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Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green
File Created: 2/05/04
By strawhat
Version Final
Note: For easy searching, highlight a section name and number(without the
spaces at the beginning), press Ctrl + F and paste the section name in the
menu. Press find and voila!
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
{1.1} About This Game
{1.2} Fire Red VS. Leaf Green
II. Basics
{2.1} Controls
{2.2} The Field Screen
{2.3} The Battle Screen
a. Conditions
{2.4} About Your Pokemon
{2.5} Catching Pokemon
a. Special Pokemon
{2.6} Pokedex Information
{2.7} Tips and Tricks for Beginners
III. Walkthrough
{3.1} Pallet Town
{3.2} Viridian City
a. Viridian Forest
{3.3} Pewter City
a. Mount Moon
{3.4} Cerulean City
{3.5} Vermilion City
a. S.S. Anne
b. Rock Tunnel
{3.6} Lavender Town
{3.7} Celadon City
a. Rocket Base
b. Pokemon Tower
c. Cycling Road
d. Silence Bridge
{3.8} Fuschia City
a. Safari Zone
{3.9} Saffron City
a. Silph Co
b. Seafoam Islands
c. Route 21
{3.10} Side Quests
a. Pewter City Revisited
b. Power Plant
{3.11} Cinnibar Island
a. Cinnibar Mansion
{3.12} Viridian City Revisited
a. Victory Road
{3.13} Indigo Plateau
IV. Island Walkthrough
{4.1} Island 1
a. Mountain
{4.2} Island 2
{4.3} Island 3
{4.4} Island 4
a. Ice Cave
{4.5} Island 5
a. Secret Base
{4.6} Island 6
{4.7} Island 7
{4.8} Island 8
{4.9} Island 9
V. Aftermath
{5.1} Unknown Dungeon
{5.2} Elite 4 - Second Wave
VI. Items
VII. Berries
IX. Abilities
X. Moves
XI. Breeding
XII. Basic Battle Strategy
{11.1} Hidden Values
{11.2} Team Building
XIII. Move Tutor Locations
XV. Miscellaneous
{15.1} Wireless Adaptor
{15.2} The Trainer Card
XVI. Finishing Comments
{16.1} Contact Info
{16.2} Credits
Version Final
Whew! After over 100 E-mail(and still some leftover for my other FAQs ;_;) I
finally updated this guide. Many small changed were made.
Version 1.3(F)
Added some information on the English release of this game in North America.
Version 1.2(F)
I changed a few things to match the American Version which should be coming
out very shortly.
Version 1.11(F)
Edited some more stuff. The AR codes don't seem to be working anymore, so I
added a small notice to them.
Version 1.1(F)
Edited some crap, added some stuff. Going to edit some parts of the items
section soon.
Version 1.03(F)
Added the location of Metal Coat. I entirely forgot about my unfinished item
section, so please, if you know anything I don't, E-mail me. Quick update
about Geodude's location in Victory Road.
Version 1.02(F)
Corrected minor error with Plus.
Version 1.01(F)
Discovered where to find TM42 and the purpose of the pillar on Island 5. Also
finished the rest of the fishing locations. This guide is just about done
until I find out a bit more information when the American versions come out,
so don't expect major updates in a long time.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and
violation of copyright.
Sites this FAQ can be posted on:
{I. Introduction}
Looking for a walkthrough? A guide with the most complete information, in-
depth things, unique items no other guide has? Well, you've picked the right
FAQ to read. I'm slowly working on this guide, and I'll work day and night to
provide you the information you need. This guide includes a comprehensive
walkthrough, section on items, basics, and much more. Read the Table of
Contents for anything you're searching for. This guide does contain spoilers,
so read at your own risk.
You're a young trainer that wants to become a Pokemon Master, and to do that
you must travel around the world of Kanto defeating Gym Leaders, and finally
the Elite 4. Your rival want to beat you to it, and challenges and obstacles
appear on the way of your journey. Will you catch all the Pokemon in the world
and fulfill Profressor Oak's dream when he was young?
| {1.1} About This Game |
Many people ask: What is this game? Well, this game is a remake of the
original Pokemon Red and Blue for the original black and white Gameboy. It's
just like the originals with a few new additions. Almost all additions from
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire are in this game. There's breeding, gender, hold items,
and such. TMs/HMs stay the same as R/S. You can catch the original 150 with
some extras.
Well, if it's just a remake, why would you want to buy this game? It's just
the same as the originals with better graphics and sound quality. No new
puzzles and such. Well, first, simply because this is a Pokemon RPG. It's just
as great as the others, if not better. Second, they do have one new addition
unique to the other games. That is the Islands. You can access this later in
the game. They have grass containing the old G/S Pokemon and some puzzles and
mini-games. It's also where the game makers stuffed most of the additions
since G/S, such as breeding. Third reason, the ability to trade with Pokemon
Colloseum and Ruby/Sapphire. This is the way to collect all 386 Pokemon in
R/S. So naturally, you can trade with R/S. BTW, there are a few remixes of GS
music which is quite good and brings back some nostalgia. No original Johto
There are also still shiny Pokemon, same EV sets as in Ruby/Sapphire.
Basically, nothing competitive about the game suchs as IVs has not been
changed since R/S. Some of the move animations changed, and there are new
animations whenever a Pokemon uses an item outside battle.
There are a few setbacks. First, there are no secret bases in this game. That
also means no mixing records. The TVs just sit there and rarely have any shows
on. No reporters either. No contests and a very easy "Trainer Tower".
| {1.2} Fire Red VS. Leaf Green |
Some of the version exclusive Pokemon has changed a bit, let's take a look at
that. Here's also my opinion about who's better than who.
(Leaf Green) | (Fire Red)
Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebel < Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume/Bellossom
Magby/Magmar = Elekid/Electabuzz
Slowpoke/Slowbro/Slowking > Psyduck/Golduck
Sandshrew/Sandslash > Ekans/Arbok
Vulpix/Ninetales = Growlithe/Arcanine
Pinsir > Scyther/Scizor
Staryu/Starmie = Shellder/Cloyster
Azurill/Marill/Azumarill = Wooper/Quagsire
Misdreavus > Murkrow
Sneasel < Skarmory
Remoraid/Octillery = Qwilfish
Mantine > Delibird
Leaf Green > Fire Red
Well, all in all, both have some very good Pokemon. It's really your choice
what you get. The only difference is in the version exclusive Pokemon.
{II. Basics}
This is the basics. You know, stuff that comes in a manual guide most sane
people already know. But in case you are playing the Japanese person or is not
sane, here is the section.
| {2.1} Controls |
|Button | Field Screen | Menu Screen |
| A | Talk, Examine | Confirm |
| B | Run(With running shoes)| Cancel |
| Up | View a sign, move | Move up |
| Down | Move down | Move Down |
| Left | Move Left | Previous Screen |
| | | (Pokedex) |
| Right | Move Right | Next Screen(Pokedex) |
| R | Help Menu | Help Menu |
| L | Help Menu | Help Menu |
| Select| Use selected item | Nothing |
| Start | Access Menu | Nothing |
Note: To jump ledges, just move the control pad downwards. You can only jump
down ledges, not over.
| {2.2} The Field Screen |
So, now you know the controls. Now, what do you do? Well, usually, the first
thing you do going around town is to explore a bit, but not too much in case
an unwanted event is activated. Pokemon Centers are in almost every town. They
are the buldings with red roofs. Talk to the nurse behind the counter to heal
your Pokemon for absolutely no charge!
More about Pokemon centers. To the right, there's a PC. Press A to access the
menu. There will then be a menu. Let's go through it step by step.
---------------- ------------------ When any of thse options
| Bill's PC | Bills PC -> | Withdraw Pokemon | are selected, they will
| Your PC | | Deposit Pokemon | take you to a box. Never
| Profressor Oak | | Move Pokemon | press the last option,
---------------- | Release Pokemon | it's Release.
Your PC
--------------- --------------------
| Item | -> | Withdraw item/mail |
| Mail | -> | Deposit item/mail |
| Return | --------------------
You shouldn't really worry about the mail. Professor Oak's PC will tell you
how you've been doing catching Pokemon and isn't that important. Upstairs is
the connecting place. The first lady after the PC lets you battle and the
second is to trade.
The buldings with blue roofs are Pokemarts. They sell you supplies and also
buy from you. When you're there, stock up!
The gyms are usually the largest buldings. They say gym on it. Duh. Beat the
gym leader to progress through the story. The badges they give have special
Talk to everyone in a city, usually you can get some items or advice. To exit
a house, there should be a rectangular red mat. Press down there.
To find hidden items, press A on the ground. If there's a hidden item there,
you get it! If not, nothing happens. This is usually the case. Normal items
also appear on the floor in the shape of a Pokeball.
| {2.3} The Battle Screen |
Pokemon must battle to become stronger and you need to know how in order to
progress through the game. The first Pokemon in your party is sent out
automatically when any kind of battle starts. Here's the menu:
| Fight Item |
| Pokemon Run |
When Fight is selected, your Pokemons moves will be displayed. It can only
learn 4, after that you must choose whether you would like to keep one and get
rid of another or just not learn the move. Choose an attack and the battle
sequence begins. Whoever has higher Speed attacks first. Some moves do damage
and others do not. Each attack has a type so use them to your advantage. They
also have a certain amount of PP, the number next to the attack. That shows
how many times you can use the attack. When it reaches 0, you can no longer
use it. Generally, stronger moves have less PP. As your PP gets less, the
color will change from yellow to orange to red.
When Pokemon is selected, you go to a screen of Pokemon. You can select switch
in which you switch in a Pokemon and waste a turn, or just check a Pokemon's
stats. You always go first when switching unless Pursuit is used.
When Item is selected, you can use an item in battle if it can be used, but
you can't attack afterwards. You always go first unless Pursuit is used.
Run is escape from battle. You don't lose anything.
Once in a while, you will fight a double battle. What this is is a two Pokemon
on two Pokemon battle. The rules are basically the same. The fastest of the
4 Pokemon attack first. The only difference between this and a normal battle
are the effects of some moves, like Earthquake dealing damage to ALL Pokemon
and Surf dealing damage to both opponents. You can also attack your partner,
although that's a very stupid idea in most cases.
Stat definitions:
HP: Stands for hit points. When you have 0, your Pokemon faints.
Attack: Decides how strong your physical attacks are along with a move's base
power. Only decides for Normal, Bug, Rock, Steel, Fighting, Poison, Ghost,
flying, and Ground types.
Defense: Decides how much damage you take from physical attacks.
Special Attack: Decides how strong your special attacks are along with a
move's base power. Only decides for Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice,
Fire, Dragon, and Dark types.
Special Defense: Decides how much damage you take from special attacks.
Speed: The Pokemon with higher speed goes first. On wild Pokemon battles, if
your Pokemon is fast it also has a higher chance of running away when
There are two kinds of battles: Trainer and Wild.
To start a wild Pokemon battle, just go to a place wild Pokemon may live. They
are usually found in grasses but they also live in caves, oceans, abandones
buldings, and more. They are random battles consisting of one Pokemon. The
only reward you get from winning is experience. Only certain Pokemon are in
certain areas.
Trainers usually hang out at just about anywhere except cities and towns. To
start a battle with them, let them make eye contact with you. Trainer battles
are a bit different from wild Pokemon battles. First, you cannot run so make
sure you have Pokemon in good shape. Second, they will have more than one
Pokemon usually, including Pokemon you cannot find in the wild or that area.
They are smarter and are a higher level than those wild Pokemon. Third, you
will get both experience and money as a reward.
All those Pokemon types do effect the battle. Some types of attacks are strong
against others. If the Pokemon is dual type, things aren't much different. If
one type is strong against another, it does 2x the damage. If both types are
weak to the attack, it does a whopping 4x the damage. If the type is resistant
to the attack, it does 1/2 the damage. If the type is immune to the attack, it
does no damage. If one type is weak to the attack but the other attack is
resistant to it, the damage will be normal. Sometimes critical hits and added
effects happen on moves.
There are several tactics of battling which will be explained later.
( a. Conditions )
When battling sometimes Pokemon have attacks that may change your normal
condition. These will haggle your battling abilities are very annoying. There
are two kinds of conditions, direct and indirect.
You can only have one direct condition at a time and it will say so above your
HP. They stay after the battle and when switched and can only be cured when
you go to a Pokemon Center or use a special item. These conditions are:
| Condition | Effect |
| Poison | Takes about 1/16th of your HP per turn. Take 1 HP per 4 |
| | steps damage outside of battle. |
| Sleep | User usually can't attack. Wakes up after 2-5 turns. |
| Frozen | Same as above, except a fire attack will automatically |
| | thaw frozen Pokemon whether used by foe or frozen Poke. |
| Paralyzed | Paralyzed Pokemon's Speed halves. 30% chance of not |
| | attacking. |
| Burn | Takes about 1/8 HP damage. Attack is halved. |
| Faint | User can't stay in battle. |
There is also a special poison condition when Toxic or Poison Fang is used.
This starts off taking only 1/16th of your max HP, but doubles every turn
until switched. Unlike the original RBY, this status will stay.
Indirect status conditions are not mentioned directly. There are many of these
are incurable by item and are nulled by switching or ending the battle. Here's
a list of SOME indirect conditions:
| Condition | Effect |
| Leech Seed | Absorbs 1/8 max HP per turn. Awesome move. |
| Confusion | 1/2 of a chance of attacking itself. Damage to itself |
| | depends on Attack and Defense. |
| Attract | 1/2 chance of not attacking. Can only be used on |
| | opposite gender. Nulled if either Pokemon is switched. |
| {2.4} About Your Pokemon |
Each Pokemon in the game are unique. They have one to two types and a special
ability. They also have personalities which affect their stats. They also grow
at different rates, some taking more experience to reach their max level(100)
and some taking less.
List of Personalities
Adamant: +Att -Sp Att
Impish: +Def -Sp Att
Jolly: +Spd -Sp Att
Careful: +Sp Def -Sp Att
Bold: +Def -Att
Timid: +Spd -Att
Modest: +Sp Att -Att
Calm: +Sp Def -Att
Hardy: EQUAL
Docile: EQUAL
Serious: EQUAL
Bashful: EQUAL
Quirky: EQUAL
Lonely: +Att -Def
Hasty: +Spd -Def
Mild: +Sp Att -Def
Gentle: +Sp Def -Def
Brave: +Att -Spd
Relaxed: +Def -Spd
Quiet: +Sp Att -Spd
Sassy: +Sp Def -Spd
Naughty: +Att -Sp Def
Lax: +Def -Sp Def
Naive: +Spd -Sp Def
Rash: +Sp Att -Sp Def
Each plus is by 10% and the other decreased by 10%.
Pokemon become stronger by battling, whether wilds or trainers. As Pokemon
become stronger, they also learn better moves. You can keep up to 4 moves.
When you're trying to learn a new move, they will first ask if you want to
keep that attack, then you go to a screen where you choose the attack you want
to delete. If you select no or the new move, then the game will ask if you are
sure you don't want to learn the new move. Say yes or no.
At a certain level, most Pokemon evolve into stronger creatures, or evolve.
They will have higher stats, but sometimes they will not learn attacks they
could only learn in their previous stage and they learn new attacks more
slowly Some Pokemon even evolve twice! If you wish to stop evolution, press B
when the Pokemon is evolving. Some Pokemon require a certain condition in
order to evolve although most evolve with Level. There is:
Level: Evolves at a certain level.
Stone: You need to use a certain evolution stone. (Ex: Jigglypuff with Moon
Trade: Trade it with a friend, and get that sucker back.
Happiness: Make the Pokemon happy by giving it vitamins, battling with it, and
never letting it faint. Probably the hardest to do.
Beauty: Only one Pokemon evolves this way and it can only be done in
Ruby/Sapphire. Increase its Beauty stat to the max and raise it a level.
About techniques. Pokemon learn moves by leveling up, but there are also other
ways of learning. One way is to breed. When two Pokemon are in the same
breeding group(see breeding section) and the father has a move that the baby
can learn only by breeding, it will get it! The baby will always be the
species of the mother. For more information on this, check the breeding
TMs are another way. After you defeat Brock, you get the TM Case. It holds
TMs. If the Pokemon can learn it, it will. You can only use a TM once. HMs
however can be used as many times as you want although most of them are
useless competitively.
Sometimes a move(namely HMs) can be used outside of battle. These can be
useful in most cases and can be used even if the Pokemon has fainted or ran
out of PP for that move.
Pokemon cries also vary depending on your health, a new feature since Ruby/
Sapphire. The cry changes when you reach the yellow zone in HP, again in red,
and finally once more when it faints.
Pokemon also have different growth rates. Some Pokemon get to level 100 with
only 600,000 experience, but some can take more than 1.5 million.
| {2.5} Catching Pokemon |
Catching Pokemon is essential. You need to have a wide variety of Pokemon on
your Pokemon team and getting all 386 is part of the fun! Here's how to do it.
First, get into a wild Pokemon battle. Weaken the Pokemon down to red to low
yellow health. Now go to the item screen, press right a few times until you
are in the pocket to the very right, and use one of your Pokeballs. Each
Pokemon's catch rate can differ. Generally, the higher level the Pokemon and
the rarer it is, the harder to catch. Legendaries are by far the hardest
Pokemon to catch.
Each Pokeball also has a catch rate which can effect the chances of the
Pokemon staying in the Pokeball. The basic ones are Pokeball, Great Ball,
Ultra Ball, and Master Ball, but there are several others in which you can
The Pokemon's status can also effect the difficulty of capturing it. Try to
get it to fall asleep or even better, frozen. Any other status will work fine
but with these two, the Pokemon doesn't have a chance of KOing itself and can
not attack.
Remember that some Pokemon may be holding items that will help them.
( a. Special Pokemon )
Some Pokemon in the wild are special. One kind of special Pokemon is a shiny
Pokemon. These are very, very rare and have a different color than normal
Pokemon. They also have a special animation when they are sent in to battle.
They are ordinary in every other way however.
Some Pokemon also hold a special condition called Pokerus. This is rarer than
a shiny Pokemon and very helpful. This doubles the EVs that you get from
Pokemon. It can be spread to all Pokemon in your party and disappears after
a few days. If you can store it in your PC, it will stay. What sucks is that
you can't tell if a wild Pokemon has this condition, but there's a chance
your Pokemon can catch it. If you have questions about EVs, take a look at
the hidden stat section.
| {2.6} Pokedex Information |
The Pokedex in this game has greatly evolved. This time, you can view the
Pokemon by their size, weight, height, type, Pokeball, and so on and it's
much easier to use if you want to search for Pokemon you have to use in your
team. Here's a list of the categories in game order:
| {2.7} Tips and Tricks for Beginners |
There are some essential things that you should do that are vital in the game.
These tips are sure to help beginning players.
1. Save often. This is a must in every game. Do especially after tough battles
and before a legendary or Gym Leader.
2. When you reach a town, the first thing you should do is go to a Pokemon
Center and heal your party unless a guide says not to.
3. Have at least 10 balls with you. You never know if a shiny or rare Pokemon
comes up.
4. Don't use your Master Ball unless you are facing a legendary that can run
or a shiny Pokemon which can selfdestruct.
5. Have a wide variety of moves so that you can have an attack that is super
effective to all types.
6. Have HM Slaves. Stick worthless HMs on Pokemon you won't use so that your
"good" team won't have useless attacks.
7. Each type of trainer(going by sprite) usually hold specific types of
Pokemon. Ex: Hikers usually hold Rock types and Machop/Zubat and have a fat
8. Search around in each area of grass for new Pokemon.
9. Sometimes you will find dark spots on the ground. These are usually hidden
items! Press A on the spot to find an item! Usually they are berries that you
can only get in Ruby/Sapphire.
{III. Walkthrough}
OK, so here's the bulk of the guide, where most players will want to view.
Here's my format:
|Pokemon Name | 33%/45% | Easy |
|Pokemon Name | 33%/20% | Normal |
|Pokemon Name | 33%/35% | Hard |
Route Name/Town Name - The area the chart covers(and the walkthrough!).
Wild Pokemon - The name of the Pokemon that appears there.
Appearance Rate - This is the approximate amount that Pokemon will appear in
the specified area. The first number is the appearance rate in Fire Red, the
second for Leaf Green. If they are both the same, they will appear as the
same number.
Catch Difficulty - How hard it is to catch the Pokemon.
Please note that these are not 100% accurate other than what Pokemon appear
there, they're based on what I have seen in the game, not official sources.
I also do fishing and Surfing. It's safe to say that Old Rod only hooks
Magikarp and the places I don't mention for Surfing and there's water means
that there's only Tentacool.
1. Blah
2. Blah
Just a quick reference for those who don't really want to get spoiled about
the area or don't want commentary.
Now, that should be about all you need to know. Let's get on with the
| {3.1} Pallet Town |
Begin your game. Watch the cool new opening video and then start a new game.
Scroll through the help menus and listen to Professor Oak, the man who appears
on your screen, talk and talk and talk until he is finally finished. There,
you'll name your character. After choosing a name, he will ask if you are sure
that's your name like you have a mental problem. Choose the top option(Yes)
and be on your way. Next, you have to name your rival who you have known for
a long time, but remained nameless until now. Name him too and say that you're
sure once again(top option). I named my rival Cloud because he looks so much
like the Cloud from FFVII. OK, let's begin our adventure now.
After you minimize and appear in your room, go to the top left and press A on
the PC. Choose the top option, Withdraw, and press A again on the item
(Potion). Close the menu and walk downstairs. Talk to you mom and leave your
house through the rectangular mat. Outside, talk to as many people as you
please. Visit houses and get used to controls. Now, since there's nothing to
do, exit the town by walking to the top above.
Wait, as you exit, Professor Oak stops you! He says some stuff about Pokemon,
and then asks you to follow him. Do so and he will lead you towards his
laboratory. Chat with him for a while and rival will ask what took him so
long. Chat some more and he will ask you to choose a Pokemon on the table to
the right.
Now, this is the first decision that will make a huge difference in the game.
Will you choose Bulbasaur the Grass type, Charmander the Fire type, or
Squirtle, the Water type?
Well, Bulbasaur is a dual type of Grass and Poison and is an awesome choice
for beginners since it absolutely pwns the first few gyms. He is not to bad
in a final team either. You get to teach him Frenzy Plant later. Bulbasaur can
take many Special hits and easily can last its weaknesses. Awesome annoyer in
competitive battles.
Squirtle is a pure Water type. It can take many hits of both physical and
special attacks. Its attacking stats aren't too bad, and speed is a little on
the slow side. You can teach it Hydro Cannon later. It can be a very good
utility Pokemon later in the game. If you like to be safe rather than sorry,
here's your Pokemon.
Charmander is a Fire type, perhaps one of the best in the game. It has low
defenses, but high offenses and speed which is extremely handy for sweeping.
It is the best starter out of all 3(actually, one of the best Fire types in
the entire game). No, this is not an opinion, this is a fact. It can learn
very powerful moves by breeding and is seen VERY often on the bots. It evolves
into a dual type, Fire/Flying. If pure power is what you're looking for, then
choose Charmander. However, it is a bit more difficult to progress through the
game with him.
In case you are wondering, I chose Bulbasaur because that's who I chose in the
original Red version. You however, can choose whomever you like. Rival will
also choose one, always one strong against your type.
Once your tough decision is over(OK, maybe as tough as choosing pizza
toppings), start to exit the lab. Wait! (Rival song remix starts) rival
challenges you! Time to start your first battle!
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Bulbasaur | 5 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Charmander | 5 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Squirtle | 5 |
He should be easy enough. Professor Oak will be coaching you and teaching you
the controls throughout the battle and whatever you do. Remember that Potion
that you got from your room? Now is the time to use it, if you are in need.
If you lose, you don't get a Game Over or lose half your money since it's only
practice, so don't worry if you forgot the Potion. It's better to win though
to get some money for later on.
You should have gotten plenty of money from that battle, some which you will
have to spend later. Anyway, rival leaves whether you beat him or not and your
game will continue. Head out of the lab and up and out of Pallet Town.
PALLET TOWN FISHING, GOOD ROD(for those who returned with a rod)
|Krabby | 60% | Easy |
|Horsea | 30% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Krabby | 35% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 35% | Normal |
|Staryu | 0%/25% | Easy |
|Shellder | 25%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/5% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 5%/0% | Easy |
|Pidgey | 50% | Easy |
|Rattata | 50% | Easy |
You are not able to catch Pokemon yet, so just battle to get experience. Run
if you're running low on health. As you walk up the route, you should see a
man. Talk to him to get a free Potion. Afterwards, you will get to the
beautiful Viridian City.
Feel free to explore your new surroundings, but don't go outside the town.
Heal in the Pokemon Center and when you're done exploring, hit the Pokemon
Mart, or did you already do that? Well, either way, you get a package for Oak.
So, time to back to Pallet Town. You have the option of jumping over the
ledges this time around, but I don't recommend it since you still need some
experience. Now, go to Professor Oak at Pallet Town.
At his laboratory, you will see *GASP*! Rival! But don't worry, no battle this
time, he just came because Oak told him he wanted to say something to both of
you. Skip his blabbering and get your prize - the Pokedex. Get it and scram.
You also get a 5 Pokeball bonus, sweet. Now, go all the way back to Viridian,
but instead of training, do some catching. It is highly recommended that you
start training your new Pokemon immediately, either Pidgey or Rattata or both.
Chances are you're going to keep it through the entire game. Now, you start a
new chapter in your journey. You will finally be able to catch Pokemon and
become a Pokemon Master.
| {3.2} Viridian City |
You are back at Viridian City. You should know your surroundings by now, there
is a Pokemon Center near the entrance, and Pokemart northeast of it and two
exits North and West. First, go North. A man will talk to you and show you how
to catch a Pokemon, but we all know he's old and wrong since he forgot to
weaken it. You recieve a help device you will probably never need afterwards.
Anyway,now you can explore the top part of the Viridian. Don't exit yet, just
take a look at the top. You should see a closed gym and a school teaching you
about status conditions. The gym will reopen later, so let's give it some time
and train a bit.
Go back to the heart of the town and this time, take the West exit after
buying about 5-10 Pokeballs if you can afford it. Go to the patch of grass
and train your second Pokemon a bit if you plan on keeping it. Don't leave the
patchy grass except to heal.
VIRIDIAN CITY FISHING, GOOD ROD(for those who returned with a rod)
|Poliwag | 80% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Goldeen | 10% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Poliwag | 35% | Easy |
|Poliwhirl | 60% | Normal |
|Psyduck | 100%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/100% | Easy |
|Mankey | 60% | Easy |
|Rattata | 35% | Easy |
|Spearow | 5% | Easy-Normal |
I recommend catching a Mankey in this area. They are common, good experience,
and have strong attack and speed. Spearows are rare here, they're not worth
spending a lot of time for since they appear much more commonly and are easier
to catch later on. The Nidoran that used to appear here have moved on, and so
should you. Take your Pokemon and get out of there. DO NOT explore this area
past the grasses.
After catching Pokemon, heal, buy more Pokeballs if needed, and proceed into
Viridian Forest. Don't progress through here yet, we're not done with Viridian
City. Don't fight any trainers, the first two aren't one. Here, you'll also
find many new Pokemon.
|Caterpie | 5% | Easy |
|Rattata | 45% | Easy |
|Weedle | 5% | Easy |
|Pidgey | 45% | Easy |
|Weedle | 27%/10% | Easy |
|Caterpie | 10%/27% | Easy |
|Kakuna | 10%/4% | Normal |
|Metapod | 4%/10% | Normal |
|Pikachu | 5% | Easy |
Ignore Route 2, just move on to Viridian Forest. Pokemon here range from Level
2-4, but are not that strong. Leaf Green has it on the easy side since
Caterpie are more common and can't poison you. Bring an Antidote or two if you
play Fire Red. In this area, catch the caterpillars and Pikachu if you're
lucky enough to find one. If you have Charmander or Squirtle, catching Pikachu
is a must. Kakuna and Metapod are perfect training posts for weak Pokemon.
They usually come in Level 5 and can't attack. Since they are an evolved form,
you rack up some serious exp. Train your new Weedle/Caterpie here too, but not
both. By now, you should be forming a temporary 6 Pokemon team.
My team:
Mankey LV7
Rattata LV7
Weedle LV6
Pidgey LV6
Bulbasaur LV8
My team's not exactly the highest of Levels, train yours to be a bit higher,
but don't overdo it. After you finished your training, head back to Viridian
City. Heal, and head West once again. The Pokemon here should be really weak
compared to you, head up and West and you'll see the reason I told you not to
go here.
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgey | 9 |
|Bulbasaur | 9 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgey | 9 |
|Charmander | 9 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgey | 9 |
|Squirtle | 9 |
This time, rival's a bit harder. You'll have a tough time with Pidgey's Sand
Attack at if you're at a low level and can't do much damage. Pidgey has some
decent defense. It doesn't have a flying type move yet, so all it can do it
Tackle. Nail it with Pikachu fast or use your starter. Your starter should
have its third attack by now, so use it. You will probably level up once.
After Pidgey faints, rival will send out his starter which actually isn't as
hard. Bulbasaur's Leech Seed works well here, as does Pikachu's Thundershock.
It's actually a bit easier than Pidgey. Use a Potion if needed and fry him
After that, sore loser rival will walk away and now you can explore the
Pokemon League HQ a bit. You won't be able to proceed far, so when you're done
exploring, head back to Viridian City. Heal, restock, and now head into the
Viridian Forest.
( a. Viridian Forest )
Now, it's time to progress through Viridian Forest. Train your weak Pokemon on
the wilds here, especially the caterpillars to start evolution. Now, first,
head left and then up and follow the path to get a Potion. Now, go back to
the entrance and take the right path. Keep going North, fight the Trainer who
holds a Level 6 Caterpie and Weedle. After defeating that trainer, take either
path. In the middle of the end of both paths, there will be another
Bug Catcher. This one will hold 2 Weedles and a Kakuna. Defeat and continue.
Smack in the middle of your path should be an Antidote.
There should be another fork here. They both lead to the same place. Go right,
and now there should be a rotating trainer. You shouldn't be beaten down by
now, so put a strong Pokemon first and battle. This guy sucks too with 2
Caterpies. Continue down the winding path. At one spot, there will be a
trainer with his back turned to you. Talk to him to start a battle. He will
hold two level 7 Metapods and a Level 7 Caterpie. Beat him and continue down.
At the end of the path, make a quick right to find a Potion. Now head back on
track. This next Bug Catcher only has a Level 9 Weedle. Oh nos. Wrap em up and
go to the end of the path to exit the forest.
Well, you should be a bit tired by now, right? Well, go on to Pewter City.
Ignore the things to the right for now as there's no way to get there yet.
| {3.3} Pewter City |
Isn't it great to be back in the open city? Well, explore here a bit. You'll
see a museum(with a lot of junk in it), a house with a Nidoran Male(We should
get one), a Gym(Don't go in yet), and the regular Pokemon Center and Pokemart.
Oh yes, we should restock, shouldn't we? Let's see what's on sale...
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Poke Ball | 200 |
|Potion | 300 |
|Antidote | 100 |
|Paralyz Heal | 200 |
|Burn Heal | 250 |
|Awakening | 250 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Repel | 350 |
You probably don't have much money since those Bug Catchers are broke little
whiny kids, so stock up on as much as you can and leave. You'll get your money
soon enough. In the Pokemon Center, next to the PC there's a reporter. Do
whatever you want with her, she just changes your profile when you do link-up
battles. Next to the Pokemart will be a man. Say no to his question and he
will lead you to the museum. Say Yes and he will do nothing. Try to proceed
and a dude will stop you and bring you to the gym.
Note: 1. If you're wondering about the woman who asks you a question in the
patch of grass, she's just asking you if you know what she's doing. Doesn't
matter what you choose.
2. Going to the museum is optional.
3. Talk to the Jigglypuff in the Pokemon Center! Lovely song.
4. You are now able to trade.
5. There's a hidden Pokeball two spaces left and one space down in the light
patch of grass to the left of the museum.
6. This guide is mine, Strawhat's. Yes, I pwn. Er...just a random statement.
Well, what about that patch of grass we passed while coming to Pewter? There's
nothing new there, just the same old Pokemon that you found at the beginning
of Route 2. If you want to train, go back to the forest. It's perfect for
Pidgey, Spearow and Charmander. When you're done training, head to the gym.
It's time to win out first badge.
When you head in the gym, there should be a man. Talk to him for advice. No
matter which option you pick, he'll still give you advice. Now, you can skip
the trainer, but why waste good experience and money? The kid still talks
about the light years from Red and Blue. He holds a Level 10 Geodude and a
Level 11 Sandshrew and is a good taste of how Brock will battle. If you're
having trouble with this guy, go back and train, especially if you have
Charmander. Bulbasaur and Squirtle should do fairly well though. This is the
easiest gym, so no puzzles this time.
Now it's time. Time to battle Brock. Bring it on small eyed brutha!
My party:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Bulbasaur | LV 12 |
| Mankey | LV 8 |
| Rattata | LV 8 |
| Pidgey | LV 12 |
| Beedrill | LV 10 |
You'd be surprised at how fast Pidgey grows.

| Pokemon | Level |
| Geodude | LV 12 |
| Onix | LV 14 |
Brock is incredibly hard without a super effective attack. Grass and Water do
a LOT of damage, so attack it with Bulbasaur's Vine Whip and Squirtle's Bubble
which you should have by now if you were doing your training. If you have
Charmander, this can be a tough battle. Neither of Brock's Pokemon have that
great attacks, but they have tremendous defense! A Special Attack should do
decent damage on him, and the only way to do that now is to get a Butterfree
by evolving Metapod at Level 10. Use Potions if needed. If you're still having
a lot of trouble, you should really level up to at least Level 10. Onix is
also pretty fast. I gained two levels from this. When you win, you'll get a
TM Case in your Key Items, a Boulderbadge and a TM containing Rock Tomb.
After listening to the cool gym leader music, head out. Heal and prepare to
ascend Mount Moon. Make sure you're equipped with items(especially Pokeballs!)
as there won't be a shop for a while.
( a. Mount Moon )
The first thing you'll see is that the person who lead you to the gym was
replaced with one of Oak's assistants. You will get the Running Shoes! Now you
can run fast by holding B while walking. So, proceed. On Route 3, the first
trainer you'll see is a Lass with two Level 9 Pidgeys. She's harder than most
of the trainers you've fought so far, so train up your weak Pokemon. Actually,
train them on all the trainers here. Here's a map:
3 4
2 7
---- --------|||----------|||
||| |||
1 ||| 6 |||
------ ------|||----------|||
1. Lass, 2 Level 9 Pidgeys.
2. Bug Catcher, 2 Level 10 Caterpies and a Level 10 Weedle.
3. Youngster holding a Level 11 Rattata and Ekans.
4. Bug Catcher, Level 9 Weedle, Kakuna, Caterpie, and Metapod.
5. Lass, Level 10 Nidoran Female and Rattata.
6. Youngster, Level 14 Spearow.
7. Bug Catcher, Level 11 Caterpie and Metapod.
OK, so after you defeat the trainers I recommend you go back to heal a bit.
