June 2014 Newsletter

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Record Service Numbers

in 2014
During April of 2014, KLF set service records
through its Grocery Pantry Programserving
more than 13,000 local residents. Usually one
of the years slower months, this busy April
is an indicator that the future will continue
to present new challenges for our service
department, especially as we enter our busy
summer monthswhere free or reduced-
price school lunches are not available for the
more than 17,000 local children that qualify
for this service during the school year.
KLF expects to serve more four-day food
orders through our Grocery Pantry Program
than ever before this summer, and your
commitment to a hunger-free Kalamazoo
County is a critical part of these eforts. We are
so grateful for your continued contributions,
and we hope you enjoy our new look
For 32 years, Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes has been devoted to creating a hunger-free
future for residents of Kalamazoo County. Today, we know that the availability of our
services to so many local residents is more important and needed now than ever
before. As I take the baton from long-time Executive Director Anne Wend Lipsey,
KLF remains committed to strategically adapting to the ever-changing hunger
needs of our community, while remaining steadfast to the organizational principles
set by the visionaries that founded our organization.
The hunger-related struggles of our community are complex and unique to each
family. For many, hunger is a chronic challenge, while others need just enough to
get them through a short period of fnancial uncertainty.
Like the local children that will develop into the future leaders of our community,
KLF continues to focus its eforts on a path of continued growth that will help us
meet our goals and aspirations. One of these goals is to provide the sustenance
necessary for our future public safety ofcers, business leaders, community leaders
and budding athletes to reach their full potential. But we cant do it without your
support. Your contributions to our Food is Fuel Kids Campaign this summer can
help make a diference for thousands of our brightest and most ambitious local
Continued on Page 2
JUNE 2014
DIFFERENCE! Did you know
that with just $1, KLF can feed an
individual breakfast, lunch and dinner
for a day?
donations are integral in the
development of so many local
children. YOUR SUPPORT
MATTERS! For more information
on our numerous giving options,
visit www.kzoolf.org or contact our
Donor Database Coordinator Laura
Winther at 269-488-2617 ext. 206 or at
Congratulations, Anne!
Congratulations to former long-time KLF Executive Director
Anne Wend Lipsey, who was honored for her service in our
community with the YWCA Lifetime Woman of Achievement
award on May 29.
What did you want to be growing up? A doctor? A police ofcer? An athlete?
The hopes and dreams of our children are limitless, and are so important in the
development of our community. Every summer, Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes Food is
Fuel Kids Campaign helps provide ready access to critical food resources for local
families and kids.
We know that a community
can only reach its full potential
if it properly nourished, but
this nourishment is far from a
guarantee for the more than
10,500 local kids that struggle
with hunger every day
especially during the summer
A child that experiences
hunger for just one extended
period of time is at risk for many developmental consequences, including chronic
health problems, more frequent hospitalizations, behavioral issues, and social
difculties that can last a lifetime. The future is now. Your gifts help ensure the future
leaders of our county are healthy and active, today.
Your contributions help KLF ofer food assistance at more than 70 sitesincluding
pantries, churches, schools and other community agencies. Your gifts help us keep the
lights on, our truck on the road fve days a week and the our shelves stocked.
There is limitless potential within each and every child in our community, and your
support can help them succeed. The hopes and dreams of children drive communities
to a brighter future, and you can help fuel these aspirations.
Make sure to check your mailbox this month for more details on how you can help
make this years Food is Fuel Kids Campaign the biggest yet. Also be sure to stop by
our website and Facebook page for up-to-date news and events associated with this
initiative. What does a hunger-free Kalamazoo County look like to you? Why wait until
tomorrow? The future is now.
In 2005, KLF created a new summer directive focused on
hungry children in our community called the Food is Fuel Kids
Campaign. This fundraising initiative was deliberately scheduled
for the summer months, where we have seen the number of
children served skyrocket because free and reduced-price school
lunches are not available. Also in 2005, Kalamazoo Loaves &
Fishes launched the Weekend Food Pack Program, with the
goal of helping families bridge the weekend food gap by getting
additional weekend grocery resources in the hands of school
children where they arethe classroom. These innovations
have allowed us the resources and accessibility to increase our
reach within the most vulnerable populations of our area.
