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Speed Seduction 3.


Program Transcript:
Disc Nine

Created By
Ross Jeffries
Getting Some


The Guru of

For the smart guy who refuses

to resort to bullying, begging,

Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
This transcript may not be duplicated without written permission
buying, bs or booze, in his pursuit of happiness.

from the author.

This program may contain viewpoints that may be considered controversial by certain
audiences. It is intended as a powerful guide for self-respecting, intelligent men who
are looking to avoid from "real-hate-shun-ships by default" and instead claim the
happiness that they deserve.

I, Ross Jeffries, Ghita Services., Inc, and/or (or any of our other
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You alone are responsible for your decisions and actions, even if they have an impact
on others. This information is meant for "entertainment" purposes only.

While this transcript contains information, tips, tools, and strategies that are
recommended by us and, in most cases, have succeeded when applied by others, this
product and its contents carry no warranty or guarantee (either explicit or implied) that
the purchaser or reader will achieve success with women, or in any other endeavor for
which they may be used.

Ross: The thing with put-ons is theyre really playful and fun. I want all women to
get the sense around me right away that they can be comfortable. They
can relax and they can have fun. Did you get the sense after meeting me
that I was a fun person to be around? Say yes.

I want them to get the sense that I dont have an agenda. In other words, I
want to lull them to sleep. Just kidding!

With put-ons, as soon as she laughs you need to say, Im glad you
laughed because I noticed you here and I wanted to meet you. Im
conveying my purpose. Im not hiding the fact that I wanted to meet her.
Im stating right up front who I am and what I wanted.

That goes to the next part, which is being direct and sincere. That is a very
attractive vibe. As soon as I do the put-on, I immediately move right over
to being direct and sincere. I want to state my intent.

Other schools will teach, Dont state your intent, fuck that. Own your
intent. Its not like a massive intent like, Man, I saw you here and all of my
DNA woke up and screamed, Replicate with this woman!

If she cant handle the genuine, low-key, simple statement that I saw her
and wanted to meet her, then whats the point? Im glad you laughed
because I saw you here and I wanted to meet you.

If you want to doll it up a little bit, you can say, I saw you here and I
wanted to meet the person wrapped in all of the pretty. For some reason
that phrase wrapped in all the pretty just sounds good.

Its more like, Im sure youve heard from guys that youre good looking
before. They probably dont say it in quite that clever way. Its also
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
pointing out something else. In effect that statement is a challenge.
Remember I said that you need to challenge women?

The challenge of that statement is that first of all, its an implied
complement. I didnt say directly, I think youre very pretty and I wanted to
meet you. I said, I wanted to meet the person wrapped in all the pretty.
The presupposition is that first of all Im seeing the pretty, but I dont think
its who you are. I just see it as something like an outer garment.

The second thing it says without saying that its only an external covering,
what else do you have? Its not coming right out and saying, What else do
you have besides your looks?

People corrupt my teaching in the most unusual, bizarre ways. This has
now worked its way into one of the other schools of pickup. Its one of the
things they say, So what else do you have going for you besides your
looks? That is so vulgar.

That can work. It will work at the right phase, but its vulgar. Its like a giant
flamingo on your front lawn. You guys dont have Chuck E. Cheese
anymore do you? Thank god. Its like Dame Ednas sense of fashion. Its

This is implying it. When you say, I wanted to meet the person wrapped in
the pretty, youre saying a lot of things. First of all, youre saying, Yes,
youre pretty, but I can see past it and I want to see what you have beyond
that. But its all done through implying, rather than stating. You state your
intent. You say, Yes, I wanted to meet you. Thats true. Youre speaking
the truth.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
The implication in the way you state, I wanted to meet the person
wrapped in all the pretty, is that you see beyond it. Her being pretty is not
enough. What else does she have going for her? Its all stacked within an
implication rather than stating it directly.

Remember, women use implication all of the time with us. Were simply
communicating through the same back channel. Were using the back
channel and communicating that way. There is nothing dishonest about it.
Were not lying in any way. Were not hiding anything. Were simply being

There is a distinction between being crafty and being dishonest. Were
simply getting the message across in a way where its more easily

Then Ill say, Im glad you laughed, because I saw you here and I wanted
to meet you. I wanted to meet the person wrapped in all the pretty. If I
start with a put-on, Ill immediately go to direct and sincere.