The next can be tough without fast Pokemon. She looks like an innocent
bypasser walking around, but when talked to she'll battle. She carries a Level
14 Jigglypuff who can put you to sleep, so attack quick or use Awakenings.
After Jigglypuff, ignore the grass and run along the path until you get to the
Pokemon Center. To the very left is a man who sells you a Magikarp for 500,
but it's difficult to train right now and you can find them later on. After
healing, it's time to go catching.
|Jigglypuff | 9% | Easy-Normal |
|Pidgey | 30% | Easy |
|Spearow | 50% | Easy |
|Nidoran F | 1%/5% | Easy |
|Nidoran M | 5%/1% | Easy |
|Mankey | 5% | Easy |
There's some new Pokemon here. For those of you who didn't catch Spearow
before, now's your chance. Another Pokemon of interest are the Nidoran and
Jigglypuff. Be sure to at least land a Nidoran Female for breeding, but if
you're playing Fire Red and can't stand to search so long, grab a male one
since IMO, that one's better anyway. Jigglypuff aren't that great but you need
it for your Pokedex. This is the only place to find it so grab it before
moving along. This is a horrible place to train Grass and Bug Pogleys so move
your butt out of there if you plan to train Bulbasaur(Ivysaur?) and your bugs.
|Geodude | 15% | Easy |
|Zubat | 80% | Easy |
|Clefairy | 1% | Easy-Medium |
|Paras | 4% | Easy |
Now here's a good training ground. Remember Geodude? You'll want it, trust me.
Zubat are only good if they can evolve into Crobat so I don't recommend
getting one yet. Clefairy and Paras are rare and unique to this area, so get
one! Train your Pokemon here as it's an excellent training ground if the
Pokemon can take down Geodudes. Paras seem to appear more often now than in
the original RBY, so don't get sos psyched when you see one.
The first thing when you get to Mount Moon(besides catching Pokemon) is to
avoid the trainers and head left to the opposite side of the large rock.
Collect TM09 containing Bullet Seed and move. From there, move up and to the
left of the trainer and water is a Paralyze Heal. OK, now let's fight the
trainer there. He will have a Level 11 Weedle and Kakuna. From him, move
back on track to the right. There will be another trainer there. If you need
to know what a Clefairy looks like, here it is. The Lass will hold a Level 14
Clefairy. It can be a bit difficult with attacks like Doubleslap and Encore,
but you should be able to handle.
This is your last chance to heal so do so if you took some damage. Now, after
that from the Lass, keep following the path. There is a ladder take it down.
MOUNT MOON - Basement 1
|Paras | 100% | Easy |
This is just about all you'll find in little paths like these so I won't
include this later on.
When you resurface, fight the Rocket who holds a Level 11 Sandshrew, Zubat,
and Rattata. Collect the Star Piece and retrace your steps back.
When you get back, go south and to the left path. The trainer is difficult
here so avoid him if you can't take down Magnemite(Steel/Electric) and Voltorb
(Electric) both Level 11. Take the Potion West of him and head East. Defeat
the Bug Catcher right above the item's two Level 10 Caterpies and Metapod.
Get the Rare Candy and move on. As you keep going on the right path, you
should find another Escape Rope.
When you get to the end of the path, you should be in an area near the top of
the ladder you went to before. There's a man rotating in a pile of rocks. Talk
to him if you want, he's not a trainer. Keep going directly West from there to
find a Lass moving around. Fight her Level 11 Bellsprout and Oddish.
Keep going along the path. You should find a ladder. Collect TM46 containing
Thief and fight the Rocket's Level 11 Zubat and Ekans. Before leaving, make
sure you pick the hidden item in the rock which is Ether.
When you get back to the ground floor, there should be a trainer. Fight the
Youngster's 2 Rattatas and Zubat all Level 10. Pick up a Moon Stone(don't use
it now) and fight the Hiker's 2 Level 10 Geodudes and Level 10 Onix. Hopefully
you haven't dumped Butterfree yet or have your starter with you.
Take the ladder and go along the path. Before you go on when you resurface,
head up to find a Revive which should come in handy if your weakening at this
point(I hope you aren't...). Now head back and right. Fight the Rocket's Level
13 Rattata and Sandshrew and move on.
Keep going to fight another Rocket with a Level 13 Rattata(has Hyper Fang,
watch out!) and Zubat. They're both tougher than wild ones with new attacks,
so be prepared. Go to the little trench in the right to find a hidden Moon
Stone in the Rock. Now, go up and fight the Super Nerd. He is a bit tough
holding a Level 12 Grimer(hope you have Butterfree...), Voltorb, and Koffing.
After defeating the Super Nerd, you will be given a choice of two fossils. The
first one on the left is a Dome Fossil. This will will become a Kabutops which
is rather cool and has good attack, and the second one it the Helix Fossil
which later becomes Omastar, a Pokemon specializing in Special Attack and
Defense. Omastar is much more useful in link battles, so I recommend that
although Kabutops does look cooler. I chose the Helix Fossil.
Wonder when you'll exit? Don't worry, you're almost there. Keep going and
collect an Antidote and head up the ladder. There's going to be no more
trainers from this point on so celebrate if you're weak!
When you exit, first get used to the light and greenery. Are you OK now? Good,
head East and you will find two Move Tutors. The one on the right will teach
Mega Kick and the one on the left Mega Punch. These moves will both suck later
on if you plan to battle with friends, but at the moment they are pretty good.
They will teach only one of your Pokemon those attacks so choose wisely if at
You won't be able to go back for a while so if you want you can go back
through Mount Moon, but who would do that? Pick up TM05(Roar) and head on to
the next town in which you can stock up.
| {3.4} Cerulean City |
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Poke Ball | 200 |
|Super Potion | 700 |
|Potion | 300 |
|Antidote | 100 |
|Paralyz Heal | 200 |
|Burn Heal | 250 |
|Awakening | 250 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Repel | 350 |
1. The Bike Shop. You can't get one yet :(
2. The Super Potions. Buy them if you have strong Pokemon.
3. The hidden Rare Candy in the backyard of the house on the upper left corner
who tells you about the badges. It's located near the right side.
4. The Police Officer blocking the house. Don't worry about that yet.
5. The house next to the Pokemon Center. The man wants a Poliwhirl. You
probably don't have one now so go back to him later.
6. The Pokemon blocking the little tree. We'll get there later too.
7. The House next to the Poliwhirl man. He gives you a bottle to hold crushed
After healing and stocking up, you probably want to check out that patch of
grass West of here right? Well, go right ahead. Just don't leave the city
through the other exit.
|Rattata | 40% | Easy |
|Spearow | 40% | Easy |
|Ekans | 15%/0% | Easy-Medium |
|Sandshrew | 0%/15% | Easy-Medium |
|Mankey | 5% | Easy |
The only thing here you want is your version exclusive. Everything else you
should have. Unless you are underleveled, move on.
From here, you have two choices. You can either defeat the Gym Leader or
explore what's later on. I personally explored a bit to train some more before
fighting. So, what's keeping ya? Let's go on! If you have not caught a Pikachu
and own a Squirtle or especially Charmander, take the bridge first and come
back to this section later. Since I chose good old Bulbasaur, I'm doing the
gym first. Beware, both routes you choose have challenges. Skip through the
walkthrough to find the part you're at.
You don't think we went all the way through Mount Moon for nothing do you?
As you come in the gym, you can probably guess this gym leader's theme. That's
right, water, which is why Charmander and Squirtle dwellers should wait until
they caught an Oddish/Bellsprout before even trying this as Misty is hard.
OK, no puzzles in this gym either, which is great. Go straight up and battle
the swimmer(or even skip him if you'd like, but what about all that wasted
experience?)'s level 16 Horsea and Shellder. Have fun pwning these guys with
your Electric/Grass type Pokemon, but if you're having trouble here then Misty
is going to devostate you. The Shellder has Icicle Spear that is super
effective against Grass types but that shouldn't be able to take down strong
Now, onto the next trainer! Or, if you choose to skip her, on to Misty! But
let's battle just for some exp ;) Picknicker will hold a simple Level 19
Goldeen so Vine Whip/Absorb/Thundershock once and it's gone. OK, now for the
big stuff.
My party:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Ivysaur | 18 |
| Pidgeotto | 18 |
| Beedrill | 15 |
As you can see, I dumped most of my not-so-great Pokemon or those who level
up to slow. Blah.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Staryu | 18 |
| Starmie | 21 |
Misty holds two Pokemon you probably have never seen before. Staryu, the
pre-evolution of Starmie, is fast and has powerful Water attacks. Starmie is
stronger and has better defenses. Both carry a strong attack, Water Pulse,
that has a high chance of confusing you. Switch often and hope you live. Just
go all out with Electric and Grass attacks which both Staryu and Starmie are
weak against and don't bother using Geodude and Sandshrew, both weak very weak
to water. She's difficult with low level Pokemon so be at least level 15 when
battling her!
After the battle, Misty will give you a Cascade Badge allowing you to use Cut
and also TM03. That annoying Water Pulse confusing thang is now yours to use!
...I mean, use only once. Oh well.
Note: For those that returned in the rod, there's no Pokemon in this gym like
the previous versions :)
Now that you have beaten Misty, it's time to travel along Nugget Bridge. Go up
to the bridge and take a look at the glorious magnificent structure and change
since RBY and...wait a second! Who's that coming? OMG it's your rival!
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 17 |
|Rattata | LV 15 |
|Abra | LV 16 |
|Bulbasaur | LV 18 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 17 |
|Rattata | LV 15 |
|Abra | LV 16 |
|Charmander | LV 18 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 17 |
|Rattata | LV 15 |
|Abra | LV 16 |
|Squirtle | LV 18 |
Your rival's not a pushover this time...He's almost, if not harder than Misty!
Although his levels aren't as high as hers, he has more Pokemon. If you've
beaten Misty, you should have no problem with this, but if you can't beat him,
then you really have to train. Use a Pikachu or Geodude against Pidgeotto, you
should at least have one of those. If you don't, tough luck since Sand Attack
will be a huge problem. If you have a high level Pidgey or Pidgeotto of your
own then it can work since it does have Keen Eye preventing Accuracy Loss.
Any Pokemon with decent defense, namely Geodude and Sandshrew, can take care
of Rattata. Abra is the least of your worries, all it can do is Teleport which
does absolutely nothing. It's worse than Metapod and Kakuna for now. < Note
that. Now for Rival's starter. Although they're not evolved yet, they carry
element attacks in which you should beware of. However, by now you can get
Pokemon that can withstand any of the starters attacks and can deal super
effective hits to them. Use it and the starter'll be gone quick. Note that you
should probably keep that starter killer for the rest of the game.
After beating Rival you'll get a Voice Checker. It does...pretty much nothing.
You'll get to talk to people like a cell phone. Weee.
OK, go back and heal and restock, then it's time to take the Nugget Bridge
challenge. What's the challenge you ask? Beat 5 trainers. They all suck
compared to Gary so they should be no problem. Just train your weak Pokemon on
The first trainer is a Bug Catcher who hold a Level 10 Caterpie, Weedle,
Metapod and Kakuna. Next, the Lass will hold a Level 12 Pidgey, Oddish, and
Bellsprout. Next up is a Youngster holding a Level 14 Sandshrew and Ekans. The
trainer, Lass again, will hold a Level 16 Nidoran Male and Female. Getting
harder yet? The last trainer, a Camper, will hold a Level 18 Mankey.
Excellent, we beat the Nugget Bridge challenge, right? Wrong. The next dude
will give you a prize(Nugget. Duh. Sell it.) but will challenge you for not
joining up with Team Rocket. He'll hold a Level 15 Ekans and Zubat, typical
Rocket Pokemon.
After getting through, get the TM45(Attract) at the top. Now, it's time to go
Pokemon catching!
|Pidgey | 30% | Easy |
|Abra | 10% | Normal |
|Caterpie | 20% | Easy |
|Weedle | 20% | Easy |
|Metapod | 5% | Easy |
|Kakuna | 5% | Easy |
|Bellsprout | 0%/10% | Easy |
|Oddish | 10%/0% | Easy |
ROUTE 24 FISHING, GOOD ROD(For those who returned)
|Krabby | 50% | Easy |
|Horsea | 40% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 9% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
ROUTE 24 FISHING, SUPER ROD(For those who returned)
|Krabby | 80% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 19% | Normal |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
Here are a few new faces. If you manage to find your version exclusive here,
catch it and train it well if you don't have Bulbasaur. Both of those Pokemon
are useful as Grass types and are the only you'll find in a while. They are
also effective aginst Misty if you haven't defeated her yet. You'll still find
the caterpillars here. One thing to note is Abra. Remember Gary and his
useless Abra who can't Teleport? Well, it can Teleport here and with that as
its only move, it will escape all battles and be difficult to catch. You will
want to catch it and evolve as soon as possible since it evolves into a VERY
strong Psychic type, one of the best in the game. To catch it, use a fast
Pokemon like Butterfree or Ivysaur's Sleep Powder. If you don't have either,
just chuck Pokeballs at it although there will be a low chance of you actually
catching it. Come back and try later if you need to. This place is a poor
training area so just go on to the next few trainers and beat every one of
them. Oh, here's another bad map:
O 3O O O
O O O O 10.
==================OO OO O 5 O O 9
----- O4 O OO O O
Key: W = Grass
O = Bushes
1. Camper, Level 14 Rattata and Ekans.
2. Hiker, Level 15 Machop and Geodude.
3. Youngster, Level 14 Rattata and Spearow.
4. Hiker, Level 17 Onix.
5. Youngster, Level 17 Slowpoke.
6. Picnicker, Level 15 Nidoran Male and Female.
7. Hiker, 3 Level 13 Geodudes and a Level 13 Machop.
8. Camper, Level 14 Rattata and Ekans.
Before you fight this trainer, make sure you stay close to the Hiker below so
that he'll move out of the way allowing you to get Secret Power behind him. If
you don't get it, you'll just have to wait until you get the HM Cut.
9. This trainer's walking around. Youngster, Level 14 Ekans and Sandshrew.
10. Last trainer now. Lass holds a 2 Level 13 Oddishes and a Pidgey.
OK, after my horrible ASCII map and the last trainer, go right on to the
house. There, you'll see a weird...thing. Talk to it, and it'll explain that
he is Bill and got trapped in a Pokemon's body during an experiement and can't
turn back. So, of course, help him. You can abandon him too, but then we won't
be able to continue the game. After Bill goes into the transporter thing, go
to the computer and press A and Bill will turn back. Talk to him again to get
the S.S. Anne Ticket. BTW, from now on Someone's PC will become Bill's PC.
There's a nice pool of water in front of Bill's house for those who returned
with fishing rods.
ROUTE 24 FISHING, GOOD ROD(For those who returned)
|Poliwag | 60% | Easy |
|Goldeen | 20% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 20% | Easy |
ROUTE 24 FISHING, SUPER ROD(For those who returned)
|Poliwhirl | 50% | Normal |
|Gyarados | 50% | Hard |
Time to head back now. Take the South route this time. Talk to the couple on
the way there. Heal, restock, and go to where the police officer was before.
He's not blocking the door anymore so go right on in. The first thing you'll
notice is that the house he was blocking is all trashed up and a wreck. Only
Team Rocket could be behind this! And so they are. Go outside through the back
and confront the Rocket. He will admit to wrecking the house and battle you!
He holds a Level 17 Machop and Drowzee, a Psychic type with excellent
Special Defense. When you beat him he will give you the TM he used to break
through the house, Dig(TM28). OK, let's heal and continue onward. If you
haven't beaten Misty yet, you should have trained enough to do so.
|Pidgey | 25% | Easy |
|Meowth | 25% | Easy |
|Bellsprout | 0%/25% | Easy |
|Oddish | 25%/0% | Easy |
ROUTE 5 FISHING, GOOD ROD(For those who returned)
|Poliwag | 50% | Easy |
|Goldeen | 40% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
ROUTE 5 FISHING, SUPER ROD(For those who returned)
|Gyarados | 20% | Hard |
|Poliwag | 40% | Easy |
|Poliwhirl | 40% | Easy |
There's nothing interesting in the grass of Route 5 except for Meowth which
aren't exactly the best Pokemon in the world. Continue on to find a daycare
center with a man who will increase Pokemon's levels for you. He's not that
great since it's 1 step = 1 exp, so move on unless you wish to drop off your
Magikarp here. You can't breed either.
If you enter the bulding down below, the guard won't let you through. That's
OK, head to the building on the right instead. You'll find a girl who wants to
trade a Nidoran Female for a Male. For those playing Leaf Green and were too
lazy to catch a Nidoran Male before, here's your chance. For those with Fire
Red, too bad :( Now, go down the stairwell and keep going down.
When you exit, head along the path to the left and fight the Bug Catcher there
holding 2 Level 16 Weedles(OMG!!) and Caterpie. The grass here holds the same
Pokemon as the the place after Cerulean so don't bother searching for Pokemon.
Keep going to find two trainers. The male Camper on the left will have a Level
20 Squirtle. The female will hold a Level 16 Rattata and Pikachu. This Bug
Catcher is very tough. He has a Level 20 Butterfree holding both Confusion and
status attacks. Skip him if you're weak.
All right, the last two trainers now. The first one, a Camper, will hold 3
Level 16 Pidgeys. Now, the final trainer is rather tough. He holds a Level 16
Spearow and Raticate, the evolved form of Rattata and has pretty gnarly
OK, on to Vermilion City!
| {3.5} Vermilion City |
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Poke Ball | 200 |
|Super Potion | 700 |
|Antidote | 100 |
|Paralyz Heal | 200 |
|Burn Heal | 250 |
|Ice Heal | 250 |
|Repel | 350 |
1. The Pokemon Fan Club building. Talk to president.
2. The S.S. Anne in which you use the ticket from Bill.
3. Diglett's cave.
4. A house wanting to trade a Farfetch'd for Spearow.
5. The woman in the Pokemon Center who gives you a battle checker.
6. The Pokemon in the East section past Diglett's Cave.
7. The bush blocking the gym.
VERMILION CITY FISHING, GOOD ROD(For those who returned)
|Horsea | 60% | Easy |
|Krabby | 20% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 20% | Easy |
|Krabby | 30% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 20% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
|Staryu | 0%/50% | Normal |
|Shellder | 50%/0% | Normal |
You probably need some healing, so do that first. Now, for the quest of some
items. As usual, restock and talk to the girl nearest to the nurse. She will
give you an item which, when used near a trainer, will see if the trainer
wants a rematch. It can only be used once in a while though. Next, go to the
neighboring house to the left of the Pokemon Center. There will be a fisherman
there. Talk to get the Old Rod. Although it sucks, keep it anyway. Next stop
is the Pokemon Fan Club. It should be pretty obvious with a sign and Pokeball
on the bulding. Talk to the old dude there and say yes to talk about his
Pokemon. Afterwards, you'll get a Bike Voucher. Yippee. Catch an extra Spearow
and go to the house next to the Pokemon Fan Club. Trade it for a useless
Farfetch'd. It's the only way to get it in out Pokedexes though. It's equipped
with a Stick increasing its Critical Hit Ratio but it's still going to be
useless later in the game. If try to head towards the gym, you will see a tree
blocking the way. You will be able to cut it down later, so let's go somewhere
Now, you should probably do whatever you have to at Cerulean. Defeat any
trainers you haven't already. In the Bike Shop, trade in that Bike Voucher for
a free Bycicle. If you still haven't beat Misty, you absolutely positively
have to now. And if you still can't beat her, that's just sad.
When you get back, look around. You should see the gym is blocked by a bush.
Oh bummer. Now we have to do something to get past it :( Like always. Well,
why don't we train up a bit before actually doing some quests? Shall we?
|Spearow | 40% | Easy |
|Sandshrew | 0%/40% | Easy |
|Ekans | 40%/0% | Easy |
|Drowzee | 25% | Easy |
Not much here. If you haven't caught an Abra and evolved it, get a Drowzee or
wait a bit longer for Mr. Mime. Either way, you need a Psychic on your team.
They make great training posts and aren't quite that bad. The rest shouldn't
interest you though so move on to the trainers.
First, head up and get the Ice Heal. The Youngster directly across from you
will hold only a Level 21 Ekans. Now from there, go South to find a Gambler
holding a Level 18 Horsea and Poliwag, both Water types. He holds a great
pocket so beat him an move on. From the Gambler, move back up and right, right
on down the path. You will find another Youngster standing still. He holds a
Level 19 Sandshrew and Zubat. Next up is the walking Youngster. He will have a
Level 18 Nidoran Male and Nidorino. Go South from him to find a bald dude, an
Engineer. He carries a Level 2 18 Magnemites and Magneton, so make sure you
have a Ground or Fighting type as he is very difficult without them. OK, from
there, continue right and fight the old man, a Gambler holding a Level 18
Oddish and Bellsprout. Pick up the X-Defense and go up and fight the Engineer
holding a Level 21 Magnemite.
OK, the next trainer is a Gambler in the upper right corner holding a Level
18 Vulpix and Growlithe, both Fire Pokemon. The Youngster below him will
have 2 Level 17 Rattatas and Raticate. OK, now near the house, the Gambler
will hold a Level 18 Voltorb and Magnemite. That should rap up the trainers.
Before going in the bulding, grab the Great Ball and the Escape Rope hidden
in the Rock above the gate.
Now, go in the building. If you try to continue, there will be a Pokemon
blocking the road. You can't do anything now so head back to the building and
go upstairs to the observatory. You will find a trainer who will trade a
Nidorina for a Nidorino. Not exactly a great trade, but do it if you want.
Next, Professor Oak's aid will want to see your Pokedex. If you have 30
Pokemon, he will give you an Itemfinder. You'll want it since it has a Special
function to find hidden items. If you don't have 30 Pokemon, go back and
catch some more and evolve them.
( a. S.S. Anne )
After getting the Itemfinder, head back to Vermilion City. Heal, and then it's
time to board the S.S. Anne using the ticket Bill gave you. OK, there's a ton
of trainers who are restless because something's holding up the boat, so let's
fight them. Oh, just to let you know, the place is a horrible place for
Charmeleon. It seems that the boat isn't moving and many people are bored and
itching for a battle, so let's get em and see what's up.
Starting from the very right room, the Gentleman will hold 2 Level 18
Growlithes. In the next room to the left, there will be a nice young lady who
will heal you. Sweet. No running back to the Pokemon Center for you! Now on to
the next room. As soon as you enter, you will be challenged by a Gentleman
holding a Level 19 Nidoran Male and Female. There nothing interesting in the
next two rooms except a Wigglytuff you can talk to. After those two though
will be a room with three people in it. The first one is a Lass holding a
Level 18 Pidgey and Nidoran Female. The next person is a Youngster holding a
Level 21 Nidoran Male. The last person does nothing, so go get TM31 containing
Brick Break, one of the best Fighting attacks in the game! The next room only
has an undercover agent, so basically you've done everything you need to do on
this floor. Now, go the left and down instead of up the staircase.
Here, you will find the kitchen. In the third garbage can to the right, there
will be a Berry. There's also a Great Ball in here.
Head back up now go all the way to the right and down into that staircase. In
the garbage can near the descending stairs, you will find a Hyper Potion. Now,
onto the trainers. In the first room there won't be anything but a Machoke and
Super Potion. Get it and move on to the next. You will find two Sailors, the
closer one will hold a Level 21 Shellder. The farther one will have a Level 18
Horsea, Shellder, and Tentacool. As soon as you enter the next room, you will
get another challenge by a Sailor with 3 Level 17 Horseas. Grab the Potion and
move on. Now, on the second to last door there will be another Sailor with a
Level 18 Tentacool and Staryu. Behind him will be TM44, Rest. Make sure you
grab that as it is a very useful TM. Now, this next room has 2 trainers. The
one wearing red is a Fisherman holding a Level 17 Tentacool, Staryu, and
Shellder. The one wearing blue is a Sailor holding a Level 20 Machop. All
right, that's another floor down.
Now, from the basement let's head three floors up. I know we're skipping one,
but that's fine for now. OK, there's some people here so it's time for some
more trainer battles. As soon as you head out, you will see a bald man. He
won't battle, so talk and keep going left. There will be a Sailor just smack
in the middle of the map, so defeat his level 17 Machop and Tentacool. Now, go
left to fight a Sailor holding a LEvel 18 Machop and Shellder. That's all the
trainers in this area for a quick clear.
Head back to the previous floor, the last one. In the first room to the left,
there should be a man in there. Talk to him to recieve a picture of Snorlax in
your Pokedex. It's not a must, just a plus(rhyme not intended). In the next
room, fight the Fisherman holding 2 level 17 Goldeens and Tentacool. After him
there should be a Gentleman holding a Level 23 Pikachu. Pick up the Stardust
after defeating him. The next room has no trainers or items, so keep going.
At the room after, there will be a Lass at the top of the screen holding a
Level 18 Rattata and Pikachu. There will also be a Gentleman with a Level 17
Growlithe and Ponyta. That's the last of the trainers, feel free to explore
the last two doors, but heal up before you venture onwards because here comes
the big scary rival.
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 19 |
|Raticate | LV 16 |
|Kadabra | LV 18 |
|Ivysaur | LV 20 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 19 |
|Raticate | LV 16 |
|Kadabra | LV 18 |
|Charmeleon | LV 20 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 19 |
|Raticate | LV 16 |
|Kadabra | LV 18 |
|Wartortle | LV 20 |
Another Rival battle already? That's right. Well, he hasn't done too much
leveling up so he should be easy this time around since you probably have
defeating all those trainers from before. Pidgeotto is still here and a threat
with Sand Attack, so switch constantly if you don't have a Geodude or Pikachu
to finish it quick. His Rattata seemed to have evolved even though it's not
high enough a level, that darn cheater. Raticate has extremely high attack so
use a Potion on Geodude or fight with another high defense Pokemon. Watch out
for Hyper Fang and Quick Attack which are very strong moves at this point. Its
weakness is fighting.
Abra has also evolved into Kadabra, a very mighty Pokemon, this time with more
than just Teleport and unbelievably high Special Attack to trounce your
Pokemon. You don't have much that can withstand Special Attacks at this point,
so the best thing to do is to use Quick Attack and attack first since it has
low defense. Kadabra is one of the fastest Pokemon(yes, including high levels,
that's how powerful it is) so be on your guard! It uses Psychic attacks and
can disable your powerful moves for a limited time. Major annoyance at low
Now, for his starter, which has finally evolved, isn't too tough. It will
usually use elemental attacks and a super effective hit can OHKO that sucker.
Woohoo, after beating your rival you can head right up that staircase into the
Captain's chamber. He seems to be a bit sick though...don't examine the trash
can(eeew...) and talk to him. He was seasick, so that's why the boat wasn't
moving! He will give you your very first HM, Cut! A quick side note, these
HMs can be used as many times as you want and are nice moves but you can't
delete them until much later in the game, so be careful who you teach it to!
HMs can also be used outside a battle to get past obstacles, so teach it to
one of your Pokemon since we'll be using it. Remember that you have to have
Misty(Cerulean City)'s badge before you can use it outside of battle.
Now, we can cut that tree blocking the gym. But before we do, let's head East
into Diglett's Cave.
|Diglett | 90% | Easy |
|Dugtrio | 10% | Hard |
Digletts have weak defenses but are very fast and strong with powerful ground
attacks. They range from levels 13-24. Dugtrios are its evolution and are
around Level 28. It's near impossible to run from these guys since they have
a high Speed stat and can have an ability called Arena Trap which blocks all
Pokemon except those immune to Ground types from escaping. Keep a Flying type
first and do NOT let it faint. Catch one of these guys as they are very good
Ground types.
After resurfacing, you will see that you ended up in that place near Pewter in
which you saw before. You can cut down that bush in the way and do all the
business there that you want, including catch Pokemon which you didn't want to
get before.
When you finish your Pewter business, head South from the exit of Diglett's
Cave. Check the house. There will be a man there who wants to trade a Mr. Mime
for an Abra, an excellent trade if you have an extra Abra since Mr. Mime
cannot be found anywhere else in the entire Advances series. What a dumb kid.
OK, let's try that new cut thing. Try it on the strange plant and head right
on through. There should be another building with another one of Oak's
assistants. If you have caught 10 Pokemon(dear god, I hope you do), he will
give you HM05.
Keep going through the South exit. There will be an Ether. Pick it up. Keep
going to find another item, a Paralyze Heal. You see those bushes to the left?
You can cut them and head to Viridian City. There won't be anything new except
that you can get a Move Tutor near the pond and can go a bit further through
the Pokemon League checkpoint where you fought your rival for the second time.
When you're done, head back to Vermilion City and get ready for your third
OK, here it is, your first gym puzzle. First, let's defeat the trainers though
as they can be a menace trying avoid all the time and is a good way to
practice. If you can't tell by the name, this gym uses Electric Pokemon and
only Electric Pokemon, meaning your ground types will have a ball as
electric attacks do NO damage to them. None, zip, nada. If you don't have one,
get you butt over to Diglett's Cave and catch one.
Now, the first trainer to the very bottom will be a Sailor who does not use
Water Pokemon, but instead will have 2 Level 21 Pikachus. Next guy in the
middle will be an Engineer with a Level 21 Voltorb and Magnemite. Now, the
last guy is a Gentleman with a Level 23 Pikachu. He likes to use Double Team
a lot, an extremely annoying attack that increases his evasion so your attacks
won't land.
OK, so now that the trainers are done, you should notice that the door to the
gym has an electric block on it. So here comes the puzzle. First, heal up
since you if you exit after solving the puzzle, it resets.
This is a really annoying puzzle. It's basically guess and check. You need to
find two switches to unlock the door. They are hidden in the garbage cans. The
first switch is random and the second switch will always be in one of the cans
next to the switch. If you get the second switch wrong, the first switch
resets and you have to find it all over again.
Once you get both switches, you are free to fight Surge.
My party:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Ivysaur | LV 26 |
| Pidgeotto | LV 21 |
| Beedrill | LV 21 |
| Diglett | LV 23 |
| Pikachu | LV 20 |
Level 20+ should be able to beat him, less if you have a Ground type.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Voltorb | 21 |
| Pikachu | 18 |
| Raichu | 24 |
Note: This battle is almost optional. You can go to nearly the end of the game
before you actually have to fight him. So if you feel lazy or can't beat him,
move on for a bit :P
Like every other trainer in the gym, Surge uses electric Pokemon. He's kind of
a joke with Ground Pokemon, or even with just a Ground type attack since his
defenses are weak. All of his Pokemon have an attack you haven't seen yet
called Shock Wave. It can never miss and can pack quite a punch. It still does
no damage to Ground types though.
Voltorb will be the easiest dude to beat. If Shockwave doesn't deal enough
damage, it will use Sonicboom which misses often and when hits, deals 20
damage no matter what. Pikachu is also easy at a low level. It likes to use
Double Team A LOT if Shockwave doesn't deal enough damage to you, so defeat it
quick just like the Gentleman's Pikachu before in the gym. His prize Pokemon
is next, Raichu.
Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu and is quite strong without Ground
attacks. Its first 4 moves or so will always be Double Team making it a big
pain in the butt to kill. If your ground attacks don't hit the first few
turns, you'd better hope that you saved your game before. After Double
Teaming, Surge will use a mix of Quick Attack and Shockwave to defeat your
Pokemon. Thunder Wave also appears sometimes causing more annoyance and
disability to attack. Not only that, but Lt. Surge will use a Super Potion if
Raichu's low in health! Keep hitting and don't give up! Geodude, Sandshrew,
and other Pokemon with high Defenses are greatly recommended. Remember that
Raichu is the fastest Pokemon that you have met so far, unless you happened to
come across a Dugtrio.
After defeating Lt. Surge(whew! It can take a few times even with high level
Pokemon), you will get not only the Thunderbadge does vitrually nothing and
TM31, Shockwave.
Heal, stock up, and get ready to move on. We're done here in Vermilion City.
Don't forget to get the Itemfinder and move out. But wait...where else to go?
Well, let's backtrack to Cerulean City and see if there's anything there.
At this point, you MUST have gotten the HM05, Flash, through Diglett's Tunnel
unless you think you'll handle yourself really well in the dark.
While you're at Cerulean City, make sure you have a bike. While you're heading
back, you may notice a small path to the right that we were not able to get to
before. Wait! There seems to be a bush blocking the way. Let's cut it and
continue onwards. You'll notice this is another one of the trainer's favorite
standing around and doing nothing waiting for you to come spots. Let's get
em tiger!
First match will be a female Picknicker with 2 Level 18 Oddishes and 2
Bellsprouts. Jump some ledges to see an item ball, TM40. Pick it up and there
will be a Hiker near there holding a Level 18 Machop and Level 20 Onix. OK,
now move left and up to find a Camper holding a Level 21 Growlithe and
Charmander. If you move upwards, there will be a Bug Catcher with 2 Level 19
Beedrills. Continue to the left and find a hidden Ether in the rock. Jump the
two ledges to find yourself back where you started. Go back to the Camper and
head down and right, then up when you see the nearest opening. Fight the Bug
Catcher holding a Level 20 Caterpie, Weedle, and Venonat. Go left to find a
Camper with a Level 19 Rattata, 2 Sandshrews, and an Ekans. Ignore the patch
of grass and fight the Hiker back near the Bug Catcher holding 2 Level 20
Geodudes and a Machop. Now, go right, jump the right ledge and fight the
Picnicker holding a Level 23 Meowth. From her, jump down two ledges if you are
not nor tired and defeat the Hiker with a Level 21 Geodude and Onix. Pick up
the Burn Heal and head all the way back the the Meowth trainer.
That should be it, head to the right and you will find a patch of grass and a
Pokemon Center! Weee, heal and get ready to catch a few new Pokemon.
|Voltorb | 45% | Easy |
|Spearow | 34% | Easy |
|Sandshrew | 0%/20% | Easy |
|Ekans | 20%/0% | Easy |
|Mankey | 1% | Easy |
All wimpy Pokemon here. These only have a Level range of approximately 11-16
and give little experience. You only want to catch Voltorb here, but it's not
exactly the greatest Pokemon so I would drop it from your party.
All right, whenever you're ready, fight the trainer South of the center
holding a Level 20 Pikachu and Celfairy. Now, make sure you have at least 1
Escape Rope and some Potions as we're about to head into Rock Tunnel.
( b. Rock Tunnel )
|Zubat | 90% | Easy |
|Machop | 5% | Easy-Normal |
|Mankey | 5% | Easy |
|Mankey | 5% | Easy |
|Geodude | 90% | Easy |
|Onix | 5% | Hard |
Welcome to Rock Tunnel. Dank old place isn't it? And totally dark. Remember
that Flash HM you got, HM05? I dearly hope so because if not, you're going to
have a rough time through this place. Teach Flash to any Pokemon(Don't erase
a good attack, Flash blows) and use it to light up the cave. This place isn't
the greatest training area either, but it does have some rare Pokemon only
found in this area. You should catch a Machop and Onix, both great Pokemon
when evolved, but quite rare.
Now, head all the way to the right to find an item ball containing Repel.
Head back and go South to find the first of many, many trainers in this cave.
