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Once you gain control of Ryo, take a few steps forward and you'll come across
a pair of street musicians. As they play, an indigenous boy shows up and
mentions that the song brings luck to travelers. He also adds that you should
toss in some cash. Do so (it's only $10, nothing big) and the musicians will
point you in the general direction of Wan Chai. Don't put anything in and you
won't get anything. The choice is yours, but keep in mind that the musicians
point you down the only road there is, so they won't be of much help.
After you regain control, continue ahead and stop at a few of the stalls to
look over the goods for sale. At this point, I highly recommend going all out
and buying everything you can, for reasons that I won't unveil just yet.
Believe me, though, you want to spend all your money on Zippos and other items
that can be later redeemed at a pawnshop. When you're ready, head eastward
along the street for a cutscene that basically introduces the kind of people
who live in Hong Kong. Ugh. Fortunately, a nice woman you met on the ship
points out the Free Stay Lodge, a place where you can spend the night.
* NOTE - Be sure to pick up a map of the Worker's Pier from the red and
yellow stand in front of the Free Stay Lodge. It'll make exploring the
area significantly easier. Also, step inside the lodge and grab the yellow
soda can on the shelf in the back--it'll immediately transfer into a Ferry
capsule toy. Cool beans!
Now, run forward into the tunnel ahead and take a right to enter into the
Worker's Pier. Just ahead you'll be able to witness a heated arm-wrestling
match. The guy in charge asks if you'd be interesting in giving it a go. Try
it out if you like, but remember that your winnings might be in jeopardy. I'd
suggest waiting just a bit before going for it. From there, run straight ahead
to meet up with a biker chick named Joy. She'll warn you about thieves in Hong
Kong, and point you toward Wan Chai.
At this point, it's a good idea to run around the pier in order to get
acclimated with the controls and used to the area. Also, make sure you spend
every last bit of your cash on Zippos, capsule toys, or maps before proceeding;
you'll thank me later. You should also talk to some people to get a general
idea of where Wan Chai is. When you're ready, head south from where you met
Joy through the market area and toward the park with the fountain, Pigeon Park.
This is a great place to blow the rest of your cash by stocking up on the
capsule toy boxes, so do that. Besides, you can't expect an eighteen year-old
like Ryo to go about avenging his father without regular breaks to play with
toys, can you? No way!
If you haven't already heard, Wan Chai is past Queen's St., so we need to head
there first. From Pigeon Park, run southeast past Bar Swing and the Fu Hoi
Diner--you should see the blue sign that reads "Queen's St." Continue along
the road past a souvenir shop for a cutscene where some street toughs steal
your bag, as well as all of your cash and the coveted Phoenix Mirror! Well,
you can't say Joy didn't warn you... You've been bamboozled!
-- GETTING YOUR BAG BACK ------------------------
Unfortunately, we don't have much in terms of clues to help us out here; just
the knowledge that three guys and a little kid are the culprits. However, if
you speak to the waitress at Fu Hoi Diner (the girl wearing a yellow shirt with
a panda on it), she'll mention that some people known as the Poison Brothers
might be behind it. Keep her talking and she'll add that these infamous bad
boys spend a lot of time at the porridge shop on Queen's St., so let's go check
it out.
Run southeast along the road (the same way you were headed before the thugs
stole your bag) past a map stand and two men wearing all white, and you'll soon
come to Queen's St. Head straight and take the first left when you reach the
Lucky Hit stands to find the Ling Ling Porridge Shop just ahead, opposite a
pawnshop that you'll want to keep in mind for later. Approach the two ruffians
sitting outside the shop and they'll get all pissed off, until Joy finally
shows up to bail you out. As it turns out, the Poison Brothers have nothing to
do with your bag being stolen; it must be Wong's doing! He's currently hanging
out at Pigeon Park. Let's go.
Head back to the Worker's Pier and run past the fountain, toward the sea. A
cutscene will begin and Ryo will pursue Wong in your first QTE!
==[ QTE: Stop Thief! ]===================================
A, Left, Right, A, B, Left, Left, Right, A, Right, Down, A
Keep in mind during the chase scene that it's cool if you miss a few commands,
as long as they aren't in succession. However, if you screw up the final
button (when you have to press A to clear the fence), you're out of luck and
you'll need to track down the thieves another way. If this happens, talk to
the waitress at Lai Lai Eatery, since she knows what she's talking about.
Anyway, after the QTE you'll be forced to fight two of the thieves, Sam and
Larry. Thankfully, neither one is a particularly skilled fighter, so the
battle serves as a nice introduction to the game's fighting system. The only
thing you should really do is use the Y button a lot to make sure you don't get
sandwiched between the two. Also, some moves that work well in taking down
your opponents include the A-A-A combo, as well as the X-X-A one. Don't get
intimidated if one of them pulls a knife on you, either, as that means the
battle is almost over (no really, it does!).
When the fight comes to an end, Ryo pulls some classic interrogation and Wong
agrees to show you where your bag is. Since Ryo will automatically follow the
kid, you don't have to press anything (although things will move along a bit
faster if you hold the Right Trigger). When you arrive, Wong retrieves the bag
and hands it over, but the money's gone! Good thing you wasted it all on
Zippos and capsule toys like I said! Everything else seems intact, and Wong
also gives up a map leading to the Come Over Guest House, a hotel where you can
Now then, there are two things to take care of at this point 1) finding the
Come Over Guest House and 2) getting some cash. Start off by returning to
Queen's St, just run northwest from where your bag was hidden to reach the
small market area. You should know the way from there--straight toward the
park and a left at the Fu Hoi Diner.
Once on Queen's St., turn left at the Lucky Hit stands and run eastward past
the porridge place and pawnshop (which isn't open at the moment). From there,
finding the way to the end of the street should be simple enough, since there
are few side roads to turn off onto. You'll know you're going the right way
when you reach the large red bridge leading over King's Road. Head up the
stairs and descend on the opposite side to enter Wan Chai. Lovely.
Now that you're in the Green Market Qr, one of many areas in Wan Chai, try to
use Wong's makeshift map as a guide. However, it's not so well-drawn, and can
get a little confusing. Just do whatever I say and you'll be golden. Take the
first right, then follow the street's single path, ignoring the various shops
and stalls along the way. Soon enough you'll meet again with Joy, who mentions
that the Free Stay Lodge at the harbor is closed for remodeling. The Come Over
Guest House is the place for you, she says, and you'll also get a discount if
you drop Joy's name. Nice!
When you're back in control, run forward and take a right, then head down the
steps. Take a left from there and head toward the end of the street, taking
another left at that point. Now then, the Come Over Guest House will be the
last door on the right. You'll know you're at the right place because Joy will
show up and agree to show you a place to work in the morning. Inside the guest
house, you'll be given the key to room #203, the first room on the left.
* NOTE - No matter what the clerk says, do NOT pay him for the rent. Even
with the "special discount", $38 a night is pretty steep. Besides, you can
just have him put it on your account and never have to pay it. Sucker!
Chances are that it's pretty late right now, so there's not much you can do.
However, I do suggest heading out and taking a look around, if just to get a
feel for the area. Also, there's a pawnshop adjacent to the guest house, so
head inside and sell all your Zippos and capsule toys to regain some of your
lost cash. Just try not to look at the clerk, since she is quite possibly the
ugliest-looking person in the history of the world.
| SIDE-QUEST: Straighten the sign \______________________________________
| ================================ |
| Outside the guest house, run to the left for a cutscene a where a young |
| man will ask for your help. It seems he's having trouble getting the |
| sign outside his shop straight, so it's up to you to help out by telling |
| him whether to move it higher or lower. To do this, simply press down a |
| total of eight times and all will be right again. Help the poor guy out |
| and he'll point out the way to the South Carmain Qr--it's past the two |
| butcher shops! |
If night hasn't fallen yet, feel free to go check South Carmain out, although
there isn't anything to find there just yet. If it's 8:00 or after, you may as
well just hit the hay.
In the morning, Joy will show up on her bike and beckon for you to come down.
Leave your room, refuse to pay the clerk anything, and go outside. After a bit
of talking, Joy gives you a ride to Fortune's Pier (which borders the Worker's
Pier) and introduces you to Mr. Sun, a fat drunkard who runs the crate-carrying
operation in Hong Kong.
Mr. Sun sends you over to your partner, Delin, who'll explain how to go about
this job. What the actual job entails is this. You and your partner will
carry some heavy boxes from one side of a warehouse to another. To accomplish
this most tedious task, there are two things you need to be aware of. The
first being that you need to be constantly holding forward on the D-Pad to
continue moving. The second is that just walking straight toward the goal area
isn't going to work. Nuh-uh. Instead, it's much more effective to zigzag
across the warehouse, pressing either left or right on the D-Pad as many times
as your partner calls said direction out. Mess up even once and you'll drop
the crate, losing some valuable time.
After an hour's worth of work, Mr. Sun steps in and says that's all for now.
You get paid $10 for every crate you carried, adding up to a maximum of $60
per hour of work. Now then, you've got a choice to make. You can either
remain in the pier and work some more to get the cash rolling in, or you can
return to Wan Chai and look for Lishao Tao. I suggest the latter, so turn left
and run south back into the Worker's Pier.
If you want, now would be a good time to try out arm-wrestling, as it's pretty
fun and you've got some cash to blow now. If not, just run toward Queen's St.
On the way, the man with blue hair who snapped your photo at the start of the
game will show up and try to force you into buying the shot. After a bit of
persistence, Joy shows up and pulls a tricky stunt. Sucker! In any event,
continue onward and return to the Green Market Qr.
-- THE SEARCH FOR LISHAO TAO --------------------
Once you're back in the Green Market, follow the road as if you were headed for
the Come Over Guest House, only turn right instead of left at the two butcher
shops. From there, run past the Lucky Hit stand and martial arts school to
reach some stairs and a red arch that mark the entrance to the South Carmain
Run straight ahead into the park (Lotus Park) and speak with the elderly man
practicing Tai Chi. Sensing that you're familiar with the martial arts, he
asks you to spar with him, refusing to answer any questions before you do so.
Although it's impossible to land a hit on the old man, sparring with him is
a great way to practice your moves nonetheless. Afterwards, he'll introduce
himself as Jianmin and offers to spar again another time. Talk to him again
and he'll explain that the Yan Tin Apartments, where Lishao Tao lives, are
quite nearby.
Leave the park and take a right, staying to the right side when the road forks
into two. You'll find the apartments just past the pawnshop and Lucky Hit
stand, so head inside and take a look around. After being yelled at by a
strange old woman, head upstairs and look for room 205, where Lishao Tao lives.
Before you do so, however, step into the bathroom (the small door with a
drawing of a man and a woman on it) and look around. The place is so small,
how are you supposed to pee!?
Anyhoo, go bang on room #205 and an annoyed and funny-looking man will emerge,
claiming he isn't Lishao Tao. Apparently Master Tao moved away, and the man
is too poor to remember exactly where. Grease his palms with $20 (the other,
more expensive choices yield the same results) and he'll tell you that Tao
moved to a place called Man Mo-something. He doesn't remember the exact name,
so we'll just have to wing it.
-- MAN MO-WHAT? ---------------------------------
Leave the apartment building and turn right, following the street until it
branches at the end. At this point, you should see a big red sign that reads
"Man Mo China" on the walls above, so take the left branch and follow the trail
of shops called Man Mo until you reach the arch leading into the Wise Men's Qr.
You're in for a big surprise here: nearly EVERY shop in the area is called Man
Mo-something! That's just great, how are we supposed to find Master Tao now?
The first store you should spot in the Wise Men's Qr is Man Mo Antiques, so
mosey on inside and speak to the clerk. She's never heard of Lishao Tao
before, but she does suggest that you go ask at Man Mo Bistro, since it's the
largest place in the Wise Men's Qr.
Head outside and turn to the left, which will put you between two forks in the
road. Go for the one to the right and continue along the street until it
branches again at a place called Collect Antiques. Ignore the road to the
north and head straight up the stairs instead to find the Man Mo Bistro right
in front of you. Step inside and speak with the woman standing to the side to
show customers to their seats. According to her, there's a place called Man Mo
Temple where a master and monk reside.
To find the temple, leave the bistro and take a turn to the right. Head right
again at the end of the street and ascend the tall set of steps that lead into
the Scarlet Hills. When you reach the top of the stairs, you'll find the
temple on your left, hidden behind the white wall. Enter via the gate ahead
and a cutscene will take over.
Enter the temple itself for another cutscene where Ryo asks a man clad in
white, who he assumes is Lishao Tao, about the master. Despite his letter of
introduction from Master Chen, the man refuses to reveal any information about
the master until you learn about the Four Wude.
b. The Four Wude
With no other recourse at this moment, exit the temple and return to the Wise
Men's Qr. Here you'll meet up with the young woman in red from the temple.
Although she doesn't seem to eager to help you out, she does let it slip that
any martial artist worth his salt knows about the Wude. We should go ask
someone like that. Hmm... but who do we know that practices martial arts?
Hey, how about Jianmin over at Lotus Park? Let's get on over there and see
what he knows!
-- THE FIRST WUDE -------------------------------
Find your way back to Lotus Park in the South Carmain Qr and holler at Jianmin.
As before, he promises to answer your questions, but not before a sparring
match. It's still impossible to connect a hit on Jianmin, but after a bit Ryo
will automatically pull off his Vortex Throw move. Following that, you'll have
a few more seconds to spar before Jianmin unleashes a powerful move known as
the "Iron Palm of Tai Chi."
Now that the old man has had his giggles, Ryo asks about the Wude. Intrigued
by your question, Jianmin agrees to tell you, but requires that you first
master the Iron Palm move. When he asks you to try the move, simply press [XA]
to execute the attack. However, in order to please Jianny, you have to cover
the ground with leaves by repeatedly striking the tree. To get the most bang
for your buck, hold off pressing the commands until the small gauge at the
bottom of the screen is nearly filled. If you can get the timing down pat, it
shouldn't take too long before you finish.
Once you've completed Jianny's task, he'll bring an end to this tree-smacking
nonsense and give you the four-one-one.
==[ 1st WUDE: GON ]==========================
"Every day, without neglect, to keep training"
Of course, things aren't going to be so easy that you can learn all four Wude
from one person. No way, man. Speak Jianmin again before leaving and he'll
mention that Zhoushan, master of the Guang Martial Arts School in the Green
Market Qr, might be able to help us out further. Let's get goin'.
-- THE SECOND WUDE ------------------------------
From Lotus Park, exit left from the tree and head eastward into the Green
Market. From there, the Guang Martial Arts School will be the first place on
your right, so head in. Speak to Zhoushan, the elderly man dressed in orange,
about the Wude. After asking why you need to know, he'll mention that he's in
no position to talk about the Wude, having ruined the life of another. He
talks about a street performer who was formerly Zhoushan's disciple, but become
such a lowly person because he was expelled.
Well, since Zhoushan won't spill any more beans, it looks like we don't have
any other choice but to go check out the Golden Qr. To get there, head toward
the Come Over Guest House, but go past it and turn to the right to find the
familiar red arch just ahead. Once in the Golden Qr, find anyone and ask them
about the possible whereabouts of a street performer. Anyone who knows will
tell you to check out the Golden Mall, which is due east from where you
entered. It's the place with lots of glass and steps leading up to it.
Walk inside and, disregarding the crowd in the center of the mall, divert your
attention toward the man in yellow who's lying on the floor to the right.
Approach him for a cutscene where he'll take advantage of you to try to get
some huge tips from the crowd. In order to smash the rock given to you by the
bum, you need to press A once as the green meter in the gauge is near it's
peak. Press A a second time as soon as the yellow meter begins to move, as it
moves significantly faster than it's predecessor. You've got three tries to
break the rock, and if you fail thrice over you'll have to restart.
When you succeed, the bum, Zongquan, will express his surprise. When Ryo
reflects Zhoushan's words to this bum, Zongquan hands over a letter to give to
the master. Return to the martial arts school and fork over the letter to
Zhoushan. He'll read it aloud, then decipher it's meaning for Ryo.
==[ 2nd WUDE: JIE ]================================================
"Judge yourself without conceit and do not show moves thoughtlessly"
Talk to Zhoushan again once the cutscene ends and he'll tell you about another
martial artist; a barber named Zhangyu in the Lucky Charm Qr. We should go
talk to him.
-- THE THIRD WUDE -------------------------------
You can get to the Lucky Charm Qr from the Golden Qr, so head there first and
foremost. Once there, run to the east, right past the Golden Mall. Turn right
at the Moon Cafe and head for the red arch straight ahead. In the White
Dynasty Qr, ignore the street to the right and head due south through the
various stalls. When you emerge on the other side, the entrance to the Lucky
Charm Qr will be to your left.
Now then, take a left turn and run straight toward the large red and orange
arch that reads "Three Blades St". When you get there, look on your left for
the trademark barber's pole with the swirling colors. The shop with the yellow
sign is Zhangyu's shop, so head inside.
Zhangyu seems more than happy to inform you about the Wude, and he even offers
to give you a trim as he talks. After talking for a bit about the history of
the Wude, he tells you to stay calm no matter what. Following that, a QTE will
pop up, but DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON. Doing so means you'll have to retry. Do
it properly and Zhangyu will reveal the third Wude.
==[ 3rd WUDE: DAN ]================================
"Be brave and stay calm to make the right decisions"
When Ryo asks if Zhangyu knows any others who are familiar with the martial
arts, he refers you to the Bloom Tailor. Since they make uniforms for martial
artists, the owner might know something.
-- THE FOURTH WUDE ------------------------------
Exit Zhangyu's shop and turn to the left to find the Bloom Tailor straight
ahead, marked by an orange sign. Step inside and ask the clerk about martial
artists. There's only one person he knows of that you haven't already spoken
to: a woman named Guixiang who lives in the Yan Tin Apartments (South Carmain
Qr). Let's get a move on!
From the Bloom Tailor, run southward past Zhangyu's shop and take a right at
the end of the street. Follow that road to the end, then head left into the
Wise Men's Qr. Now, take a right turn and run uphill until you reach a place
called Wise Men's Kung Fu. That's your cue to turn right again and descend
some steps. Turn left at the bottom and take the next right to find the
entrance to South Carmain. The Yan Tin Apartments are where we originally
thought Lishao Tao lived, so head back there.
