er.e
3usiness and TrueLi!e o!!ers ?igital "ontent 3usiness8 As !or TrueMo1e the $rand
o2erates a digital /o$ile tele.o//uni.ations network $ased on the ;0M I;lo$al
0-ste/ !or Mo$ile "o//uni.ationsJ standard in the '800 M(D !re7uen.-8 ITrue
"or2oration n8d8J
0i/ilar to all other $rands under True "onglo/eration TrueMo1eAs 1ision ai/s to
$e .redi$le .reati1e .aring and .ourageous8 For .redi$le and .aring TrueMo1e
endea1ors to $est treat its .usto/ers $- ser1ing the right to the right
seg/ents o! .usto/ers8 In addition it also treats its 2ersonnel and 2artners well
G as the .o/2an- 1alues all these 2eo2le the sa/e wa- as it does to .usto/ers8
Last TrueMo1e ai/s to $e .reati1e and .ourageous in order to .o/e u2 with the
new desira$le inno1ation and new ideas9 the /eans .onsidered as kee2ing it
ahead o! the /arket8 0-nerg- working har/on- and honest- are the essen.e o!
TrueMo1eAs 1ision8 ITrue "or2oration n8d8J
As !or strateg- K"on1ergen.e Li!est-leA is what TrueMo1e e/2hasiDes in order to
di!!erentiate itsel! !ro/ the other .o/2etitors in Thailand /o$ile o2erator /arket
G gi1en the ad1antages that TrueMo1e is the onl- /o$ile o2erator whose 2arent
.o/2an- is the .onglo/eration o! !ull range .o//uni.ations solutions8 The
.o/2an-As .on1ergen.e li!est-le gi1es $ene!its !or its /o$ile ser1i.e .usto/ers to
other additional .o1ering /o$ile ser1i.e internet 2a-GT= $road$and
and other digital $usinesses8 ITrue "or2oration n8d8J
As to .onsider the su..ess o! TrueMo1eAs 1ision and .on1ergen.e strateg- $- the
third 7uarter o! last -ear 2007 the .o/2an- announ.ed 28' /illion su$s.ri$ersG
total the a/ounts o! o1erall TrueMo1e .usto/ers to ''82 /illions8 The nu/$er is
a /ilestone !or True Mo1eAs 2ages M the .o/2an- earned &&8' N u2
!ro/ ser1i.e re1enue 87N in.rease .o/2ared to the sa/e 7uarter o! the !or/er
-ear8 TrueMo1e su$s.ri$ers a..ounted !or 2288N o! the entire /arket $- the last
7uarter o! the 2007 -ear8 For the -ear o! 2008 the .o/2an- ai/s to e<ert
.ontinuall- on the .on1ergen.e strateg-9 whi.h /eans /o$ile ser1i.e highG
s2eed internet te.hnolog- and /ulti/edia .ontent8 3- the .on1ergen.e the
.o/2an- $elie1es to gain /ore /arket share and stands elegantl- as one o! the
three largest /o$ile o2erators in Thailand8 ITrue E<2e.ted TrueMo1e ;ain Market
0hare at Least 25N Fro/ Last Fear o! 2CN n8d8J
1#1#( True$o%e)s *roducts and +er%ice
As a leading /o$ile o2erator .o/2an- in Thailand /arket TrueMo1eAs /ain !
is to o!!ering a ser1i.e o! digital /o$ile tele.o//uni.ations network $ased on the
;0M standard8
(owe1er it also sells another ser1i.e o! =A09 =alue Added 0er1i.e8 =as o!!ers
/is.ellaneous in.luding9 .alling !orward assistant sel! nu/$erG.hanging
internet ser1i.e on /o$ile .usto/er ser1i.e assistant nu/$er 1oi.e /ail !a<
/ail /issed .all alert and lastl- /ulti/edia .ontent8
As !or 2rodu.ts TrueMo1e sells 0IM .ards $oth !or 2reG2a- and 2ostG2a-8 There
are di!!erent o! 0IM .ards !or .usto/ers to .hoose i8e8 TrueMo1e ;a/e
0IM Tri2let 0IM .ards @el.o/e 0IM TrueMusi. 0IM 3od- sla/ 0IM TrueMo1e
0IM with )ak Ton )ak Lan "? Two Fear Long 0IM TrueMo1e 0IM with E,L
(istor- "? Took Jai 0IM TrueMo1e 0IM ;ol! and Mike and TrueMo1e 0IM AF8
Lastl- TrueMo1e also sells /o$ile handset /o$ile a..essories8
ITrueMo1e n8d8J
1#1#, Customer +er%ice at True$o%e
As TrueMo1eAs 1ision is to $e .aring .reati1e and .redi$le .usto/er ser1i.e at
TrueMo1e is .onsidered an i/2ortant as its i/2ortan.e is to i/2ress the e<isting
.usto/ers thus .reate 2ositi1e wordGo!G/outh8 Moreo1er the i/2ression o!
.usto/er ser1i.e $rings in /ore .usto/ers8 The i/2ortan.e o! .usto/er ser1i.e
at TrueMo1e hen.e is a ke- !a.tor to TrueMo1e "o/2an-8 ITrue "or2oration
The .hannels !or .usto/er ser1i.e at TrueMo1e in 3angkok9 the region s.o2e o!
this resear.h are through .all nu/$er 'CC' True sho2 TrueMo1e 0ho2 and
#iosks8 "all nu/$er 'CC' 2ro1ides the ser1i.e o! re2orting the da/age or loss o!
0IM .ards 2a-/ent and other /is.ellaneous8 Meanwhile the other three ser1e
si/ilar ser1i.e 2lus inter!a.e .onta.t8 ITrue "or2oration n8d8J
As !or True 0ho2 in 3angkok .usto/er ser1i.e is 2ro1ided at the de2art/ent
stores and $uildings o! The Mall "entral Lotus 3ig " "arre!our Future ,ark
)angsit Fashion Island I/2erial 0a/rong ", Tower IT Mall Fortune Town
0ea.on 07uare and others8
For #iosks /ainl- .usto/er ser1i.e o! TrueMo1e is 2ro1ided at The Mall 3ig "
"arre!our TO,0 and others e8g8 IT Mal F& )o$inson 3angkok "entral @orld
Ma$oonkrong and ,ower$-.entral8
"o/e lastl- to the ! o! this resear.h M TrueMo1e sho2s in 3angkok8 TrueMo1e
sho2s in 3angkok are ser1ed at '5 the de2art/ent stores and & $uildings8 The
de2art/ent stores in.lude The Mall Lga/wongwan The Mall )a/kha/haeng
The Mall 3angkae The Mall Tha2ra The Mall )a/kha/haeng C "entral ,inklao
3ig " 3ang ,lee and )a/a 2 "arre!our "hangwattana "arre!our )at.hada2isek
"arre!our 0uka2i$an C "arre!our 3ang2akok and "arre!our 3ang$on Future
,ark )angsit and 0ea.on 07uare8 The $uildings in.lude Fortune Town
@ongsawang Town "entre > "hu Liang $uilding and Fing "haroen Market8 ITrue
"or2oration n8d8J
1# ( $ob il e pe r ator $a rk et in Th aila nd : An utlo ok
1#(#1 Attracti%eness of $obile perator $arket in Thailand
The /o$ile o2erator /arket in Thailand is te/2ting8 The new /o$ile 2hone
su$s.ri$ers grew $- '8N in the !irst si< /onths o! 2007 regardless o! ThailandAs
slow e.ono/i. growth8 3- *ust during the !irst hal! o! the -ear the new
su$s.ri$ers rise u2 to 7 /illion9 this is twoGthird o! the total !or the entire 200E8
Finall- the industr- gained a22ro<i/atel- '2 /illion new su$s.ri$ers $- the
end o! the -ear8 And there lie a lot o! roo/s to gear !orward $- the -ear o!
20088 Moreo1er a..ording to Marketin!o8.o8th I2008J the seg/entation o! the
.usto/ers aged during 'C to '8 is e/erging8 This grou2 o! /o$ile users has not
$een a22roa.hed to its !ullest -et8 A22roa.hing to this grou2 o! .usto/ers is
$e.o/ing is new sour.e o! 2ro!ita$ilit- !or /o$ile ser1i.e8 Along with this
seg/entation is the grou2 o! housewi!e and oldie whose .on.ern is to take .are
o! their .hildren and grand.hildren8 Mo$ile ser1i.e is in.reasingl- $e.o/ing a
ser1i.e a..usto/ed to e1er-one !ro/ the age o! earl- ten until the retire/ents8
(en.e the authors set !or /o$ile o2erator /arket in Thailand as the /arket o!
interest8 ITrue "or2oration 2008J
1#(#( An utlook to the current
In Thailand /o$ile o2erator /arket TrueMo1e has $een the third a!ter AI09 !ull
na/e KAd1an.ed In!o 0er1i.eA the nu/$er one in the /arket and ?TA"9 !ull
na/e KTotal A..ess "o//uni.ationA the se.ond res2e.ti1el-8 On another side
the $rand 2re.edes K(ut.hA and KThai Mo$ileA the !ourth and the !i!th res2e.ti1el-
in the /arket8 To .o/2ete with its .o/2etitors TrueMo1e utiliDes its ad1antage
o! .onglo/erate $rand to o!!er the .on1ergen.e li!est-le whose ad1antages
su22orts the .usto/er the additional $ene!its o! internet ser1i.e insuran.e and
The in!or/ation !ro/ Marketin!o I2008J indi.ates that sin.e the wides2read o!
te.hnolog- and tele.o//uni.ations the world has .hanged ra2idl- and
strateg- is no longer the right strateg- to strike sales to .a2ture .usto/ers or to
i/2ro1e /arket share8 Instead 2ro/otion and ser1i.e 7ualit- ha1e re2la.ed the
i/2ortan.e o! the strateg-8 Leading /o$ile o2erator .o/2anies in
Thailand9 in.luding AI0 the nu/$er one in the /arket ?TA" the se.ond and
TrueMo1e the third now .hange their trend to ! on ser1i.e 7ualit-8 0er1i.e
7ualit- has $e.o/e an i/2ortant /eans to .a2ture .usto/ers as well as retain
the/ !or the re2etiti1e 2ur.hase o! ser1i.e to the .o/2anies8 IMarketin!o 2008J
1# , *rob le m + ta te men t
The 2ro$le/ state/ent is @)o' are TrueMove %ustomers satis3ied 'it te
%ustomer servi%e provided at TrueMove Sops i# <a#g(o(AB
The 2ro$le/ state/ent is generated !ro/ the .onsideration that ser1i.e 7ualit- is
an i/2ortant /atter to $ring /ore .usto/ers retain the e<isting ones and .reate
lo-alt- a/ong .usto/ers8 ,ra.ti.all- so/ehow ser1i.e 2ro1ided at a .o/2an-
/a- not $e !ull- i/2le/ented -et and needs so/e i/2ro1e/ents8 Also i! a
.o/2an- would e1aluate its own ser1i.e the understanding !ro/ the 2ers2e.ti1es
o! .usto/ers is 1er- i/2ortant8 Fro/ the 2ers2e.ti1es o! .usto/ers the
assess/ent o! ser1i.e 7ualit- will not $e $iased8 @hat re!le.ted !ro/ the
.usto/ers 2ers2e.ti1es .ould 2ro1ide a .han.e !or a .o/2an- to i/2ro1e its
ser1i.e 7ualit- to the right dire.tion8
1# - *u rp ose
The authors ai/ is to e1aluate C'eterC and Co'C TrueMo1e .usto/ers are
satis!ied or dissatis!ied with the .usto/er ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in
<a#g(o( regio#, @ith the hel2 o! e1aluation o! ser1i.e 7ualit- $- .usto/ers o!
the sho28
The o$*e.ti1e will $e a.hie1ed with the hel2 o! e1aluation o! ser1i.e 7ualit- $-
.usto/ers o! the sho28 The intention is that the resear.h result o! K.usto/er
satis!a.tion towards TrueMo1e .usto/er ser1i.eA .ould $e used $- TrueMo1e
"o/2an-9 as the assess/ent o! its ser1i.e 7ualit-8 3- the assess/ent !ro/ the
result o! this resear.h it .ould $e .onsidered ad1antageous to see the roo/ !or
i/2ro1e/ent as well as learn the e<2e.ted ser1i.e .riteria !ro/ the .usto/er
2ers2e.ti1es9 o! whi.h i! the .o/2an- .ould re.i2ro.ate would $e 1er-
1# . ! eli mi ta tion
As the di!!i.ult- o! /easuring .usto/er satis!a.tion towards ser1i.e 7ualit- is an
intangi$le su$*e.t and a lot o! 2it!alls are 2ossi$le the 2ur2ose o! the 2a2er is
li/ited to K/easure and e1aluateA .usto/er satis!a.tion9 !ro/ .usto/er
2ers2e.ti1es towards .usto/er ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e sho2s in 3angkok8
The result o! this resear.h there!ore is li/ited to ai/ onl- to re2ort how
.usto/ers assess9 in other words Khow .usto/ers are satis!ied withA .usto/er
ser1i.e 7ualit- 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e sho2s in 3angkok8 For /aking use o! the
in!or/ation re!le.ted !ro/ this resear.h deter/ining what should $e i/2ro1ed or
de.iding the right set o! .oordinated a.ti1ities to /eet the .usto/er e<2e.tation
on ser1i.e 7ualit- is out o! the s.o2e o! this resear.h8 )ather the /entioned
utiliDation o! the knowledge re2orted !ro/ this resear.h should $e !urther studied
$- !uture resear.h8
The authors ai/ !or this resear.h to $e a good $ase !or TrueMo1e "o/2an- to
e1aluate its ser1i.e 7ualit-9 !ro/ the 2ers2e.ti1es o! .usto/ers whi.h is neutral
and not $iased8 In addition !or this resear.h to $e a good $ase !or !urther
resear.h studies on e1aluating the .auses o! TrueMo1e strong and weak 2oints in
.usto/er ser1i.e as well as on e1aluating the a22ro2riate wa-s to i/2ro1e the
weak 2oints in .usto/er ser1i.e8
1#/ Ta rg e t Au di en ce
.The /ain targeted audien.e o! this 2a2er is the .usto/er ser1i.e de2art/ent o!
