Converting Analogue To Digital Dials

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Converting Analogue to Digital Dials

Ok before starting this Guide myself nor 106 Owners assumes no responsibility if you
manage to break something in the process of doing this.

This guide is for Fitting dials from a 2000+ GTi into a Pre 2000 GTi

The guide may well work for other cars aswell but I have only tried it on a GTi,

Thanks to Georgio for helping me get this complete and working and providing the
diagram, I needed to change a couple of cables to get my temp gauge & Speedo working
but I'll come to that part eventually.

Ok the first thing you need to do is source a set of digital dial's and 2 connector plug's from
a later GTi, Make sure you have enough wire on the 2 new plugs Like so

Basicaly once you've got the wires you'll need to label them so you know what pins what,
First step is to strip the little connector block's,
You can see on this yellow block there's a little black bit of plastic,
Basically you need to pull the black bit of plastic down in the direction shown in the pic,

Once this part has been removed you should beable to remove the internal block as shown,

Once the block's removed you can see little numbers printed on the side,
On one side of the yellow block there's a 1 at one end and a 13 at the other end,
Other side of the block theres a 14 at one end and a 26 at the other end,
These Represent your 26 pin outs on the yellow block,
Black block is also the same with less pins obviouslly,
So now what you go to do is label all the cables, I done this using masking tape and pens

Also on the other side of the tape I followed the diagram and wrote the colored number in
colored pen so it makes things a bit easier when comming to plugging the dials in,
I.E. Black Plug Pin 1 I put a yellow four on the other side,
Basicaly so I knew it was going to the yellow plug pin 4 in the car,

On My own car I only had 4 plugs that came off the back off my original analogue GTi Dials,
They were White, Blue, Green & Yellow, I didn't have a white pen and thought it would be
hard to see if I did get one so I substituted an orange pen for the white numbers,

Once you have all the cables labelled like so,

It's time to start Crimping, I used 15Amp Blade connectors like so

When crimping the cables you need to crimp Pin 13 from the black plug & Pin 17 from the
yellow plug together as these go into White 7 on the old Loom,
You also have to do the same with Pin 9 from the yellow plug & Pin 18 from the black plug
as they go into White 9 on the old Loom,
This will join the 2 new plugs from the later dials together,
Sadlly I never got any pictures of this.
Also once I had put a crimp on the cable I would give them a little pull test to make sure
the blade connectors were secure,
To do this just hold the blade connector in one hand and the cable in the other and give it a
slight tug.

Once all the cables are crimped you need to go down the car and strip the old clocks out,
there's already a guide made for this so I wont bother adding it in this guide,
Guide for removing dials below,

Once the old dials are out its time to start plugging the crimped connector blocks into the
original loom,

You can't really see it but on this white block its got number's 1 - 10,
the other blocks are the same,
this is how you know where they are getting plugged in.

What it looks like when they are all plugged in,

Once you've got them all plugged it it's time to plug in and test your new Digi dials, I did
and it looked like this,

Pics don't do it justice but you get the genral idea.

If you look at my dials allready fitted you will see my fog light is lit up, My fog light wasn't
switched on,
I got round this by moving pin 2 from the yellow plug From Green 8 to Green 6, Now the
fog light comes on when its switched on.
Also my airbag light wasn't showing when turning the key, If you choose to hook this up its
Pin 24 on the yellow block to Pin 1 on the blue block.
I also connected what seems to be an earth up aswell to get rid of some more cables, Black
Plug Pin 13 to White 5 on the old loom.

Setting the time for GTi Digi-dials
Turn key to one before ignition, hold down button on the right, hour will flash, set by
pushing the same button, leave for 2 sec, minute will flash, set minute with same button,
leave for 2 sec and your done.

Service Spanner & Intervals on Digi-dials
You can reset the service spanner aswell, hold down button on right and turn to one before
ignition, hold the button while the display will count's down from 10-0 and then it will be
set to 20,000 again.
Also if you let go of the button before it counts down from 10 you can change the service
interval from periods of 6k, 12k & 20K, Once you've selected what interval you want press
and hold the button for 2 secs and it will count down from 10 again, Once at zero you have
set your service interval. I've got mines set at 6.

Here is the Original Diagram I used to make mines, This was Made to Georgio3gr by the
way so all credits to him,

After doing this your fuel gauge will be out by about half a tank, I had a qaurter tank before
I started, With the new dials it reported 3/4, so you need a later type Fuel Level
senderwhich would come with fitting a later type fuel pump.

My Oil Level sender has been on and off since sitting the dials but I have found out the oil
level sender is different for newer models so this explains why, 1131 E7" is the oil sender's
part number for the older model and "1131 F4" for the newer models so they are different.

After doing all this theres 4 wires on the old loom not connected, Next time I strip the dash
out to fit blue LED I plan to trace these cables just to see what they do.

I also like to help people who own 1.3 rallye which have a metal cable instead of a wire for
the speedo so i upload a pic of the part that they also want

It is located at the side of the gearbox and you have to change the older part where the
metal cable is which starts from the dials, It finishes and uses a wire from pin 1 (I don't
remember the right pin, there are 3 you have to try) through the metal "mirror" behind the
dash to the back side of the dials on the black Plug Pin8.
Pin 8 on the new black plug is for the speedo (I hope you undestand what i mean, you see
my english are not so good)

Also if anyone want's to add anything let me know and I'll add it in the first post.

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