Article About A Celebrity: Jadeveon Clowney Speaks On His Celebrity Crush, Says He's 'Coming' For Rihanna

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Article About a Celebrity:

Jadeveon Clowney Speaks on His

Celebrity Crush, Says He's 'Coming' for
By Dan Carson, Featured Columnist
May 8, 2014
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Hear those footsteps, Rihanna? Thats the sound of a 266-pound defensive end
coming to sweep you off your feet. Or something along those lines.
According to Josh Kendall of The State (h/t Kenley Young of Fox
Sports), Jadeveon Clowney has developed a sizable crush on the 26-year-old pop
Clowney revealed his desires at a predraft event in New York City on Wednesday
when reporters inquired if he had a celebrity crush.
So be warned, Rihanna. Clowney is coming to sack you in the backfield. Were
talking a huge loss, here.
This may come as ominous news to Drake, Rihannas supposed/purported/implied
boyfriend. Young agrees that there are a few men in line ahead of the defensive
It is unclear how Chris Brown and/or Drake may feel about this development,
Young writes. But any guy who has a problem with Clowney's crush may just want
to go ahead and keep quiet about it anyway.

Jesse D. Garrabrant/Getty Images
Indeed, you couldnt stack enough Drakes horizontally to keep Clowney from
Rihanna. Its not physically possible, even for a man so large and visible in the
As the projected No. 1 overall draft pick, Clowney is in for a big payday and more
media attention than ever this fall. Whether thats of any consequence to someone
like Rihannawell, I have no idea.
What I do know is, 90 percent of the male population is seeking the singers
attention, and Clowney could flatten, stomp and hammer toss the rest of us out of
the way at a moments notice.
Youve been warned, Rihanna. Clowney is coming for you.

The seven-day forecast for Drake's diary? Rain.
Clowney is on the lookout for news about Rihanna since sometime declare to like this great singer,
this is good because it makes Rihanna know what you feel and know Rihanna suitor assess it, the
singer despite his cute you are very beautiful and anyone would date her.
News tem:
How Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook
learned to trust their teammates
PLUTIS.COM MAYO 10, 2014 0