TrueMo1e8 The se.ondaril- targeted audien.e in.ludes TrueMo1e "o/2an- as a
whole other /o$ile o2erators in Thailand /arket and an- 2eo2le who are
.usto/ers to /o$ile o2erators in Thailand /arket8 Last $ut not least the
students writing undergraduate thesis with si/ilar interest8
1# 0 + truc ture of the *a p er
The te<t is di1ided into se1en .ha2ters8
Capter O#e= @I#trodu%tio#B the o! this stud- to the
i/2ortan.e o! .usto/er satis!a.tion toward ser1i.e 7ualit-9 as it is a ke- tool !or
/arketing a.ti1ities and the ne.essit- ste//ing !ro/ /o$ile o2erator /arket
trends !or TrueMo1e to de1elo2 its ser1i.e 7ualit- at the $est 2ossi$le8 (en.e
$a.kground o! TrueMo1e "o/2an- as well as /arket situations were gi1en $rie!
in!or/ation in this .ha2ter9 !ollowed $- ,ro$le/ 0tate/ent ,ur2ose o! 0tud-
?eli/itation o! the stud- and target o! this resear.h8
Capter T'o= @4iterature revie'B the need !or se2arate .ha2ter arose a!ter
the !a.t that literature re1iew is thorough and !or the readers 2ers2e.ti1e it
needed a se2arate s2a.e8 The literature sear.h has $een e<e.uted in three
2hases ser1ing three se7uential 2ur2oses9 !irstl- to de.ide the area o! !o.us9
se.ondl- to .on!ir/ the e<isting knowledge !ro/ the resear.hes in the area o!
stud- and to a.7uire the su!!i.ient knowledge !or !urther stud-9 lastl- to !ind the
.ore theories !or the stud- !ra/ework8
Capter Tree= @Metodo!og$B e<2lains the reasons !or sele.ting this to2i. o!
stud- the e<isting knowledge9 in KLiterature )e1iewA .on.erning the resear.h
to2i. the rele1ant theories .hosen and resear.hing /ethodolog- .o1ering data
.olle.ting /ethods and anal-sis /ethod8
Capter Four= @Teoreti%a! Frame'or(B .o1ers the e<2lanation o! 0er1i.e
:ualit- ;a2 0E)=:>AL ?i/ensions the Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/es
and the "on.e2tualiDation o! Fra/ework8
Capter Five= @Fi#di#gs a#d A#a!$sisB this 2art o! the te<t is what is di!!erent
!ro/ the other 2a2ers8 As the result o! .usto/er satis!a.tion toward .usto/er
ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region is .al.ulated $- /ean and
0,00 .al.ulation the 2resenting o! data in the !indings 2art is .onsidered easier
to understand i! 2resented in gra2h !or/at8 Further/ore the !indings are
nu/eri.al9 thus i! se2arated !ro/ anal-sis would .reate .on!usion as the readers
need to turn 2ages $a.k to read !indings in one 2art while the anal-sis is in
another8 There!ore the authors de.ided to .o/$ine !indings and anal-sis
together to /ake it easier !or readers to understand8
Capter SiD= @Co#%!usio#B .on.ludes the resear.h result o! KwhetherA and KhowA
.usto/ers o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region are satis!ied with .usto/er
ser1i.e 2ro1ided there and how the- 2er.ei1ed ea.h as2e.t o! ser1i.e8 In
addition the resear.h result is .on.luded $- total res2ondents and s2e.i!i. grou2s
o! .usto/ers !or /anage/ent to a22l-8
Capter Seve#= @Re%omme#datio#B here the authors9 a!ter .on.lusion
re.o//end /anage/ent a22li.ations !or TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok that .ould
i/2ro1e .usto/er satis!a.tion as well as $ring in /ore 2otential .usto/ers8
Appe#diD is the last .ha2ter o! this 2a2er8 (ere $oth 7uestionnaire9 English and
Thai 1ersion and the o$*e.ti1es o! ea.h 2art o! it are 2resented8 3esides the
dire.t results !ro/ /ean and 0,00 are 2resented as well as eG/ail .onta.t with
Chap te r (: Li tera ture Re% iew
(# 1 Tha ila nd $ o b ile ma rk et 1 c usto mer sa tis fa cti on
First o! all a$out Thailand /o$ile /arket and .usto/er satis!a.tion Marketin!o
indi.ated in itAs OThai /o$ile /arketing situation re2ortA that the /o$ile /arketing
trends in 2008 will $e e!!e.ted !ro/ the great i/2a.t !ro/ the new regulation o!
nu/$er 2orta$ilit- whi.h 2er/its one trans!era$le nu/$er a22l-ing !or e1er-
o2erating s-ste/8 This 2oli.- allows .usto/ers to .hange their /o$ile o2erator
without .hanging their /o$ile 2hone nu/$er8 There!ore .usto/er ser1i.e will
$e.o/e /ore signi!i.antl- i/2ortant M as in the .ase that the o2erators .annot
2ro1ide an e!!e.ti1e and satis!ied ser1i.e .usto/ers .an instantl- swit.h $rand
without an-/ore worr- to .hange their .onta.t nu/$er8
As !or the ne.essit- to 2reser1e the e<isting .usto/ers the /anage/ent .an $e
in two dire.tions9 that are in.reasing the swit.hing .ost to 2re1ent .usto/ers to
.hange $rand and a..elerate the ser1i.e 7ualit- to satis!- .usto/ers8
In their .on.lusion the -ear 2008 will $e the start o! ser1i.e 7ualit- war instead
o! war8 The /arketing a.ti1ities o! Thai /o$ile o2erators in -ear 2008
there!ore are suggested to ! in ser1i.e 7ualit- to kee2 the e<isting
.usto/ers in other words to redu.e .usto/er de.a-8
3esides /o$ile .usto/er de.a- result !ro/ the lower $arrier o! o2erator
swit.hing (argra1e silk I200&J ga1e so/e suggestion a$out ThaisA .onsu/er
$eha1ior that Thai .onsu/ers easil- .hange new $rands8 Fuelled $- the high
2ro/otional a.ti1it- in the /arket Thai .onsu/ers ha1e $e.o/e notoriousl-
un!aith!ul8 "usto/ers ha1e /ore and i! the- ha1e !ound that there is
so/ething new !resh and e<.iting the- tend to gi1e that $rand a tr-8 I! the
.usto/ers 2er.ei1e signi!i.antl- di!!erent or $etter 2er!or/an.e in new
$randP2rodu.tP ser1i.e the- are likel- to swit.h8 (owe1er a stud- $- Lowe
Thailand suggests that .onsu/ers will graduall- shi!t to /ore e<2ensi1e $rands
when dis2osa$le in.o/e and age in.rease8 Lowada-s Thai e.ono/- grows !ast
and one reason is $e.ause o! the s2ending s2rees es2e.iall- $- -oung working
generation on auto/o$iles ho/es /o$ile 2hones and other $ig 2ur.hase8
(ill I'++EJ said a$out .usto/er de.a- that the a1erage $usiness loses $etween
'0 and C0 2er .ent o! its .usto/ers ea.h -ear $ut o!ten donAt know wh- the-
were lost8 (ill .lari!ied that dissatis!a.tion is the !unda/ental reason !or .usto/er
de.a-8 A .onsidera$le a/ount o! resear.h has $een undertaken in the area !or
se1eral -ears !ound that there are .usto/er ga2s that o$stru.t .o/2an- to /eet
.usto/er satis!a.tion8 The o1erall ga2 whi.h results in dissatis!ied .usto/er is the
ga2 $etween e<2e.tations and e<2erien.e whi.h .an usuall- $e tra.ed $a.k to
one o! !i1e earlier ga2s I2ro/otional understanding 2ro.edural $eha1ioral and
Lo organiDation intends to 2ro1ide 2oor ser1i.e8 ;a2s usuall- arise $e.ause o!
di!! in 2er.e2tion $etween what the $usiness thought it was 2ro1iding and
what the .usto/ers $elie1e the- re.ei1ed8 Onl- regular .usto/er satis!a.tion
/easure/ent will ena$le the $usiness to identi!- and .lose the ga2s8
(#( *r e%i ous s tu dies in rele %a n t ar ea
As !or 2re1ious studies in .usto/er satis!a.tion and ser1i.e 7ualit- in so/e
rele1ant areas these studies are taken into .onsideration
Johnson and Anu.hit I2002J studied a$out ser1i.e 7ualit- in the
Thai tele.o//uni.ation industr-8 Their resear.h 7uestion was
!irstl- a$out the .orrelation $etween the ser1i.e 7ualit- rating and
the .o/2etiti1e ad1antage a/ong Thai tele.o//uni.ation !ir/ and
se.ondl- a$out the relia$ilit- o! 0E)=:>AL te.hni7ues to assess
ser1i.e 7ualit- 2er.e2tionsP e<2e.tations a/ong .usto/ers in the
Thai tele.o//uni.ation industr-8 @hi.h are land line tele2hone
su$s.ri$ers9 Tele.o/ Asia ITAJ and Thai Tele2hone and Telegra2h
ITTHTJ and /o$ile 2hone su$s.ri$ers9 Ad1an.e In!o IAI0J
and Total A..ess .o//uni.ation ITA"J8 It is re/arka$le that the
stud- does not in.lude TrueMo1e whi.h is the third /o$ile
su$s.ri$er in the industr-8
The stud- utiliDed at .rossGse.tional sur1e- design to in1estigate ser1i.e 7ualit-
2er.e2tions and their .o/2etiti1e anal-sis in the Thai tele.o//uni.ation
industr-8 :uestionnaires were distri$uted utiliDing a .on1enien.e sa/2ling !ro/
walkGin .usto/ers at a ser1i.e .entre during Ma-GJune '+++ ti/e 2eriod8 In
addition this stud- also was .ondu.ted under the sa/e natural en1iron/ent in
whi.h e/2lo-eesA ser1i.e 2ro1iders nor/all- !un.tion thus o!!ering a greater
degree o! realit-8
This stud- used a se1enG2oint Likert s.ale range !ro/ 5strongl- agree6 I7J to
5strongl- disagree6 I'J to assess all !i1e di/ensions o! ser1i.e and .onsidered
the /a<i/u/ s.ore o! .usto/er 2er.e2tions ser1i.e 7ualit- as a $asis !or
.o/2etiti1e assess/ent8
The result showed the Thai tele.o//uni.ation industr- re.ei1ed strong ratings on
the tangi$les di/ension 2arti.ularl- .usto/er ser1i.e sta!!As dress and low
ratings on the e/2ath- di/ension 2arti.ularl- ser1i.e 2ro1iders interest
Fro/ the result o! e/ stud- the- re.o//ended the 0E)=:>AL s.ale as a
starting 2oint !or assessing ser1i.e 7ualit-8 The !i1e original ser1i.e 7ualit-
di/ensions showed i/2ressi1e relia$ilit- and were sur2risingl- in!luential8 The-
also a..entuated that 0E)=:>AL does see/ to $e $etter suited !or 2ro.essG
dri1en ser1i.e !ir/s e8g8 tele.o//uni.ation $anking retailing health .are et.8
Further/ore !inding o! their resear.h indi.ated a distin.t i/2ortan.e !or the
2ro.ess as2e.ts o! a ser1i.e ITangi$le )es2onsi1eness Assuran.e and
In a stud- o! )-an air .usto/er satis!a.tion in 0weden
Thanata1eerat and Jia*ia I2007J e/2lo-s 0E=):>AL
te.hni7ue to anal-De )-an airAs !i1e di/ensions o! ser1i.e
7ualit- and .o/2are the 2er.ei1ed 7ualit- with .usto/er
e<2e.tation to !ound the ga2 whi.h was e<2lained in ga2
/odel8 The /ain /ethod was to use 7uestionnaires to get
.usto/ersA e1aluation toward )-an air ser1i.e :ualit-8 The
stud- is $ased on the 7uestionnaire whi.h ha1e $een 2ro1ed
$- test to not to $e $ias or /isunderstood $-
the res2ondents8 Moreo1er the- e/2lo-ed 0E)=:>AL
te.hni7ue whi.h ha1e $een attested and de1elo2ed !or
de.ades $- se1eral resear.hers a.ross .onte<t sin.e
,arasura/an Qeitha/l and 3err- laun.h it in '+888
>n!ortunatel- $- ti/e and !inan.ial li/itation the resear.hers had not enough
sa/2le siDe to rea.h /argin o! error o! least 5NItheir /argin o! error were 7NJ
and were onl- a$le to distri$ute 7uestionnaireAs at =asteras and 0ka1sta Air2ort
not .o1er ;othen$urg .it- Air2ort whi.h lead to .onstru.t or /easure/ent
1alidit- 2ro$le/ a..ording to !isherAs .riteria IFisher 2007J8 Then it $e.o/es
di!!i.ult to .lai/ that the sa/2ling re2resents the 2o2ulation statisti.all-8
0ri*u/2a "hiararakul and 02ee.e I2007J e<a/ined .usto/er
satis!a.tion and dissatis!a.tion with inter2ersonal 1ersus
internet ser1i.e en.ounters in Thai retail sto.k$rokerage and
.or2orate $anking8 This is one o! the !ew 2a2ers to show with
strong e/ data that .usto/ers 1iew satis!a.tion and
dissatis!a.tion as distin.t di/ensions8 An additional .ontri$ution
is de/onstrating that dissatis!a.tion .an $e /easured with
industr- s2e.i!i. s.ales whi.h are ne1ertheless .o/2ara$le
a.ross industries8
The stud- $eing di1ided into two 2ro*e.ts and ha1e $een in1estigated se2aratel-8
@e !ound interesting resear.h te.hni7ue in itAs inter2ersonal 2art while
.usto/ers /eet the .o/2an- whi.h $e the sa/e situation as this re2ort in
sa/e .ountr- and si/ilar so.ial .onte<t I/ostl- done in ur$an areaJ e1en though
it in1estigates di!!erent industries $ut itAs still the ser1i.e industr-8 Mainl- the
stud- .o/2aring e<2e.ted and 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e 7ualit-8 The result show
2re!era$l- o! inter2ersonal ser1i.e indi.ate the i/2ortant o! !urther stud- in the
real ser1i.e en.ounter area8
The indi.ators whi.h in the 2ro*e.t .all the s.he/a were ado2ted and /ostl-
work well !or these two industries in Thailand8 In the stud- the authors
de1elo2ed their own indi.ators !ro/ 2rior resear.h whi.h has de1elo2ed use!ul
indi.atorsP0.he/a !or .ategoriDing satis!a.tion9 /ostl- !ro/ 3itner et al8 I'++0J
and Meuter et al8 I2000J8 A!ter that the- tested it in two le1els !irst in de2th
inter1iews and se.ond the 2ilot 2ro*e.t with the e<2erts in ea.h industr-8
The e<2erts were gi1en the !ull list o! the ite/s rele1ant to their industr- a
de!inition o! ea.h .ategor- o! dissatis!a.tion and satis!a.tion !or inter2ersonal and
internet intera.tions and asked to allo.ate ea.h ite/ to a single .ategor-
The !ollowing is their indi.atorsPs.he/as !or sto.k$rokerage industr-8
Inter2ersonal ser1i.e en.ounters satis!a.tion ite/s8
'8 Four $roker 2ro1ides reasona$le .o//ents !or hel2ing -ou to /ake the right
28 Four $roker in!or/s -ou instantl- and .ontinuousl- o! rele1ant and use!ul
C8 Four $roker will in!or/ -ou a$out una1aila$le ser1i.e
&8 Four $roker in!or/s -ou when and wh- $rokerage ser1i.e is 1er- slow
58 Four $roker 2ro1ides in a 2ro!essional and !riendl- /anner and 1oi.e
E8 Four $roker is a$le to 2er!or/ well under ad1erse .ir.u/
The 2ro$le/ is that itAs di!!i.ult to understandP e1aluate whether those si<
7uestions .o1er all !a.ets o! ser1i.e 7ualit- or not8 In this TrueMo1e stud- we
de.ided to a22l- ,arasura/an 3err- and Qeitha/l te.hni7ue8
As !or ser1i.e 7ualit- /easure/ent9 !ound in 2rior literature dis.ussed a$o1e
.usto/er satis!a.tion is strongl- rele1ant to ser1i.e 7ualit- es2e.iall- in ser1i.e
industr-8 This last 2art o! literature re1iew dedi.ated nu/erous .on!ir/ations
!ro/ a .onsideration nu/$er o! a.ade/i.s and 2ra.titioners and will also dis.uss
a$out the /ost relia$le ser1i.e 7ualit- /easure/ent tested $- se1eral studied8
There is su$stantial e1iden.e that ser1i.e 7ualit- !un.tions as a 2rede.essor to
.usto/er satis!a.tion I)eiden$a.h and 0andi!erG0/allwood '++09 "ronin and
Ta-lor '++2 )ei.hheld and 0asser '++08J
@ith the e1iden.e that ser1i.e 7ualit- leads to satis!a.tion .onsidera$le
2ra.titioner interest has .entered on 2rogra/s to i/2ro1e ser1i.e 7ualit- IFar$er
and @-.o!! '++'9 0.hlesinger and (eskett '++'J8One o! the !unda/entals in
the ser1i.e 7ualit- i/2ro1e/ent 2rogra/s has $een the /easure/ent o! ser1i.e
0er1i.e 7ualit- /easure/ent is i/2ortant as it has the 2otential to o!!er insights
into areas o! ser1i.e 7ualit- strengths and weaknesses8 Qeitha/l et al8 I'+88J
ha1e de1elo2ed and tested a !or.e!ul /easure o! !i1e di/ensions% relia$ilit-
res2onsi1eness assuran.e e/2ath- and tangi$les8 Measuring .usto/er
5e<2e.tation6 and 52er.e2tions6 o! these !i1e di/ensions assesses ser1i.e 7ualit-8
0er1i.e 7ualit- is 2ositi1el- dis.on!ir/ed when .usto/er 2er.e2tions e<.eed
e<2e.tations8 ,arasura/an 3err- and Qeitha/l I'++'J !ound the relia$ilit-
di/ension to $e an e<tre/el- i/2ortant one8 IThese .on.e2ts will $e dis.ussed
!urther in Methodolog- and Theor- 2artJ8
(#, Cor e theori es dis cuss ed
In .on.lusion 0E)=:>AL .an ser1e as an e!!e.ti1e diagnosti. tool to guide
/anage/ent in its ser1i.e 7ualit- i/2ro1e/ent e!!orts $- !o.using attention in
the areas that are /ost need!ul I3err- et al8 '++&J8
All o! the a$o1e dis.ussion lead to the understanding that9 to !ind out how to
stud- .usto/ers 2er.e2tionPe<2e.tation whi.h lead to .usto/ers satis!a.tion8 It is
i/2ortant to in1estigate the knowledge in the ser1i.e 7ualit- /easure/ent area8
The series o! ,arasura/an Qeitha/l and 3err- arti.les in the '+80s ha1e $een
!ound to $e use!ul to de2i.t the de1elo2ing o! the ser1i.e .on.e2t !ro/ the
e/ studies to the a22ro1ed ser1i.e 7ualit- /easure /odel9 0E)=:>AL8
For instan.e the arti.les K>nderstanding "usto/er E<2e.tations o! 0er1i.eA $-
,arasura/an 3err- and Qeitha/l I'++'J dis.uss the understanding a$out !i1e
di/ension o! ser1i.e
KA "on.e2tual Model o! 0er1i.e :ualit- and Its I/2li.ation !or Future )esear.hA $-
,arasura/an Qeitha/l and 3err- I'+85J illustrate the .on.e2tual o! ga$ /odel
in whi.h identi!- the ga2 $etween .usto/er 2er.e2tion and e<2e.tation in its !i!th
ga2 the last .usto/erAs ga2 in the /odel8
K?eli1ering :ualit- 0er1i.eA9 also $- ,arasura/an Qeitha/l and 3err- I'++0J
!urther the understanding o! the rele1ant theories and te.hni7ues o! /easuring
.usto/er satis!a.tionPser1i.e 7ualit-8
The e<2lanation o! ;A, Model and the Fi1e ?i/ensions o! 0er1i.e9 in the !ra/ework 2art are 2artl- sour.ed $- the in!or/ation gained !ro/
these arti.les8
3esides the three A/ a.ade/i.s !a/ous studies ;ho$adian s2eller and
JonesI'++&J e<tended the understanding o! ser1i.e 7ualit- /easure/ent in their
arti.le a$out ser1i.e 7ualit- .on.e2ts and /odels8 2ro1ided so/e understanda$le
.riteria to assess .usto/er satis!- $- the three ke- 2ossi$le 7ualit- out.o/es9
satis!a.tor- 7ualit- ideal 7ualit- and una..e2ta$le 7ualit-8 The detail will $e
dis.ussed in theor- 2art8
Finall- e1en though less 2ertinent to the su$*e.t o! .usto/er satis!a.tion the
authors !ound other literatures that are also rele1ant and $ene!i.ial to the stud-8
The /ain literatures /entioned here are KI/2ro1ing "usto/er 0atis!a.tion
Lo-alt- and 0er1i.eA $- Mi.hael ?8 Johnson and Anders ;usta!son K3est
, in "usto/er 0er1i.eA edited $- )on Qe/ke and John A8 @oods K:ualit-
o! 0er1i.eA $- 3o Ed1ardson 3ertil Tho/asson and John R1rer1eit and lastl-
KMeasuring 0er1i.e :ualit-% , ;uidelinesA $- John R1rer1eit8 These $ooks
2ro1ide the knowledge o! ser1i.e 7ualit- !ro/ the 2ers2e.ti1es o! the .o/2an-8
0o/ehow the- are !ound ad1antageous to this stud- as the- re1eal the rele1ant
di/ensions o! ser1i.e8
Chap ter ,: $2T 3!L45
,# 1 The +el ec ted T op ic
The authors de.ide to resear.h on customer satisfaction towards customer service
at TrueMo1e as the authors see the i/2ortan.e o! K.usto/erA and K.usto/er
satis!a.tionA8 As 0.heuing E8 I'+++J stated that 5"usto/ers are the li!e$lood o!