I can also start with being direct and sincere, couldnt I? I could walk up to
the girl whos there in the supermarket and say, Excuse me, I saw you
shopping here and I wanted to meet you.

I like saying it a little bit better. Guys, look up here. Heres a never fail, fall-
back line. If you cant think of what to say and your mind is flipping, I
guarantee you this will work. You walk up and say, Excuse me, I noticed
you here. I realized that if I didnt say something Id never get to meet you.
My name is X.

Thats a devastatingly simple statement. There is nothing she can argue
with in that statement. Excuse me, I saw you here and I realized that if I
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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
didnt say something, Id never get to meet you. That is absolutely
minimalist, pick-up artistry.

What can she say? Thats some slick, bullshit pick-up line? Its about the
least amount you could say and still get the message across.

Participant: I said almost the same thing 12 years ago and she was my girlfriend for
seven years. I said, If I dont say anything to you now, I will regret it for
the rest of my life.

Ross: Thats a little heavy. Excuse me, I noticed you here and I realized that if I
didnt say something, Id never get to meet you.

Ive actually had women laugh when I say that. I said, Why are you
laughing? They said, Its so honest. Why that should create a laugh, I
dont know, but Ive had them laugh. Youre so direct and honest.

Ill tell you something else. Beautiful women are not used to or expecting a
direct, honest approach without any bullshit. Ladies, you dont have to be
on camera. You dont have to come up here. Please help with at least
some participation. Have you not been bullshitted over and over again and
heard everything come out of a male mouth? Yes? Youll go that far and
help me out there? Yes, thats true.

Other than the fellas youre dating now, how often has a guy just come up
to you with no bullshit and said, I saw you here and realized that if I didnt
say something Id never get to meet you, ? How often does that happen?
It happens sometimes but not very often.

That kind of approach is impressive, simply from the fact that it doesnt
aim to impress at all. There is the paradox. In paradox there is power. The
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
fact that approach has no intent to impress whatsoever is what makes it

Its also pretty sexy. Youre not begging for attention and saying, Here I
am! Ive put my head on the chopping block. Heres the ax, what would
you like to do?

The ironic thing is its so disarming that very few people will do anything
other than be flattered. Even if shes not really interested or shes with
someone, you just made her day.

I want to tell you something else. Very rarely in my career have I had
women get actively nasty. Occasionally, as youve heard, it happens. Im
not saying it wont work 90% of the time. When it doesnt work, within that
world of things not going the way you want, 90% of the time the worst
thing that will happen is that nothing will happen.

Shell simply show no interest. Shell just stand there, smile and turn away.
Shes not going to yell at you, make fun of you or laugh at you. Ninety
percent of the time, shes not going to tell you to piss off. Ninety percent of
the time the worst that will happen is that nothing will happen, I promise

I told you those freakish times when women got mad for no reason. If they
do get angry at you, whats our fall-back line? Nothing I did merits that
kind of response, so whoever youre angry at, its not me.

Participant: I had a situation like that. I walked up to this girl who was outside a coffee
shop. I said, Excuse me, Im sorry to interrupt you. I just wanted to tell
you that youre the most gorgeous woman Ive seen tonight. It was
something stupid like that. It was just a little experiment.
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

She turned around and just started yelling. I just turned around and
walked away. My friend decided he would go in and try his luck. I got far
enough away and shouted, Donny, stop bothering the prostitutes. Youve
only got a fiver and they dont give change.

Ross: Thats mean. Did you hear what he said? He said he told his friend stop
winding up the prostitute. Youve only got a fiver and they dont give
change. Thats unnecessary, but its fucking funny.

Thats a simple, direct, sincere approach. I noticed you and realized that if
I didnt speak to you Id never get to meet you. Can she argue with that?
Be direct and sincere, put-on.

This ones tricky. Its intuition. Its having a genuine intuition about the
person. Those of you who dont have any intuition, you do your cold
reading stuff if you want to.

How do you develop intuition? What was an example of intuition? When I
looked into him and said exactly his metaphor for what his problem was,
that was intuition. To be intuitive and demonstrate understanding about
her world, it doesnt have to be a deep intuition.

