Impress Different Types of Women

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Impress Different Types of Women

Our dating columnist would never dream of suggesting women could be put into boxes. But here's a handy guide to
some familiar faces...
By Scarlett Russell, Dating Relationships !olumnist
Page 1: Girls
" don#t $now how many of you have seen, or even heard about, %BO#s brilliant new drama, Girls &currently causing ma'or
bu(( in the States, arriving here in September) but, essentially, it#s the anti*Sex and the City+ a comedy about four ,-*
something women living in .ew /or$ and struggling with 'obs, boyfriends and the rest of it. "t's the closest a 01 show has
come to depicting the distinct personalities of different women * good, bad and ugly. 2hilst it would be impossible and
insulting to claim all women fall into categories, there are, and "#m sure fellow females would agree, a few similar
characters you will all encounter at some point.

The Girls Girl
"#m definitely a 3irl#s 3irl. " clapped when Ross and Rachel finally $issed, " have a pin$ i4od case and wor$ on a
women#s maga(ine. But " also banter with my male friends, play pool and love The Who. .ote5 0he 33 is not 6girlie#, a
derogatory term which brings to mind braided hair and a 7y 8ittle 4ony lunchbox &although, " totally had one of those.
But, crucially5 when " was 9. .ot ,9).
Most likely to say: :;ma(e.<
Least likely to say: =2ow. "t's pretty incredible that !helsea managed to con>uer Barcelona at the .ou !amp. ;nd
without talismanic s$ipper, ?ohn 0erry, too.=
Impress her by: Being nice to her friends. ;s$ them >uestions and buy them drin$s.

The Career Girl
7ost women " $now are extremely ambitious, independent and hard*wor$ing. @rom my experience, many men find this
impossibly attractive. 0here are some women, however, who put their career so far beyond their personal life that, whilst
they#re incredibly successful, boyfriends tend to fall at the wayside. Be prepared to come second, at least for the time*
Spens !eekens: "n the office.
Least likely to say: :"'ve been planning my dream wedding since " was tiny.<
Impress her by: 0al$ing passionately, but not arrogantly, about your 'ob.

The Domesti" Goess
;s my friends and " edge closer to A-, there#s inevitably more tal$ of 6the future#, but one friend in particular has had
babies and boyfriends on the brain for years. She#s naturally maternal, selfless and can coo$ anything. "n short, total
wife*and*mother*material. She#s loo$ing for a man who is $ind, gentle, li$es dogs and abides cats.
Spens !eekens: ;t the farmer#s mar$et
Wo#lnt be seen ea in: ; !ity bar
Impress her by: ; date at a >uaint pub+ the $ind that ma$es its own cider.

The Drama $#een
; colleague sheepishly admitted recently that she started a row with her boyfriend for no reason. :" 'ust wanted some
drama.< 2e all nodded in agreement. 2omen often do this and it#s probably happened to you. Don#t worry about it.
0hese tiffs are actually pretty funny. 2hen things $ic$ off all the time, that#s your cue to leave.
Spens !eekens: "n a pac$ed bar, tweeting about conversations as they happen
Most likely say: :"t literally was the worst thing B1BR<
Impress her by: 0elling her when she#s being ridiculous. Drama Cueens li$e men who can hold their own.

The G#ys Girl
/ou $now the one. She only hangs around with men, claiming women :don#t really li$e her< when in fact they#re 'ust ir$ed
that she flirts with their boyfriends and ma$es no effort whatsoever at female bonding. She#s sharp, funny and can sum
up the offside rule in one sentence. But ** and this is a monumental but ** be wary of a girl that has no girlfriends.
Spens !eekens: Down the pub
Wo#lnt be seen ea in: ; hen party
Impress her by: Cuips, banter and Rocky >uotes. She li$es a chee$y, coc$y ;lpha 7ale.

;nd to >uote my favourite ever line from Sex and the City+ :"#m not being a bitch, "#m 'ust being myself.< .ever was there
a more telling summary of modern woman.

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