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Speed Seduction 3.


Program Transcript:
Disc Ten

Created By
Ross Jeffries
Getting Some


The Guru of

For the smart guy who refuses

to resort to bullying, begging,

Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
This transcript may not be duplicated without written permission
buying, bs or booze, in his pursuit of happiness.

from the author.

This program may contain viewpoints that may be considered controversial by certain
audiences. It is intended as a powerful guide for self-respecting, intelligent men who
are looking to avoid from "real-hate-shun-ships by default" and instead claim the
happiness that they deserve.

I, Ross Jeffries, Ghita Services., Inc, and/or (or any of our other
websites or entities) cannot and will not be held responsible in any way for your actions,
and will not be held liable for any and all claims from you or any other third party.

You alone are responsible for your decisions and actions, even if they have an impact
on others. This information is meant for "entertainment" purposes only.

While this transcript contains information, tips, tools, and strategies that are
recommended by us and, in most cases, have succeeded when applied by others, this
product and its contents carry no warranty or guarantee (either explicit or implied) that
the purchaser or reader will achieve success with women, or in any other endeavor for
which they may be used.

Ross: The last time I was here, a guy brought his wife. I had her orgasming
onstage. My intent was to make her more attractive to him. I said, Open
your eyes, look out and give all of that energy to your husband. She said,
I dont see him, even though he was sitting right there.

One other guy brought his girlfriend. I played with her. Theyre now
married. They have a baby coming. Ce la vie. Can we have a hand for
Shirline? Its good propaganda to have a woman as a part of the team. It
makes me look better. Thats the only reason why youre here. Piss off.

Were going into doing sequences. Once Ive made my introduction, my
preference is to go into something that requires their involvement and
participation. This is one of the things that Im screening for.

There are two ways in which you can get a woman to begin to get involved
and participate. One is a gun, and the other is a knife. Im just kidding. Im
taking some swats at Shirline to wake her up.
1. Ask questions.
2. Play a game or quiz.

Generally speaking, once Ive made my introduction, Ill either start out by
asking a question or playing a game or quiz or combining the two. I dont
start out with a heavy pattern, like Discovery Channel or Blow-Job.

Here is our introduction or opener. Then we have a decision tree. We can
go one of two ways. We can ask a question or play a game, quiz or demo.
These are our two pathways.

The early model of Speed Seduction was done before many of you even
reached puberty. In 1993, you hadnt even reached puberty, had you? You
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
were barely out of childrens clothes. You were 5 years old. You like to rub
that in, dont you? I would like you to rub something in or out.

The early model of Speed Seduction would go right into a heavy pattern.
Do you know whats interesting? Have you ever felt an incredible
connection with someone? Its that click right in there. I would start with a
heavy thing, like that.

I dont do that anymore for so many reasons that I cant even count them. I
dont even want to go into the reasons why I dont do it, but I dont do it.
This is much more fun, easier and less work. It incorporates her
participation more.

First and foremost, the thing Im screening for is if the woman will playfully
participate with me. Fifty percent of this is picking the right person to play
with. You can use the word subject if you want for the purposes of this
discussion. I want to find out in the first three to five minutes if there is any
chance energetically that she and I are going to connect and enjoy each

I gave you the metaphor of shaking you with laughter by presenting you
with the most unlikely example of success.

I love you, James. Youre great. Youre going to give me that testimonial,

James: Yes.

Ross: Can you imagine if you tuned into the internet and saw this guy saying,
Hi, Im James, telling the story of how he got a super-hot lesbian to show
him her dripping-wet knickers then took her home, duct-taped her to the
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
bed and banged her silly? Then he could give out my website address.
That might get some traffic, dont you think? Thats quite a convincer.

James: Get you on the Forbes list.

Ross: I dont know. Never mind.

I want to ask a question or offer a game or quiz. I want to see if shes
going to participate. I dont mean this in any kind of violent, mean,
intrusive or violating sense, but its like Im connecting with her energetic
field and shaking it a little bit. Then Im letting go because I want to hear if
it is resonating in response to my shaking or cracking under stress.

Its almost like Im striking a gong. I want to hear if there is resonance to
the energy Im presenting. Im pinging it or shaking it a little bit, not in any
kind of intrusive or violating way. Im stirring up the molecules of who she
is then stepping back to hear how those molecules sing. Are the
molecules singing back to me, groaning or complaining?

That will tell me everything I really need to know. Its going to tell me if
shes going to participate with me. Its going to tell me if shes primarily
someone who I need to talk to about abstract concepts with or if I need to
bring it down to earth to get her own experience.

That initial moment of encountering her and seeing how she responds to
my energetic shaking will tell me a lot. Im not using a precise term. Surely
you have an idea of what I mean. Its not agitating. Its dancing.