When you arrive, you'll find that crazy old bag from before being surrounded by
a group of punks. Being the goody two-shoes he is, Ryo intervenes and draws us
into a Free Battle. Since there are so many opponents and the "arena" is
rather small, your best bet is to use a throw move to knock down several foes
at once. After that, back off and wait for an enemy to come to you, at which
point you should nail them with a powerful move or combo.
When the fight ends, the crazy old woman will reveal herself to be Guixiang.
After that, she goes ahead and tells you the final Wude, although she
conveniently forgot it's name. Go ask Master Mo at Man Mo Temple to find it
out, she says.
==[ 4th WUDE: ??? ]================================
"To act without hesitation. To do the right thing."
Head back to the Wise Men's Qr and make your way into the Scarlet Hills. When
you get there, the worker outside will say that outside visitors are not
allowed into the temple at this time. Because the temple is being cleaned,
you're not allowed in, and further negotiation with the worker isn't gonna do
much. Instead, select "Intrude" when the get the chance. When the worker goes
back to check with his superior, sneak into the temple.
Inside you'll find another worker who says you'll need to give service to the
temple before talking to the master. In reality, it's just a way for the lazy
worker to get out of his job, but agree to help him out anyway. When you
regain control of Ryo, approach a part of the wall that is stained with soot
and press A to wipe it away. Keep wiping random parts of the wall and you
should soon find a symbol for one of the Four Wude. With this in mind, go
stand between the altars in the back of the temple and clean the walls to find
the final Wude: YI.
Afterwards, the monk dressed in white will appear and Ryo will discuss his
reasons for wanting to meet Master Lishao Tao. Soon after, the woman from the
last time you were here shows up, and is revealed to be the master. Outside,
Lishao Tao beckons you to spar with her, although it's impossible to hit her
(as with Jianmin). Once you're done, she hands over a map to her apartment
building and offers you a place to stay. After telling you her real name,
Xiuying, she begins to lead the way to her building. Follow her.
When you arrive at the Da Yuan Apartments, Xiuying takes you to room #207, her
room. This is where you'll be spending the next few nights, making it easier
than trekking back to the Come Over Guest House.
c. Wulinshu
The following morning, you'll encounter Xiuying's assistant, a vibrant young
girl named Fangmei. She'll tell you that you have to go to Man Mo Temple, so
you'll be taken there automatically. Unfortunately, Xiyuing is less than
willing to answer your questions about Yuanda Zhu, and she refuses to say
anything until you pay services to the temple by helping to air out the books
in the library.
-- AIRING OUT THE BOOKS -------------------------
This part is, undoubtedly, the most tedious portion of the game. Basically,
all you need to do is grab a stack of books from the library and carry them
onto one of the stands outside. The tricky thing is that QTEs (involving
directions on the D-Pad) occur from time to time and Ryo will drop the books if
you screw it up. Since you've got three hours and dropping the books causes a
few precious minutes to be depleted, you need to be extra careful. Unless
you're really confident, it's a good idea to walk instead of running, since
it's less prone to QTEs.
Now then, if you can manage to carry every last stack of books outside within
the allotted time, you'll be rewarded by Hanhui (the monk). Your prize today
is a martial arts scroll teaching a move called the Horseshoe Kick. For each
day you successfully air out all the books you'll receive a brand new move,
making it a good way to build up Ryo's repertoire. Of course, if you really
hate carrying the books and don't care about acquiring new moves, you can
continually mess up the QTEs to make it end quicker. However, this is not at
all recommended.
When the day's work is over, Xiuying will still refuse to tell you anything.
Well, we should go into town and see if we can't find anything out ourselves.
After talking to Hanhui, head into the Wise Men's Qr.
-- DO YOU KNOW YUANDA ZHU? ----------------------
With some many people in this bustling part of town, someone's bound to know
something about Zhu. Talk to anyone you can on the streets or in shops if you
like, although many people will say they're not from this part of town and
don't know anything and blah blah blah. Losers. What you really want to do
is find a decent shop and ask the clerk inside what they know. Check out any
or all of the locations listed below (all of them are in the Wise Men's Qr) to
hear what you need to learn.
- Happiness Buddhist Altar Shop
- Wise Men's Chemist
- Man Mo Herb Medicine
- Man Mo China Shop
Ask the owner of any of those shops and you should hear two major things about
Yuanda Zhu: 1) he did a lot of business at a shop called Wise Men's Kung Fu and
2) he wrote a book on martial arts called the Wulinshu. Let's go find this
mysterious kung fu shop! To get there, head west from the steps leading into
the Scarlet Hills until you reach the end of the street. Look up and you
should find a big yellow sign that reads "Wise Men's Kung Fu." Go inside.
Speak to the owner about Yuanda Zhu to learn that he hasn't been around as of
late. Also, ask about the Wulinshu. They don't have it here in Wise Men's
Kung Fu, but apparently it's kept in the library at Man Mo Temple.
* NOTE - You can purchase some martial arts move scrolls here in the kung fu
shop. Although they're a little pricy, learning some of these moves is far
from a bad idea.
Unfortunately, the library is closed and locked at the moment, so we'll just
have to wait for tomorrow to check out the Wulinshu. In the mean time, you can
chill out in the Wise Men's Qr, although you aren't allowed to visit any other
areas (:/). Either way, the rest of the day is yours to do with as you please.
-- THE NEXT DAY ---------------------------------
In the morning, Ryo will automatically head off to the library to air out the
books again (this will be your morning routine for the next few days, sadly).
Same thing as last time, so try your best to get all the books outside so you
can get a new move. Also, if you can manage to get every last pile of books
outside, Hanhui will show up and teach you a sweet new move: the Lunging
Strike! Cool beans! Agree to learn about the move and you'll be given a
chance to try it out. In order to properly pull it off, all you need do is
press forward + XA at the same time.
Once Hanhui is done showing off, head around behind the temple and enter the
library. The book we're looking for, Wulinshu, is contained in the back-left
of the small room, so check it out. Unfortunately, the book seems to be locked
inside a cabinet, so we'll have to go bother Xiyuing about it. Head outside,
toward the tree, and she'll appear. Of course, things aren't so easy that
Xiuying will just cough up the key. Nope. Instead, you need to catch one of
the falling leaves from the tree.
To complete this task, watch a single leaf as it falls and the camera will
slowly zoom in on it. Listen for a chime and watch for when leaf begins to get
all blurry--both are cues to press A and swipe at the leaf. Once you nab the
first one, you'd think Xiuying would be cool and let you take a look at
Wulinshu. But is that how it works? No way! Now she wants you to catch three
leaves IN A ROW. Is there no pleasing this woman!? Go ahead and do it to make
her happy enough to fork over the key.
Now that you've got the key, Ryo automatically runs back into the library and
grabs the Wulinshu. In addition to finding some information that I don't care
to spoil for you, Ryo also finds a small piece of paper with a strange symbol
printed on it. Hmm... what could it mean?
-- THE MYSTERIOUS PAPER -------------------------
Since everyone at the temple is too stupid to know anything worthwhile about
the paper, run into the Wise Men's Qr. Someone there is bound to know
something, right? Most people on the street will tell you, when asked, to
check out an antique shop to get the full scoop, so follow their advice. There
are several such shops in the Wise Men's Qr, however only Collect Antiques can
tell you anything about the paper. In fact, any other antique store will refer
you to Collect, so you may as well just head there from the get-go.
Now then, head due west from the entrance to Man Mo Park (nearby Man Mo Bistro)
down a set of stairs to find Collect Antiques just ahead, marked by a blue sign
with yellow writing. Step inside and bother the clerk to learn that the
symbols on the paper are called a Chawan Sign. Apparently, martial artists use
this secret code to communicate with each other. Although that's about the
extent of the clerk's knowledge, Guixiang should be able to divulge a lot more
about it. You know the way back to the Yan Tin Apartments.
| SIDE-QUEST: Wang! \____________________________________________________
| ================== |
| As soon as you enter the Yan Tin Apartments, run up to the third floor |
| and head all the way to the end of the hallway. Speak with the man |
| standing by the window and you'll learn that he's none other than the |
| older brother of Wang-san from the first Shenmue! Cool beans! |
When you arrive, enter the building and bang on the door straight ahead (room
#101). Guixiang will appear and invite you to enter her humble abode, where
she'll ramble for a bit, then display the proper way to use the Chawan Sign.
Evidently, each character on the paper corresponds with a position of a cup or
other object. If you go to a public place and set up the sign, it will signal
that you are a friend of Yuanda Zhu. Interesting.
The correct position for the cups is as such:
Basically, what that means is this. Move the first cup forward and the third
cup down. The second and fourth cups should be left alone. According to
Guixiang, setting up the sign incorrectly is potentially dangerous, so make
sure you get it right! Once you've done everything correctly, simply wait for
something to happen.
By the time you're done in Guixiang's place, it'll be rather late, so Ryo heads
automatically for the Da Yuan Apartments to catch some Z's.
-- IN THE MORNING... ----------------------------
After a short cutscene with Fangmei, it's back to the daily grind (e.g., airing
out the books at Man Mo Temple). Remember to work hard and get all the piles
outside so you can get a prize which, today, is a move scroll containing a
sweet move called the Oblique Air Kick. You'll also get a lecture from Hanhui,
even if you don't manage to get all the books outside.
-- THE CHAWAN SIGN ------------------------------
Okay, so now that we've got some time on our hands, it's time to try out the
Chawan Sign! There are plenty of different places where you can use the sign,
but the nearest is Man Mo Bistro, conveniently located just down the stairs and
around the corner. Head inside and take a seat at the table with four cups
laid nicely out for you. Set up the sign (remember--the first cup goes forward
and the third comes down. Don't mess with the other two) and select wait.
Before long, the chef will hand over a note from another person who must've
noticed the sign. It reads "Wait at the Come Over Guest House." You know how
to get there.
| SIDE-QUEST: The Wild Throw \___________________________________________
| =========================== |
| If you happen to walk past the Guang Martial Arts School (Green Market) |
| as you make your way to the Guest House, one of the students will beckon |
| you inside. It seems Master Zhoushan is keen to teach you a new move, |
| and a throw at that. Follow his instructions by pressing forward once |
| to close in on your opponent, then tap B to grab him. After that, press |
| any of the four main directions to toss him. The last time you execute |
| the move, when Zhoushan tells you to throw your opponent over to him, |
| you absolutely HAVE to do it correctly. Remember, grab with B, then |
| toss him to Zhoushan by pressing up. If you screw up, you won't be able |
| to master the move. |
When you arrive at the Come Over Guest House, choose wait off the Action
Selector and enjoy the cutscene. A mysterious caller tells you to meet him at
Man Mo Park (Wise Men's Qr), so head over in that direction. Although the most
direct route is probably through the Golden Qr to the White Dynasty Qr to the
Lucky Charm Qr and finally into the Wise Men's, there's a cool side-quest if
you opt for the roundabout route through the South Carmain Qr.
| SIDE-QUEST: The Hind Blow \____________________________________________
| ========================== |
| Walk past the Yan Tin Apartments en route to the Wise Men's Qr to |
| encounter Guixiang diligently practicing her Tai Chi. She offers to |
| impart the knowledge behind a powerful move--the Hind Blow. Ryo will |
| accept without your consent, so you've got to learn it no matter what |
| here. Before you can practice the move yourself, a pair of pussy thugs |
| show up. They should make some good cannon-fodder for your sweet new |
| move. The key to this battle is not to try taking down Ryo's opponent |
| as you normally would. Instead, you can finish the battle in a single |
| go if you can execute the Hind Blow. To do so, press [YB]. Easy enough,|
| right? I thought so. |
Once you get to the Wise Men's Qr, run upward towards Man Mo Bistro. The
entrance to the park is just south from there. Approach the lone tree to meet
with the mysterious caller from before.
==[ QTE: THINK FAST! ]==========
Right (OMG what a difficult QTE!)
After (hopefully) succeeding with the short and sweet QTE, it's up to you to
take down the swarm of thugs. Since your foes are surprisingly strong and
there is such little room to maneuver, this battle can be a bit on the
difficult side. Try out that Hind Blow move a few more times (if you opted to
learn it, that is), and also stick with Ryo's good ol' AAA and XXX combos.
Though they're a bit stale, the moves work well. Additionally, be careful and
stay on the move, otherwise the pair might sandwich you, making for a rather
sticky situation (hahaha! I'm hilarious, I know)
* NOTE - Should you happen to lose the battle and mess up with the QTE,
Xiuying will show up and bail you out, thankfully. However, you won't be
able to learn about Dou Jiang Diner this way, so you'll have to resort to
one of the alternate methods listed below.
Given that you won the battle, the remaining thug will give up and spill the
beans about Dou Jiang Diner--it's a place in the Lucky Charm Qr where Yuanda
Zhu often makes contacts. Sadly, the diner's already closed at this point, so
you'll need to return to the Da Yuan Apartments to rest up before checking the
place out.
Of course, in the morning it's back to the obnoxious airing out of the books.
Don't worry, it won't last much longer. ;) Anyway, Hanhui's prize today for
carrying each pile outside is a scroll teaching a move called the Mantis Combo.
* NOTE - The above method is not the only way to use the Chawan Sign to
progress in the game. In light of this, below you'll find the remaining
ways. If you did decide to go with the above method, though, skip the
indented information below this note and scroll down to the subsection
entitled "Rendezvous at Dou Jiang."
Ling Ling Porridge Shop (Queen's St.)
Remember this place? Way back at the beginning of the game, we came here
to look for the Poison Brothers, who supposedly nabbed Ryo's bag. Take a
seat at the table with four cups laid out and make the Chawan Sign, then
wait for a bit. Lo and behold, our old friends the Poison Brothers show
up! Press B then A to complete the ensuing QTE sequence and they'll spill
the beans about Dou Jiang Diner.
Canton Cafe (Green Market Qr)
Exact same thing that happens at the Ling Ling Porridge Shop on Queen's
St. Look directly above this for the four-one-one.
Fu Jian Diner (Lucky Charm Qr)
Quite similar to the event that takes place at the Ling Ling Porridge Shop
on Queen's St. Find the corresponding header above this and read on.
Bright Teahouse (Lucky Charm Qr)
Make the Chawan Sign then wait and the chef will hand over a note from
someone else, saying to meet at Man Mo Park. Read above, in the paragraphs
underneath the side-quest information to get the lowdown, as it's the same
Bai Jiu Stand (White Dynasty Qr)
Between the area heavy with stalls and peddlers and whatnot, there's a
group of tables. Sit at the empty one with the cups and use the cups to
form the Chawan Sign, then select wait. When night falls, Ryo will spot a
young boy being bullied and go over to help out. Take down the thugs with
style in a CQTE--the button sequence is [AXB]. Following the fight, the
boy will tell you about Dou Jiang Diner.
Heavenly Tea Shop (Green Market Qr)
Set up the Chawan Sign here and some mysterious person will hand you a note
saying to wait at the Come Over Guest House. This is the same sequence
that occurs if you made the sign at Man Mo Bistro, so read what I wrote
above here, under the heading "The Chawan Sign."
Lai Lai Eatery (Worker's Pier)
Have and seat and set up the sign, thus prompting a cutscene where the chef
hands over a note from another customer. The note says to wait at the Come
Over Guest House, so head over there. From this point onward, it'll be the
exact same thing as if you'd gone to Man Mo Bistro to do the sign, so
follow the main strategy I've got listed.
Blue Sky (Fortune's Pier)
This one only works if you've met Eileen in Pigeon Park already. If not,
no cutscene for you! </Soup Nazi> ... ahem. Anyway, make the Chawan Sign
to intiate a cutscene involving Fangmei and Eileen. Keep in mind, however,
that this scenario sheds no light on what you need to know to progress in
the story. It's more of a little extra that you might be interested in
Places Where Nothing Happens
At each of the following locales, you can make the Chawan Sign at an empty
table and choose wait, but nothing will happen.
* Fortune's Eatery (Fortune's Pier)
* Fu Hoi Diner (Worker's Pier)
* Earnest Tea Shop (Lucky Charm Qr)
* Gold Tea Shop (Lucky Charm Qr)
* Man Mo Restaurant (Lucky Charm Qr)
* Hong Kong Tea Shop (Lucky Charm Qr)
-- RENDEZVOUS AT DOU JIANG ----------------------
Okay, so I'm assuming that you chose one of the many choices above and have now
learned that you need to visit a place called Dou Jiang Diner, which happens to
be located in the Lucky Charm Qr. If you're entering from the Wise Men's Qr,
the diner is on the far side of town, on the main street. Finding it should
prove no problem; the big white sign is easy to spot. In case you are having a
bit o' trouble locating the place, though, simply run southwest from the big
sign over Three Blades St (remember, Zhangyu's Barber Shop is on this street)
and you'll run smack into it.
Step inside and approach the empty table. By now, you should know how to form
the Chawan Sign. After waiting for a bit, a man clad in a brown suit will hand
over a note before quickly departing. Meet back at Dou Jiang Diner when 8:00
PM rolls around. Of course, if you don't have anything else on your agenda,
you can enter the diner again and choose wait to simply skip ahead to the
desired time. Quite the spiffy feature, I must say!
When the clock does strike 8:00, make sure you're at the diner to meet with
the man, who turns out to be Zhu's associate. Unfortunately, some ruffians
interrupt the party as they crash into the diner and start a fight. To win
here, use the Y button often to make sure you aren't surrounded and pound on
your foes with basic combos, such as AXA and AAA.
After the fight, Ryo pursues the thugs, who've taken Zhu's associate and headed
into the White Dynasty Qr!
==[ QTE: Not so fast, punks! ]======================================
B, A, A, A, B, X, [Down, Down, X], B, A, B, B, B, A, B, A, X, A, B, X
Whew! That was a tough one, eh? But we're not done yet! Be prepared for the
subsequent Command QTE sequence!
==[ CQTE: Take her down! ]=====
[Down, Right, A] ---------------
After the action is over with, Ryo and Zhu's associate, Zhang, return to Dou
Jiang Diner to discuss some things. When it's all over and done with, we've
got a new goal: to meet a man named Ren of Heavens.
d. Ren of Heavens
Hmm... our only clue about Ren of Heavens, leader of the Heavens, is that he
resides somewhere in Aberdeen. Better head to the Worker's Pier and see if we
can find anything out.