I would call this intuition or demonstrating understanding. Another word
is simply pacing. Its verbal pacing. Its showing understanding or intuition
about her world.

Lets give some examples. Thats a very loose concept. Lets tie it down to
the ground with some concrete examples. Are you awake?

Participants: Yes!
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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

Ross: I dont believe you! Are you awake?

Participants: Yes!

Ross: I have to drill my students. By the way I noticed something very
interesting. When I give her a certain kind of attention, she turns beet red.
Yes, thats like that. You know when you flush in your face, sometimes the
blood rushes elsewhere. Thats right. The more you struggle and try to
fight it, the better it starts to feel. When you struggle and fight against
feelings, there can be that other, much more responsive part. You thought
you had to be up here for me to play with you, but really, we can play
quietly together. You know when you were a little girl, you thought about
playing with boys. Then you thought about playing with men. Yes.

Look up here. Look up here, James. Be a good boy. You dont have to
play with people in the way they expect or where they expect. You just
watch responses. Im in Room 8001.

Where were we? You can simply pace the ongoing situation. Lets say you
see her in a pub and guys have been disgusting here. Its been awful. You
can walk up and say, Excuse me. Im your reward for an evening thats
gone so badly so far. My name is. Thats a put-on, but it also an
observation. You like that, dont you, Shirley. That would work on you, I

Its demonstrating that you understand her situation. All of these guys
have been hitting on her.

Participant: Thats what I did last night.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Ross: Youre predicting my game. Thats very good. What did you say?

Participant: This guy was quite drunk and trying to chat this girl up. He was trying to
get her number off of her. It was quite painful. I was pretending to look at
my tube map. Then she started walking and I started walking. I just said,
That was a really bad pickup he tried on you, wasnt it? She said, Yes.

Ross: Thats a good opener. You can demonstrate that you understand whats
going on in context of where shes at. You can demonstrate you
understand whats going on in the environment.

I go to Starbucks a lot back home in LA. If you go at the right hour, youll
see women in line. Theyre waiting for their triple shot. Ill say, It looks like
you have that I cant start brain. Its an observation. Im demonstrating
that I understand whats going on with her and Im doing it in a funny way.

I could come up and say, You look like you really need your coffee. That
doesnt have much impact. In this case Im combining it. I sort of have a
foot in both vibes. I have a foot in my demonstrating I understand her
vibe. I also have a foot in the funny, put-on vibe. Im taking this kind of

Ive told this story many times. Ill tell it again. Its a good story. A couple
years back I was hanging out with my student, Dr. Ken. We were at an
NLP event, not one of mine.

I said, Lets take a break. There is a place down the street where all of
the Asian students from UCLA hang out. Dr. Ken has an Asian fetish.

Personally I dont care. Im most attracted to women who find me really
hot. It doesnt matter whether they consciously realize that is whats
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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
happening. What matters is that they want to respond powerfully. Dont
you think?

We went to this place. Its sort of like a pub. You order your food at the
counter and then you have a seat. They bring it to you. As we stood at a
counter, I looked over and noticed that there was a very pretty, young,
Asian lady. She was maybe 22 or 23 years old.

She was sitting. She was studying her textbook, but she was clearly
talking to herself inside her head. It didnt take a genius to see it. I didnt
have to study in the Himalayans to be able to see it. I just observed. I said,
Aha! Im going to have fun with this girl.

We order our food. Im sitting here, so the girl is sitting behind me, facing
away. I make sure Dr. Ken sits here. We sit down. I kind of wink at Ken
and say to him under my breath, Watch this.

Im talking to Ken and suddenly I turn around and say to her, Excuse me,
we have something very important to talk about here and you look like a
very loud thinker. Could I ask you to please not think so loudly? We need
to talk, and I turned around.

Ken was biting his lip. Obviously she was having a strong response. Were
talking along and I whispered under my breath to Ken, Watch this now. I
turned around and said, Excuse me, I told you not to think so loud! I
turned back around and a second later she tapped me on the shoulder. I
turned back around and she said, Who are you?

Then we started talking. She started talking to Dr. Ken. She was leaning
in. I leaned back. I said, You know, I think you two should talk. I got out
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
of my chair and she got in my chair. She talked to Dr. Ken and I pulled up
another chair. They were talking and talking.