By Marc J. Spears/Yahoo Sports -
LOS ANGELES Oklahoma City Thunder coach Scottie Brooks met with Kevin Durant and Russell
Westbrook individually at the end of last season and gave them the same message: Trust your
teammates more. He told his two stars the same thing at the start of this season, saying no matter
how great they are, they wont be successful without the help of their teammates.
I told them that we have to make another jump with our team passing and that it starts with the two
of them, Brooks told Yahoo Sports. We are still a work in progress, but made a jump this year.
Durant and Westbrook showed how they have grown and listened to their coachs advice during the
Thunders 118-112 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers in Game 3 of their second round playoff
Durant had a game-high 36 points while Westbrook nearly had his second straight triple-double with
23 points, 13 assists and eight rebounds. But it was the contributions of their teammates that
ultimately won the game and gave OKC a 2-1 series lead: Serge Ibaka had 20 points and six
rebounds. Reggie Jackson and Caron Butler both added 14 points off the bench. The supporting
cast also made key shots late in the fourth quarter.
Weve grown leaps and bounds from where were before, Durant said.
Said Westbrook: Great teams stick together.
The Thunder made it to the NBA Finals two years ago before losing to the Miami Heat. Last season,
Westbrooks knee injury in the first round of the playoffs played a big role in the Thunder being
eliminated in the second round.
Inexperience, injuries and, yes, selfishness were often cited as reasons why the Thunder couldnt
get over the hump. Perhaps the biggest growing pains for Durant and Westbrook was they didnt
totally trust their teammates.
They are trying to find that balance, forward Nick Collison said. We need them to be aggressive.
We need them to score for sure. But I think they are starting to find out the best way for us to play
and the best way for us to win.
Thunder veteran guard Derek Fisher had seen this before with two young star teammates in Kobe
Bryant and Shaquille ONeal with the Los Angeles Lakers. But Bryant and ONeal shined while also
trusting their teammates enough to win three straight championships from 2000-02.
While Durant and Westbrook are close and dont have the same level of friction Bryant and ONeal
did, Fisher does see some similarities.
That goes for all of the greats, Fisher said. What makes them great is the supreme confidence
they have in themselves, which seems abnormal or uncanny or unfair at times. But that is what
really separates them from everybody else. They have the physical gifts of a great athlete, but
mentally and psychologically they believe they are the best in the world.
So sometimes it takes longer for a certain amount of trust in other people to develop. But I think
these guys have been great as theyve grown up in their 20s, giving more and more rope to other
guys on the team and really allowing our team to grow and mature.
Durant was forced to do that this season when Westbrook was sidelined. Durant provided much of
the needed scoring to make up for Westbrooks absence, but Jackson played so well he became a
candidate for the NBAs Sixth Man of the Year award. Ibaka continued to show he was one of the
NBAs best defensive players.
Were just trusting each other, Jackson said. Weve been through a few things since the loss of
Russ last year.
Westbrook has been criticized for sometimes focusing too much on his own scoring, but he learned
a lot during his absence, saying he now has a better idea where his teammates like the ball.
Jackson said the Thunders supporting cast was able to grow their confidence when they continued
to win without Westbrook. Signing Butler late in the season also added a trusted veteran scorer to
the roster.
Weve been a lot better than in the past passing the ball, Collison said. We still have our moments
where we struggle in that area. But I think those guys, with some maturity, are seeing that its
necessary in the game. The game is easier for them if we move the ball, get the defense moving
and not allow the defense to key on those two guys.
The Thunder entered the fourth quarter in Game 3 down 90-86 to the Clippers. Durant had 29
points through three quarters while Westbrook had 17 points, 11 assists and seven rebounds. The
expectation was Durant and Westbrook would take over offensively in the fourth quarter for the
Thunder to win.
Butler, however, was the leading scorer for the Thunder in the quarter with nine points, including a
3-pointer on a pass from Durant with 5:52 left to give OKC the lead for good. Ibakas put-back dunk
with four minutes left extended that lead. And Jackson made four free throws in the final 22.7
seconds to close out the victory.
Russ and Kevin play hard on offense and attack on offense and pass when youre open, Ibaka
said. That gives everybody confidence. Last year was last year. This year they are getting better
and learning the game better offensively and [passing] when Im open, Thabo or whoever. They
pass the right pass.
Durant and Westbrook combined for 54 points while no other Thunder player scored over 12 in a
122-105 loss in Game 1 to the Clippers. Durant and Westbrook combined for 63 points, 19 assists
and 22 rebounds in a 112-101 Game 2 victory over the Clippers, but Clippers coach Doc Rivers
expressed concern about the Thunders supporting cast playing a key role in that victory. OKCs
role players again contributed in Game 3.
All of them played well, Rivers said.
In Oklahoma City, every billboard and ad about the Thunder is team oriented. There is nothing that
portrays only Durant, this seasons MVP, or Westbrook. Its the policy of Thunder general manager
Sam Presti.
Durant and Westbrook also appear to have bought into that team-is-everything belief. We play
hard and believe in each other, Durant said. We believe anything can happen.
What happened? The Oklahoma City Thunder coach Scottie Brooks met with Kevin Durant and
Russell Westbrook at the end of last season, told his two stars that no matter how good they are,
will not succeed without the help of his teammates.
Who? Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook
Where? in Thunder 118-112 victory over Clippers in Game 3 of their second round playoff series.
The result: Durant and Russell learned to trust his teammates.
Important details: All played well, all belief. "We played hard and believe in themselves," Durant
said. "We believe that anything can happen."

107 03th Street
Ixtlahuaca, Mexico

May 09
Dear Silver,
How are you? Im fine. Heres a letter in English. Its good practice for you and me! Im
writing to tell you about my work, the department and the place where I live.
Have few children in preschool is great because it works fine with them, they like to play
with the materials but I really like the experiments.
I live in a large apartment, it is very cold but the weather is hot, I feel like I get sick but
over time get used to me.
I live in a large apartment, it is very cold but the weather is hot, I feel like I get sick but
over time get used to me. The place is very nice, has a lot of vegetation.