Im going to offer a game, quiz or demo or ask a question. What would be
an example of a game or quiz? Twin Brothers. Did I not tell you about the
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Twin Brothers scenario? You know that one. Its on my Gold Walk Up

I could offer my snack quiz. Do you remember my snack quiz? Lets see if
were snack compatible. Its very important. Anyone who Im going to hang
out with has to be snack compatible with me. The presupposition of that
is that were going to be hanging out. I say, Are you ready? Answer

I dont know what it is, and I dont know how it applies in Britain, but at
least in the United States, and I suspect in the Western World, women like
to read these magazines where they have quizzes.

Is your husband a really good lover? Take this Cosmo quiz. Is your
boyfriend really good in bed? Take the Cosmo quiz. Are your lardy fat
ass and thighs getting so big that your boyfriend is cheating on you? Take
the quiz. Theres just something about quizzes that women love.

The snack quiz goes like this. Ill say, Lets see if were snack compatible.
Here we go. Answer honestly. Ready? The first choice is Ritz crackers or
little goldfish snacks. Do you guys know what Ritz crackers are? Do you
get them here?

Participant: No.

Ross: Do you get Pringles here?

Participant: Yes.

Ross: You can say, Pringles or pretzels? No matter what answer she gives
you, make a buzzer noise and say, Oh, god. Well, its two out of three.
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Her first answer is always going to be incorrect. Its not in the sense of
punishing her or anything. Its just being playful. Its like youre saying,
Oh, damn. Shucks.

You can say, Do you eat them all in one gulp, or do you eat them one
little bite at a time? Are you the kind of person who has no self-control, or
can you eat just one? No matter what her answer is, you say, Right, you
got that one. Do you have to eat the whole thing, or can you eat just one?

You can even go into a little bit of the Blow-Job Pattern. You can say, I
have this friend who loves Jaffa cakes, but she doesnt eat them right
away. She thinks about them all day long. There comes that moment
when shes ready. Do you know that moment when youre ready to
indulge yourself?

She undresses that Jaffa cake and holds it against her tongue. She says
its like an explosion of pleasure in her mouth. Youre kind of doing it
tongue-in-cheek to see how she responds.

Then you do the final one. In the states, I say, This is a trick question, so
listen carefully. Do you get Reese cups here? Theyre peanut butter cups.
Do you get chocolate-covered peanut butter cups here?

Participant: No.

Ross: You dont have chocolate-covered peanut cups here? You fucking
primitives! I say, Reese cups or smores? Do you have smores here?

Participant: No.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Ross: You fucking primitive animals! You dont have smores! You take a graham
cracker coated with chocolate. Then you take marshmallows and melt
them in between. Its like a chocolate and marshmallow sandwich.

Theres a kind thats premade, but theres a kind that you actually make.
You melt the chocolate in a saucepan. You toast the marshmallows and
melt them. Then you pour the chocolate over the graham crackers and
take the melted marshmallow. You have a little sandwich. Its super
sugary sweet.

Im going to open a homemade smores stand and make a fortune here in
Hammersmith. What would be the equivalent?

Participant: Wagon wheel.

Ross: Whats a wagon wheel? Is that kind of slang for a woman whos had 15
children? I had some wagon wheel last night. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Say no more!

I would say, Reese cups or smores? Whatever she says is the right
answer. Id say, See? Were snack compatible. Its a cute little game.

There are other schools of pickup that teach little games, like this, but
there is a difference here. What is the topic that were already starting in
on within the first three minutes? What is the theme here?

Participant: Indulgence.

Ross: Thats right. We already have her talking about indulgence.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to know how I came up with the snack quiz? I swear this is
true. I was in a car wash in Venice. There were two girls. One girl was
eating a snack, and the other girl was eating some other kind of snack.
They didnt know each other.

One girl said, What are you having? She said, Oh, Im having this. I
quite like these, but those are even better. They started talking about all
of the snacks they like to eat. Then they were talking about the snacks
they like to eat before they go to sleep in bed. I swear, I almost heard the
obligatory porno music in my mind. I thought, Here comes the obligatory
gratuitous lesbian scene at the car wash.

Then I thought, This is really good. This is what women talk about
amongst themselves. They were sort of salivating, talking about their
various treats. It involves oral pleasure, doesnt it? Run with it. Early on,
within the first three minutes, were very subtly introducing a very
interesting theme, which is indulgence.

There is another game I quite like that works really well with waitresses
and bartenders. Its not mine. I give full credit to Neil Strauss. He came up
with it, but its really good. It never fails to create a playful atmosphere. Its
fantastic. Its called the Five-Questions Game.

This is the way the game works. Im going to ask you five questions. You
have to get them all wrong. If you get them all wrong, you win, and Ill give
you 20. If you get even one of them right, you lose, and I get to punch
you in the arm. Fair enough? Im not making any promises. Thats the
game. Are you ready? You have to get them all wrong. Here we go.

Whats your name?

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Participant: <inaudible>

Ross: What city are we in?

Participant: <inaudible>

Ross: What planet are we on?