an- organiDation8 @ithout the/ it loses its /eaning and 2ur2ose6 and Qik/und
@ and ?AA/i.o M I'+8+J su22orted its i/2ortan.e to /arketing that 5"usto/er
satis!a.tion is the ai/ o! the /arketing .on.e2t8 A..ording to the /arketing
.on.e2t an organiDation should tr- to satis!- the needs o! .usto/ers or .lients
through .oordinated set o! a.ti1ities that at the sa/e ti/e allows the
organiDation to a.hie1e its goals68
Further/ore TrueMo1e is .hosen to stud- $e.ause o! reasons8 First o! all it is in
the industr- o! /o$ile ser1i.e9 whose a22roa.h to .usto/ers has $een su..ess!ul
and whose nature is wellGknown as the i/2ortan.e o! tele.o//uni.ation has
s2read !or so/e .onsidera$le ti/e8 Le<t TrueMo1e is the .hosen .o/2an-
$e.ause the authors see the 2otential and .hallenge o! $eing Kthe thirdA in
Thailand /arket8 K,otentialA is $e.ause the .o/2an- has gained /ore than 20N
o! the entire /arket share o! whi.h the .o/2etition !ield .o/2rised o! as /an-
.o/2etitors as !i1e8 K"hallengeA is $e.ause o! the 2ossi$ilit- to gain /ore /arket
share and 2ro!ita$ilit- in the /arket8 Its .on1ergen.e strateg- has su22orted a
2otential !or TrueMo1e as the onl- !ull- integrated .o//uni.ation solution
2ro1ider whi.h is uni7ue and di!!erentiated !ro/ the other .o/2etitors8 @hatAs
/ore the e/erging seg/entations o! the .usto/ers aging during 'CG'8 and
other /inor seg/entations lie !or TrueMo1e to strike sales 2ro!ita$ilit- and
/arket share8
,# ( The Chos en The or ies
In order to !ul!ill the resear.h on /easuring and e1aluating .usto/er satis!a.tion
towards .usto/er ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e sho2 ;a2 Model and 0E)=:>AL
are .hosen9 2ro1ided that their 2ur2ose o! use is a22ro2riate and .orres2onds to
the resear.h 2ro$le/8
As !or ;a2 Model its 2ur2ose is as 3itner I2007J stated 5Sto deter/ine how well
the ser1i.e /eeting or e<.eeding .usto/er satis!a.tion68 A..ording to
,arasura/an Qeitha/l and 3err- I'++'J there are !i1e di!!erent ga2s on
/easuring .usto/er satis!a.tion on $oth .usto/erAs and the .o/2an-As
2ers2e.ti1e8 (owe1er this resear.h !o.uses s2e.i!i.all- on ;A, 5 Kthe 0er1i.e
:ualit- ;a2A M whi.h /easures the ga2 $etween .usto/er e<2e.tation towards
ser1i.e 7ualit- and their 2er.e2tion o! the ser1i.e a!ter e<2erien.ing8 In addition
The 0er1i.e :ualit- ;a2 is li/ited to onl- /easuring and e1aluating .usto/er
satis!a.tion !ro/ the .usto/er 2ers2e.ti1es9 as the .onsideration is that the
result o! .usto/er satis!a.tion would not $e $iased as well as $e o! ad1antageous
to the ! .o/2an- $e.ause the resear.h result .ould re1eal the as2e.ts o!
.urrent .usto/er ser1i.e that .an $e !urther i/2le/ented as well as its 2ri/ar-
in!or/ation .on.erning .usto/er e<2e.tation .ould 2er!or/ its role si/ilar to a
.o/2ass dire.ting a .o/2an- to a 2ea.e!ul shore8 The !urther detail o! the
0er1i.e :ualit- Model is 2ro1ided in the later 2art o! !ra/ework8
As !or 0E)=:>AL this theor- !urther illustrates the understanding o! 0er1i.e
:ualit- ;a2 $- de!ining di/ensions o! ser1i.e to $e .onsidered !or e<2e.tation
and 2er.e2tion8 These di/ensions o! ser1i.e in.lude )elia$ilit- Tangi$les
)es2onsi1eness Assuran.e and E/2ath-8 All the di/ensions are .hosen as it
assists in s-nthesiDing and anal-Ding .usto/er e<2e.tation towards and
2er.e2tion on ser1i.e 7ualit-8 For !urther detail o! 0E)=:>AL 2lease re!er to the !ra/ework .ha2ter8
,# , !a ta Collec ti on of th e R ese ar ch
All the e/ !indings o! this resear.h are .olle.ted !ro/ $oth 2ri/ar- data
and se.ondar- data8 The detail o! ea.h is e<2lained as !ollowing8
,#,#1 *rimar& !ata
The 2ri/ar- data was .olle.ted $- two sour.es9 that are inter1iew and
,#,#1#1 Inter%iew
?ue to the ne.essit- to de!ining the sa/2ling siDe o! the res2ondents ai/ed to $e
distri$uted with the 7uestionnaire and the li/itations that no in!or/ation
s2e.i!i.all- a$out the nu/$er o! TrueMo1eAs .usto/ers in 3angkok region
es2e.iall- li/ited to onl- the .usto/ers o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s .an $e !ound out $-
se.ondar- the authors .onta.t TrueMo1e "o/2an- M to gain the
knowledge o! the nu/$er o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s .usto/ers in 3angkok region8
To do so the authors .onta.t TrueMo1e through 2ersonal .onta.t with Miss
#an.hanawan 0ira-a9 Assistant ?ire.tor o! TrueMo1e o! TrueMo1e 3angkok8 The
.onta.t 2erson is in .harge o! ad/inistrating TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region9
there!ore is .onsidered a$le as well as relia$le to answer the re7uired 7uestion
.on.erning total .usto/ers o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region as well as the
a1erage .usto/ers 2er ea.h TrueMo1e 0ho2 2er /onth in 3angkok region8
The inter1iew 7uestions were !irst eG/ailed to the .onta.t 2erson9 as it is
.on1enient !or her to /anage the ti/e to answer8 (owe1er as so/e in!or/ation
re7uired are .on!idential o! the .o/2an- $ut as the .onta.t 2erson well
understands the ne.essit- to de!ine the sa/2ling siDe tele2hone inter1iew was
agreed8 Finall- the 7uestions .on.erning s2e.i!i. in!or/ation a$out total
.usto/ers o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region as well as the a1erage
.usto/ers 2er ea.h TrueMo1e 0ho2 2er /onth in 3angkok region were answered
with the nu/ data9 under the agreement that the authors would use the
information only to define the sampling size of questionnaire and NOT to reveal
the number.
,#,#1#( 6uestionnaire
In order to answer the .ore o! the resear.h 2ro$le/9 "usto/er 0atis!a.tion
towards "usto/er 0er1i.e o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region the in!or/ation
!ro/ the .usto/er 2ers2e.ti1es 2la- an i/2ortant role8 There!ore the authors
de.ide to .ondu.t the 7uestionnaire inter1iew9 with the .loseGended 7uestions to
.usto/ers o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region8
,#,#1#(a +ampling +i7e
As !or sa/2ling siDe Fisher I2007J e<2lained that 5the siDe o! sa/2le -ou need
de2ends in 2art on the siDe o! the /argin o! error -ou are 2re2ared to a..e2t and
the siDe o! the 2o2ulation !ro/ whi.h -ou are going to take the sa/2le68 In
addition it is added in Fisher I2007 ,8'+0J that9 with 5N Margin o! Error and the
a22ro<i/ate res2ondent 2o2ulation $etween ' to '0 /illions the sa/2ling siDe
!or the 7uestionnaire to $e distri$uted .ould $e $- C8& .o2ies8
"onstrained not to re1eal the .on!idential in!or/ation .on.erning the total
nu/$er o! TrueMo1e 0ho2sA .usto/ers in 3angkok region the authors .ould
howe1er identi!-9 $- the in!or/ation gained !ro/ tele2hone inter1iew that the
e<a.t a/ount o! TrueMo1e 0ho2As .usto/ers in 3angkok region is in $etween ' to
'0 /illions nu/$er o! 2o2ulation8
There!ore with the a..e2ta$le 5N Margin o! Error the authors de.ided to
distri$ute C8& 7uestionnaires through with the assistan.e o! the
.o/2an- TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region8
,#,#1#(b +ampling Frame
?ue to the /ethod o! 7uestionnaire distri$ution9 whi.h would $e
distri$uted through TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region and the
.on!idential in!or/ation gained !ro/ tele2hone inter1iew with the .o/2an-
.on.erning the a1erage .usto/ers 2er ea.h TrueMo1e 0ho2 2er /onth in
3angkok region9 whi.h is not allowed to re1eal to 2u$li. it .ould howe1er $e
re1ealed that the .usto/ers going to TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok ea.h /onth are
not nu/eri.all- e7uall- .onstant $- ea.h grou28 To e<2lain .usto/ers o!
di!!erent de/ogra2hi. grou2 go to ea.h TrueMo1e 0ho2 in di!!erent nu/$er $-
ea.h /onth and ea.h da-8 There!ore the sa/2ling te.hni7ue .hosen is rando/8
Fisher I2007 285+J stated a$out the rando/ sur1e- that 5)ando/ sur1e-s o! a
suita$l- large sa/2le allow -ou to deter/ine what is a1erage and what the
1ariations around the a1erage are to a de!ina$le le1el o! .on!iden.e68
3- distri$uting through TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region the rando/
sa/2ling te.hni7ue is .onsidered a22ro2riate as the authors .ould gain the real
knowledge o! whi.h target grou2 o! TrueMo1e 0ho2sA .usto/ers in 3angkok
region reall- are and whi.h de/ogra2hi. grou2s are /ore and less in 2ro2ortion M
whi.h is .onsidered ad1antageous to /anage/ent o! TrueMo1e8
,#,#1#(c the !e%elopment of 6uestionnaire
The 7uestionnaire is de1elo2ed in a..ordan.e with the !ra/ework
.onsisting o! the 0er1i.e :ualit- ;a2 and the 0E)=:>AL ?i/ensions8
In .onsidering an a22ro2riate wa- o! designing a 7uestionnaire the authors are
.on.erned with the intangi$le 2it!all o! /easuring satis!a.tion8 To e<2lain
satis!a.tion 7uestions rel- 1er- /u.h on the inter2retation on ea.h 7uestionAs
/eaning $- the res2ondents8 ;i1en that the inter2retation o! /eaning ste/s
!ro/ the /atter the authors .hoose to ada2t a 7uestionnaire
!or/at initiated $- ,arasura/an Qeitha/l H 3err- I'++'J M as this 7uestionnaire
has $een 2s-.ho/etri.all- tested alread- and .ould assu/ingl- lessen the
intangi$le 2it!all8
The /entioned 7uestionnaire9 generall- stated is designed in a..ordan.e with
the 0E)=:>AL ?i/ensions and 0er1i.e :ualit- ;a28 The authors se2arate the
7uestionnaire into three 2arts as !ollowing8
,art I% This 2art in7uires a$out the general de/ogra2hi. and other in!or/ation o!
the res2ondents e8g8 age gender !re7uen.- o! 1isiting TrueMo1e 0ho2s 2er
/onth et.8 This 2art is designed !or the use o! /anage/ent a22li.ation8
,art II% This 2art is in the !or/at o! Likert 0.ales9 a !i1eG2oint s.ale $etween
strongl- agree and strongl- disagree !or the res2ondents to .hoose IFisher 200&
28E5J8 The !irst 22 7uestions in this Likert 0.ales !or/at are designed a..ording
to 0E)=:>AL ?i/ensions M to en7uire a$out .usto/er e<2e.tation towards
.usto/er ser1i.e at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region8 The other 22 7uestions
are designed si/ilarl- $ut it instead en7uires a$out .usto/er 2er.e2tion
towards .usto/er ser1i.e at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region a!ter
e<2erien.ing8 The result gained !ro/ these two 2arts are ai/ed to anal-De the
ga2 $etween .usto/er e<2e.tation and 2er.e2tion hen.e it is a$le to see
whether .usto/ers are satis!ied or not and how8
,art III% This 2art is !or .usto/ers to 2rioritiDe the i/2ortan.e o! ea.h 0E)=:>AL
?i/ension !ro/ the .onsideration o! the res2ondents8 It is ai/ed to 2er!or/ as
the .on!ir/ation o! 2art II as well as .onsideration o! .usto/er satis!a.tion8
As the target res2ondents are the Thais the 7uestionnaire is designed in two
1ersions9 one in English and one in Thai8 The English 1ersion is .reated !irst as it
is easier and /ore .on1enient !or the ada2tation o! the original !or/at initiated
$- ,arasura/an Qeitha/l H 3err- I'++'J8 Then it is translated into Thai
$e.ause o! the .onsideration that Thai 1ersion would ensure the .orre.t
understanding o! the target res2ondents as well as .learer to the/ !or the inter2retation on the 7uestions8 The translated 1ersion was 2ro1ed
$- #asetsart >ni1ersit- Language "enter as an author was a !or/er student o!
the uni1ersit-8
>lti/atel- Johnson H 0irikit I2002J .on!ir/ed the a22ro2riateness o! ada2ting
the 7uestionnaire that it is a22ro2riate to $ase the /easure/ent o!