The crazy Pokemaniac will hold a Cubone and Slowpoke. Cubone is a new face, it
has very high defense so use a Grass or Water type to beat it up like with
Brock. It's a Ground type. Slowpoke will show its face again for a second
appearance. Grass and Electric will do with him. These Pokemon are hard, but
only average here in this cave so don't be stingy with Potions.
All right, continue down the path and take the ladder. Now, fight the
Pokemaniac in the middle of the path holding a Level 25 Slowpoke. Now, keep
going all the way left to find a Revive. Now, go back and up to fight that
Picnicker holding a Level 22 Oddish and Bulbasaur. OK, keep going to find
a Pokemaniac you have to fight holding a Level 22 Charmander and Cubone.
You will soon find yourself in a place where there's a large rock in the
middle of the place so you can go left or up. The Hiker to the left holds a
Level 25 Geodude and the one up holds a Level 20 Machop and Geodude. They both
lead to the same ladder so go either path, or both.
After you get out of the ladder, you will see a Hiker. Beat his 3 Level 19
Geodudes and Machop. Head to the left side of the rock and go down to find
yet another Hiker holding a 2 Level 20 Onixes and Geodude. Head right to find
an Escape Rope. Head up and battle the Hiker holding a Level 21 Geodude and
Graveler. Graveler should be a new face, it is the evolved form of Geodude
but is taken down the same way.
Almost out! Take the ladder and fight the Picnicker when coming out and going
West. She'll have a Level 21 Jigglypuff, Pidgey, and Meowth. If you move South
from her, you will find a Move Tutor who'll teach Rock Slide, a very good
move. If you don't want to use it just yet, just head up from the Picnicker
to get an Ether and fight the Hiker back to the left. He has 2 Level 21
Geodudes and a Graveler. Go up after him and fight the Pokemaniac with 3 Level
20 Slowpokes. Take the ladder.
You'll be confronted by two Picnickers. The first one will have a Level 22
Bellsprout and Clefairy. The second a Level 19 Pidgey, 2 Rattatas, and a
Bellsprout. Go left and up to pick up an item and then back down and left to
fight another Pickniker witha Level 20 Meowth, Pidgey and Oddish. Yes! That's
out ticket out of here! After her just head on out!
But wait! We're not out of the jungle yet. If you want, try to ignore the
next few trainers and go straight on to the next city since your Pokemon are
probably very low in health and PP, but I'm going to pretend that we're not.
(Don't worry, I was tired too at this point -_-) The Picnicker right in front
of you will have a Level 21 Pidgey and Pidgeotto and the Hiker will have a
Level 21 Geodude and Onix. Jump the ledge and fight the next Hiker who holds
a Level 19 Onix and Graveler. Now head right and fight the Pokemaniac
wandering around holding a Level 20 Cubone and Slowpoke. After him, run
towards the city and celebrate that we are finally out of the cave!
| {3.6} Lavender Town |
Well...this doesn't look like a warm welcome. For one thing, the song's sad.
Everyone seems to be talking about this Mr. Fuji and ghosts. I wonder what's
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Super Potion | 700 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Antidote | 100 |
|Paralyz Heal | 200 |
|Awakening | 250 |
|Burn Heal | 250 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Super Repel | 500 |
Wow, new items here. You can finally buy Great Balls, get Super Potions, and
Revives! How nice. Super Repel is also in stock for those who hate to battle.
1. The HUGE tower.
2. The sad, sad, song.
3. The Name Rater's house. You know, the one that's all of a sudden happy.
4. Mr. Fuji's house. The one with a lot of Pokemon and a sign outside. He's
5. The two exits. The bottom one leads to Silence Bridge, the other to
Celadon. Don't go to Silence Bridge yet, it leads to a dead end.
6. No gym. Looks like there's no business to be done here...
Well, after healing a stocking up(and defeating leftover trainers if you
haven't yet.), let's explore a bit. Doesn't curiosity just lead you to the
gigantic bulding? That's the Pokemon Tower. Head in and listen to the new
song. Head up the stairs and you'll hear a warning from the Channeler there.
Whatever. Keep going to see...your rival?!?! Already?! Time to battle!
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 25 |
|Gyarados | LV 23 |
|Growlithe | LV 22 |
|Kadabra | LV 20 |
|Ivysaur | LV 25 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 25 |
|Gyarados | LV 22 |
|Exeggcute | LV 23 |
|Kadabra | LV 20 |
|Charmeleon | LV 25 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeotto | LV 25 |
|Exeggcute | LV 22 |
|Growlithe | LV 23 |
|Kadabra | LV 20 |
|Wartortle | LV 25 |
My party:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Venusaur | LV 33 |
| Pidgeotto | LV 27 |
| Beedrill | LV 23 |
| Diglett | LV 24 |
| Pikachu | LV 22 |
It's been a while so my team's posted here too. I think I overtrained
This is where you see some real difference in your rival. He still has
Pidgeotto which is as annoying as usual with Sand Attack, but is now armed
with a new attack, Whirlwind. He'll use this rarely but it can be dangerous
since it switches your Pokemon.
Now, if your rival started with a Charmander or Bulbasaur, he will have a
Gyarados. This thing is about as hard as spelling its name. It will constantly
use Thrash which will have a lot of power and can KO a lot, but will confuse
itself after 3 turns which is your chance to strike. Electric attacks should
do the trick. BTW, if you ever want this Pokemon, evolve your Magikarp if you
haven't already ;o
If you rival started with a Charmander or Squirtle, he will have an Exeggcute.
It's a bit of a joke really. It will usually use Awakening first followed by
a Reflect to increase defense. It can easily be KO'd within a few turns as
long as you have an Awawkening. It's a new face but easy to defeat.
If your rival started with a Bulbasaur or Squirtle, he will have a Growlithe.
Another easy dude, you've faced many on the SS Anne and this one is no
different. Use Ground, Rock, or Water attacks.
Kadabra is also the same as always. High Special Attack and low defense, so
a couple of Quick Attacks should make quick work of it. It will use Kinesis
a lot which is just like Pidgeotto's Sand Attack so finish it fast and keep
Now for the starter. All three of them will just use their normal elemental
attack along with a new damaging attack. They're all pretty simple and will
fall fast to something that they are weak against.
When you finish the battle, your rival will talk a bit about Team Rocket. Hmm,
maybe it's them that's causing this trouble. The Channelers seem to be
possessed by ghosts and are itching for fights which aren't good. Let's see
what's upstairs.
Head up and you will encounter wild Pokemon. You will see ghsots. But wait...
ghosts aren't Pokemon. They are uncatchable and won't deal any damage, so
just run. They do have a Pokemon cry though. This place is creepy, let's get
out of here. There's nothing we can do anyway.
Leave the Pokemon Tower and head West. Time for the trainer express. There
will be a Lass there. Fight her 2 Level 22 Clefairys. Watch out, they have
Minimize which can be very annoying. Keep going and fight the Gambler. He will
have a Level 24 Growlithe and Vulpix, both Fire types. Go further up and there
will be a Super Nerd. He will have a Level 22 Grimer and Muk, the evolved form
of the Poison type Grimer. After this, you will have your first double battle!
The twins after the Super Nerd will hold a Level 22 Jigglypuff and Clefairy.
Afterwards, keep going to see a line of 4 traines. Let's whup each and every
one of them. First at the top is a Lass with a Level 23 Nidoran Female and
Next down the line is a Super Nerd with only a Level 24 Koffing. The next
trainer will have 3 Level 24 Mewoths. Now the next Lass(again) has many
Pokemon but is a bit of a joke with a Level 19 Pidgey, Rattata, Meowth,
Nidoran Male, and Pikachu.
A bunch of Bikers will be wandering around after this. Get them to see you.
The first one you meet will have 2 Level 24 Grimers. The second one will hold
a Level 24 Koffing, a Level 22 Koffing, and a Level 23 Grimer. There is also
a patch of grass here.
|Pidgey | 30% | Easy |
|Sandshrew | 0%/30% | Easy |
|Ekans | 30%/0% | Easy |
|Vulpix | 0%/10% | Easy |
|Growlithe | 10%/0% | Easy |
|Meowth | 30% | Easy |
Version exclusive paradise. Get your first Fire type in your party if you
didn't choose Charmander, and train a bit if you are weak.
After the two Bikers, there should only be two trainers left. The one to the
left is a Super Nerd holding a Level 20 Magnemite, Koffing, and two Voltorbs.
The Gambler to the right holds 2 Level 22 Poliwags and a Poliwhirl. That wraps
up the trainers.
You should now see two exits. The one to left has a guard who will not let you
through so go up towards the Underground path. When you surface, you will
reach the fantastic Celadon City.
| {3.7} Celadon City |
1. The Game Corner. That red bulding.
2. The absolutely gigantic Pokemart.
3. The Gamefreak bulding.
4. AHA! The gym!
5. All those Rockets wandering around. Hmm...
CELADON CITY FISHING, GOOD ROD(For those who returned)
|Magikarp | 100% | Easy |
CELADON CITY FISHING, SUPER ROD(For those who returned)
|Magikarp | 99% | Easy |
|Grimer | 1% | Hard |
If you're patient enough to catch a Grimer, then go ahead and do so. They're a
great addition to your team at this point and excels in Special Defense and
Wow! Look at those ABSOLUTELY HUGE buildings! Well, first, let's get a hidden
item. Head down to the path right above the gym and head all the way to the
right to find a dead end. At the top right corner there will be an Elixer.
Now head back down and left. On the last building to the left there will be a
bar-like place. There seems to be a buzz about Team Rocket. Make sure you talk
to the man in the upper lefthand corner to get a Coin Case to gamble :o
BTW, if you choose to gamble, there is a very good place that gets you tons of
coins. I was told by Owenlars2 that each row has different odds of winning
coins. The machine on the second row from the right has very good odds. The
best machine is the one where you are facing left and your back is behind the
man who talks about watching the reels closely. I got 777 on this one once,
and that was playing like, 5 times.
Why don't we take a look at the Mart? It seems to hold just about everything!
Here's a list:
|SHOP MENU |Price |(TOP)
|TM05 | 1000 |
|TM15 | 7500 |
|TM28 | 2000 |
|TM31 | 3000 |
|TM43 | 3000 |
|TM45 | 3000 |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Super Potion | 700 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Antidote | 100 |
|Paralyz Heal | 200 |
|Awakening | 250 |
|Ice Heal | 250 |
|Burn Heal | 250 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Super Repel | 500 |
Nothing but a Counter Move Tutor here if you want to get it.
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Pokedoll | 1000 |
|Mail | 50 |
|Fire Stone | 2100 |
|Thunder Stone | 2100 |
|Water Stone | 2100 |
|Leaf Stone | 2100 |
|SHOP MENU |Price |(TOP)
|HP Up | 9800 |
|Protein | 9800 |
|Iron | 9800 |
|Calcium | 9800 |
|Zinc | 9800 |
|Carbos | 9800 |
|X Attack | 500 |
|X Defend | 550 |
|X Speed | 350 |
|X Special | 350 |
|X Accuracy | 950 |
|Guard Spec. | 700 |
|Dire Hit | 650 |
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Fresh Water | 200 |
|Soda Pop | 300 |
|Lemonade | 350 |
At the rooftop, there is a vending machine. These drinks are all much more
affordable than Super Potions yet so much cheaper. Make sure you buy a lot
since this is the only place where you can get them. One more thing, there's
a little girl there who is thirsty. Give her one of each drink and she will
give you TM16, 20, and 33.
After that, head over to the Pokemon Center. Don't go in, instead, head
towards the little path to the right. Go all the way to the left to find an
Ether. Now go in the building you passed to find yourself in the Gamefreak
bulding's back exit. Go all the way up the stairs to the top floor and into
the mini place. Get the Pokeball to find an Eevee! If you're missing a type,
now's the time to get it by evolving Eevee, or just keeping it in the box if
you don't like it. That's what I did.
After you stock up, head over to the Game Corner. You can now collect
coins with your new Coin Case. Sadly though, you have to pay to get them or
win games which are quite rare, and we need those coins to get some nice
prizes next door. The people here seem to be pretty kind though so why not ask
them for some money? You can collect about 80 from them and there are a bunch
of hidden ones on the floor so you should have well over 100 free coins. Feel
free to play the slots for a while although I find it a waste of money. Just
press down a few times to choose how many coins you would like to use from
1-3. The more coins you have, the higher chance for you to win.
|Smoke Ball | 800 |
|Miracle Seed | 1000 |
|Charcoal | 1000 |
|Mystic Water | 1000 |
|Yellow Flute | 1500 |
|Abra | 120 |
|Clefairy | 750 |
|Pinsir | 2500 |(Leaf Green only)
|Scyther | 2500 |(Fire Red only)
|Dratini | 4600 |
|Porygon | 6500 |
|TM13 | 4000 |
|TM23 | 3500 |
|TM24 | 4000 |
|TM30 | 4500 |
|TM35 | 4000 |
One more thing of interest in the Game Corner. At the bottom right hand corner
there is a machine. It takes pictures of the Pokemon in your party and adds
them to your trainer card. How nice. Hmm? What's that Rocket doing over there?
Don't talk to him as we'll deal with him later. Right now, time to head to the
Celadon City Gym!
When you first step into the gym, it's obvious the type these trainers use,
just like every other gym -_- They are all female Grass Pokemon trainers who
hate Bugs, Birds, and Fire types. Guess which types you're going to use?
Approach the first two trainers. The first one is a Lass with a Level 23
Bellsprout and Weepinbell, the evolution of Bellsprout. The second is a Beauty
with 2 Level 21 Oddishes and Bellsprouts. Now in the left branch is another
Beauty with 2 Level 24 Bellsprouts. The right branch has a Picnicker with a
Level 24 Bulbasaur and Ivysaur.
Cut the bush at the front entrance to fight a Female Cooltrainer holding a
Level 22 Oddish, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Gloom, and Ivysaur. She also has a
Hyper Potion. To the left there is a Beauty holding a Level 24 Exeggcute. The
Lass on the right has 2 Level 23 Oddishes and a Gloom.
Now, time for Erika!
My party:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Venusaur | LV 33 |
| Pidgeotto | LV 29 |
| Beedrill | LV 26 |
| Diglett | LV 25 |
| Pikachu | LV 27 |
| Vulpix | LV 22 |
I haven't done a lot of leveling since I picked up Vulpix, but levels around
25+ can beat this Grass vixen.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Victreebel | LV 29 |
| Tangela | LV 24 |
| Vileplume | LV 29 |
Erika's Pokemon are tough. Very tough. Not only are they all final evolutions
with excellent stats, she uses moves like Stun Spore to paralyze your Pokemon
making it difficult to attack and keeping your health in check. Bring
Antidotes and Paralyze Heal if you can. She also has many Hyper Potions and
Full Heals.
Victreebel has average Defense and very high Special Attack and Attack with
moves like Acid that get an extra boost from its type. It will rip through
your Pokemon fast if you can't defeat it quickly enough. Tangela is like a
break from Victreebel, it's not as tough but still something to beware of. It
can heal itself with Ingrain and cause status conditions. Tangela also has
high Defense, but low Attack. Use this time to heal yourself with Potions.
Vileplume can be hard to take down. It also has high defenses are a move
called Petal Dance that can deal a lot of damage although confuses itself
after 3 turns.
After defeating Erika, you will get the Rainbowbadge! Now all traded Pokemon
up to Level 50 will obey you. You will also get TM19.
Now that we're done with the gym, it's time to leave, right? Nope, not yet.
Remember that Rocket that was in the Game Corner? Let's heal, stock up, and
go meet him. He will battle you holding a Level 20 Raticate and Zubat, jokes
compared to Erika's gym. After the battle, he will say that there isn't a
secret switch behind the poster he was standing next to and then disappear
into a wall. You know what to do. Press A on the poster to reveal a hidden
passage. Gasp! So that's where Team Rocket was so populated here.
It seems something is up here. Time to beat the Secret Rocket Base!
( a. Rocket Base )
As soon as you enter the Rocket Base, head to the right and down, not the
stairs. Head to the left and fight the Rocket there holding two Level 21
Raticates. When you beat him, continue down to find an item ball containing
an Escape Rope. Now go down to Basement 2. Fight the Rocket as soon as you
see him holding 2 Level 17 Zubats, a Koffing, Grimer, and Raticate.
Now head down another floor to get to Basement 3. Fight the Rocket on the
lower path holding 2 Level 21 Machops and collect the TM21. Now head back and
to the right to the arrow maze. The maze looks mind boggling with so many
arrows, but it's not that difficult. There are arrows here representing the
direction you will be forced to go to until a different colored tile stops
you. From the side all the way to the right, take the down path to get a Rare
Candy. From there, your only option is to head back up so do so. This time,
start in the middle between the two arrows pointing away from each other. Go
left, walk down, and take the right arrow. You will have spun right past a
path. Go back and down that path and then walk left not taking any of those
arrows. Go down and there will be a second set of arrows. Take the one to the
top. As soon as you land there will be a Rocket waiting for you with a Level
20 Rattata, Raticate, and Drowzee. A pair of Dark Glasses will also be smack
in the middle of the path.
Head down the flight of stairs to Basement 4. Get the Ether on the table to
the left. Now go up, get TM49, and fight the Rocket member holding a Level 21
Koffing and Zubat. Beware, the Koffing can Selfdestruct for a lot of damage.
When you finish the battle, the Rocket will drop the Lift Key. Pick it up and
move head back to Basement Floor 2.
OK, now this is going to be a bit irritating. From the beginning, take the
second one from the top. Now go backwards. Go above the platform, down, then
up again over all the little things to get an X Special. Head back to where
you were before and get the Moon Stone blocking your way. Take the first
transporter you see going down which will take you next to the item ball
containing TM12. Go down the small path and take the first down path to the
right that you see. Now take the path directly to the left. Go down the path
and take the second path for a Super Potion or the first one if you just want
to get out of this puzzle.
Go up to the next room if you want to fight some trainers. There's a Hyper
Potion in the top lefthand corner. Fight the Rockets! The one to the left of
the exit has a 2 Level 19 Rattatas and Raticates. The one to the top has a
Level 20 Rattata and 2 Koffings.
Go back and take the elevator going to Floor 1. There will be a Rocket nearby.
He will have a Level 22 Grimer and Muk. Keep going up and you'll see that
there is another Rocket holding a Level 21 Drowzee and Machop. Hmm? Does this
place look familiar? Of course, it's near the exit! Go out and heal if you'd
like because we're going after the Head Honcho.
Go to the elevator and choose Floor 4. Pick up the Calcium on the table. Next,
head up the main path and beat his bodyguards who are guarding a closed door.
The guy on the left has a Level 23 Sandshrew, Ekans, and Sandslash. The guy on
the right has a Level 23 Sandshrew, Ekans, and Arbok. After you defeat both of
them, the door they were guarding will open allowing you to head to their
| Pokemon | Level |
| Onix | LV 25 |
| Rhyhorn | LV 24 |
| Kangaskhan | LV 29 |
Not a gym battle but nearly as tough. Giovanni will use mostly Gound type
Pokemon. Onix will be bad as always with low attack power and Special Defense.
Rhyhorn is a new face, but not too challenging. It has high defense but can
be taken down the same way as Onix with weaknesses. It does have higher attack
although nothing challenging.
Kangaskhan is the main worry. It has unbelievably high Attack at this point in
game. A low damage attack can OHKO a weak Pokemon so use your strongest
Pokemon against it. If you have a fighting type, it would help. Sometimes it
will be really stupid though and use Tail Whip many times and then Bite which
effects Defense not Special Defense. If you catch it in a brain dead thing,
just attack it strong and fast. Its first move will always be Fake Out, so
send in a sacrificial dog if necessary since there's a very high chance of
inducing flinch.
After Giovanni disappears, he will leave behind a Silph Scope enabling you to
see ghosts. But where can we find ghosts? Remember Lavender Town? Yep. But
before you leave, make sure you pick up the special Balls in between the
bushes. We're also not finished with all the business in Celadon, so heal and
get ready for a few more battles.
From the Pokemon Center, head West onto the next Route. There will be the same
sleeping Pokemon that you saw blocking the path as in Vermilion City. Cut the
bush above the Pokemon and battle the Young Couple's Level 29 Rapidash and
Ninetales, both fully evolved Fire types that are very strong. Go past the
bulding to get Fly, an awesome HM that lets you go to any Pokemon Center you
have visited previously. BTW, ready for some Pokemon Catching?
|Rattata | 30% | Easy |
|Doduo | 30% | Easy-Normal |
|Raticate | 10% | Normal |
|Spearow | 30% | Easy |
What you want here is Doduo, possibly Raticate. Decent training grounds for
those that are weak, mediocre otherwise. Head back to Celadon when you're
( b. Pokemon Tower )
Lavender Town revisited. Nice. With your new Flying abilities, you should be
able to get there in no time. Enter the Pokemon Tower. If you haven't beaten
Gary yet, head back to the Lavender Town section to see how to do so. Once
beaten, head up the stairs. Instead of scary ghosts appearing this time,
Gastlies appear. And yes, they are catchable and very good. They are
unaffected by Normal and Fighting type moves though so beware.
|Ghastly | 90% | Easy |
|Haunter | 5% | Normal |
|Cubone | 5% | Normal |
After a while, you're going to get sick of seeing Gastlies as that's all that
will appear here. Ugh.
Head up from the staircase. Fight the Channeler holding a Level 23 Gastly and
pick up the Escape Rope above her. Go back and towards the bottom there will
be an opening. Go and fight the two Channelers, the bottom holding a Level 22
Gastly, the top a Level 24 Gastly. Go up the flight of stairs.
Fight some more Channelers. The first one at the top has a Level 22 Gastly and
a Level 23 Gastly, the bottom a Level 22 Gastly. Pick up the Super Ether in
the way and go around the wall to find a Great Ball. The Channeler at the end
has a Level 24 Gastly. Once you defeat her, advance to the next floor.
The first Channeler you meet on the path will have a Level 22 Gastly. You'll
notics that there is a whiteish spot nearby. That's a safe spot where all your
Pokemon will be totally healed as if in a Pokemon Center and no Pokemon will
appear. Also get the Cleanse Tag in the middle. Anyway, after healing fight
the Channelers. The one right of the safe spot will have a Level 23 Haunter.
The one to the left a Level 24 Gastly and the bottom a Level 22 Gastly. Get
the Nugget and head to the next floor.
Get the X Speed as soon as you come out and fight the Channeler with 3 Level
22 Gastlies. The one at the top has a Level 24 Gastly. Keep going to fight
another with a Level 24 Gastly. Now make sure you're fully healed and get the
Rare Candy.
Attempt to go up the staircase and something will stop you. It's a ghost...
Silph Scope will decipher it to be Marowak, the evolved form of Cubone! It
seems to be a ghost of a Pokemon Team Rocket has killed...This thing is no
joke at Level 30 with very high Attack and Defense. It's uncatchable and you
must defeat it. There's one thing though. It is a wild Pokemon, and you are
able to run if you are getting weak. Use Grass and Water type Pokemon to
quickly defeat it. Flying types are a good backup since it is immune to Ground
attacks. You must defeat Marowak to progress.
After you defeat Marowak, its soul will be settled. Walk up the staircase to
find 3 Team Rocket members who appear to be guarding something. Defeat all
of them.
Member 1: 2 Level 25 Zubats, 1 Golbat
Member 2: Level 25 Koffing and Drowzee
Member 3: 2 Level 23 Zubats, 1 Rattata, 1 Raticate
As you defeat each member, they will leave. There will be an old man there.
Talk to him and you will discover that he is Mr. Fuji and he takes you back
to his place. He thanks you for going up there to check on him and gives you
a Pokeflute which awakens sleeping Pokemon. Remember the sleeping Pokemon
blocking the road? We can wake them now! This also wakes up Pokemon from the
sleep status in battles which saves a bunch on Awakenings. But before you go,
make sure you go back through the tower. Yes, right back to where Mr. Fuji
was. If you use the Itemfinder there, you get a Soothe Bell!
Now, there are two paths that you can take to Fuschia City. There's the long
path through Silence Bridge(Vermilion City) and Cycling Road(Celadon City).
Which way would you choose? I don't care. I have to FAQ both so I don't have
a choice. You should probably have a quick glance at both parts of the
walkthrough to make sure you don't miss any items you want though.
( c. Cycling Road )
First, Fly to Celadon City. From there, head West to where you got Fly. (OMG,
you don't have Fly? Cut the bush instead and get it now!) There should be a
sleeping Pokemon. Be prepared with lots of Pokeballs and play the PokeFlute.
Mr. Sleepyhead will wake up, but in a grumpy mood! Ah well, tough. Let's catch
it :)
|Snorlax | 100% | Very Hard |
Snorlax is one tough dude. It will constantly use Rest which is an annoying
move that restores all of its health and status but puts it to sleep. But see,
it can attack while sleeping so it's no flaw. Plus, moves will barely scratch
it. Your best bet is to just chuck Pokeballs at it. DO NOT kill it or run away
as you only have 2 chances to catch it.
Once Snorlax is out of the way, stand on where it was before and use the
Itemfinder to find Leftovers, a great item that restores health. Now, go on to
Cycling Road. As the name suggests, you have to use your Bicycle. Before you
exit the building, make sure you go upstairs to find Oak's assistant who'll
give you an Amulet Coin if you have 40 or more Pokemon.
Continue on outside the bulding. There will be a string of 6 Bikers/Gamblers.
The first one has a Level 29 Grimer and Koffing. The second 3 Level 28
Machops. The third has a Level 29 Machop and Mankey. Fourth has a Level 33
Weezing. The final one has a Level 29 Machop and Mankey just like the third
After this, there will be a deep, downhill stretch of land. You will
automatically go down unless you press B to stop your bike. Going up is a
hassle also. There are also more trainers here to defeat. On the left lane,
there's a trainer with a Level 28 Koffing and Weezing. The one on the right
lane has a Level 29 Machop and Machamp. There's one more guy here biking in
a circle who holds a Level 29 Mankey and Primeape.
|Spearow | 20% | Easy |
|Fearow | 1% | Normal |
|Raticate | 35% | Normal |
|Rattata | 9% | Easy |
|Doduo | 35% | Easy |
Excellent training ground. Although it's a bit hard to move around on that
slope, but it you can get great training off of it. Raticates are basically
the most common thing there. Since it's a final evolution, it gives plenty of
experience for your Pokemon to eat up. BTW, you can't fish here.
Now a lake will split the path into two ways once again. The trainer on the
left side will have a Level 33 Muk. Further down, there will be a Gambler with
2 Level 26 Mankeys, a Machop, and a Machamp. The third trainer will have a
Level 29 Weezing and Muk. On the right side, there will be a Biker with 2
Level 29 Voltorbs. Further down there's Gambler with a Level 33 Machoke. The
third trainer going down the right path is a Gambler with a Level 29 Primeape
and Machoke. Now for the last trainer on Cycling Road is between where the two
paths intersect again, a trainer will be there holding 3 Level 25 Koffings and
2 Weezings.
Go in the bulding and go upstairs to find a kid who wants to trade a Golduck
in the Fire Red version or a Slowbro in Leaf Green for a special Lickitung
found nowhere else. If you want to trade, go right ahead. Now, head right on
to Fuschia City.
( d. Silence Bridge )
Note: All the Pokemon found in the Routes of Silence Bridge are the same.
Starting Point: Lavender Town
Head down South into the bulding there. Go upstairs and talk to the lady to
find TM27. Head out. Follow the path to find a Fisherman with 2 Level 22
Goldeens and a Poliwag. The second trainer, another Fisherman, has a Level 24
Tentacool and Goldeen. Number 3 holds a Level 27 Goldeen. The fourth Fisherman
will have a Level 21 Poliwag, Goldeen, Shellder, and Tentacool. Afterwards,
you'll find a trainer who'll challenge you to a double battle. They hold a
Level 24 Nidoran M and F. Now, you'll be blocked by the sleeping Pokemon
again. Use Pokeflute to wake it up and start a battle! Make sure you catch it.
Make sure you come back later when you have Surf. At the beginning of the path
there should have been an item ball containing TM48.
Starting Point: Vermilion City
Head West to the old bulding after Diglett's Cave. Afterwards, you should see
the sleeping Pokemon.(People who started at Lavender Town, this is where you
are so follow from here.) Wake up the Pokemon with the Pokeflute.
|Snorlax | 100% | Very Hard |
Snorlax is one tough dude. It will constantly use Rest which is an annoying
move that restores all of its health and status but puts it to sleep. But see,
it can attack while sleeping so it's no flaw. Plus, moves will barely scratch
it. Your best bet is to just chuck Pokeballs at it. DO NOT kill it or run away
as you only have 2 chances to catch it.
Once you catch/defeat him, stand on where it was and use the Itemfinder to get
Leftovers. Sweet. Now let's continue. There should be a house nearby. There
will be a kind fisherman in there who'll give you the best rod you can get,
the Super Rod!
Fight the Cooltrainer with a Level 29 Voltorb and Electrode to continue. While
going down the path, you should see a small grassy area with a bush in front
of it. Cut it down and fight the Camper's Level 29 Nidoran M and Nidorino.
Go past him and claim the Zinc for yourself. Keep going for another Fisherman
fight, this one with 2 Level 24 Magikarps. No, seriously.
|Pidgey | 25% | Easy |
|Pidgeotto | 5% | Normal |
|Bellsprout | 0%/30% | Easy |
|Weepinbell | 0%/5% | Normal |
|Oddish | 30%/0% | Easy |
|Gloom | 5%/0% | Normal |
|Venonat | 30% | Easy |
|Ditto | 5% | Easy |
|Horsea | 40% | Easy |
|Krabby | 40% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 20% | Easy |
|Krabby | 30% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 20% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
If you don't have Venonat, get one here. Remember to cut through the bush.
Horrible training spot like most of the other places with Pidgey. Fishing here
also stinks butt.
If you wanted to take some time to catch the new Pokemon(or not new, depending
on where you came from), go right ahead. Move on to the next trainer who's a
Picnicker holding a Level 24 Goldeen, Poliwag, and Horsea. Right after her,
there's a Bird Keeper walking around. He'll have a Level 29 Pidgey and
Pidgeotto. Keep going for another battle with a Picnicker, this one holding a
Level 24 Pidgey, Rattata, 2 Meowths and a Pikachu.
After her, take the lowest path and follow it until you reach a dead end. The
bottom part has a hidden item, an unbuyable PP Up. Now head back to the
beginning of the new maze like paths and fight Beauties at the top. The one on
the right holds 2 Level 27 Rattatas and a Pikachu while the one on the left
holds a Level 29 Clefairy and Meowth.
Take the middle path, the one right below the Beauties and fight the Picnicker
there holding 2 Level 30 Poliwags. Continue along the middle path(I'm only
putting the trainers you have to beat since there are way to many in this area
>_>) As soon as you find an opening, go all the way to the top. Then go left
and fight the Bird Keeper holding 3 Level 25 Spearows and 2 Pidgeys. Now go
down and get the Biker holding 3 Level 28 Koffings.
After beating him, take the lowest path you can get to after him and fight two
Bird Keepers. The one farther down holds a Level 28 Spearow, Doduo, and
Fearow. The other one has a Level 29 Pidgeotto and Fearow. Now head all the
down Route 14(you can avoid all the battles if you wish) and to the left. Take
the top Route where you can cut the bush. Now, it's time to start some more
battles. The first Picnicker you fight will have a Level 29 Pikachu and
Raichu. Afterwards, you will have a double battle. The pair will have a Level
29 Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. After them will be a Picnicker holding just a
Level 33 Clefairy. Now claim the TM18! You should be right in front of a
building that leads straight to Fuschia. If there are plenty of trainers which
you didn't fight(probably are), go ahead and fight them if you wish after
| {3.8} Fuschia City |
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Super Potion | 700 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Full Heal | 600 |
|Max Repel | 700 |
1. The Pokemon. ALL the Pokemon.
2. The house to the left of the Pokemon Center. He's the Move Deleter if you
want any move, including HMs, taken off of your Pokemon.
3. The house to the right of the Pokemon Center. There's a clump of 2
actually, the one on the left telling you gibberish and one which gives you
the Good Rod which is virtually useless if you have the Super Rod.
4. Safari Zone. Best. Place. Evar.
FUSCHIA CITY FISHING, GOOD ROD(Behind the Warden's House)
|Poliwag | 40% | Easy |
|Goldeen | 40% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 20% | Easy |
FUSCHIA CITY FISHING, SUPER ROD(Behind the Warden's house)
|Goldeen | 29% | Easy |
|Seaking | 50% | Normal-Hard |
|Gyarados | 20% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
|Krabby | 80% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 20% | Easy |
|Krabby | 80% | Easy |
|Horsea | 10% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 10% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
Fuschia City is big. Make sure you have a Pokemon with Cut around because
without it, you'll have to make a huge circle to get to where you want. There
are several things that you may want to do. First, make sure you meet the man
who speaks gibberish, the one in the house with a Boulder. It seems he is
missing his False Teeth in the Safari Zone, so we'll go there later. The house
next to him has a Fisherman who'll give you a Good Rod, an actual rod that can
fish up decent Water Pokemon for your team.
The one important thing you have to go to is the Safari Zone. Here, you can
catch as many Pokemon as you want during 600 steps and using only 30 Safari
Balls. But here's the catch. You can't use your Pokemon to battle.
| Throw Ball Throw Bait |
| Throw Rock Run |
There's the menu. Bait makes the wild Pokemon have less of a chance to run
away. Rocks make the Pokemon easier to catch, but also more likely to run. So,
it's your choice. There are a lot of unique Pokemon here so catch them all for
only 500!
( a. Safari Zone )
IMPORTANT TIP: If you're REALLY having trouble catching a Pokemon and don't
have much money/time you want to spend, just lightly tap the directional
buttons to spin in place. You can encounter wild Pokemon and not lose any
steps on your counter! You can't do this on a bike.
Note: Rest Houses still take off your step counter so it's not really worth it
to go in ;-;
|Goldeen | 40% | Easy |
|Poliwag | 40% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 20% | Easy |
|Seaking | 55% | Easy |
|Dratini | 15% | Normal-Hard |
|Dragonair | 5% | Very Hard |
|Psyduck | 25%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/25% | Easy |
Although Dratini is not as rare as it used to be, it is still just as good.
Its final evolution is one of the strongest Pokemon in the entire game. A new
addeition to the Safari Zone in this remake is Dragonair. Dragonair is very
hard to catch and you should keep your eye out for one. If you can't catch one
though, just evolve Dratini. These Pokemon caught by fishing are the same in
every area.
|Parasect | 5% | Hard |
|Rhyhorn | 15% | Normal-Hard |
|Exeggcute | 15% | Normal-Hard |
|Nidoran F | 0%/28% | Easy |
|Nidoran M | 28%/0% | Easy |
|Nidorina | 2%/20% | Normal |
|Nidorino | 20%/2% | Normal |
|Venonat | 10% | Easy |
|Chansey | 5% | Hard |
|Scyther | 0%/5% | Hard |
|Pinsir | 5%/0% | Hard |
Nothing unusual here. If you don't have Nidorino/Nidorina, you could try
catching one but by this point it will be a lot easier to just evolve the one
you have now. If you don't have one, catch a Nidoran F/M as an alternative and
level it up 1 level. Venonat and Rhyhorn is what you want.
|Parasect | 5% | Normal |
|Exeggcute | 29% | Normal-Hard |
|Nidoran F | 1%/25% | Easy |
|Nidoran M | 25%/1% | Easy |
|Nidorina | 0%/5% | Normal |
|Nidorino | 5%/0% | Normal |
|Paras | 10% | Easy |
|Doduo | 25% | Easy |
|Pinsir | 0%/5% | Hard |
|Scyther | 5%/0% | Hard |
|Kangaskhan | 5% | Very Hard |
Some rarer Pokemon here. Search for Pinsir/Scyther and Kangaskhan. Kanga tends
to be a bit tougher to catch, but is worth it all the same. Remember that you
can buy Scyther/Pinsir in the Game Corner at Celadon City if you're having
trouble catching it here. Paras shows its face here too if you didn't get one
in Mt. Moon.