-- GETTING THE DIRT ON REN ----------------------
After the cutscene with Xiuying, Ryo decides to leave Man Mo Temple for good.
Of course, this means we don't have to carry those stupid books any more,
either! Thank the lord! Anyway, en route to the Worker's Pier, you'll also
encounter Joy, though she won't say anything too interesting. Continue onward.
When you reach the Worker's Pier, there are a few people you can ask to find
out about Ren and his gang. First of all, speak with the waitress at Fu Hoi
Diner a few times (you have to be a little persistent, but she'll tell you
eventually) to find out that the Heavens reside in the Beverly Hills Wharf.
All right, so where is the wharf? To find out, run east from the diner and
talk to the man standing outside Hong Kong Souvenirs.
Run into the alley the man pointed out and make a right turn after ascending
the steps. Take a left at the next turn, then follow the path around the area
until you come to a few steps. To the right is the entrance to the Beverly
Hills Wharf. Unfortunately, some street tuff armed with a pipe is blocking the
way, and he doesn't seem too keen on letting you in. We'll have to find
another way inside.
-- FINDING A WAY INSIDE -------------------------
Return to Hong Kong Souvenirs and speak again to the man loitering around
outside. He'll explain that there's no way to get inside Beverly Hills Wharf,
unless of course you can get one of the Heavens to let you in. Let's see if
we can't find any of the gangsters, shall we? Go back and talk to the waitress
at Fu Hoi Diner again. As with before, you'll need to ask her several times
before she says anything worthwhile. Apparently, many suspicious characters
have been sighted around the various arm-wrestling locales. Hmm...
With that information in mind, travel to the other side of the pier, toward the
arm-wrestling place near the dock. Approach the man wearing the red
Hawaiian-style button-up shirt and ask him about the Heavens. Although the
Heavens don't visit the arm-wrestling spots nearly as frequently as they used
to, they're all about gambling at Fortune's Pier. Hey, that's the place where
we carry crates with Delin! Run east from the arm-wrestling place and take a
left to find the entrance.
Once in Fortune's Pier, you can talk to any number of people to find out where
the gambling hotspots are. Delin is especially helpful, so speak with him
right outside the office (or sometimes inside). It seems that people gather
inside the warehouses with a "G"-sign on the entrance. Run due north from the
entrance to the office and you'll find one such door to your left. The bookie
refuses to answer any questions of yours until you try the game out, so pay up
and give the game a try. Whether you win or lose, the bookie will answer your
queries now, so speak up about the Heavens. As it turns out, they like to play
at the No.9 Warehouse.
Head outside and find the corresponding warehouse to the northeast of Fortune's
Eatery, the restaurant near the offices. As with before, you'll have to try
the game before the bookie will tell you anything. Do so, then ask about the
Heavens to find out that the No.8 Warehouse is their favorite hangout, and they
tend to gather there after 7:00 PM. Return outside and find Fortune's Eatery.
Run due north from there to find the entrance to the No.8 Warehouse. The door
leading inside is locked for the time being, but if you approach the red
shutter you'll be given the choice to skip right to 7:00 or wait yourself. Up
to you.
When it hits 7:00, be at the warehouse and use the door on the side to enter.
After a short cutscene, Ryo is pitted against everyone in the warehouse.
Luckily, there's enough room to maneuver around and not get surrounded. Also,
don't forget that certain throw moves can take down two opponents at once.
After the battle, Ryo shows off his trademark interrogation skills and the
pussies take you into Beverly Hills Wharf, getting past the guard by flashing a
Zippo with a certain design on it.
Sadly, the Heavens have set up a trap for you, and the entire gang shows up to
make your life hell. It's impossible the win this battle, so don't strain
yourself with it.
Later that night Ryo will awaken, slightly bruised and broken, on a small ship
docked in a rickety pier on the edge of the wharf. Wong, the little thief from
the outset of the game, happened to save you, or so it appears.
-- WHERE'S REN? ---------------------------------
In the morning, Wong hands over a Zippo that'll grant you access to the wharf
at any time. He also mentions that you can stay the night at this boat
whenever you need to--the Heavens don't know about it. Once you regain
control, follow the bridges to the end of the pier, where you should see a sign
pointing toward Queen's St straight ahead. If for any reason you need to leave
the wharf, that is your exit.
Assuming you want to stay in Beverly Hills Wharf, take a right and confront the
cluster of Heavens gathered ahead. Take them down in battle and, if you win,
Ryo will terrorize the thugs until they tell you that a man named Cool Z should
be able to tell you where Ren is. So, who is Cool Z? Well, he's a big fella
with a Mohawk, and he wears sunglasses. Should be easy enough to pick out of a
crowd, right?
* NOTE - Should you lose a battle in this area, don't worry too much about
it. You'll simply be returned to wherever you were before the battle
commenced, and you'll just need to find another way to progress (e.g., find
another gathering of Heavens and beat them down).
By this time, you've probably noticed the masses of Heavens clustered around
various points of the wharf. Know that whenever you approach one such group,
you'll be forced to fight them. Fortunately, the battles are pretty easy,
although the camera tends to swing back into first-person view, which just
Anyway, if you can find the center of the wharf (where the street fight is
occurring), finding the way to Cool Z's hangout should be simple enough. From
the center ring, run southwest and continue to press southward until you can
head left down a set of stairs. Just run straight from there and turn right
into the scrap heap to find Cool Z and his cronies, Sam and Larry (remember,
these are the three guys who stole your bag with Wong at the start of the
game). However, they aren't too keen on taking you to see Ren. Since Ren only
meets with people who make "donations", we need to raise $500 before we can see
Okay, how are we going to earn $500? Well, there are two effective ways. The
first is to trek over to Fortune's Pier and hit up any one of the various
gambling hotspots. Simply save your game before actually playing, bet
everything you've got, and reload if you lose your cash. Easy. Another,
albeit slightly less effective, method is to continually partake in the street
fight found in the center of Beverly Hills Wharf. To win, just find a powerful
move (forward, forward, A works well) and use it over and over. After winning
the first few times, you'll be earning $50 per win, meaning you can reach a
total of $500 pretty quick. Also, if you decide to undertake the side-quest
explained below, you'll gain a new move that will prove insanely useful in the
street fight.
| SIDE-QUEST: The Brawling Uppercut \____________________________________
| ================================== |
| Drop whatever it is that you're doing and run over to Fortune's Pier. |
| Enter the office and talk to your boss, Mr. Sun, then agree to carry |
| crates with Delin for an hour. Immediately afterwards, there will be a |
| cutscene with your buddy Delin. Since he's heard that Ryo is going |
| after Ren of Heavens, he offers to teach you his favorite move--the |
| Brawling Uppercut. Accept his offer and he'll start off by showing you |
| the leg movements. The first time Delin lets you try, just press back |
| twice to show that you've got the movement down pat. Next time, press |
| back twice followed by X to execute the move. Continue the practice the |
| move as many times as you can and eventually you'll get a funny scene |
| with Delin. |
-- RENDEZVOUS WITH REN --------------------------
Now that you've got at least $500 in your hot little hands, return to the scrap
heap in Beverly Hills Wharf to find Cool Z and the gang. Seeing that you've
got the cash, the three thugs lead Ryo into a dimly-lit warehouse where the
fabled Ren of Heavens resides.
==[ CQTE: Ren! ]=====
[Left, Right, A] -----
Tricky guy, that Ren. Possibly impressed by Ryo's reaction, he says he'll take
you to Yuanda Zhu. After handing over a map, Ren tells you to meet him at
Fortune's Pier. Quickly run over there (you know the way) and take the first
two rights, heading back towards the truck behind Fortune's Eatery. Here you
will find Ren, who's been waiting for you. He leads Ryo back into a warehouse,
where the two decide to pretend they're playing Metal Gear Solid and get all
Before you know it, sadly, Ren disappears and you'll be left to fend for
yourself against a pair of unhappy thugs. You've got plenty of space, so be
sure to dodge around often to stay out of reach. Other than that, basic combos
will do the trick quite nicely from here, so take the thugs down with whatever
you've got. Afterwards, Ryo makes his escape from the warehouse to find Joy
and Wong waiting for him. It seems Ren has headed for Pigeon Park, in the
Worker's Pier.
* NOTE - If you lose the battle in the warehouse, Wong will show up to bail
you out. From there you'll be told that Ren is in Pigeon Park, and the
game will progress as usual.
Leave Fortune's Pier and head southward into Pigeon Park, where you'll view a
cutscene of Ren and his top three cronies. After spotting you, they'll
disperse in four directions, leaving you with a choice. Chasing after Ren will
lead directly to the next scene, whilst pursuing either Sam or Larry will force
you into a relatively simple Free Battle with that character. Afterwards,
they'll take you to Ren's favorite hiding spot. Lastly, the best choice (I
think, at least) is to chase after Cool Z, as it leads to a hilarious scene.
Whoever you chased, you'll eventually reach Lucky Plaza, a construction site on
Queen's St where Ren is hiding out.
==[ QTE: The Chase is On ]===================
Down, A, Left, Right, Left, Right, [Up, A, Up]
Following the dramatic chase scene, Ren spots Ryo's Phoenix Mirror and sees the
possibility to get some money out of the situation. Looking to make a profit,
Ren reveals Yuanda Zhu's location: a city called Kowloon. Ren himself heads
there, and expects you to show up later.
e. Goodbye Hong Kong, Hello Kowloon
Ryo returns to Wong's ship in the Beverly Hills Wharf to rest up. Once morning
rolls around, it's your last day in Hong Kong, so be sure to make the most of
-- SAYING GOODBYE -------------------------------
Although it isn't absolutely required to progress, it's a good idea to say
goodbye to everyone you've met in Hong Kong before leaving. Since Ryo thanks
Wong first and foremost, you won't have to worry about him. You should also
find and bid adieu to the following...
* Delin -- On the far west side of the dock (Fortune's Pier)
* Zhoushan -- In the Guang Martial Arts School (Green Market Qr)
* Zongquan -- West side of the Golden Shopping Mall (Golden Qr)
* Zhangyu -- In his barber shop on Three Blades St (Lucky Charm Qr)
* Jianmin -- Practicing his Tai Chi in Lotus Park (South Carmain Qr)
* Guixiang -- Outside the Yan Tin Apartments (South Carmain Qr)
When you're ready, proceed to Man Mo Temple and head around to the back to bid
farewell to Xiuying. Keep in mind that once you do this, the wheels will be
set in motion and you'll never be able to explore Hong Kong again. Therefore,
be sure to take care of anything you might need to (taking pictures, playing
arcade games, whatever) before speaking with Xiuying.
Now then, Xiuying wants to spar with you, most likely just to show you how bad
Ryo sucks in comparison to her. In any event, it's still impossible to land a
blow on her, so just mess around until she ends the fight with a sweet
reversal. Lucky for us, Xiuying is quite willing to teach the secret of this
move, the Counter Elbow Assault. First off are the body movements. Just one
step backward, so press back once on the D-Pad. Simple. Next you get to add
in the arm and leg movements, so press back + XA.
To master the move, you need actual practice on an opponent, so Xiuying brings
in Hanhui. Watch his movements, and as he pulls back to punch press back + XA
to execute the move and own the oldtimer. Sweet! This move is extremely
powerful and useful in almost every battle to come, so be sure to not forget
-- WELCOME TO KOWLOON ---------------------------
Before you know it, Ryo will step off and bus and head through the gate leading
into the bustling metropolis of Kowloon. Once on Dragon St, the entrance to
the city, Cool Z will show up and lead Ryo to Ren's Hideout. This place will
be your home for nearly the remainder of the game, so don't forget where it is.
Inside, Ren chews you out for taking so long to show up, then begins leading
Ryo to a man named Yang. Supposedly, he might know something about Yuanda Zhu.
Ren will automatically lead you to Yang's place, so you can just drop the
controller and try to get a feel for your new surroundings. Know that if you
stray too far from Ren's path Ryo will get "lost" and you'll have to restart
from the hideout. Basically, just let Ren lead the into the way Thousand White
Qr and do your exploring later, ya?
When you arrive at the Great View Bldg, head inside and climb up to the second
floor. Yang's shop is the second door. No one is inside, so lock onto the
bell sitting on the counter and ring it to call out Yang. After conversing a
bit, Yang tells you he'll contact Zhu and that we can meet him at the Dancing
Dragon Bldg. There, locate a man dressed all in black and give him the
password: "Dragons don't sleep."
f. Dragons Don't Sleep
Since Ren decided to take off, you're left alone to navigate this Kowloon maze.
First off, we should find the Dancing Dragon Bldg.
* NOTE - It's easy to get lost in this new area. Don't forget to buy area
maps from the red and yellow stands scattered around!
-- THE DANCING DRAGON ---------------------------
Exit the Great View Bldg and take a right turn, weaving in a circle around the
building until you enter the Dimsum Qr. From here, make a slight turn to the
left, then run forward until you reach a cluster of Lucky Hit stands, at which
point you should turn left and head into the Stand Qr. Once there, simply make
a right turn and walk into the Dancing Dragon Bldg.
Inside the building, take a look to your left and you should spot a man clad in
black standing beneath a yellow sign. Go say hi to him and he'll ask for the
password. "Dragons don't sleep." The man will tell you to take the stairs
ahead up, so follow his orders. On your way up, speak with the next man
wearing black and whisper the password in his ear, also. As with the other
guy, he'll send you upstairs. At this point, just continue heading upstairs
and telling the passwords to every man in black. They'll point you in the
right direction.
Eventually, you should end up at a fancy-pants door with an elaborate dragon
design on it. Head in for some cutscenes and such, which end with Ryo and Ren
getting handcuffed and locked up. Fun!
-- JAILBREAK! ----------------------------------
That header would probably make more sense if Ryo was actually in jail... Oh,
well. Close enough. Anyhoo, the two captives put their heads together and
come with a decent (albeit incredibly cliche) plan to escape. Wait for it...
==[ CQTE: He's Dying! Honest! ]=====
[X, A] -------------------------------
Afterwards, the dynamic duo take off in a really cool QTE sequence to avoid
being spotted by God-knows-who.
==[ QTE: Escape! ]===========
Left, A, Right, Left, Right, A
Following that, the pair ducks into a room to take a pee-pee break. Once they
are done, it's back to the escape!
==[ QTE: Escape Again! ]=======================
Left, Right, Left, A, Right, Down, Left, [Up, A]
At this point, the duo heads to the roof to lay low for the night. Come
morning, it's back to the escape. Just as they think they're out of the woods,
a freaky knife-wielding chick shows up.
==[ QTE: Knives are bad, mmmkay ]=====
Down, Right, A ------------------------
Even after surviving that, you aren't safe just yet. The Fattest Man In The
World shows up.
==[ CQTE: Leap of Faith ]=====
[Up, Up, A] -------------------
Back at Ren's Hideout, some cronies race off to get Wong. Since he is, as
Barry of Resident Evil might say, "the master of unlocking", Wong is needed to
unlock the cuffs. Afterwards, it's time to go get some revenge on Yang for
setting us up!
-- CASTRATE THE TRAITOR! ------------------------
Although that would be pretty fun (in a sadistic way), that's not quite how
things play out. Just like when you first arrived in Kowloon, follow Ren to
the Great View Bldg. As you reach your destination, the dynamic duo show off
their interrogation skills to learn about a wiretapper named Huang who might
have a clue about Zhu's whereabouts. You can find him in room 902 of the Tea
Break Bldg.
The Tea Break Bldg is located in the Dimsum Qr, so leave the Great View Bldg
and circle around back to enter the appropriate quarter. From there, run
straight ahead, keeping your eyes fixated on the right side of the screen.
Look for a diner called "Everyone's Restaurant"--the entrance to the Tea Break
Bldg is in the back. Head inside and find the elevator to Ryo's left. Get in
and ride up to the 9th floor.
When you arrive on the 9th floor, turn to the left and head down the hallway.
The second to last door is number 902, so open the conveniently unlocked door
to find no one inside. Now, time for some snooping. First of all, hit the
light switch adjacent to the door to shed some light (tee hee) on the
situation. While there are plenty of things to poke at--refrigerator, desk
drawers, etc, etc--the only thing that's actually worth taking a look at is the
trashcan. Seriously. Take a few steps away from the door and stare at the can
sitting on the floor. Press X to lift the box off of it and to reveal a set of
cassette tapes. With nothing better to do, Ryo grabs the trashcan and lugs it
down to Ren's Hideout.
-- FUN WITH CASSETTE TAPES ----------------------
After Ryo goes through every tape but one on his own, you're left to listen to
the last one all by yourself. Feel free to listen to the cassette in it's
entirety if you like, but you don't need to hear anything until 591 on the
timer. Fast-forward if it pleases you.
* NOTE - Fast-forward to 651 to drop in on an interesting conversation
between Joy and Guizhang (the suit-clad martial artist from Shenmue I)!
In any event, the tape suggests that Yuan's (that creepy chick with the red
hair, obnoxious voice, and zebra pants) caught Zhu's associate. Guess we
should probably find her before something bad goes down.
g. Shadowing Yuan
Since we really don't have any leads on Yuan's current location, just head for
the Thousand White Qr. On the way there a blind musician will offer to strum
a little tune for you. Choose to listen and Ryo will recall hearing a bell on
the tape. The musician has heard bells in the Moon Child Bldg before, so we
should go check that out.
-- THE MOON CHILD BLDG --------------------------
The Moon Child Bldg sits in the Stand Qr, so proceed into the Thousand White
and run due north past the Great View Bldg and down a lengthy alley until you
reach a street fighting area. From there, turn right and head eastward through
some alleys until you stumble into the Stand Qr. Now run east into the market
area filled with stands (who ever woulda thought the Stand Qr would be filled
with stands? Unbelievable!) and make your way toward the fountain. Just east
of this fountain is the entrance to the fabled Moon Child Bldg! Enter.
Inside, you'll want find out where specifically the bell can be heard. The
waitress in orange, who stands just to the left of where you entered, will
suggest the orphange, which can be found up on the 8th floor. Hop into one of
the elevators behind Ryo and ride up to the 8th floor. Then, run straight
ahead, toward the little kids standing near the blue wall. Unfortunately,
"strangers aren't allowed in the orphange", so we'll have to bribe one of the
kids to let us in... Just kidding, Ryo isn't that kinda guy! Just talk to the
little girl in red and she'll tell you that Hongji Huo might know something
about Yuan. From that short little conversation, Ryo is no longer a stranger,
so it's cool to enter the orphanage now.