7ualit- with the use o! 0E)=:>AL s.ale in tele.o//uni.ations !ield8 5@e
.an re.o//end with so/e .on!iden.e the 0E)=:>AL s.ale as a starting 2oint !or
a..essing ser1i.e 7ualit-6 IJohnson H 0irikit 2002J8 Further/ore the 0E)=:>AL
s.ale /entioned $- ;a$$ie H OALeill I'++EJ while stud-ing ser1i.e 7ualit- in
northern Irish hotel se.tor agree with the a22ro2riateness o! the 7uestionnaire8
,#,#1#(d !istribution of
The 7uestionnaire is distri$uted through TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok
region9 with assistan.e !ro/ the .o/2an- in .onta.t with the authors8 The
distri$ution had $een taken within se1en da-s during A2ril 2&
to C0
9 in Thai
,#,#( +econdar& !ata
3e.ause o! the .onsideration that the !ull knowledge a$out the ! .o/2an- its
2arental .onglo/erate its 2osition in Thailand /o$ile o2erator /arket should $e
i/2le/ented in order to $est answer the resear.h 7uestion the authors de.ide to
.olle.t all the /entioned data !ro/ di!!erent relia$le sour.es8
The /ain ones are through the data$ase o! Marketin!o8.o8th TrueMo1eAs o!!i.ial
site and the o!!i.ial site o! True "or2oration9 whi.h is TrueMo1eAs 2arental
.o/2an-8 Other re!erredGto generate the understanding o! TrueMo1eAs
2osition in Thailand /o$ile o2erator /arket8 The- are assured to $e relia$le $-
taking !ro/ the sites o! go1ern/ental organiDation 2ri1ate .o/2anies renowned
$usiness news2a2er in Thailand and other related ones8
Further detail a$out the data$ase o! Marketin!o8.o8th and the sear.hed through
we$sites .ould $e re!erred to the !or/er 2art o! Literature )e1iew8 For !urther
detail the !ull list o! re!eren.e su22orts the tra.k o! se.ondar- in!or/ation8
,# - 3o w to a na l & 7 e
The data .olle.ted a!ter resear.h will $e anal-Ded and 2resented using des.ri2ti1e
statisti.s8 @ith the hel2 o! Mean H Fre7uen.- !igures generated through 0,009 2a.kage !or so.ial .harts will $e used8
"ross ta$ulation o! the data would $e .ondu.ted to !urther esti/ate to 1isi$l-
.o/e u2on 2re1alent trends8
In addition )ating 0.ale will $e used to anal-De the result o! the e<2e.tation and
2er.e2tion /ean8 8 The de!ining o! satis!a.tion towards ea.h as2e.t o! 0E):=>AL
/odel is done $- .o/2aring the A1erage with )ating 0.ale setting the
inter2retation as !ollowing8
,#-#1 Rating +cale to !efining the Interpretation
The Average between
4.21 5.00
Opinion is the Most
The Average between Opinion is at Much
3.41 4.20
The Average between
2.61 3.40
The Average between
1.81 2.60
The Average between
1.00 1.80
Opinion is Moerate
Opinion is !ess.
Opinion is at the !east.
Cha pter -: T3 2R2TICAL FRA$28R9
-# 1 +er %ic e 6 ua lit& 4a p
The ga2 /odel is a use!ul !ra/ework !or understanding ser1i.e 7ualit- in an
organiDation8 E1en though there are se1eral ga2s e<isting $etween the
e<2e.tation and real ser1i.e 2er!or/an.ePdeli1er- the /ost ser1i.e
7ualit- ga2 to .lose is the .usto/er ga2 that is the di!!eren.e $etween .usto/er
e<2e.tations and 2er.e2tions8
A..ording to ,arasura/an 3err- and Qeitha/l I'++'J .usto/ers ha1e so/e
e<2e.tations towards the 7ualit- o! ser1i.e8 (owe1er "hakra2ani " I'++8J stated
that KThere is the di!!eren.e $etween .usto/er e<2e.tations and what the
/anage/ent deli1ers8 There!ore the 2er.e2tions o! ser1i.e ser1ed /a- $e
di!!erent !ro/ what e<2e.ted9 as /anage/ent /a- !ail to deli1er what .usto/ers
want86 (en.e it is i/2ortant to understand that .usto/er satis!a.tion ste/s !ro/
the $alan.e so/ewhere $etween .usto/ers e<2e.tations and .usto/ers
2er.e2tions o! ser1i.e8
As to /easure and e1aluate .usto/er satis!a.tion on ser1i.e 0er1i.e :ualit- ;a2
is an a22ro2riate /eans to .ondu.t the resear.h8 For .usto/er ga2 Qeitha/l
3itner and ;re/ler I200EJ e<2lained that 5The .usto/er ga2 is the di!!eren.e
$etween .usto/er e<2e.tations and 2er.e2tions8 In order to satis!- the
.usto/ers !ir/s need to .lear the di!!erent .usto/er e<2e.tation and /ake a
$alan.e in e<2e.tations and 2er.e2tions86
"usto/er E<2e.tations o! 0er1i.e "usto/ers ,er.e2tions o! 0er1i.e and
"usto/er 0atis!a.tion are $rie!l- e<2lained as !ollowing8
-#1#( Customer 2:pectations of +er%ice
A..ording to Qeitha/l 3itner and ;re/ler I200EJ .usto/er e<2e.tations are
5$elie!s a$out a ser1i.e deli1er- that ser1e as standard against whi.h
2er!or/an.e is done68
-#1#, Customers *erceptions of
As e<2lained $- ,arasura/an 3err- and Qeitha/l I'++'J the e<2e.ted ser1i.e
7ualit- /a- not $e answered $e.ause o! .onstraints thus the 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e
!or .usto/ers .an $e di!!erent !ro/ what e<2e.ted8 The- stated that 5In short a
1ariet- o! !a.tors M resour.e .onstraints /arket .onditions andPor /anage/ent
indi!!eren.e /a- result in dis.re2an.- $etween /anage/ent 2er.e2tions o!
.onsu/er e<2e.tations and the a.tual s2e.i!i.ations esta$lished !or a ser1i.e8
This dis.re2an.- is 2redi.ted to a!!e.t 7ualit- 2er.e2tions o! .usto/ers8
-#1#- Customer +atisfaction of
>lti/atel- .usto/er satis!a.tion o! ser1i.e is as ,arasura/an 3err- and
Qeitha/l I'++'J stated 5The ga2 $etween .onsu/er e<2e.tations and the !ir/As
ser1i.e 7ualit- s2e.i!i.ations will a!!e.t ser1i.e 7ualit- !ro/ the .usto/erAs
1iew2oint68 "usto/er satis!a.tions are ste//ed !ro/ the $alan.e $etween what
is a.hie1ed and what needs to $e a.hie1ed I"hakra2ani " '++8J8
To deli1er a high 7ualit- o! ser1i.e ser1i.e 2ro1ider needs to .lose these ga2s8
-# ( +2R ;6 "AL ! imens ions
A..ording to ,arasura/an 3err- and Qeitha/l I'++'J 5"usto/er 0er1i.e
E<2e.tations .an $e .ategoriDed into !i1e o1erall di/ensions9 relia$ilit- tangi$les
res2onsi1eness assuran.e and e/2ath-86 In the sa/e wa- as .usto/er
e<2e.tations as2e.t .usto/er 2er.e2tions o! ser1i.e are e<2lained $- 0.hneider
and @hite I200&J as 5the result o! the di/ensions68 (en.e the !i1e di/ensions
are the ke-s to /easure and e1aluate e<2e.ted and 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e8 Ea.h o!
the di/ensions is e<2lained $rie!l- as !ollowing8
+E Re!ia"i!it$: the a$ilit- to 2er!or/ the 2ro/ised ser1i.e de2enda$l- and
-E Ta#gi"!es: the a22earan.e o! !a.ilities e7ui2/ent 2ersonnel and
.o//uni.ation !a.ilities8
/E Respo#sive#ess: the willingness to hel2 .usto/ers and 2ro1ide 2ro/2t
.E Assura#%e: the knowledge and .ourtes- o! e/2lo-ees and their a$ilit- to
.on1e- trust and .on!iden.e8
0E Empat$: the .aring indi1idualiDed attention 2ro1ided to the .usto/ers8
@e .an also di1ide the !i1e di/ensions into two /ain .ategories .onsidering
whi.h 2art o! the ser1i.e the- are /ore in1ol1ed in9 pro%ess or out%ome8 @hile
relia$ilit- di/ension is /ainl- .on.erned with the ser1i.e out.o/e other
di/ensions o! ser1i.e are /ore .on.erned with the ser1i.e 2ro.ess8 @e then .an
de/onstrate the whole di/ension o! ser1i.e again here !ollowing the two
.ategories dis.ussed a$o1e9
+er%ice utcome Reliabilit&
+er%ice *rocess Tangibles
s Assurance
The relia$ilit- in whi.h in.lude the a..ura.- and de2enda$ilit- deter/inants o!
ser1i.e .an $e *udged a!ter the ser1i.e was deli1ered to .usto/ers $ut the other
di/ensions /ust $e *udged when the ser1i.e is $eing deli1ered8
,arasura/an I'++'J stated that 5although relia$ilit- is the /ost i/2ortant
di/ension in /eeting .usto/er e<2e.tations the 2ro.ess di/ensions Ies2e.iall-
assuran.e res2onsi1eness and e/2ath-J are /ost i/2ortant in e<.eeding
.usto/er e<2e.tations68 The- also state that in their stud- in '++' 5when we
asked our res2ondents to dis.uss what .o/2anies .ould do to e<.eed their
e<2e.tations the- in 1aria$l- answered in ter/ o! the 2ro.ess di/ensions8 In
general .o/2anies are su22osed to $e a..urate and de2enda$le and 2ro1ide the
ser1i.e the- 2ro/ised to 2ro1ide in other words /eeting the relia$ilit-
di/ension8 (owe1er to go $e-ond what is e<2e.ted and 2ro1ide the e<.ellen.e o!
ser1i.e to .usto/ers the 2ro1iders need to 5sur2rise .usto/ers with un.o//on
swi!tness gra.e .ourtes- .o/2eten.e .o//it/ent or understanding86
I,arasura/an '++' 28&'G&2J That is in other words /eeting the tangi$les
res2onsi1eness assuran.e and e/2ath- di/ensions8
-#, +er %ic e 6 ua lit& $eas ure me nt
;ho$adian 02eller and Jones I'++& 28&+J stated that 7ualit- in a ser1i.e
$usiness is a /easure o! the e<tent to whi.h the ser1i.e deli1ered /eets the
.usto/erAs e<2e.tations8 The nature o! /ost ser1i.e is su.h that the .usto/er is
2resent in the deli1er- 2ro.ess whi.h /eans that the 2er.e2tion o! 7ualit- is
in!luen.ed not onl- $- the ser1i.e out.o/e $ut also $- the ser1i.e 2ro.ess8 The
2er.ei1ed 7ualit- lies along a .ontinuu/8 >na..e2ta$le 7ualit- lies at one end o!
this .ontinuu/ while ideal 7ualit- lies at the other end8 The 2oints in $etween
re2resent di!!erent degrees o! 7ualit-8 The 2er.ei1ed 7ualit- .an $e re2resented
Per%eived ;ua!it$ FP;E G Prior Customer EDpe%tatio#s FPCAE H A%tua!
Pro%ess ;ua!it$ FAP;E H A%tua! Out%ome ;ua!it$ FAO;E
*6 < *CA = A*6 = A6
"#erceive $ua%it&'
"#rior (usto)er
A,: "Actua%
AO: "Actua%
Figure +: Te Tree &e$ Possi"!e ;ua!it$ Out%ome
0our.e% ;ho$adian 02eller H Jones '++& 50er1i.e 7ualit- .on.e2ts and /odels6
International *ournal o! 7ualit- H relia$ilit- /anage/ent6 1ol8'' no + 228 &CGEE
5,rior .usto/er e<2e.tation6 is the i/age o! what will $e re.ei1ed when the
.usto/er 2ur.hases a ser1i.e8 5A.tual 7ualit-6 is the real le1el o! ser1i.e 7ualit-
2ro1ided whi.h .an $e deter/ined and .ontrolled $- the ser1i.e 2ro1ider8
5,er.ei1ed 7ualit-6 is the .usto/erAs !eeling !or the 7ualit- o! the ser1i.e8 It
deter/ines the e<tent o! .usto/erAs satis!a.tion8
The three ke- 2ossi$le 7ualit- out.o/e%
Fro/ the a$o1e e7uation the /easuring o! 7ualit- .an !all in to three /ain
+, Satis3a%tor$ Iua!it$ where .usto/erAs e<2e.tations ICEJ are e<
/et% that is to sa- PCE G P;9
-, Idea! Iua!it$ where 2er.ei1ed 7ualit- is higher than .usto/erAs
e<2e.tations% that is to sa- P; J PCE9
3. U#a%%epta"!e Iua!it$ where 2er.ei1e 7ualit- is lower than .usto/erAs
e<2e.tations% that is to sa- P; K PCE8
-# - Con cep tua l i7a ti on o f Th eor &
SERVICE )elia$ilit- SERVI
;UA4IT8 Tangi$les ;UA4
C8 )es2onsi1eness
&8 Assuran.e
58 E/2ath-
Figure -: "on.e2tualiDation o! the Fra/ework
Finall- the authors de.ide to .ondu.t the resear.h o! /easuring and e1aluating
.usto/er satis!a.tion9 !ro/ .usto/er 2ers2e.ti1es towards TrueMo1e .usto/er
ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e sho2s within 3angkok region through the
!ra/ework o! "usto/er ;a2 and the Fi1e ?i/ensions o! 0er1i.e8 The a$o1e
/odel o! Fra/ework o! This )esear.hA 2resents that the Model o!