She said, How old are you? He said, Im 42 years old. She said, No
way, I dont believe it. Youre 42 years old. Show me. He showed her his
license. She said, Oh my god, youre 42 years old. She started talking.

I said, Ill go order dessert. I walked to the counter. These two were
really connecting. I said to the lady at the counter, Look at those two.
What do you think? She said, Theyre really clicking. I said, Take your
time with my chocolate cake.

I returned and said, Dr. Ken, we really need to go. I think you guys should
exchange information because you want to talk again. She said, We
want to talk again. She goes to give him her number and said, Wait a
minute, youre 42 years old. I cant give you my number. Youre 42 years

I said to Dr. Ken, You know whats going to happen? A minute from now,
were going to walk out of here. Whats going to happen is shell start to
kick herself and say, Oh my god, I let another one go. What did I do that?
Why didnt I call him? I should have gotten his number. Anyway, come on,
Ken. We heard, Wait!

Was I manipulating that girl as you would define it? Is that manipulation?
Im serious. No? Its pretty clever though. That was an example of
observing her experience. I demonstrated understanding in her world. She
was talking to herself. I also made it a put-on.

I could have walked up and said, Excuse me, whatever youre studying
must be very difficult because clearly youre struggling to understand it. I
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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
could have done that. That kind of approach is no fun. I dont want to do

Direct and sincere can also include a comment, observation or question.

Participant: What about intuition?

Ross: Im so proud of you. You didnt see what he did. He started to do what he
used to do and then he dropped it and came from here. Im deeply proud
of you.

Participant: Is there a way you can teach us the intuition stuff? Is there a way that we
can sit back, watch and see if we can kind of step inside the approach?

Ross: God, Im proud of this man. Im not being funny. What a fucking great
piece of work this is.

Participant: I can see whats going on. Watch for about five minutes and then your
own unconscious will pick something up and then over you go, break or
stay and off you go.

Ross: When the people saw the man sitting in his right man clothes next to
Jesus, they were sore afraid and begged him to leave their country. Can
you believe this question that hes asking so intelligently? Shirlene would
probably be a better person to teach you this. I can give you the start of it.

Start doing the meditation practice to quiet your mind. That beginning
breath meditation I gave you will not only quiet your mind, but trust me,
over time it will open up your intuitive mind. Heres the other point. The
more you can observe yourself without buying into it, the more youll then
be able to understand other people.
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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.

The ability to peer into yourself without fear because youre no longer
buying into the old story, frees you to understand yourself. Through that,
youll be able to understand other people. That simple, non-glamorous,
un-heroic and even boring exercise has profound implications.

We trained as humans in this culture to look for the heroic. It has to be a
lightning bolt striking us to have any value. The spark in the right place is
as powerful as the lightning bolt in the myth. That was really good. I just
made that up. Do that exercise.

I lump into this category also comment, question, observation. Ill say,
Excuse me, can I ask you a question? You carry yourself with such
discipline and elegance. Its like you study yoga or dance.

When I see a woman who seems to have a really good image, Ill say,
Excuse me, can I ask you a question? Do you do some kind of meditative
or spiritual practice? You have lovely energy about you. Its direct and
sincere, but its more like a question than an observation.

Its doesnt take the form of, Excuse me, I noticed you had a great energy
and I wanted to meet you. You say, Excuse me, do you do some kind of
yoga practice or meditation? When they say, Why? Why do you ask? I
say, You have just a beautiful energy about you.

Its sort of like a question and a complement or an observation and a
complement. There is complement, question and observation in different

Participant: There is no challenge.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Ross: No, theres not. It is comment, question and observation. One of the ones I
like to ask is, Excuse me, but can you fight? Thats sort of a put-on. If I
notice a woman carries herself really quickly like she can fight, Ill say,
Excuse me, can you fight? Theyll say, What? They dont know if
theyre being complimented, which is not my intent, but if they look like
they can fight, Ill ask that. Usually they say, Well, if you try to take my
purse. Sometimes they can fight. If they can, theyre deeply flattered that
you picked it up.