Participant: <inaudible>
Ross: How many was that?

Participant: Three.

Ross: Shut up, guys!

Youve played this before?

Participant: Yes.

Ross: Youve really played it before?

Participant: Yes.

Ross: But you answered right, so you lose. Hold out the arm. No, Im not going
to hit you. Yes, I will.

Thats the game. Its just a cute little fun game. There is no serious intent.
It creates a fun little thing. Its you and her having a nice little time. Ive
used it. I give full credit to Neil. Its not mine.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Participant: I have one special, funny fourth question. I say, Am I the greatest, best-
looking guy in the world? She says no. I say, Thank you.

Ross: Thats good.

Its just a fun little game. Remember my Twin Brothers thing? You can
play that. Its like my little non sequitur. Are you a roller, a folded or a
thrower? They always get talking.

I say, Were going on vacation. Would you roll your clothes, fold them or
throw them? She answers, and you say, Were not compatible, but just
for fun, I heard this question at a party. If you could go somewhere where
money and time were no object, where would you go, and what would you
enjoy the most?

As soon as she starts answering, you say, Wait a minute. Take me along
with you. Were there at the Alps. You can go right to that. You can play a
little game like that.

If youre at a club, pub, party or place where there are a lot of people
gathered together, what game could you play? Do you know what game I
like to play in a place like this? Whos Not Getting Any? I like to look
around the room and say, Whos gone at least a year without getting
any? Lets play. What about that guy over there?

Women are mean as hell. They love this game. They all want to play. I
say, What about that girl? No, shes not had any. I play this little game
with them.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Once Ive played this little game, and were having fun together, where
could I go from there? Shirline gave me a good one. Shes a wicked
natural speed seducer.

She said, You do this stuff then tell the girl, Do you know whats
interesting in a place like this? Most of the time, you talk to someone and
the conversation doesnt go anywhere. Every once in a while, theres a
really strong connection. What would that look like?

Do you get it? Youre putting your head on the platter and showing your
face. Do you see where this could go? You could play that little game with

Heres something else I do. This is really interesting. Lets say I dont want
to go the game route. I could play a little game with her. Then I could ask
a seduction question, which Im going to get to. I could go straight to the
seduction question.

Here is a general rule. Before I ask a seduction question, I ask a stupid
question. Then I pull it back. I have found, in my experience, that it just
works better if I start to talk like a normal, stupid guy then stop myself and
go in the right direction.

I remember doing this in a place called James Beach in Venice. There
were three girls and a guy sitting at the bar having dinner. I walked in, sat
down and said, Bartender, Im buying drinks for all of these people. They
can have water or ice water. Thats how I opened up.

I said, How do you guys all know each other? They told me. I said, You,
were going to play the Five-Questions Game. I played the Five-Question
Game with her, and all her friends were laughing. They said, Who the hell
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
are you? I said, Im so-and-so, blah, blah, blah. I came in really funny,
just like that.

I talked casually, just for a few minutes then turned to one of them and
said, So, what do you do for a and stopped myself. Never mind that.
When you really want to cut loose, indulge yourself and escape, what do
you love to do? What would you like to do but havent yet found someone
to try it with? What is something youd really like to do but havent let
yourself try?

She went off on this huge thing about scuba diving and the Indian Ocean.
She had this thing. She had been there once and went crazy telling me
about it. She said it was the most beautiful experience of her life. I said,
Wait a minute. Im a little slow. Youll have to take me along with you for
me to get it.

We had this 20-minute scuba-diving expedition. We were going down in
the water. I said, When we go down together, are we going down slowly,
or are we going down fast? She said, Were going down slowly. Were
enjoying going down together. Really!

We swam to this secret cove and saw all of these beautiful fish. As we
were ascending together, we were feeling more and more joyous. We
came to the surface and looked into each others eyes. We were so happy
to be there.

We leant in and started kissing each other in front of her friends. Her
friends were stammering. I stopped and said, Oh, were just being

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Thats pretty damn good, isnt it? That was about 45 minutes. We were
talking back and forth. I started by asking the wrong question. I said,
What do you do then I stopped. The average guy says, What do you
do for a living? Isnt that a typical question? I dont want to be typical.

I start to ask the typical question then I fractionate between her
expectation of the stupid-guy question with the real seduction question.
For some reason, it just makes it more acceptable.

What energy did I come in with? I walked in and said, Bartender, Im
buying drinks for everyone. They can have water or ice water. It was part
of a put-on and part being very dominant. It was very dominant energy,
but it was playful. I came in and took control but I did it playfully. It wasnt
like I was saying, Im the big cock of the walk here. Who are you people?
It was playful. It was funny.

Participant: You asked her to take you on the trip. What if you have your own story?

Ross: We were having a discussion Friday night, and you told me a beautiful
story. You were swimming with whales in Tonga and saw this mother
humpback whale. The thing that impressed you was how gentle she was.
She was very big and powerful. She had a calf with her. She could have
flicked you into nothingness, but she didnt.

