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Strategic Management MGT-603

Quiz 05
Marks: 15
Time: 32 Hurs
Student ID/Login ID: _____________________________
Student Name: _____________________________
Center Name/Code: _____________________________
Quiz Date: Tueda! "u#! $$% &006
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting QUIZ:
T'i (uiz conit o) 5 Mu#ti*#e C'oice Quetion +MCQ,- carr!ing 1 mar. eac' and t/o
'ort (uetion carr!ing 0 mar. eac'1 So% !our tota# mar. 2ecome $01
Quiz 00 co3er #eon no13&-30
Last date for submission of QUIZ is July 1! ""#$
4ou can conu#t t'e concerned c'a*ter )rom t'e recommended 2oo. %trategic
&anagement by 'red ( )a*id +,
edition- )or t'i Quiz1
5ead (uetion care)u##! and e#ect t'e mot a**ro*riate an/er )or eac' MCQ 63oid
e#ecting t/o c'oice )or one MCQ1 T'e dou2#e o*tion /i## 2e mar.ed zero1
Ma.e ure t'at !ou u*#oad t'e (uiz )i#e 2e)ore due date1 No (uiz )i#e /i## 2e acce*ted
t'roug' 7-mai# a)ter due date1
C'eating or co*!ing i trict#! *ro'i2ited8 No credit /i## 2e gi3en to co*ied )i#e1
No (uiz )i#e /i## 2e re*#aced% once u*#oaded on LMS under an! condition1
.hoose the correct option$
Strategic Management MGT-603
$1 6 )irm deire to increae *ro)it at #eat $09 e3er! !ear )or t'e )oreeea2#e )uture1
Suc' .ind o) o2:ecti3e i ca##ed ________________ o2:ecti3e1
a1 Cor*orate #e3e#
21 ;unctiona# #e3e#
c1 <3era## organizationa#
d1 =ot' a and 2
&1 Diagreement 2et/een t/o or more *artie on one or more iue i termed a
a1 Con)#ict
21 Stre
c1 ;unctiona# tre
d1 None o) gi3en o*tion
31 Medium-ize )irm tend to 2e tructured ____________1
a1 Di3iiona##!
21 Decentra#ized
c1 Centra#ized
d1 =ot' a and 2
>1 T'e _______________ 'a it o/n 2uine trateg!% o2:ecti3e and com*etitor1
T'ee o)ten di))er )rom *arent com*an!1
a1 Strategic =uine ?nit tructure
21 Matri@ tructure
c1 Di3iiona# tructure
d1 None o) gi3en o*tion
01 __________________ create a ene o) ASe#) organization A1
a1 Gain 'aring *#an
21 Bro)it 'aring
c1 7m*#o!ee toc. o/ner'i* *#an
d1 Non o) gi3en o*tion
Strategic Management MGT-603
1riefly define how you will use different types of resources to implement strategy in
order to achie*e ob2ecti*es3
)efine reengineering and restructuring by pro*iding appropriate e/amples with the
reference to Pa6istan3

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