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Program Organization

Program Organization
Jerry Campbell
Jerry Campbell
Head Football Coach
Head Football Coach
Victoria Memorial High School
Victoria Memorial High School
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The success of our program will be our ability to communicate; and
realize that in order to run a top-notch program will require the input
off all those involved and the willingness to share in the success and
failures, the ups and downs of those who sacrifice the time, and
provide the internal commitment to the future of the Viper Football
Vision for the Memorial Vipers Football Program
-.o ma/e 01re that the $ootball program "ill be re0pected a0 one o$ the be0t
$ootball program0 in the 0tate2
Where We Go One, We Go All.
15 ! "ffort
"e #re $nly #s %ood #s the &ast 'erson so, (ow %ood "ill "e )e
#esi$es %ea&hing O'r Athletes What (o' )no*, +ho* %hem %hat (o'
%he #'il$ing of an Attit'$e * +emorial (igh ,chool
.he $ollo"ing in$ormation "ill be the norm $or ho" "e e0tabli0h o1r $ootball
program and a "inning attit1de. e m10t e3pect $rom o1r athlete0 and $rom
o1r0el4e0 the 0trength $rom "ithin to be the di$$erence ma/er.
+-.T#& '/-'#/#T0$. T(- 1.2$". 0.%/-30-.T 5 m10t "in the mental battle0.
+ 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5
A%%-%./" an$ "FFO0% -+ O.0 FO.1/A%-O1 FO0 +.,,"++ 5 and i0 the
()+6 4ehicle in "hich o1r 0ta$$ and athlete0 m10t ride to ma/e the di$$erence.
.he letter0 in the "ord 7..8.9:E ; (++6 repre0ent their placement in the
alphabet. e m10t $ind a"ay "ithin o1r program to generate another )+6 e$$ort
to be the be0t. .hi0 "ill come $rom tal/ing it and demanding the be0t po00ible
e$$ort $rom o1r coache0 and player0. Each and e4eryday that team0 ta/e the $ield<
coache0 demand and e3pect that their team gi4e (++-((+6 e$$ort. e m10t
di0tance o1r 0el$=0 $rom that in order to ma/e a di$$erence. O1r ability to gi4e
()+6 e$$ort e>1al0 the di$$erence ma/er. :are to be di$$erent. O1r 01cce00 i0 not
abo1t any one per0on=0 ego and "hat he "ant0? it m10t be "hat=0 be0t $or the
gro1p @Ch1rch< $amily< coache0< player0< 0chool< comm1nity< etc.A.
F orget .he Pa0t e m10t concentrate on "hat "e are going to do
no" and in the $1t1re.
$ 1t or/ O1r Opponent Bea4e no 0tone0 1nt1rned.
4 ommitment Ce the be0t 5 tal/ it 5 li4e it.
1 tilize o1r 7bilitie0 Find a"ay to p1t o1r athlete0 in the be0t po0ition to
, ee/ Per0onal Ce0t0 M10t challenge o1r 0el$D0 each and e4eryday to get
-f %he /ream -s %o #e&ome a 0ealit23
%he #'il$ing of a ,hampionship Program 4 the follo*ing information sho'l$ be
tal5e$ an$ e6pe&te$ b2 all o'r football &oa&hes. %o be the best ta5es "ffort an$
,ommitment. We all are an e6tension of ea&h other.

"6pe&t it to 7appen 4 15! "ffort
.al/ and thin/ in term0 o$ 01cce00 5 belie4e it "ill happen
70/ that o1r athlete0 gi4e ()+6 in "hat e4er they do.
:ream Cig 5 Stay Foc10ed
:e4elop a plan - Celie4e in it 5 8mpro4e it con0tantly
7nalyze and ma/e o1r plan $it? it m10t $it o1r per0onnel
Eo one per0on more important than the team.
Coache0 m10t be able to 01pport each other at all le4el0.
/e8elop a Great 9earning "n8ironment
e "ill in4ol4e e4eryone in the comm1nity i$ po00ible.
:e4elop player0 "ho are dedicated and 1n0el$i0h< only a0 good a0 the la0t g1y.
Sacri$ice 5 .eam 5 Hold the Fope 5 Stay Foc10ed
Stay in $ront o$ the learning c1r4e
-f %he /ream -s %o #e&ome A 0ealit23
#lways ,tay 'ositive
Coache0 0ho1ld al"ay0 loo/ $or good in o1r player0 5 attit1de< per$ormance< "or/ habit0<
Ha4e di0cipline and be con0i0tent.
Each po0ition coach must get involved in the per0onal li4e0 o$ hi0 player0.