One of my favorites is what I call The Blurt Out. I love this one. The Blurt
Out is coming in with an indirect, implied complement. Trust me on this.
Write down implied complement, Blurt Out, and, Its just that.

Throughout this course, Ive been talking about the power of implying
things. We can imply things by being vague or leaving things out.
Implication is far more powerful.

If I said to one of the ladies back there, The reason you can feel an
attraction for me is because you notice Im a great speaker and have a
nice jaw line, immediately theyd say, Yes, I dont think so, buddy.

What is wrong with me resenting something that specific? Why is it
ineffective? It may not match their experience. They may not see that at
all. It may not be the case at all that they see me being very good looking
and attractive. You got it! Exit stage left. That doesnt work because the
statement may not match the experience.

I could say, Its not that uncommon, as you sit there, to realize that theres
just something tickling in the back of your mind where you cant quite put
your finger on the attraction. Its just something. Maybe you try to hide it. I
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
find that when I let those feeling run through your mind, then you start to
think about other things.

Did I say what it is? Not at all. When its implied or vague, it slides in
because theres no resistance.

Participant: Youre describing the energy thats going through somebody.

Ross: Right, but Im not saying exactly how it works.

Participant: That would be vain.

Ross: I didnt say, It starts in your face then swirls around the small of your
back, because it may not match their experience. Guys, this is really

Suppose I walked up to a woman and said, I noticed that you have real
class and real style. I wanted to say hello. Is there anything wrong with
that? No. Its a perfectly fine approach.

Heres a better way to do that. You walk up and say, Excuse me. Its just
that I really admire women with class and style, so I had to say hello.

Ladies, what would be the difference between a guy walking up to you and
saying, Excuse me. I just noticed that you had so much class and so
much style that I had to say hello, and a guy saying, Its just that I really
admire women with class and style, so I had to say hello? Theres a
slight, subtle difference in there.

In the first case, I state directly that thats what I think about you. In the
second case, I didnt directly state it. I said, I really admire women with
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
class and style, so I had to come up to say hello. The implication is that
thats what I think about her, but I didnt state it directly. Her mind fills in
that gap. Its no longer a compliment she resists because her mind is filling
in that gap.

Excuse me. Its just that I really admire women with pouty, blowjob lips,
so I had to say hello. My compliments and openers are never sexual, or
usually arent.

There was a woman her a few nights ago at some executive conference
who was driving me up a tree. She had to be in her early 40s. She looked
so fucking good in that tight grey formal business suit. Her business skirt
was a little un-businesslike, and she had these horn-rimmed black
glasses. It was just something.

I was too exhausted, but my student gave me a nudge. He said, How
would you pick her up? It came to my mind immediately. I would walk up
to her and say, Excuse me. I dont know whether its the glasses, the
clothes or the way you move whats in those clothes, but youre driving me
crazy. I had to come up and say hi. My name is _____.

I was too completely knackered out to do it. I was completely exhausted.
Thats pretty direct, and its pretty complimentary, too. Its cheeky.

The implied compliment is pretty powerful. Its just that I really admire
women who carry themselves with a certain grace and power, so I had to
say hello. It takes the form of, Its just that I really like, or, I really
admire women who, and you describe them, so I had to say hi. My name
is _____.

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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Ive lumped this in with The Blurt Out because a Blurt Out works like this.
Youre walking this way, and shes walking this way. I know
geographically, whenever were going like this, Im going to use a Blurt

A Blurt Out is simply thinking out loud. Youre saying whatever comes to
your mind, provided its nonsexual. If what comes to your mind is great
legs, you can say that. If what comes to your mind is strap her to a tree,
you cant do that. You cant say anything sexual.

No, James, Im sorry. You have to understand that, in your interaction, she
was the one who said she wanted you to duct-tape her. She brought it up.
She said, Duct-tape me and fuck me like youre raping me. It didnt come
out of your mouth. Thats the difference.

You have to talk to this boy. Stand up, and lift your shirt. Just do it. Show
them what youre packing. All right, sit down. Oh, my god, its like hugging
a fucking rug. I get guys like this laid. Hes ready to vomit. Put it back on.

For The Blurt Out, youre just saying whatever comes off the top of your
head. I like to talk about what comes off of the top of my head. Whatever
comes of the top of your head is what you want to give the girl.