Move on to the staircase on the right to collect a Leaf Stone. Move along the
path and collect TM11 on the peninsula. There's also another item in the top
left corner. Keep on going to find a Full Restore and a Rest House.
Take the bottom Route after you continue to get to Safari Zone area 3. Go up
the first staircase to get to a small deserted area with a Quick Claw.
|Exeggcute | 16% | Normal |
|Rhyhorn | 32% | Normal |
|Nidoran F | 0%/16% | Easy |
|Nidoran M | 16%/0% | Easy |
|Nidorina | 1%/5% | Normal |
|Nidorino | 5%/1% | Normal |
|Paras | 16% | Easy |
|Chansey | 6% | Very Hard |
|Venomoth | 7% | Normal |
|Tauros | 1% | Hard |
Venomoths are here which you should catch if you don't plan to evolve Venonat.
They're not that hard either which is a plus. The rare, hard-to-catch Pokemon
you want here is Chansey. They are rare but are very strong defensively.
Actually, only HP wise, but don't you want the 500HP super Pokemon?
If you want to get some extra items and Pokemon(recommended), go take the
South route after taking the stairs. Go along the path on the left to find a
Max Revive. Keep going to find a Max Potion. If you head right, you will be
back in Area 1.
|Exeggcute | 25% | Normal |
|Nidoran F | 5%/15% | Easy |
|Nidoran M | 15%/5% | Easy |
|Nidorina | 0%/5% | Normal |
|Nidorino | 5%/0% | Normal |
|Venomoth | 4% | Normal |
|Venonat | 10% | Easy |
|Doduo | 20% | Easy |
|Tauros | 1% | Hard |
Nothing new. That's about all in the detour.
Going down from Area 3 will get you to Safari Zone 1 again, and you can Surf
(if you have the HM and Koga's Badge) back down to the exit. But if you're
following the walkthrough, you shouldn't have it yet.
Go up the staircase and to the top. Get the TM47 and move on to get a Protein.
Now keep heading down into Safari Zone 4. Go all the South to pick up some
Gold Teeth. Keep going down the path to find a TM33. Now go in the house and
claim your prize, HM03, Surf!
That just about wraps up the Safari Zone. Now let's head back to Fuschia City
and complete some tasks. At house to the right of the Pokemon Center where the
man speaks all gibberish, give him his Gold Teeth. He will reward you with
HM04, Strength. Teach it to one of your Pokemon and move the boulder to the
right in the house to get a Rare Candy.
Koga is the first actual gym with a puzzle. The trainers here use status
tacitcs such as Poison. Although Koga, the gym leader, uses Poison type
Pokemon, most of the trainers here will use Psychic types.
At first, it seems simple since Koga is standing right in front of you. But...
what? There's a hidden wall! Blast those Ninja barrier f00's. Anyway, if you
want a warmup, fight the Juggler to the left holding a Level 34 Drowzee and
Kadabra. From the entrance, head to the right and fight a Juggler with a Level
37 Hypno. Keep going clockwise around the edge and fight another Juggler
holding 3 Level 31 Drowzees and a Kadabra. The next trainer going clockwise is
a Tamer with 2 Level 33 Arboks and a Sandslash.
Now head all the way to the left wall, head down and go in a zigzagish line to
get right in front of the Tamer holding a Level 34 Sandslash and Arbok. The
path will then lead to the next trainer, a Juggler holding a Level 33 Drowzee
and Hypno. From him, head down three tiles and all the way to the right to
reach Koga! I hope you're ready for a tough battle. Bring some Antidotes just
in case!
My team:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Beedrill | LV 31 |
| Raichu | LV 31 |
| Ninetales | LV 32 |
| Pidgeot | LV 37 |
| Venusaur | LV 37 |
I'm waiting for a decent Water type so I still have one empty spot in my
team :/
| Pokemon | Level |
| Koffing | LV 37 |
| Muk | LV 39 |
| Koffing | LV 37 |
| Weezing | LV 43 |
Koga used to suck. Seriously. In RBY, there was no Special split or abilities
so Earthquake or Psychic would wipe out all of his Pokemon. Toxic also loses
its effect when switched out. But look now. *gives award of most improved gym*
This is going to be one of the most annoying gym battles that you'll ever
have, especially without a Psychic type(like me ;-;). This was the first time
I had to use a Revive as well as several other healing products. The 2 Koffing
should be easy, a few hits of less should KO them. Make sure you finish them
fast and don't waste time as they can still inflict some nasty stuff on you.
All of Koga's Pokemon have Toxic. This move poisons you and it eats more and
more life every turn, unlike normal Poison. All of his Pokemon also have some
way or another to increase Evasiveness/lower you Accuracy. Not only that, he
has a Full Heal and 2 Hyper Potions! Koffing and Weezing also has Levitate
ability which makes them immune to Ground type attacks, one of their
So what happens is your Accuracy is too low and you're poisoned? Switch right?
Sure. And let him Toxic your other Pokemon. As you can see, it's a tight spot.
There are several solutions to this:
1. Use Roar. Great on Muk once it uses Acid Armor a few times. Hopefully, Koga
won't be on his last Pokemon.
2. Leech Seed. It never runs out(like Confuse Ray), heals you every turn, and
will effect the opponent no matter what it does! Full Heal doesn't cure it
either and Koga's too dense to switch. Will-o-wisp is a good alternative.
3. Switch to a Poison type. Toxic won't effect them and their attacks do half
damage to you. I just hope that you have something that can deal damage to
them. Half Poison types work too.
Muk is his most annoying Pokemon. It can resist Special Attacks quite well,
has terrific Attack power and has Acid Armor to increase its Defense. If your
Psychic type is strong enough, Muk should be down fast though. Weezing can be
easy. Just watch out for Explosion. If it defeats your last Pokemon with it,
the battle won't be a draw, you'll lost. Cheap. Koga has no mercy. It has high
Defense but not-so-great Special Defense, and that's your key to victory.
After you defeat Koga, you'll get the Soul Badge. This allows you to use Surf
outside of battle. Now you can get more Water Pokemon!
So, now where to? There are actually 2 places we can go to right now, but in
gym order, it's Saffron. So there's our destination.
By this point, you should have:
1. Experience Share(EXP. Share/EXP Share)
2. Good and Super Rod
3. A Bike
4. Surf HM
5. Strength HM
If you don't have these, you better get them now. Read the Silence Bridge
section for Exp. Share and Super Rod, Fuschia City for Good Rod, Safari Zone
for Surf HM and a mix of the Safari Zone and Fuschia City sections for the
Strength HM.
Fly to Celadon City. Go to the Gamefreak building and on the first floor,
there should be an old lady with a bunch of Pokemon. Talk to her to get Tea,
a special Key Item. Now head out of the bulding and go all the way East(right
>_>) out of Celadon City and into a building. There should be an officer. Talk
to him and give him Tea and he will allow you to go to Saffron City, the
midpoint of Kanto. All police officers previously blocking the path into
Saffron will also let you in.
| {3.9} Saffron City |
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Hyper Potion | 1200 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Full Heal | 600 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Max Repel | 700 |
1. House nearest to the right of the Pokemon Center for TM29
2. Two Gyms. Make sure you beat them both!
3. Silph Co. Many Rockets there ;-;
The moment you enter Saffron, you should know that something's up. There are
no people, and most of the buldings are blocked by none other than Team
Well, the few buildings unblocked are handy indeed. Head to the right of the
Pokemon Center to the nearest unblocked bulding and get a TM29 from the person
there. Now, head to the very Northern part of the town. There should be not 1,
but 2 gyms! One of them is a bit oddly shaped and smaller than the other(which
is blocked), go in that one. If you battle some of the trainers, you will find
out that this is the Fighting Gym. It used to be the gym in town until Sabrina
came and whooped the stuffing out of them. So now, they're reduced to this.
It seems they'll still give you a prize for beating them, so let's get to it!
1st trainer to the right: A Level 31 Machop, Mankey, and Primeape.
1st trainer to the left: A Level 32 Machop and Machoke.
2nd trainer to the right: A Level 36 Primeape.
2nd trainer to the left: 2 Level 31 Mankeys and a Primeape.
Keep in mind that you have to fight the trainers on both sides consecuatively.
Now, let's get the big beef. You could see that there are two Pokeballs behind
him, which is probably our prize. Defeat his Level 37 Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan
to continue. He will then let you choose one of the Pokemon behind him as a
prize instead of a badge because(obviously), you can't get a badge from him
anymore. The one on the left has a Hitmonlee, the right Hitmonchan. For ingame
use, Hitmonlee is probably better. You get them at Level 25.
Now that you finished that, it's time to go to the source of the Team Rocket
trouble in Saffron, Silph Co. It's the big building with lots of windows. The
guard will only let you pass if you beat Koga, so do so and enter!
( a. Silph Co )
Silph Co is big. Very big. There are 11 floors total and many places are
locked with doors and there are teleporters everywhere. In reality though,
it's not that hard. Just take the stairs one by one and tackle each floor
individualy since there are some juicy items here. It seems that the people
are pooping in their pants because the President was captured by Team Rocket
and the entire City is under Rocket control. Phooey, looks like we have to
take care of these losers.
Well, first we need the Card Key. Use the elevator to head to the 5th Floor.
From there, go all the way to the left and fight the Scientist holding a Level
26 Magneton, Magnemite, Weezing, and Koffing. Now go all the way down and
fight the Rocket golding a Level 33 Arbok. Go past the Rocket(if you can't,
take the teleporter and then back) and to the right to get a Card Key, the key
to unlocking the doors(Duh.).
Well, we might as well get all the stuff on the 5th floor. Open all the doors
and you should get a TM01 and Protein.
After getting the items, let's beat each level floor by floor. I'll list some
important things in each floor besides 5 since we've done that one. It's
rather easy to navigate through each floor once you have the Card Key, just
don't take any teleporters.
If you want to just know how to beat this dungeon, skip all the floors and
right onto the next complete paragraph.
Floor 2: There's a young female Move Tutor who teaches Thunder Wave.
Floor 3: A Hyper Potion is in one of the locked doors. That's about it.
Floor 4: TM41 is located directly below the stairs. At the bottom left corner
of the Floor there's an unlockable area where you can get an Escape Rope, Full
Heal, and a Max Revive.
Floor 6: The lefthand side has a blocked room containing an HP Up and X
Floor 7: One of the rooms on the righthand side has a TM08. The lefthand side
has a Calcium.
Floor 8: One of the rooms to the right has a Zinc.
Floor 9: The bottom lefthand corner has a nice lady who'll heal you.
Floor 10: The bottom lefthand corner has a Carbos, Rare Candy, and an Ultra
Floor 11(From stairs/elevator): A Zinc. The rest of it's totally blocked off
If you took the stairs/elevator all the way to the 11th, you should see that
there's a wall blocking where the President is. There's only one way to get
there. Make sure you're healed first.
Go to Floor 3. From the stairs, head South until the first door. Open it up
take the first teleporter. You should see a familiar face...
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 37 |
|Gyarados | LV 35 |
|Growlithe | LV 38 |
|Alakazam | LV 35 |
|Venusaur | LV 40 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 37 |
|Gyarados | LV 35 |
|Exeggcute | LV 38 |
|Alakazam | LV 35 |
|Charizard | LV 40 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 37 |
|Exeggcute | LV 38 |
|Growlithe | LV 35 |
|Alakazam | LV 35 |
|Blastoise | LV 40 |
My party:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Slowpoke | LV 33 |
| Pidgeot | LV 38 |
| Beedrill | LV 33 |
| Ninetales | LV 34 |
| Raichu | LV 35 |
| Venusaur | LV 37 |
---------------------'s been a long time since we've last kicked his butt in Lavender Town.
It seems that he already has 8 badges and is going to the Pokemon League! No
matter. For now, let's concentrate on beating him.
Pidgeot should be a piece of cake now, even though it evolved. Silly rival
deleted Sand Attack. Eckeltricity for him. Gyarados will also fall fast to
Electric attacks. Exeggcute is rather pathetic. All it does is use Stun Spore
than Psychic attacks. A Fire or Flying move means lights out for him. Alakazam
is also pathetically easy with barely any offensive moves. Growlithe can be a
bit more of a problem now that it has learned Flame Wheel, but should still be
relatively easy with a Water type.
His starters are easy as long as you are at a high level. Charizard is the
toughest out of all of them now that it has learned Flamethrower. It will OHKO
a lot if you're slower. Rock/Ground types will pummel it easily. The rest of
his starters you should use the same strategy as before to win. He should be
pretty easy this time.
After beating your rival again, make sure you talk to the man that's left in
the room. He will give you a free Lapras! It's pretty rare so be thankful and
take the teleporter. You will find yourself in Floor 11, the side with access
to fight Giovanni! Defeat his bodyguard first holding a Level 32 Cubone,
Marowak, and Drowzee. Before you unlock the door, make sure you get the hidden
Revive in on of the bushes to the right.
Now, prepare for battle!
| Pokemon | Level |
| Nidorino | LV 37 |
| Rhyhorn | LV 37 |
| Kangaskhan | LV 35 |
| Nidoqueen | LV 41 |
Gio is back and feeling happier than ever. He will explain that they took over
Saffron City because of Silph and all the nice little things they can make
money from. Anyway, let's beat him.
This time, he will use many Poison and Ground type Pokemon. Slowpoke/bro/king
can whoop all of them at once if you're having trouble. Nidorino is his first
Pokemon, and it pretty sucks. Any high defense Pokemon will have no problem
beating it. Kangaskhan is still there, but its attacks should be less intense
now since most of your Pokemon probably evolved. Use Fighting types on it.
Watch out for Mega Punch though. It still spazzes out with Tail Whips at
times. Rhyhorn is same as always super weak to Water and Grass.
Nidoqueen can be a bit of a challenge, though not much. Even though it is a
fully evolved Pokemon with high Defenses, its Attack power is none to
impressive. It will use a mixture of Tail Whip and Double Kick to bring you
down. Switching to something with a resistant to it will make this battle
After beating Giovanni, all of his men will disappear. Go talk to the
president to recieve your reward, a Master Ball! This item catches Pokemon
guaranteed, but there's only one so don't use it unless on a shiny or
legendary. Now get out of Silph Co.
When you get back to Saffron City, the first thing you should notice is that
Team Rocket is gone and all the people have come out of their homes! Now we
can finish some business. There's a Move Tutor that teaches Mimic right near
below this Fighting Gym if you want to learn it, but otherwise we're off to
the Saffron Gym!
Thought Silph Co was the last time you'd see those annoying teleporters?
WRONG! This gym is full of rooms with one trainers and 4 teleporter rooms. If
you can remember your own way of getting to the gym leader in RBY, you can
still use it here as the solution to getting to her is the same. Here's two
1st way: From the first room with the gym man, take that teleporter. Then,
take the one diagonally across, then the next one dianonally across, and
finally the next one right underneath.
2nd way: If that's too hard for you, then here's a longer but easier way to
remember. Take the teleporter that's always directly left/right to you and on
the same row.
Well, that was actually quite easy. If you decided to fight all the trainers,
you should see that the gym uses Psychic type Pokemon and a lot of Slowpokes
and Kadabras. Sabrina battles like that.
My team:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Slowpoke | LV 34 |
| Pidgeot | LV 38 |
| Beedrill | LV 33 |
| Ninetales | LV 35 |
| Raichu | LV 35 |
| Venusaur | LV 37 |
| Pokemon | Level |
| Kadabra | LV 38 |
| Mr. Mime | LV 37 |
| Venomoth | LV 38 |
| Alakazam | LV 43 |
Kadabra's a joke. Its defenses are really weak, just OHKO it with your
strongest physical attack and don't give it a chance to use Recover. Mr. Mime
is a bit harder with higher defenses, but easy nonetheless. I had Beedrill
pummel it, yet Psychic attacks were good against it! I have no clue why she
uses Venomoth since it's not a Psychic type, but it's easy. Just watch out for
Stun Spore and a few other moves which alter your condition.
Alakazam is the head honcho in her team and it's much of an improvement of
Kadabra. Chances are you won't be able to outrun it since it has godly Speed
and Special Attack. Her Psychic attack can OHKO A LOT of Pokemon, hopefully
you can get lucky and hang on and counter, and fast. Alakazam still has low
Defenses, so if you hung on to Quick Attack, use it! There aren't many Pokemon
that have a resistance to Psychic types so you'll have to live with what you
have right now. Alakazam also has Recover so watch what you're doing! Use that
as a chance to attack! She also has a Hyper Potion that she uses once her
Pokemon get down to red health.
Once you defeat Sabrina, you will get the Marsh Badge which lets all Pokemon
up to Level 70 obey, and a Calm Mind TM. Yippee! Next stop. We're done with
Saffron City!
If you take a look at your map, you should see that there are only a few
places where we haven't been yet. One is the Pokemon League which we obviously
can't go to, the other is Cinnibar Island. There are two ways to get there.
One way is to Surf South from Palet Town. The other more difficult route is to
go through the Seafoam Islands.
( b. Seafoam Islands )
The Seafoams Islands are very annoying to get through, but the rewards are
Pokemon that knows Surf and Strength also. To get to Seafoam Islands, start
from Fuschia City. From the Pokemon Center, jump the rocks and go South. Fight
the Swimmers here, the first one holding a Level 30 Tentacool and Shellder and
the second a Level 29 Goldeen, Horsea, and Shellder.
ROUTE 19-20
|Tentacool | 90% | Easy |
|Tentacruel | 10% | Normal |
Now that they're out of the way, start Surfing. Surf down and to the left all
the way to get to Seafoam Islands.
|Zubat | 40% | Easy |
|Golbat | 25% | Normal |
|Shellder | 35%/0% | Normal |
|Slowpoke | 0%/35% | Normal |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS FLOOR 4-5(Watery floors)(Both land and sea)
|Seel | 60% | Normal |
|Slowbro | 0%/40% | Normal-Hard |
|Cloyster | 40%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Krabby | 80% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 20% | Easy |
|Krabby | 80% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 10% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 10%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/10% | Easy |
|Krabby | 30% | Easy |
|Seel | 50% | Easy |
|Dewgong | 5% | Hard |
|Slowpoke | 0%/10% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 10%/0% | Easy |
|Slowbro | 0%/5% | Hard |
|Golduck | 5%/0% | Hard |
From the entrance, head to the right and push the rock into the hole using
Strength. Now go back, pick up the Ice Heal, and skip the ladder. Keep going
and push that rock in the hole also. Now fall in the hole and keep following
the rock and pushing it until you reach the water which will push you back to
land. From the land, head to the left and down to find an Ultra Ball. Now go
back to the ladder nearest to the item ball and take it. Follow the path to a
rock maze.
First, go to the rock that is directly left of the pair of rocks. Push that
all the way to the left. Then, move the rock right above the hole down. Then
go to the pair of rocks. Push the one to the right all the way up, then
navigate the left one into the hole. Now jump in. The rocks should block the
current allowing you to Surf around. Go to the topmost piece of land. SAVE
YOUR GAME. Make sure you are fully healed and have a ton of balls with you.
It's the first of 3 legendary birds so you're going to meet other Pokemon like
it later in the game.
|Articuno | 100% | VERY HARD |
Articuno is half Ice and half Flying, meaning it's 4x weak to Rock, 2x weak
to Electric and Fire. It is very hard to catch, standard for a legendary. Make
sure you catch it as it is very powerful and you have one chance to get it.
You also get to hear the nice legendary remix ;o Anyway, the quickest way to
lower its health is Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, then start throwing balls.
Lowering its health won't actually do too much to tell you the truth. Chuck
all of your Ultra Balls! It's all based on luck. Speaking of it, good luck!
Note: DO NOT use your Master Ball. Believe it or not, but there are tougher
Pokemon to catch than Articuno.
After doing whatever to Articuno, head back onto the sea and go to the other
piece of land. Go up that staircase and the one after that that's closest.
Head to the right for a Pearl. Keep going East to find a ladder. Take it to
find a Water Stone. Now head back, up the stairs and the ladder. Look around
for a Revive and a stone which you should have pushed in the hole at the
beginning of the cave. Push it down the hole and keep following it until the
water level. The current should have been blocked allowing you access to the
piece of land. Follow the ladders to get out of the trecherous Sea Foam
Believe it or not, the journey's not over yet. Head West and across a little
bit more ocean to reach Cinnibar Island. NOW it's over.
( c. Route 21)
An alternate(and easier) way to get to Cinnibar Island is to Surf on Route 21,
just South of Pallet Town. So get your Surfing Pokemon out and begin the long
swim. Make sure you stop by the patch of grass though for Tangela galore(100%
Tangela appearance). Just keep going South after that, there are just trainers
with absolutely no items or new Pokemon(except Tentacool if you don't have it
already) to catch.
| {3.10} Side Quests |
Side quests. Do you like this word? This section is totally optional. I
recommend that you do it. Some benefits are extra items, rare Pokemon
including a strong legendary, and a few little this and thats.
( a. Pewter City Revisited )
Head towards the Pewter City Museum. This time, go to the back exit. Cut the
bush and go in through the back door. One of the professors to the right is a
Move Tutor and can teach you Seismic Toss. But that's not why we're here,
we're here for the Old Amber the scientist right at the middle top. Talk to
him and move on.
( b. Power Plant )
|Krabby | 50% | Easy |
|Horsea | 20% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 30% | Easy |
|Krabby | 80% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 20% | Hard |
The Power Plant contains many rare Pokemon, some found nowhere else. To get
there, Fly to Route 10, the one right before Rock Tunnel. North of the Pokemon
Center should be a stream. Surf down to get to the plant. Fight the Pokemaniac
holding a Level 29 Rhyhorn and Lickitung and go in.
|Magnemite | 10%/30% | Normal |
|Voltorb | 30%/10% | Normal |
|Magneton | 5%/10% | Hard |
|Pikachu | 50% | Normal |
|Electabuzz | 5%/0% | Normal-Hard |
Decent place for training with some evolved Pokemon. Many rare dudes here so
make sure you catch some. You can also find Electrode and Voltorb in Fake
Item balls. Fire Red players, make sure you grab the super rare Electabuzz.
Sorry Leaf Green players, but your Pokemon will be coming up later :P
Head towards the top and grab the Max Potion. At the top, head right and go
down two exits. Take the second exit go all the way right and up. If you want
to pick up a Thunder Stone, continue going up and take the right path. If not,
just continue left and up. Now go down and make the first left and just keep
continuing down the path to find Zapdos.
|Zapdos | 100% | VERY HARD |
The same strategy goes for Articuno. Use a status condition move, lower its
health if you can, then start chucking. Again, all based on luck. Zapdos is
weak against Rock and Ice and is an Electric/Flying type, so do all you can to
catch it! IMO, Zapdos is easier to catch than Articuno but it can just all be
After doing whatever with Zapdos, head out.
| {3.11} Cinnibar Island |
This line is here for a trap. Sorry, but many guides have been plaigarizing
mine lately. This FAQ is by the one and only strawhat. Now, back to the guide:
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Hyper Potion | 1200 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Full Heal | 600 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Max Repel | 700 |
1. The Pokemon Ressurection house. Remember that old fossil you used to carry
around? Well, now it finally comes to good use.
2. The gym. It's locked. *sniffle*
3. The burnt Pokemon Mansion. 'Nother dungeon. *sigh* After all that from
Sea Foam.
|Krabby | 80% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Horsea | 10% | Easy |
|Krabby | 75% | Easy |
|Kingler | 5% | Hard |
|Gyarados | 10% | Hard |
|Staryu | 0%/10% | Easy |
|Shellder | 10%/0% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Golduck | 1%/0% | Hard |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
|Slowbro | 0%/1% | Hard |
Note: Kingler can't be found while you're standing on Cinnibar Island. Surf
a little to the top or the right to get it.
As you can see, Cinnibar Island is quite small. There are no resisdence
buildings, just an old mansion, a gym, PC, Mart, and a Pokemon Laboratory.
Hmm. Interesting. You should at least have one fossil. Bring it over to the
In the first room, there will be two traders. The old man wants to trade his
Electrode for a Raichu and the woman wants a Venonat for a Tangela. It comes
with a free Stardust if that will effect your choice. In the second room,
there will be a Move Tutor teaching Metronome. In the third room, they will
change your fossil back into a Pokemon. That's the room you want. Give him any
fossil, walk out, then back in. Now go claim your Pokemon. Do this with as
many fossils as you want.
Now, let's try to get in the gym.'s locked. That's strange. Well,
there's only one other place that we didn't go to yet and that's the Pokemon
( a. Cinnibar Mansion)
This place is loaded with Poison and a few Fire type Pokemon. There are many
new species that you can catch. The goal here is to basically turn switches on
and off to change door movements and get the key to Cinnibar. It can be
|Koffing | 30%/10% | Normal |
|Weezing | 15%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Grimer | 10%/30% | Normal |
|Muk | 0%/15% | Normal-Hard |
|Vulpix | 0%/10% | Normal |
|Growlithe | 17%/0% | Normal |
|Rattata | 10% | Easy |
|Raticate | 23% | Normal |
|Ditto | 1% | Normal |
There isn't much on the first floor, only a Protein and Escape Rope which you
probably won't care too much for, so just go right up to the next floor.
Ignore the switch and head right, then up and to the left to the open
staircase. Go up, hit the switch nearby and go down the nearest path. You'll
see that you can fall off the edge. Do so.
You'll fall onto another side of the previous floor. Go down and fight the
Scientist holding a Level 29 Electrode and Weezing. Pick up the Carbos and go
down the stairs. Keep going up the path and down the open area to the switch.
Turn it on, go out and back to near the beginning where there was a closed
At the top of the hall, there should be an opening with a switch. Flip it, go
to the next small room-like area for TM14. Now go all the way down the path
for the Secret Key on the table and TM22 down underneath. That should be all,
use an Escape Rope to get out or retrace your steps back to the staircase, go
around the corner and find an exit.
Now that you have the key to the Cinnibar Gym, go right ahead in. There are
two ways to get through this gym. You can answer the questions on the machine
to the left or battle the trainers through the doors. If you answer a question
wrong, you still have to battle a trainer.
In the first room, the answer to the question is yes and if you fight the
trainer, he will hold a Level 36 Growlithe, Vulpix, and Ninetales. Yes, this
gym uses Fire Pokemon. If you exit that part of the room, you will see a
trainer. He will have 2 Level 36 Vulpixes and a Ninetales.
The answer to the next machine is no. If you answer that wrong or want to
fight the trainer, he will have a Level 34 Ponyta, Vulpix, Charmander, and
The next answer is also no and the trainer there will hold a Level 41 Ponyta.
The next one is again no with the trainer holding a Level 41 Rapidash. Next
answer is yes and the trainer's holding a Level 37 Vulpix and Growlithe. Next
is no with the trainer holding a Level 37 Growlithe and Vulpix. And that's the
last door.
My team:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Slowpoke | LV 37 |
| Pidgeot | LV 39 |
| Beedrill | LV 36 |
| Ninetales | LV 36 |
| Raichu | LV 37 |
| Venusaur | LV 39 |
| Pokemon | Level |
| Growlithe | LV 42 |
| Ponyta | LV 40 |
| Rapidash | LV 41 |
| Arcanine | LV 47 |
Blaine is a Fire Pokemon user who's strategy is pure power. All of his Pokemon
have Fire Blast, one of the most powerful Fire attacks in the game. Although
he can only use it 5 times per Pokemon, they can deliver OHKOs with ease. Only
Growlithe and Arcanine may use different attacks, but it they don't have to
they'll keep using Fire Blast. Ponyta and Rapidash will keep using Fire Blast
even if your Pokemon resists it. The best way to defeat Blaine is Defense, or
if you have a quick Water type Pokemon, it will usually OHKO his Pokemon. An
alternate strategy is to paralyze his Pokemon then deliver a strong blow since
most of his Pokemon will be destroyed if slow.
After you defeat Blaine, you will get the Volcano Badge and TM38 which
contains his super powerful Fire Blast. When you exit the gym, a man will be
outside waiting for you! It's Bill! He will ask if you want to go to an
island. Say yes or no, it's completely optional. I suggest you go though as
there's some valuable stuff out there. You can go back later if you want. I'm
going to continue on to the next gym, if you wish you can read some
information on the Islands Walkthrough. Note: If you go to Island 1, you won't
be able to get back for a little while so make sure you're ready, meaning
stock up!
OK, so after you came back from the islands or don't want to go, it's time to
head towards the next gym. But...we've already completed the map haven't we?
What else is there to do? Ah, remember the closed gym in Viridian? We should
check that out...
| {3.12} Viridian City Revisited |
We're back at Viridian City, and we only have one purpose here. Defeat the gym
leader. Who is this guy though? Nobody knows. Except me.
So are you surprised? Well, go enter the gym and seek him out. His annoying
spinny things are also here, but we can get past them. The easiest way to get
to him would be to go up, shimmy left of the transporting deivce up right next
to the three trainers, defeat the one Cooltrainer holding 2 Level 37 Marowaks,
Level 39 Nidoqueen, Nidorina, and Level 38 Rhyhorn, and fight the Blackbelt
holding 2 Level 38 Machokes and Machop.
Now go back to the entrance. To the very right, there will be a transporter
going up, then left. With the trainer out of the way, we can go past him.(If
you went out to heal, just go back the same way as before.) Now, there's Gio!
My team:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Slowbro | LV 40 |
| Pidgeot | LV 41 |
| Beedrill | LV 40 |
| Ninetales | LV 40 |
| Raichu | LV 39 |
| Venusaur | LV 41 |
| Pokemon | Level |
| Rhyhorn | LV 45 |
| Dugtrio | LV 42 |
| Nidoqueen | LV 44 |
| Nidoking | LV 45 |
| Rhyhorn | LV 50 |
I know what you're thinking. This guy must suck since we've beaten him 3 times
before. Well, he's not too bad and sticks to a similar strategy as the
previous times you fought him. He'll use Ground and Poison types to win, so
take out some Waterm Ice, and Psychic type Pokemon. Grass would work OK too,
but it's not going to be as effective.
Rhyhorn still sucks with a double weakness to Water and Grass. Dugtrio may be
a minor problem since it does have Arena Trap, but its defenses are very low
and a Flying type or any other fast Pokemon will own it. Now Nidoqueen may be
a problem. It has very high defenses and can resist even your(well, maybe not
Hydro Cannon) strongest Water attacks. It will be totally helpless against a
Flying type, I just hope you have something to attack it back with though
(Hint: Articuno). Nidoking battles the same way except with weaker defenses
and a stronger offense. His strongest Pokemon is Rhyhorn(LOL) at Level 50. It
sucks like the first one and is incredibly slow so finish it.
Note that he has several Full Restores and all his Pokemon has Earthquake.
Hey, you won your last badge! Now we can fight the Elite 4! How nice. He'll
give you 10 grand, a TM26 contianing Earthquake, and the Earth badge making
all Pokemon obey you. Talk to him again to make him disappear off the face of
this Earth. Good thing too, he's terrible as a trainer. Make sure you use
Itemfinder on where Gio was to get a Macho Brace!
So, where to now? Remember West of Viridian City there's the entrance to the
Pogey League? Sure, let's go now. Make sure you're healed and stocked up
though since it's going to be a long journey. So go West. Hey...look who's
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 47 |
|Rhyhorn | LV 45 |
|Gyarados | LV 45 |
|Growlithe | LV 45 |
|Alakazam | LV 47 |
|Venusaur | LV 53 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 47 |
|Rhyhorn | LV 45 |
|Gyarados | LV 45 |
|Exeggcute | LV 45 |
|Alakazam | LV 47 |
|Charizard | LV 53 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 47 |
|Rhyhorn | LV 45 |
|Exeggcute | LV 45 |
|Growlithe | LV 45 |
|Alakazam | LV 47 |
|Blastoise | LV 53 |
Wow...when will this guy give up trying to beat us? Well, he's no joke this
time so be prepared.
His Pidgeot grew an amazing ten levels, but still uses Quick Attack on
Electric types. How sad. Looks like rival finally has 6 Pokemon, it being
Rhyhorn. -_- Electric and Water. But this one is much better than Giovanni's
it can use Fissure if you're not fast so make you OHKO it. Gyarados is double
weak to Electric types and has monstrous attack power but uses Leer most of
the time so it shouldn't be too much trouble. Alakazam is a problem though,
it has the strongest Psychic attack...Psychic. Unless you're at a higher level
than it or resistant, you will most likely get KO'd. His starter is very tough
at a high level and using some of the strongest attacks. A defensive Pokemon
would be best.
After you defeat Gary, head on into the Indigo Plateau. Show off all your
badges and go all the way to Victory Road. Oh yeah, near the last patch of
grass there's a rock with a hidden Full Restore if you're interested.
|Mankey | 30% | Normal |
|Primeape | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Spearow | 25% | Normal |
|Fearow | 15% | Normal-Hard |
|Sandshrew | 0%/20% | Normal |
|Sandslash | 0%/5% | Normal-Hard |
|Ekans | 20%/0% | Normal |
|Arbok | 5%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Goldeen | 45% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Poliwag | 45% | Easy |
|Poliwag | 20% | Easy |
|Poliwhirl | 25% | Hard |
|Gyarados | 10% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
You can train up a bit on the common Fearows here, but everything else
shouldn't interesting.
( a. Victory Road )
|Mankey | 25% | Normal |
|Primeape | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Sandslash | 0%/10% | Normal-Hard |
|Arbok | 10%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Machop | 20% | Normal |
|Machoke | 10% | Normal-Hard |
|Onix | 15% | Hard |
|Golbat | 10% | Normal-Hard |
|Geodude | 5% | Normal |
--------------------------------------------------------- we are back in a dank cave. Let's try to get out of here fast,
shall we? This place is not only infested with Pokemon, but also Cooltrainers
who switch and carry Hyper Potions. (Gasp! They're learning our tricks!) The
first thing we should do is move the boulder just left of the exit right and
onto the switch. Now go onto the raised land and go up and right for some
items. Push the boulder left and get the item above it, a TM02. Go out, then
back in to the same spot and this time push the boulder up to get the other
item, a Rare Candy. Now go left from where the Cooltrainer Female was and
continue to the second floor by ladder.
|Marowak | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Machop | 20% | Normal |
|Machoke | 10% | Normal-Hard |
|Onix | 15% | Hard |
|Geodude | 5% | Normal |
On the second floor, go in a downwards diagonal direction to find a rock. Push
it onto the switch and go back up onto the raised land. Go left, down, and
left again to find a TM37. Now go along the right path. Before you move on to
the ladder, head left for a Full Heal and around the bend at the top for a
TM07. Now go up the ladder and into the third and final floor.