Ma/e each player on o1r team 1nder0tand that they ha4e a role in the 01cce00 o$ o1r
team "hether a0 a 0tarter or a0 a bac/ 1p.
7cco1ntability both coache0 and player0 the /ey ingredient< each per0on ha0 a piece o$
the pie.
8$ there i0 0omething yo1 don=t li/e abo1t the program then "or/ to ma/e it better.
(ave a %reat 'ositive 0n-,eason
.hi0 i0 "here "e "ill maintain the edge i.e. cla00room< "eight room< conditioning< getting
in4ol4ed "ith yo1r po0ition player0.
O1r 0ea0on m10t al0o be determined by the amo1nt o$ "or/ and 0acri$ice "e de4elop in
the in-0ea0on program0.
:e4elop great .eam Beader0< lead by e3ample.
Maintain Speed 5 G1ic/ne00 5 Strength 5 9nity 5 Mental .o1ghne00.
Main Ob:e&ti8es of the -n;+eason Football Program
3evelop +ental Toughness 0n $ur #thletes.
@M10t in the Mental Cattle0A
:o all the little thing0 right all the time.
O1r athlete0 m10t ta/e coaching.
Coache0 m10t demand that o1r athlete0 $ollo" o1r team r1le0.
Coache0 need to go the e3tra mile to ma/e 01re the little thing0 are ta/en care o$.
'hysical ,trength and 5uic6ness
eight Foom< Cla00room 5 Champion0hip0 are Made and Maintained here.
Strength and >1ic/ne00 drill0 m10t compliment the 0cheme0.
E4erything i0 done at a high le4el o$ enth10ia0m and competiti4ene00 5 P10h each other and
"or/ at top po0ition 0/ill le4el.
Ee4er be 0ati0$ied.
7ll o1t e$$ort - 7ll the time 5 ()+6 e$$ort d1ring gro1p and team period0.
Coache0 and player0 m10t e3pect more o$ them0el4e0 and player0
Main Ob:e&ti8es of the -n;+eason Football Program
.nit2 4 ,oa&hes an$ Pla2ers
7l"ay0 -9S2 and -E2 not -82 and -ME2. Ma/e being on the .E7M the greate0t
e3perience o$ o1r athlete=0 li$e.
e are $ort1nate 5 Hod ga4e 10 the ability to coach and o1r athlete0 the ability to
Hard "or/ together I 9nity o$ .eam. Enco1rage each other to "or/ harder 5 the
harder "e "or/< the harder it i0 to 01rrender. Femember< i$ yo1 don=t in4e0t 4ery m1ch
then lo0ing doe0n=t h1rt 4ery m1ch< thi0 applie0 to both player0 and coache0.
Player0 "ant coache0 that care abo1t them< become apart o$ yo1r po0ition player0
%he /ifferen&e #et*een .s an$ %hem
e do "or/ harder 5 (++6 them % ()+6 10.
Ee4er "al/ on the practice $ield< don=t be the one "e m10t "ait on.
ith hard "or/ "e can accompli0h it 5 it "ill be done. Football i0 no 0port $or a lazy
coach or athlete.
e "ill 0"eat the 0mall 0t1$$. .he little thing0 "e do "ill ma/e 10 champion0.
O1r 01cce00 5 O1r attit1de 5 O1r "or/ habit0. .he0e are the choice0 "e ma/e.
Football +tarts in the ,lassroom<<
-ducational, and 4oaching 'hilosophies
One thing can be 0aid! (o' &an ta5e football from me, b't 2o' &an ne8er ta5e
m2 e$'&ation a*a2.
.he tal/ o$ getting an ed1cation "ill al"ay0 ta/e precedence o4er athletic0.
8 belie4e that athletic0 and academic0 can and 0ho1ld "or/ hand in hand.
E0tabli0hing di0cipline in any program 0tart0 in the cla00room. .here i0 no
rea0on that "e 0ho1ld not 0tri4e to be champion0 in the cla00room< a0 "ell
a0 champion0 on the playing $ield. :i0cipline in the cla00room mean0
di0cipline on the playing $ield.
8t i0 4ery important to 0ee athletic0 a0 a part o$ the total ed1cational
program. 8t 0ho1ld both compliment and contrib1te to the o4erall
ed1cational and athletic proce00. For many 0t1dent athlete0 it i0 the mo0t
e$$ecti4e climate $or learning the in4al1able le00on0 o$ per0onal integrity<
determination< 0el$-con$idence< and proper mental attit1de 7discipline
starts in the classroom8! 8ndi4id1al and gro1p re0pon0ibilitie0 along "ith
the de0ire to achie4e high goal0 "ill be the ba0ic ob#ecti4e0 o$ o1r athletic
What (o' ,an "6pe&t From the 7ea$ ,oa&h an$
#o2s Athleti& ,oor$inator
.o be acco1ntable $or all action0. hen "e "in it "ill be beca10e o$ o1r a00i0tant coache0 and
player0. 0f we lose it will be because of the (ead Football 4oach, b1t 8 "ill ma/e nece00ary
change0 to the program i$ needed.