For example, I was coming down the steps of a parking structure. She
was walking up. What I noticed about her was that she was incredibly
stylish. I just blurted out style to burn. She walked by. I turned around to
look and she was looking back at me. She said, What did you say? I
said, You have style to burn.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
She wound up talking to me. She said, Why dont we talk again over a
beer? This girl was a 22-year-old marine biologist studying for her
masters. She was Canadian.

She showed up for our coffee meeting wearing 4-inch stiletto heels and a
fucking skintight outfit. Everyone was staring at me. This happened three
years ago. She had tattoos I didnt see before. She was wearing this super
low-cut hot tight dress with tattoos all over her back. Every head was
turning as we walked in together. Thats pretty cool for a Blurt Out.

Blurt it out. You just say whatever comes off of the top of your head. Ive
done this so many times. You dont rehearse it. You can do a rehearsed
Blurt Out. The rehearsed Blurt Out is saying, Its just that I really admire
your class and style, or, I really admire women with class and style, as
shes walking by. You can use, I really admire women, in any of these.

Now look at this.

Participant: Those have nothing to do with the four vibes.

Ross: There is a sense in which they do. When Im being direct, Im coming from
the place of being demanding, but Im also being vulnerable. When Im
putting them on, Im coming from that vibe of being funny. When I do this,
Im demonstrating authority in their world. I am doing all of them.

There is one more piece. This is not going to seem to make any sense.
Ive ever explicitly taught it before, but Ive realized that its a big piece of
what I do, and Ive been remiss as a teacher.

Once I introduce myself, where do I go from there? There are two
directions I can go.
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Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
1. Discuss something in the environment.
2. Discuss something about her.

Lets say I do this in the tube station. I can do any of these openers. I
introduce myself. She gives me her name. I can say, Do you know what I
like to do in the tube station? I like to play this game, Whos Getting

I wouldnt necessarily do that in a tube station, but you can discuss
something in the environment and offer a game or discuss something
about her. You can say, I noticed something about you. You seem to be
the kind of person who likes to learn about yourself.

Heres the one Ive been using lately with fabulous success. It doesnt
make any sense. Its contrary to what Ive always taught, but it works. I
haul out the non sequitur.

Can anyone translate the Latin? Who had a proper English education and
learned Latin? Non sequitur means it doesnt follow. Theres no logical
connection between what you just said and an elephant farting. See? I just
did one.

The non sequitur actually leads into a little bit of a game. Just try it. The
non sequitur Ive been using with fabulous success is to say, So, are you
a roller, a folder or a tosser? In America, we say tosser, but tosser
doesnt mean the same thing as it does here. Are you a roller, a folder or
a thrower?

Invariably, the response is, What does that mean? This, in effect, is a
game or quiz. I like to go to a little game or quiz. Ill say, Lets say were
on vacation. We have our suitcases open. Ive going to take you anywhere
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
you want to go, and youre packing your bag. Do you throw your clothes
in, do you roll them, or do you fold them?

Ive never had this not work. They always bite down on this one. I dont
know why, but they do. Whatever answer they give me, Ive going to play
with the answer.

Lets say shes a folder. Ill say, Youre a folder? Im a roller. Rollers and
folders usually dont get along unless there is some kind of chemistry.
Youre not going to believe this, but I say, When you do like to escape,
indulge yourself and get away, what do you really love to do? Youd be
surprised how quickly they go right into it.

Lets say she says, Do you know what I really love to do? I love to go
skiing. Ill say, Really? Tell me about that. Shell start to tell me, and Ill
stop her. Wait a minute. Take me along with you. Were there in the Alps.
What time do we arrive? Well, its noon. What does the air feel like?
Its really crisp. Are we dressed for skiing? No, we have to get into our
ski clothes.

Were there on the slope. What do we do? Do we have a little something
to drink beforehand? She says, I like hot chocolate. Is it sweet or a little
bitter? I have her describe it. I take the cup from you and sip it. Do I like
it, or do I give it back to you? She says, You like my chocolate. Theyll
play back with you.

Stop right there. The natural objection is, Come on! Do you mean women
will actually play with you like this? Not all of them. Guess what Ive
learned about the ones who wont play with me like this. Who is our
favorite philosopher? Is it Socrates?

