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in the future, the level of freshwater resources

available will become as scarce.

By Christian, Max, and Keith
ProbIem Statement
Deforestation is when companies or farmers cut down
trees (sometimes iIIegaIIy) in massive portions. It
affects biIIions of animaIs and humans every year.
Deforestation is the removal of the worlds forest.
Deforestation is clearing forests on a massive scale
Deforestation is considered to be one of the contributing factors to global
climate change.
The soil would become full of dangerous chemicals and pollutants that are
usually filtered by trees.
How big is deforestation?

Slash and Burn (small farms)
What it has Done
Rainforests could vanish
Habitat loss
Global Warming
Climate Change and the Water Cycle
Quality of Soil
811 square miles a year
Next 20 years means more people and more demand for food products
CO2 and the heating of the Planet
15% of all greenhouse gas emissions.
70% of Earth's land animals
30% of Earth's land
Reforestation lags behind
What Can YOU Do?
Simply stop cutting down trees
A more likely solution is managing forests
You can adopt a
You can plant trees
Why ShouId YOU Care?
n 100 years all rainforests will be gone
Animal habitats are being destroyed
The atmosphere will be destroyed
Global Warming
"DeIoresLuLIon." Nctioncl Georcphic. NuLIonuI GeogrupIIc, n.d. Web. o; eb. zo1q.
"DeIoresLuLIon." ScienceDcil. ScIenceDuIIy, n.d. Web. o; Mur. zo1q.
"DeIoresLuLIon." WorldWildlije.or. WorId WIIdIIIe und, n.d. Web. 1z eb. zo1q.
"oresLs." World Resources Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. z8 eb. zo1q.
GeneLIc ScIence eurnIng CenLer. "ConservuLIon GeneLIcs." eurn.GeneLIcs 1z MurcI zo1q <ILLp:JJIeurn.geneLIcs.uLuI.
"GIobuI WurmIng SoIuLIons: SLop DeIoresLuLIon." Union oj Concerned Scientists. N.p., n.d. Web. 1q Mur. zo1q.
uurunce, WIIIIum . "DeIoresLuLIon." World ool Student. WorId Book, zo1q. Web. ; eb. zo1q.
Roncu, Debru. "How DeIoresLuLIon Works." HouStujjWorls., 1o June zoo8. Web. o6 Mur. zo1q.
Roncu, Debru. "How DeIoresLuLIon Works." HouStujjWorls., 1o June zoo8. Web. o; Mur. zo1q.
S, Nuseem. "No Trees... No Humuns." NuLure PubIIsIIng Group, 1z Apr. zo11. Web. 1q Mur. zo1q.
SzuIuy, JessIe. "DeIoresLuLIon: ucLs, Cuuses & EIIecLs." LiteScience. TecIMedIu NeLwork, o6 Mur. zo1. Web. 11 eb. zo1q.
"RuIn oresL ncubuLors oI IIe." Nctioncl Georcphic. NuLIonuI GeogrupIIc, n.d. Web. o; eb. zo1q.

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