Thats all my news. Write to me soon.
Best wishes,
Essay about taking care of the
Getting a new global deal on climate
Hacia un nuevo pacto mundial sobre el
cambio climtico
EU foresees major role for carbon trading
in efforts to tackle climate change.
La UE apuesta por el comercio de
derechos de emisin para combatir el
cambio climtico.
In a paper outlining its position ahead of
international climate talks, the
commission says the costs of containing
global warming are likely to soar in years
to come - adding 175bn to the world's
annual bill by 2020. More than half that
amount will be needed in developing
countries like China and India.
En un documento sobre su posicin ante
las prximas negociaciones
internacionales acerca del clima, la
Comisin advierte de la probabilidad de
que en los prximos aos se disparen los
costes de contener el calentamiento
global. La factura podra aumentar en
175 000 millones de euros al ao para
2020, ms de la mitad de los cuales
seran necesarios en pases en
desarrollo como China y la India.
The EU and other economic powers
should help defray the costs of reducing
greenhouse gases emitted by developing
La UE, al igual que las dems potencias
econmicas, debe contribuir a sufragar
los costes de reducir las emisiones de
gases de invernadero de estos pases.
The paper presents various options for
increasing international funding -
Para incrementar la financiacin
internacional, el documento plantea una
including requiring countries to contribute
according to their income and level of
emissions. Another option would be to
auction some emission allowances on a
carbon market.
serie de opciones, entre ellas la de pedir
a cada pas una contribucin acorde con
sus ingresos y su nivel de emisiones.
Otra sera la de subastar derechos de
emisin en un mercado del carbono.
In return, all developing nations - except
the very poorest - should limit growth in
emissions by adopting development
strategies that produce fewer greenhouse
gases. These strategies should include
curbing tropical deforestation, as trees
and plants absorb carbon dioxide.
A cambio, todos los pases en desarrollo
- excepto los ms pobres - tendran que
limitar el aumento de sus emisiones
adoptando estrategias de desarrollo que
originasen menos gases de invernadero.
Tambin tendran que frenar la
deforestacin tropical, dado que rboles
y plantas absorben dixido de carbono.
The EU has already taken bold action of
its own to tackle climate change, taking
steps to scale back emissions. Now it is
keen to build on that success at the talks
in Copenhagen in December. The UN is
organising the conference for the purpose
of securing a new and more ambitious
global commitment to tackling climate
change. The current treaty - the Kyoto
Protocol - expires at the end of 2012.
La UE, que ya ha adoptado ambiciosas
medidas de reduccin de emisiones,
quiere que ese xito sirva de base para
las negociaciones que tendrn lugar en
diciembre de este ao en Copenhague.
Las Naciones Unidas organizan la
conferencia con el objetivo de lograr un
nuevo y ms audaz compromiso mundial
de lucha contra el cambio climtico. El
Tratado vigente (Protocolo de Kioto)
expira a finales de 2012.
The EU will urge developed countries to
commit to an overall 30% reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions by 2020
(compared with 1990 levels). The
contribution would vary by country,
depending on income, population, level of
emissions and past efforts to reduce
emissions. Compliance should be
monitored and enforced.
La UE instar a los pases desarrollados
a comprometerse a una reduccin global
del 30% de sus emisiones de gases de
invernadero en 2020 (con respecto a los
niveles de 1990), contribucin que
variar en funcin de los ingresos,
poblacin, nivel de emisiones y
anteriores esfuerzos de reduccin de
emisiones de cada uno. Habr normas
para supervisar y garantizar que los
compromisos se cumplan.
The commission also foresees a major
role for emissions trading, and will seek
to build a global carbon market. A
growing number of countries including the
US, New Zealand and Australia are
looking to set up schemes similar to the;
EU carbon market introduced in 2005.
The scheme caps overall CO2 emissions,
but allows businesses to buy and sell
credits amongst themselves.