A community can only reach its full potential if it has
access to the most basic of human needsfood. After more
than seven years of growing as a professional within this
organization, it is ftting that I proudly and humbly accept
this new role at a time where we focus much of our eforts on
fueling our future, today.
Already in 2014, we have seen record service months. This
is a testament to the growing need for food resources in our
community and our eforts to reach this demand.
In 1982, Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes started with a vision of a
Kalamazoo County free from hunger. For 32 years, it has taken an
entire community to make the incredible strides that we have. The
future is now for our community, thank you for your support.
Join the
Interested in helping make Kalamazoo a
hunger-free community? Weve got a place for
you! Attend a brief volunteer orientation to get
Volunteer Orientation Dates:
Saturday, June 14
Wednesday, June 25
Saturday, July 12
Sign up with Volunteer Coordinator
Cherise Buchanan at 269-488-2617 ext. 209
or cherise@kzoolf.org.
Get dirty for clean water and a hunger-free Kalamazoo County by
participating in the 2014 Kalamazoo Mud Run on June 7!
Benefting charities Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes and Active
Water, the 5k obstacle course takes runners through 44 acres of
land and bunches of fun obstacles surrounding the Kalamazoo
Community Church. There will also be an abbreviated kids version
of the adult course.
Race for fun or for competition, by yourself or with a team.
Admission is $39.00, and there are also plenty of volunteer
openings available.
For registration information and a full schedule of packet pick-
up and race-day times and locations, please visit
What better way to kick of the summer than playing in the
mud for two great causes!
Healthy snacksgranola
bars, fruit snacks, trail mix &
string cheese
Canned fruit
Did you know that with just
$1, KLF can feed an individual
three meals for a day. Please
consider making a monetary
gift today.
The Millennium Restaurant Group is just one of many local
businesses that donate their time to Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes on
a consistent basis. The restaurant, which has been volunteering for
over a year, has benefted from giving back.
We have a vision to enrich and inspire the community, and
volunteering is a big part of helping us reach that vision, said
Director of Training and Human Resources Lisa Hojnacki. The
impact of our time with Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes has been a
sense of pride and unity amongst our teamemployees from
multiple restaurants have come together and bonded during our
volunteer hours every month.
KLF June Giving Coupon
AMOUNT $ ________________
The future is now! Your contributions help fuel the future leaders of Kalamazoo
Please send your contribution by June 23.
KLF July Giving Coupon
AMOUNT $ ________________
A community can only reach its full potential if it is properly nourished. Your
support makes a diference for thousands of local kids.
Please send your contribution by July 24.
Help raise money for Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes on June 7 at
the Kalamazoo Mud Run!
Weekend Food Pack Program
hrough the Weekend Food Pack Program, up
to 850 local school children per week receive
a bag of food on Friday afternoons during the
school year with enough kid-friendly items in it to
help bridge the weekend food gapwhere free or
reduced-price school meals are not available and
food resources may be scarce.
his valuable program helps Kalamazoo
Loaves & Fishes reach the most vulnerable
of our countys children where they are
the classroom. If you are interested in contributing
to this program, visit www.kzoolf.org or email
Donor Database Coordinator Laura Winther at
At a recent Empty Bowls Project event, a group of wide-eyed
elementary school students joyously danced the hokey pokey.
Sasha* was right in the middle of her classmates, dancing, jumping
and singing with a smile from ear to ear.
When the dance was over and all of her friends stood eagerly
awaiting the next song, the third grader returned to her spot at the
schools cafeteria table to study her favorite subjectbiology.
This was not at all surprising to her mother, Susan.*
She is so driven, it amazes me every day, Susan said. She isnt
even doing homework assigned by her teacher right now. She fnds
study packets online, sometimes even meant for middle schoolers,
and prints them of. She just loves learning.
She wants
to be a doctor
so badly, and is
already talking
about what
colleges she
wants to go to.
When I was her
age, we were
deciding what
game to play in
the backyard
after school. For
Sasha, it is all
about learninglike learning how the brain works or what joints
connect the top half of your leg to the bottom.