"usto/er ;a2 is used in this resear.h in the $roader sense o! /easuring
.usto/er satis!a.tion $- e1aluating the $alan.e $etween e<2e.ted ser1i.e 7ualit-
and 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e 7ualit-8 In order to resear.h on ea.h o! the /entioned
as2e.ts the Fi1e ?i/ensions o! 0er1i.e /odel is used to see what and how
.usto/ers e<2e.t !or the as2e.ts o! relia$ilit- tangi$les res2onsi1eness
assuran.e and e/2ath-8 Likewise the stated di/ensions are to deter/ine the
2er.e2tions o! ser1i.e ser1ed a..ording to ea.h di/ension8

Chap ter .: F IN! IN4+ 1 ANAL5+I+
.# 1 To tal R es p on dents
Totel Respondents
Le%el of Customer 2:pectation and *erception
Figure 3: Total Respondents Expectation and Perception
.#1#1 Reliabilit&
For the total res2ondents the !irst 2riorit- e<2e.ted is !ro/ )elia$ilit- at the
/ean s.ore o! 58 This /eans that the .usto/ers o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok
!ull- e<2e.t that the ser1i.e will $e 2er!or/ed de2enda$l- and a..uratel- as
2ro/ised8 Further into detail the 0E)=>:>AL Likert 0.ale 2art o! the
7uestionnaire distri$uted re1eals that .usto/ers a22re.iate an- ser1i.e to $e
2er!or/ed right at the 2lanned ti/e and duration8 @hen .usto/ers ha1e an-
2ro$le/s the .usto/ers wish !or TrueMo1e 0ho2sA sta!! to $e s-/2atheti. and
reassuring in ser1i.e8 In addition all the re.ords at TrueMo1e is e<2e.ted to $e
ke2t right at the !irst ti/e8 These e<2e.tations $- /ean at 5 are so high that
the- !all to Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8 (owe1er the 2er.e2tion /ean o!
)elia$ilit- a/ounts C8729 KMu.hA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8 This /eans that the
e<2e.tation /ean and 2er.e2tion /ean !or )elia$ilit- rated $- total res2ondents
are di!!erent $- one le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8
3- the lower /ean o! )elia$ilit- 2er.e2tion9 .o/2ared to its e<2e.tation /ean9
and as de!ined $- the authors that one le1el o! )ating 0.ale would $e .onsidered
as one nu/$er this .ould $e used to anal-De .usto/er satis!a.tion $- Kthe Three
,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/e initiated $- 02eller and Jones I'++& 2850J8 3- the
Three ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/e the result that 2er.e2tion /ean is less than
e<2e.tation /ean .ould $e .al.ulated as ,: T ,"E M ,er.ei1ed :ualit- is less
than ,rior "usto/er E<2e.tations8 Thus the result !or .usto/er satis!a.tion
towards )elia$ilit- .ould $e anal-Ded as Kuna..e2ta$leA.
.#1#( Assurance
The se.ond 2riorit- e<2e.ted is Assuran.e8 3- the in!or/ation gained !ro/
0E)=:>AL Likert 0.ale 2art o! the 7uestionnaire distri$uted it is indi.ated that
.usto/ers e<2e.t sta!! at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region to $e trusta$le
2olite and .a2a$le to gi1e rele1ant in!or/ation to .usto/ers8 Moreo1er
.usto/ers e<2e.t that the- .ould !eel sa!e !or their !inan.ial transa.tions8 The
e<2e.tation /ean !or Assuran.e is rated at &8+79 Kthe MostA $- the )ating 0.ale8
Meanwhile the 2er.e2tion /ean !or it is rated at C88&9 KMu.hA $- the )ating
0.ale8 Again the 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e is rated lower than e<2e.ted one M $- one
le1el o! )ating 0.ale8 This .ould $e .al.ulated $- 02eller H JonesA Kthe Three #e-
,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/eA I'++& 2850J as ,:T,"E G ,er.ei1ed :ualit- is less
than ,rior "usto/er E<2e.tations8 Thus the result !or .usto/er satis!a.tion
towards Assuran.e .ould $e si/ilarl- anal-Ded as Kuna..e2ta$leA8
.#1#, 2mpath&
The third 2riorities e<2e.ted are e7uall- E/2ath- and )es2onsi1eness8 For
E/2ath-9 the .usto/ers e<2e.t to $e 2ersonall- .ared $e indi1iduall- attenti1e
$e understood with their desire and $e set $- the 2oli.- le1el as the heart o! the
organiDation8 Also the .usto/ers e<2e.t !or TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region
to ha1e .on1enient o2ening hours suita$le !or their li!est-le8 These e<2lained are
e<2e.ted at e<2e.tation /ean o! &8+E9 Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8
@hereas .usto/er 2er.ei1e TrueMo1e 0ho2sA E/2ath- di/ension ser1i.e at
/ean &87C9 Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8 3- 02eller and JonesA Kthe Three
#e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/eA I'++& 2850J this indi!!eren.e M as the- are in the
sa/e le1el o! Kthe MostA $- the )ating 0.ale M .ould $e .al.ulated as ,"E U ,:9
that is ,rior "usto/er E<2e.tations are e7uall- answered $- ,er.ei1ed 0er1i.e
:ualit-8 This /eans that the total res2ondents rate E/2ath- di/ension ser1i.e at
TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region as Ksatis!a.tor-A
The third 2riorities e<2e.ted are e7uall- E/2ath- and )es2onsi1eness8 For
E/2ath-9 the .usto/ers e<2e.t to $e 2ersonall- .ared $e indi1iduall- attenti1e
$e understood with their desire and $e set $- the 2oli.- le1el as the heart o! the
organiDation8 Also the .usto/ers e<2e.t !or TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region
to ha1e .on1enient o2ening hours suita$le !or their li!est-le8 These e<2lained are
e<2e.ted at e<2e.tation /ean o! &8+E9 Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8
@hereas .usto/er 2er.ei1e TrueMo1e 0ho2sA E/2ath- di/ension ser1i.e at
/ean &87C9 Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8 3- 02eller and JonesA Kthe Three
#e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/eA I'++& 2850J this indi!!eren.e M as the- are in the
sa/e le1el o! Kthe MostA $- the )ating 0.ale M .ould $e .al.ulated as ,"E U ,:9
that is ,rior "usto/er E<2e.tations are e7uall- answered $- ,er.ei1ed 0er1i.e
:ualit-8 This /eans that the total res2ondents rate E/2ath- di/ension ser1i.e at
TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region as Ksatis!a.tor-A
.#1#. Tangibles
The last 2riorit- is Tangi$le8 ,ro1ided $- the in!or/ation gained $- the 0E)=:>AL
Likert 0.ale 2art !ro/ the 7uestionnaire the .usto/ers at TrueMo1e 0ho2s
e<2e.t that the sho2 design $ro.hure and related /aterial will $e 1isuall-
a22ealing the e7ui2/ent at the o!!i.e will $e /odern and u2GtoGdate8 The sta!! at
TrueMo1e 0ho2s in addition e<2e.ted to $e in neat and ni.e .lothing8 All these
e<2lained are e<2e.ted at /ean &8+&9 Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8
(owe1er the- are 2er.ei1ed at /ean C88&9 KMu.hA le1el )ating 0.ale8 The
di!!eren.e o! one le1el )ating 0.ale .an $e .al.ulated $- 02eller and JonesA Kthe
Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/eA I'++& 2850J as ,:T,"E G ,er.ei1ed :ualit-
is less than ,rior "usto/er E<2e.tations8 Thus the result !or .usto/er
satis!a.tion towards Assuran.e .ould $e like the other di/ensions anal-Ded as
.#1#/ Conclusion
In .on.lusion the total res2ondents rate al/ost all 0E)=:>AL ?i/ensions o!
ser1i.e at TrueMo1e as Kuna..e2ta$leA8 These in.lude )elia$ilit-9 the totall- rated
as the !irst 2re!eren.e Assuran.e )es2onsi1eness and Tangi$le8 Onl- one
outstanding di/ension rated out as Ksatis!a.tor-A is E/2ath- di/ension o! ser1i.e8
3- this it .ould $e .on.luded !or the total res2ondents that /anage/ent is
ne.essar- !or the i/2ro1e/ent are )elia$ilit- Assuran.e )es2onsi1eness and
.#( Cr oss Ta bu l ation p rep ai d us ers
.#(#1 *repaid "sers@ "nder (A 5earBld@ Female and $ale
Figure .: the E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers >nder 20 FearGOld Fe/ale and Male
For .usto/er satis!a.tion o! the ,re2aid res2ondents age less than 20 -earGold
!e/ale and /ale their 2riorities are si/ilar to the one o! the total res2ondentAs
where )elia$ilit- .o/es !irst8 An-how either or !e/ale or /ale the .usto/er
satis!a.tion is rated as Kuna..e2ta$leA9 $- e<2e.tation /ean o! 5 M Kthe MostA $-
the )ating 0.ale and 2er.e2tion /ean under &82 M KMu.hA $- the )ating 0.ale8
Other 2riorities are si/ilar to what *ust /entioned9 that is the .usto/er are not
-et satis!ied8 As e<2e.tation /ean !or )es2onsi1eness Assuran.e Tangi$le and
E/2ath- are at Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale while the 2er.e2tion /ean
!or all those /entioned are at KMu.hA Le1el $- the )ating 0.ore this .ould $e
.al.ulated as Kuna..e2ta$le 7ualit-A 9 ,: T,"E as e<2lained a$out Kthe Three #e-
,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/esA $- 02eller and Jones I'++&J8
(en.e !or o1erall 2i.ture the 2re2aid .usto/ers are not -et satis!ied $- an-
0E)=:>AL ?i/ensions o! the ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok
.#(#( *repaid "sers@ Age between (1B,A@ Female and $ale
Figure 0: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers Age $etween 2'GC0 Fe/ale and Male
As !or ,re2aid >sers age during 2'GC0 -earGold $oth !e/ale and /ale users rate
)elia$ilit- as their !irst 2riorit-8 (owe1er the result !ro/ the 7uestionnaire shows
that their satis!a.tion towards )elia$ilit- is .al.ulated as Kuna..e2ta$leA9 as their
e<2e.tation /ean was rated at 59 Kthe MostA Le1el )ating 0.ale whereas their
2er.e2tion was rated at under &82 /ean9 KMu.hA Le1el )ating 0.ale8
For the other 0E)=:>AL ?i/ensions in.luding Assuran.e E/2ath-
)es2onsi1eness and Tangi$le $oth /ale and !e/ale rated their /ean s.ore !or
the e<2e.tation at Kthe MostA )ating 0.ale8 Meanwhile the- $oth s.ore their
2er.e2tion towards the /entioned di/ensions at the KMu.hA Le1el )ating 0.ale8
As the e<2e.tation is higher than their 2er.e2tion9 ,:T,"E9 as de!ined $- Kthe
Three #e- ,ossi$le Out.o/esA o! 02eller and Jones I'++& 2850J .usto/er
e<2e.tation towards all /entioned as2e.ts are Kuna..e2ta$leA8
In .on.lusion $oth !e/ale and /ale users age during 2'GC0 -earGold o! 2re2aid
ser1i.e are not -et satis!ied with the ser1i.e at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok
region as the- e<2e.ted8 Further/ore !e/ale sets K)es2onsi1enessA earlier in
their 2riorit- while /ale KE/2ath-A earlier in their 2riorit-8
.#(#, *repaid "sers@ Age between ,1B-A@ Female and $ale
Figure 1: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers Age $etween C'G&0 Fe/ale and Male
For ,re2aid .usto/ers age during C'G&0 -earGold !e/ale and /ale the- si/ilar
to the !or/er grou2s o! .usto/ers rate )elia$ilit- as their !irst 2riorit- with
e<2e.tation /ean9 $oth gender !ull at 5 and 2er.e2tion /ean C8+CC !or !e/ale
and C885 !or /ale8 As seen the 2er.e2tion /an !alls to the KMu.hA Le1el )ating
0.ale8 As this .an $e .al.ulated as ,:T,"E9 as de!ined a$out Kthe the Three #e-
,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/esA $- 02eller and Jones I'++& 2850J it .an $e .on.luded
that .usto/er satis!a.tion is at Kuna..e2ta$leA8
Likewise the other di/ensions in.luding )es2onsi1eness Tangi$le Assuran.e
and E/2ath- .ould $e anal-Ded9 as nu/ data 2resented $- the gra2h
a$o1e as Kuna..e2ta$leA9 gi1en that the /ean s.ore o! e<2e.tation 1ersus
2er.e2tion .ould $e .al.ulated as ,:T,"E8
"onse7uentl- the result o! this grou2 o! .usto/ers re2eats the sa/e 2riorit- o!
the total res2ondents and the !or/er grou28
.#(#- *repaid "sers@ Age between -1B.A@ Female and $ale
Figure 2: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers Age $etween &'G50 Fe/ale and Male
)elia$ilit- again is rated as Kuna..e2ta$leA or in other words Kunsatis!iedA8
A..ording to Kthe Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/esA de!ined $- 02eller and
Jones I'++& 2850J this .an $e .al.ulated as Kuna..e2ta$leA8 The e<2e.tation
s.ore !all at 59 Kthe MostA Le1el $- the )ating 0.ale is higher than the 2er.e2tion
/ean o! C8+CC !or !e/ale and C885 !or /ale9 the KMu.hA Le1el )ating 0.ale8
@hat is 1er- outstanding !or this grou2 o! .usto/ers is that the e<2e.tation /ean
!or all other di/ensions o! E/2ath- )es2onsi1eness Tangi$le and Assuran.e
are rated !ull at 58 0o/ehow9 s2e.i!i.all- !or )es2onsi1eness Tangi$le
Assuran.e the e<2e.tation /ean are at Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale while
the /ean s.ore are at the KMu.hA )ating 0.ale le1el while /ean s.ore are at the
KMu.hA )ating 0.ale le1el8 There!ore !or those di/ensions the .usto/ers are
satis!ied at Kuna..e2ta$leA le1el9 de!ined $- Kthe Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit-
Out.o/esA initiated $- 02eller and Jones I'++& 2850J8
The o1erall 2i.ture o! this grou2 hen.e has si/ilar 2riorit- as well as satis!a.tion
le1el si/ilar to all the !or/er grou2s8 The di!!erent and outstanding as2e.t is that
/ale .usto/ers o! this grou2 Kare satis!iedA with E/2ath- ?i/ension o! this
grou28 @ith e<2e.tation /ean at 59 Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale and
2er.e2tion /ean at &8&9 also Kthe MostA le1el o! the )ating 0.ale9 ,"E U ,:9 as
de!ined a$out Kthe Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/esA $- 02eller and Jones
I'++& 2850J
.#(#. *repaid "sers@ Age o%er .A 5ear@ Female and $ale
Figure 9: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,re2aid >sers Age o1er 50 FearGOld Fe/ale and Male
For ,re2aid "usto/ers age o1er 50 -earGold there is no /ale res2ondent !or this
As !or !e/ale .usto/ers )elia$ilit- si/ilar to all !or/er grou2s is rated as the
!irst 2riorit-8 An-how .usto/ers are not -et satis!ied as the- rate their
satis!a.tion as Kuna..e2ta$leA9 that isA ,:T,"E as e<2lained a$out Kthe Three #e-
,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/esA $- 02eller and Jones I'++&J8 Into .learer detail their
e<2e.tation /ean is rated !ull at 59 Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale while the
2er.e2tion /ean is rated &9 KMu.hA )ating 0.ale8
For the other as2e.ts !e/ale .usto/ers o! this grou2 e<2e.t the !ullest at
e<2e.tation /ean 5 !or )es2onsi1eness Tangi$le and E/2ath- and &85 !ro/
Assuran.e8 (owe1er the 2er.e2tion /ean !or )es2onsi1eness Tangi$le and
Assuran.e are all rated lower than &828 This /akes the/ all !all to KMu.hA le1el o!