I said, Dude, stop. Thats an incredible language pattern. All you have to
do is describe it with a little more sensory richness, and thats a beautiful
pattern. You were telling the truth. You werent making that story up. I
said, Thats incredible. That would get any woman going strongly. It
really happened to you.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
What if you have your own experience like that? Do you start with it? If
you have a really good experience of something you do that helps you to
escape, dont start with it. You want her talking and involved. Then, if your
experience somehow will embellish or match her own, tell your
experience. Thats perfectly fine.

If you tell your experience, make sure you include sensory-rich detail. You
dont say, We jumped in the water, and the whales were big.

Participant: When you invite yourself on her journey, and it comes time to tell your
journey, do you invite her along with you?

Ross: No, I wouldnt do it that way because its really gilding the lily. Youve
already gone along with her. You can just tell your story.

If you want to be a little sneaky, you can incorporate some of the words
she used to describe hers as long as its within the bounds of truth and
accurately describes what really happened with you.

If shes describing her skiing, and she keeps talking about buzz and
thrill, if its part of the truth of your story that you were experiencing
something like that, but rather than calling it buzz you would call it high,
its perfectly okay to use her words in your story. If it reflects the truth of
your own experience, thats perfectly okay.

That message will go in just a little bit more deeply into her experience,
provided youre not making it up. If youre making it up, and throwing in
her words, thats leaning into the darker side of the force.

If it really is reflecting an experience youve had, its perfectly okay to use
some of her own words as part of your description of what happened
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
provided its an honest match. In that case, its like youre just translating
from French into German. Youre still speaking the same truth. It will just
slide in better. You fucking nasty fuckers! I didnt mean it that way.

Often, when youre dealing with the right kind of girl who is highly
imaginative, sexually adventurous and comfortable with men and sex, just
doing that is quite enough. You dont need to go any further. Just give
sensory-rich descriptions or let her describe her experience and join along
with it.

I used to say that when she starts getting really excited to anchor it. Some
people I used to work with teach that. Lets say shes talking about the
story. You would say, What is your favorite part of it, which isnt bad. Ill
say, What is your favorite part of the dive?

Instead of watching for her to get really excited then anchoring it, I dont
need to do that because Im along on the experience with her. Ill say,
Then what do we do? Because Im in the experience with her, those
feelings are already linked in to me.

Notice that its voluntary. She could always say, No, youre not going on
the trip with me. Because shes participating and taking me along on the
journey with her, its a voluntary process. At any point in this process, she
could say, No, were going too far.

The fact is that shes taking me along. Every moment, I say, Tell me what
happens then, in effect, shes giving consent. Every time I say, What
does the water feel like? by going along with it, shes giving her consent
to it. Shes participating. Its not something Im inflicting on her.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
You dont need to sit there and anchor yourself because shes
participating. Its much less work, too. You dont have to sit there and
think, Anchor, anchor, anchor. You can actually enjoy her story.

Do you want to know my kryptonite among women that shuts down all my
skills? Its not big tits or a hot ass. If a woman tells me a fascinating story
and can regale me, I get like a 5-year-old and get sucked into her story. I
forget to do anything if a woman can tell me a good story and keep me
utterly fascinated.

This chick, Lily, the 25-year old, kept regaling me with tales of her
adventures working for this soldier of fortune consulting company. I said,
Really? What happened then? Well, I was sitting with the prime
minister, the former head of Pakistans intelligence service, sipping tea

She told me how she was jumping out of a plane with a fake rifle at 300
feet. I said, Really? And the French paratroopers came. I said,
Really? She was sarging me! A good story gets me every time.

In the process, its perfectly okay to inject sexual metaphor. This is my
formula. Shes telling me the story. What in the story matches something
sexual? I said, Were going down in the water. As we go down together,
are we going down slow, or are we going down fast? Thats a sexual
metaphor. Thats fine. I have no problem with it.

Lets list them. Its easy. When you think of sex, what are some of the
terms that pop into mind?

Participant: Tits.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Ross: Thats not metaphorical. What are some of the terms we use to refer to

Participant: Slowly. Deep. In and out.

Participant: Cum fast.

Ross: Back and forth. Penetrate. Opening. Did you hear me say, Its almost like
you can feel youre opening for something different? Am I saying, Do you
feel youre opening your mind? or is she feeling her opening? When I say
that, Im imagining the woman masturbating. You can feel youre opening
to something thats really exciting. Its acute ambiguity.

This is where the little tools come in, the smaller pieces. This is sexual
metaphor. It also accelerates the pace of the feeling. I say, You feel your
opening. Its phonetic ambiguity. You feel you are opening.

Am I saying, You feel that you are engaging in the act of opening in some
way, or am I saying, You feel your opening? In this sense, feel means
youre touching yourself. Your means the possessive form of the word.