When you get out of the ladder, go around the bend to the right to get a
Revive. Now go back and push the boulder up and left. MAKE SURE YOU CAN PUSH
IT DOWN. Don't push it all the way up, just enough so it can get through the
small channel. After it's all the way left, you will see a small opening. Push
the rock through and onto the switch. Ignore the ladder unless you really want
a Dire Hit and redo the puzzle. Don't forget to get TM50 right below the
Go back near where the boulder was and go up through the raised land. Follow
the path to a place with a boulder and a hole. Push the boulder in the hole
and jump right after it. You'll end up back on Floor 2, near a switch. Push
the boulder onto the switch. Don't screw up now! All you have to do is push
left otherwise you have to redo the puzzle on the third floor. Now go on the
raised land all the way right and to the exit! Make sure you talk to the Move
Tutor in the last room if you want to learn Double Edge.
| {3.12} Indigo Plateau |
The beginning is actually a maze, but I sincerely hope you have no trouble
with it. If you do, contact a psychiatrist right away.
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Full Restore | 3000 |
|Max Potion | 2500 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Full Heal | 600 |
|Max Repel | 700 |
This is it. The end of the game, Oak's long forgotten dream, your destiny.
I'll tell you now, the Elite 4 is strong without low level Pokemon or a very
bad team. You must battle 4 trainers in a row without healing(except for
items) and they are all very strong, much like Gym Leaders. I suggest you
stock up on Full Restores, Full Heals, and Revives. Remember that at this
point in game you can fly back here at Indigo Plateau any time you want, so
finish your business now. So get ready for the Elite 4.
Quick tips: The Elite's strongest Pokemon will always hold a Sitrus Berry
which will recover their health by a mere 30. They also always have at least
1 Full Restore which they use at near or in red health. Also, Levels 40+ with
20+ Revives and Full Restores are almost guaranteed to beat the E4 on the
first try ;o
| Pokemon | Level |
| Dewgong | LV 52 |
| Cloyster | LV 51 |
| Slowbro | LV 52 |
| Jynx | LV 54 |
| Lapras | LV 54 |
Lorelei uses Ice type Pokemon, but most of them are half Water so Electric
types will work best. Fighting is an alternative. Don't use Fire types though
or she'll douse you. She'll often start the battle with Hail so use that as a
chance to attack. Slowbro usually starts off with an Amnesia, then a Yawn so
there's your chances right there. Cloyster just sucks with low Special
Defense, so if you're having trouble against it using Electric and Grass
attacks, may God help you. Jynx will almost always use Lovely Kiss first to
put you to sleep if its Ice Punch isn't super effective to you, so be warned
and Pokeflute. Lapras has Confuse Ray which may prompt some switches. It's
difficult to beat them, but usually all you have to do is play Defense.
Another Water type can put a stop to Lapras and Dewgong if you have an attack
that can damage it. Lapras also has a Sitrus Berry that restores its health by
30. It's nothing much, just warning you.
After defeating Lorelei, the door will open leading you to the next Elite.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Onix | LV 51 |
| Hitmonchan | LV 53 |
| Hitmonlee | LV 53 |
| Onix | LV 54 |
| Machamp | LV 56 |
Bruno is the next member. He sucks at first. His first Pokemon is not only an
Onix, but a low level one. You should know how to beat this, Water/Grass will
almost always instant KO it. I remember in RBY I KO'd it with a Level 30
Staryu or something pathetic like that. Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee will be weak
to Psychic attacks, but they still won't do too much damage since they have
amazing Special Defense. They will use Sky Uppercut and Mega Kick
respectively. Machamp can be a major problem with high Defense and legendary
Attack power. It uses Cross Chop which will inflict major damage on weak or
non-resistant Pokemon. Hopefully, an Alakazam or other Psychic Pokemon can
OHKO it without too much effort.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Gengar | LV 54 |
| Golbat | LV 54 |
| Arbok | LV 56 |
| Haunter | LV 53 |
| Gengar | LV 58 |
Agatha will be your worst nightmare for Fighting type users. She uses mostly
Ghost and Poison types, both resistant to Fighting. Remember that Ghost types
are also immune to Normal attacks. If you have a very fast Psychic type that
can outrun Gengar, it can sweep her entire team since Gengar and Haunter are
half Poison, giving them weakness to it. Agatha's Gengar is the most annoying
thing. It starts with Double Team, then Toxic so while you try to hit it you
slowly take damage. I find the most common cure is to use Yawn, Sleep Powder,
or Roar to stop it from attacking or delete all unpermanent status changes.
Golbat is a joke, you should know Psychic and Electric attacks will clean this
Pokemon pretty good. Arbok can be a problem, just make sure you switch from
Intimidate if you have too. Lowered Attack can be a problem. It will use
Sludge Bomb often which is the strongest Poison attack in the game, so get out
something resistant to it, or even better, something immune like Steel.
Agatha will switch when she's in trouble and used up her Full Restore, so be
wary! Although Haunter is at a low level, it will use annoying moves like
Confuse Ray and Mean Look, preventing you from switching! Those Full Heals
will come in handy. Agatha will close out with another Gengar, but this one
is actually easier without Double Team and Toxic. Stick to the same strategy
to defeat thing one.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Gyarados | LV 56 |
| Dragonair | LV 54 |
| Dragonair | LV 54 |
| Aerodactyl | LV 58 |
| Dragonite | LV 60 |
This is it. The last of the Elite 4, and also the strongest. Will you become
the Pokemon Master after this? Anyway, Lance uses legendary Dragon types as do
most stereotypical leader dudes. First, let me tell you that ALL of his
Pokemon have Hyper Beam. ALL of them. This attack has a whopping amount of
power(base 150), but the user must charge next turn. can use this as
an advantage. When the opponent is charging, just use a Revive or Hyper Potion
on your weakened Pokemon if you're slower, then attack! His first Pokemon is a
Gyarados which has whopping Attack power, but 4x weak to Electric. You know
what to do. His two Dragonair like to use Outrage, a weak Dragon attacks so
heal quickly during their assault and move on to the big folks.
Aerodactly is a huge pain in the butt. It is very fast so don't count on
outrunning it. Water attacks I find work best, but if you can pull off an
Electric attack, that'll work too. Dragonite is Lance's strongest Pokemon. It
will use Safeguard so don't try Sleep Powder or any other status move on it.
It, unlike Lance's other Pokemon, uses Outrage and Wing Attack instead of
Hyper Beam. Your best bet would be to use an Ice attack since it's 4x weak to
it. Or, you can press your luck and hope that Outrage will confuse Dragonite
in 3 turns and it'll hurt itself. Don't forget Lance's Full Restore! Try to
use a weak attack then a strong one to finish off his Pokemon without going
into the red/low yellow HP zone!
Now, we've beaten the last of the Elite 4! We beat the game...or have we?
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 59 |
|Rhydon | LV 59 |
|Gyarados | LV 61 |
|Arcanine | LV 59 |
|Alakazam | LV 57 |
|Venusaur | LV 53 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 59 |
|Rhydon | LV 59 |
|Gyarados | LV 61 |
|Exeggutor | LV 59 |
|Alakazam | LV 57 |
|Charizard | LV 53 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Pidgeot | LV 59 |
|Rhydon | LV 59 |
|Exeggutor | LV 59 |
|Arcanine | LV 61 |
|Alakazam | LV 57 |
|Blastoise | LV 53 |
My team:
| Pokemon | Level |
| Slowbro | LV 46 |
| Pidgeot | LV 42 |
| Beedrill | LV 40 |
| Ninetales | LV 41 |
| Raichu | LV 43 |
| Venusaur | LV 47 |
Great time for a rival battle eh? Right after your tuckered out and near
itemless he jumps out and attacks you with Pokemon even stronger than Lance's.
I'll tell you the truth, my Pokemon are weak as hell and only a couple were
handy in the E4. If you're a beginner, hopefully you have at least reached
Level 50 or is using a legendary ;. Your rival will carry an insane number of
Full Restores so battle carefully.
Pidgeot should be simple enough. I 2KO'd him with my Level 43.
He seems to have Sand Attack back so finish him quick. Rhydon is particularly
dangerous for those at low levels. Earthquake will deal massive damage. Just
like a Rhyhorn, a Water or Grass type attack will do. Rhydon will use Horn
Drill if you're slower which is an automatic OHKO attack, so get your butts
moving. Exeggutor will use Giga Drain mostly and Egg Bomb when it runs out of
PP or Giga Drain isn't effective. It's a pain since it can use Sleep Powder,
but a dose of flute should cure that. Gyarados will have very strong attacks
which include Thrash and Hydro Pump, so play some good defense. Still 4x weak
to Electric. Arcanine goes with a Water type attack, but beware of
Extremespeed and Flamethrower.
Your rival's starter will probably be the strongest Pokemon you've faced yet.
Charizard will have Fire Blast, Blastoise Hydro Pump, Venusaur Solarbeam.
These are all unbelievably strong attacks, but have so little PP. Once it's
drained, the win is basically yours! Watch out for Venusaur's Sleep Powder if
your rival has one and that should be basically it!
Enjoy the *NEW* ending! There's more to do afterwards though, so don't dump
your game just yet.
{IV. Island Walkthrough}
What are the islands? The islands are a new addition to Pokemon FR/LG. You can
first get access to them after defeating Blaine in Cinnibar Island. Bill will
meet you outside and take you to the first Island. They are quite an adventure
themselves containing new remixes of GS music and Pokemon.
Note: Qwilfish is supposedly found in Islands 4-7 with the Super Rod in the
US version, but since I don't have that I won't include it. Just to let you
all know though.
| {4.1} Island 1 |
The first time you get to the island from Cinnibar, Bill will take you to a
laboratory/PC. He will talk about the special machine in the Pokemon Center
that will allow you to trade between Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire and Colloseum. But
there's a problem with it, so you can't do it right now. Talk to Bill a few
times to get a Meteorite and a Tri Pass which will allow you to travel to
Islands 1,2, and 3 any time you want.
If you go South from here using Surf, you will find a trainer as well as a
patch of fresh, green grass...poisoned with Pokemon of course!
|Fearow | 33% | Normal |
|Spearow | 33% | Normal-Hard |
|Tangela | 33% | Normal |
|Krabby | 40% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 60% | Easy |
|Staryu | 0%/5% | Easy |
|Shellder | 5%/0% | Easy |
|Krabby | 35% | Easy |
|Kingler | 5% | Hard |
|Gyarados | 10% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
Bleh, nothing new here but not too bad of a training area.
After doing whatever you need to, head back to the main portion of the island.
This time, Surf to the right. Keep going, fight the trainer holding 2 Level 35
Psyducks and a Golduck if you wish, otherwise head towards land. The first
thing that should surprise you! It seems there are more than the
original 5HMs in this game. Hmm.
ISLAND 1(Continued)
|Fearow | 15% | Normal-Hard |
|Spearow | 25% | Normal |
|Meowth | 15% | Normal |
|Ponyta | 15% | Normal |
|Rapidash | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Geodude | 10% | Normal |
|Persian | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Graveler | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Psyduck | 10%/0% | Normal |
|Slowpoke | 0%/5% | Normal |
There's a bunch of Pokemon in this area. The only thing that should interest
you is Ponyta and Rapidash, and possibly Persian and Graveler. Not bad of a
training ground at all.
Keep going North and avoid going on the cliffs since we can't do anything now
with those rocks in the way. You find a narrow pass. There are a lot of
Fighting trainers here so be prepared. When you reach the end, you're going to
see a cave. Another dungeon?
Well, be surprised! It's actually a hot springs! Just like a small town. You
can run in here too. If you go in the hot springs, you will be fully healed
just like a Pokemon Center. Also, make sure you talk to the man near the end
of the path for an HM06, the key to breaking the rocks! Teach it and leave.
Note: Pokemon may come out of broken rocks, mostly Geodude.
Now, let's start backtracking. Go back down until the beach ends and you can
head right. There will be a string of rocks. Break all of them to get a Max
Ether. Now Surf to the right and all the way down for a Max Repel. Go back and
continue down again.
Remember that little cliff? Yes, the one with the rocks. Go on it and break
the rocks to pave the path to a Carbos.'ll hate this...but go all
the way back to the hot springs. It's not that far. Surf to the top and
hopefully you took my advice before to stock up.
( a. Mountain)
When you enter the mountain, you will see a person right in front of you. Talk
to him and you will find out he's a Move Tutor who teaches Explosion. Detour:
if you go to the right, you will see two rockets. They won't fight you, but
will be important a little later. (Read bottom of subsection if you have
beaten the Elite 4.)
ISLAND 1(Continued again)
|Ponyta | 25% | Normal |
|Rapidash | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Geodude | 25% | Normal |
|Graveler | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Machop | 30% | Normal |
|Machoke | 5% | Hard |
|Magmar | 5% | Hard |
Go to the left by moving the boulders. Keep traveling up and go up the first
flight of stairs. From there, if you want an X Special go all the way right.
If not, go up and fight the trainer there. He will hold a Level 38 Exeggcute
and a Level 40 Exeggutor. There's a hidden Ultra Ball on the small dead end to
the left. Keep going up into a mini cave. There's only one direct path so
follow it until the end.
When you come out, head up and to the left into a small channel for an Ultra
Ball. There's also a Thunder Stone to the right. If you want it, first break
the rock. Then push the boulder at the bottom out of the way, and then the
other two should be self explanatory. Er...push them up and left.
If you're done with your item hunting, go up to find a rock puzzle. To solve
this simple puzzle, first push the rock to the right up, then the rock to the
left left. You should be clear to the next pair of boulders. Push the rock in
front of you left, then the one above it all the way up and left. This should
give you a clear path to...Moltres!
|Moltres | 100% | VERY HARD |
Yes, it appears Moltres has a new home from Victory Road. Make sure you save
your game before trying to catch this dude as it's going to be very tough.
It's half Flying and half Fire, so Rocks would deal a ton of damage to it.
Electric and Water attacks will also harm it a lot.
Moltres will often use Fire Spin which prevents you from switching. Just stick
to the same strategy as the other legendaries and just keep chucking Ultra
Balls! Good luck, just as with the other legends.
After you catch it, you're done with Island 1.
...unless you beat beat the Elite 4. In the mountain, if you go right from the
entrance you will remember the two Rocket members, right? Well, make sure
you've talked to Cleo at the Pokemon Center at Island 1 once after beating the
Elite 4 and they will start a battle. The one on the right holds a Level 35
Rattata, Raticate, Sandshrew, and Sandslash which should all be a joke to you
by now. The one on the left will have Level 37 Cubone and Marowak.
Once you beat them both, they will move allowing you access to the new cave!
|Geodude | 40% | Normal |
|Graveler | 10% | Normal-Hard |
|Machop | 40% | Normal |
|Machoke | 10% | Hard |
If you keep along the path, you will find an easy rock puzzle. Just move the
first rock right just enough for you to squeeze down. Go around the corner
pushing the rock like before, just enough to squeeze through and move the rock
at the very top. Now go through to the ladder.
|Slugma | 95% | Normal |
|Machop | 5% | Normal |
The Slugma in this cave are weak. Seriously. I KO'd them with a Blizzard. Just
catch and move.
The next room also has a rock puzzle. To do this one, push the rock once to
the right. Now go above it and push it down.
There should be a fork now. Go down and push the boulder left all the way. You
will find a ladder leading a room with braille. Here is the translated
Japanese braille:
"What is "written" on the tablet north
of where the Ruby Plate lies:
monogoto ni ??
"Everything ??"
imi ga aru
"has meaning"
sonzai ni ??
"Existence ??"
imi ga aru
"has meaning"
ikiru koto ni ??
"Living ??"
imi ga aru
"has meaning"
yume o mote
"Hold a/your dream"
chikara o tsukae
"Use the/your power" "
Dont' know what the ?? means. Thanks to theria for this information.
Here it is translated in English:
Thanks to APRhof and Cameron B for this.
Go back to the fork and take the right path. Push the boulder to the right
and the other to the left and go down to find the exit.
| {4.2} Island 2 |
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Soda Pop | 300 |
|Fresh Water | 200 |
SHOP MENU(after rescuing the girl)
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Fresh Water | 200 |
SHOP MENU(after beating E4)
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Lemonade | 350 |
|Soda Pop | 300 |
|Fresh Water | 200 |
|Moo Moo Milk | 500 |
SHOP MENU(after beating E4, Wave 2)
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Repeat Ball | 1000 |
|Timer Ball | 1000 |
|Lemonade | 350 |
|Soda Pop | 300 |
|Fresh Water | 200 |
|Moo Moo Milk | 500 |
|Lava Cookie | 200 |
Once you get onto Island 2, head inwards towards town and cut the tree to get
a Revive. There are only a few buldings on this very small island, but are
very important. One if the buildings has the Move Relearner. He'll teach all
the moves your Pokemon can naturally learn for the price of two small
mushrooms or one large one. The house next to his has a man who lost his
daughter on Island 3. Looks like we'll have to find her, but we'll do that
next. If you go North, you will find a small patch of grass, a waterfall, and
a house with a Move Tutor who'll teach your starter a very strong elemental
attack. For Charizard it's Blast Burn, for Blastoise Hydro Cannon, and for
Venusaur it's Frenzy Plant. Make sure your starter is first in your party to
use learn this.
Once you've found the man's daughter, you can play mini-games if you have a
wireless adaptor. Check other sections for this information though.
|Slowpoke | 0%/10% | Normal |
|Slowbro | 0%/5% | Normal-Hard |
|Meowth | 10% | Normal |
|Persian | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Spearow | 20% | Normal |
|Fearow | 15% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 10%/0% | Hard |
|Golduck | 5%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Bellsprout | 0%/15% | Normal |
|Weepinbell | 0%/10% | Normal-Hard |
|Oddish | 15%/0% | Normal |
|Gloom | 10%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Goldeen | 30% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Poliwag | 60% | Easy |
|Poliwag | 40% | Easy |
|Poliwhirl | 35% | Hard |
|Gyarados | 24% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
Many version exclusive Pokemon on this island, but nothing new. Decent
training ground with many evolved Pokemon. Note that the common evolved
Pokemon are usually Level 36 and the rarer ones Level 40.
| {4.3} Island 3 |
When you exit the boat house on Island 3, the first thing you should see are
two Bikers. They won't fight you so keep going North into the town. Heal, and
prepare for a battle. If you try to go North, you'll see some shopkeepers
getting bullied by a bike gang. Try to go past them and they will challenge
You'll have to battle all of them in a row. That's right. All of them. The
first one holds a Level 36 Koffing and Grimer, the second a Level 38 Koffing,
the third a Level 38 Grimer, the last one, the leader of the gang, a Level 39
Weezing and Muk.
When you beat them, talk to one of the people to get a Full Restore. You also
now have access to the other side of town which holds a Mart.
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Hyper Potion | 1200 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Full Heal | 600 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Max Repel | 700 |
If you want, you can cut the bush and go all the way down for a free Zinc.
When you're done with your business, head West and cut the bush there and
press A at the end of the path for a PP Up. Now keep heading West. Go up one
flight of stairs then all the way to the left. Press A on the rock for a
hidden Max Repel.
|Slowpoke | 0%/10% | Normal |
|Meowth | 15% | Normal |
|Persian | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Venonat | 15% | Normal |
|Venomoth | 5% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 10%/0% | Hard |
|Bellsprout | 0%/15% | Normal |
|Weepinbell | 0%/10% | Normal-Hard |
|Oddish | 15%/0% | Normal |
|Gloom | 10%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Pidgey | 15% | Normal |
|Pidgeotto | 10% | Normal-Hard |
|Krabby | 90% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Krabby | 85% | Easy |
|Kingler | 5% | Hard |
|Gyarados | 9% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
Decent training ground, but you should have all the Pokemon here.
|Slowpoke | 0%/5% | Normal |
|Drowzee | 5% | Normal |
|Hypno | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Venonat | 5% | Normal |
|Venomoth | 20% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 5%/0% | Hard |
|Bellsprout | 0%/5% | Normal |
|Weepinbell | 0%/20% | Normal-Hard |
|Oddish | 5%/0% | Normal |
|Gloom | 20%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Pidgey | 5% | Normal |
|Pidgeotto | 20% | Normal-Hard |
|Exeggcute | 10% | Normal |
|Goldeen | 90% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Goldeen | 35% | Easy |
|Seaking | 45% | Hard |
|Poliwag | 5% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 18% | Hard |
|Staryu | 0%/5% | Easy |
|Shellder | 5%/0% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Golduck | 1%/0% | Hard |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
|Slowbro | 0%/1% | Hard |
This is one of the best training spots ever. Not only does have a ton of
evolutionary forms, they are common and decent for Sp Att and Att EV training.
Keep going and you will eventually reach the forest. To navigate through here,
first go left and up. Cut the tree to the right, go down, use Cut again. Go
up. If you wish, you can jump the ledge here and head left for a Full Heal.
Now keep going left and down. It doesn't matter which route around the tree
you take as long as you're going to right way. When you reach the bottom, go
left and up the path to find the little girl who's missing from Island 2. Talk
to her and she will get attacked by a Level 30 Hypno. Defeat it and you will
be transported back to Island 2. Talk to the man to trade your Meteorite you
recieves from Bill for a Moon Stone.
Note: If you haven't beaten the Elite 4 yet and want to go back to Cinnibar
Island, go back to Island 1 at this point and talk to Bill.
If you've beaten the Elite 4, then there should be a cave that will open up.
Go near the beginning and to the right, there you will see a cave. Go in and
make sure you talk to the man for a Nugget. Now go out through the exit. You
will find a patch of grass.
|Dunsparce | 100% | Easy |
I admit, I got a bit lazy here. But seriously, between the low encounter rate
and only Dunsparce, you get a bit annoyed after a while. This is all I could
find. They are usually around Level 15 though, so don't use too strong an
| {4.4} Island 4 |
To get to Island 4, first you must defeat the Elite 4. Read the Island 1
section at the bottom about the cave in the mountains and getting the Ruby
Plate. Give it to the man in the Pokemon Center in Island 1 and he will give
you access Islands 4-7 via the boat.
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Full Restore | 3000 |
|Max Potion | 2500 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Ice Heal | 250 |
|Full Heal | 600 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Max Repel | 700 |
PLACES OF INTEREST:(Wow, haven't done this in a while.)
1. The breeding center. Raise your levels quickly or breed to create eggs.
2. The house right next to the breeding place. There will be a Move Tutor
teaching you Body Slam.
3. The house next to the Mart. I have no clue what he does, but it looks
|Poliwag | 33% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 33% | Easy |
|Goldeen | 33% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 8% | Hard |
|Poliwag | 45% | Easy |
|Poliwhirl | 45% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
Note: You can find Marill(LG) or Wooper(FR) when Surfing.
When first arrive on Island 4, you will see your rival! Gasp! Well, he'll chat
for a bit then leave. Listen to the first piece of GS music in the game and
explore the relatively small island. This has many vital places though. Before
you head onto the main land, go to as top left as you can to find a breakable
rock. Break it and get the Star Piece behind it.
On the Island, there are a few interesting things to find. First is the
breeding center. It's pretty obvious what building it is, the one with all the
Pokemon. You can hold 2 Pokemon. They will gain 1 exp point for every step you
take and if the two Pokemon there are in the same egg group, you may get an
egg after a while. You must pay 100 money to get each one out plus an
additional 100 for each level the Pokemon gained. For more information, look
in the breeding section.
There is also a Move Tutor in the house next to the Breeding Center. The last
place is the house next to the Mart. This guy here will let you brag about
something. After beating the second wave of the Elite 4, he'll give you a
sticker on your Trainer Card.
When you're done with the town, go the the Easternmost part and Surf. Grab the
Stardust along the way. Prepare to enter the Ice Cave of FR/LG.
( a. Ice Cave )
|Zubat | 10% | Normal |
|Golbat | 30% | Normal |
|Swinub | 25% | Easy |
|Sneasel | 0%/1% | Hard |
|Delibird | 1%/0% | Hard |
|Poliwag | 35% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 15% | Easy |
|Goldeen | 25% | Easy |
|Horsea | 25% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 34% | Hard |
|Poliwag | 15% | Easy |
|Poliwhirl | 35% | Hard |
|Goldeen | 15% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
The encounter rate here is rather low, otherwise it would be a decent training
area. You want your rare version exclusive here, plus Swinub. GS Pokemon are
From the entrance, Surf up and left of the waterfall into an exit. Go up
through the door. You should see a little piece of blue ice thing, right? Step
on it and it will crack. Step on it again and you will fall through. Keep
going up, get the Ultra Ball and move on. TIP: WALK on the ice. If you run,
you can get careless and fall through. It's annoying. You will now see two
crackable ice tiles. Fall through the one at the top.
Take the ladder, then fall through any of the top ice tile. You will end up on
the previous floor's ice. Just go down and right to get the item ball
containing NeverMeltIce. Now go back up through the ladder and take the second
ice tile down near the bottom. You will end up in a cluster of rocks. Go up,
right, down, and left to get out of the maze. Before taking the ladder, get
the Full Restore. On the upper floor, grab HM07 and exit back to the floor
with a Waterfall.
|Seel | 60% | Normal |
|Dewgong | 5% | Hard |
|Lapras | 5% | Hard |
|Shellder | 15%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Staryu | 0%/15% | Normal-Hard |
Teach it to a Pokemon. If you don't have a compatible Pokemon, exit now and
get one. If you do, great. Use it on the waterfall and take the ladder down.
Be prepared for battle!
You will see Lorelei battling some Team Rocket thugs. Help her. The one you
battle will carry 2 Level 38 Zubats and Golbat. Pah, she was having trouble
with this? Give me a break. After you defeat them, you're free to go. You're
done with this Island.
| {4.5} Island 5 |
Once you're on Island 5, you'll see that the main town is very small. There's
not even a Mart or anything interesting to see. Just go in the Pokemon Center
and make sure you have only 5 Pokemon. Go up to the western border and make
your way west to reach a small island. There, talk to the old man to get a
Togepi egg.
If you go up instead of West from the mainland, you will end up in a different
part of the water. You'll see an empty house. Ignore that and keep going along
the path. Soon, you will reach a cave. Go in. This will be a weird cave in
which you must choose the right exit in order to proceed or you will end up
back in the beginning again.
|Krabby | 90% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 5% | Hard |
|Krabby | 85% | Easy |
|Kingler | 4% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
|Staryu | 0%/5% | Easy |
|Shellder | 5%/0% | Easy |
Note: Staryu/Shellder can only be found fishing while standing on the main
|Zubat | 20% | Normal |
|Golbat | 60% | Hard |
|Gastly | 9% | Normal |
|Haunter | 9% | Hard |
|Murkrow | 1%/0% | Hard |
|Misdreavus | 0%/1% | Hard |
The encounter rate here is so low it's depressing. I suppose it helps for
those trying to do the puzzle, but that lessens your chance of getting your
rare exclusive. The easiest way to find them would be to use Sweet Scent.
To get to the end, go right from the first room. Go down to get a Lax Incsence
but only if you want it because you'll start back from the beginning. In the
second room, go up, then back down. Going up in this room will get you a Sea
Inscence. Going down would proceed you to the next room. Now go right and
Right again will get you to a Max Revive, left to proceed. After this, it'll
get really confusing because each room looks the same. Go down in the next
room, then right and up. Before you go up, make sure you're prepared for a
battle. A lady will battle you holding 2 Level 49 Persians. After the battle,
she will take you to her house, the empty one that you passed by. Talk to her
again, and you will get...absolutely nothing. She will ask for some Pokemon.
If you can get them, you will get a prize. Both the prize and the Pokemon are
random. This is optional, but if you want you can go back through the cave to
get a Silk Scarf.
BTW, the prize percentage is about this:
| Item | Rareness |
| Luxury Ball | Very Common |
| Rare Candy | Common |
| Pearl | Uncommon |
| Stardust | Uncommon |
| Star Piece | Rare |
| Nugget | Rare |
Head back to the mainland.
|Pidgey | 20% | Normal |
|Pidgeotto | 10% | Hard |
|Slowpoke | 0%/5% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 5%/0% | Normal |
|Hoppip | 15% | Easy |
|Sentret | 15% | Easy |
|Meowth | 15% | Normal |
|Persian | 10% | Hard |
Don't bother fighting Pidgeotto, they'll just Whirlwind you away. The GS
Pokemon, as usual, are at extremely low levels.
This time, go east. Cut the bush to find a max potion. Now fight the Rocket
holding a Level 48 Rattata, Grimer, and Muk. Keep going to fight your first
female Rocket holding a Level 48 Ekans and 2 Glooms. After her, keep going and
Surf to find a PP Up. Now head back to land and go up to fight the Rocket
holding a Level 49 Koffing and Weezing. After beating him you are free to go
up to a secret Rocket headquarters. You can only access this if you have gone
to Island 6 though.
If you Surf East from the Rocket Headquarters, you will come across a piece
of land. Go South of that and you will come across another land, get on this
one. You will find the Memorial Pillar which is the grave for the young man
there's Onix. "Talk" to the pillar with a Lemonade in your inventory to get a
( a. Secret Base )
As soon as you enter, you will see this is a puzzle just like the one in the
other Rocket Base at the Game Corner, and Giovanni's gym. I guess it must be
the Rocket's trademark puzzle now, eh? Well, this one's a bit more complicated
than the others. You have to remember that you can only turn when you see an
arrow pointing another direction if you spin into it, now below. I made this
mistake a lot. You also keep going even if there are no arrows.
When you first get inside, take the left arrow. Go all the way up and collect
the Upgrade. Now go past the female Rocket grunt and take the down arrow
towards the left. Walk up and defeat the rocket, then take the left
transporter in the middle. From there, walk all the way up the path and get
TM36. Take either one of the two transporters that goes down two spaces and
fight the Rocket holding two Level 49 Hypnos.
You're almost there now! Take the only transporter and fight the female Rocket
holding a Level 52 Muk and a Level 53 Arbok and Vileplume. When you defeat
her, she will activate a machine than changes one of the arrows at the bottom
to point up so you won't have to go through all that work to get back there.
Now, go fight the next Rocket! He will have a Level 53 Golbat, Level 54
Weezing, and Level 55 Houndoom. After this, all the Rockets will disappear
leaving only one, the Scientist who stole your Sapphire Plate! This guy's a
joke so don't worry about him too much. He'll have a Level 46 Voltorb,
Electrode, Magnemite, Magneton, and Porygon.
After you get the Sapphire Plate, go back to Island 1 and give it to the man.
You will now be able to trade with Pokemon Colloseum and Ruby and Sapphire!
You will also have access to the Unknown Dungeon.
| {4.6} Island 6 |
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Full Restore | 3000 |
|Max Potion | 2500 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Ice Heal | 250 |
|Full Heal | 600 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Max Repel | 700 |
|Dream Mail | 50 |
When you first enter the Pokemon Center, you'll see your rival again. He'll
blabber about some stuff again and then leave. The main town is rather small
and uninteresting, so just move on. Walk along the grass down to meet a Hiker
holding a Level 49 Onix and Machoke. You will then get to a squarish area of
fresh green grass and a whole bunch of new wild Pokemon.
ISLAND 6 GRASS(First half)
|Spearow | 40% | Normal |
|Fearow | 10% | Hard |
|Oddish | 40%/0% | Normal |
|Gloom | 5%/0% | Normal-Hard |
|Bellsprout | 0%/30% | Normal |
|Weepinbell | 0%/5% | Normal-Hard |
|Slowpoke | 0%/5% | Normal |
|Psyduck | 5%/0% | Normal |
|Marill | 0%/1% | Normal |
|Wooper | 1%/0% | Normal |
|Krabby | 90% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 10% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 5% | Hard |
|Krabby | 85% | Easy |
|Kingler | 4% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
ISLAND 6 GRASS(Second half)
|Meowth | 5% | Normal |
|Spearow | 10% | Normal |
|Fearow | 10% | Hard |
|Wobbuffet | 15% | Hard |
|Yanma | 15% | Normal-Hard |
|Natu | 25% | Normal |
|Sentret | 15% | Easy |
|Poliwag | 95% | Easy |
|Goldeen | 3% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 2% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 4% | Hard |
|Poliwag | 40% | Easy |
|Poliwhirl | 55% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
Note: Marill/Wooper can also be found by Surfing.
All you want is the second half. Note, Yanma has been extremely dumbed down
in terms of rarity and catch difficulty since Gold/Silver.
From the beginning of the fork, go down and move the top boulder right, the
bottom one down, the middle right, then the top up. Get the Sun Stone. At the
bottom left corner, there will be an HP Up blocked by some boulders. Move them
and get it. Right above it should be two stairwells going up. Take the one to
the left and defeat the Hiker holding a Level 50 Sudowoodo to claim the Full
Restore blocked by boulders.
Now go on the second stairwell. This will lead you to a closed ruin with...
braille. I know what you're thinking, "How am I supposed to read Braille?!"
Well, that's why we have walkthroughs. The Japanese braille there read
"iaigiri", meaning Cut in Japanese. Use Cut on the door and go through to
the Island 6 Cave. If there is a scientist standing in front of the door, you
did not help Lorelei. Go back to Island 4 and go through the Ice Cave.
|Zubat | 100% | Normal |
LOL, attack of the Zubat haters.
Anyway, go down the hole and you will get to a room with 4 holes. Go through
the wrong one, and you end up back in the beginning. Sound familiar? That's
right, this is just like the Island 5 Cave. Well, except for that slab of
Braille in the middle of the room. This tells you which path to take. But that
doesn't matter since I will tell you anyway. Take the top hole first, then the
left, then right, and finally down.
Get the Sapphire Plate in here and a Rocket Scientist will jump down! He'll
steal the Sapphire Plate! Let's chase him. Go back to the Island 5 Rocket
Headquarters. There's still a bit more to explore so you may want to hold off
on chasing him until we finish.
Note: At the very bottom of the cave, there will be more braille. This is
the translated Japanese(thanks again to theria):
hikari kagayaku
"Light shines"
futatsu no ishi
"Two stones"
hitotsu wa akaku
"One is red"
hitotsu wa aoku
"One is blue"
futatsu no chikara de
"By the two powers"
kako ga tsunagari
"The past connects"
futatsu no chikara de
"By the two power"
hikari kagayaku
"Light shines"
"And then"
atarashii sekai ga
"A new world"
"can be seen"
tsugi no sekai wo
"The next world"
tsukuru no wa anata da
"will be created by you"
mou hajimatte iru
"It has already started/begun"
Translated in English:(Thanks to Shadow42-KC)
Interesting, eh?
Back on the mainland, you can surf up. If you do you will get to a small
island. The people in the houses don't do anything, so you can skip right over
them and the trainer holding a Level 46 Sunkern and Level 49 Sunflora. Go to
the Northeast corner, Surf down and get a Max Ether.