Say hi to Ren, then talk to the kid standing on the chair next to him. He's
Hongji. Supposedly he knows about Yuan, but he won't spill the beans unless
you bribe him with a toy or something. Don't have one? Ren'll bail you out.
After that, Hongji will inform you that Yuan had a talking bird with her.
Sadly, that's the extent of Hongji's knowledge. His teacher in the next room
might know more, though, so he leads you inside. Interrogate her to learn that
asking at a bird shop might be the best course of action.
* NOTE - There are two doors in this room. One leads back into the room with
Hongji and Ren, but the other leads into a secret room where you get to
play... QTE TITLE! Not just that, but also EXCITE QTE 2! Cool beans!
Blow all your cash!
With that knowledge in mind, return to the ground floor and speak with the
waitress in orange again. She'll recommend checking out the Three Birds Bldg,
since there are a plethora of bird shops there. It's located in the Dimsum
Qr, nearby the Tea Break Bldg, so head back over there. Remember where the
Tea Break Bldg was? At the back of Everyone's Diner. Well, stroll a little to
the west from there and you'll find the Three Birds Bldg to the left.
-- THE THREE BIRDS BLDG -------------------------
In here, run down the hallway to the right, then speak with the owner of any
shop. None of them know of anyone who owns a myna bird, but the shops that
carry rare birds are up on the 6th floor. We should really ask up there.
Find the elevator on the west side on the area. However, the elevators are all
screwy and you can't ride directly to the 6th floor, so head up to the 7th
instead. Take the stairs down a floor from there.
On the 6th floor, find any shop owner and ask them about talking birds.
Chances are, they'll refer you to a place called the Nine Birds Shop, which can
be found on the 9th floor. Return to the elevator and ride up to the 7th
floor, then find the stairs and head up to the 9th. Piece of crap elevators.
Once there, you'll find a barren hallway with no shops of any kind. Speak to
the man standing around and he'll inform you that the Nine Birds Shop has been
moved to the roof. Back to the elevator, down to the 7th floor, and up to the
roof. How do you spell "tedious?"
When you get to the roof, look to the fourth store on your left to find the
Three Birds Shop. Interrogate the owner to learn about a "special customer",
who sounds an awful lot like Yuan. She comes around every evening to pick up
some feed for her bird. Choose wait to fast-forward to the appropriate time.
-- STALKER-STYLE --------------------------------
After Ren shows up and Yuan orders the shopkeeper around, she heads downstairs,
and the duo decides to keep on her tail. When you regain control, keep your
eyes on Yuan, but don't get too close, otherwise she'll spot you and the jig'll
be up. Don't want that, so keep your distance and do NOT lock onto her. After
making a pitstop at another shop, Yuan will ride down to the ground floor.
Take the elevator down after her and exit the building.
Be sure to walk slowly behind her (running isn't the best idea in this
situation), but don't let Yuan get too far ahead of you. She'll head into the
Thousand White Bldg, so follow suit. After she stops at a knife shop, be ready
for a QTE.
==[ QTE: Hide! ]======
Left (OMG OMG so hard!)
Chase Yuan outside to Cafe Anna, where she'll stop for a drink. When she's
done, pursue her through a tunnel and into the Stand Qr. Once she finished her
"business" at a stand, she'll head for her final destination: the Mood Child
Bldg. Inside, Yuan will hit up an appliance store to request a purple fridge,
then turn around rather abruptly.
==[ CQTE: Hide! ]=====
[Up, Y] ---------------
From there, your target will head over to the elevators and ride up to the 4th
floor. Of course, you'll want to follow her. Once there, casually chase her
down a few hallways until she ducks into her room. Ren pulls out a coin and
gives you a choice--heads or tails. The choice makes no difference, as Ryo is
the one who'll be busting in no matter what.
==[ CQTE: Bust in! ]=====
[Left, Right, A] ---------
With Yuan out cold, you're free to explore her apartment. Check in the back
left corner to find Zhang, Zhu's associate. You should remember him from your
meeting in the Dou Jiang Diner, back in Wan Chai. Before Ryo's got the chance
to untie him, though, the pounding footsteps of the Fattest Man In The World
become audible. Uh-oh. Hide out behind the fake-wall in the back, opposite
Zhang. When the FMITW enters, be ready for a quick CQTE.
==[ CTQE: "Hide in the closet!" ]=====
[Up, A], Right ------------------------
After all this, the whole gang returns to Ren's Hideout to talk things over.
The only information of any importance is the whereabouts of Yuanda Zhu: the
10th floor of the Ghost Hall Bldg. Before leaving, Zhang forks over a stick
thing that'll prove useful in the Ghost Hall.
h. Hall of Ghosts
Okay, so just where is the Ghost Hall Bldg? Try in the Thousand White Qr.
Once there, run past the Great View Bldg and make your way northward down a
lengthy alley. Right nearby the street fighting area is the entrance to the
Ghost Hall Bldg. Go inside.
-- SCALING THE GHOST HALL BLDG ------------------
Just a little on the desolate side, eh? Find the elevator and in the back and
ride it up as far as it'll go--sadly, it will only carry you up to the 3rd
floor. From that point, turn right and head upstairs to the 4th floor.
From there, we're gonna have to navigate across the ruined building
using a series of flimsy wooden planks. Each time you step onto a plank, be
ready for some tricky QTE sequences. Keep in mind that if you screw up even
ONCE, you'll have to restart from the very bottom. If you're even the
slightest bit worried, I suggest saving your game every time you cross a plank.
That way, you can simply reload your game if you happen to mess up.
==[ QTE: 4th floor ]==========================
Right, Left, Right... then... Left, Left, Right
Take the stairs on the right up several flights to the 7th floor.
==[ QTE: 7th floor ]====================================
Right, Left, Right, Down... then... Left, Left, Up, Right
Now head to the next staircase and find your way up to the 8th floor.
==[ QTE: 8th floor ]=================================================
Left, Right, Down, Left, Left... then... Right, Right, Left, Up, Left
Find the stairs ahead on the right and run up to the 10th.
==[ QTE: 10th floor ]=====================================================
Down, Right, Up, Left, Right... then... Right, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up
Whew! That's it for the plank-crossing, thankfully! Run ahead towards the
door marked by a red star. Inside is a room filled with antiques and relics.
First of all, go take a look at the Buddha statue in the back-right corner of
the room. Interesting. Now go take a gander in the right drawer of the large
desk on the left side of the room. Concealed inside is a sheet of paper
displaying the "Four Heavenly Beasts", which just happen to hold the key to
finding Yuanda Zhu!
Take that Snake Tortoise stick you received a while ago from Zhang and jam it
into the Buddha statue's face. The basic gist is that there are four sticks
that serve as keys when inserted into the proper hole on the statue. The Snake
Tortoise goes in the top hole, and the other three sticks are located elsewhere
in the room.
White Tiger -- Open up the reddish-brown drawer adjacent to the Buddha
statue and grab the uniform inside. The key will fall out.
Phoenix -- Grab the round pot sitting on a shelf to the left of Buddha
and glance inside.
Blue Dragon -- Look behind the large banner hanging over the desk.
| SIDE-QUEST: The Other Keys \___________________________________________
| =========================== |
| Although not a side-quest per se, as you don't gain anything worthwhile, |
| you should be aware that there are four extra key-sticks hidden away in |
| this room. |
| |
| Rooster -- Check inside the left drawer of the smaller desk hiding in |
| in back of the room. |
| Wild Boar -- Sitting out in plain sight atop the large desk. |
| Fish -- There are two turtle shells on a shelf to the left of the |
| large desk. Grab the one of the right. |
| Goat -- Opposite Buddha is a shelf with an orange plate on it. |
| Just above that is a round urn that you should look inside. |
| |
| Now, these key-sticks are completely useless, and are for the sake of |
| collection only. |
Now that you've got all four keys, proceed to Buddha and start jamming them in.
They should be arrange as such:
Top -- Snake Tortoise
Left -- White Tiger
Right -- Blue Dragon
Bottom -- Phoenix
If done correctly, a secret door should open up, leading, of course, to a
cutscene. Soon enough, the Fattest Man In The World shows up, and things start
to go south. Before you know it, Ryo's outside getting attacked from all sides
by some street tuffs. Try as you like, it's impossible to win this battle,
so just put up as much of a fight as you can muster until the screen fades.
After a lengthy series of cutscenes, you'll be back at Ren's Hideout when Joy
bursts in with some juicy news: Yuanda Zhu is being held captive in the Yellow
Head Bldg! Looks like we'll need to find a way in...
There are three entrances to the Yellow Head Bldg, one in each of Kowloon's
quarters (Thousand White, Dimsum, and Stand). Head for the Thousand White Qr
first, since it's the closest. The entrance is just left of the Great View
Bldg. However, when you approach the building, some angry-looking men will
angrily deny your entrance. Visit the entrances in the Dimsum and Stand
quarters to garner the exact same reaction. What's the deal? Fortunately,
Ren shows up and suggests using the Chawan Sign at some local tea shops. He's
got the Stand Qr covered, so head into the Dimsum Qr, if you aren't there
Once there, look for a place called Nihao Teahouse. It's right next to
Everyone's Restaurant, the place we used to enter the Tea Break Bldg a few
times early on. If that doesn't help, the place you're looking for is just
south from the circle of Lucky Hit stands. Have a seat at the empty table and
adjust the cups to make the sign. In case you've forgotten, it should look
like this:
Remember to select wait after properly setting up the sign. After a few
moments, a man will hand over a piece of paper, telling you that it's from
Zhang. Meet in room 503 of the Moon Child Bldg, it says.
If you don't recall from your last visit to the Moon Child Bldg, the entrance
is located in the Stand Qr. Once there, find the fountain in the central
plaza and run eastward. Inside the building, take a right turn and ride one
of the elevators up to the 5th floor. Remember--you're looking for room number
503. After exiting the 'vator, head north down the corridor and make a left
turn. 503 will be the first door on your left. Approach it for a cutscene,
where a mysterious person beckons Ryo into a pitch-black apartment.
The enigmatic person requests Ryo to spar with him, and you've got no choice
but to humor him. Much like your earlier "battles" with Jianmin and Xiuying,
it's quite impossible to land a blow on this opponent. Therefore, you're left
with little to do for the duration of the spar except mess around. Soon
enough, the man will put an end to the match and tell you to forget using your
eyes and try to see with your "mind's eye." Whatever that means. In any
event, you'll be treated to a short mini-game of sorts. The basic idea is to
watch for the man's silhouette and guess which direction he's coming from. If
you can time it right, press X just when the man rushes at you to strike him
and put an end to all this sillyness.
Afterward, the man will reveal explain this completely useless move, Predictive
Explosion. With that, the unknown man decides to shed some light on the
situation (literally--he flips the lights on!), much to Ryo's surprise.
Following a bit of catching up between the two, the man informs you of a scout
who chooses new recruits for the Chiyoumen. Since he may be able to get Ryo
into the Yellow Head Bldg, so we'll need to impress him. To do this, we'll
have to enter the various street fights in Kowloon and win continuously.
* NOTE - From this point onward, the move "Predictive Explosion" will appear
on your Moves Scroll. Despite this, the move has no purpose whatsoever
and can NOT be used. Don't bother asking about it.
i. The Scout
There are plenty of street fighting venues scattered across Kowloon. However,
the Yellow Head scout tends to hang out at certain places.
There are three main places where the scout can easily be found. Visit the
street fighting locales listed below and win to show the guy what you're made
* Location : Thousand White Qr; In front of the Ghost Hall Bldg
* Opponent : Enjiang Zhou
* Objective : Catch the man evading with light steps!
This is probably the easiest street fight; your goal is not to defeat a tough
opponent or avoid a deadly attack. Rather, this fight requires you to simply
grab an evasive martial artist. Since Enjiang Zhou won't attack at all, all
you really need to do is repeatedly mash the B button. Sooner or later you'll
hit it right between your foe's jumps, and the match will end.
* Location : Stand Qr; Find Star Gazing Point due north of the big fountain
* Opponent : Zhouhong Kong
* Objective : He's extremely strong! Find out his weakness!
Since your opponent in this match is a master martial artist who's insanely
strong, a straightforward fight isn't going to be in your best interest.
Instead, you need to exploit Zhouhong's weak point: his missing eye. Circle
around to his left and he'll lose track of you, providing the perfect time to
strike hard and fast. Lather, rinse, repeat, collect cash. :D
* NOTE - Sometimes Cool Z (Ren's crony with the Mohawk and boombox) will be
hanging out nearby this venue. Speak to him to get a nice little hint
pertaining to how to win this fight. Not that you need it, thanks to my
strategy, but it's cool nevertheless.
* Location : Stand Qr; Find the Small Dragon Garden east of the fountain,
hidden behind some stands
* Opponent : Ma Wenyuan
* Objective : Watch for the chance to attack and strike!
Although your objective of landing a single blow on Wenyuan seems simplistic,
things aren't quite so easy. Because of his Passive Raid Style, your opponent
can dodge almost all conventional forms of attack you might throw at him. So
then, to defeat him you'll want to apply one of several strategies. The first
is to simply stand around for the first few seconds of the fight. Doing so
often prompts Wenyuan to lunge at you with a punch, allowing you to end the
battle with the Counter Elbow Assault move (back X+A). If that plan falls
through, you'll want to get Wenyuan moving all around by throwing a barrage of
different moves at him. During this time, you'll want to sneak a Crawl Cyclone
(back back A) into the mix, in an attempt to knock him off his feet. The final
strategy is quite similar to the aforementioned one, only slightly tweaked.
Again, you'll want to throw a random mixture of moves at Wenyuan. As this goes
on, a CQTE might occur (back back B is the command sequence). Input the
sequence correctly and the cash is all yours.
* NOTE - If you lose any of the battles, simply retry and, if you win, the
scout will be just as pleased as if you'd won the battle the first time
After winning each of the above battles, head for the exit of wherever you
happen to be. The scout will approach and say that, come sundown, he wants to
meet at Dragon St. With that, you'll have two choices. The first choice--the
recommended choice--is to immediately fastforward to the designated time and
warp to Dragon St. That way, you'll be able to get right on with the game.
Your alternative is to wait it out yourself and head to the meeting place come
7:00 PM. Either way, meet with the scout on Dragon St to receive three photos
of three different people. Until Ryo can defeat them, there's no way he's
going to let us into the Yellow Head Bldg.
Chances are, you've never seen the trio before in your life. Fortunately, our
good buddy Cool Z has. Find him hanging around outside Ren's Hideout and show
each individual photograph to him. As he'll explain, the people are Rod Stunt,
Greg More, and Chunyan--underground street fighters. Looks like it's time for
Ryo (Shenmue) to go Ryu (Street Fighter)!
-- VERSUS ROD STUNT -----------------------------
For various reasons, mostly financial, Rod Stunt will be our first target.
Assuming you spoke with Cool Z, you should know that Stunt fights in the
Phoenix Bldg, which can be entered via the Tea Break Bldg. In case you forgot,
the Tea Break Bldg is located in the Dimsum Qr, and the entrance is hidden in
back of a diner called "Everyone's Restaurant." Once inside, find a small
"alley" of sorts leading away from the restaurant area. Unfortunately, a man
with no shirt is blocking the path into the Phoenix Bldg. He refuses to budge
unless you give him a hefty sum of $500, so pay up if you've got the cash. If
not, you'll need to raise the money.
At this point in the game, there are several ways to bring in the cash. I'm
sure you've noticed the Lucky Hit Museum outside in the Dimsum Qr--play there
if you're feeling lucky. Additionally, you can enter the warehouse northwest
of the Great View Bldg (Thousand White Qr) and speak with the foxy leather-clad
woman to carry some crates. If you're good at that (and really, who isn't?),
you can bring in $60 an hour. Not bad. However, the best method, I think, is
to go participate in some street fights. Find something that's very easy for
you, such as the one against the Acrobat Master, and continuously win at it.
After a few battles you'll be bringing in $50 per round, which is pretty
Once you've earned the cash, fork it over to the man in the Tea Break Bldg and
he'll permit you to enter the Phoenix Bldg. Now that you're inside, be sure to
resist the urge to stray from your path and play on the Afterburner machine
ahead. Instead, take a right at the elevator and head up several flights of
stairs to the 4th floor. From there, find the elevator down the hallway, on
the right and ride down to B1. Peer out one of the windows to catch a glimpse
of Stunt fighting below, then turn left and take the staircase down as far as
you can. At the bottom, head into the arena and get ready to tango with Stunt.
Unlike other fights in the game, the battle against Stunt (as well as the
ensuing fight versus Greg More) is a best two out of three. Basically, you can
lose the first battle but make a heroic comeback and take the second two and
still win. Groovy. In battle, there are a few things you should take note of.
First, it's possible to get what's known as a "Ring out." To do this, nail
your opponent with a powerful attack while he's near the perimeter of the ring
to knock him out, giving you an automatic win. Be careful, though, because
Stunt can also knock you out of the ring. Secondly, as with most other fights,
the dodge move is very important. Never attack Stunt head-on if possible--dash
around to his side and strike.
Additionally, throw moves tend to be rather ineffective against Stunt, so try
to refrain from using them. Speaking of throws, Stunt likes to use them, and
he'll try to grab you a lot. When he does, be sure to hammer the Y button like
a madman in an attempt to escape. It works, believe it or not. Also, if you
can anticipate your foe's punches pretty well, try to hit him a few times with
the Counter Elbow Assault (back XA)--it's one of the most powerful moves at
your disposal. Not only that, but it will leave your opponent somewhat stunned
for a moment afterward, providing a chance to close in and raise some hell.
With those things in mind, the showdown with Rod Stunt shouldn't prove too
difficult. Plus, you get unlimited retries, so it's no biggie even if you
When you win, two main things will occur. First of all, the Yellow Head scout
will walk away impressed. Additionally, you'll be given a hefty reward of
$1000. Cool beans!
* NOTE - Fight the urge to blow your cash on something stupid, since you WILL
need it in a few moments. If you waste it all, you'll have to regain it
all back in order to progress, so I highly recommend conserving it.
Okay, retrace your steps and head back outside into the Dimsum Qr. It's time
to hint down Greg More.