You feel youre opening. In this case, opening is a verb. Its actually a
gerund. The ing form of the verb is called a gerund, correct? Im the only
cunning linguist here. Its a bad joke. I know. You get the sense that you
are engaging in the activity of opening.

You feel your opening. Feel is the verb. Youre touching. What are you
touching? Youre touching your opening, your vagina. Isnt that great?
When I say it, Im picturing her masturbating.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
You can say, You feel youre opening to a magnificent new direction you
didnt know you wanted to take inside. Does that mean you didnt know
inside that you wanted to take it or that you didnt know you wanted to take
the direction inside of yourself? Get it?

This is done in the context of consensually going on a fantasy journey with
you. The whole point is that shes taking you by the hand on this journey
with her.

Its in the context of being consensual. Every few moments, youre saying,
Take me with you. What is the water like? Each step of the way, shes
consensually going on this journey with you.

Con - sensually is an interesting ambiguity, isnt it? Am I saying
consensually or con sensually? Did you hear it? Con sensually is a
made-up word, but it means together through sensuality. Thats another

Participant: Are you saying cun sensually?

Ross: No, Im not saying cun - sensually, but you could. It can have whatever
meaning you can concoct inside of yourself.

Participant: Do women try to correct you when you say blow me?

Ross: Never. You must understand this. They dont correct me because Im not
inflicting anything. Theyre enjoying the journey. Properly presented with
the right kind of person, seduction is something that women enjoy. They
want it to happen. Why would they fuck up their own good time by saying,
Nah, nah, nah?

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
If I were inflicting it on her, rather than sharing along with her, she might.
She might do that if she just didnt like me and didnt want to have
anything to do with it or if I were doing it in a way that wasnt pleasant.
Because Im doing it in a way thats pleasant, and shes going along with
it, why would she fuck up her good time?

If she enjoys a rollercoaster, and I have her on the best rollercoaster in the
world, why would she suddenly try to make herself sick? It doesnt make
any sense. Stop worrying about that.

We have her on this journey. Its almost like you can feel youre opening
to a new direction. You want inside. Is the ambiguity new direction or
nude direction? Also theres an ambiguity about inside. Does that mean
she wants inside herself? Does she realize that she wants a new
direction? Does she want a new direction inside?

I dont want you to miss this point. Whats really driving this is not the
language. Its my vibe and attitude. Im showing her that its okay to go
there. If you do this to the vibe of Ha-ha, look what Im doing to her, its
not going to work. The language only works because the conductive
medium is the vibe that Im creating with her. It works pretty fucking good,
doesnt it?

We go through this journey together. Then Ill change the subject.
Remember, I fractionate. I dont keep building this heavy thing. Thats
another reason why I wouldnt immediately share my own experience
because its too heavy. Im going to fractionate.

What are some ways to fractionate? Once youve done a pattern like this,
would you like three specific ways to fractionate, any of which will work?

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Participant: Yes.

Ross: You can fractionate the direction of attention. Your direction of attention
has been toward each other. You can vector the attention outward. You
can suddenly pay attention to other people in the environment, to the food
or to her friends. You can fractionate by temporarily changing the direction
of attention from inward between the two of you to outward.

Im not trying to knock down the door with a sledgehammer. What Im
doing is making my side of the room so enticing that she wants to open
that door and leave it open.

That is the old model of Speed Seduction. I used to do that before 1997. I
created all of these good feelings and kept building on them. Let me try to
be really accurate because I dont want to mislead. If you keep piling it on,
with some women, it can work. There are challenges on many levels.

I could go directly into it and say, Its just like when you take a bit of
chocolate in your mouth. I could keep piling it on. The problem with piling
it on is that, first, it presumes that Im not picking the right person to play
with. With the right person, I dont need to pile it on. That will be enough.

Second, piling it on isnt always an infliction because there are some
women who want it piled on. They want that sense of being totally
overpowered and overwhelmed. They want to feel like they have nothing
to do with it. Youre doing it to them. There are women like that.

In my experience, women like that tend to have a pretty loose grip on
reality. Whatever is presented to them is their reality in that moment. They
accept that as a reality. The problem is that they have that response to
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
everything in their life. If something comes up that is really painful, that will
become all of her reality.

People like that tend to have very badly defined boundaries. They really
dont know who they are and who you are. Youre blurring the boundary in
order to seduce them. Its not healthy for you.

Nietzsche said, Dont look into the abyss too long because when you look
into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. The abyss is a big, gaping
hole that goes on forever.

The problem with the kind of people who respond to this is, in order to pay
attention to them in a way that theyll respond to, you have to start taking
on some of their ways. You may be influencing them, but theyre also
influencing you with their bad boundaries and nuttiness.

Did you ever sleep with a girl and feel confused or dazed for a few days or
weeks afterward? Im not being funny. I dont mean thinking, Why did I
fuck her? She was awful. Thats her confusion sticking to you. It can
happen. I dont want to make you paranoid. When you sleep with people,
you get their energy on you. Be careful where you stick it.