Now go West of the Island into a small miniforest.
|Weedle | 27% | Easy |
|Kakuna | 10% | Easy |
|Caterpie | 27% | Easy |
|Metapod | 10% | Easy |
|Ledyba | 0%/20% | Easy |
|Spinarak | 20%/0% | Easy |
|Heracross | 5% | Normal |
Most of these Pokemon are pathetic. Grab Heracross and go.
Cut right through the "forest" and onto a pathway. Surf up and you will reach
an Island. Go to the right part to get a PP Up. The left part goes to an empty
cave. This cave is still a mystery to us. People have named it Transformation
Cave. Its shape is a bit like Mew, and you can only find Zubat in here.
However, when the game coding was hacked, several Pokemon could be found
there. How do we make those Pokemon appear, or are they just really rare?
| {4.7} Island 7 |
|SHOP MENU |Price |
|Ultra Ball | 1200 |
|Great Ball | 600 |
|Full Restore | 3000 |
|Max Potion | 2500 |
|Hyper Potion | 1200 |
|Revive | 1500 |
|Full Heal | 600 |
|Escape Rope | 550 |
|Max Repel | 700 |
There's some stuff do to on this Island. Go North and Surf on the waters to
get to the Trainer Tower. Although this is nothing comapred to the one in
Ruby/Sapphire, it's still something to do.
(For the Japanese Version)
There are 5 floors to this tower, each with 1 or 2 easy trainers. Nothing
much of a challenge sadly. You can bring in any Pokemon you want with no other
rules. You can also go back down and stock up if you need to, but you can't
leave the building. The trainers also have abnormally high level stats like
they were actually *GASP* trained! You also don't get any experience, which
kinda sucks. Now, onto the trainers.
On Floor 1, there will be one Youngster holding a Level 50 Raticate and
Golbat. Just watch out for Raticate's Super Fang which halves your HP no
matter what and you'll do fine. Rock types would do good here.
Floor 2 makes you go on a 2-on-2 battle with a couple. They have a Level 50
Slowbro and Marowak, a pretty nasty combination which eliminates each others'
weaknesses, except for Grass. So you know what to do. If you don't have a
Grass type, Flying will work too. Concentrate on taking out one Pokemon at a
time. Note that Marowak has Lightningrod which will make all Electric attacks
hit it instead of Slowbro, so avoid Electric attacks.
Floor 3 makes you fight 3 trainers one after another. Make sure you're fully
healed. The first trainer that'll attack is the Camper at the bottom holding
a Level 50 Primeape. Next will be the Picnicker holding a Level 50 Venomoth.
The last trainer is a Bird Keeper holding a Level 50 Dodrio. They should be
a piece of cake. An Electric or Psychic Pokemon should be able to take care
of most of them.
Floor 4 only has 1 trainer holding a Level 50 Sandslash and Arbok. You should
already know how to deal with this. If you are honestly having a lot of
trouble at this point, level up.
There may be other variations, but I don't know of any. They all require E-
cards which I don't have.
(English Version)
There are 4 modes that you can play. Each mode has different trainers to you
can battle. Each of the opponent's Pokemon will be the same level as your
highest level in your party.
The first mode is Single Battle. On Floor 1, there will be one trainer. This
sailor will have a Feraligatr and a Kangaskhan. On Floor 2, the Bug Catcher
will hold a Beedrill and Yanma. Floor 3 has a Juggler with a Weezing and
Exeggcute, floor 4 has a Primeape and Slowbro, floor 5 has a Camper with a
Tauros and Nidoking, floor 6 has a Swimmer with a Dunsparce and Politoed,
floor 7 has a Burglar with a Meowth and Chansey, and finally Floor 8 has a
Pokemon Breeder holding a Togepi and Snorlax. Whew! That was a long list. They
should be easy since you can heal and there are only 2 Pokemon per trainer.
Bring many Pokemon with different types of attacks and you'll do fine.
The second mode in the game is Double Battle. In this mode, you do...double
battles. Duh. Anyway, the first floor has Twins with an Espeon and Jolteon.
Floor 2 has Crush Kins holding a Houndoom and Alakazam. Floor 3 has another
Crush Kin holding a Machamp and Golem, floor 3 has a cool couple holding a
Crobat and Pilowswine, floor 5 has another Cool Couple holding an Arcanine and
Blissey, floor 6 has siblings holding a Dragonair and Lanturn, and floor 8 has
a Cool Couple holding a Rhydon and Gyarados. Again, these people are quite
simple. As long as you're not stupid to have two Pokemon out that share the
same weaknesses and have the same types of attacks, you're all set. If you
can't beat them, the best you can do is vary your movesets and make them
Onto the Knock Out mode. In this mode, there will be three trainers on a floor
each with one Pokemon. Not too hard. If you read this FAQ, they should be
pretty simple considering you know what Pokemon they hold. On the first floor,
you will meet two Bikers and a Cue Ball. The first Biker holds a Magby, the
second a Togepi, and the Cue Ball has a Smoochum. Floor 2 has a Hiker holding
a Charizard, a Crush Girl holding a Flareon, and a Blackbelt holding a
Poliwrath. Floor 3 has a Picnicker holding a Miltank, and Aroma Lady holding
a Vileplume, and a Cooltrainer Female holding a Lapras. Floor 4 has a Sailor
holding a Chansey, a Fisherman holding a Seaking, and a Gentleman holding a
Vaporeon. Floor 5 has a Beauty holding a Vaporeon, a Lass holding a Nidorina,
and an Engineer holding a Nidoqueen. Floor 6 has a Rocker holding an Ampharos,
an Engineer holding a Granbull, and a Scientist holding a Misdreavus. Floor 7
has a female Tuber holding a Seaking, a Lady holding a Qwilfish, and a female
Swimmer holding a Mantine. On the last floor, there will be two rangers and a
Cooltrainer. The first Ranger will hold a Starmie, the second an Arcanine,
and the Cooltrainer holds a Venusaur.
The trainers are tough at all. Although there are more, one strong Pokemon
with varied attacks should be able to take out all of them. Just try to have
at least one of every type of attack on your team.
There is one more mode called the Mixed Battle. This has both double battles
and single battles. Not too hard. On floor 1, you'll find a female Cooltrainer
holding a Starmie and Kingdra. Floor 2 has a Psychic holding a Hypno and
Gengar. Floor 3 has a Super Nerd holding a Jolteon and Porygon2. Floor 4 is a
double battle with a Cool Couple holding a Nidoking and Nidoqueen. Floor 5 is
also a double battle with a Sis and Bro holding a Kingler and Corsola. Floor
6 has 3 trainers. The female Pokemon Ranger holds a Ledian, the male Pokemon
Ranger holds a Gyarados, and the Cooltrainer holds a Tyranitar.(ooh) Floor 7
is a double battle with a Crush Kin holding a Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. Floor
8 again has 3 trainers. The Hiker holds a Charizard, the Crush Girl has a
Nidoqueen, and the Blackbelt holds a Poliwrath. This is obviously the hardest
mode. If you can't win, go out and improve your movesets. The computer is
pretty stupid. Just use Super Effective attacks to win like with every other
Gym Leader.
(Back to the game)
At the roof, there will be a man that congradulates you. And that's it. You
don't get anything in the Japanese version, but I think you get an upgrade for
the US.
Well, back on mainland, there's still one major thing that we have to explore.
Go South and start travelling along the grass. Make sure you have a Pokemon
with Strength.
|Spearow | 20% | Easy |
|Fearow | 15% | Normal |
|Meowth | 20% | Easy |
|Persian | 15% | Normal |
|Sentret | 25% | Easy |
|Psyduck | 5%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/5% | Easy |
|Krabby | 70% | Easy |
|Magikarp | 30% | Easy |
|Gyarados | 20% | Hard |
|Krabby | 70% | Easy |
|Kingler | 8% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 1%/0% | Easy |
|Slowpoke | 0%/1% | Easy |
|Manine | 0%/1% | Hard |
|Qwilfish | 1%/0% | Hard |
After you get through the grass, there is another area that is more mountainy.
This area has different Pokemon.
|Fearow | 15% | Normal |
|Meowth | 15% | Normal |
|Persian | 5% | Normal-Hard |
|Sentret | 20% | Easy |
|Skarmory | 5%/0% | Hard |
|Cubone | 0%/5% | Normal |
|Marowak | 5% | Hard |
|Larvitar | 10% | Normal-Hard |
|Phanpy | 20% | Easy |
|Onix | 5% | Hard |
|Geodude | 15% | Normal |
|Graveler | 5% | Hard |
As soon as the path starts to go South, you'll see a staircase. First skip it
and get the Itemball containing a Nugget. Now go back and take the staircase.
There will be a cave. Go in and there will be a boulder puzzle. It's easy,
just push them into the small indents in the ground.
OK, what you do is first move the rock at the top in the middle straight up.
Now go back around the left side over the indent and push the rock towards
the middle, then up and go back around the side indent and push towards the
opposite indent. Do the same with the boulder on the other side. Now that
leaves 4 boulders. Push the bottom 2 out towards the side, jump over the
ledge and push them both up. For the last 2, just push them up and to the
side. When you're done, the game will shake a bit and a door would have
opened. You're done, exit.
Go South down the path and collect the Max Elixer at the bottom left corner
of the screen. Breaking the rock doesn't really matter too much. Keep going
until you see a fork in the road(beware of the trainer with Chansey, I
recommend saving before leaving the Max Elixer in case you screw up) where
there's a staircase on one side and a bunch of breakable rocks on the other.
Take the stairs and make sure you go right before you go down and break the
rock there. Move the boulder and break the rocks to get a King's Rock.
Keep going down past 2 tough trainers to get to a house. The weird man in
there will heal you with a dance. Cool. Steal his Lucky Punch on the table
and run. Go down to the bottom and start Surfing. You are now at a chain of
Unown Islands.
Here's what you'll find:
UNOWN ISLANDS(Island on very right)
|Unown A | 95% | Normal |
|Unown ? | 5% | Normal |
UNOWN ISLANDS(Second Island from the right)
|Unown C | 45% | Normal |
|Unown D | 25% | Normal |
|Unown H | 15% | Normal |
|Unown O | 5% | Normal |
|Unown U | 5% | Normal |
UNOWN ISLANDS(Third Island from the right)
|Unown E | 10% | Normal |
|Unown I | 10% | Normal |
|Unown N | 55% | Normal |
|Unown S | 25% | Normal |
UNOWN ISLANDS(Island closes to the exit from the left)
|Unown J | 30% | Normal |
|Unown L | 30% | Normal |
|Unown P | 25% | Normal |
|Unown Q | 15% | Normal |
|Unown R | 5% | Normal |
UNOWN ISLANDS(Island in the middle of the left cluster)
|Unown F | 15% | Normal |
|Unown G | 10% | Normal |
|Unown K | 15% | Normal |
|Unown T | 10% | Normal |
|Unown Y | 50% | Normal |
UNOWN ISLANDS(Top Island at the very left)
|Unown Z | 95% | Normal |
|Unown ! | 5% | Normal |
UNOWN ISLANDS(Bottom Island at the very left)
|Unown B | 10% | Normal |
|Unown M | 10% | Normal |
|Unown V | 30% | Normal |
|Unown W | 25% | Normal |
|Unown X | 25% | Normal |
That's all for Island 7.
| {4.7} Island 8 |
Island 8 is special. You can only get there with a Nintendo event, and there
are some delicious goodies on this Island. For you cheaters out there, here's
the AR code: 82031CF0 0002. Sometimes, the code won't work though, so don't
run out and buy an AR just yet. It used to work.. but now it doesnt. :/
Enter a building and go back out. Remember to turn off the code when you get
to the Island. You can only visit this Island once legit, so make sure you
have VERY strong Pokemon and many, many, MANY, Ultra Balls.
Go in the cave and keep walking straight up. Yes...long cave, ain't it? There
are no wild Pokemon here though thank god. Now, take either the left staircase
to Ho-oh or the right staircase to Lugia. And when you're done catching one
of these Level 70 monsters, take the other staircase. Remember, you can only
visit the Island once, so make sure you heal after catching one bird.
|Ho-oh | 100% | SO UNBELIEVABLY |
|Lugia | 100% | *(&%*(@&#%( HARD |
Both of these are Level 70. Ho-oh has Swift, Sunny Day, Fire Blast, and
Recover. Lugia has Swift, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, and Recover. Good luck
catching these Pokemon! And don't use your Master Ball just yet folks. That's
right, there may be something even tougher to catch than these two.
| {4.7} Island 9 |
This is another Island in which you need to go to a Nintendo Event to have
access. For you AR cheaters, here's the code: 82031CF0 3A02. Remember, you can
still only go to the Island once. Sometimes the code works, but now it
doesn't for some strange reason. Try it at your own risk.
Enter a building and go back out. Remember to turn off the code when you get
to the Island. You can only visit this Island once legit, so make sure you
have VERY strong Pokemon and many, many, MANY, Ultra Balls.
There is no music on this Island. You will see a lone triangle in the middle
of the island. Press A on it and watch it move. Chase it and keep pressing A.
Do this FAST. You also have to press A on the right side.(No, not the opposite
of left, I mean the opposite of wrong.) The triangle will begin to glow red,
then Deoxys will appear! It's Level 30 and you get to hear a hot new song.
|Deoxys | 100% | VERY HARD |
Deoxys is at Level 30. Although it may not look like it, it already has the
stats and moves of your version exclusive. Fire Red version has a VERY fast
and VERY powerful Deoxys, but will have a very weak Defense. Leaf Green is
the exact opposite. Good luck! No, don't use Master Ball here yet either.
After you catch Deoxys, it will transform.
{V. Aftermath}
So you beat the Elite 4 and finished the Islands, is there still some parts
that I haven't explored yet? Well, there are a few things that will be
discussed here.
Note: After the Elite 4, one of the legendary dogs will be triggered. If you
chose Squirtle, Raikou will be running around all of Kanto. Entei for
Bulbasaur, and Suicune for Charmander. This is what you use your Master Ball
for, unless you want to run around for a while looking for them.
| {5.1} Unknown Dungeon |
The Unknown Dungeon has been around since the RBY days. It's still here, it's
just that the requirements to get in are different. You must have the National
Pokedex and have the Ruby and Sapphire Plates. Go to Cerulean City, up Nugget
Bridge, Surf around the bend, and then you'll be at the cave. It contains
very strong Pokemon, so make sure you have plenty of healing items and Ultra
Balls. An Escape Rope will be handy too. It's different than RBY.
|Primeape | 15% | Hard |
|Golbat | 15% | Hard |
|Magneton | 15% | Hard |
|Machoke | 14% | Hard |
|Wobbuffet | 14% | Hard |
|Ditto | 14% | Hard |
|Parasect | 14% | Hard |
|Electrode | 5% | Hard |
These are all tough, tough Pokemon. Lowest level I have seen on Floor 1 is
Level 43. Highest is around Level 56 for this area. Great training area for
|Slowpoke | 0%/90% | Hard |
|Slowbro | 0%/5% | Hard |
|Psyduck | 90%/0% | Hard |
|Golduck | 5% | Hard |
These leves are lower. 30-40 around on Floor 1, 50-60 on Mewtwo's Floor.
NOTE: There's also a very high chance of finding Geodude and Graveler when
breaking rocks, unlike other areas.
When you first enter, start Surfing. There's absolute nothing worth taking
in the Unknown Dungeon, so don't worry about missing anything. Surf to the
end of the path then go up the right staircase. Skip all the ladders until
you go around the bend and reach the last one. Take it to the 2nd Floor.
From there, go down on the first fork. Now keep going right along the zigzaggy
path until you can go up. Go all the way up, then all the way left to reach
a ladder which will take you back down to Floor 1. Go down a bit to reach a
ladder taking you right back up to Floor 2.
|Primeape | 12% | Hard |
|Golbat | 13% | Hard |
|Magneton | 13% | Hard |
|Machoke | 12% | Hard |
|Wobbuffet | 12% | Hard |
|Ditto | 13% | Hard |
|Parasect | 12% | Hard |
|Electrode | 5% | Hard |
|Kadabra | 13% | Hard |
|Golbat | 15% | Hard |
|Machoke | 10% | Hard |
|Ditto | 30% | Hard |
|Parasect | 10% | Hard |
|Kadabra | 30% | Hard |
|Parasect | 5% | Hard |
These Pokemon are the strongest in the cave. Many Pokemon will be between
Levels 60-70.
Just follow the path from here to reach Mewtwo, tied for the strongest Pokemon
in the game, statwise. Make sure you save.
|Mewtwo | 100% | VERY HARD |
Mewtwo is vey difficult to catch. It is Level 70 and can use Psychic, Swift,
Safeguard, and Recover. Be patient though. Keep chucking your Ultra Balls and
if it kills you, just restart. Don't use your Master Ball. IMO, Mewtwo isn't
actually that hard to catch, but maybe it's because it likes me :o
| {5.2} Elite 4 - Second Wave |
If you haven't noticed, you can't play the Elite 4 again after you beat them
once. The reason is that they're gearing up and ready to kick your ass.
This time around, they're going to have GODLY levels, although not as high as
Red in GSC; stuff even your Level 100 starter may have a little bit of trouble
with. They're going to have Pokemon from the Islands too so this may be quite
the challenge.
Like previously, stock up a lot and get ready for the biggest battles of
Pokemon history. Don't forget that handy save button and Pokemon of at least
Level 60. Oh, and all the trainers have Full Restores. A lot of them. They no
longer have Sitrus Berries though. If you're really struggling agaisnt them,
it's most likely because of the level. Just go take a break training at the
Unknown Dungeon.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Dewgong | LV 64 |
| Cloyster | LV 63 |
| Piloswine | LV 63 |
| Jynx | LV 66 |
| Lapras | LV 66 |
Lorelei is still the same, except swapping Slowbro for Pilowswine which sucks.
Use Water on it and it'll go fast. Treat her the same as the first time using
Electric types on her half Water/Ice Pokemon, or Fighting types. If you have
trouble with her, you better level up.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Steelix | LV 65 |
| Hitmonchan | LV 65 |
| Hitmonlee | LV 65 |
| Steelix | LV 66 |
| Machamp | LV 68 |
Ready for a beating? Bruno has improved A LOT. And I mean A LOT. He has both
greatly leveled up his Pokemon and evolved both Onixes. What to do here?
Special Attacks and Speed are your priority. Use Water attacks on the
Steelixes since Earthquake and Rock Tomb will pretty much fry your fire types
and Psychic attacks on the rest of his Pokemon. Steelix has godly defenses so
don't bother with physical attacks unless your Pokemon are really strong. My
level 100 Shiftry damaged only half of his life with a super effective Brick
Break. Of course, my Shiftry wasn't that strong but still :)
Just as a side note, Bruno turns away in defeat when you talk to him :)
| Pokemon | Level |
| Gengar | LV 66 |
| Misdreavus | LV 65 |
| Arbok | LV 68 |
| Crobat | LV 68 |
| Gengar | LV 70 |
Agatha is mostly the same. Her Pokemon still rely on Psychic and Sludge Bomb.
The only thing new with her is Crobat, the evolved form of Golbat and
Misdreavus, replacing Haunter. Misdreavus sucks balls and relies heavily on
Shadow Ball. Like before, if you have a fast Psychic type use it since Gengar
and Crobat are half Poison, and Arbok is full Poison. Misdreavus is her only
pure Ghost type. Dark types are also rather dandy against her. I recommend
Mewtwo and Houndoom for her. Don't use Ground attacks though as although they
are super effective to poison types, most of her Pokemon have Levitate as
their ability which nullifies Ground attacks.
For those who caught Mewtwo, here's a nice challenge with Gengar matching it's
level. Don't expect it to be any easier here.
| Pokemon | Level |
| Gyarados | LV 68 |
| Dragonite | LV 66 |
| Kingdra | LV 66 |
| Aerodactyl | LV 70 |
| Dragonite | LV 72 |
Let me just tell you, Lance has changed A LOT. Although he still has similar
Pokemon, their levels are much higher and he's not as stupid to use Hyper Beam
every time he had the chance. He dumped a Dragonair for a Kingdra and evolved
the other one.
Gyarados is Lance's first Pokemon. Remember that it has Intimidate which
lowers your Attack when it first comes out. It's much tougher than before.
It will use Thunder Wave first to paralyze you making you slower and less of
a chance to attack. Then it'll use Dragon Dance to strengthen its Speed and
Attack then defeat you with Earthquake and Hyper Beam which have tremendous
power. The flaw to this is that it takes a long time to set up. Just Full Heal
and zap it with an Electric attack.
His Level 66 Dragonite will mostly use Dragon Claw and other elemental attacks
to beat you down fast. Dragonite is slow though so you can use this to your
advantage and quickly using an Ice attack.
Kingdra is much like Gyarados. It'll use Dragon Dance for 5 turns and then
Hyper Beam. While it's using Dragon Dance, just use Thunder Wave or Toxic
then beat it down with your strongest attacks. Even when Kingdra's done with
Dragon Dance and begins to use Hyper Beam, it still has a recharging turn so
you can defeat it. Rather easy.
Aerodactyl is something though. It is REALLY fast and has powerful attacks.
It'll use moves like Ancientpower, Earthquake, and Aerial Ace to quickly
OHKO your Pokemon. If you don't have a Pokemon with high Defense or Speed,
you're basically done for. Electric and Ice attacks will do real nice since
Aerodactyl is half Flying and half Rock.
Bulbasaur Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Heracross | LV 72 |
|Alakazam | LV 73 |
|Tyranitar | LV 72 |
|Gyarados | LV 73 |
|Arcanine | LV 73 |
|Venusaur | LV 75 |
Charmander Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Heracross | LV 72 |
|Alakazam | LV 73 |
|Tyranitar | LV 72 |
|Gyarados | LV 73 |
|Exeggutor | LV 73 |
|Charizard | LV 75 |
Squirtle Lineup
|Pokemon | Level |
|Heracross | LV 72 |
|Alakazam | LV 73 |
|Tyranitar | LV 72 |
|Exeggutor | LV 73 |
|Arcanine | LV 73 |
|Blastoise | LV 75 |
Your rival has the coolest Pokemon. *drool* Considering he starts out with a
Level 72 Heracross, don't think this will be easy.
Heracross will enjoy using Megahorn on you a lot which is a bug type move so
don't think you can get by easily with Psychics. You can use them, but make
sure they're fast and strong. This thing OHKO'd my Mewtwo and a Level 100
Shiftry. Heracross is half Bug, half Fighting.
For Zam, I don't know what Gary did to him but it's not too great. It will
die to Dark types since it only attacks with Psychic and Shadow Ball.
Tyranitar may look intimidating, but it's nothing really. It'll use Aerial
Ace and Earthquake mostly. it is 4x weak to Fighting. When Tyranitar is sent
out, Sandstorm will be in effect for the rest of the battle or until another
weather effect is used.
If your rival has Exeggutor, it will mostly use Sleep Powder, Reflect, then
Giga Drain in that order. It has a nice defense but not too good Special
Defense. Flamethrower should take care of it. Dark types are also a good
If your rival has Gyarados, then that's good. Gyarados will use Hydro Pump
which is a strong move, but Gyarados has terrible Special Attack. It'll also
use Dragon Dance and Hyper Beam though which is a bigger threat. Electrics
again. Thunderbolt should OHKO it no matter how strong it is.
Arcanine will use Extremespeed and Fire Blast. A good Rock type will stop it
right in its tracks. It's obviously a Fire type so Water and Ground attacks
are good against it too.
Now for the starters. Charizard is plain and simple using Dragon Claw and
Fire Blast. Water and Rock attacks will easily defeat Charizard. Blastoise is
weak to Grass and Electric attacks using Hydro Pump and Ice Beam. Venusaur
isn't too difficult using Giga Drain. It can heal itself with Synthesis though
so keep that in mind. Fire, Flying, and Psychic types can defeat the Grass/
Poison beast.
Well, that wasn't too hard was it? Congradulations, you just beat the game!
Again! Enjoy the credits!
What's that? You're bored now? Well, go catch all 386 Pokemon, create a good
battle team, and REALLY finish the game.
{VI. Items}
Items are quite useful and important in battles and outside of them. There are
3 pockets in your itembag: Left contains normal items, middle is key, third
are Pokeballs. You can use items to boost your stats both permanently and
battle only, heal status conditions, HP, and much more. All items sell for
half the price they can be bought at. For those that cannot be bought, they
have a high sell price. You can hold a max of 20 different normal items at a
Another thing about items is that you can let Pokemon hold them. To do this,
go to the item menu, select the item you want the Pokemon to hold(most items
will let you, besides Key Items) and select Hold, the second option. Then
choose the Pokemon that you want to hold the item. Some items like Potions
will do nothing for your Pokemon, but others have a certain effect.
Here's a list of every item in the game:
*recieved only by trading Ruby/Sapphire
Normal Items:
| Item Name | Effect | Price |
| Antidote | Cures Poison | 100 |
| Awakening | Cures Sleep | 250 |
| Big Mushroom | Sells high. | ----- |
| Berry Juice | Heals 20 HP | ----- |
| Black Flute | Temporarily decreases encounters | ----- |*
| Blue Flute | Stops sleep | ----- |*
| Blue Shard | Nothing in this game. | ----- |*
| Burn Heal | Cures Burn | 250 |
| Dire Hit | Increases critical rate | 650 |
| Elixer | Restores 10 PP to all moves | ----- |
| Energy Powder | Heals 50 HP. Tastes bad. | ----- |
| Energy Root | Heals 200 HP. Tastes bad. | ----- |
| Escape Rope | Escapes from dungeons | 550 |
| Ether | Restores all PP for one move | ----- |
| Fresh Water | Restores 50 HP | 200 |
| Full Heal | Restores any status condition | 600 |
| Full Restore | Restores all HP and conditions | 3000 |
| Green Shard | Nothing in this game. | ----- |*
| Guard Spec. | Lowers critical hit chance | 1500 |
| Heal Powder | Heals all conditions. Tastes bad | ----- |
| Hyper Potion | Heals 200 HP | 1500 |
| Ice Heal | Cures Freeze | 250 |
| Lava Cookie | Restores 30 HP | ----- |
| Lemonade | Heals 80 HP | 350 |
| Max Ether | Restores 10 PP for all moves | ----- |
| Max Elixer | Restores all PP for all moves | ----- |
| Max Potion | Heals all lost HP | 2500 |
| Max Repel | Repels Wild Pokemon(250 Steps) | 700 |
| Max Revive | Revive 1 Pokemon with all HP | ----- |
| Moo Moo Milk | Heals 100 HP | 500 |
| Nugget | Sells for 5000 | ----- |
| Paralyz Heal | Cures Paralysis | 250 |
| Pearl | Sells for a high price | ----- |
| Pokedoll | Runs from one battle | 1000 |
| Potion | Heals 20 HP | 300 |
| Red Flute | Restores attraction | ----- |
| Red Shard | Nothing in this game. | ----- |
| Repel | Repels Wild Pokemon(100 Steps) | 350 |
| Revival Herb | Same as Revive. \/ Tastes bad. | ----- |
| Revive | Revives Pokemon with half HP | 1500 |
| Sacred Ash | Revives all fainted Pokemon | ----- |< (Ho-oh's
| TinyMushroom | Sells for a little. | ----- | spot)
| Soda Pop | Recovers 60 HP | 300 |
| Star Dust | Sells for 1000 | ----- |
| Star Piece | Sells for 4900 | ----- |
| Super Potion | Heals 50 HP | 700 |
| Super Repel | Repels Wild Pokemon(200 Steps) | 500 |
| X Accuracy | Raises Accuracy for 1 battle | 950 |
| X Attack | Raises Attack for 1 battle | 500 |
| X Defense | Raises Defense for 1 battle | 550 |
| X Special | Raises Specials for 1 battle | 350 |
| X Speed | Raises Speed for 1 battle | 350 |
| Yellow Flute | Stops confusion | ----- |*
| Yellow Shard | Nothing in this game. | ----- |
| White Flute | Temporarily increases encounters | ----- |*
Key Items:
| Item Name | Effect | Location |
| Acro Bike | Allows you to do tricks | Unobtainable |***
| Aurora Ticket | Allows you to go to Island 9 | Nintendo Event? |
| Basement Key | Access to New Mauville | Unobtainable |***
| Berry Bag | Holds Berries | Cerulean City |
| Bicycle | Lets you pass on Cycling Road | Cerulean City |
| Bike Voucher | Trade it for a Bike | Vermilion City |
| Blue Orb | Nothing | Unobtainable |***
| Card Key | Opens doors in Silph Co | Silph Co |
| Claw Fossil | Changes into Anorith | Unobtainable |***
| Coin Case | Holds coins from Game Corner | Cafe at Celadon |
| Contest Pass | Access to contests | Unobtainable |***
| Devon Goods | Nothing | Unobtainable |***
| Devon Scope | Nothing | Unobtainable |***
| Dome Fossil | Kabuto's Fossil | Mt. Moon |
| Elevator Key | Unlocks elevator in Rocket Base | Game Corner Base |
| Eon Ticket | Access to Southern Island | Unobtainable |***
| Fame Checker | Gives you information. | Route 23 |
| Go Goggles | Ability to see through sandsorm | Unobtainable |***
| Gold Teeth | Wanted by warden in Fuschia | Safari Zone Area 4|
| Good Rod | Lets you fish | Fuschia City |
| Helix Fossil | Omanyte's Fossil | Mt. Moon |
| Itemfinder | Find secret items | Route 11 |
| Letter | Letter to Steven | Unobtainable |***
| Lift Key | Access Rocket's Hideout elevator| Rocket's Hideout |
| Powder Jar | Holds crushed berries | Cerulean City |
| Meteorite | Trade for a Moon Stone | Island 1 |
| Mystery Ticket | Allows access to Island 8 | Nintendo Event? |
| Oak's Parcel | An item for Oak. Very temporary.| Viridian City |
| Old Amber | Aerodactyl's Fossil | Museum |
| Old Rod | Lets you fish | Vermilion City |
| Pokeblock Case | Keeps Pokeblocks made | Unobtainable |***
| Pokeflute | Cures Sleep | Mr. Fuji |
| Rainbow Pass | Access to Islands 4-7 | Island 1(After E4)|
| Red Orb | Nothing | Unobtainable |***
| Room 1 Key | Unlocks Room 1 on Abandoned Ship| Unobtainable |***
| Room 2 Key | Unlocks Room 2 on Abandoned Ship| Unobtainable |***
| Room 4 Key | Unlocks Room 4 on Abandoned Ship| Unobtainable |***
| Room 6 Key | Unlocks Room 6 on Abandoned Ship| Unobtainable |***
| Root Fossil | Turns into Lileep | Unobtainable |***
| Ruby Plate | Item needed at Island 1 | Island 1 Cave |
| S.S Ticket | Lets you board the S.S. Anne | Bill's House |
| Sapphire Plate | Item needed at Island 1 | Island 5 Base |
| Scanner | Nothing | Unobtainable |***
| Secret Key | Unlock Cinnibar Gym | Pokemon Mansion |
| Silph Scope | Lets you see ghost Pokemon | Giovanni |
| Soot Sack | Carries ash | Unobtainable |***
| Storage Key | Opens a room in Abandoned Ship | Unobtainable |***
| Super Rod | Lets you fish | Silence Bridge |
| Tea | Allows you to go to Saffron | Game Freak build. |
| Teach TV | Teaches you how to play the game| Beginning of game |
| TM Case | Holds TMs | Brock |
| Tri Pass | Access to Islands 1-3 | Island 1 |
| VS Searcher | Checks for rematches around area| Rival |
| Wailmer Pail | Waters berry plants | Unobtainable |***
| World Map | Map of the world | Rival's House |
Note: The itemfinder has a secret function. If you use it on a certain spot
(such as where Snorlax once was) you will get an item. There will be no arrows
pointing to that spot though so you must stand exactly on that one spot.
| Item Name | Effect | Price |
| Dive Ball | Used for Water Pokemon | ----- |
| Great Ball | Stronger than a Pokeball | 600 |
| Luxury Ball | Makes Pokemon like you more | ----- |
| Master Ball | 100% capturing rate | ----- |
| Nest Ball | Used for low level Pokemon | ----- |
| Net Ball | Higher catch ration for Bug/Water| ----- |
| Poke Ball | Basic capturing device | 200 |
| Premium Ball | Looks cool and fancy | ----- |
| Repeat Ball | Captures already caught Pokemon | 1000 |
| Safari Ball | Only for Safari Zone | ----- |
| Timer Ball | Better after several turns | 1000 |
| Ultra Ball | Stronger than a Great Ball | 1200 |
Net Ball: Rocket's Game Corner Hideout where Giovanni was, use the Itemfinder.
Nest Ball: Same as above.
Nest Balls can be found by showing a record breaking Heracross to the girl on
Island 6.