She is a sponge and is so motivatedyou dont want to know
what happens if she get a B on a report card, much less a test or a
quiz. I am so proud of her.
But Susan knows that Sasha will need more than the will to
succeed if she is going to fulfll her dream of donning a lab coat.
I am a single mother, and sometimesespecially towards the
end of the monthtimes get hard, Susan said. I want to give her
every opportunity to not only dream, but reach her goals. If that
means skipping meals myself so that she has the brain-food to learn
and grow, so be it.
For the single working mother, there is help and hope.
Having Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes in our community means
that Sasha and I always have the food we need, she said. I dont
go to the pantries often, only when I need to. Maybe once or twice
a year. I also get food from the Mobile Food [Initiative] sites every
once and a while.
Things arent always easy, but having an organization like
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes here for us is just amazing, and takes
away a lot of the anxiety of everyday life. Knowing you will have
food on the tableI dont know how to describe that relief.
After talking to KLF, Susan looked on proudly at her daughter
before taking a seat next her at the study table. Thank you for
helping us give households like Susan and Sashas the opportunity
to succeed, and live a healthy and happy life.
*Names changed for anonymity
There is no age limit to giving back to your community!
KLFs Young Philanthropist Program encourages local youth
to begin their philanthropic eforts early in life. Youngsters that
donate food or funds receive a customized certifcate honoring their
contribution, and the pride and satisfaction that comes from helping our
community. There are many diferent ways to raise food or funds, here
are a few examples:
At your next birthday party, collect
food and money from your friends to
donate instead of gifts.
Organize a food drive at your elementary
school during the school year, or among
your friends during the summer.
For all of the young entrepreneurs, collect funds at a
lemonade stand. Make sure to let your customers know
that the money is going to help children in need through
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes.
New-Look Website Coming Soon
ur Food for Thought newsletter isnt the
only KLF information source that will be
sporting a new look in the near future.
Tentatively scheduled for July 1, we will be unveiling
a new design for our website (www.kzoolf.org)!
ot only will this design be more interactive
and visually appealing than ever before,
but it will also make navigating from page
to page easier and more user friendly. Be sure to stay
tuned for updates, and please make sure to stop by in
early July to check out our new online home!
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes is proud to honor Gazelle Sports
with the third-annual Community Pillar Award for its
dedication to a hunger-free Kalamazoo County.
Every December, Gazelle Sports downtown Kalamazoo
store hosts Run Through the Lights, a fun run through the
holiday lights of downtown Kalamazoo. Proceeds from the
raceone of the fastest growing in Kalamazoobeneft KLF.
Gazelles hard work and generosity not only generated more
than $8,500 to help feed our community in 2013, but the race
also raised critical awareness about hunger in our area.
The unique event, which has grown from just a few hundred
entrants to more than 1,500 participants over the past fve
years, has quickly become a favorite among area runners
stay tuned to our August and October newsletters for more
information on how to join in on the fun in 2014.
Gazelle Sports focus on supporting our community and its
mission to actively pursue, encourage and celebrate a healthy
lifestyle has helped shape Kalamazoo into one of the top
running towns in America. Gazelle was also honored as one of
Michigans Top 50 Companies to Watch by the Edward Lowe
Foundation in 2013.
For more information on this great asset to Kalamazoo
County, visit www.gazellesports.com.
The generosity of our area was on full display on Saturday May, 10
during the National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger
Food Drive.
The largest annual food drive in the nation, more than 83,000 lbs.
of food was donated to Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes by our generous
communitymore than a 33% increase from a year ago .
Benefting KLF, the Portage Community Center and the Salvation
Army of Kalamazoo, and aided by the hard work of local NALC branch
246 and the United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region,
this was truly a community-wide efort that provided valuable food
resources for all organizations involved.
Volunteers from Letter Carriers branch 246 picked up thousands of
bags of food in the morning along their mail routes, and more than 50
volunteers from our community helped corral the food of donations,
which were later distributed to participating charities.
Thank you to everyone that contributed to, and helped make this
event happen! What an amazing job by everyone.