-- TOE-TO-TOE WITH GREG MORE --------------------
If you remember what Cool Z told you earlier about Mr. More, he fights in the
Blue Dragon Garden, which is accessible from the Stand Qr. Get over there,
pronto! Look around and you'll find the BDG in the southeast corner of the
quarter, with the entrance being blocked by a hairy bloke wearing some glasses.
Cough up the required $1000 to enter, then race inside and observe as Greg More
mercilessly floors a challenger with his lame wrestling moves.
Approach the ring and press X to challenge Greg More. After saying hi to Ren,
prepare yourself for the upcoming battle with Mr. More himself. Given that
More is basically Rod Stunt with less kicks and more grabs, you'll want to
approach the battle in a similar manner. Never stay still, always be on the
move, making it difficult for More to get his filthy hands on you. If he does
happen to catch you, make sure you mash the Y button like there's no tomorrow;
it'll save you a ton of health, and possibly a ring out loss. Other than that,
quick punch combos work best for doling out damage here. Also, try to maneuver
behind him and deliver some powerful kicks to his back--an effective way to
floor him, that.
Afterwards, you'll receive a whopping $2000 (like before, do NOT spend the
money! You need it!). Also, Ren's pissed off. What else is new?
-- SHOWDOWN WITH CHUNYAN ------------------------
The third and final street fighter we'll need to confront is none other than
Mrs. Chunyan, a lovely chickadee who, according to her biggest fan, Cool Z,
fights in the Black Heaven Bldg. The entrance is in the Stand Qr, on the
northwest side of the area, adjacent to the Star Gazing Point entrance
(remember, that's the place where we fought against the tiger-killing maniac
earlier to impress the scout). Step inside and make a right turn, then head
for the elevator. Ride it up to the 11th floor, then turn to the left and take
the staircase up to the 12th. Turn left into a corridor, then step through
the chain-link fence and head over toward the man standing before a set of
stairs. Once you've paid the entrance fee of $2000, begin descending toward
the battlefield. As usual, press X whilst near the arena to challenge the
fighter who, in this case, is a vicious Jeet Kune Do (Bruce Lee-style!) master.
Unlike the past two opponents, Chunyan is a relatively quick foe who relies on
a constant barrage of kicks rather than grapples. To combat this, Ryo's
ability to dodge will become even more important than before. Additionally,
since Ryo's leg moves tend to be a bit on the slow side, try to depend more on
rapid fist strikes. Also, this match will consist of only a single round,
different from the best two out of three battles from before. Toward the end
of the battle, there will be a quick (and probably unexpected) CQTE:
==[ CQTE: Finish Her! ]=====
[Left, B] -------------------
Following the drama, the Yellow Head scout will appear and tell you to meet him
at Dragon St come sundown. Either warp there when the choice appears or walk
over there yourself--whatever floats your boat. Basically, what happens is
this: the scout forks over a map of the Thousand White Bldg basement and tells
you to meet him there the day after tomorrow. Looks like we're gonna get
inside the Yellow Head Bldg! It's about time!
* NOTE - The next day is yours to do with as you please. Keep in mind, you
can easily skip right to the action of the next day by choosing wait when
given the option. However, if you do so, you won't have the chance to tie
up any loose ends, such as taking photographs for your scrapbook, getting
the various arcade games and street fights to complete the Shenmue
collection, etc, etc. The decision is up to you.
j. Storming the Yellow Head Building
Come morning, leave Ren's Hideout and head into the Thousand White Qr. Run
toward the back, near the Ghost Hall Bldg and the street fight with the Acrobat
Master are. Turn left into the Thousand White Bldg then take a look at the
map you received from the scout; you need to get to B2. The elevator on the
right is out of order, so instead run forward past the shops and use the
stairwell to the right. Make your way up to the 3rd floor, where you'll be
able to find a working elevator right around the corner. Ride down to B1.
From there, run straight down the hallway and you'll soon come to a staircase.
Descend to B2.
-- INFILTRATION ---------------------------------
You'll emerge in a creepy locale that reminds me a bit of that sewer area from
the original Resident Evil. Take a few steps forward then choose wait to skip
to the predetermined time. When the scout's rather large belly appears, so
does our good buddy Ren. Some stuff goes down, and pretty soon you won't have
to worry about dealing with the scout anymore.
Proceed into the eerie sewer area ahead. Take a right at the first junction,
then hit the next two lefts and you'll arrive at a gate that just so happens to
be locked. Great... now what? Fear not, the master of unlocking (Wong) shows
up to save the day. He also imparts some rather useful information: Zhu is
being held on the 17th floor. Before leaving, Wong also tosses a map of the
Yellow Head Bldg your way. Nice kid, eh?
Continue onwards, taking the stairs to the east into the next chamber. Here
you'll have two choices: heading upstairs to the left or entering the red door
on the right. Whatever you do, avoid opening the red door, as the Fattest Man
In The World is waiting inside for you. That means instant game over, so take
the stairs instead.
After heading through the door, you'll appear on the first of at least 17
floors. Looks like we've got our work cut out for us... Thankfully we've got
that spiffy map from Wong! Since none of the elevators in this building are in
working order, we'll have to take the long way up. To make matters worse,
although each floor has several staircases, only one is open, and it's
different on each floor. Hope you're ready for a lengthy trek through the
Anyway, find the portion on your map that is shaped like a "T"--the open set of
stairs in over there. Proceed up to the 2nd floor.
-- SCALING THE BUILDING -------------------------
The 2nd floor is very much like the 1st, nothing much of interest at all.
However, if you can manage to locate room 222 (it's in the hallway west of the
area with three elevators) you can step inside and play Hang-On as much as you
would like. Fun game. In any event, find the open staircase in the corridor
adjacent to the three elevators when you're ready to move on.
On the 3rd floor, there will be a nice change of pace. After Ren shows off
just how bored he is, head west down the hallway to meet up with another black-
suited mobster. This time, we get to floor him.
==[ CQTE: Surprise! ]=====
[Down, B] -----------------
If you screw up the CQTE, you'll have to Free Battle the thug before moving on.
Continue ahead, moving toward the "T" junction and you'll encounter another
==[ CQTE: Surprise! ]=====
[Right, B, A] -------------
Following that, make your way to the "T" junction and head up to the 4th floor.
Right away there will be another thug coming down the hall. Dispatch of him
the same way as before.
==[ CQTE: Surprise! ]=====
[A, Up, A] ----------------
En route to the open set of stairs, which is located in the corridor nearby the
area with three elevators, there will be two more CQTE sequences.
==[ CQTE: Surprise! ]=====
[A, Left, X] --------------
==[ CQTE: Surprise! ]=====
[X, Right, Right, X ] -----
Once you reach the 5th floor, you'll be done with CQTEs. However, Ryo and Ren
will stumble across a Yellow Head hangout where a trio of thugs are chatting.
After flipping a coin to decide who's going in (it's Ryo no matter what), you
get to break in and slap them silly in a Free Battle. Quick combos work well
here. Afterward, Ren will find a transceiver that may come in handy. Nice!
Make your way toward the "T" junction and ascend to the 6th floor.
Things are shaken up even more on the 6th floor. Proceed down the corridor
and you'll find some thugs congregating around a fire. Since the lights
periodically flicker off, we can use that down time to sneak past the thugs.
Although you get to watch Ren employ his sneaking skills from a way cool Metal
Gear Solid-esque view, we have to use the normal Shenmue view. Lame. Anyhoo,
press A and wait for the lights to flicker off, then race toward the nearest
set of crates. Stop and wait there for the lights to go off again, then bolt
for Ren. That easy. Should you screw up, a Free Battle with the thugs is in
Three similar scenarios await you ahead. Do the same thing as last time and
you should be fine, otherwise you'll have to do some fighting. Eventually you
should reach the open staircase, allowing you to head up to the 7th floor.
Although there aren't any fights, QTEs, or sneaking sequences here, all three
sets of stairs are blocked off by gangsters. After visiting each stairwell,
the transceiver Ren grabbed earlier will start up. It seems that the thugs
have found out about you, so they're all waiting on the 8th floor.
Luckily, the staircases are now open. Take the one available from the "T"
junction, otherwise there will be too many punks blocking the way. Thing is,
the stairs to the 9th floor are immediately open, so you can skip right from
the 7th floor to the 9th. Sweet! Before long, though, the thugs below will
realize you pulled a fast one of them. Uh-oh!
==[ CQTE: Run Away! ]===========================
[Up, A], [Right, A], [Left, Up, A], [Down, Up, A]
On the 10th floor, simply head straight for the "T" junction and take the
stairs up to the 12th (the gate is open, so we need not even bother with the
11th). Remember the Ghost Hall Bldg? Where you had to cross those planks to
get to the top? Well, the 12th floor lets you relive those glory days and
cross another plank.
==[ QTE: Cross it ]=======
Left, Up, Down, Right, Left
On the other side, Ren decides, for some unfathomable reason, that it would be
a good idea to split it. He takes the right path, so the left corridor is all
yours. Before long, nasty thugs are swarming all over you.
==[ CQTE: All-out brawl ]=====
X, A, B, A, Y, A, Y, A, [Up, A]
Afterwards, Ren shows up again, so head up to the subsequent floor. Since the
next set of open stairs is at the "T" junction, on the other side of the floor,
we'll need to cross another plank to reach it.
==[ QTE: Cross it ]===================
Left, Down, Right, Down, Down, Left, Up
Run up to the 14th floor to encounter Yuan and her new best friend: a
chainsaw! Crap! Better run!
==[ CQTE: "I was a Chainsaw Maniac" ]=====
Left, A, Right, A, A, Right, [Up, A] ------
* NOTE - Anyone who recognizes the title of that last QTE as a level name
from an awesome SNES game earns 500 gold coins.
Head up to the 15th floor to have another run-in with the Fattest Man In The
World. Be ready!
==[ QTE: Escape ]=====
Left, Left ------------
If you screw up on that, be ready to quickly input the commands for a CQTE.
[Down, Y] is what you'll need to press. Mess THAT up and you'll be treated to
a Free Battle with a group of thugs. Nothing too difficult, thankfully.
Either way, ascend the staircase to the 16th floor to meet up with Yuan again.
She's still got her chainsaw.
==[ CQTE: Get outta there! ]==============================
A, Left, A, A, Right, Left, A, Right, [Right, A], [Left, X]
Following that, head upstairs to finally reach the 17th floor.
-- THE 17th FLOOR -------------------------------
Yuan. Again. Another QTE/CQTE sequence will occur, so don't you dare drop
that controller!
==[ CQTE: Defeat Yuan ]=====
Down, Up, Right, [Down, A] --
With that, Ryo knocks the chainsaw out of Yuan's hands. Thank the lord! Of
course, Yuan still wants to go at it, so you get to Free Battle her.
Surprisingly enough, she actually isn't too bad of a fighter; she might even
give you a run for your money. Be sure to stay on the move and deliver a nice
variety of quick punch combos and you should do fine, though. In the ensuing
scene, she reveals that Yuanda Zhu is being held on thr 40th floor, and that
we'll need the elevator key, which is held in the watchmen's room on the 18th
-- UP TO THE 40th -------------------------------
Now, there are a plethora of rooms on the 18th floor. To get inside, press
either A, X, or Y to bust in. Keep in mind that some rooms are completely
empty, whilst others contain thugs that you'll have to fight. After you search
for a while, Ren will call you on the transceiver and say you've six minutes
before the guards go on their rounds. We need to find the watchmen's room
before then! Fortunately, you've got this nifty guide sitting right in front
of you, so you know exactly where to go. Get to the area with the three
elevators, then find room number 1824 in the corridor to the south.
Inside you'll find four thugs who are, of course, unwilling to part with the
key so easily. You'll have to fight them. Of the four, only the man clad in
the black suit should prove difficult. Try to take out the other guys first,
so that you've got plenty of room to maneuever around and take out the suit.
Once you've won, you'll be left to search the room for the key. Across from
the TV is a gray box on the wall--open it up and grab keys number 9 and 10. If
you really want to, you can also nab the other four, although they're
entirely useless.
With those in hand, exit the room and turn to the right. Check the wall for
a box that reads "EV" in solid letters. Since it has the Roman numeral "IX"
on it, use key number 9 to open it up. Inside are three green buttons, each
corresponding to a different elevator. For now, hit the button on the far
right, thus activating the elevator on the far right. Go call the elevator up
and, when it arrives, a group of black-suited mobsters will emerge. Uh-oh,
time to fight.
Truth be told, there's really only one decent way to go about this battle, and
that's to back off like a pussy. Let the thugs come to you and deliver a
strong blow when they do, then back off again. Rinse and repeat. If you do
try to take them all out at once, chances are they'll surround you and beat
poor Ryo to a pulp. Take my advice and use the pussy method--it works. Once
the battle's over, run over to the elevator and ride down the B1, the place
where we started. From there, walk to the left and open up the "EV" box using
the number 10 key. Activate the last elevator using the second switch from the
right, then ride down to B3.
-- THE BIG OX BLDG ------------------------------
When you arrive at the bottom floor, Ryo will take notice of a man who's skin
looks an awful lot like mine. After this incredibly pale guy beats the crap
out of some punk with lightning-fast martial arts moves, find the nearby
staircase and head down. Before you know it, Ryo will be stepping into the
ring to do battle with the mysterious martial artist.
Hands down, this man, Baihu, is the most difficult opponent you've fought all
game. His punches are insanely fast, and there's little room to maneuver in
the ring. Make sure you don't get caught with your back to the wall, otherwise
Baihu will slice 'n' dice right through you. Throws are useless here, and most
kicks won't do you any good, either, so rely almost entirely on quick punches.
If you can get to the end of round one, be ready to hit a quick CQTE.
==[ CQTE: End it! ]=====
[Left, X] ---------------
For the second round, apply the same tactics as before. Be careful not to jump
up and celebrate after winning, though, because you've got a lengthy series of
QTE/CQTEs coming up.
==[ CQTE: Finish him! ]===============================
[Right, Right, B], Right, Left, Up, A, [Down, X, Up, A]
Following that, Ryo takes Joy and the pair ride the elevator up to the 40th
floor. When you get there, you might wanna save your game, then head through
the door on the other side of this very shiny room. Inside you'll meet with a
group of black-suited thugs; they're unwilling to let you pass, so we'll have
to force our way through. As with the last battle against a large group, be
sure to back off and let them come to you. Take your foes out one by one and
everything'll be good in the hood. Once the battle ends, head outside.
-- THE ROOFTOP SHOWDOWN -------------------------
Outside, Ryo will begin to ascend the stairs leading to the rooftop when still
more black-suits show up.
==[ QTE: To the roof ]=====
Down, Y, B, X, Up, X -------
After viewing a breathtaking cutscene, it's time to go toe-to-toe with none
other than Dou Niu himself. Throughout this lengthy battle, you'll want to
continuously hit the Y button to move around. Since Dou Niu is so slow, you'll
want to use Ryo's agility to your advantage. If you get grabbed, be sure to
slam the Y button repeatedly to try to break free; it'll definitely save you a
lot of health. Also, don't even bother trying to attack from the front.
Instead, dodge around to Dou Niu's side, then nail him with a quick kick or use
the XXX (triple punch) combo on him. Lather, rinse, and repeat.
==[ CQTE: The Finale ]=====================================
[Left, Y], [Left, Left, Y], [Down, Left, Up, Y], [Right, XA]
If you mess up any part of the above QTE sequence, you'll have to redo the
entire battle with Dou Niu, so be precise. When the battle is finally over,
there will be an elongated series of cutscenes, ending with Ryo returning to
Man Mo Temple in Wan Chai to visit Xiuying. She'll show off a cool move called
Demon's Triangle, then have her slave Hanhui give you a scroll of the throw.
k. The Road to Bailu Village
Quite the contrast to your typical Shenmue scenery, eh? Get used to it. There
is actually very little to do in this backwoods village, so just do a little
sightseeing, talk to the people, ande eventually leave via the dirt path to the
northwest. Since this road is 100% linear, just run along until you reach an
area called Yingshuihe. There you'll experience a cutscene and meet up with
Shenhua Ling (it's about time!), a young girl who hails from Bailu Village,
our destination.
-- WALKING AND TALKING --------------------------
Since Ryo and Shenhua will automatically walk, all you need to worry about is
the topic of conversation. After a bit of discussion about Ryo's heritage,
you'll have the option of either talking about something else or skipping on
ahead. There's really no need to converse with Shenhua, but it's something
you might be interested in. Following a quick cutscene, you'll get to do some
more talking.
Sooner or later, you'll arrive at the entrance to a forest. Since it's almost
night time, Shenhua decides it would be better to run.
==[ QTE: Through the forest ]==============================
Up, Down, Up, A, Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Left, Right, A, X
When you make it through there, the pair will stop for a moment as the path
ends, then ascend the rock wall ahead.
==[ QTE: "Lets hurry!" ]============================================
X, Down, A, X, Right, Left, Right, A, Up, Left, Left, Right, X, Down,
Right, Left, A ======================================================
Following that brisk jog through the woods, Ryo and Shenhua reach a spring
where they pause to take a break.
==[ QTE: Running through the woods ]======================================
Up, X, Left, Right, Down, Up, X, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, Left, Right,
Up, Up, Down, A ===========================================================
Finally, the couple will come to a rocky crag. Fortunately, there is a nearby
cave where we'll be spending the night. After a bit of conversation, Shenhua
will find the cave.
-- THE CAVE -------------------------------------
To avoid freezing in the cold weather, the first thing we need to do is find
some wood to start a fire. Shenhua will stay at the mouth of the cave to watch
over the blaze while Ryo heads into the back to gather twigs and whatnot. To
do this, give the Right Trigger a nice squeeze to move the camera into first-
person view mode. Just keep your eyes focused on the ground and you should be
able to spot plenty of sticks as you explore the relatively-small cave. Press
X to grab a stick. Since Ryo can only carry so many at a time, you'll have to
make two or three trips in order to gather a sufficient amount of twigs.
Once you've done that, you get to curl up by the fire with Shenhua and... TALK!
If you're not interested in that sort of thing, you can just skip past as you
did before. When you're ready to quit talking and get on with the game, the
pair hit the hay, and you'll be treated with several cutscenes before returning
to the path leading to Bailu Village.
-- WALKING AND TALKING, pt. 2 -------------------
Before long, the duo will come to a fork in the road, and decide to take the
right path. Unfortunately, a landslide has blocked off the usual road, so
you'll have to backtrack a small bit and take the remaining path instead.
