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If you would like to have your questions

answered by Sally, e-mail her at
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Welcome to Ask
Dear Sally,
My best friend is dating a
boy that doesnt like me. Now she
hardly hangs out with me. When
we do hang out, he is always there.
He makes rude comments to me
and makes me feel uncomfortable.
What can I do?
Threes a Crowd
Dear Threes a Crowd,
I think that if you feel this
way you need to talk to your best
friend about it. She may not be
aware of how you feel. I think you
guys need to hang out together
without him sometime too. Let her
know how you feel.

By Cindy Kagya
On May 22nd,
2014, the M&M program
was involved in a Commu-
nity Beautification Project.
The Mentees and the Men-
tors planted beautiful flow-
ers in areas around our
school. Not only does the
ground of our school look
beautiful now, but the
Mentees and the Mentors
reported that they had a
good time.
Dear Sally,
My ex-best friend has a
growing crush on my close friend
Lizzie's brother and he likes her
back but. she is 13 and he's 16. I
know it sounds like Im jealous,
but I am worried that something
will happen, like a broken heart.
Lizzie isn't happy about their
"friendship," but it s clear that
they really like each other. My ex-
best friends dad would not be
happy either. What can I do?
Dear Unsure,
You can talk to your ex-
best friend and tell her to think
about what she is doing before
she asks him out. Even though
youre not friends anymore, it
seems you still care about her.
Tell her that it is a big age differ-
ence right now. Let her know you
are worried that she may get
hurt. Remind her that her par-
ents should know if she does go
out with him.

Community Beautification

Volume 5, Issue 8
June 3, 2014
Intermediate School
51 Newspaper
Written by the students
Mrs. Ingravallo Editor
Ms. Pavlick Co-editor
Important Dates
June 5 Senior Dance
June 12 PTA Meeting 7pm
June 13 Senior Trip
By Kelly Henry
Field Day for the 6th grade
took place on Tuesday, June 20th
and for the 7th grade on Friday,
June 16th. Both days were amaz-
ing. Both grades went to Nansen
Lodge. All the kids were engaged in
activities all day long. Wherever you
looked you saw students playing
games, participating in friendly
competitions, dancing, or just chat-
ting. From 9:00 to 12:00 kids had
so much fun in activities including
soccer, volleyball, baseball, football,
kickball, basketball, jump ropes,
hula hoops, and Frisbee. Then all
the students had delicious and
tasty burgers and hotdogs with or-
ange soda. After students ate, they
were back on the field playing
games like toss, potato sack races,
and relay races. After a while we
had ice cream. Kids were given wa-
ter and candy.
Students reported it was
really fun to be with their friends
without restrictions. We hope Field
Day continues to be an annual
Field Day
A Fun Day for 6th and 7th Graders

By Miracle Jarrells and Kelly
A paraprofessional is
also known as a teachers assis-
tant. He or she works with,
and under the supervision of,
the classroom teacher, gives
classroom assistance on an on-
going basis. Paraprofessionals
have many different titles and
duties. Some of the paraprofes-
sionals at our school have the
following duties:
Crisis paraprofessional is a
Para who is assigned to a
child who has immediate
and constant need of atten-
tion. Such as a student with
breathing problems.
Health paraprofessional is a
Para who is assigned to a
student or students who
have specific health needs,
such as a student in a
Classroom paraprofessional
is a Para who works with a
group of students in a class-
room setting. Usually in
what is called a 12 to 1
ratio. This means there can
be no more than 12 stu-
dents in the class. These
students can have a variety
of learning needs.
One-on-one paraprofes-
sional is a Para who is as-
signed to one particular
student. This could be for a
variety of reasons. The du-
ties of the Para will be listed
in the students IEP
(Individual Education Plan)
Mobility paraprofessional
assists transporting stu-
dents around the building.
Paraprofessionals get to
know their students because
they are with them the entire
day. Mr. Petrassi has stated, I
enjoy the chance to work closely
with both the student I am as-
signed to and other students in
the classroom. Ultimately, the
goal of paraprofessionals is to
provide support so that schools
achieve the goal of improving
student learning. April 4
Paraprofessional Appreciation
Improving Student Learning

By Selina Diaz
Have you noticed how
clean our school yard and sur-
rounding areas are? The Mentor
and Mentee program, in the
spirit of helping each others, is
participating in community ser-
vice. The Community Beautifica-
tion took place during lunch
hours on May 12
. Students
were picking up trash around
the perimeter of our school.
Most of the garbage con-
sisted of cigarette butts and
candy wrappers. Both adults
and children are responsible for
littering, so please be mindful
when disposing your trash.
For every activity stu-
dents participate in, they earn
credits. Once they have enough
credits, they can participate in
the final Mentee activities, which
will be a bowling trip and a bar-
Community Beautification
Mentor and Mentees
By Lizbeth Lopez, Cindy Kagya, and
Sheereen Kongo
Emily Wetzler, a sixth grader
from class 611, won the Earth Day
Poster Contest. The purpose of the
contest was to spread the word about
Earth Day. This special day empha-
sizes the importance of recycling, con-
serving energy, and improving air
quality. Emilys poster showed what
we could do to make the world a bet-
ter place and things we should stop
doing. First, second, and third place,
as well as honorable mention entries,
will be selected. These posters will be
published on the website. Everyone
who entered the contest will be given
a certificate for their hard work and
participation. Congratulations to all
participants for being in-
volved in the Earth Day
Earth Day Poster Contest Winner
Talent and Brains

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