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Participant: No.

Ross: Is it Karl Marx?

Participant: No.

Ross: Is it Euripides of Euclidean?

Participant: No.

Ross: Is it Euripides of Uranus?

Participant: No.

Ross: Our favorite philosopher is Snagglepuss. What does Snagglepuss say?
Exit stage left.

I want to screen very early on to see if she has an imagination, if shes
playful and if shell engage with me.

Participant: Yes, they will do this.

Ross: How do you know?

Participant: If they dont, exit stage left.

Ross: I thought maybe you played this game before or something like this.

Participant: No.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Ross: I go right into that. By the time Im done, within 20 minutes of meeting her,
weve already gone on a romantic vacation in the Swiss Alps together.
Thats not bad for the first 20 minutes of conversation.

Youre looking at me like youre thinking, Thats really wicked.

Participant: When I was going home, it was packed with nice, saucy Indian girls.

Ross: I love Indian women, too. I think theyre the most exotically beautiful
women in the world. Theyre awesome.

Participant: I moved my way in beside them. They were a bit noisy. They had been at
a party. One of them had to stand beside me. She had no choice.

I started with a bit of bullshit about, Its a party. Then I said, If you could
put the time and money aside, what would you like to do and where would
you like to go? She said, Id like to go to Italy to see Del Piero play in the
stadium and drive in a Ferrari.

Ross: Hold on right there. Who did she say she wanted to see?

Participant: Del Piero. Hes a soccer player.

Ross: Right there, what I would have done was say, Del Piero. Tell me more
about Del Piero. If you could have an audience with Del Piero, what would
it feel like the moment before he opens the door, and you know hes about
to walk through? Talk to her about her feelings about Del Piero. Bring that
up. Shes handing you a silver platter.

Participant: I said, Were in the Ferrari with the music on, flying around the coast.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Ross: I would want to go out with you.

Stop. Have you ever in your life, before you took a course with me,
thought of experiencing the world in that way? Did you ever think to
yourself in these terms? You never thought in these imaginative, sensory-
rich terms, did you? Did you ever think of understanding and looking at
women through those sensory-rich, imaginative, romantic terms?

Participant: No.

Ross: Did you ever think of talking to women in those sensory-rich, romantic

Participant: No.

Ross: Do you get whats going on here? In order to understand and do better
with women, hes transforming how he thinks about the world. Duh. Right.

Participant: When you were on about dreams, there was something that was really
powerful for me. I went to my friends place six months ago on a Sunday
morning. He was waking up. He said, You wouldnt believe my fucking
dream last night. I was wrestling this big rat with broken teeth, fighting like
a tiger. I could imagine a picture in my head.

Ross: Hi, Im Ross Jeffries. Has this ever happened to you? Yes, many people
are afflicted with bizarre mentation syndrome. If theyre Irish, and theyre
in my course, its especially likely. Send your donation to Tabitha Cat.
Finish up because we have a lot to do.

Participant: It was just that he said he had this dream that he was lying in bed,
wrestling this big rat. I laughed and said, Thats quite funny. I can imagine
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Nine
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
that. I could. When you were talking about the dream process, it clicked
because Ive had these thoughts in my head before. Ive actually been
aware of them.

Ross: About wrestling rats? Never mind. Youre good. Be quiet. Shut up. We
have to keep moving.

Ill go for a non sequitur. From there, Ill invite her to play this imagination
game. Early on, within the first three to five minutes, I want to start a
playful engagement with that woman to see if shell play with me.

For example, these ladies in the back will not play with me in front of the
room. I can only play to a limited extent with them in the back of the room.
Its mostly energetic and nonverbal.

There you go. It has a five-second delayed fuse, but when it burns, it
burns. Look at her. Look how red she turns. See? Of course, if you came
up here, you wouldnt need to turn red, at least not where its visible, but
its your choice.

I want to engage the woman playfully early on. Within the first five
minutes, I want to playfully engage her in a way where she has to
participate. Remember, I talked about participation and investment. Im
going to do something early on that requires her participation and
investment. Thats why Im not going to launch into some long, wordy
pattern because it doesnt require her participation.

There are all sorts of things you can do.

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