Follow that until you come to another fork, at which point you should head
left, since the right path is a dead end. From there, you'll soon stumble
across yet another fork. This time, you'll want to head right, then left at
the final fork in the road.
By this time, you should reach a raging river. In order to cross it, you'll
need to take care of a CQTE.
==[ CQTE: Over the River ]=========
[ Left, Right, A ] -----------------
Once you've taken care of that, you'll be back on the main path again.
Rejoice! There are no more forks for the time being, so just run straight
along the path. Soon, you'll reach another river that needs to be crossed.
==[ CQTE: Over the River ]=========
[ Left, Right, A, Right, Left ] ----
Back on the road, take a left path at the first fork you come across, as the
right path is nothing more than a dead end. As for the next two forks, be sure
to head right both times. If you've made all of the right turns and such, you
will soon arrive at a guardian statue of Bailu Village. Since Shenhua is
familiar with the area now, she'll take the lead again. After a bit of walking
and talking that you should be accustomed with by now, Shenhua will offer to
take you on a short detour to see some flowers. Whether you wanna see them or
not is up to you.
Either way, you'll eventually return to the main path, where you'll happen
across a giant tree/spider thing that marks the halfway point the Bailu
Village. Nice! You'll soon come across still another fork in the path, but
luckily Shenhua knows the way. In a matter of moments, the pair will reach a
place called the Five Colors Spring. From there, the road is again blocked
off, forcing the pair to retreat to the fork. You're put back into the lead.
Finding the right path again isn't too tricky. Just take stay on the path (and
really, where else can you go?) and take these directions at the upcoming
forks: right, left, left, right. Soon enough, you'll come to a rocky area
filled with narrow paths. Slowly work your way to the other side, staying away
from the edges. If you get too close to the edge, you'll have to complete a
quick QTE to avoid watching Ryo plummet to his doom. The name of the game here
is simply to walk, not run, and be careful. Toward the end, you'll need to
leap over a gap.
==[ CQTE: Over the gap ]=====
[ Up, Up, A ]-----------------
Following that, it's back to the usual paths. Head right at the first branch
in the road and you'll come to the Stone Lion, a statue that signifies you have
returned to the normal path. Shenhua will begin to lead again. Sweet. After
a bit, you'll come to another fork in the path. Both will lead to the village,
but one is a short detour and Shenhua can't seem to remember which one it was,
so Ryo steps up tothe plate and decides to make the decision himself. Right is
the detour (just some boring waterfalls) while left is a more direct path
(although it does lead through a field filled with dandelions). Your choice.
In a bit you'll have the choice of going to see a waterfall, but it's nothing
special. Just a few more paths and you'll reach Shenhua's house!
-- SHENHUA'S HOME -------------------------------
Up on a small hill overlooking the village you'll find Shenhua's house. Ryo
wants to head straight for the village, but Shenhua is determined to repay him
for saving her life back near Langhuishan.
After a most interesting cutscene (where you'll learn why the Shenmue series is
named so), Shenhua will invite you into her humble abode, where you get to ask
her about some stuff, namely her family and the Shenmue tree. When you grow
tired of talking, choose quit and Shenhua will go to make dinner, giving you a
chance to roam freely about the house.
When you've explore to your heart's content, go talk to Shenhua in the kitchen,
then choose wait to skip right to the next scene. After a meal of succulent
rabbit, Shenhua will tell you to take a look at her father's collection. Look
around as much as you like. When you've had enough, head into the bedroom and
take a look at the desk to find something rather interesting. What is it? A
diagram of the Phoenix and Dragon Mirrors! Since her father knows more about
it, Shenhua offers to take you to him at the Stone Pit tomorrow. The remainder
of the night automatically passes by. Good deal.
-- TO THE STONE PIT -----------------------------
When you wake up in the morning, go talk to Shenhua in the kitchen and choose
wait to skip ahead. When she's finally ready to set out, she'll lead you to
the Cloud Bird Trail, which leads to the Stone Pit. After an informative
conversation about the Stone Pit and the two mirrors, the pair will arrive at a
rocky hill. Shenhua will notice the lack of birds in the area and become
worried, as the place is usually full of cute little birdies. Following that,
the two race ahead towards the Stone Pit.
As they arrive, the pair heads inside, using some torches as light sources.
Follow Shenhua through the narrow caverns until you reach a small chamber,
which is unusually devoid of Shenhua's father. Even after she calls out to him
he doesn't come... Hey-ho, what's the dealio?
The pair venture deeper into the cave, where they locate a waterfall cavern
hidden behind a heavy metal door, which is normally locked. Strangely, it's
wide open this time. Hmm... Just follow Shenhua inside. Head up the stairs on
the opposite side of the cave and you'll find a mysterious letter from
Shenhua's father, which entrusts her with a family treasure--a sword!
With the decorative sword in hand, find the pedestal behind the pool of water
and press X to drop off the sword. Things get all Final Fantasy-like, with
light and electricity appearing from nowhere, and another pedestal will appear
from the ground. Head on over and press X.
From then on, the game will take over. Congrats, you've just completed Shenmue
V ----------------------------------------------------------- SECRETS
All the hidden things that you probably didn't know about...
a. Shenmue Collection
Just think of the Shenmue Collection as an archive of all the fun 'n' games.
Once you play an arcade game or street fight, it'll automatically be entered
into your collection, allowing you to play it whenever you please!
YS GAMES (Yu Suzuki Games)
Classified Images
This is actually really cool--it's some clips from the original version of
Shenmue that was designed (but never released, of course) for the Sega Saturn.
It'll be unlocked as soon as you beat the game.
Check inside room 222 of the Yellow Head Bldg to find this game.
Space Harrier
Find it in the Pine Arcade, Golden Qr.
Find it in the Pine Arcade, Golden Qr.
Afterburner II
Look inside the Phoenix Bldg, the place where we fought against Rod Stunt in
order to impress the scout.
QTE Title
You can find this way cool game in two locales: the Pine Arcade (Golden Qr) or
in the back room of the orphanage in the Moon Child Bldg.
Excite QTE 2
You can find this way cool game in two locales: the Pine Arcade (Golden Qr) or
in the back room of the orphanage in the Moon Child Bldg.
Slot Machine
There are two places to find this game: on the second floor of the Pine Arcade
or in the Slot House in the Golden Qr.
Lucky Hit Museum
In the Dimsum Qr (Kowloon), check near the diners and you should spot a circle
of Lucky Hit stands. Play on any one to get the game in your collection.
Darts 7
You can find this cool darts game in six locales:
* Pine Arcade, Golden Qr.
* S.I.C. Pool Hall, Golden Qr.
* Liverpool, White Dynasty Qr.
* Bar Swing, Worker's Pier
* Fortune's Eatery, Fortune's Pier
* Blue Sky Beer Garden, Fortune's Pier
VS Darts / Old Man
Check the Mini-games chapter to get the lowdown on his location.
VS Darts / Boy
Check the Mini-games chapter to get the lowdown on his location.
VS Darts / A Snob
Check the Mini-games chapter to get the lowdown on his location.
VS Darts / A Baseball Fan
Check the Mini-games chapter to get the lowdown on his location.
VS Darts / A Rapper
Check the Mini-games chapter to get the lowdown on his location.
Move Scroll
A list of every move at Ryo's disposal. You've always got it unlocked.
The Beast
Find him in the center of the Beverly Hills Wharf.
Mongolian Wrestling
Former Barracks, accessible from the Thousand White Qr.
Iron Thrust Style
Former Factory Site, accessible from the Thousand White Qr.
Acrobat Style
Thousand White Qr; In front of the Ghost Hall Bldg
Iron Head Style
Construction Base, turn left while facing the Ghost Hall Bldg (Thousand White
Qr) and enter the alley.
One-eyed Man
Stand Qr; Find Star Gazing Point due north of the big fountain
Passive Raid Style
Stand Qr; Find the Small Dragon Garden east of the fountain, hidden behind some
You'll unlock this battle, versus Greg More, as you play through the game.
You'll unlock this battle, versus Rod Stunt, as you play through the game.
Jeet Kune Do
You'll unlock this battle, versus Chunyan, as you play through the game.
Tiger Swallow Style
You'll unlock this battle, versus Baihu, as you play through the game.
b. General Stuff
First and foremost, by February 28 (Shenmue time, of course) you'll need to be
at the point where Ryo has to air out books at Man Mo Temple. Since this date
is only a few days after the game begins, you'll need to play through the
beginning relatively quick. Anyhoo, after you're done airing out the books on
your first day, find Fangmei (Xiuying's young assistant who wakes you up every
morning) in one of three locations: 1) inside Man Mo Temple, 2) behind the
temple, in the backyard, or 3) standing just outside the temple's walls.
Approach her in one of these locations and she should automatically talk to
you (e.g., you won't need to press A). She'll ask you some questions, which
you can answer in any way you please. After Fangmei talks about Lan Di, you
should leave the area (go to another quarter), then return to speak with her
again. As with before, she'll as you a variety of questions. Be sure not to
tell her that you think Xiuying is beautiful and you'll be good.
Later on, once you've discovered the Wulinshu, find Fangmei again in one of the
aforementioned places and talk to her. When she asks you about Lan Di, make
sure you answer "Yes." Once that's done with, trek over to the Worker's Pier
and look in Pigeon Park for a young red-haired woman practicing martial arts.
Speak with her to get acquainted--this is Eileen Edelweiss, a friend of
Fangmei's. Come March 1, step into Man Mo Bistro (Wise Men's Qr) after you've
aired out the books to find Fangmei and Eileen having lunch. Keep in mind that
this will only occur if you previously met Eileen at Pigeon Park (as
Next, go visit a shop in the Lucky Charm Qr called Complete Clothier at around
2:00 PM. It's right across the street from Zhangyu's Barber Shop, which is
where you went to learn one of the Four Wude earlier. Ryo will spot Fangmei
eying a piece of jewelry. After Fangmei runs off, step into the shop and talk
to the clerk to purchase the jewelry for the hefty sum of $150. On March 3,
go to Xiuying's room in the Da Yuan Apartments (room 207) and Ryo will give
Fangmei her present. Also, return here right before leaving for Kowloon for
another cute scene.
Before you can take part in the Duck Race, you need to obtain two medals: the
Big Bronze Medal and the Big Silver Medal. To get the bronze medal, you need
to talk to two people first. The first is Izumi Takano, who works in the
Tomato Convenience Store (Golden Qr). The second is Eileen Edelweiss, who
practices her kung fu in Pigeon Park (Worker's Pier) after you've found the
Wulinshu. Once you've talked to those two people, you can find the bronze
medal in the Green Market Qr. Just past the Come Over Guest House is a small
alley, which you should take until you find a small room with some boxes laying
around. There should be a small doorway (it will be closed off if you haven't
talked to Izumi and Eileen yet), which you should head through. Inside you'll
find the medal on a table, along with three boxes containing capsule toys.
Once you leave the room, you won't be able to get back in, so make sure you
grab everything.
With the Big Bronze Medal firmly in tow, you now have access to the 3rd Floor
of the Pine Arcade in the Golden Qr. Head upstairs and talk to the bookie,
who'll ask if you want to "Participate" or "Watch". Choose participate and
cough up the prerequisite $20. What are you participating in, you may ask? A
fight, of course! You finally get to fight against Eileen, the master of
Piguazhang-style kung fu. To beat her, simply dodge around a lot and attack
when you have an opening. Try to avoid using throw moves, as Eileen tends to
be able to parry them easily.
Once you've beaten Eileen, you can return for a second battle against a new
opponent... Izumi! Fighting her is a lot like fighting Eileen, only you have
to perform several CQTE sequences during the battle, for which the sequence is
[XB, AY]. Defeat her and you'll receive the Big Silver Medal and Izumi will
tell you to come by her shop for a special surprise.
Do as you were told and head into the Tomato mart, pressing X by Izumi. She'll
take you to... the DUCK RACE! Cool beans! At first you can only bet on which
duck you think will win, but later on you can get your own duck and race it.
To get your own duck, head to the backyard of Man Mo Temple and press X in
front of the tree. You'll have to catch two leafs at a time three separate
times. It can be pretty difficult, but you don't have to do it consecutively
so it shouldn't take too long. The most effective way I've found is to simply
wait until there is a cluster of leaves and zoom in on them. Once you've
caught enough leaves, you'll hear a duck quack and a white feather will drift
down along with the leaves. If you miss it, you only need to catch two leaves
at a time a few more times and it'll happen again. Catch the leaf and Ryo will
knock a duck out of the tree with some karate moves.
Take the duck to the Tomato mart and press X. After some smack quacking (the
duck's version of smack talk) and Izumi will take you to get your duck
registered for the race. It costs $50 per try, but you probably have the money
already. The race can be pretty difficult, but you should get the hang of it
after a while. Your prize for winning is the Big Gold Medal! Nice job!
As with the original Shenmue, if you take far too long to complete the game,
you'll be "rewarded" with the bad ending, which is pretty much the same thing
as game over. June 31st is the date that you have to get to in order to
observe this event, so don't worry if you're a slow player, as you've got more
than enough time. The best way to achieve this ending is to continually mess
up during the QTE in Zhangyu's Barber Shop, while learning about the Four Wude.
Each time you screw up, one day will pass, so it'll still take a very long
time, but that's the quickest available method.
After raiding Huang the wiretapper's apartments, Ryo will return to Ren's
Hideout with a trashcan full of tapes. As you're manually listening to the
last one, fast forward to 651 on the timer to hear an interesting conversation
between Joy and Guizhang, one of the main characters from the first Shenmue!
Beat the game at least once and use your completed file to load the Shenmue
Collection. Select the Classified Images and enjoy and might've been.
c. Photography
By snapping photos (press Black) of certain people throughout the game, you'll
be rewarded with comics detailing the backstory of characters or bonus images.
Cool beans!
Snap a picture of the following characters--
Red-haired biker chick, integral to the storyline. You know who she is.
He's the little kid in green who runs off with your bag at the start of the
game. He's in a ton of scenes, don't miss him.
One of Ren's three main cronies, Larry is one of the guys who helps to nab your
bag in the beginning. He's got long hair and wears a bandanna.
Sam is another one of Ren's cronies. He tends to wear a denim vest, and can
be found either at the beginning of the game (the stolen bag incident) or later
on in the Beverly Hills Wharf.
Cool Z
The last of Ren's lapdogs, Cool Z is a rather large fellow with a Mohawk. He
always carries a bright red boombox along with him, and sits outside Ren's
Hideout in Kowloon.
Haohai Du
One of the Poison Brothers, the thugs that hang out at the Porridge Shop on
Queen's St all the time.
Bangzhuo Du
The second of the Poison Brothers.
Ailian He
Start a new game and check around the exit to the pier/entrance to the Worker's
Pier. This young lady will be sitting there in a bright blue dress. Lovely.
Snap a picture of the following characters--
Also known as Lishao Tao, there are pleny of chances to snap her shot. Should
be no problem.
The cranky old Tai Chi master from the Yan Tin Apartments (South Carmain Qr)
who teaches Ryo about the Chawan Sign.
Jianmin is the kindly old fellow who spends all day every day practicing Tai
Chi in Lotus Park, South Carmain Qr.
This guy is the elderly master of the Guang Martial Arts School in the Green
Market Qr. He teaches you the second Wude.
The street performer you meet with in the Golden Shopping Mall, who was
formerly a student of Zhoushan's.
This man owns a barber shop in the Lucky Charm Qr and helps Ryo learn the third
Ren Dan
The grumpy, angry, and generally unhappy clerk at the Come Over Guest House.
Meiming Yu
The waitress at Fu Hoi Diner (Worker's Pier). Always standing around outside,
easy to spot.
Snap a picture of the following characters--
Xiuying's personal slave, err... assistant. She's the girl who wakes you up
every morning at the Da Yuan Apartments.
The aging monk at Man Mo Temple who bribes you to carry books with move
Jiliang Chang
One of the two workers clad in white at Man Mo Temple. He's the nicer, more
good-natured of the two.
Shiquan Fu
The other worker in white at the temple. He's the guy that acts like a jerk
and always has an attitude.
Your crate-carrying partner at Fortune's Pier! Terrible voice-acting.
Mingzhen Ye
One of the two blue-wearing assistants at Guang Martial Arts School (Green
Market Qr).
Linjian Chan
The second assistant at Guang Martial Arts School.
Anan Liu
Finding this guy can be a bit tricky. After first arriving at the Come Over
Guest House leave the place and head to the left. This guy should be standing
outside a shop, looking at the crooked sign.
Snap a picture of the following characters--
The clerk at Tomato Convenience Store in the Golden Qr.
Once you begin staying at Xiuying's place in the Da Yuan Apartments, you can
find her practicing her kung fu in the Worker's Pier's Pigeon Park.
Zhu's associate who you meet at Dou Jiang Diner. You also meet with him
several times in Kowloon.
The guy who owns Great View Herbs in Kowloon. He rats you and Ren out to Dou
The "blind" musician on Dragon St. You'll talk to him later on in the Moon
Child Bldg.s
Haoyi Ping
The owner of the Lucky Hit Museum in the Dimsum Qr. He's standing in the
middle of the circle of Lucky Hit stands and has no shirt on.
Guangyan Wang
Check the 3rd floor of the Yan Tin Apartments before going to say goodbye to
Xiuying to find him. He's the brother of Guang Ji from Shenmue I!
When you start a new game and Ryo is walking through the streets being pestered
by all kinds of annoying folk, snap a shot of the man in the green shirt.
Snap a picture of the following characters--
You're with him the WHOLE TIME in Kowloon. You'd better know him.
Rod Stunt
The black Pancratium-style fighter whom you need to defeat to impress the
Yellow Head Scout. He fights in the Phoenix Bldg.
Greg More
The pussy wrestler who fights in the Blue Dragon Garden, accessible from the
Stand Qr. You need to beat him to make the Yellow Head Scout happy.
The third fighter you need to defeat to impress the Scout, Chunyan is the
cowboy hat-wearing chick who fights using Jeet Kune Do in the Black Heaven
The sickly pale, masked fighter who Ryo encounters in the depths of the Yellow
Head Bldg (Big Ox Bldg).
Zhenwu Gu
You can find this guy in front of a stall in the Stand Qr. He's wearing a
button-up red shirt and some green pants.
