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Source Qualifier :

1. What is a source qualifier transformation?

A source qualifier represents the rows that the integration service reads when it runs a session.
Source qualifier is an active transformation.

2. Why you need a source qualifier transformation?

The source qualifier transformation converts the source data types into informatica native data types.

3. What are the different tasks a source qualifier can do?

Join two or more tables originating from the same source (homogeneous sources) database.
Filter the rows.
Sort the data
Selecting distinct values from the source
Create custom query
Specify a pre-sql and post-sql

4. What is the default join in source qualifier transformation?

The source qualifier transformation joins the tables based on the primary key-foreign key

5. How to create a custom join in source qualifier transformation?

When there is no primary key-foreign key relationship between the tables, you can specify a custom
join using the 'user-defined join' option in the properties tab of source qualifier.

6. How to join heterogeneous sources and flat files?

Use joiner transformation to join heterogeneous sources and flat files

7. How do you configure a source qualifier transformation?

SQL Query
User-Defined Join
Source Filter
Number of Sorted Ports
Select Distinct
Source Qualifier is an active t/r but there is no change of row count then y should we called it
active t/r & Router , sorter some times no change in row count then Y we called its active t/r?
# 1
A transformation is active does not mean that it always
change number of rows. An active transformation can have
passibility to change the number of rows.

In Source Qualifier we can do SQL-override to limit the
number of rows in whare condition, Sorter can remove the
duplicates when select the property checkbox Distinct, In
Router you can only extract the records from selected
(filtered) group. So the number of rows can be impacted

What r the diffrence between joiner transformation and source qualifier transformation?

U can join hetrogenious data sources in joiner transformation which we can not achieve in
source qualifier transformation.

U need matching keys to join two relational sources in source qualifier transformation.Where as
u doesnt need matching keys to join two sources.

Two relational sources should come from same datasource in sourcequalifier.U can join relatinal
sources which r coming from diffrent sources also.

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