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Lord Kuthumi

7:7 Key Date Activation Channelling

through Michelle Manders
in Johannesburg, South Arica
This transcript has been published free of charge by Intellectual Property owner Michelle Manders and Palace
of Peace in support of people seeking clarity, healing and peace. Therefore, we appreciate the Law of Integrity
being honoured and ask that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance
alter any part of this document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial gain. You are welcome to
publish an excerpt with the link to the downloadable full transcript on
Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the
Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself
too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the live channelling. You will be taken through a similar
one in accordance with your Divine Plan, iming ! Purpose. his transcript was revised and updated by "ichelle
"anders in #uly $%&$ under the auspice of 'uthumi()grippa.
* am 'uthumi and * come forward upon the rays of +ove and ,isdom to greet you at this time
and bring unto you the blessings of trust, illumination, gentleness and serenity. -reetings
beloved ones.
)nd it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day
as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of -od.
Beloved ones this celebration of the ./. -ateway is one which opens your consciousness to
another level of self awareness connected to the consciousness know as the 0*nner Child.1
his aspect of you holds great power and is the part of you governing many of your
e2periences. he reason why * say this is because the e2periences governed by the inner child
are often the parts of you that are in a state of arrested development. his occurs as a result
of shock, trauma, abuse and other kinds of negative e2periences during childhood. 3nce the
moment of trauma is crystallised within the inner child4s consciousness that level of
e2perience, and the e2pression thereof, continues to colour all associated e2periences,
actions, attitudes and belief systems. "any times an association to trauma can take place on a
very subtle level and you may not even realise it consciously. "ost times, generally, people
don4t realise that their negative reactions are as a result of that trauma and that the part of
them reacting is not the true self, but in fact a wounded aspect of self5 the inner child who4s
consciousness is fro6en in time as a result the development of that aspect of the child, be it
emotionally, mentally or spiritually is in a state of arrested development.
hus the energies of this ./. -ateway is taking you into the realms of the 7eventh 8niverse
which is where +ord "erlin accompanies you along a pathway bringing about a deeper sense
of self awareness brought on by the conscious choice to acknowledge the aspects of inner
child consciousness fro6en in time. You do not need to do anything specifically to make this
happen. By this * mean, you do not have to force yourself to remember a specific incident.
3ver the ne2t ten days the incidents will present themselves5 the memories will come, all you
need do is be aware of how you react ( what your immediate thoughts and attitudes are to
any given situation that you intuitively sense is related to one of those fro6en time(lines. he
power that lies within this process of release is immense and supports you in opening your
consciousness of self on a deeper level ( this level being your ability to trust in and believe in
your power to manifest what is often referred to as miracles.
"ichelle "anders 9 Palace of Peace
he ./. energy is that of magic, miracles and manifestation. *t is the vibration that +ord "erlin
has always brought and presented to you. his annual celebration of +ord "erlin4s +ight is no
different and brings you a generous offering of more magic, more miracles and manifestation
thereof. )dded to this is the opportunity to activate the one hundred and forty(four
)bundance Chakras on another level within the parts of you moving out of an arrested state
of development and into a more conscious self(aware e2pression of self. his results in an
accelerated cycle of inner emotional and spiritual maturing, which also brings about other
changes psychologically pertaining specifically to your attitudes, belief systems and opinions
regarding your power to manifest miracles, e2perience the magic of life and open yourself to
the abundance thereof ( )bundance and )lchemy Consciousness combined in one powerful
force and divine flow. *t is this flow which moves into you from the 7eventh 8niverse and into
the 'undalini Chakras on either side of your spine. he combination of these energies
formulate an incredibly strong magnetic emanation from the inside of your being coming not
from the cells, nor your D:), but from the atoms inside of you. his atomic vibration is able to
penetrate whatever levels of density may be present as a result of the arrested state of
development. his does not mean that you can become complacent in relation to this healing.
,hat it does mean is that you have at your disposal a very powerful time(line5 a window of
opportunity in fact, that will allow you to utilise this very important magnetic emanation to
penetrate that which has eluded you until this point. )s the layers unfold, and what has
sabotaged or inhibited you is revealed to you, you find yourself feeling the strength, feeling
the power within the belief that you are in fact the co(creator within the space called your life
and that you have full power to manifest the magic and miracles of life.
he one hundred and forty(four )bundance Chakras consist of a hundred and forty(four
initiations which are linked to the ,hite ;ire <lement. his particular activation today ( being
a key date activation ( also embodies levels of the ,hite ;ire <lement. *t is this ;lame and it4s
<ssence which helps you penetrate the veils that have blocked your view of the arrested state
of development you have been trying to cope with and e2press yourself through.
he ./. -ateway into the 7eventh 8niverse takes you on an inner journey as well. *t is this
inner journey which +ord "erlin will support you with. =is support will manifest in the form of
you perhaps feeling a greater need to understand what your needs are, to understand what
your desires are, and to truly acknowledge what makes you happy, what brings joy into your
life, and most importantly, an urge to ask yourself profound >uestions. "erlin will hold you
within a sacred fluid crystal grid made up of the fluid energies of )methyst and Citrine which
link up with the vibrations activated every year at this time in the -rand Canyon.
he pockets of energy held within the -rand Canyon link up with you through your heart
chakra and the fifty(four 'undalini Chakras on either side of your spine. his energy then
filters into your spinal nerves and flows into your cerebral spinal fluid forming a sacred
geometric pattern within your spinal cord itself. his creates an energetic column supporting