Pengcui Yamei
One of the waitresses at Cafe Anna in the Thousand White Qr.
Loufei Zong
The second Cafe Anna waitress.
Snap a picture of the following characters--
You're with her all the time in Guilin.
Dou Niu
The Fattest Man In The World.
Dou Niu's sycophant. With a chainsaw.
Lan Di
There are only two chances to snap a shot of this sinister feller: 1) the Man
Mo Temple flaskback after finding the Wulinshu and 2) the scene atop the Yellow
Head Bldg. Make sure you don't miss him.
You can find this barbarian standing shirtless in front of the Thousand White
Bldg, near the entrance to the warehouses. He's also your partner should you
choose to do any crate-carrying in Kowloon.
Lianfei Yang
She's your crate-carrying boss in Kowloon. Find this leather-clad chick inside
the Thousand White warehouses.
Haishan Lie
Go to the bottom of the stairs in Dragon St. You know, the stairs that lead
towards the Thousand White Qr? Yeah, that's it. Now look to your right and
you should notice a hidden staircase. Follow it and snap a photo of the guy
running the Lucky Hit stand up here.
One of the kids running around in Langhuishan, the village in Guilin. He's got
some really big and ugly glasses.
VI --------------------------------------------------- PART-TIME JOBS
A good way to make money, but not always the most fun. There are two different
jobs you can get during the course of the game.
a. Lucky Hit
Queen's St. - West of the Ling Ling Porridge Shop
Green Market Qr. - East of the Come Over Guest House, just next to Bar Man Mo
South Carmain Qr. - Across the street from the Carmain Pawnshop
South Carmain Qr. - Near the gate leading to the Wise Men's Qr.
Fortune's Pier - East from No. 10 Warehouse, behind the broken down truck
The basic pretense behind this one is simple: you find a Lucky Hit stand and
talk to the bookie, using the Y button to initiate a money conversation.
Choose part-time job and the stand owner will either enlist you or refer you to
a nearby stand where help is needed.
Once you've been hired, you need to attract some people to play. To do this,
look around at the passing denizens using the Left Thumbstick. Also, you can
advertise the game by calling out with a press of the A button. Most people
tend to walk right past you, but sooner or later someone will pop up and be
willing to play. The stand owner will often return after about three or four
games to check up on you, giving you an opportunity to keep going or throw in
the towel.
When a customer shows up, you take turns dropping balls onto the Lucky Hit
board, which is filled with pegs. When the ball hits a peg, it will randomly
bounce around and eventually land somewhere at the bottom. If the ball lands
on a red target, you score a point, but if it lands on a white "X", you don't
gain a thing. Whoever has more points after three turns is declared the
winner, unless of course there's a draw. In that case, it'll go into sudden
death--the first unanswered point wins it. Keep in mind when adjusting where
you're going to drop the ball that it bounces in a completely random way; you
can drop it in the exact same place twice with a different outcome. So
basically, you just want to choose a random place and hope for the best.
In terms of pay, you're given $300 to begin with. Unfortunately, you can't
just run off with it (too bad, because that's way more than you're liable to
make). The bet is $50, and you get to keep half of your earnings. That adds
up to $25 per win, and of course absolutely nothing if you lose. Since this is
so random and it all comes down to pure luck, I suggest looking elsewhere to
make some money. Even so, Lucky Hit can be pretty fun, so by all means give it
a try at the very least.
b. Carrying Crates
Fortune's Pier - The place Joy takes you to early on. After the first
time, find the foreman north of where you enter the pier.
Thousand White Qr. - Find the warehouse accessible from the Thousand White Qr.
and speak with the woman clad in leather.
This job is pretty simple and very boring, but it's a much more effective way
of making money than running the Lucky Hit stand. To start working, you need
to find the foreman (the old nasty drunkard at Fortune's Pier or the hot chick
in leather in the Thousand White Qr.) and start up a money conversation. These
people always need help, so they're happy to sign you up at any time.
What the actual job entails is this. You and your partner (either Delin or
Congo) will carry some heavy boxes from one side of a warehouse to another. To
accomplish this most tedious task, there are two things you need to be aware
of. The first being that you need to be constantly holding forward on the
D-Pad to continue moving. The second is that just walking straight toward the
goal area isn't going to work. Nuh-uh. Instead, it's much more effective to
zigzag across the warehouse, pressing either left or right on the D-Pad as many
times as your partner calls said direction out. Mess up even once and you'll
drop the crate, losing some valuable time.
After an hour of hardcore crate-carrying, it's time to collect your cash and
get outta there. For every box you successfully got to the other side you'll
earn a crisp $10, meaning that the most you can possibly get per hour of work
is $60. Well, it's definitely better than the ever-random Lucky Hit, but
hitting up one of the local gambling outfits is still a much better cash-cow.
VII ------------------------------------------------------ MINI-GAMES
All sorts of fun and games await you in the game! Many of the following games
can be located in the Pine Arcade (Golden Qr), though several must be found in
more unorthodox locales. 'Tis a good thing you've got such a cool person as
myself (yeah right) to tell you where they are and how to play them!
* Location : Phoenix Bldg, Dimsum Qr; In the main hall
-- CONTROLS ---------------------------
Left Thumbstick - Move
B, X, Y - Missile
Left Trigger - Throttle
A, Right Trigger - Vulcan
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
Basically, the purpose of this game is to fly around and blow things up. From
what I gather, the idea is to shoot down any plane in sight, and there are a
couple of ways to do that. First is the Vulcan, which is pretty much just a
machine gun. It's got unlimited ammo, so don't be afraid to hold down A the
hole time. Secondly, you've got Missiles, which are limited. Every so often
you'll get a refill, but until then you need to conserve them. You've also
got the Throttle, which just propels your plane faster. Other than that, just
try firing at anything and everything in sight and you should be good. Also,
you can perform a barrel roll by pressing the control stick in one direction,
then quickly in the opposite. Fun!
* Location : Pine Arcade, Golden Qr.
S.I.C. Pool Hall, Golden Qr.
Liverpool, White Dynasty Qr.
Bar Swing, Worker's Pier
Fortune's Eatery, Fortune's Pier
Blue Sky Beer Garden, Fortune's Pier
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
A pretty standard darts machine. You've got five darts to try to rack up as
many points as possible. In addition to however many points you get from your
throw, you'll also get a bonus of up to 9 extra points for releasing the dart
quickly. This seems pretty cool, but it's really a better idea to take some
time and line up a good shot as opposed to wildly tossing the dart anywhere on
the board just to get the bonus. Be smart. Now then, if you happen to land a
total of 120 points on your first game, you'll be awarded a free second. On
that game, earn 240 points to receive a second freebie. Nothing else after
that one, I'm afraid.
Additionally, there are several different players in the game that you can
challenge to a match. Whoever's got more points after the match is declared
the victor, and to him go the spoils. Below is a compilation of each opponent
you can play, a brief synopsis of their skills, and where you can find them...
* Boy: Find this grimy little kid in the Pine Game Arcade during the
daytime. He's not such a great player, but he's good practice for a dart
novice. Really, right around 70-80 points is usually enough to garner a
* Rapper: Just think of him as Tom from the original Shenmue revived. You
can locate this mad funky dude at the Bar Swing in the Worker's Pier during
the middle of the day. He's a decent player, but far from the best. In a
typical match, about 120 points should be enough to best him.
* Baseball player: Find this guy in the Pine Game Arcade at night, or in
Fortune's Eatery during the day. He can usually hit inside the green ring,
so you'll need to be pretty skilled to beat him. Typically, if you can get
around 150+ points from five darts, you'll be able to give the baseball
player a run for his money.
* Old man: You can find this old guy playing at Liverpool in the White
Dynasty Qr. Despite how feeble and nasty he seems, he's actually a tough
opponent, so don't underestimate him. I expect you'll need to be good
enough to gain about 200 points in a match to defeat him.
* Snob: This member of the Hong Kong Darts Association is easily the
toughest opponent you'll ever face. He can be found in multiple locations,
including the S.I.C. Pool Hall and the Blue Sky Beer Garden in Fortune's
Pier. He can nail a bulls-eye almost at will, so I wouldn't suggest
challenging him unless your skills are finely honed. Until you're good
enough to get at least 400 or so points, going after the snob isn't a smart
Keep in mind when playing the more difficult of the above players that you've
got a trump card : the time bonus! Although you can get up to nine extra
points per dart, most of the people you can challenge waste their oppurtunity
for bonus points! As long as you can get a good shot off quickly, you're
* Location : Pine Game Arcade, Golden Qr.
-- BUTTONS USED -----------------------
D-Pad Directions (Up, left, down, right)
A, B, X, Y
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
Returning from the Shenmue I, this game is designed to help improve your QTE
skills. The gist of things here is that a random button will flash on-screen,
and you'll have a few seconds to hit said button. The faster you hit it the
more points you'll gain. Before long, things will get a bit more difficult,
though. Directions on the D-Pad will be added in and you'll be given less time
to hit the corresponding button/direction. Press the wrong button three times
and it's game over for you.
* Location : Room 222 of the Yellow Head Bldg
-- CONTROLS ---------------------------
Left Thumbstick - Move left or right
Left Trigger - Brake
Right Trigger - Accelerate
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
The main goal of this game is, simply enough, to race your motorcycle through
various locales. What's interesting, though, is that you aren't racing the
other riders, but rather the clock. If you can hit the end of each course with
time to spare, you'll be able to continue. If not, you'll have to restart.
The other riders do serve a purpose, however, and that's to get in your way.
If you smack right into another bike, you can fully expect to go flying and
crash, losing a good few seconds. If you can learn swerve in and out of
traffic you'll soon become rather good at this awesome game. Also, there are
trees and signs lined along the road that can also cause a crash. Be sure to
steer clear of them, either by applying the brakes (preferably not, as it
slows you down) or by tapping the Right Trigger on turns to make things easier.
* Location : Pine Arcade, Golden Qr.
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
This version of the Darts game differs from the standard one mentioned above in
several ways. First of all, Ryo holds the dart differently, making aiming a
bit different. Also, there is no time bonus, so you've got as long as you need
to line up the perfect shot. Finally, the scoring works differently; it's not
as complex as the normal version of darts. Instead, there are five rings. Hit
the ones closest to the center of big points, and the ones far out for small
totals. Simple enough, right?
As for the aiming, the idea here is to have Ryo holding the dart so that it's
pointing slightly downward when you press the button. You need to be careful,
obviously, because too much of an angle will send the dart flying into the 10
point ring. "No good." Another thing to take note of is that you can't win
any free games in Neo Darts, even if you nail 500 points.
* Location : Pine Game Arcade, Golden Qr.
-- CONTROLS ---------------------------
Left Thumbstick - Turn
Left Trigger - Brake
Right Trigger - Accelerate
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
This racing/driving game is very similar to Hang-On, only here you're in a car
instead of a motorcycle. Even so, the basic goal of the game remains the same,
and that is to drive as far as possible within the allotted time. In addition
to lots of tricky turns, you also need to weave in and out of passing cars and
other types of traffic. Hit another vehicle and you'll fly off of the road,
slowing you down drastically. If you can't make it to the checkpoint at the
end of each stage, it's game over.
Another cool thing about OutRun is that the road branches off into two paths
right before the check point. Each brance leads to a different stage, with
new sights and a changed layout. Be sure to remember this if you're having
trouble beating a certain stage; just take the opposite branch and you'll be
in uncharted territory! Also, at the very beginning of the game, you're given
a choice of three different tracks to listen to while racing. Personally, I
prefer Magical Sound Shower, but choose whatever you want to listen. ^_^
* Location : Pine Game Arcade, Golden Qr.
Moon Child Bldg; Back room of the orphanage
-- BUTTONS USED -----------------------
A, B, X
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
This simple game is not just a ton of fun, but it's also a pretty good way to
get better at QTEs. Like, cool! Things are set up like this : there are
three red panels that will begin moving in a random order. Each panel is
assigned a button; X corresponds to the left target, A the central one, and B
is aligned with the right panel. Now, once a panel begins moving forward, you
need to press the corresponding button to punch it back down, thus prompting
another target to start moving.
One thing you might notice is that the button icons don't appear on-screen
until a split-second after the panel begins to move. However, this shouldn't
prove a problem as long as you know which button goes with which target. Also,
sometimes two panels will begin moving in rapid succession, meaning you'll have
to be especially alert. Much like Excite QTE2, you've only got three chances
here, so screw up a few times and you're done.
* Location : Pine Arcade, Golden Qr.
-- CONTROLS ---------------------------
Left Thumbstick - Move around
A, B, X, and Y buttons - Shoot
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
This classic rail-shooter is one of the best mini-games around, and a great way
to kill some extra time. Basically, your character will run/fly automatically,
so the only thing you need to worry about is shooting any foes or other objects
and dodging projectiles and the like. I find a useful tactic in continually
pressing the A button so that you're always shooting and taking out obstacles,
sometimes without even knowing it! As for evading projectiles, a good thing to
know is that your character will automatically return to the center of the
screen if you let go of the thumbstick, so try to use that to your advantage.
VIII -------------------------------------------------- STREET FIGHTS
* Location : Beverly Hills Wharf; In the center of the area
* Opponent : Yan Ren
* Objective : Attack him with a critical strike!
The basic gist here is that you've got five hits (or less, as the amount of
hits allowed decreased as you win) to knock him out. A few hits from most of
Ryo's moves won't work out too well, but there are several moves that'll do the
trick quite nicely. Namely the Brawling Uppercut, the Pit Blow, the Lunging
Strike, and the Stab Armor. Pick a move that you can execute easily and nail
the Beast Man with it five times. One last little note: don't bother trying
any of your throw moves, as Yan Ren can break away from your grabs with little
to no trouble.
* Location : Thousand White Qr; Find the Former Barracks
* Opponent : Nadam, Agon, and Uzun
* Objective : Don't stop! Don't let them get close!
Your goal here is basically to survive 30 seconds in the ring with each of
these grapplers. However, since most of your moves can be easily parried or
dodged by these wrestlers, your ability to dodge is much more important. Don't
even bother trying to hit these guys unless you've just avoided a lunge.
Otherwise, your best bet would be to just leave your finger on the Y button and
keep your distance.
* Location : Thousand White Qr; Find the Former Factory Site
* Opponent : Hanqing Qin
* Objective : Iron Thrust is a deadly blow. Do not get hit!
Much like the battle against the Mongolian Wrestlers, this fight isn't about
beating up your opponent. Instead, you need to dodge his deadly thrusts. The
tricky thing about this fight in particular is that QTEs (and CQTEs) will occur
in the midst of the battle, so you'll need to stay on your toes. Now, unlike
the wrestlers, this guy can actually be defeated, and rather easily at that.
Ryo's moves are a great way to slow down Hanqing's assault, as well as cause a
bit of damage. Furthermore, successfully completing a CQTE will end the fight
immediately. Nice!
* Location : Thousand White Qr; In front of the Ghost Hall Bldg
* Opponent : Enjiang Zhou
* Objective : Catch the man evading with light steps!
This is probably the easiest street fight; your goal is not to defeat a tough
opponent or avoid a deadly attack. Rather, this fight requires you to simply
grab an evasive martial artist. Since Enjiang Zhou won't attack at all, all
you really need to do is repeatedly mash the B button. Sooner or later you'll
hit it right between your foe's jumps, and the match will end.
* Location : Thousand White Qr; Find the Construction Base
* Opponent : Dongshan Su
* Objective : Iron Head is a deadly blow. Be careful!
Your opponent in this match has a dangerous move called the Iron Head, which is
basically a glorified headbutt. There are two ways to win this battle. The
first is to try to pull off the same moves you did against the Mongolian
wrestlers and continually dodge around the arena. However, the ring isn't very
large, and just a few blows from Dongshan's Iron Head will take you down right
nice. Thus, there exists a second, and much more effective strategy. Wait for
the headbutt move and quickly dodge out of the way, then attack Dongshan from
behind, with the intent of knocking him out of the ring. Stay near the edge as
he prepares his Iron Head attack and a good blow from the Elbow Assault or
another similar move with send him flying right out of the arena. RING OUT'D!
* Location : Stand Qr; Find Star Gazing Point due north of the big fountain
* Opponent : Zhouhong Kong
* Objective : He's extremely strong! Find out his weakness!
Since your opponent in this match is a master martial artist who's insanely
strong, a straightforward fight isn't going to be in your best interest.
Instead, you need to exploit Zhouhong's weak point: his missing eye. Circle
around to his left and he'll lose track of you, providing the perfect time to
strike hard and fast. Lather, rinse, repeat, collect cash. :D
* NOTE - Sometimes Cool Z (Ren's crony with the Mohawk and boombox) will be
hanging out nearby this venue. Speak to him to get a nice little hint
pertaining to how to win this fight. Not that you need it, thanks to my
strategy, but it's cool nevertheless.
* Location : Stand Qr; Find the Small Dragon Garden east of the fountain,
hidden behind some stands
* Opponent : Ma Wenyuan
* Objective : Watch for the chance to attack and strike!
Although your objective of landing a single blow on Wenyuan seems simplistic,
things aren't quite so easy. Because of his Passive Raid Style, your opponent
can dodge almost all conventional forms of attack you might throw at him. So
then, to defeat him you'll want to apply one of several strategies. The first
is to simply stand around for the first few seconds of the fight. Doing so
often prompts Wenyuan to lunge at you with a punch, allowing you to end the
battle with the Counter Elbow Assault move (back X+A). If that plan falls
through, you'll want to get Wenyuan moving all around by throwing a barrage of
different moves at him. During this time, you'll want to sneak a Crawl Cyclone
(back back A) into the mix, in an attempt to knock him off his feet. The final
strategy is quite similar to the aforementioned one, only slightly tweaked.
Again, you'll want to throw a random mixture of moves at Wenyuan. As this goes
on, a CQTE might occur (back back B is the command sequence). Input the
sequence correctly and the cash is all yours.
IX --------------------------------------------------------- GAMBLING
Worker's Pier - Near the entrance to the docks (first area in the whole game)
Worker's Pier - In the small "market area" en route to Pigeon Park there is a
small alley between a few of the stalls
Worker's Pier - Head due south from the Fortune's Pier gate and check behind
the stack of barrels and crates
Rooftop Fight - In the Worker's Pier, go south from the entry gate to Fortune's
Pier and curve off to the left to find a set of stairs.