the )ating 0.ale whereas their e<2e.tation /ean is at Kthe MostA le1el8 (en.e the
result !or these di/ensions are Kuna..e2ta$leA 7ualit- !or .usto/er satis!a.tion as
.an $e .al.ulated !or Kthe Three #e- ,ossi$le Out.o/esA o! 02eller and Jones
I'++&J as ,:T,"E8
A!ter all the .usto/er satis!a.tion !or al/ost all the 0E)=:>AL ?i/ensions !or
!e/ale .usto/ers age o1er 50 -earGold whi.h use 2re2aid ser1i.e s-ste/ is
Kuna..e2ta$leA8 The onl- e<.e2tion is the di/ension o! E/2ath-8 For this the-
e<2e.t as high as 59 Kthe MostA le1el )ating 0.ale8 Fet their 2er.e2tion /ean
s.ored is as high as &8&9 also Kthe MostA le1el $- the )ating 0.ale8 >lti/atel- this
.an $e .al.ulated $- Kthe Three #e- ,ossi$le Out.o/esA o! 02eller and Jones
I'++&J as ,"E U ,:9 whi.h /eans the ser1i.e 7ualit- is Ksatis!a.tor-A8
.# , Cros s Tab ul a tion pos tpa id
us ers
.#,#1 *ostpaid "sers@ Age under (A@ Female and $ale
There is no responent in this categor&
.#,#( *ostpaid "sers@ Age between (1B,A@ Female and male
Figure >: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,ost2aid >sers Age $etween 2'GC0 Fe/ale and /ale
For ,ost2aid users age 2'GC0 -earGold $oth !e/ale and /ale users rate
)elia$ilit- as their !irst 2riorit-8 The result rese/$les the total 2o2ulation8
Moreo1er the result shows that their satis!a.tion towards this di/ension is
.al.ulated as Kuna..e2ta$leA% as their e<2e.tation /ean s.ore was rate at 5
whi.h !all into Kthe /ostA le1el rating s.ale whereas their 2er.e2tion was rated at
C8E8E !or !e/ale and C87C& !or /ale that !all into the K/u.hA le1el rating s.ore8
For the other ser1i.e 7ualit- di/ensions in.luding Assuran.e e/2ath-
res2onsi1eness and Tangi$le $oth /ale and !e/ale rated their /ean s.ore !or
the e<2e.tation at Kthe /ostA rating s.ale8 Meanwhile the- $oth s.ore their
2er.e2tion towards the /entioned di/ensions at the K/u.hA le1el8 As the
e<2e.tation is higher than their 2er.e2tion9 ,"EW,: $- s2eller and Jones I'++&J
.usto/er e<2e.tation towards all /ention as2e.ts are Kuna..e2ta$leA8
"onse7uentl- $oth !e/ale and /ale 2ost2aid .usto/ers age 2'GC0 are not !ull-
satis!ied with the ser1i.e at TrueMo1e sho2s8 It is re/arka$le that !or $oth /ale
and !e/ale the res2ondents is dissatis!- with E/2ath- di/ension o! ser1i.e in
whi.h .ontrast to the result !or all res2ondents8
.#,#, *ostpaid "sers@ Age ,1B-A@ Female and $ale
Figure +5: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,ost2aid >sers Age $etween C'G&0 Fe/ale and
The result !or 2ost2aid users age $etween C'G&0 also si/ilar to the total
res2ondent in ter/ o! !irst 2riorit- in whi.h )elia$ilit- rank as !irst rank a$o1e all
ser1i.e di/ensions8 Further/ore the result shows that their satis!a.tion towards
this di/ension is .al.ulated as Kuna..e2ta$leA% as their e<2e.tation /ean s.ore
was rate at 5 whi.h !all into Kthe /ostA le1el rating s.ale whereas their
2er.e2tion was rated at C88C2 !or !e/ale and C8582 !or /ale that !all into the
K/u.hA le1el rating s.ore8 0o the relia$ilit- is rated as Kuna..e2ta$leA or in other
words Kunsatis!iedA9 ,:T,"E a..ording to Kthe Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit-
Out.o/esA de!ined $- 02eller and Jones I'++& 2850J It is also re/arka$le that
the /ale users 2er.ei1e ser1i.e is 7uit lower than !e/ale IC88C2GC8582 U0825
di!!erent s.oreJ
0i/ilarl- the other !our di/ensions9 e/2ath- tangi$le res2onsi1eness and
assuran.e are also !all in to the Kuna..e2ta$leA 7ualit-9 ,:T ,"E8 In details all
e<2e.ted s.ores in likert s.ale were ranked $etween &8+55G5 whi.h /ean Kthe
/ostA le1el )ating 0.ale while the 2er.ei1ed s.ores were ranked $etween C8582G
C8+2Ewhi.h /ean the K/u.hA le1el )ating 0.ale8
Le1ertheless $oth !e/ale and /ale in this grou2 rank those !our 0E)=:>AL
di/ensions in totall- di!!erent order8 @hile /ale users e<2e.t E/2ath- and
Tangi$le o! ser1i.e in !irst rank as )elia$ilit- $- s.ore 5 !ollow $- )es2onsi1eness
and Assuran.e at s.ore &8+77 and &8+55 !e/ale users e<2e.t E/2ath- at the last
2riorit- at &8+58 in likert s.ale and e<2e.t /ore in Tangi$le and )es2onsi1eness
in the sa/e le1el at &8+7& and Assuran.e at &8+E'8 More or less 3oth /ale and
!e/ale is this age still ha1e high e<2e.tation toward TrueMo1e .usto/er ser1i.e
at all e<2e.ted s.ale higher than &8+5 whi.h !all into KMostA le1el o! e<2e.tation
and not an- o! the !i1e ser1i.e di/ensions .an !ul!ill .usto/er e<2e.ted 7ualit-
as all the 2er.ei1e 7ualit- s.ore !all into the KMu.hA rating s.ale whi.h /ean
5una..e2ta$le 7ualit-69 ,: T ,"E8
True/o1e .usto/erAs ser1i.e /anage/ents should 2a- attention in to this grou2
$e.ause the result show that $oth ser1i.e out.o/e I)elia$ilit-J and ser1i.e
2ro.ess ITangi$le )es2onsi1eness Assuran.e E/2ath-J8 @hi.h /ean the
2ost2aid .usto/ers age $etween C'G&0 2er.ei1e the Kuna..e2ta$leA 7ualit- not
onl- when the ser1i.e is $eing deli1ered $ut also a!ter the ser1i.e was deli1ered
to the/ whi.h /ean all the 2rogress o! ser1i.e deli1er- was !ail at least in
.usto/ersA 2er.e2tion8 Moreo1er as the two gender rank al/ost ser1i.e
di/ensions in di!!erent order these .usto/er will $e the sensiti1e grou2 who
ha1e 1ariet- needs and 2er.e2tions and should $e s2e.iall- treated $- the
.o/2an- to kee2 the/ satis!- and lo-al.
.#,#- *ostpaid "sers@ Age -1B.A@ Female and $ale
Figure ++: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,ost2aid >sers Age $etween &'G50 Fe/ale and
)elia$it- rese/$les its sa/e rank in this .usto/ers grou2 with .onsidera$le ga2
$etween e<2e.ted and 2er.ei1ed 7ualit- like the a$o1e grou2s o! ages C'G&08 To
e<2lain the e<2e.tation s.ore !all at 59 Kthe MostA Le1el $- the )ating 0.ale is
higher than the 2er.e2tion /ean o! C88& !or !e/ale and C85 !or /ale9 the
KMu.hA Le1el )ating 0.ale8 That /eans )elia$ilit- again is rated as Kuna..e2ta$leA
or in other words Kunsatis!iedA8 A..ording to the Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit-
Out.o/es de!ined $- 02eller and Jones I'++& 2850J9 ,:T,"E8
For the users age &'G50 in 2ost2aid s-ste/ the !irst 2riorit- is )elia$ilit- and
Assuran.e !or $oth !e/ale and /ale at the likert s.ale 58 For the /ale users the
other two di/ensions9 )es2onsi1eness and Tangi$le are also $eing !irst rank at
the sa/e s.ale9 58 Moreo1er the last ser1i.e di/ension E/2ath- also $e
e<2e.ted in high le1el at s.ore&8+ or /ale and &8+E !or !e/ale8 It /eans all
ser1i.e di/ensions ha1e $een e<2e.ted at the K/ostA le1el $- our standard rating
s.ale whereas all 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e di/ensions are !all in to K/u.hA le1el8 It is
re/arka$le that in the )es2onsi1eness di/ension the 2er.ei1ed 7ualit- e1en !all
lower in to K/oderateA le1el $- li.ker s.ale C825 whi.h show larger ga2 or /ore
Kuna..e2ta$leA le1el9,:T,"E9 as de!ined $- 02ender and Jones I'++&J
For the whole 2i.ture 2ost2aid .usto/ers in this age grou2 ha1e high e<2e.tation
in al/ost e1er- ser1i.e di/ensions while none o! the 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e !a.ets
ha1e $een rea.h their e<2e.tation8 Like the grou2 o! age C'G&0 as des.ri$ed
a$o1e all ser1i.e 2rogress !ailed to satis!- the .usto/ers $ut with /ore
e<2e.tations and less satis!- showing $- larger ga2 $etween e<2e.ted and
2er.ei1ed 7ualit- the 2ost2aid .usto/ers ages &'G50 should !eel /ore
disa22ointed !or True/o1e ser1i.e than others grou2 o! res2ondents8
.#,#. *ostpaid@ %er .A &ears old@ Female and $ale
Figure +-: The E<2e.tation and ,er.e2tion o! ,ost2aid >sers o1er 50 FearGOld Fe/ale and Male
There is no !e/ale res2ondent in this age 2a-/ent s-ste/s grou2V
The result !or 2ost2aid user age o1er 50 /ale also rese/$les /ostl- the sa/e
as /ale 2ost2aid users age &'G508 The userAs ranks al/ost ser1i.e di/ensions at
!ull likert s.ale 5 in ter/ o! e<2e.tation8 Onl- Assuran.e di/ension ha1e $een
e<2e.ted a little $it lower at &8875 whi.h also /ean the K/ostA le1el in rating
s.ale8 The 2er.ei1e 7ualit- also less than ea.h e<2e.tation and !all into K/u.hA
le1el in rating s.ale8 )elia$ilit- likewise )es2onsi1eness E/2ath- and Tangi$le
is rated as Kuna..e2ta$leA or in other words Kunsatis!iedA9 ,:T,"E8 A..ording to
Kthe Three #e- ,ossi$le :ualit- Out.o/esA de!ined $- 02eller and Jones I'++&
Le1ertheless the users 2er.ei1e 7ualit- in ter/ o! Tangi$le is rated at C8E8
"o/2ared with others 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e di/ensions at C8875G & likert s.ale8
@hi.h /ean the Tangi$le di/ension o! ser1i.e in detail9 the a22earan.e o! !a.ilities e7ui2/ent 2ersonnel and .o//uni.ation !a.ilities should $e
/ore ! or i/2ro1e $- the .o/2an- !or this s2e.ial age grou2s8
It is re/arka$le that the older the .usto/ers the /ore e<2e.tation will $e
ranked !or TrueMo1e .usto/er ser1i.e8
.# - I mp or ta nce of + 2R; 6 "A L d imens ion
The data gathered !ro/ the third 2art o! 7uestionnaire .ould not $een !ull-
retrie1ed $- authors $e.ause the TrueMo1e /anage/ent and .usto/ers
.onsidered it non o$ligator- lea1ing it to a .hoi.e /atter there!ore resulting in
in.o/2lete data whi.h .ould not $e anal-Ded gi1en the .onstraints o! distan.e
and ti/e8
. #. C o n c lu si on o f F in d in g s 1 A n a l& sis
fo r
$a na ge m en t A pp licati on
All the results o! .ross ta$ulation 2oint out that relia$ilit- regardless o! age grou2
and /ethod o! ser1i.e 2a-/ent i8e8 2re2aid or 2ost2aid is regarded as the /ost
i/2ortant ser1i.e di/ension howe1er the di!!eren.e $etween e<2e.tation and
2er.e2tion le1els o! relia$ilit- in.reases with the age !a.tor whi.h /eans that the
/ore older .usto/ers are the /ore ser1i.e the- e<2e.t 2ost2aid .usto/ers show
e1en a higher le1el o! dissatis!a.tion towards relia$ilit- e<hi$iting a greater
di!!eren.e than 2re2aid .usto/ers whi.h goes to show that the- e<2e.t /ore out
o! their /one-8
Another /arked ser1i.e as2e.t is e/2ath- whi.h /aleAs a$o1e C0s de/ands
/ore8 The 2re2aid .usto/ers age &'G50 and age 50 and a$o1e are the onl-
grou2 o! .usto/ers who are satis!ied with e/2ath- as2e.t o! the ser1i.e8
@ith in.reasing age $oth /ales and !e/ales either 2ost2aid or 2re2aid .usto/ers
de/and /ore out o! all the other ser1i.e as2e.ts as well8 The ,ost2aid .usto/ers
howe1er ha1e a /u.h greater di!!eren.e $etween e<2e.tations and 2er.e2tion
le1els than 2re2aid .usto/ers8 ,ost2aid .usto/ers aged &'G50 are the least
satis!ied .usto/ers with the /ost di!!eren.e in e<2e.tations and 2er.e2tions
while one /arked !a.t $eing that res2onsi1eness in this grou2 o! .usto/ers has
the greatest di!!eren.e /eaning a 1er- high dissatis!a.tion le1el in this res2e.t8
Capter 1: C ON C4US ION
In1estigating .usto/er satis!a.tion towards TrueMo1e "usto/er 0er1i.e ,ro1ided
at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok region through the !ra/ework o! 0E)=:>AL
/odel as to /easure ;A, 59 whi.h is used to deter/ine the ga2 $etween the
.usto/ersA e<2e.tation towards ser1i.e and the a.tual 2er.e2tion o! ser1i.e
re.ei1ed the authors had .ondu.ted 7uestionnaire to .usto/ers at TrueMo1e
0ho2s in 3angkok region in order to !ind out the result o! satis!a.tion
/easure/ent ai/ed to resear.h8
3- the result o! the 7uestionnaire anal-Ded $- 0,00 it .an $e .on.luded that
.usto/er ser1i.e o! TrueMo1e 0ho2s in 3angkok regions .annot /eet the
e<2e.tation o! its .usto/ers -et8 As 2ointed out $- the )ating 0.ale to anal-De
the E<2e.tation /ean alwa-s rea.h at Kthe MostA le1el in the )ating 0.ale9
/eanwhile the a.tual 2er.ei1ed ser1i.e /ean is a1eragel- in the KMu.hA le1el o!
the )ating 0.ale8 This /eans that there is an o$1ious ga2 $etween the ser1i.e
e<2e.ted and the a.tual ser1i.e 2er.ei1ed8
The results !ro/ the total res2ondents .on!ir/ the stated ga2 in a..ordan.e with
the later 2arts o! res2ondents grou2ed $- gender age and 2a-/ent s-ste/ that
all res2ondents o! TrueMo1e sho2s e<2e.t the /ost as their !irst 2riorit- !ro/
)elia$ilit-8 (owe1er the ,er.e2tion /ean o! the )elia$ilit- is still rated onl- at
the a1erage o! C88GC8+ ,er.e2tion /ean9 showing .learl- that )elia$ilit- whi.h
should $e taken .are o! as the !irst 2riorit- is not -et well /anaged8 3- the result
it /eans that .usto/ers are not assured with the trustworth- and de2enda$ilit-
o! the .usto/er ser1i.e 2ro1ided at TrueMo1e 0ho2s8
The other 0E)=:>AL as2e.ts o! Assuran.e )es2onsi1eness E/2ath- and Tangi$le are
al/ost e7uall- i/2ortant as the E<2e.tation /ean o! all 2resent the 1er- .lose nu/$er9
onl- one or two de.i/al 2oints di!!erent8 (owe1er o! the/ all the ,er.e2tion /ean are at
C with the late de.i/al 2oints8 This /eans that the satis!a.tion towards the
2er.ei1ed ser1i.e do not -et rea.h Kthe MostA le1el in the )ating 0.ale9 thus $ the
ser1i.e e<2e.ted8 This there!ore is the ga2 that .usto/er at TrueMo1e 0ho2s in
3angkok region still !ail to i/2le/ent8 "ha2ter 0i<% )e.o//endation8
Chap ter 0: R2C $$2N!AT IN+
0 #1 ' ring ab out reliab il it& in s& stem s a nd routines
As the !indings suggest that regardless o! age and gender o! .usto/ers nearl- all
o! the/ 2ut relia$ilit- highest on agenda the reasons !or this .hoi.e need to $e
in1estigated thoroughl- $e.ause it .ould $e linked to o1erall /arket .on!usion or
dissonan.e the .usto/ers !eel with tele.o/ o2erators or with the a/ount o!