and strengthening your spine, which in turn supports and strengthens your will to live the best
life ever. his fluid energy will bring about a level of clarity helping you mentally, emotionally,
intellectually and intuitively grasp the bigger picture of what your journey has been about up
until this point. 7ometimes all one needs is just a few missing pieces to understand the bigger
picture. 7ometimes one does not have to physically see it or acknowledge every piece of the
pu66le, but just placing two or three missing pieces together completes the picture and peace
and serenity are instilled within.
,ithin this sacred grid of fluid crystal energy +ord "erlin will ensure that you ask yourself
"ichelle "anders 9 Palace of Peace
whether you are truly living your best life or not. =e will be bringing opportunities to you for
the duration of #uly, opportunities that will make you consciously aware of the truth about the
answer to that >uestion, if you hesitate for one moment then the answer is no. he ne2t
>uestion is, what are you going to do about it? *f you are not living your best life what are you
going to do about it? ,hy do you believe you deserve anything less than living your best life?
<veryone has fate and destiny influencing their life, karma, contracts, attachments to
identities and so on and so forth, but * need to remind you that you have chosen to live within
fluid consciousness. You have stepped out of the matri2 of the old fi2ed universe and have
chosen to master yourself as a being within the fluid universe, therefore, all the fi2ed assets of
your past life are dissolved. hey were once perceived as assets, but in truth have always been
liabilities. ,here have you mistaken a liability to be an asset? ,hat belief system or motto
have you adopted in life that in fact debilitates you rather than empowers you? here is one
we hear people say very often, which is 0there is no rest for the wicked,1 why do you consider
yourself wicked? ,hy would you believe you don4t deserve rest? Perhaps the ne2t >uestion is,
0what are you afraid of looking at in yourself that results in you keeping yourself so busy that
you have no time to rest?1 <ach >uestion holds a magic key to the miracle of the new life you
are fully capable of manifesting.
+ord "erlin and *, 'uthumi, stand with you and walk beside you supporting and guiding you
ever step of the way in fully creating your :ew <arth ;luid -rid. he level of self awareness
you are embracing as a result of this major key date activation will reveal to you hidden
treasures lying within your inner child consciousness. hose treasures are fro6en in time right
now, they have been blocked by your state of arrested development, but they no longer need
to remain there. +isten to me +ightworkers, this is your ticket out of 0hell,1 this is the
opportunity for you to create everything you dream of and every change begins with one step.
he >uestions "erlin posed hold the keys within the answers which shall help you take that
first step.
) challenge for you relating to this particular initiation will be to ensure that you do not talk
yourself out of making the changes by conjuring up all sorts of justifications and e2cuses as to
why you need to remain where you are. here is always, without e2ception, always a way out.
You just need to have a strong enough desire and inner belief in yourself to step through it, to
see it and allow yourself to move. You are the only one holding yourself back ( your e2cuses,
your justifications, your 0what ifs1 are the self(sabotaging mechanisms that trapped you in
your past. he 0new world1 has no e2cuses because everything is fluid, and when you are
working with the fluid fields of >uantum energy through the 7eventh 8niverse there is always
a solution, always, without fail, * repeat, always a solution every time to every single situation,
dilemma or problem, no matter how trivial or how complicated. *t is in your head precious
ones, the mechanism that will change what you are e2periencing.
You may not be able leave your miserable job in the morning. You may not even be able to go
and live in your dream home within the ne2t few hours, we do understand the practicality of
your world and observe realistically, however, there is nothing stopping you from beginning
with a plan to make it a reality if that is what you want. hus, what is your strategy? ,hat is
the first thing you are going to do to make your dream a reality, to bring magic into you life so
that the miracles you dream of will manifest?
3ver the ne2t twelve hours *, 'uthumi, and +ord "erlin will recalibrate your chakra system a
total of seven hundred and seventy(seven times. his means the shifts within your body will
accelerate and with each recalibration we will anchor a seed of consciousness e2tracted from
"ichelle "anders 9 Palace of Peace
the 7eventh 8niverse which has been given to you directly from your authentic self. )s these
seven hundred and seventy(seven seeds are stored within your spine you will find that over
the ne2t seven months that some of these seeds will take root, and within the ne2t fourteen
months you will bear witness to some of the magic you will have manifested.
hese recalibrations will also re>uire of you to develop a new sense of trust within yourself by
gaining a deeper understanding of what it means to take action and follow your heart@truth.
his is a profound time of learning more about yourself and reali6ing what you are actually
capable of as you shed the 0skins1 of your past and drop the perceptions of self projected
onto you by your e2ternal environment. <2pect to see and e2perience more of yourselfA
<njoy this journey of self(discovering and self(recognition. You have earned it.
rust in the many invisible arms that hold you and hearts that love you and know that you are
never alone, for we are with you always in all ways. -row in peace.
* am 'uthumi, Chohan of the -olden Bay of +ove and ,isdom and * greet and bless you in
love. )donai.
*f you have access to ;ace Book, you can join our Palace of Peace -roup for guidance and
support from the community. You can also join our hrive =ive ( )bundance "ini(Course
7upport -roup, )>uarian Bising $%$% C <arth -rid and Portal )ctivations ,orldwide -roup, or
visit our website for more teachings and messages such as this one to
help you along.
Copyright :otice ( ,e ask that you honour the +aws of rust and *ntegrity and acknowledge that none of this
information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, reproduced, digitally recorded or deleted in
part or whole or built upon in any way whatsoever. he Palace of Peace has assigned translators for the
channellings and may not be translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us if you would like this channelling in another language, or if you would like to translate
this material into your language. his information remains the sole intellectual property of "ichelle "anders at
all times.
"ichelle "anders 9 Palace of Peace

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