If you were unable to participate in the food drive, but still want
to help feed hungry people in our area, you can make monetary
donations online at www.kzoolf.org or drop food donations of at our
administrative ofce at 901 Portage Street.
Did you know that, of all American
consumers, 93% have a more positive
image of and 90% are more loyal to a
company that supports a cause?
If you are interested in partnering with
KLF for an event or fundraiser, contact
Communications Coordinator Kevin
Minor at kevin@kzoolf.org or 269-488-
2617 ext. 218.
We Welcome Your Feedback
If you have feedback on our new newsletter design, or
anything else involving KLF, please contact Communications
Coordinator Kevin Minor at kevin@kzoolf.org.
Our Mission
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes will feed hungry
people and engage our community in the
fght to end hunger.
Our Values
Diversity & Inclusion
Stewardship & Accountability
FOOD REQUEST LINE: 269/343-3663
P 269/488-2617 F 269/343-3669
TRIBUTES 3/3/2014 5/2/2014 Special thanks to those who honor friends and family through contributions to KLF.
Joyce Beauchamp
Sue Beute
Rev. John Boley
Janice Bundy
Mollie Clements
Helen Curtiss birthday
David & Annette Duchamp
Joan Hawxhursts birthday
Dorinda Hughes
Berneice L. Hunt
Dick Hutson
Lindsey Jacobss birthday
Jennifer Johnson
Anne Wend Lipsey
Tor Nelson
Linnea Safell
Trudy Staufer
George Altermatt
Robert P. Amrhein
Bette Anderton
Robert Bainbridge
Thomas R. Berglund
Frances Brabon
Karen Cernik
Patricia Coleman
Tom Crooks
Garold & Evalyn DeForest
James, Lucille & Joseph Dillon
June Entenman
Jeanne Faust
F. Thelma Foghino
Leon Garcia
Doris Hamilton
Eileen & Clayton Holaday
Joan P. Hough
John, Barney & Florence Westra
Robert Jones
Dawne Kennedy
Sallie Kittredge
Marguerite Kolb
Audrey Kurka
Julie Lambert
Lance Lambert
Linda Mary Renauld Lutz
Marge MacDonald
William Manifold
Kathy Mizeur
Ron Moore
Archie Murrish
Marjorie Nendorf
Jim Nord
Priscilla Olton
Jaimie Oorbeck
Frank Ossif Jr.
Robert Parker
Gerald L. Pochyla
Larry Potts
Jim Reish
Jessica Renauld
Oswald & Alvina Renauld
Mary Roche
Antonia H. Rostami
Darrell Rostami
Frances Russell
Abe Ryskamp
Marilyn Scheel
Dr. Peter Schmitt
Martin & Emma Schmitt
Steve Schultd
Foster L Sherwood Jr
Victor Siemers
Joani Siwik
Sharon Small
Ilze I. Smidchens
Sandra Snow
Pearl Marie Renauld Stone &
Douglas Stone
Robert Struble
Paul & June Tackaberry
Roon Visser
Shirley Walter
Flora Zeinstra
Faye & Walt Zinter
Staf / Business Ofce
269/488-2617 EXT.
Joan Atwell, Call Center Lead 201
Cherise Buchanan, Volunteer Coordinator 209
Paul Bushek, Warehouse Assistant 211
Art Cole, Services Director 207
Joe Cook, Warehouse Assistant 211
Bob Dekker, Warehouse Assistant 211
Joe Galaviz, Warehouse Assistant 211
Kathy Gernaat, Operations Director 212
Dave Hafer, Warehouse Coordinator 211
Phyllis Hepp, Organizational Development Director 210
Jennifer Johnson, Executive Director 213
Deb Josephson, Services Coordinator 214
Marvin King, Warehouse Director 224
Ruth Matteson, Call Center Lead 201
Kevin Minor, Communications Coordinator 218
Sue Raskin, Finance Coordinator 222
Jackie Smith, Call Center Assistant 307
Carolyn Tyler, Operations Coordinator 222
Laura Winther, Donor Database Coordinator 206
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