Evolution Stones:
Mostly found at Celadon City Pokemart.
| Item Name | Effect | Price |
| Leaf Stone | Evolves Pokemon | 2100 |
| Fire Stone | Evolves Pokemon | 2100 |
| Thunder Stone | Evolves Pokemon | 2100 |
| Water Stone | Evolves Pokemon | 2100 |
| Moon Stone | Evolves Pokemon | ----- |
Moon Stone Locations:
2 in Mount Moon
1 in Game Corner Rocket Base
1 by trading Meteoroid on Island 1
| Item Name | Effect |
| Carbos | Permanently raises Speed |
| Calcium | Permanently raises Sp Att |
| HP Up | Permanently raises HP |
| Iron | Permanently raises Defense |
| Protein | Permanently raises Attack |
| Zinc | Permanently raises Sp Def |
Hold Items:
| Item Name | Effect | Location |
| Amulet Coin | Doubles reward from trainers | Cycling Road |
| Black Glasses | 12% increase in Dark attacks | |
| Blackbelt | 12% increase in Fighting attacks | |
| Blue Scarf | Raises Beauty in contests | Unobtainable |***
| Brightpowder | Increases your evasion | |
| Charcoal | 12% increase in Fire attacks | |
| Choice Band | 50% increase in physical attacks,| |
| | but can only use 1 move selected | |
| Cleanse Tag | Lowers wild Pokemon encounters | Pokemon Tower |
| Deepseascale | Doubles Clampearl's Sp. Def | ----------------- |*
| Deepseatooth | Doubles Clampearl's Sp. Att | ----------------- |*
| Dragon Fang | 12% increase in Dragon attacks | Dragonair(Rare) |
| Dragon Scale | Evolves Seadra when traded | ----------------- |
| Everstone | Halts evolution | |
| Exp. Share | Gives half experience to holder | Fuschia City |
| Focus Band | 10% chance to stop fainting | Wild Machoke(Rare)|
| Green Scarf | Raises smart in contests | Unobtainable |***
| Hard Stone | 12% increase in Rock attacks | Graveler(Rare) |
| King's Rock | 30% chance of flinch on contact | Hariyama(Rare) |
| Lax Incense | 5% decrease in opponent's acc. | |
| Leftovers | Heals about 7% of HP | Snorlax's spot |
| Light Ball | Doubles Pikachu's Sp Att | Wild Pikachu |
| Lucky Egg | Gives holder more experience | Wild Chansey |
| Lucky Punch | Increases Chansey's critical rate| Island 7 Mountains|
| Macho Brace | Doubles gained EVs | Giovanni's spot |
| Magnet | 12% increase in Electric attacks | Magneton(Rare) |
| Metal Coat | 12% increase in Steel attacks | Island 5 Pillar |
| Metal Powder | Raises Ditto's Defense | Ditto(Rare) |
| Miracle Seed | 12% increase in Grass attacks | |
| Mystic Water | 12% increase in Water attacks | Castform |
| Nevermeltice | 12% increase in Ice attacks | Wild Dewgong(Rare)|
| Pink Scarf | Raises Cute in contests | Unobtainable |***
| Poison Barb | 12% increase in Poison attacks | Wild Arbok, steal |
| Quick Claw | Pokemon may go first | Safari Zone |
| Red Scarf | Raises Cool in contests | Unobtainable |***
| Scope Lens | Higher critical hit ratio | |
| Sea Incense | 5% increase in Water attacks | |
| Sharp Beak | 12% increase in Flying attacks | Wild Fearow/Doduo |
| Shell Bell | Heals 1/8 damage dealt | |
| Silk Scarf | 12% increase in Normal attacks | |
| Silver Powder | 12% increase in Bug attacks | Venomoth(Rare) |
| Smoke Ball | Can always run from encounters | |
| Soft Sand | 12% increase in Ground attacks | Sandslash(rare) |
| Soothe Bell | Pokemon's Happiness raises faster| Mr. Fuji's spot |
| Soul Dew | 1.5x increase in Sp Def and Sp | |*
| | Att for Latios and Latias. | |
| Spell Tag | 12% increase in Ghsot attacks | Haunter(Rare) |
| Stick | Farfetch'd has a higher critical | Traded Farfetch'd |
| | when equipped | at Vermillion |
| Thick Club | Doubles Cubone/Marowak's attack | Cubone/Marowak |
| Twisted Spoon | 12% increase in Psychic attacks | Abra/Kadabra(Rare)|
| Upgrade | Evovles Porygon when traded | |
| White Herb | Cures all conditions | |
| Yellow Scarf | Raises tough in contests | Unobtainable |***
Some hold items evolve Pokemon when traded. These are:
King's Rock: Poliwhirl -> Politoed
Slowpoke -> Slowking
Dragon Scale: Seadra -> Kingdra
Metal Coat: Onix -> Steelix
Scyther -> Scizor
Some hold items allow Pokemon to breed their baby forms. These are:
Lax Incense: Wobbuffet -> Wynaut
Sea Incense: Marill/Azumarill -> Azurill
{VII. Berries}
Berries are less common in this game than in any other one. There are no berry
bushes no one gives freebies. The only way to get them is via the Pickup
ability and trading from Ruby and Sapphire.
Berries have only one use in this game. If you let a Pokemon hold a berry, it
will activate when its need comes. You can also use it like a normal item. You
hold berries in the Berry Bag in your Key Items. The Berry Bag is
automatically obtained when you get your first berry.
Many berries don't do anything now. Most of them were used for berry blending
for Ruby/Sapphire contests which are not in this game, thus there is no use
for them.
List of Berries:
| Number | Berry Name: | Effect: |
| 01 | Cheri | Cures paralysis |
| 02 | Chesto | Awakens from sleep |
| 03 | Pecha | Cures poison |
| 04 | Rawst | Cures burn |
| 05 | Aspear | Defrosts frozen Pokemon |
| 06 | Leppa | Restores 10PP |
| 07 | Oran | Heals 10HP when HP is below half |
| 08 | Persim | Cures Confusion |
| 09 | Lum | Heals all conditions(including Confusion) |
| 10 | Sitrus | Heals 30HP when HP is below half |
| 11 | Figy | Heals 1/8 HP, confuses Timid, Calm, Modest |
| | | and Bold natures. |
| 12 | Wiki | Heals 1/8 HP, confuses Jolly, Careful, |
| | | Impish, and Adamant natures. |
| 13 | Mago | Heals 1/8 HP, confuses Sassy, Quiet, |
| | | Relaxed, and Brave natures. |
| 14 | Aguav | Heals 1/8 HP, confuses Naive, Rash, Lax, |
| | | and Naughty natures. |
| 15 | Iapapa | Heals 1/8 HP, confuses Hasty, Gentle, Mild,|
| | | and Lonely natures. |
| 16 | Razz | Nothing |
| 17 | Bluk | Nothing |
| 18 | Nanab | Nothing |
| 19 | Wepear | Nothing |
| 20 | Pinap | Nothing |
| 21 | Pomeg | Nothing |
| 22 | Kelpsy | Nothing |
| 23 | Qualot | Nothing |
| 24 | Hondew | Nothing |
| 25 | Grepa | Nothing |
| 26 | Tamato | Nothing |
| 27 | Cornn | Nothing |
| 28 | Magost | Nothing |
| 29 | Rabuta | Nothing |
| 30 | Nomel | Nothing |
| 31 | Spelon | Nothing |
| 32 | Pamtre | Nothing |
| 33 | Watmel | Nothing |
| 34 | Durin | Nothing |
| 35 | Belue | Nothing |
| 36 | Liechi | 50% Attack increase at 1/3 health |
| 37 | Ganlon | 50% Defense increase at 1/3 health |
| 38 | Salac | 50% Speed increase at 1/3 health |
| 39 | Petaya | 50% Special Attack increase at 1/3 health |
| 40 | Apicot | 50% Special Defense increase at 1/3 health |
| 41 | Lansat | Critical Hit Ratio rises at 1/3 health |
| 42 | Starf | 50% random stat increase at 1/3 health |
| 43 | Enigma | Turns into an E-reader berry |
{VIII. TM/HM List}
The TMs/HMs are the same as in Ruby/Sapphire. I recommend that you don't use
them during the game if you plan to battle friends in link battles as most of
these can only be gotten once during the game. They should be used on Pokemon
which you plan to keep on your perfect team.
TMs allow you to teach a Pokemon a certain move. These moves are often strong
and some can only be gotten by using the TM. They can only be used once so
choose the Pokemon to teach wisely.
I recommend that before you use a TM, read the breeding section about how TMs
can be passed down through different egg groups and Pokemon. I usually teach
TMs to genderless Pokemon where you can't pass the TM onto it or an egg group
that cannot get that move except by TM.
HMs also allow you to teach a Pokemon a certain move. The difference between
this and TMs is that HMs can be used as many times as you want and have an
effect outside of battle. To use this effect, go to the Pokemon menu and
select the Pokemon that has the HM. There will be a move highlighted in blue.
TM List
| TM# | Attack Name | Location |
| TM01 | Focus Punch | 5th Floor of Silph Co |
| TM02 | Dragon Claw | Victory Road |
| TM03 | Water Pulse | Misty |
| TM04 | Calm Mind | Sabrina |
| TM05 | Roar | Exit of Mt. Moon, Celadon Dept. Store |
| TM06 | Toxic | Koga |
| TM07 | Hail | Victory Road |
| TM08 | Bulk Up | 7th Floor of Silph Co |
| TM09 | Bullet Seed | Entrance of Mt. Moon |
| TM10 | Hidden Power | |
| TM11 | Sunny Day | 2nd Area of Safari Zone |
| TM12 | Taunt | Game Corner Rocket Base, Floor 2 |
| TM13 | Ice Beam | Celadon City Game Corner |
| TM14 | Blizzard | Celadon Department Store |
| TM15 | Hyper Beam | Celadon Department Store |
| TM16 | Light Screen | Celadon Dept. Store, Rooftop |
| TM17 | Protect | Power Plant |
| TM18 | Rain Dance | Route 15 |
| TM19 | Giga Drain | Erika |
| TM20 | Safeguard | Celadon Dept. Store, Rooftop |
| TM21 | Frustration | Team Rocket Game Corner Base, Flr 3 |
| TM22 | Solarbeam | Cinnibar Mansion, near Secret Key |
| TM23 | Iron Tail | Game Corner |
| TM24 | Thunderbolt | Game Corner |
| TM25 | Thunder | Power Plant |
| TM26 | Earthquake | Viridian Gym |
| TM27 | Return | Route 12, woman upstairs in building |
| TM28 | Dig | Celadon Dept. Store, Cerulean City |
| TM29 | Psychic | Saffron City, directly East of the PC |
| TM30 | Shadow Ball | Game Corner |
| TM31 | Brick Break | S.S. Anne, lowest floor & Celadon Dept.|
| TM32 | Double Team | Safari Zone, zone 4 |
| TM33 | Reflect | Celadon Dept. Store |
| TM34 | Shock Wave | Lt. Surge |
| TM35 | Flamethrower | Game Corner |
| TM36 | Sludge Bomb | Island 5 |
| TM37 | Sandstorm | Victory Road, Floor 2 |
| TM38 | Fire Blast | Blaine |
| TM39 | Rock Tomb | Brock |
| TM40 | Aerial Ace | Beginning of Route 9 |
| TM41 | Torment | Silph Co Floor 4 |
| TM42 | Facade | Island 5 Pillar |
| TM43 | Secret Power | Celadon Dept. Store |
| TM44 | Rest | S.S. Anne |
| TM45 | Attract | Celadon Dept. Store, Above Nugget B. |
| TM46 | Thief | One of the basements of Mt. Moon |
| TM47 | Steel Wing | Safari Zone Area 4 |
| TM48 | Skill Swap | Route 12(Surf) |
| TM49 | Snatch | Game Corener Rocket Base, Basement 4 |
| TM50 | Overheat | Victory Road Floor 3 |
HM List
| HM# | Attack Name | Location | Effect(Outside Battle) |
| HM01 | Cut | S.S. Anne | Cuts small bushes |
| HM02 | Fly | Celadon Outskirts | Teleports you to any |
| | | | previously visited PCs |
| HM03 | Surf | Safari Zone | Allows you to swim |
| HM04 | Strength | Fuschia | Moves boulders |
| HM05 | Flash | Exit of Diglett's Cave | Lights up dark caves |
| HM06 | Rock Smash | Island 1 | Smashes flat rocks |
| HM07 | Waterfall | Island 4 | Move up waterfalls |
Note: Most HMs require certain badges for use outside of battle.
{IX. Abilities}
Each Pokemon have at least 1 special ability, sometimes out of a choice of
two. These abilities have changes competitive gameplay and is important to
how you play your Pokemon.
| Ability Name | Effect/Description |
| Air Lock | Prevents weather effects |
| Arena Trap | Pokemon not immune to ground cannot switch |
| Battle Armor | Prevents critical hits |
| Blaze | Ups Fire attacks in a pinch |
| Clorophyll | Doubles Speed in sunshine |
| Clear Body | Prevents stat modifiers |
| Cloud Nine | Prevents weather effects |
| Color Change | Changes to type of opponent's previous attack |
| Compoundeyes | Raises accuracy |
| Cute Charm | 30% change of attraction on contact |
| Damp | Opponent cannot Selfdesctruct or Explode |
| Drizzle | Permanent Rain Dance effect |
| Drought | Permanent Sunny Day effect |
| Early Bird | Halves Sleep effect |
| Effect Spore | 30% chance of SLP, PAR, or PSN on contact |
| Flame Body | 30% chance of Burn on contact |
| Flash Fire | Fire powers up Pokemon, immune to fire |
| Forecast | Type changes with weather |
| Guts | Attack increases by 50% with status condition |
| Huge Power | Doubles Attack |
| Hustle | Attack increased by 50%, accurcy lowered by 20% |
| Hyper Cutter | Attack cannot be below normal |
| Illuminate | Encounter rate increases by 50% |
| Immunity | Cannot be poisoned |
| Inner Focus | Cannot flinch |
| Insomnia | Cannot Sleep, including rest |
| Intimidate | Lowers opponent's attack when sent out |
| Keen Eye | Prevents accuracy lowering |
| Lightning Rod | All electric attacks attack this Pokemon |
| Limber | Cannot be paralyzed |
| Liquid Move | When HP is absorbed, opponent gets hurt |
| Magma Armor | Cannot be frozen |
| Magnet Pull | Opponent Steel types cannot switch or run |
| Marvel Scale | Defense is raised |
| Minus | Powers up if a Pokemon with Plus is your partner |
| Natural Cure | Status Condition is healed when switched |
| Oblivious | Cannot be inflicted with Attract |
| Overgrow | Ups Grass attacks in a pinch |
| Own Tempo | Cannot be confused |
| Pick Up | May pick up items after battle |
| Plus | Powers up if a Pokemon with Minus is your partner|
| Poison Point | 30% chance of Poison on contact |
| Pressure | Doubles opponent's PP usage |
| Pure Power | Doubles Attack |
| Rain Dish | Recovers your HP during rain |
| Rock Head | Does not take recoil damage |
| Rough Skin | Opponent takes damage on contact |
| Run Away | 100% chance of running away |
| Sandstream | Permanent Sandstorm effect |
| Sand Veil | Increases evasion during Sandstorm |
| Serene Grace | Increases added effects on moves, such as flinch |
| Shadow Tag | Opponent cannot switch or flee |
| Shed Skin | Small chance status condition may be removed |
| Shell Armor | Opponent cannot have a critical hit |
| Shield Dust | Opponent cannot have added effects |
| Soundproof | "Sound" attacks cannot hurt Pokemon |
| Speed Boost | Speed increases every turn |
| Static | 30% chance of paralysis on contact |
| Stench | Pokemon encounter rate goes down if lead Pokemon |
| Sticky Hold | Pokemon cannot lose held item |
| Sturdy | OHKO moves cannot effect Pokemon |
| Suction Cups | Cannot be forced switched |
| Swarm | Bug attacks rise in a pinch |
| Synchronize | When a condition is inflicted on your Pokemon, |
| | your opponent gets it too |
| Thick Fat | Fire and Ice moves are half damage |
| Torrent | Ups Water attacks in a pinch |
| Trace | Ability becomes the same as opponent's |
| Truant | Attacks every other turn |
| Vital Spirit | Cannot be put to sleep |
| Volt Absorb | Absorbs electric attacks |
| Water Absorb | Absorbs water attacks |
| Water Veil | Cannot be burned |
| White Smoke | Stats cannot be lowered |
| Wonder Guard | Can only be damaged by weaknesses |
Extra notes:
Wonder Guard cannot be Skill Swapped.
Sound Moves:
Heal Bell
Hyper Voice
Metal Sound
Perish Song
{X. Moves}
List of all moves in FR/LG:
| Name | Pwr | Acc |Contact| Type |Effect |
| Absorb | 20 | 100 | No | Grs | Recover half damage dealt |
| Acid | 40 | 100 | No | Psn | 10% defense lower |
| Acid Armor | --- | --- | No | Psn | 100% raise in defense |
| Aerial Ace | 60 | --- | Yes | Fly | Always hits |
| Agility | --- | --- | No | Psy | 100% raise in Speed |
| Air Cutter | 65 | 95 | Yes | Fly | High critical ratio |
| Amnesia | --- | --- | No | Psy | 100% raise in Special Defense |
| Ancientpower | 60 | 100 | Yes | Rck | 10% chance of all stat raise |
| Arm Thrust | 15 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | 2-5 hits |
| Aromatherapy | --- | --- | No | Grs | Cures all status in PKMN team |
| Assist | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Uses random attack |
| Astonish | 15 | 100 | Yes | Gst | 30% flinch rate |
| Attract | --- | --- | No | Nrm | 50% opponent attack chance |
| Aurora Beam | 65 | 100 | No | Ice | 10% chance of freeze |
| Barrier | --- | --- | No | Psy | 100% defense raise |
| Baton Pass | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Passes stat changes |
| Belly Drum | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Halves HP, maxes Attack |
| Bide | --- | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Idle for 3 turns while taking |
| | | | | | damage, then deal back double |
| Bind | 20 | 75 | Yes | Nrm | 2-5 turns, traps opponent |
| Bite | 60 | 100 | Yes | Drk | 30% flinch rate |
| Blaze Kick | 85 | 90 | Yes | Fire | High critical rate |
| Blizzard | 120 | 70 | No | Ice | 30% freeze rate |
| Block | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Traps opponent |
| Body Slam | 85 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | 30% paralyze rate |
| Bounce | 85 | 85 | Yes | Fly | Evade 1 turn, attack next |
| Brick Break | 75 | 100 | No | Fgt | Breaks Reflect & Light Screen |
| Bubble | 20 | 100 | No | Wtr | 10% Speed reduce |
| Bubblebeam | 65 | 100 | No | Wtr | 10% Speed reduce |
| Bulk Up | --- | --- | No | Fgt | Raises Attack and Defense |
| Bullet Seed | 10 | 100 | No | Grs | 2-5 hits |
| Calm Mind | --- | --- | No | Psy | Raises Sp. Att and Sp. Def |
| Camoflauge | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Type changes to terrain |
| Charge | --- | --- | No | Ele | Doubles Electric attacks for |
| | | | | | next turn |
| Charm | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | 100% opponent attack lower |
| Clamp | 35 | 75 | Yes | Wtr | Traps opponent, 2-5 hits |
| Confuse Ray | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Opponent becomes confused |
| Confusion | 50 | 100 | No | Psy | 10% confusion chance |
| Constrict | 10 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | 10% chance of opponent's speed |
| | | | | | lowering |
| Cosmic Power | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Raises Defense and Sp Defense |
| Cotton Spore | --- | 100 | No | Grs | 100% drop in opponent's Speed |
| Counter | --- | 100 | No | Fgt | Twice damage back to opponent |
| | | | | | if a physical attack was used. |
| | | | | | Always goes last. |
| Covet | 40 | 100 | No | Nrm | Steals opponent's held item |
| | | | | | if you aren't holding anything |
| Crabhammer | 90 | 85 | Yes | Wtr | High critical hit chance |
| Cross Chop | 100 | 80 | Yes | Fgt | High critical hit chance |
| Crunch | 60 | 100 | Yes | Drk | 20% chance of lowering |
| | | | | | opponent's Special Defense |
| Crush Claw | 75 | 95 | Yes | Nrm | 50% chance of lowering |
| | | | | | opponent's attack. |
| Curse | --- | --- | No | ??? | If you're a ghost type, your |
| | | | | | HP is halved and enemy loses |
| | | | | | 1/4 HP per turn. As any other |
| | | | | | type, you raise your Attack & |
| | | | | | Defense. |
| Cut | 50 | 95 | Yes | Nrm | |
| Defense Curl | --- | --- | No | Nrm | 50% increase in Defense. |
| Destiny Bond | --- | 100 | No | Gst | If opponents attack defeats |
| | | | | | you, he faints too. |
| Detect | --- | 100 | No | Fgt | Immune to all attacks for 1 |
| | | | | | turn. Acc haves afterwards. |
| Dig | 60 | 100 | Yes | Grd | Evade underground then attack. |
| Disable | --- | 55 | No | Nrm | Enemy can't use last move used.|
| Dive | 60 | 100 | Yes | Wtr | Evade underwater then attack. |
| Dizzy Punch | 70 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | 30% chance of confusing enemy |
| Double Kick | 30 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | 2 hits. |
| Double Team | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Raises evasion. |
| Double-Edge | 120 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | You take 1/3 recoil damage. |
| Doubleslap | 15 | 85 | Yes | Nrm | 2-5 hits. |
| Dragon Claw | 80 | 100 | Yes | Dgn | |
| Dragon Dance | --- | --- | No | Dgn | Raises Speed and Attack. |
| Dragonbreath | 60 | 100 | No | Dgn | 30% paralysis rate. |
| Dragon Rage | --- | 100 | No | Dgn | Always does 40HP of damage. |
| Dream Eater | 100 | 100 | No | Psy | Only effects sleeping Pokemon. |
| Drill Peck | 80 | 100 | Yes | Fly | |
| Dynamicpunch | 100 | 50 | Yes | Fgt | Opponent becomes confused. |
| Earthquake | 100 | 100 | No | Grd | Effects all Pokemon. Double |
| | | | | | damage if foe used Dig.
| Ember | 40 | 100 | No | Fire | 10% burn chance. |
| Encore | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Foe uses same attack,2-5 turns |
| Endeavor | --- | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Foe's HP is reduced to yours. |
| Endure | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | HP can't be below 1 unless at |
| | | | | | 1. Accuracy halved when used |
| | | | | | consecuatively. |
| Eruption | 150 | 100 | No | Fire | Stronger with high HP |
| Explosion | 250 | 100 | No | Nrm | You faint after using this move|
| Extrasensory | 80 | 100 | Yes | Psy | 10% flinch rate |
| Extremespeed | 80 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Always goes first |
| Facade | 70 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Deals double damage when you |
| | | | | | have a special condition |
| Faint Attack | 60 | --- | No | Drk | Always hits |
| Fake Out | 40 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Always flinches but can only be|
| | | | | | used on the first turn. |
| Fake Tears | --- | 100 | No | Drk | Foe's attack's reduced by 100% |
| False Swipe | 40 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Never does more damage at 1HP |
| Featherdance | --- | 100 | No | Fly | Foe's attack lowers by 100% |
| Fire Blast | 120 | 85 | No | Fire | 10% chance of burning foe. |
| Fire Punch | 75 | 100 | Yes | Fire | 10% chance of burning the foe. |
| Fire Spin | 15 | 70 | No | Fire | Lasts 2-5 turns. Traps foe. |
| Fissure | --- | 30 | No | Grd | OHKO. Acc. also depends on Spd |
| Flail | --- | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Stronger with less HP |
| Flash | --- | 70 | No | Nrm | Foe's Accuracy lowers by 50% |
| Flatter | --- | 100 | No | Drk | 200% raise in foe's Special |
| | | | | | Attack and is now confused. |
| Fly | 70 | 95 | Yes | Fly | Evades 1st turn, then attacks |
| Focus Energy | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Increases critical hit ratio |
| Focus Punch | 150 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | Doesn't hit if user is |
| | | | | | attacked. Charges at start of |
| | | | | | turn, then attacks. (1 turn) |
| Follow Me | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Foes forced to attack user in |
| | | | | | 2-on-2 battles. |
| Foresight | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Ghost types lose immunities |
| Frustration | 102 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Stronger when user's Pokemon |
| | | | | | dislikes user. |
| Fury Attack | 10 | 95 | Yes | Nrm | 2-5 hits. |
| Fury Cutter | 10 | 95 | Yes | Bug | Stronger with consecuative hits|
| Fury Swipes | 18 | 80 | Yes | Nrm | 2-5 hits |
| Future Sight | 80 | 90 | No | Psy | Attack hits 2 turns later. |
| Giga Drain | 60 | 100 | No | Grs | Absorbs half the damage done. |
| Glare | --- | 75 | No | Nrm | Paralyzes foe. |
| Grasswhistle | --- | 55 | No | Grs | Foe falls alseep. |
| Growl | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Foe's attack reduces by 50% |
| Growth | --- | 100 | No | Grs | Special Attack rises by 50% |
| Grudge | --- | 100 | No | Gst | If you faint, the attack used |
| | | | | | to defeat you's PP is reduced |
| | | | | | to 0. |
| Guillotine | --- | 30 | Yes | Nrm | OHKO attack. Acc depends on Spd|
| Gust | 40 | 100 | No | Fly | Double damage if foe is Flying.|
| Hail | --- | 100 | No | Ice | Weather. Damages all types |
| | | | | | except ice. |
| Harden | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Raises defense by 50% |
| Haze | --- | 100 | No | Ice | Eliminates all changes to stats|
| Headbutt | 70 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | 30% flinch chance. |
| Heal Bell | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Heals all status conditions |
| | | | | | afflicted on party. |
| Heat Wave | 100 | 90 | No | Fire | 10% burn chance. |
| Helping Hand | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Increases ally's attack in 2vs2|
| Hi Jump Kick | 85 | 90 | Yes | Fgt | Takes 1/4 damage of what should|
| | | | | | have been inflicted if missed. |
| Hidden Power | --- | 100 | No |varies| Power and type depend on IVs |
| Horn Attack | 65 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | |
| Horn Drill | --- | 30 | Yes | Nrm | OHKO attack. Acc depends on Spd|
| Howl | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Increases Attack by 50% |
| Hydro Pump | 120 | 85 | No | Wtr | |
| Hyper Beam | 150 | 90 | No | Nrm | Charges on second turn. |
| Hyper Voice | 90 | 100 | No | Nrm | |
| Hypnosis | --- | 60 | No | Psy | Foe falls asleep. |
| Ice Ball | 30 | 90 | Yes | Ice | Uses same move until attack |
| | | | | | misses or is used 5x in a row. |
| Ice Beam | 95 | 100 | No | Ice | 10% freeze chance. |
| Ice Punch | 75 | 100 | Yes | Ice | 10% freeze chance. |
| Icy Wind | 85 | 95 | No | Ice | Always lowers Foe's Speed. |
| Imprison | --- | 100 | No | Psy | Opponent can't use the moves |
| | | | | | in your moveset. |
| Ingrain | --- | 100 | No | Grs | Recover 1/8 health per turn, |
| | | | | | but unable to switch. |
| Iron Defense | --- | --- | No | Stl | 100% increase in Defense. |
| Iron Tail | 100 | 75 | Yes | Stl | Foe has 30% chance of lowering |
| | | | | | defense. |
| Karate Chop | 50 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | High critical hit ratio. |
| Kinesis | --- | 80 | No | Psy | Lower's foe's Accuracy by 50% |
| Knock Off | 20 | 100 | Yes | Drk | Knocks off foe's held item. |
| Leaf Blade | 70 | 100 | Yes | Grs | High critical hit ratio. |
| Leech Life | 20 | 100 | Yes | Bug | Recovers half the damage dealt.|
| Leech Seed | --- | 90 | No | Grs | Absorbs 1/8 of foe's max HP. |
| Leer | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Lowers foe's Defense by 50% |
| Lick | 20 | 100 | Yes | Gst | 30% paralysis rate. |
| Light Screen | --- | 100 | No | Psy | Halves Special Attack damage |
| | | | | | done to you. Still in effect |
| | | | | | when switched. |
| Low Kick | --- | 100 | Yes | Fgt | Power depends on foe's weight. |
| Luster Purge | 70 | 100 | No | Psy | 50% chance of lowering Sp. Def |
| Mach Punch | 40 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | Always goes first. |
| Magic Coat | --- | 100 | No | Psy | Reflects all moves that effect |
| | | | | | a Pokemon's condition. |
| Magical Leaf | 60 | --- | No | Grs | Always hits. |
| Magnitude | --- | 100 | No | Grd | Power is random between 10-150.|
| Mean Look | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Traps foe. |
| Meditate | --- | --- | No | Psy | User increases attack by 50% |
| Mega Drain | 40 | 100 | No | Grs | Absorbs half damage dealt. |
| Megahorn | 120 | 85 | Yes | Bug | |
| Memento | --- | 100 | No | Drk | A dumb move that makes you |
| | | | | | faint and the foe's Attack and |
| | | | | | Special Attack lowers by 100% |
| Metal Claw | 50 | 95 | Yes | Stl | 10% chance of raising defense. |
| Metal Sound | --- | 85 | No | Stl | Lowers foe's Special Defense by|
| | | | | | 100% |
| Meteor Mash | 100 | 85 | Yes | Stl | 10% chance of raising Attack. |
| Mimic | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Copies the last move foe used. |
| Mind Reader | --- | --- | No | Nrm | User's next move will always |
| | | | | | hit. |
| Minimize | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Raises evasion by 50% |
| Mirror Coat | --- | 100 | Yes | Psy | Sends back foe's Special Attack|
| | | | | | dealing double damage. Always |
| | | | | | goes last. |
| Mirror Move | --- | --- | No | Fly | Copies last attack foe used. |
| Mist | --- | --- | No | Ice | Stats can't be lowered for 5 |
| | | | | | turns. Still in effect when |
| | | | | | switched. |
| Mist Ball | 70 | 100 | No | Ice | 50% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Special Attack. |
| Moonlight | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Restores 50% of max HP, 100% |
| | | | | | during Sunny Day. |
| Morning Sun | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Same effect as above. |
| Mud Shot | 55 | 95 | No | Grd | 100% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Speed. |
| Mud Sport | --- | --- | No | Grd | Halves electric damage. |
| Muddy Water | 95 | 85 | No | Wtr | 30% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Accuracy. |
| Mud Slap | 20 | 100 | No | Grd | 100% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Accuracy. |
| Nature Power | --- | 100 | No | --- | Attack changes depending on |
| | | | | | location. Grass: Stun Spore, |
| | | | | | Long Grass: Razor Leaf, Sand: |
| | | | | | Earthquake, Sea: Surf, Pond: |
| | | | | | Bubblebeam, Mountain: Rock |
| | | | | | Slide, Cave: Shadow Ball, |
| | | | | | Other: Swift. |
| Needle Arm | 60 | 100 | Yes | Grs | 30% flinch chance. |
| Night Shade | --- | 100 | No | Gst | Damage equal to user's Level. |
| Odor Sleuth | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | User's accuracy returns to |
| | | | | | normal. |
| Outrage | 90 | 100 | Yes | Dgn | Outrages 3 turns, then user is |
| | | | | | confused. |
| Overheat | 150 | 90 | No | Fire | User's Special Attack falls by |
| | | | | | 100% |
| Peck | 35 | 100 | Yes | Fly | |
| Perish Song | --- | --- | No | Nrm | All Pokemon faint in 3 turns. |
| Petal Dance | 70 | 100 | Yes | Grs | Attacks for 3 turns, then user |
| | | | | | becomes confused. |
| Pin Missle | 15 | 85 | No | Bug | 2-5 hits. |
| Poison Fang | 50 | 100 | Yes | Psn | 30% chance of greatly poisoning|
| | | | | | opponent. |
| Poison Gas | --- | 55 | No | Psn | Poisons foe. |
| Poison Sting | 15 | 100 | No | Psn | 30% chance of poisoning foe. |
| Poison Tail | 50 | 100 | Yes | Psn | 10% chance of poisoning foe, |
| | | | | | high critical hit ratio. |
| Poisonpowder | --- | 75 | No | Psn | Poisons foe. |
| Pound | 40 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | |
| Powder Snow | 40 | 100 | No | Ice | 10% freezing chance. |
| Protect | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Protects from all attacks. |
| | | | | | Accuracy halves with |
| | | | | | consecuative use. |
| Psybeam | 65 | 100 | No | Psy | 10% chance of confusing foe. |
| Psych Up | --- | --- | No | Psy | Gets all of foe's beneficial |
| | | | | | stat increases. |
| Psychic | 90 | 100 | No | Psy | 10% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Special Defense. |
| Psywave | --- | 80 | No | Psy | Inflicts random damage |
| Pursuit | 40 | 100 | Yes | Drk | Double damage if foe switches. |
| Quick Attack | 40 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Always goes first. |
| Rage | 20 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Double damage(with stacking) |
| | | | | | when foe's attack deals damage.|
| Rain Dance | --- | --- | No | Wtr | Weather. Doubles Water attacks |
| | | | | | and halves fire attacks and |
| | | | | | Solarbeam damage. |
| Rapid Spin | 20 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Frees itself of Rapid Spin, |
| | | | | | Bind, Wrap, and destroys Spikes|
| Razor Leaf | 55 | 95 | No | Grs | High critical hit ratio. |
| Razor Wind | 80 | 100 | No | Nrm | Charges first turn, then hits. |
| | | | | | High critical hit ratio. |
| Recover | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Recovers 50% of max HP. |
| Recycle | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Reuse held item. |
| Reflect | --- | --- | No | Psy | Halves physical damage for 5 |
| | | | | | turns. Still in effect when |
| | | | | | switched. |
| Refresh | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Heals all written conditions. |
| Rest | --- | --- | No | Psy | User fall asleep for 2 turns, |
| | | | | | heals all HP and conditions. |
| Return | 102 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Weaker when user's Pokemon |
| | | | | | hates user. |
| Revenge | 60 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | Double damage if foe's attack |
| | | | | | damages user. Always goes last.|
| Reversal | --- | 100 | Yes | Fgt | Stronger when user has less HP.|
| Roar | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Foe's forced to switch or flee.|
| Rock Blast | 25 | 80 | No | Rck | 2-5 hits. |
| Rock Slide | 75 | 90 | No | Rck | 30% flinch chance. |
| Rock Smash | 20 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | 50% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Defense. |
| Rock Throw | 50 | 90 | No | Rck | |
| Rock Tomb | 50 | 80 | No | Rck | 100% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Speed. |
| Role Play | --- | 100 | No | Psy | Changes ability to match foe's.|
| Rollout | 30 | 90 | Yes | Rck | Continuous attack. Power |
| | | | | | doubles with each use until it |
| | | | | | misses. Double damage with |
| | | | | | Defense Curl. |
| Safeguard | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Condition can't be changed for |
| | | | | | 5 turns. Still in effect when |
| | | | | | switched. |
| Sand Tomb | 15 | 70 | No | Grd | Lasts 2-5 turns. Traps foe. |
| Sand-Attack | --- | 100 | No | Grd | 100% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Accuracy. |
| Sandstorm | --- | --- | No | Rck | Weather. All Pokemon are hit |
| | | | | | for 5 turns except for Rock, |
| | | | | | Ground, and Steel types. |
| Scary Face | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Foe's Speed lowers by 100% |
| Scratch | 40 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | |
| Screech | --- | 85 | No | Nrm | Foe's Defense lowers by 100% |
| Secret Power | 70 | 100 | No | Nrm | 30% chance of an added effect |
| | | | | | depending on place. Grass: |
| | | | | | Poison, Tall Grass: Sleep, |
| | | | | | Ocean: Attack, Underwater: |
| | | | | | Defense, Sand: Accuracy, Cave: |
| | | | | | Flinch, Rock: Confusion, Other:|
| | | | | | Paralysis. |
| Seismic Toss | --- | 100 | Yes | Fgt | HP Damage equal to user's Level|
| Selfdestruct | 200 | 100 | No | Nrm | User faints. |
| Shadow Ball | 80 | 100 | No | Gst | 10% chance of lowering foe's |
| | | | | | Special Defense. |
| Shadow Punch | 60 | --- | Yes | Gst | Always hits. |
| Sheer Cold | --- | 30 | No | Ice | OHKO. Lower accuracy if user's |
| | | | | | Speed is low. |
| Shock Wave | 60 | --- | No | Ele | Always hits. |
| Signal Beam | 75 | 100 | No | Bug | 10% chance of confusing foe. |
| Silver Wind | 60 | 100 | No | Bug | 10% chance of all stats rising.|
| Sing | --- | 55 | No | Nrm | Foe falls asleep. |
| Skill Swap | --- | 100 | No | Psy | Changes ability with foe. |
| Skull Bash | 100 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Raises Defense on first turn, |
| | | | | | then attacks. |
| Sky Attack | 140 | 90 | Yes | Fly | Charges on 1st turn then |
| | | | | | attacks. 30% flinch chance. |
| Sky Uppercut | 85 | 90 | Yes | Fgt | Hits Pokemon using Fly. |
| Slack Off | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Heals 1/2 max HP. |
| Slam | 80 | 75 | Yes | Nrm | |
| Slash | 70 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | High critical hit ratio. |
| Sleep Powder | --- | 75 | No | Grs | Foe falls asleep. |
| Sleep Talk | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Uses one attack the user has |
| | | | | | other than Rest. Can only be |
| | | | | | used when sleeping. |
| Sludge | 65 | --- | No | Psn | 10% poison chance. |
| Sludge Bomb | 90 | --- | No | Psn | 10% poison chance. |
| Smellingsalt | 60 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Double damage when foe is |
| | | | | | paralyzed, then foe is no |
| | | | | | paralyzed. |
| Smog | 20 | 70 | No | Psn | 30% poison chance. |
| Smokescreen | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Foe's accuracy lowers by 50% |
| Snatch | --- | 100 | No | Drk | Steals opponent's health |
| | | | | | restores and stat increases |
| | | | | | for that turn. |
| Snore | 40 | 100 | No | Nrm | Can only be used when sleeping.|
| Solarbeam | 120 | 100 | No | Grs | Charges then attacks. No charge|
| | | | | | while Sunny Day is in effect & |
| | | | | | half damage during Rain Dance. |
| Sonicboom | --- | 90 | No | Nrm | Always deal 20 damage. |
| Spark | 65 | 100 | Yes | Ele | 10% paralysis chance. |
| Spike Cannon | 20 | 100 | No | Nrm | 2-5 hits. |
| Spikes | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Damages foe when switches. |
| Spit Up | 100 | 100 | No | Nrm | More power with Stockpile. |
| Spite | --- | 100 | No | Gst | Decreases 2-5 PP from last |
| | | | | | move foe used. |
| Splash | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Does absolutely nothing. |
| Spore | --- | 100 | No | Grs | Foe falls asleep. |
| Steel Wing | 70 | 100 | Yes | Stl | 10% chance of raising Defense |
| | | | | | of user. |
| Stockpile | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Prepares for Spit Up or Swallow|
| Stomp | 65 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Double damage is for used |
| | | | | | Minimize. 30% flinch chance. |
| Strength | 80 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | |
| String Shot | --- | 95 | No | Bug | Foe's Speed lowers by 50%. |
| Struggle | 50 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Take 1/4 recoil damage. |
| Stun Spore | --- | 75 | No | Grs | Paralyzes foe. |
| Submission | 80 | 80 | Yes | Fgt | User takes 1/4 recoil damage. |
| Substitute | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Lose 1/4 of max HP to be immune|
| | | | | | to everything until sub breaks.|
| Sunny Day | --- | --- | No | Fire | Weather. Doubles fire attacks, |
| | | | | | halves water attacks. Solarbeam|
| | | | | | takes one turn to charge. |
| Superpower | 120 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | User's Attack and Defense lower|
| | | | | | by 50% |
| Supersonic | --- | 55 | No | Nrm | Foe becomes confused. |
| Surf | 95 | 100 | No | Wtr | |
| Swagger | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Foe's attack rises by 100%, but|
| | | | | | becomes confused. |
| Swallow | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Heals HP depending on Stockpile|
| Sweet Kiss | --- | 75 | No | Nrm | Foe becomes confused. |
| Sweet Scent | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Lowers foe's evasiveness by 50%|
| Swift | 60 | --- | No | Nrm | Always hits. |
| Swords Dance | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Attack raises by 100% |
| Synthesis | --- | --- | No | Grs | Heals 50% of max HP, 100% |
| | | | | | during Sunny Day. |
| Tackle | 35 | 95 | Yes | Nrm | |
| Tail Glow | --- | --- | No | Bug | Special Attack rises by 100% |
| Tail Whip | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Foe's defense falls by 50% |
| Take Down | 90 | 85 | Yes | Nrm | Takes 1/4 recoil damage. |
| Taunt | --- | 100 | No | Drk | Foe can't use non-damaging |
| | | | | | moves for 2 turns. |
| Teeter Dance | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | All Pokemon become confused. |
| Teleport | --- | 100 | No | Psy | Flees from wild encounters. |
| Thief | 40 | 100 | Yes | Drk | Steals foe's item if you do not|
| | | | | | have one of your own. |
| Thrash | 90 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Continues 2-3 turns, then you |
| | | | | | become confused. |
| Thunder | 120 | 70 | No | Ele | 30% paralysis chance. 100% |
| | | | | | Accuracy during Rain Dance. |
| Thunder Wave | --- | 100 | No | Ele | Foe becomes paralyzed. |
| Thunderbolt | 95 | 100 | No | Ele | 10% paralysis rate. |
| Thunderpunch | 75 | 100 | Yes | Ele | 10% paralysis rate. |
| Thundershock | 40 | 100 | No | Ele | 10% paralysis rate. |
| Tickle | --- | 100 | Yes | Nrm | Lowers foe's Attack and Defense|
| | | | | | by 50% |
| Torment | --- | 100 | No | Drk | Foe can't use the same move |
| | | | | | twice in a row. |
| Toxic | --- | 85 | No | Psn | Greatly poisons opponent. |
| Tri-Attack | 80 | 100 | No | Nrm | 10% chance of foe becoming |
| | | | | | burned, frozen, or paralyzed. |
| Trick | --- | 100 | No | Psy | Switches held items with foe. |
| Twister | 40 | 100 | No | Dgn | 10% flinch chance. Double |
| | | | | | damage if foe used Fly. |
| Uproar | 50 | 100 | No | Nrm | 2-5 turns. Pokemon can't sleep.|
| Vicegrip | 55 | 100 | Yes | Nrm | |
| Vital Throw | 70 | 100 | Yes | Fgt | Goes last. |
| Water Gun | 40 | 100 | No | Wtr | |
| Water Pulse | 60 | 100 | No | Wtr | 30% chance of confusion. |
| Water Sport | --- | --- | No | Wtr | Halves fire damage. |
| Water Spout | 150 | 100 | No | Wtr | Weaker as HP decreases. |
| Waterfall | 80 | 100 | No | Wtr | |
| Weather Ball | 50 | 100 | No | Nrm | Becomes a fire type during |
| | | | | | Sunny Day, water during Rain |
| | | | | | Dance, and Ice during Hail. |
| Whirlpool | 15 | 70 | No | Wtr | Lasts 2-5 turns, traps foe. |
| Whirlwind | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Forces foe to flee or switch. |
| Will-o-wisp | --- | 75 | No | Fire | Burns foe. |
| Wing Attack | 60 | 100 | Yes | Fly | |
| Wish | --- | --- | No | Nrm | Heals half of max HP on next |
| | | | | | turn. |
| Wrap | 15 | 85 | Yes | Nrm | Lasts 2-5 turns. Traps foe. |
| Yawn | --- | 100 | No | Nrm | Foe falls asleep next turn. |
| Zap Cannon | 100 | 50 | No | Ele | Foe becomes paralyzed. |
{XII. Breeding}
Breeding is an essential thing to raising good Pokemon. There are many
advantages to it, such as passing new moves and TMs or getting multiples of
rare one of a kind Pokemon. Breeding is easy, all you have to do it beat the
Elite 4 and get to Island 4. There will be a breeding center there. Get a male
Pokemon and a female Pokemon in the same egg group and let them sit there.