Pero la Comisin tambin cree que el
comercio de derechos de emisin
desempear un papel importante e
impulsar un mercado mundial del
carbono. Cada vez hay ms pases que,
como los Estados Unidos, Nueva
Zelanda y Australia, planean introducir
mecanismos similares al rgimen de
comercio de emisiones que la UE cre en
2005. El rgimen pone un lmite a las
emisiones de CO2, pero permite que las
empresas compren y vendan entre s
derechos de emisin.
As some climate change is inevitable, the
Copenhagen agreement should also
provide a framework to help countries
adapt. And it should ensure support for
poor nations vulnerable to extreme
weather such as drought, storms and
En cualquier caso, el cambio climtico es
en mayor o menor medida inevitable, y
todos los pases tendrn que adaptarse.
El Acuerdo de Copenhague debe crear
un marco que les ayude y garantizar el
apoyo a los ms pobres y vulnerables en
caso de condiciones meteorolgicas
extremas (como sequas, tormentas e
The commission's proposals, tabled on
28 January, will be discussed by
European leaders and lawmakers in the
months to come.
Los lderes y legisladores europeos
debatirn a lo largo de los prximos
meses sobre estas propuestas, que la
Comisin present el 28 de enero.
Today the environment is a commitment to all human beings and that the wonders that nature
offers us are essential for survival.
The environment is everything that surrounds us , a system consisting of natural and artificial
elements that are interrelated and are modified by human action. This is the environment that
determines the way of life of society and that includes natural, social and cultural values that exist
in a given place and time .
Living beings, soil, water, air , physical man -made objects and symbolic elements ( such as
traditions , for example) make up the environment. The conservation of this is essential for
sustainable life for present and future generations .
The environment is contaminated littering , using pesticides , detergents , aerosols , using the car ,
burning trash , to fell trees , etc. . With these and many more air, soil and water contaminated.
Current environmental pollution has become a serious problem for society . But what is pollution ?
It is the deterioration of the environment due to the presence of harmful substances or
exaggerated increase in some substances that are part of the medium. Substances that cause an
imbalance in the environment are termed contaminants and may be in the air , water and soil .
To mitigate environmental degradation much to change in the daily life of personal and collective
way , in Mexico and in the world are taking steps to preserve the environment in order to preserve
animal and plant species , and other resources such as water , soil, climate , also have created laws
to protect the ecological balance and the environment, are intended to encourage sustainable
development and lay the foundation for:
I. To guarantee the right of everyone to live in an environment adequate means for their
development, health and wellbeing.
II . The preservation , restoration and enhancement of the environment.
III . The preservation and protection of biodiversity and the establishment and administration of
IV. The prevention and control of pollution of air, water and soil.
If it really is to save the planet , it's time to take action to issue not only about creating laws, but
execute them personally and collectively is necessary, otherwise the amount of gases in the
atmosphere continue to rise and the consequences very serious , the poles are melting, sea levels
rise , the sea is heated , altered the balance of plants and animals , fire, and disease.
Natural resources to survive are threatened and many are in danger of running out like water , and
plants and animals are endangered .
It is important to take action to protect the environment , the general public awareness through
lectures , campaigns , development of flyers, posters , brochures, form groups of environmental
protection .
Still time to save the planet .
Taking care of the environment is everyone , regardless of age , sex, religion , social class.
States will succeed , if you really want a better world for future generations do not suffer the
consequences of our actions.