You wont believe me, but I swear to God this is true. The last three
women I had in my bed, I did not penetrate because they didnt come to
me with the kind of energy that I felt I wanted to put myself into.

Thats not to say I didnt have fun. I had fun, but Im not going to put
myself into someone whos not coming to me with pretty good energy.
They wanted me, but they wanted me for the wrong reasons. They wanted
me because they saw me as some kind of super successful person. They
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thought, Wow, you have the answers to all of my problems! I didnt want
to have any of that.

The problem with piling it on is also that its just a lot of work. I dont get to
have any fun with the other person, so I dont pile it on. You could go to
other patterns. I dont.

What I want to do is fractionate. You can fractionate the direction of your
attention. Since your attention is on each other, you can turn your
attention outward to the environment, some other person or the drinks.

Remember, I said that fractionation is part of the machine language of the
female psyche. There are many different ways you can fractionate.
Fractionate the vector of your attention, where its directed.

Participant: When you fractionate, how much time should there be?

Ross: Thats a German question. You want the exact minutes? Im serious. Its a
good question, but what are you really asking? Im calibrating to the
person. It depends.

If there is something outward that could be useful for us to draw closer
together, Ill stick with going out there. Lets say that what we see is a
couple in the corner making out like crazy. Its a really horny, heavy make-
out. I might what to spend some time having a look at that.

It depends on whats going on. I cant give you a formula. Its a felt sense.
I feel my way through it.

Participant: I read in a book that women are always thinking of a few things at a time.

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Ross: Every human is constantly multitasking. Beneath the surface of your
conscious awareness, youre having a million thoughts going on in

Participant: It said that women are more capable of this than men. Men can only focus
on one thing.

Ross: That may be true. I dont know. I just know that this works. You can
fractionate the focus of your attention outward. You can fractionate the
vibe youre coming from.

Dont get too confused. Get clear. Fundamentally, there are four vibes that
attract women. Im going to do a loop. The overall loop were talking about
now is fractionating as part of the overall sequence of how you conduct a
successful sarge. Im tracking it. Im not losing it. Its a loop within a loop
within a loop.

You can fractionate back and forth among the various different vibes that
attract women. Theres not any order. Its not like Vibe 1, Vibe 2 and Vibe

The first vibe Ill talk about is being dominant and strong and being a
leader. Youre being captain of the football team or the president of the
school class. Theres a key distinction. Dominant is not domineering.
Authority is not authoritarian.

What is the distinction between dominant and domineering? If you take
dominant and slide inside of it arrogance and having no concern for other
people, it turns into domineering. If you take dominant and slide inside of it
hostility and abusive behavior, then it turns into domineering.

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Subtract it out, and its just being dominant. Dominant simply means you
will set the direction for things, and youre in the lead. Do you understand
that distinction?

Many of you have had abusive fathers or abusive male figures in your life.
I know thats the case. For many of you, when you make the distinction
between domineering and dominant, it will allow you to understand that
were not talking about the way those people acted. They were never
dominant. They were domineering.

Heres the basic belief behind being dominant. I rehearse this. I do the
Magickal Self-Ritual. Once a week, I rehearse my vibes. The basic belief
is, Im not your girlfriend with a penis. At some point, I could fuck you. Im
also going to make sure youre safe every step of the way. Do I say that?
No, but thats whats conveyed.

Shirline was so cute. When she was getting married and picking out all of
her wedding stuff, she didnt have any girls to talk to. She said, Paul, you
have to look at the plan for the china. I said, Shirline, I love you. Youre
my best friend. Im not your girlfriend with a penis. Im a guy. I have no
interest in any of this. Find a girl to talk to.

She said, But please, will you just look at the pattern? No, I wont. Ill
come to your wedding, but Im not going to look at your china pattern. I
have a penis. Am I lying? I said that.

Im not your girlfriend with a penis. At some point, I could fuck you.
Notice what Im saying. I'm not saying, I want to fuck you, or, Im going
to fuck you. Im saying, At some point, I could fuck you, which implies
that she has to earn it at some level. At some point, I could fuck you, and
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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Ill also going to make sure youre safe. Thats dominant. Thats very

What is another vibe? Being playful and fun. This is a key distinction.
What do the alpha male imitators teach you? You need a really exciting
life. You should go skydiving and pet a tiger. Tell her tales so shell be
envious of your exciting life.

There is nothing wrong with that. That could be fun. I encourage you all to
stretch your horizons and try new things youve never tried before. I think
thats wonderful. It adds juice to life. Do it. But thats not what I mean by

I mean that you have a happiness independent of external circumstances.
You have a way of finding joy in your life thats not dependent on external
events going your way or on other people approving of you. Thats much
more subtly attractive.