Come back later and you may find an egg. Hatch it into a Level 5 Pokemon.
What are egg groups though? Egg groups are all the Pokemon that can breed with
each other. It doesn't have to be the same species. They will have a
guaranteed chance of breeding when put together. Due to the gigantic amount of
Pokemon, I'm only listing their basic evolutions. All of their evolutions are
in the same egg group though except for the Nidoran family, pre-evolutions and
a few others. Genderless Pokemon can only breed with Ditto reguardless of
their egg groups with an exception of No Eggs.
Egg Groups:
| Egg Group | Pokemon Name | Also In This Egg Group |
| Water 1 | Poliwag | |
| | Mantine | |
| | Surskit | Bug |
| | Wingull | Flying |
| | Clamperl | |
| | Psyduck | Ground |
| | Mudkip | Monster |
| | Seel | Ground |
| | Marill | Fairy |
| | Lapras | Monster |
| | Lotad | Plant |
| | Wooper | Ground |
| | Totodile | Monster |
| | Omanyte | Water 3 |
| | Remoraid | Water 2 |
| | Horsea | Dragon |
| | Spheal | Ground |
| | Delibird | Ground |
| | Relicanth | Water 2 |
| | Dratini | Dragon |
| | Kabuto | Water 3 |
| | Corsola | Water 3 |
| | Corphish | Water 3 |
| | Feebas | Dragon |
| | Squirtle | Monster |
| | Slowpoke | Monster |
| Bug | Caterpie | |
| | Weedle | |
| | Scyther | |
| | Venonat | |
| | Paras | Plant |
| | Pinsir | |
| | Ledyba | |
| | Spinarak | |
| | Yanma | |
| | Pineco | |
| | Gligar | |
| | Shuckle | |
| | Heracross | |
| | Wurmple | |
| | Surskit | Water 1 |
| | Nincada | |
| | Volbeat | Humanshape |
| | Illumise | Humanshape |
| | Trapinch | |
| Plant | Bulbasaur | Monster |
| | Oddish | |
| | Paras | Bug |
| | Bellsprout | |
| | Exeggcute | |
| | Tangela | |
| | Chikorita | Monster |
| | Hoppip | Fairy |
| | Sunkern | |
| | Lotad | Water 1 |
| | Seedot | Ground |
| | Roselia | Fairy |
| | Cacnea | Humanshape |
| | Tropius | Monster |
| Water 2 | Goldeen | |
| | Magikarp | Dragon |
| | Chinchou | |
| | Qwilfish | |
| | Carvanha | |
| | Wailmer | Ground |
| | Barboach | |
| | Relicanth | Water 1 |
| | Luvdisc | |
| Water 3 | Tentacool | |
| | Shellder | |
| | Krabby | |
| | Staryu | |
| | Omanyte | Water 1 |
| | Kabuto | Water 1 |
| | Corsola | Water 1 |
| | Remoraid | Water 1 |
| | Corphish | Water 3 |
| | Lileep | |
| | Anorith | |
| Monster | Bulbasaur | Plant |
| | Charmander | Dragon |
| | Squirtle | Water 1 |
| | Nidoran Female(ONLY) | Ground |
| | Nidoran Male(ONLY) | Ground |
| | Slowpoke | Water 1 |
| | Cubone | |
| | Lickitung | |
| | Rhyhorn | Ground |
| | Kangaskhan | |
| | Snorlax | |
| | Chikorita | Plant |
| | Totodile | Water 1 |
| | Mareep | Ground |
| | Larvitar | |
| | Treecko | Dragon |
| | Mudkip | Water 1 |
| | Whismur | Ground |
| | Aron | |
| | Tropius | Plant |
| Dragon | Charmander | Monster |
| | Ekans | Dragon |
| | Horsea | Water 1 |
| | Magikarp | Water 2 |
| | Dratini | Water 1 |
| | Treecko | Monster |
| | Swablu | Flying |
| | Feebas | Water 1 |
| | Bagon | |
| Flying | Pidgey | |
| | Spearow | |
| | Zubat | |
| | Farfetch'd | Ground |
| | Dodrio | |
| | Aerodactyl | |
| | Hoothoot | |
| | Togetic | Fairy |
| | Natu | |
| | Murkrow | |
| | Skarmory | |
| | Taillow | |
| | Wingull | Water 1 |
| | Swablue | Dragon |
| Fairy | Pikachu | Ground |
| | Clefairy | |
| | Jigglypuff | |
| | Chansey | |
| | Togetic | Flying |
| | Marill | Water 1 |
| | Hoppip | Plant |
| | Snubbull | Ground |
| | Skitty | Ground |
| | Mawile | Ground |
| | Plusle | |
| | Minun | |
| | Roselia | Plant |
| | Castform | Indeterminate |
| | Snorunt | Mineral |
| Humanshape | Abra | |
| | Machop | |
| | Drowzee | |
| | Hitmonlee | |
| | Hitmonchan | |
| | Mr. Mime | |
| | Jynx | |
| | Electabuzz | |
| | Magmar | |
| | Hitmontop | |
| | Makuhita | |
| | Sableye | |
| | Meditite | |
| | Volbeat | Bug |
| | Illumise | Bug |
| | Spinda | Ground |
| | Cacnea | Plant |
| Mineral | Geodude | |
| | Magnemite | |
| | Onix | |
| | Voltorb | |
| | Porygon | |
| | Sudowoodo | |
| | Shedinja | |
| | Nosepass | |
| | Lunatone | |
| | Solrock | |
| | Snorunt | Fairy |
| | Beldum | |
| Indeterminate | Grimer | |
| | Gastly | |
| | Koffing | |
| | Misdreavus | |
| | Wobbuffet | |
| | Snubbull | |
| | Ralts | |
| | Gulpin | |
| | Castform | Fairy |
| | Shuppet | |
| | Duskull | |
| | Chimecho | |
| Ground | Rattata | |
| | Ekans | Dragon |
| | Pikachu | Fairy |
| | Sandshrew | |
| | Nidoran Female(ONLY) | Monster |
| | Nidoran Male(ONLY) | Monster |
| | Vulpix | |
| | Diglett | |
| | Meowth | |
| | Psyduck | Water 1 |
| | Mankey | |
| | Growlithe | |
| | Ponyta | |
| | Fatfetch'd | Flying |
| | Seel | Water 1 |
| | Rhyhorn | Monster |
| | Tauros | |
| | Eevee | |
| | Cyndaquil | |
| | Sentret | |
| | Mareep | Monster |
| | Aipom | |
| | Wooper | Water 1 |
| | Girafarig | |
| | Dunsparce | |
| | Snubbull | Fairy |
| | Sneasel | |
| | Teddiursa | |
| | Swinub | |
| | Delibird | Water 1 |
| | Houndour | |
| | Phanpy | |
| | Stantler | |
| | Smeargle | |
| | Miltank | |
| | Torchic | |
| | Poochyena | |
| | Zigzagoon | |
| | Seedot | Plant |
| | Whismur | Monster |
| | Skitty | Fairy |
| | Mawile | Fairy |
| | Electrike | |
| | Wailmer | Water 2 |
| | Numel | |
| | Torkoal | |
| | Spoink | |
| | Spinda | Humanshape |
| | Seviper | Dragon |
| | Zangoose | |
| | Kecleon | |
| | Absol | |
| | Spheal | Water 1 |
| Ditto | Ditto | |
| No Eggs | Nidorina | |
| | Nidorino | |
| | Nidoking | |
| | Nidoqueen | |
| | Articuno | |
| | Zapdos | |
| | Moltres | |
| | Mewtwo | |
| | Mew | |
| | Pichu | |
| | Igglybuff | |
| | Togepi | |
| | Cleffa | |
| | Unown | |
| | Tyrogue | |
| | Magby | |
| | Smoochum | |
| | Elekid | |
| | Raikou | |
| | Suicune | |
| | Entei | |
| | Lugia | |
| | Ho-oh | |
| | Celebi | |
| | Azurill | |
| | Wynaut | |
| | Regirock | |
| | Regice | |
| | Registeel | |
| | Latias | |
| | Latios | |
| | Kyogre | |
| | Groudon | |
| | Rayquaza | |
| | Jirachi | |
| | Deoxys | |
Note: It's possible that a Pokemon can be in 2 egg groups.
The ones in No Eggs group can't breed, even with a Ditto. Duh.
Although sometimes the breeding guy will say that the two Pokemon don't like
each other, they will still breed but it will just take longer. Genderless
Pokemon can only breed with a Ditto and the egg will not be Ditto.
When breeding two different species, the egg will always be the species of the
female. The egg can take a certain amount of steps before hatching. Here's the
different number of steps before hatching:
| 1280 | Magikarp |
| 2560 | Azurill |
| | Cleffa |
| | Igglybuff |
| | Pichu |
| | Togepi |
| 3840 | Caterpie |
| | Corphish |
| | Geodude |
| | Hoothoot |
| | Volbeat |
| | Illumise |
| | Ledyba |
| | Lotad |
| | Nincada |
| | Pidgey |
| | Poochyena |
| | Rattata |
| | Seedot |
| | Sentret |
| | Shroomish |
| | Skitty |
| | Slakoth |
| | Spearow |
| | Spinarak |
| | Spinda |
| | Surskit |
| | Taillow |
| | Volbeat |
| | Weedle |
| | Wurmple |
| | Zigzagoon |
| | Zubat |
| 5120 | Bulbasaur |
| | Abra |
| | Aipom |
| | Barboach |
| | Bellsprout |
| | Cacnea |
| | Carvanha |
| | Charmander |
| | Chikorita |
| | Chinchou |
| | Clamperl |
| | Corsola |
| | Cubone |
| | Cyndaquil |
| | Delibird |
| | Diglett |
| | Ditto |
| | Doduo |
| | Phanpy |
| | Drowzee |
| | Dunsparce |
| | Ekans |
| | Electrike |
| | Exeggcute |
| | Farfetch'd |
| | Feebas |
| | Gastly |
| | Girafarig |
| | Gligar |
| | Goldeen |
| | Grimer |
| | Growlithe |
| | Gulpin |
| | Hoppip |
| | Horsea |
| | Houndour |
| | Kangaskhan |
| | Kecleon |
| | Koffing |
| | Krabby |
| | Lickitung |
| | Luvdisc |
| | Machop |
| | Magnemite |
| | Makuhita |
| | Mankey |
| | Mareep |
| | Mawile |
| | Meditite |
| | Meowth |
| | Miltank |
| | Minun |
| | Mudkip |
| | Murkrow |
| | Natu |
| | Nidoran(M and F) |
| | Nosepass |
| | Numel |
| | Oddish |
| | Paras |
| | Pineco |
| | Plusle |
| | Poliwag |
| | Ponyta |
| | Porygon |
| | Psyduck |
| | Qwilfish |
| | Ralts |
| | Remoraid |
| | Rhyhorn |
| | Roselia |
| | Seel |
| | Seviper |
| | Shellder |
| | Shuckle |
| | Slowpoke |
| | Slugma |
| | Smeargle |
| | Sneasel |
| | Snorunt |
| | Snubbull |
| | Spheal |
| | Spoink |
| | Squirtle |
| | Stantler |
| | Staryu |
| | Sudowoodo |
| | Sunkern |
| | Swablu |
| | Swinub |
| | Tangela |
| | Tauros |
| | Teddiursa |
| | Tentacool |
| | Torchic |
| | Torkoal |
| | Totodile |
| | Trapinch |
| | Treecko |
| | Voltorb |
| | Vulpix |
| | Whismur |
| | Wingull |
| | Wooper |
| | Wynaut |
| | Yanma |
| | Zangoose |
| 6400 | Absol |
| | Castform |
| | Chimecho |
| | Duskull |
| | Elekid |
| | Heracross |
| | Tyrogue |
| | Smoochun |
| | Magby |
| | Mantine |
| | Misdreavus |
| | Mr. Mime |
| | Onix |
| | Pinsir |
| | Sableye |
| | Sandshrew |
| | Scyther |
| | Shuppet |
| | Skarmory |
| | Tropius |
| | Venonat |
| 7680 | Anorith |
| | Kabuto |
| | Lileep |
| | Omanyte |
| 8960 | Aerodactyl |
| | Aron |
| | Eevee |
| 10,240 | Bagon |
| | Chansey |
| | Dratini |
| | Lapras |
| | Larvitar |
| | Relicanth |
| | Snorlax |
| | Wailmer |
You can breed moves onto the baby Pokemon. There are several ways to do this.
1. The baby Pokemon will always have the moves that it should have at level 5.
2. If both the mother and the father has a move that a baby Pokemon can learn
by level up, the baby will have that move.
3. If the father has an egg move that the baby can only learn by breeding, the
baby will (Obviously) have that move.
4. If the father knows a TM/HM move that the baby can learn, the baby will
have that move.
Due to #4, it is wise to teach TMs to males or genderless Pokemon rather than
females so you can breed to many other Pokemon. Remember that TM moves that a
Pokemon learns naturally can still be bred to a Pokemon as a TM!
The baby Pokemon's stats I think are in no way related to the mother/father.
Many people are still not sure if the IVs are related, but most likely not.
Remember to try to get egg moves onto a Pokemon! They are often very good
moves that can't be learned in any other way.
Some Pokemon have certain exceptions to breeding rules. One of them is
Volbeat and Illumise. When Illumise is the female Pokemon, if it is at a
higher level than its mate the baby will become an Illumise. If it is at a
lower level, the baby will become a Volbeat.
For the Nidoran family, the baby of Nidoran Female can be either Nidoran Male
or another female.
{XII. Basic Battle Strategy}
This section is dedicated for those who want to learn a few things about
competitive battling, or battling friends. There are more to it than having a
full team of sweepers, or 4 attack Pokemon. There are EVs and IVs, Base Stats,
and much more. Learn how to use each one effectively. You don't have to worry
much about knowing this if you don't ever plan to battle friends.
| {12.1} Hidden Values |
Base Stats: Base Stats are the foundations of each Pokemon. It's the reason
why some Pokemon have higher stats than others. There's one Base Stat for
every stat, HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defense.
The higher it is, the stronger your Pokemon. They are the same for all
Pokemon. Ex:
HP: 60
Att: 80
Def: 65
Spd: 120
Sp att: 105
Sp Def: 80
This shows that all Sceptile will have very high Speed, high Special Attack,
average Special Defense and Attack, and low HP and Defense. 80 is about the
average for fully evolved Pokemon.
IVs: IVs stand for Individual Values. This is what makes each Pokemon "unique"
with different stats. Like Base Stats, there's one for every stat: HP, Attack,
Defense, Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defense. They range from 0-31.
The higher the number, the better. To obtain max stats, you must have all IVs
of 31. Your max stat for each stat will be lowered by 1 for each IV lower than
IVs are given to each Pokemon as soon as you A) Encounter them, B) Get their
egg, or C) Get in an ingame trade. They cannot be changed no matter what like
Base Stats.
EVs: EVs stand for Effort Value and is the biggest effect on stats. There is
one for every stat like the other two and can't be changed. Each Pokemon start
with 0 EVs when they are caught or hatched. If it is traded from your friend,
it still has the same EVs as when he/she gave it to you.
Each time you fight a Pokemon, you get between 1-3 EVs. Usually, the EVs given
to you are based on the Pokemon's highest stats. Once you recieve them, you
cannot change them. You can't see what your current EV count is either so your
best bet would be to write them on a piece of paper. After you get 4 EVs for
1 stat, 1 extra point is added to your stat total when you level up. You can
get high stats in the ones you want in this way.
However, there is a cap to EVs. You can't have more than 255 EVs in one stat
and no more than 510 total. That means you can't have max stats in every stat.
This is why people like to use only either physical or special attacks, to
save on EVs.
This is also the reason Pokemon aren't as strong when you only use Rare Candy
on them. After you max out your EVs though, it is safe to use them as they
will no longer effect stats. When you're at Level 100 and still aren't done
EV training(0_o) then just get EVs, deposit in a box, and withdraw to have a
new total of stats.
When EV training for a specific stat, it will be rather slow. To speed it up,
you can do several things. First, you can buy vitamins such as Carbos and
Protein. Each one adds 10 EVs to a stat, but can't be used after more than
100 EVs have been collected in that stat. Another thing is the Macho Brace.
It will lower speed, but nor permanently. You will get double the EVs when
battling. There is also another rare condition called Pokerus, marked as PKRS.
This will again double the amount of EVs you get and combined with the Macho
Brace, you get 4 times the EVs as normal!
When battling, if you switch to another Pokemon both Pokemon get the normal
amount of EVs as if only one were battling. Same with Experience Share.
For a list of the EVs a Pokemon gives, look in the Pokedex section. To see
where the good training areas are in this game, look here.
HP: Island 3, patch of grass after the cave at the beginning filled with
Dunsparce. They give 1HP EV.
Attack: At Mount Moon, in one of the basement levels where it connects two
ladders, there are always a lot of Paras giving you 1 Attack EV.
Defense: Surfing right underneath Palet Town will get you to a patch of grass
holding mostly Tangela.
Speed: The absolute easiest stat to train for. Any place with Pidgey or
Pidgeotto will do, and those are very common. Near Palet Town will work. Caves
with Golbat will work too.
Sp Att: Slugma in Island 1 Cave Floor 2 gives 1 Special Attack EV.
Sp Def: Most oceans hold only Tentacool and Tentacruel. These are a great way
to gain Special Defense(1 for Tentacool and 2 for Tentacruel.)
It takes a lot of breeding to get the perfect Pokemon.
| {12.2} Team Building |
There are several things in which you should keep in mind when building a
team. 1. It doesn't matter which Pokemon you use as long as the team combined
has no more than 2 weaknesses to the same type. 2. People tend to disrespect
you if you use legendaries. 3. Make sure you don't have no more than 3 of
the same type attacks on an entire team, and also have at least 14/17 types
of attacks on your team.
When making a moveset, it's a good idea to know what works and what does't.
Make sure you don't have more than two of the same type damaging attacks on
the same Pokemon. It's pretty stupid since they'll both deal damage and you
can use that spot for a different type of attack. I also wouldn't have both
Special Attack and Attack moves on a Pokemon unless they can handle it well
because of EVs. Read the EV section for more information. You want some good
Speed on attacking Pokemon since you don't want the opponent to have a chance
to counterattack. If you feel the need to use a TM, make sure you read the
Breeding section so you can pass it on and not waste it on just one Pokemon.
Defense is also a good strategy. Most novice players will only use attacking
moves on their Pokemon, such as:
Tyranitar@Shell Bell
Rock Slide
Fire Blast
Well, why not have a very strong defense to stop their attacks? Using a
Pokemon like Regirock will be strong against most of its attacks since it has
a godly defense. Toxic would make the opponent lose a lot of health as he/she
tries to deal damage.
If you still don't like non-damaging moves, you could look at it this way.
Using Swords Dance and Recover are non-damaging, yet they aid you in your
offensive attacks. That's still a non-damagin strategy. Keep in mind that
that something like Bulk Up will equal one half of Swords Dance and is still
Make sure you breed a lot to get your Pokemon and use egg moves and TMs. These
can get valuable moves onto a Pokemon that will make it much more effective
in battle. Always take advantage of STAB(Same Type Attack Boost), and Hidden
Power whatever yours might be.
{XIII. Move Tutor Locations}
| Attack Name | Location |
| Counter | Celadon Department Store, Floor 3. |
| Blast Burn | Island 2. Exclusive to Charizard. |
| Body Slam | East of Breeding Center on Island 4. |
| Dream Eater | West Viridian City. Requires Cut. |
| Double-Edge | Exit of Victory Road. |
| Explosion | Island 1 Springs. |
| Frenzy Plant | Exclusive to Venusaur. Island 2. |
| Hydro Cannon | Island 2. Exclusive to Blastoise. |
| Mega Kick | Outside Mount Moon, Route 4. |
| Mega Punch | Outside Mount Moon, Route 4. |
| Mimic | Saffron City, the house with a lot of dolls. |
| Rock Slide | Inside...Rock Tunnel. |
| Seismic Toss | Back entrance of Pewter Museum(requires Cut) |
| Softboiled | Celadon City near the Game Corner. Requires Surf. |
| Substitute | Outside the Safari Zone in Fuschia City. |
| Swords Dance | Island 7, on the bridge. |
| Thunder Wave | Floor 2 of Silph Co. |
Q: Can you multiply items like using the original RBY method and Missingno?
A: No. That glitch has been fixed and there's no known way to multiply items
as of this moment.
Q: Can you find Mew in this game in any way?
A: No. The old Mew glitch with the trainer is gone, as well as the truck next
to the S.S. Anne. Ask on the RBY boards at Gamefaqs if you want more info on
Q: Hey! Your Wild Encounters chart doesn't add up to 100%!
A: I don't care. Really, does 1% make a difference?
Q: How do I evolve my Golbat and other Pokemon that gained evolutions of GSC?
A: You must get the National Dex after beating the E4.
Q: If two moves both say they always go first, how is the order decided?
A: Each move has a hidden priorety. Ex: Quick Attack has a higher priorety
than Focus Punch so the person using Quick Attack would go first even if their
Speed was 0. If both moves have the same priorety, the one with the higher
Speed will go first. If both Pokemon have the same Speed, the order is random.
Q: What happens if I run out of PP for my moves?
A: You use Struggle which is automatic.
Q: When can I trade with Pokemon R/S/Colloseum?
A: Get the Ruby and Sapphire Plates on the Islands and give it to the man on
Island 1. Use the machine there.
Q: How come me and my friend have different Deoxys?
A: You and your friend have different version. FR, LG, and RS each have
different versions of Deoxys that learn different moves and have different
stats. When you trade it, it will NOT remain the same.
Q: How do you evolve Eevee into Espeon or Umbreon?
A: Actually, I'm not quite sure myself. Most people say you must trade to
Ruby/Sapphire where there is time. IT IS NOT, I REPEAT NOT THE SAME AS IN GSC!
Q: Can you trade between English and Japanese versions?
A: Yes, but only if the Pokemon does not evolve by trading. If your Pokemon
evolves, the game will freeze and you will have to start all over.
Q: How can I get to the Islands after beating the Elite 4?
A: Get the National Dex from Oak by having 70 or more Pokemon and talking to
him, then go to the docks in Vermilion City where the SS Anne was.
Q: When should I use my Master Ball?
A: When you encounter a shiny Pokemon or a Legendary Dog. You don't want them
exploding or running on you do you?
Q: How do I get the Rockets on Island 1 to move?
A: Beat the Elite 4 at least one, then catch 70 Pokemon and talk to Professor
Oak to get the National Dex. Finally, go to the Island 1 Pokemon Center and
talk to Cleo.
Q: What is a Nintendo Event?
A: A Nintendo Event is an even outside of the game where Nintendo goes to
certain cities in America/Japan(sorry Europe, you usually don't get things :()
and the give out certain things. Usually during school hours, yay!
Q: Do you know any other Action Replay codes?
A: Nope. If you want some, you'll have to research it yourself.
{XV. Miscellaneous}
Miscellaneous things that I can't fit anywhere else. Blah.
| {15.1} Wireless Adaptor |
FR/LG comes with a small, special wireless adaptor as most people know. You
can use this when you get to Island 2 and save the girl from the Hypno in
Island 3. For more information on that, look at their sections. I think the
wireless adaptor will be in the US versions.
When you save the girl, you have the option to go to the Union room. This will
have trainers from all over the world(actually, 30 meters) in the room and
you can battle and trade with those people. There are also special mini games
that you can only play in that room an nowhere else. These mini games are the
Pokemon Jump and Dodrio's Green Berry.
In Pokemon Jump, you choose a compatible Pokemon(mostly non-evolutions) and
then you jump over a rope. Just like jump rope. You work with two other
In Dodrio's Green Berry, you try to get all the purple berries and not the
green ones. You can only use Dodrio for this minigame.
Another thing you can do is crush berries. First, you must obtain the Powder Jar
in Cerulean City though. You must all press A in synchronization and you will
obtain certain points which you can trade for items back at the house where
you obtained the Powder Jar.
When you battle here, you must have Pokemon level 30 or lower. There is a
direct corner where you crush berries, trade and battle.
| {15.2} The Trainer Card |
What is the trainer card? When you press Start and select your name, you will
be taken to your trainer card. This will display the amount of money you have,
what badges you own, how many Pokemon you've caught, and the amount of time
you've played the game. On the back, there are also several items recorded.
1. Hall of Fame Debut(Game time taken to beat the Elite 4)
2. Link Battle Record
3. Pokemon Trades
4. Union Trades and Battles
5. Berry Crush
You also can get stickers on the card by talking to the girl on Island 4 next
to the Pokemart. There are only three which are:
1. After you beat the Elite 4 for the first time you get the Elite 4 sticker.
2. When you get the Togepi egg from the old man you get the egg sticker.
3. If you battle in the DIRECT room you get the link sticker.
You can also add Pokemon to your trainer card. Just go to the Celadon City
Game Corner and use the machine in the bottome right corner to record your
current Pokemon party.
There's one more thing about trainer cards. After meeting certain
requirements, you will gain stars on your card. These stars also change the
color of your trainer card. To get our first star, defeat the Elite 4. It will
also change your card to green. To get the second star, catch the 150 Pokemon
that fill up the normal Pokedex. You will also get a Bronze card. To get the
third star, catch all the Pokemon that you don't get from special Nintendo
events.(Ex: Mew, Celebi) You will get a Silver Card. To get the Gold Trainer
Card, you must use the Wireless Adaptor to play mini-games and get over 200 in
both the Dodrio and Pokemon Jump mini-games.
{XV. Finishing Comments}
I'm hoping that after reading this guide it helped you. I wrote this guide
just for that purporse and also for the love of this game. Thank you for
reading this.
| {16.1} Contact Info |
BTW, please refrain from submitting new information that I have not covered
yet. This guide is far from complete and I probably just have not gotten up
to that point in game.
Rockets move by talking to Cleo at the Island 1 Pokemon Center, and there is
an Experience Share in the house by the entrance of Silence Bridge near
Lavender Town!
1. No attachments please. Viruses these days.
2. Tell me what you would like to be credited as when sending info if I
approve. If you don't include this, I will credit by your E-mail addy.
3. Do not ask me to rate or create a team for you.
4. Type this in your subject line: FRLG walkthrough (website you saw this at)
5. No requesting for ROMs or ROM help. That includes patches.
6. If I don't reply to you and you're sure you have the right E-mail, don't
send it to me again. Your E-mail was probably something that could be answered
in the FAQ, useless info, didn't have something on the above, or something
I am an ass about these rules. I get a lot of E-mail a day buddy.
E-mail: plasmad00d13{at}graffiti[dot]net
Gamefaqs Message Board: strawhat
| {16.2} Credits |
Gamefaqs: Posting the guide. A lot of facts and his consistent posting of news.
Jenova Life: Version Exclusive Error.
DBZManiax: Info about Pokemon locations.
Matt D: Item mistake and breeding information.
diglett king: Information about the wireless adaptor.
Cornel A.: Information about Island 5 house.
Piet: Informatiom about whereabouts of Tauros.
Decious: Correction about Plus in abilities section.
Excalibur000: Editing a paragraph.
theria: Japanese braille translation.
tsphoenix: Mixup on Pokemon locations.
Kevin W: Island 4 house next to the Pokemon Mart.
Many, many people: Telling me that Tyranitar is not the highest Pokemon level.
Hixtomancer: A lot of corrections, such as the Mart in Island 2 for after E4.
Gentleben: Information about the 4th trainer star.
Owenlars2: Slot Machine info.
nick flower: Correction for probability of Pokemon on Island 1.
APRhof and Cameron B: Braille translation in English.
glennvolio: Information about hidden berries.
TJ Dawara: Correction on a Channeler's Pokemon.
Metroid1256: Trainer Card info.
Ireggular zero: Nidorina information.
Trunks187: Information on Selphy.
Jonathan K: Information on the Trainer Tower.
Howard S: Qwilfish's location information.
Gravijah: Pokemon locations.
ares9090: A ton of information. >_>
Combarishnigm: Correction about priorety.
SRV: Information on the Rockets on Island 1.
Cyn: Helped with a typo.
Psyduck116: A Pokemon location.
Nessdude(B.K.): Telling I forgot Nightmare in the moves section. D'OH!
Shadow42-KC: Pokemon Locations, Braille translation, and evolution info.
Copyright 2004 {c} MG(Strawhat) END OF FILE

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