May 9, 2014
Dear Dad:
Thanks for the list of materials that you asked. I really appreciate the fact that you worry about my
education and the needs that I have. These materials will serve me long for the school.
Thanks for taking the time to find them and send them to me.
- Sarai

Ricitos de oro
En un bosque florido y frondoso vivan tres ositos, un pap, una mam y el pequeo osito.
Un da, tras hacer todas las camas, limpiar la casa y hacer la sopa para la cena, los tres ositos
fueron a pasear por el bosque para que el pequeo osito pudiera jugar y respirar aire puro.
De repente, apareci una nia muy bien vestida llamada Ricitos de Oro. Cuando vio la casita de
los tres ositos, se asom a la ventana y le pareci muy curioso lo ordenada y coqueta que tenan la
casa. A Ricitos de Oro se le olvidaron los modales que su mam le haba inculcado y decidi entrar
en la casita de los tres ositos.
"Oh! Qu casita ms bonita! Qu limpia y ordenada tienen la casa la gente que vive aqu!".
Mientras iba observando todo lo que haba en la casa comenz a sentir hambre, ya que le vino un
olor muy sabroso a sopa.
"Mmm...! Qu hambre me ha entrado! Voy a ver que tendrn para cenar."
Fue hacia la mesa y vio que haba tres tazones. Un tazn pequeo, uno ms grande y otro ms y
ms grande que los otros dos anteriores.
Ricitos de Oro sigui sin acordarse de los modales que su mam le haba enseado y en vez de
esperar a que los tres ositos volvieran a la casita y le invitaran a tomar un poco de la sopa que
haban preparado, se lanz directamente a probarla.
Comenz por el tazn ms grande, pero al probarlo, la sopa estaba demasiado caliente. Entonces
pas al tazn mediano y al probarlo, la sopa estaba demasiado fra, pasndose a probar el tazn
ms pequeo que estaba como a ella le gustaba.
"Est en su punto", dijo la nia.
Cuando acab la sopa se subi a la silla ms grandota pero estaba demasiado dura y se pas a la
otra silla ms mediana comprobando que estaba demasiado blanda, y entonces decidi sentarse
en la silla ms pequea que estaba ni muy dura ni muy blanda; era comodsima. Pero la sillita
estaba acostumbrada al peso tan ligero del osito y poco a poco el asiento fue cediendo y se
Cuando Ricitos de Oro se levant del suelo, subi a la habitacin de los tres ositos y comenz a
probar las tres camas. Prob la cama grande pero estaba demasiado alta. Despus prob la cama
mediana pero estaba demasiado baja y por fin prob la cama pequea que era tan mullidita y
cmoda que se qued totalmente dormida. Mientras Ricitos de Oro dorma profundamente,
llegaron los tres ositos a la casa y nada ms entrar el oso grande vio cmo su cuchara estaba
dentro del tazn y dijo con su gran voz:
"Alguien ha probado mi sopa!".
Y mam oso tambin vio su cuchara dentro del tazn y dijo:
"Alguien ha probado tambin mi sopa!".
Y el osito pequeo dijo con voz apesadumbrada:
"Alguien se ha tomado mi sopa y se la ha comido toda entera!".
Despus pasaron al saln y dijo pap oso:
"Alguien se ha sentado en mi silla!".
Y mam oso dijo:
"Alguien se ha sentado tambin en mi silla!".
Y el pequeo osito dijo con su voz aflautada: "Alguien se ha sentado en mi sillita y adems me la
ha roto!".
Al ver que all no haba nadie, subieron a la habitacin para ver si el ladrn de su comida se
encontraba todava en el interior de la casa. Al entrar en la habitacin, pap oso dijo:
"Alguien se ha acostado en mi cama!".
Y mam eso exclam:
"Alguien se ha acostado en mi cama tambin!".
Y el osito pequeo dijo:
"Alguien se ha acostado en ella...!".
Ricitos de Oro, mientras dorma crea que la voz fuerte que haba escuchado y que era pap oso,
haba sido un trueno, y que la voz de mam oso haba sido una voz que la hablaba en sueos pero
la voz aflautada del osito la despert.
De un salto se sent en la cama mientras los osos la observaban, y salt hacia el otro lado saliendo
por la ventana corriendo sin parar un solo instante, tanto, tanto que no daban los pies en el suelo.
Desde ese momento, Ricitos de Oro nunca volvi a entrar en casa de nadie ajeno sin pedir permiso

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