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2014-05-30 HUAWEI Confidential Page1, Total2

Case TitleEmployee Motivation
AbstractHow to deal with new non motivation team
Keywords: Motivation, Team Arrangement, Leadership.
Case Text:
- Situation:
PO Office is an especial team in Huawei. They have the worst salary inside company,
their work is the most repetitive, less appreciated and they need the lowest knowledge. As
soon as I assumed the PO Office Team for XX Account, I understand better why they were
so unmotivated.
The previous boss didn`t listen them and always complain about the bad work
(regardless of how much they had done right before the mistake) and threatened to fire
them if they didn`t aim the target. They were required to do overtime almost every day.
As with any other unmotivated team the risk is high turnover and uncommitted
Analysis, Strategies and Actions
First of all in the meeting that I was formally introduced as leader, I made a point of
shows clearly what was my expectation of each one inside that room. I previously study
about the history of employees in Huawei, talking with their previous boss and some
colleagues. I have tried to understand their needs, their strengths and weaknesses. The
first impression that they feel were confidence, openness and wit.
PO Office had a huge GAP of PO validation ( They check inside the system if the PO,
issued by customer, is according the Pre-PO that Huawei create or not, for example tax,
value, site ID). The first report that I take from system the number was 6.000 POs to be
validated. The directors asked me to finish this job (with 95% of accuracy) in one month
and I only had 7 dedicated resources to do it. Considering 22 working days, in one month,
they need to validate 40 POs by day. To get the job worst iSales system was recently
implemented and all of them had doubts.
The first step was talk personally one by one, listen their problem (taking note of
everything), show my experience inside Huawei, and leave the channel of communication

Document Title Security Level:

2014-05-30 HUAWEI Confidential Page2, Total2

open. Encouraging them to show more professionalism.
The second stage was stopping all the work and arranges one big training (almost
one day). I reinforced that this was the best/last opportunity to solve their doubts and
consequently increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work.

They create one huge commitment not only with me, but with the most important, the
targets of Huawei. They started to make overtime without asking/complain and
understand the importance of their work to the final result (increase sales order of year).
The daily goal helps them to check how fast they were and measurable the job. If
somebody validated 50 POs by day (25% more than the target), he was released to go
home. They start to work as a team and help each other.
The target was archived with 3 days in advanced, receiving the congratulation of the
Every time you are appointed as a team leader, you shall know them and understand
their problems/needs, mainly if they are already dissatisfied; only after these 2 steps you
would be able to manage them exactly for your goal. The goal must always be aligned
with the motivation / dedication of the group, otherwise you will not reach the goal or have
a team with high turnover and dissatisfied. So you got to motivate them to achieve the
Always use a clear judgment , otherwise the communication will be lost. Never make
too many promises that you won`t be able to do. Know the answer and doubts of team
before you show the problem. In this way you will be able to have more confidence on
them. Study their side to improve their mechanic.
Copyright Explanation
Only for Huawei Team Leaders.

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