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Grade 11 Canadian History

Conscription Crisis Primary Document Analysis Questions
Answer Key
1. French Canadians did not feel allegiance to Britain or France anymore, thus a war in Europe
they saw as being irrelevant, unnecessary, and costly in terms of economics, human life, and
the balance of power in foreign affairs (nationalists who wanted Canada to come first, thus
the war was not Canadas war to be fought). Many English Canadians still felt allegiance to
Britain (imperialists). Created more F/E tensions as English Canadians saw the French as
not doing their part as Canadians.

2. Conscription is compulsory enlistment and so the forcing of people into the armed forces
against their will was considered unethical for the government to do- ie. It should be a
personal choice. It created a lot of problems for minorities, as well as pacifists such as
Mennonites that had to send a lot of time and money in courts to prove they were actually
pacifists and not just trying to dodge conscription- this was a very unfair and corrupt

3. A. Uses rhetoric to call on peoples sense of duty and nationalism. If you do not fight, you
are not a real Canadian. Scare tactics are used- fight for Canada or Germany will take over
the world and destroy your lives. Guilt is used- we need you to help the soldiers who are
already over there, struggling, and dying.

i. Would support it b/c they want more soldiers to help their loved ones. Also, this would
secure family members a vote, even if they did not have voting rights normally.

ii. They could be torn. On the one hand they want help because many people dying, on the
other hand they were often misled about the realities of war and might not want that to
happen to other people.

iii. likely cynical of the government and war.

Iv: wouldnt want to go because it was a British war. French Canadians were
NATIONALISTS who say English Canadians acting as Imperialists in supporting the war

v. they would not like this b/c their labor force is being sent away. Impacts the money of the
home and food supply.

Ms. Cooze
Grade 11 Canadian History

vi. against their religion to fight.

4. Bourassa is negative about conscription, sees that it will cause problems such as troubles in
labor circles. He would call Borden an imperialist. He thinks Canada joining the war was
unnecessary so this is another step in limiting Canadas autonomy.

Saturday Night article does not want Canadians to stand by idly and sees French Canadians
as sidestep[ping] their responsibilities. They saw Borden as an imperialist but thought he
could do better at this.

Nationalists in Canada want Canada to come first. They see the war as an unnecessary
conflict in Europe and that Canada was not forced to be involved, thus conscripting or even
participating is foolish because it harms all aspects of Canadian society and growth.

Imperialists in Canada believe that Canada has a responsibility to Britain to be involved, even
if not forced to do so. They see the success of the crown, as the success of the colony. They
often saw French Canadians as being unpatriotic and hindering the success of Canada. It
would also look bad since the other colonies were contributing. Many extreme Imperialists
thought Borden should do even more in terms of helping the British war effort.

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