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I recently read the book Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man and

Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom.

I recognise that through over usage the expression Life Changing has lost its
meaning. o!ever for me "uesdays !ith Morrie !as one of those very exceptional
books that truly deserves to be described as Life Changing.
aving read the book I then started to reflect that if I !ere changing !orlds !hat
!ould be the thoughts about living life that I !ould !ant to share.
ere are my top ten#
$. Listen
If you never gain the skill to listen or !orse still% you loose the skill to listen%
life !ill fail you.
"he people truly perceived as the greatest conversationalists actually say the
least& "hese people actively listen to !hat you have to say giving you their
full attention and then they validate !hat you think and feel. "hey don't try
to fix your problems.
(. Love is the most important and po!erful of all the emotions.
Love is the highest emotion that every human being aspires to and responds
to. It is the glue bet!een husband% !ife% children% family and close friends
but unfortunately love is not a cure all.
)ome people are so emotionally damaged by others% their environment%
drugs or any permutation thereof that they become truly unreachable.
*eserve for these the detached loving that is the hardest love of all to give.
+. ,eople matter- status and possessions don't
.very minute of every day% advertising tries to blur the distinction bet!een
our needs and our desires. ,eople's goals and ambitions have become centred
on things and status and the price they pay is in the loss of relationships and
Make sure you get the right !ork life balance and don't loose the ability to
distinguish bet!een the things you need against those fads and fashions
marketed at you in the guise of necessities.
/. 0o not be afraid of your emotions
Most of us are comfortable !ith laughing even in public but so many are
frightened to cry or grieve as these emotions are seen as the mark of the
In my experience those incapable of experiencing these emotions are already
emotionally damaged% in fact it is those !ho have real inner confidence and
strength !ho feel most comfortable !ith the out!ard display of their
1. 2e kind to yourself and forgive yourself
3ou are human and so by definition you !ill make mistakes but hopefully
learn from them and then move on. 0on't carry your mistakes around !ith
you like an albatross around your neck or a chip on your shoulder.
4orgiving yourself allo!s you to move on and gro!% un5hindered.
6. "reat everyone in the same !ay as you !ant to be treated
Mrs 0oasyou!ouldbedoneby and Mrs 2edonebyasyoudid both from "he
7ater 2abies by Charles 8ingsley. If you have not read the story no! is
your opportunity. 9othing more needs to be said.
:. 2e tolerant of others and their vie!s
4rom !hatever country% from !hatever race !e all share the same planet.
7hilst you !ill al!ays find other races and other cultures vie!s different
from yours% technology is shrinking our !orld% so their vie!s and values !ill
be coming ever closer. .nclaves and ghettos cannot be built against them so
the ;uicker everyone gets on and embrace the diversity the better for all.

<. Life is choices and no one can make them for you
Life is a series of choices that you have to make for yourself- that makes you
the only person accountable for your life. =thers may try to make choices for
you but your choice is the final one% not theirs.
>. appiness is an attitude of mind
"his links into choices above. 3ou choose ho! you respond to anything that
happens to you in life.
"here are millions of people around the !orld !ho live in far !orse
circumstances than you or I and I truly mean millions% so !hat have !e to be
so sad about?
3ou can choose to be happy or sad.
$@. )mile
A smile is infectious and costs nothing also it's much harder to be sad if you
are smiling.

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