Having a fun, exciting, adventurous life is great. Im all for it. But thats not
what I mean. I mean you have a joy thats independent of external
circumstances or validation. This is deeply attractive to all people, men
and women.

Will you validate me externally and tell me Im right, Shirline? No. I know
the contradiction. I see what Im doing. Its a happiness and joy that is
independent. Where do you get it? Through a spiritual or meditation
practice. You cant always get there though. Its an ideal.

The third vibe is demonstrating authority in her world. Demonstrate
understanding. This is deeply attractive. It implies that you also show deep
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curiosity about her world. The parallel holding hands with this is having
deep curiosity.

If youre ever stuck on where to go with your seduction, get really curious.
Part of demonstrating understanding is also the capacity to be deeply
curious. Part of what makes me interesting is that Im deeply interested in
other people.

In order to be deeply curious, you have to be quiet in your mind and know
what to set aside temporarily. Get deeply curious and demonstrate that
you understand her world. I demonstrated some of that with this lady by
showing I understood what her world felt like.

The final vibe is being vulnerable/authentic. This is not to say that these
are not authentic. I dont mean you cry at movies, are graspy or needy, tell
her 10 times a day how much you love her or tell her that shes a ray of
sunshine from the butthole of heaven.

I mean you speak your truth. If she pissed you off, you tell her. Thats just
one example. The basic belief behind this is that speaking my truth is
more important to me than getting into your pants.

I told you this Friday night. At first, its going to be something youre
playing with, but when it gets to be the truth, thats really powerful.
Speaking my truth is more important to me than getting into your pants.
Thats the ultimate challenge for women. Its basically being honest in a
way that may risk offending her.

You can fractionate locations. You can move her to a new location. Lets
go next door. You can walk to a different part of the location youre in.

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Participant: How do you demonstrate authority?

Ross: You can demonstrate authority by the nature of the questions you ask, by
showing that you understand and by pacing. What did I do with her? I
said, I bet your job is very important to your family. Theyre very proud of
you, and that matters to you, doesnt it?

You can fractionate the level of intensity of the interaction.

Participant: What about questions like, How old are you?

Ross: You could go back to a little bit of junk or fluff talk.

Participant: Then you come back to this. Keep the control.

Ross: Thats a loaded word, but yes. Lets say that you have to control the
direction. Its about direction control. If your direction gets out of control,
there could be a problem.

You can fractionate the intensity with which you communicate. You can go
back to a chump topic briefly if you want to. Where do you live? Where
did you go to school?

You can also fractionate by turning and talking to someone else. You can
talk to one of her friends. That also counts as fractionating the focus of
your attention. You could involve a friend in the conversation with the two
of you.

These are things that I cant give you a strict formula for. I can give you
options to play amongst. Its done by feel. Im showing you an overall
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What is the next good thing you could go to? Weve gone from the
opening to doing some little fun quizzes to launching into something,
either by asking a question or playing a game. Now we want to run a
second round of this stuff. What could we do?

Its pretty easy. We could pick something that involves a different topic or
theme, or we can continue on the same theme in a different way. Those
are our two choices. We could continue along with the same topic just with
a different example, or we could do something from a different category of
topics or themes.

Our next decision tree is flowing to a different topic or the same topic but
different example or angle. If the first thing has been about connections,
and we want to go on with the same topic but a different example, we just
start talking about how we connect with other people.

In this example, we started off with an adventure, escape or indulgence.
We could continue along with that same topic but use a different example.
From there, we could go into the Blow-Job Pattern. We could say, I was
watching this show talking about the difference between compulsion and
anticipation. We could go to any other thing that deals with escape,
adventure or indulgence.

Youd better be damn well certain that Im going to incorporate all of her
responses again. Remember, Im not just going to drop all of the juicy
sauce she gave me the first time around. Im not going to drop any of that
stuff if she gives me a self-anchor.

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How many people think Im going to let it go and start from the beginning
again? How many people think Im going to fucking incorporate it in the
next round? Look up here.

Lets say that in the course of doing that first one she talked about buzz,
energy and excitement. Do you think Im going to not incorporation that
in the next round of patterns? Youd better believe I am.

Lets say the first thing I did was Twin Brothers. Now I have a bunch of
anchors stacked on my thumb. Do you think Im going to ignore that with
the next thing I do, or am I going to think, Hmm, heres something
interesting to talk about?

Thats an example of something I return to periodically. Remember, when
you return to things periodically, theres mastery in it. Youd better believe
that any good responses I get from the first round, Ill bring them along. Ill
keep rolling that snowball down the hill in the direction its already going in,
adding mass to it until it becomes an avalanche.

One of the things Im doing when I pop out of the first pattern is giving the
safe door a tug. When I do that first round of patterning and pop her out to
fractionate her briefly into something else, Im giving the safe door a tug.

What does that mean? I could lean in closer. I could look at her lips. I
could touch her. I want to give the safe door a tug in between patterns.
That could mean looking at her lips a little too long.