/ind $oggling and .on!using o!!ers and regulations asso.iated with those o!!ers
and 2a.kages howe1er we .an onl- s2e.ulate a$out the reasons unless 2ro1en
true through !urther resear.h8
True/o1e .an i/2ro1e relia$ilit- $- $ringing a$out s-ste/s .hange /aking da-
to da- routines and tasks /ore uni!or/ and trans2arent !or its .usto/ers so that
.usto/ers know what the- are getting is !air and relia$le $e.ause an-
!lu.tuations in .ause relia$ilit- da/age8
The routines .ould $e /ade s-ste/ati. so that the sta!! .an easil- gras2 the true
essen.e o! ser1i.e and tr- to i/2le/ent it uni!or/l- when the- are !a.ed with
1ar-ing situations8 )elia$ilit- dwindles when sta!! doesnAt know what to do in
un!oreseen or uni7ue situations there!ore s-ste/ati. eas- routines .ould hel2
sta!! to deal with those situations a/i.a$l- or 2erha2s in1ol1e the hel2 or other
sta!! in .ases o! e<tre/e a/$iguit-8
0 #( 2 d u c a te @ tr a i n a n d e C u ip the e m p lo & e e s w i th k n o w led g e
a n d i n s ti ll pa ssio n a b o ut s e r % ic e
For al/ost all the other as2e.ts o! ser1i.e 7ualit- e<.e2t tangi$les whi.h
.usto/ers ha1e high on agenda are all related to the sta!! $eha1ior8 0ta!!
/ight la.k 2ro2er knowledge .o//uni.ation skills or willingness to hel2 in
gi1ing 2ro/2t ser1i.e8 This 2ro$le/ needs to $e eradi.ated with the hel2 o!
2ro2er knowledge disse/ination a/ong all the sta!! at TrueMo1e8
Modern organiDations .ondu.t grou2 a.ti1ities to in.rease .ohesi1eness a/ong
e/2lo-ees and to in.rease their well$eing and instill 2assion a$out their
.o/2an- a series o! worksho2 sessions .an $e .ondu.ted where the sta!! .an $e
taught in so/e $asi. skills that .an ser1e as relia$le signal o! ser1i.e at
TrueMo1e8 TrueMo1e ser1i.e ideals need to $e de!ined and i/2le/ented
uni!or/l- a.ross all its sho2s to assure 7ualit- in ser1i.e o!!ering8
0 #, +p ecia l custom er g roup s reC ui re sp eci a l ser% ice
As we ha1e seen !ro/ our stud- that one s2e.ial grou2 o! .usto/ers e<2e.ts
higher 7ualit- those $eing older 2eo2le8 @hile -ounger 2eo2le want the
ser1i.e /ore to $e relia$le than to $e e/2atheti. the TrueMo1e sho2 .an !
on older generation o! 2eo2le $- gi1ing the/ e/2atheti. ser1i.e 7ualit- es2e.iall-
sin.e the- .are not te.hnolog- sa11-8 @hile the load o! ser1i.e .an $e de.reased
$- ha1ing /ore sel! ser1i.e $ooths or tou.h s.reen 2anels installed !or -ounger
generation o! .usto/ers who /ight see it as an i/2ro1e/ent in the relia$ilit- o!
(owe1er one thing that needs to $e studied is the ! o! TrueMo1e strateg- and
their .usto/er seg/entation8 Onl- TrueMo1e .an de.ide who their 2ri/e
.usto/ers are8 It /ight $e that TrueMo1e sees older .usto/ers to $e o! less
Another grou2 o! .usto/ers who are the /ost dissatis!ied are &'G50 -ear old
2ost2aid .usto/ers and the whole $un.h o! 2ost2aid .usto/ers who are
relati1el- /ore dissatis!ied than 2re2aid .usto/ers8 Manage/ent .an take ste2s
to i/2ro1e ser1i.e while dealing with 2ost2aid .usto/ers gi1ing the/ s2e.ial
ser1i.e or treat/ent or in.enti1es !or the/ /ight /ake the/ !eel
$etter .ared !or and gi1e the/ 1alue !or their /one-8
R2 F2R2NC2 +
Anal-stsA "on!eren.e 2008 /edia release True "or2oration Thailand & Mar.h
Anderson '++5 KMeasuring ser1i.e 7ualit- at a uni1ersit- health .lini.A
International *ournal o! health.are 7ualit- assuran.e =ol8 8 no8 2 228 C2GC78
)etrie1ed A2ril '& 2008 !ro/ E/erald insight data$ase
At A ;lan.e ItAs 3etter Together n8d8 )etrie1ed A2ril '2 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP ww w 8t ru e . or 2 8. o8 t h P engPa$outPa$outXhistor-X200E8*s2
3err- L ,arasura/an A Qeitha/l = and Adsit ? '++& KI/2ro1ing ser1i.e
7ualit- in A/eri.a% lessons learnedA The A.ade/- o! /anage/ent E<e.uti1e =ol8
8 Ma- 228 C2G5C8
3itner M 2007 #ee2 ,ro/ising% "losing 0er1i.e ;a2 #nowledge @8,8 "are-
)etrie1ed A2ril 8
2008 !ro/ h tt2% PP kn o w le d g e 8w2 . a re - 8a s u 8e d uP in d e < 8. !/ 4
3oo/ in ThailandAs Mo$ile Industr- 0e.tor 20078 )etrie1ed Mar.h '0 2008
!ro/ h tt p , -- w w w .rn c o s . c o ) - . % o g - 2 00 / -1 0 - b o o )0 in 0 t h a i %a n s 0) o b i %e 0 n u s tr & . h t )%
"hakra2ani " '++8 (ow to Measure 0er1i.e :ualit- and "usto/er 0atis!a.tion
A/ Marketing Asso.iation Illinois8
"ronin Jr and Ta-lor A8 '++2 KMeasuring ser1i.e 7ualit-% a reGe<a/ination and
e<tensionA Journal o! /arketing =ol8 5E Jul- 228 55GE88
"usto/er 0u22ort n8d8 )etrie1ed Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP $ r e a k i n g n e ws 8 n a t io n . h a n n e l8 . o / P read82h24 newsidUC077&0
?TA" ?rea/s o! 3eing Lu/$er One9 Ad*usting Lew Logo E/2hasiDing !or 0er1i.e
(eart n8d8 )etrie1ed Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP ww w 8t h a n n e w s 8t h8 . o / Pd e t ia lL e ws 82 h 2 4id UT0122525HissueU2303
Ed1ardsson 3 Tho/asson 3 and R1ret1eit J '++& :ualit- o! 0er1i.e M.;rawG
(ill 3ook "o/2an- Euro2e England8
Ed1ardson 3 and John '++& :ualit- o! ser1i.e% Making it reall- work M.;rawG
(ill 3erkshire
Far$er 3 and @-.o!! J '++' K"usto/er ser1i.e% e1olution and re1olutionA 0ales
and Marketing Manage/ent Ma- 228 &&G78
Fisher " 2007 )esear.hing and @riting a ?issertation 2nd edition ,earson
Edu.ation Li/ited England
;a$$ie and OALeill '++E K0E)=:>AL and the Lorthern Ireland hotel se.tor% A
.o/2arati1e anal-sisA Managing ser1i.e 7ualit- =ol8 E and no E8 228 25GC28
)etrie1ed A2ril '& 2008 !ro/ E/erald insight data$ase
;ho$adian 02eller and Jones '++& K0er1i.e 7ualit- .on.e2ts and /odelsA
International Journal o! :ualit- H )elia$ilit- Manage/ent 1ol8'' no + 228 &CGEE
(argra1e 200& KLuring Fi.kle Thai 02endersA the wall street *ournal 22 '&8
(a1e -ou e1er used this K"utA 0er1i.e o! TrueMo1e n8d8 )etrie1ed Mar.h '0
2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP t o 2 i.s t o . k 82a n t i2 8. o / P/ $ k Pt o 2 i. s t o . k P2 0 0 / -0 1 -T 5 / 8 5 /3 3 -T 5/ 8 5 / 3 3 . h t / l
(ill L '++E (and$ook o! "usto/er 0atis!a.tion Measure/ent >ni1ersit- 2ress
"a/$ridge ;reat 3ritain8
(ill L and Ale<ander J 200E The (and$ook o! .usto/er satis!a.tion and lo-alt-
/easure/ent TJ International Ltd "ornwall ;reat 3ritain8
(ow do -ou think a$out TrueMo1eAs "harging !or Failing 0M0 n8d8 )etrie1ed
Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP t o 2 i.s t o . k 82a n t i2 8. o / P/ $ k Pt o 2 i. s t o . k P20 0 8 P0 ' PT E'+7 + 0 2 PT E ' + 7+0 2 8 h t / l
IdealiDed distri$utions !or treated and .o/2arison grou2 2osttest 1alues YI/ageZ
200E )etrie1ed A2ril 20 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP ww w 8s o . ia l re s e a r . h / e t ho d s 8n e t Pk $ Ps t at X t 8 2h 2
Juran M8 '+8+ Juran on Leadershi2 !or :ualit-% An E<e.uti1e (and$ook
Ma./illan >0A8
Johnson ? and ;usta!sson A 2000 I/2ro1ing "usto/er 0atis!a.tion Lo-alt-
and ,ro!it Joss-G3ass "ali!ornia8
Johnson and 0irikit 2002 50er1i.e 7ualit- in the Thai tele.o//uni.ation
industr-% a tool o! a.hie1ing a sustaina$le .o/2etiti1e ad1antage6 Manage/ent
?e.ision =ol8 &0 no8 7 22 E+CG70'8 )etrie1ed A2ril 'E 2008 !ro/ E/erald
insight data$ase
#eno1a and Jonasson 200E K:ualit- online $anking ser1i.esA 3a.helors thesis
Jnk2ing International $usiness s.hool8 )etrie1ed A2ril 5 2008!ro/
h tt2% PP ww w 8 u 22 s at s e r8 s e P u2 2 s at s P$ . +8 !. d5$ &
Miller J '+77 0tud- 0atis!a.tion Modi!-ing /odels Eli.iting E<2e.tation ,osing
,ro$le/s and Making Meaning!ul Measure/ent Marketing 0.ien.e Institution
M-ers ( '+++ Measuring "usto/er 0atis!a.tion% (ot 3uttons and Other
Measure/ent Issues A/ Marketing Asso.iation "hi.ago >0A
O! these Three Leading Mo$ile O2erators @hi.h one is the /ost i/2ressi1e n8d8
)etrie1ed Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP t o 2 o . k 82a n t i2 8. o / P/ $ k Pt o 2 i. s t o . k P2 0 0 / -0 8 - T5/3/58/-T5/3/58/.ht/l
Oli1er L8 '++7 0atis!a.tion% A 3eha1ioral ,ers2e.ti1e on the "onsu/er M.;rawG
(ill 0inga2ore
R1ret1eit J '++C Measuring 0er1i.e :ualit-% , ;uidelines
"o//uni.ations England
,arasura/an A =alarie A Qeitha/l A Leonard L and 3err- L '++' KA
.on.e2tual /odel o! ser1i.e 7ualit- and its i/2li.ations !or !uture resear.hA
Journal o! /arketing =ol8 &+ 228 &'G50
,arasura/an A =alarie A Qeitha/l A Leonard L and 3err- L '+85 KA
.on.e2tual /odel o! ser1i.e 7ualit- and its i/2li.ations !or !uture resear.hA
Journal o! /arketing =ol8 &+ 228 &'G50
,arasura/an A Qeitha/l A and 3err- L '+88 K0E)=:>AL% A Multi2leGIte/
0.ale !or Measuring "usto/er ,er.e2tions o! 0er1i.e :ualit-A Journal o! )etailing
1ol8E& 228'2G&0
,arasura/an A Qeitha/l A =alarie A and 3err- L '++0 ?eli1ering :ualit-
0er1i.e The Free ,ress Lew Fork8
)ei.hheld F and 0asser E '++0 KQero de!e.tions% 7ualit- .o/es to ser1i.esA
(ar1ard $usiness re1iew =ol8 E8 0e2te/$$er 228 C0'G78
)eiden$a.h E8 and 0andi!er 38 '++0 KE<2loring 2er.e2tions o! hos2ital
o2erations $- a /odi!ied 0E)=:>AL a22roa.hA Journal o! health "are Marketing
=ol8 '0 ?e.e/$er 228 &7G558
0.hlesinger L and (eskett J '++' KThe ser1i.eGdri1en ser1i.e .o/2an-A
(ar1ard 3usiness )e1iew =ol8 E+ 0e2te/$$er 228 7'G8'8
0.hneider and @hite 200& 0er1i.e :ualit-% )esear.h ,ers2e.ti1es 0age
2u$li.ations Thousand Oaks "ali!ornia
0el! J '++8 @h- "usto/er 0er1i.e is I/2ortant to Fou IAnd MeJ )etrie1ed
Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/ h t t2 %P Pwww 8s id e ro a d 8. o / P. s P. o l u / nC 8 h t / l
(ow to "reate a 0er1i.e :ualit- 0ur1e- n8d )etrie1ed A2ril '8 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP ww w 8s u r1 e - D8 .o/PhowtoPhowN20toN20$uildN20ser1i.eN207ualit-
0ri*u/2a "hiarakul and 02ee.e 2007 K0atis!a.tion and dissatis!a.tion in ser1i.e
en.ounters )etail sto.k$rokerage and .or2orate $anking in ThailandA
International Journal o! 3ank /arketing =ol8 25 Lo C 228 '7CG'+&8 )etrie1ed
Ma- '5 2008 !ro/ E/erald insight data$ase8
KThailand Mo$ile O2erator MarketA 2008 Thailand E.ono/i. )e.ord =ol8'58 Lo8
'2& 228825G+00 )etrie1ed A2ril '2 2008 !ro/ Marketin!o ?ata$ase
Thanata1eerat and Jia*ia 2007 K)-anair .usto/er satis!a.tion% A .ase stud- in
0wedenA Master thesis MBlardalen uni1ersit- retrie1ed A2ril '8 !ro/ MBlardalen
>ni1ersit- data$ase
The three s.enarios e<2lain di!! $etween /eans YI/ageZ 200E8
)etrie1ed A2ril 20 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP ww w 8s o . ia l re s e a r . h / e t ho d s 8n e t Pk $ Ps t at X t 8 2h 2
True e<2e.ted this -ear gain o! at least 25N !ro/ 2CN last -ear n8d
)etrie1ed Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP $ r e a k i n g n e ws 8 n a t io n . h a n n e l8 . o / Pr e ad 82 h2 4 newsidUC077&0
True E<2e.ted TrueMo1e ;ain Market 0hare at Least 25N Fro/ Last Fear o!