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
After the announcer yells "FIGHT", and not a moment sooner, you'll need to
overpower your opponent. To do this, rapidly mash the A button. Another thing
you need to be aware of is that if a fight is too evenly matched, QTEs will
sometimes pop up to break the stalemate. Even if you're not the fastest
button-masher out there, these QTEs are a great way to even the playing field
and let you tally the win. Unfortunately, since you need to have your left
hand open to press directions on the D-Pad, it negates some of the most
effective button-mashing strategies.
All over Queen's St.
All over South Carmain Qr.
Green Market Qr. - East of the Come Over Guest House, just next to Bar Man Mo
Green Market Qr. - Northwest of the martial arts school, in the area with all
the street vendors
Fortune's Pier - East from No. 10 Warehouse, behind the broken down truck
Fortune's Pier - Behind Warehouse number 8 and 9
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
You and the stand owner take turns dropping balls onto the Lucky Hit board,
which is filled with pegs. When the ball hits a peg, it will randomly bounce
around and eventually land somewhere at the bottom. If the ball lands on a red
target, you score a point, but if it lands on a white "X", you don't gain a
thing. Whoever has more points after three turns is declared the winner,
unless of course there's a draw. In that case, it'll go into sudden death--the
first unanswered point wins it. Keep in mind when adjusting where you're going
to drop the ball that it bounces in a completely random way; you can drop it in
the exact same place twice with a different outcome. So basically, you just
want to choose a random place and hope for the best. Since it's so random, I
can't recommend Lucky Hit as a great way to make cash.
Fortune's Pier - No. 6 Warehouse
Fortune's Pier - No. 10 Warehouse / Basement of Fortune's Eatery
Fortune's Pier - No. 12 Warehouse
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
The premise behind this game is simple : you roll two or three dice (depends on
where you decide to play) and select one of several choices that you think the
dice will total...
* Small: The sum of the dice is ten or less. Not usually the best choice,
but Small still comes up decently often. If you win, you'll gain twice
your bet.
* Big: Your roll totals a number larger than ten. Often times, Big is a
kind of fail-safe, since it's inevitable that it will appear more than
Small. Even so, don't expect to win every time just because you choose
Big. Common sense is your friend. Win and you'll get a pay-out worth
twice what you bet.
* Chow: You roll three consecutive numbers (e.g., 1, 2, and 3). Nailing
Chow is an awesome way to rake in the dough, as it pays out eight times
your bet.
* Zhen Zhong: The dice total either ten or eleven. If you win, you'll
receive four times your bet. Pretty nice. Another thing: some Big or
Small tables do not allow you to choose Zhen Zhong.
* Wai Sik: This occurs when all numbers are the same. Getting Wai Sik is
hands down the best way in the entire game to make tons of cash. Why?
The pay-out is a whopping thirty to one! That'll fill your wallet fast.
Keep in mind, not all Big or Small venues have Wai Sik as an available
* Yidian Pair: Another interesting option that is not available at all Big
or Small tables is the Yidian Pair. This occurs when two of the three
numbers match the ones you choose (you also win if all three numbers end
up the same). The prize for this one is twelve times your bet.
Green Market Qr. - In an alley behind the Green Market's Pawnshop
White Dynasty Qr. - Opposite the Liverpool club, east of White Dynasty Pawnshop
White Dynasty Qr. - Near the gate to the South Carmain Qr.
Lucky Charm Qr. - East of the Bloom Tailor on Three Blades St.
Fortune's Pier - No. 9 Warehouse (green shutter)
-- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
Both you and the stand owner roll the dice and whoever comes up with a higher
number is the winner. If the totals are the same, you lose. Sucks, I know,
but that's the way it goes with these things. Simple enough, right? This is
a decent way to make money, but if you really wanna get right fast, Big or
Small is the way to go. Still, you can make some good money playing Roll it,
especially if you play at the stand in the Lucky Charm Qr., where you can bet
up to $100!
X ---------------------------------------------------------- MOVELIST
Below is a list of the moves that Ryo will have access to over the course of
the game. While Ryo begins with many of the following moves, a good portion
must also be learned from certain characters or by reading move scrolls. For
more information on that, look directly below the movelist. Now, before moving
on, there are a few things you should know about the list. First of all, "f"
and "b" under the Command column stand for forward and back respectively.
Secondly, a "*" next to a move denotes that the attack is critical, meaning it
has the capability to take down an opponent with just one hit.
Tiger Knuckle X
Rain Thrust f, X
Elbow Slam f, X
Stepping Strike f, X Purchased at WH Bldg
Twist Knuckle b, X
Upper Knuckle b, X
Elbow Assault f, f, X
Rising Flash b, b, X
Brawling Uppercut* b, b, X Learned from Delin
Katana Mist Slash f, b, X
Twin Blades f, b, X
Sleeve Strike b, f, X
Pit Blow b, f, X
Big Wheel X+A
Iron Palm X+A Learned from Jianmin
Twin Hand Waves f, X+A
Lunging Strike f, X+A Learned from Hanhui
Backfist Willow b, X+A
Counter Elbow Assault* b, X+A Learned from Xiuying
Stab Armor f, f, X+A
Avalanche Lance f, f, X+A
Double Blow b, b, X+A
Mantis Combo b, b, X+A Scroll received from Hanhui
Mistral Flash LX
Swallow Flip b, X+A
Oblique Slam f, X+Y Purchased at TH Bldg
Diagonal Wipe b, X+Y Purchased at TH Bldg
Crescent Kick A
Trample Kick A
Hold Against Leg f, A
Swallow Dive b, A
Side Reaper Kick b, A
Tornado Kick f, f, A, A
Crawl Cyclone b, b, A
Mud Spider b, b, A
Thunder Kick f, b, A
Surplice Slash f, b, A
Hook Kick b, f, A
Against Cascade b, f, A
Brutal Tiger f, b, X+A
Horseshoe Kick f, b, X+A Scroll received from Hanhui
Twin Swallow Leap b, f, X+A
Dark Moon b, f, X+A
Cyclone Kick LA
Oblique Air Kick LA Scroll received from Hanhui
Windmill L+X+A
Dragon Spin L+X+A Purchased at WM Kung Fu
Shadow Reaper L+Y+A
Overthrow B
Wild Throw B Learned from Master Zhoushan
Sweep Throw f, B
Rear Foot Sweep f, B
Vortex Throw b, B
Mist Reaper f, f, B
Machinegun Fist* f, f, B
Demon Drop b, b, B
Shoulder Buster f, b, B
Serpent Coil f, b, B
Tengu Drop b, f, B
Darkside Hazuki B Use when you're to the enemy's side
Back Twist Drop B Use when behind the enemy
Arm Break Fire* f, b, b, B
Tiger Storm* b, f, f, B, B
Hind Blow Y+B Learned from Guixiang
Shadow Step f, Y+B
Shadow Blade f, Y+B, X
Cross Charge f, f, Y+B
Demon's Triangle b, f, f, Y+B Learned from Xiuying
Predictive Explosion -- USELESS! Learned from Kai
Triple Punch -- XXX
The most simple and basic combo in the game, this is a terrific move that'll be
useful throughout the game. It's quick and easy to do, but also causes a
decent amount of damage.
Triple Kick -- AAA
Quite similar to the above, only that it causes more damage and the last blow
is a lot more difficult to connect. If you just press A twice, you'll get two
quick kicks, making for a nice little combo.
Leap Kick - AXA
Ryo kicks, punches, then jumps and kicks. Pretty powerful, but similar to the
above move, it's hard to connect with the final kick. Oh well.
Horseshoe Kick
Hanhui will give this move scroll to you if you air out every last book on the
first day you're prompted to do so.
Oblique Air Kick
On the third day of airing out books at Man Mo Temple, complete the task and
Hanhui will hand over this scroll. You can also purchase this scroll at Wise
Men's Kung Fu, in the Wise Men's Qr.
Mantis Combo
The fourth day that you air out all the books at Man Mo Temple, Hanhui will
give you this as a reward for humoring Xiuying and all her macho headgames.
Demon's Triangle
After the events at the Yellow Head Bldg, Ryo will automatically return to Man
Mo Temple, where Xiuying will show this move off before having Hanhui give you
a scroll containing it.
Iron Palm
You must learn this move during the whole Four Wude fiasco. Jianmin will teach
it to you along with the first Wude.
Lunging Strike
On your second day of airing out the books at Man Mo Temple's library, be sure
to get every pile outside and Hanhui will reward you by teaching this move to
Wild Throw
After learning about how to use the Chawan Sign from Guixiang, walk past the
Guang Martial Arts School (Green Market Qr) and you'll be invited inside. The
school's master will proceed to show you the move.
Hind Blow
When using the Chawan Sign all over Hong Kong before learning about the Dou
Jiang Diner, set up the sign at Man Mo Bistro. You'll eventually be told to go
to Man Mo Park. On the way there, run past the Yan Tin Apartments (South
Carmain Qr) and you'll encounter Guixiang. She'll show you the move, then let
you try it out on an attacking thug.
Brawling Uppercut
At the point where you need to amass $500 to meet with Ren of Heavens, go to
Fortune's Pier and carry some crates with Delin. Afterward, there will be a
scene where Delin offers to teach you his favorite move. Accept and you'll
learn this powerful yet insanely slow technique.
Counter Elbow Assault
Before leaving for Kowloon, Xiuying will teach this move to Ryo, and even let
you try it out on Hanhui!
Predictive Explosion
When you're trying to find a way into the Yellow Head Bldg, you'll be invited
into the Moon Child Bldg. After sparring with a mysterious man, he'll teach
you the secret of this "move."
XI ------------------------------------------------------------ ITEMS
You'll find all six of these keys on the 18th floor of the Yellow Head Bldg.
Although the only ones you'll actually need are numbers 9 and 10, the other
four are free for the taking. Who turns down free stuff, anyway?
* EV Key 9
* EV Key 10
* EV Key 18
* EV Key 21
* EV Key 29
* EV Key 46
These photos have no use whatsoever, but they're kinda cool anyway.
* Father -- A shot of Ryo's daddy. You begin the game with it.
* Joy -- You'll get this pic of you and Joy after your first day of work.
* Nozomi -- You'll have this photo of Ryo's woman from the outset.
* Xiuying -- Before leaving for Kowloon, Fangmei will hand over this shot of
Master Tao.
During your escapades inside the Ghost Hall Bldg, you'll be able to find eight
key sticks, four of which are necessary to progressing in the game. The
remaining ones are completely useless.
* Blue Dragon -- Check behind the banner hanging over the desk
* Fish -- Look beneath the right turtle shell next to the large
* Goat -- Inside a pot on the shelf opposite the statue
* Phoenix -- Hidden inside a pot on a shelf to the left of the Buddha
* Rooster -- Check inside the left drawer of the small desk in the
* Snake Tortoise -- Zhang forks this over before you head to the Ghost Hall
* White Tiger -- Open up the drawer near the Buddha statue and pick up the
uniform. This key will fall out of the box.
* Wild Boar -- Sitting out in the open on top of the large desk
For a measly $10, you can purchase of map of any area in the game (save the
podunk locales at the VERY end) from one of the red stands strewn across the
game. Simply walk up, press X and away you go! Keep in mind, you can only buy
a map of the nearby areas (e.g., you can't purchase Kowloon maps in Aberdeen,
and vice versa).
* B.H.W. (Beverly Hills Wharf)
* Fortune's Pier (Aberdeen)
* Golden Qr. (Wan Chai)
* Green Market Qr. (Wan Chai)
* Lucky Charm Qr. (Wan Chai)
* Queen's St. (Aberdeen)
* Ren (where to meet Ren at Fortune's Pier)
* Scarlet Hills (Wan Chai)
* South Carmain Qr. (Wan Chai
* White Dynasty Qr. (Wan Chai)
* Wise Men's Qr. (Wan Chai)
* Worker's Pier (Aberdeen)
* Wong (path to the Come Over Guest House)
* Xiuying (path to the Da Yuan Aparments)
These cool little books can be either purchased in Wise Men's Kung Fu (Wise
Men's Qr, Wan Chai) or in the Thousand White Bldg (Thousand White Qr, Kowloon)
or they can be won through unconventional means. Keep in mind that the list
below includes ONLY the scrolls you get during the game, and not the various
ones left over in Ryo's inventory from the first Shenmue.
* Diagonal Wipe -- Costs $100 in the Thousand White Bldg
* Dragon Spin -- Costs $200 at Wise Men's Kung Fu
* Horseshoe Kick -- Receive from Hanhui on your first day of airing out the
books, but only if you get every book outside.
* Machinegun Fist -- Costs $500 in the Thousand White Bldg
* Mantis Combo -- Receive from Hanhui on your second day of airing out
the books, but only if you get every book outside.
* Oblique Air Kick -- Costs $100 at Wise Men's Kung Fu OR by received from
Hanhui on your third day of airing out the books, but
only if you get every book outside.
* Oblique Slam -- Costs $100 in the Thousand White Bldg
* Rear Foot Sweep -- Costs $200 in the Thousand White Bldg
* Serpent Coil -- Costs $250 in the Thousand White Bldg
* Stepping Strike -- Costs $100 at Wise Men's Kung Fu
The first time you head into a pawnshop, the clerk will hand over one of these
fliers. Basically, they just tell you what that particular shop's rates are,
so you know where to get the most bang for your buck.
* Accounts Settled
* Carmain
* Centre
* G.M.P.
* Golden Flower
* Honest
* Lucky
* Shine
* White Dynasty
* Wise Men's
The following items fall into no specific category other than that they are
found during Ryo's quest.
* Big Bronze Medal -- Hidden in the Green Market Qr (see Secrets section)
* Big Gold Medal -- Win the Duck Race (see Secrets section)
* Big Silver Medal -- Defeat Izumi in the Pine Arcade (see Secrets section)
* Chawan Sign -- Found inside the Wulinshu
* Comma Shaped Bead -- Received from Xiuying before leaving for Guilin
* Duck -- See Secrets section
* Heads Coin -- Received from Wong before leaving for Guilin
* Heavens Zippo -- Received from Wong after gaining access to the Beverly
Hills Wharf
* Tails Coin -- Received from Wong before leaving for Guilin
* Zongquan Letter -- This is the letter Zongquan gives Ryo to give to
Master Zhoushan when you're trying to learn about the
Four Wude.
When you first begin the game, Ryo will have the following items in his
* Amulet
* Chen Intro Letter
* Letter to Father
* Notebook
* Phoenix Mirror
* Sword Handguard
* Watch
* White Leaf
XII ------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ
The easiest way is to find a good gambling venue and bet as much as you
possibly can. Be sure to save beforehand and, if you lose, simply reload your
save and try again. Easy.
Although you may think the street performer you've been told about is one of
the fire-breathers in the center of the mall, that is untrue. The guy you're
looking for is actually lying on the floor to the right side of the mall. Just
walk over and press A to speak with him.
Remember the scene in Zhangyu's Barber Shop when you were searching for the
Four Wude? When the QTE popped up but you weren't supposed to push the button?
Yep, that's the one. When you get to that point, continually screw up the QTE
by pressing the button as soon as it pops up. This will automatically take you
to the next day. Although it still takes a rather long time to get to the
proper date, there's no better way.
In all honesty, the move Predictive Explosion doesn't do a single thing. The
only reason you have to learn the move is to further the storyline, and there's
no way you can use it in battle.
Not a thing. They are completely useless, and I've no idea why they're even
there to begin with.
Sadly, no. As cool as it may be to watch Ryo chug one, purchasing a soda does
absolutely nothing for you. Don't even bother with it.
XIII ------------------------------------------------ REVISION HISTORY
Care to take a gander at what exactly is entailed in this version? Go ahead.
Version 3.2 / June 1, 2004
Finished up the secrets and movelist! Everything is done! Rejoice!
Version 3.1 / May 31, 2004
I knocked off most of the secrets, so all that remains are a few minor
details and some additions to the Movelist.
Version Remix (3.0) / May 30, 2004
So I'm finally back with that rewrite stuff I was rambling about. Everything
has been completely redone, and only a few things are left to complete (e.g.,
Secrets, Movelist stuff, etc). Until then, enjoy what you've got!
Version 2.1 / December 23, 2003
Okay, so maybe I lied about the whole walkthrough revision stuff. I did fix
up the format a bit, though. Enjoy!
Version 2.0 / November 26, 2003
Say hello to my new and improved format! With any luck, I'll also revise
some of the main walkthrough soon, if I can find the time.
Version 1.01 / October 6, 2004
Just a minor update. I fixed up some format problems that I somehow missed
Version 1.0 / October 3, 2003
The first complete version of this guide. All the main stuff is done : the
walkthrough, the items, etc. The remainder of the secrets is still to come,
XIV ------------------------------------------------ LEGAL DISCLAIMER
This document is copyright (c) 2003-2004 Chris Noonan (Merca). It is not to be
reproduced in any way, shape, or form. However, feel free to download it,
print it out for personal use, or send it to your buddies, as long as you leave
it unaltered and do not make a profit off of it. Doing so would be very
illegal, so I suggest that you don't do any such thing. One final note: this
document should absolutely NOT be found on any websites with the exception of
<>, <>, and <>. Don't even bother asking for
permission to use it, as the answer will always be no.
XV ---------------------------------------------------------- CLOSING
Although I'm sure it makes you horribly sad (yeah right), it is due time to
bring this monstrosity of mine to a close. BUT FIRST! I can't just stop
talking without giving a shout-out to the people who made this guide possible.
--- CJayC
i luv u d00d
--- /
For hosting my FAQs and not stealing them.
--- osrevad
For creating the amazingly sexy ASCII art you see at the top of this here
document. Should you be interested into bribing him into making some for
you, go ahead and contact him. You can drop him a line via e-mail
( or on AIM as nahuwe.
--- Reformed Pirate
Without his terrific Shenmue II FAQ, I never would've found many of the
--- Crazyreyn
For one thing, his AWESOME Shenmue II guide convinced me to redo mine. He
is also a cool guy to talk to on AIM from time to time. Go check out his
great Shenmue and Shenmue II guides!
--- 311, Alkaline Trio, Linkin Park, the Mars Volta, and Rufio
Because even I need to listen to something while playing.
And now, since you've got nothing better to do with yourself than read the
meaningless drabble that is my closing, I will stop talking rather abruptly
just to spite you

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