You could look in her eyes just a little bit too long. You could look in her
eyes like youre already lovers. You could touch her and hold the touch a
little bit longer. If I look at her lips, and she looks back at mine, I may lean
in for a kiss
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

When I fractionate between patterns, thats when I give the safe door a
tug. How do I give the safe door a tug? I could look in her eyes and hold
her gaze too long, more than a stranger would. I could look at her lips. I
could touch her in a certain way. Maybe thats when I throw in a little

You have to give that safe door a tug in that moment of fractionating
outside of the pattern. Does that make sense? Now its coming together,
isnt it?

I could go to the same topic but a different example or angle. I could go to
a different topic. We have six different things to pull from.

Generally speaking, I like to change it up. If Ive done something regarding
connections, then I want to go to indulgence and escape. If Ive started
with indulgence and escape, I want to go to connections or a demo, joke
or story.

Theyre going to incorporate the things that were in the first round. With
speed seduction, we do a first round to get some strong responses. We
fractionate. We test the safe door. Then we go back into the second round
and bring forward into the second round all of those juicy, saucy
responses, verbal and nonverbal, that we got on the first one.

You can say, Heres something interesting. Maybe youve anchored all of
her best feelings to the glass of water. You take a sip and say, You
know Now were going to incorporate everything into this next round.

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The next round could be anything you want. You could tell them the
Dream Story. My friend had this incredible dream. Let me tell you about

Let me speak with full rigor. Lets say youre doing the Dream Story, and
she gives you the eye scan. The eye scan is when she looks back and
forth, scanning your eyes. She looks at this eye and that eye. She looks at
your lips.

If shes giving you that eye scan, leaning into you and all over you, or she
pulls her panties aside to show you, while youre doing the pattern, you
dont have to stop, fractionate and tug the safe door. If you hear the
tumblers whirring, and its swinging open, give the door a tug. Dont
formally stop. These are just suggestions.

Formally speaking, you test the safe door when you fractionate between
patterns. If you see strong responses, like looking in your eyes, holding
your gaze, looking back and forth between your eyes, looking at your lips,
leaning into you or breathing heavily so you feel the heat coming off of her
body, and sometimes you literally smell lubrication, give the safe door a

Dont think, Ross said you have to wait. These are ideas. James didnt
have to fractionate. She pulled her panties and showed him the dripping-
wet vagina.

James: Stop and enjoy.

Ross: Thats the time to stop and enjoy the saucy roses.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Weve been together since Friday night. Were learning a lot. Calm down.
Savor the last moments we have. This will pass and will be a memory.
Lets savor it. Lets go slow. Slow down. I know youre eager little chicks.
You want the momma to throw up in your throat and give you worms, but
lets slow down.

Do you know whats really good, Jonathan? This is an opportunity for men
to join together, support each other and learn something important

Who here had a father who taught them all about this? Who had a dad
who took them aside, hung out with them and explained about women
who really knew what he was talking about and showed them how to get
on with ladies? Does that tell you something? We are men whose fathers
did not teach us this.

I love my father dearly. He busted his ass supporting six kids plus my
cousin, Paula, who lived with us for six or seven years. He had seven
mouths to feed in addition to himself. He had to work three jobs five days
a week. Then he worked two jobs on the weekends to feed his family.

My father was far from being a carouser or a drunk. He never abused us
or any of that. He didnt beat us. But my father couldnt be around for me
as a teacher because he was busy earning a living so we could survive.

I love my father dearly. Hes still with us. Hes a horny old man who tries to
make out with every girl I introduce him to. Thats just him. He said, I
dont know. I tried this stuff and got my face slapped. My father was not
there for me in this way. He couldnt be. I dont think he had a clue

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This is something that we really need. Overall, were men who really didnt
have fathers and didnt have teachers. Were a fatherless, teacherless
society when it comes to this subject.

This is a place where men can join together, not come together. I was
going to say that. We can learn about something that is powerfully
important and support each other in that. I think there are some
friendships that have been made here, yes?

Participant: Yes.

Ross: This is really good. How many ways can men have camaraderie and
brotherhood? Not a lot of ways. Im very happy to be supporting and
facilitating that. Its one of the side benefits. In addition to teaching the
technology and doing the lovely change work, men are joining together in

Now we launch into the second round. It could be anything. Challenge me.
Pick a category of topics for me.

Participant: Fascination.

Ross: Fascination would be an overall example of what? What kind of theme
does it fit under? Its a subcategory of connection because youre only
fascinated with things that you connect to, right?

Participant: Yes.

Ross: I can say, What also interests me is how we connect with the things that
really, truly grab our interests. In a place like this, you meet people.
Theres not really much.
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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Ten
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

With some people, you meet them, and theres just something about this
person. You go inside and find that part of you where you can feel youre
opening. Its totally incredible. Sometimes I feel like theres a whole new
part you want to take in.

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