2CN n8d8
)etrie1ed Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP $ r e a k i n g n e ws 8 n a t io n . h a n n e l8 . o / Pr e ad 82 h2 4 newsidUC077&0
KTrueMo1eA 2008 Thailand E.ono/i. )e.ord =ol8'7+ Lo8 8& 228'25G'80
)etrie1ed A2ril '2 2008 !ro/ Marketin!o ?ata$ase
True Mo1e ThailandOs Leading "on1erged 0olutions O2erator Laun.hes OTrueLi!e
Mo$ile 0ear.hO with Mo$ile "ontent Letworks 20078 )etrie1ed Mar.h '0 2008
!ro/ h tt2% P Pw w w 8* a2a n . o r2 8 n e t PA rt i. le 8 A s 2 4ArtXI?U'52E5
TrueMo1e 0teals M- Mone- n8d8 )etrie1ed Mar.h '0 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP t o 2 i.s t o . k 82a n t i2 8. o / P/ $ k Pt o 2 i. s t o . k P2 0 0 / -0 / -T 5 5 1 / 12 0 -T 55 1 / 1 2 0 . h t / l
True =ision n8d8 )etrie1ed A2ril '2 2008 !ro/
h tt2% PP ww w 8t ru e . or 2 8. o8 t hP e n g Pa$ o u t Pa$ o u t X histor-X200E8*s2
Qeitha/l = 3itner M and ;re/ler ? 200E 0er1i.e Marketing% Integrating
"usto/er a.ross the Fir/ M.;rawG(ill Lew Fork8
Qe/ke ) and @ood A IEdJ '+++ 3est , in "usto/er 0er1i.e ()? and
Lew Fork8 Qe/ke ) and @oods A '++8 3est in .usto/er ser1i.e ()?
2ress A/herst
A**2 N!ID
A pp e# diD A : ;ues tio ## ai re
I8 English =ersion :uestionnaire
True$o%e 6uestionnaire
*a rt I#
1. 2ener
3Ma%e 3 4e)a%e
2. Age
3 !ess than 20 3 21030
3 31040 3 41050
3 More than 50
3. 5hich pa&)ent )etho o &ou use6
3 #re0pai 3 #ost0pai
4. 7ow o8ten have &ou go to true )ove shop6
3 !ess than 1 ti)e -)onth 3 102 ti)es - )onth
3 304 ti)es - )onth 3 Others9 p%ease ienti8&::::::::
5. 5hich services o &ou use at true shop6 "the answers can be )ore than 1'
3 .u&ing ;<M car 3 (hanging pro)otion
3 (hanging )obi%e nu)ber 3 .u&ing )obi%e creit re8i%% car
3 ;ervice pa&)ent 3 As=ing 8or service avice
3 Others9 p%ease ienti8&::::::
*a rt II#
#%ease give &our score base on &our service e+pectation at TrueMove shop. 1 )eans
&ou strong%& agree with the state)ent whereas 5 )eans &ou strong%& isagree with
the state)ent.
No# 6uestions
1 TrueMove ;hop %oo=s 8resh an )oern 5 4 3 2 1
2 The o88ice an surrounings o8 TrueMove
;hop are visua%%& appea%ing
5 4 3 2 1
3 The e)p%o&ees o8 TrueMove ;hop appear in
neat an nice c%othing
5 4 3 2 1
4 The brochures an re%ate )ateria%s at
TrueMove ;hop are visua%%& appea%ing
5 4 3 2 1
5 5hen TrueMove pro)ises to o so)ething
b& a certain ti)e9 the& wi%% o so
5 4 3 2 1
6 5hen a custo)er has a prob%e) TrueMove
shows sincere interest in so%ving it
5 4 3 2 1
/ TrueMove ;hop per8or)s the service right at
8irst ti)e
5 4 3 2 1
8 TrueMove ;hop provie their services at the
ti)e the& pro)ise to o so
5 4 3 2 1
1 TrueMove insists on error 8ree recors 5 4 3 2 1
10 *)p%o&ees o8 the TrueMove ;hop te%%
custo)ers e+act%& when services wi%% be
5 4 3 2 1
11 *)p%o&ees o8 TrueMove ;hop give pro)pt
service to their custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
12 *)p%o&ees o8 TrueMove ;hop a%wa&s are
wi%%ing to he%p custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
13 *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop never are too
bus& to respon to custo)er re>uests
5 4 3 2 1
14 The behavior o8 the e)p%o&ees at TrueMove
;hop transcens con8ience in custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
15 (usto)ers o8 TrueMove ;hop 8ee% sa8e in
their transactions
5 4 3 2 1
16 *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop are
continuous%& courteous with custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
1/ *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop have the
=now%ege to answer the custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
18 TrueMove ;hop gives iniviua% attention to
their custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
11 TrueMove ;hop have operating hours
convenient to a%% their custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
20 TrueMove ;hop have e)p%o&ees who give
persona% attention to custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
21 TrueMove ;hop have custo)ers best
interests at heart
5 4 3 2 1
22 *)p%o&ees o8 the TrueMove ;hop
unerstan the speci8ic nees o8 their
5 4 3 2 1
*a rt III#
+2R;IC2 R2CI2;2!:
#%ease give &our score base on &our service e+pectation at TrueMove shop. 1 )eans
&ou strong%& agree with the state)ent whereas 5 )eans &ou strong%& isagree with
the state)ent.
#%ease give &our score base on service &ou receive at TrueMove custo)er service
centers. 1 )eans &ou strong%& agree with the state)ent whereas 5 )eans &ou strong%&
isagree with the state)ent.
No# 6uestions
1 TrueMove ;hop %oo=s 8resh an )oern 5 4 3 2 1
2 The o88ice an surrounings o8 TrueMove
;hop are visua%%& appea%ing
5 4 3 2 1
3 The e)p%o&ees o8 TrueMove ;hop appear in
neat an nice c%othing
5 4 3 2 1
4 The brochures an re%ate )ateria%s at
TrueMove ;hop are visua%%& appea%ing
5 4 3 2 1
5 5hen TrueMove pro)ises to o so)ething
b& a certain ti)e9 the& wi%% o so
5 4 3 2 1
6 5hen a custo)er has a prob%e) TrueMove
shows sincere interest in so%ving it
5 4 3 2 1
/ TrueMove ;hop per8or)s the service right at
8irst ti)e
5 4 3 2 1
8 TrueMove ;hop provie their services at the
ti)e the& pro)ise to o so
5 4 3 2 1
1 TrueMove insists on error 8ree recors 5 4 3 2 1
10 *)p%o&ees o8 the TrueMove ;hop te%%
custo)ers e+act%& when services wi%% be
5 4 3 2 1
11 *)p%o&ees o8 TrueMove ;hop give pro)pt
service to their custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
12 *)p%o&ees o8 TrueMove ;hop a%wa&s are
wi%%ing to he%p custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
13 *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop never are too
bus& to respon to custo)er re>uests
5 4 3 2 1
14 The behavior o8 the e)p%o&ees at TrueMove
;hop transcens con8ience in custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
15 (usto)ers o8 TrueMove 8ee% sa8e in their
5 4 3 2 1
16 *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop are
continuous%& courteous with custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
1/ *)p%o&ees at TrueMove ;hop have the
=now%ege to answer the custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
18 TrueMove ;hop gives iniviua% attention to
their custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
11 TrueMove ;hop have operating hours
convenient to a%% their custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
20 TrueMove ;hop have e)p%o&ees who give
persona% attention to custo)ers
5 4 3 2 1
21 TrueMove ;hop have custo)ers best
interests at heart
5 4 3 2 1
22 *)p%o&ees o8 the TrueMove ;hop
unerstan the speci8ic nees o8 their
5 4 3 2 1
*a rt I; #
!iste be%ow are 8ive 8eatures pertaining to True custo)er service centre an the service
the& o88er. 5e wou% %i=e to =now how i)portant each o8 these 8eatures is to &ou when
&ou eva%uate the service o88ere TrueMove custo)er service centre. #%ease prioriti?e
those 8ive 8eatures accoring to their i)portant in &our opinion.
1.The appearance o8 the TrueMove@s ph&sica% 8aci%ities9 e>uip)ent9
personne% an co))unication )ateria%s
2. The TrueMove@s abi%it& to per8or) the pro)ise service epenab%& an
3. The TrueMove@s wi%%ingness to he%p custo)ers an provie a pro)pt
4. The =now%ege an courtes& o8 the TrueMove personne% an their
abi%it& to conve& trust an con8ience.
5. The caring9 iniviua%i?e attention TrueMove provies its custo)ers.
;ervice $ua%it& ;*AB$CA! ;tate)ents
An e+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er service centre wi%% have )oern an up
to ate e>uip)ent
The o88ice an surrounings in a e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% be
visua%%& appea%ing
The sta88 o8 an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% appear in neat an
nice c%othing
The brochures an re%ate )ateria% at an e+ce%%ent custo)er service
centre wi%% be visua%%& appea%ing
5hen an e+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er service centre pro)ises to o
so)ething b& a certain ti)e9 it is one so
5hen a custo)er has a prob%e) the e+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er
service centre is s&)pathetic an reassuring in its service
An e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% per8or) the service right at 8irst
*+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er service centre wi%% provie their services at
the ti)e the& pro)ise to o so
*+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er service centre wi%% insist on =eeping its
recors accurate%&
;ta88 o8 the e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% te%% custo)ers e+act%&
when services wi%% be per8or)e
;ta88 o8 an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% give pro)pt service to
their custo)ers
;ta88 o8 an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% a%wa&s be wi%%ing to he%p
;ta88 at an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% never be too bus& to
respon to custo)er re>uests
(usto)ers can trust sta88 o8 an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre
(usto)ers at the e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% 8ee% sa8e in their
transactions with custo)er service sta88
;ta88 o8 an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% a%wa&s an continuous%&
be po%ite
;ta88 at an e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% have the =now%ege to
answer the custo)ers >uestions
*+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er service centre wi%% give iniviua% attention
to their custo)ers
*+ce%%ent custo)er service centers wi%% have sta88 who give persona%
attention to custo)ers
*+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% have opening hours convenient to
a%% its custo)ers
*+ce%%ent co)pan&@s custo)er service centre wi%% have custo)ers best
interests at heart
;ta88 o8 the e+ce%%ent custo)er service centre wi%% unerstan the speci8ic
nees o8 their custo)ers
Ta"!e 1: 7e#der Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts
7e#der Amou#t Per%e#tage
Male 184 46.00
Fe/ale 216 54.00
Tota! 400 100800
As shown $- Ta$le ' /ost o! the res2ondents are !e/ale9 totaling the a/ount o!
2'E e7ual to 5&N8 0e.ond is /ale9 totaling the a/ount o! '8& e7ual to &E8
These 2er.entages are .al.ulated !ro/ the total res2ondents o! &008
Ta"!e 2: Amou#t a#d Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts C!assi3ied "$ Age
Age Amou#t Per%e#tage
20 -Po and >nder 7C 18.30
3etween 2'GC0 27& 68.50
3etween C'G&0 C7 1.30
3etween &'G50 'C 3.30
O1er 50 -Po C 0.80
Tota! &00 100800
As shown $- Ta$le 2 /ost o! the res2ondents age $etween 2'GC0 -Po9 totaling
the a/ount o! 27& e7ual to E8850N8 The se.ond is the age range grou2 o! less
than 20 -Po totaling the a/ount o! 7C e7ual to '88C0N8 The third is the age
range grou2 $etween C'G&0 -Po9 totaling the a/ount o! C7 e7ual to +8C0N8 And
the last is the age range grou2 o! o1er 50 -Po9 totaling the a/ount o! C e7ual to
0880 N8 These 2er.entages are .al.ulated !ro/ the total res2ondents o! &008
Ta"!e 3: Amou#t a#d Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts C!assi3ied "$ PreM
Paid a#d PostMPaid
Servi%e T$pe Amou#t Per%e#tage
,reG,aid 118 41.50
,ostG,aid 202 50.50
Tota! 400 100.00
As shown !ro/ Ta$le C /ost o! the res2ondents uses ,ostG,aid ser1i.e9 totaling
the a/ount o! 202 e7ual to 5085N8 The se.ond is the res2ondents who use ,reG
,aid ser1i.e9 totaling the a/ount o! '+8 e7ual to &+850N8 These 2er.entages
are .al.ulated !ro/ the total res2ondents o! &008
Ta"!e 4: Amou#t a#d Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts C!assi3ied "$ te
FreIue#%$ o3 7oi#g to TrueMove sop
FreIue#%$ Amou#t Per%e#tage
Less than ' ti/eP/onth 11 22.80
102 ti/esP/onth 251 64.80
304 ti/esP/onth 50 12.50
Tota! 400 100.00
As shown $- Ta$le & /ost o! the res2ondents go to TrueMo1e sho2 on.e or twi.e
2er /onth9 totaling the a/ount o! 25+ e7ual to E&88N8 The se.ond is the
res2ondents who go to TrueMo1e sho2 less than on.e a /onth9 totaling the
a/ount o! +' e7ual to 2288N8 And the last one is the res2ondents who go to
TrueMo1e sho2s C to & ti/es a /onth9 totaling the a/ount o! '285N8 These
2er.entages are .al.ulated !ro/ the total res2ondents o! &008
Ta"!e 0: Amou#t a#d Per%e#tage o3 te Respo#de#ts C!assi3ied "$
Servi%es at TrueMove Sop
Servi%e Amou#t Per%e#tage
0IM .ard ,ur.hasing 2/1 61.8
,ro/otion "hanging 83 20.8
"all Lu/$er "hanging 185 46.3
"redit )e!ill ,ur.hasing 164 41.00
3illing ,a-/ent 205 51.30
0er1i.e Ad1i.e 223 55.80
Tota! 400 100800
VVA$le to answer /ore than one .hoi.e
As shown $- Ta$le 5 /ost o! the res2ondents go to $u- 0IM .ard at TrueMo1e
0ho29 totaling the a/ount o! 27+ e7ual to E+88N8 The se.ond is going !or
ser1i.e ad1ising9 totaling the a/ount o! 22C e7ual to 55880N8 The third is $illing
2a-/ent9 totaling the a/ount o! 2059 e7ual to 5'8C0N8 The !ourth is going !or
.all nu/$er .hanging9 totaling the a/ount o! '85 e7ual to &E8CN8 The !i!th is
going !or .redit re!ill9 totaling the a/ount o! 'E& e7ual to &'80N8 And the last
ones are going !or 2ro/otion .hanging9 totaling the a/ount o! 8C e7ual to 8CN8
These 2er.entages are .al.ulated !ro/ the total res2ondents8
Fro/% k a n . h aw a n Xta - [ ho t/ a il 8. o /
To% s a n n - X k a e w [ ho t / a il 8. o /
""% e lXw itt [ ho t/ a i l8 . o /
0u$*e.t% )E% Inter1iew :uestion% ,lease re2l-
?ate% Mon '2 Ma- 2008 '8%08%00 \0700
?ear Long #eaw %
The answer is "!u e ka8
:u est io n ' % (ow /an- .usto/ers does TrueMo1e ha1e throughout
:& I2007J ,ost ,aid U '7758 0u$s.ri$ers
,re ,aid U ''CE2CC' 0u$s.ri$ers
:u est io n 2 % (ow /an- .usto/ers does TrueMo1e ha1e s2e.i!i.all- in 3angkok regions4
:u est io n C % (ow /an- are the a1erage .usto/ers 2er ea.h TrueMo1e sho2 2er /onth in
<a#g(o( regions4
As -our re7uire/ent is 1er- s2e.i!i. and .on!idential 2lease deter/ine -our sa/2ling siDe
a..ording to the in!or/ation in!or/ed $- 2ersonal tele2hone inter1iew na*a8 Also 2lease
use the in!or/ation onl- to deter/ine the sa/2ling siDe M as it is 1er- s2e.i!i.
and .on!idential8
:u est io n & % As TrueMo1e o2erates under the .onglo/eration o! True "or2oration ,u$li.
"o/2an- Li/ited and as TrueMo1e a22lies K.on1ergen.e li!est-leA in .o/2eting in /o$ile
o2erator /arket would nu/ data o! TrueOnline True=isions and TrueMo1e
.usto/ers $e gi1en9 se2aratel- $- Thailand as a whole and s2e.i!i.all- in 3angkok
regions8 :u est io n 5 % @ould the nu/ data o! /arket share o! TrueMo1e TrueOnline
and True=isions $e gi1en4
,lease see the atta.hed !ile *a8
;ood Lu.k

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