.o deal "ith all coaching 0it1ation0 "ith honor and integrity. 8$ "e a0 coache0 need to di0c100
potential problem0 and or di0agreement0 it "ill be behind clo0ed door0< and to let yo1 /no"
pri4ately "hen yo1 ha4e been derelict o$ d1tie0 and p1blicly to promote yo1r 01cce00e0.
.o r1n an organized program 0o that "e "ill be able to $1nction e$$iciently. 8 "ant o1r coache0
coaching o1r athlete0< becoming apart o$ their li4e0 and to be 0omeone they can tr10t $ir0t and
.o maintain an atmo0phere that i0 cond1ci4e to "or/.
.o li0ten to yo1r 01gge0tion0.
.o gi4e yo1 o"ner0hip< re0pon0ibility and a1thority.
.o "or/ and pro4ide leader0hip to "in.
.o treat yo1 li/e a man "ith dignity and re0pect.
.o be totally concerned abo1t yo1 and yo1r $amily< regardle00 o$ "hat problem0 con$ront yo1.
.o be 4ery loyal to yo1 and do e4erything a head coach can do to help yo1 gro" pro$e00ionally.
.o 0ell yo1 to o1r admini0tration< player0< comm1nity< and other coache0.
.o let yo1 coach on the $ield "ithin yo1r per0onality.
"6pe&tations Of O'r Assistant ,oa&hes
# good coach ma6es better players out of border line athletes and often ma6es good
players out of mediocre ones! # good coach emphasizes their abilities * enables them to
ma6e the most of their god given talents * gives them the best chance for success by
putting the right player in the right place!
/obert 9upp6e
.o be the 4ery be0t cla00room teacher< and on the $ield coach that yo1 can be. Ma/e 01re that
yo1 0tay on top o$ yo1r department head0 e3pectation0 al0o? thi0 mean0 le00on plan0< etc.
Ee4er 10e pro$anity aro1nd o1r athlete0 and ne4er allo" o1r player0 to.
Ee4er 10e tobacco aro1nd 0chool< $ield ho10e< practice $ield0? thi0 mean0 coache0 and player0.
e ha4e a .obacco $ree camp10< Eo .obacco 8n .he Field Ho10eJ
8t i0 the athlete=0 re0pon0ibility to plea0e the coach and not the coach=0 place to plea0e the
player0. O1r #ob a0 coache0 i0 to r1n a top-$light program that "ill e4ent1ally lead to contin1ed
01cce00. 70 coache0 "e ha4e an obligation to r1n a di0ciplined program that "ill be 01cce00$1l
in the long r1n. .o do anything el0e i0 1n$air to the coache0 and athlete0 "ho "ant to "in. :on=t
"orry abo1t "hat yo1r $ello" coache0 are doing. J10t do yo1r #ob and do it "ell. hen hanging
o1t aro1nd the $ield ho10e and o1r /id0 are in the loc/er room and yo1 $ind yo1r0el$ "ith nothing
to do plea0e go and 4i0it "ith o1r player0. .hi0 "ill be e3pected
"6pe&tations Of O'r Assistant ,oa&hes
:on=t allo" anything to lie aro1nd the athletic area< "hich incl1de0 the loc/er room< and
"eight room and dome area0. O1r Strength Coach a0 "ell a0 o1r a00i0tant coache0 "ill
be re0pon0ible $or the 1p /eep o$ the "eight room. 7ll coache0 plea0e pitch in to help in
/eeping the $ield ho10e clean.
8$ yo1 ha4e an a00ignment that re>1ire0 yo1 to 01per4i0e the loc/er room< dome< and
"eight room area0 plea0e ma/e 01re o1r athlete0 /eep it clean and they are pic/ing 1p
a$ter them0el4e0.
:on=t r1n o$$ right a$ter practice< pitch in there=0 al"ay0 0omething to do< chec/ in "ith the
coordinator0 or head coach be$ore lea4ing.
:on=t e3pect anything le00 than per$ection in e4ery a0pect o$ the $ootball program.
:on=t lea4e the loc/er room0 1n01per4i0ed "hen o1r athlete0 are 0till in0ide.
:on=t /eep 0core? coache0 m10t ta/e pride in their a00igned re0pon0ibilitie0.
Coache0 "ill be e3pected to be on time $or all 0ta$$ meeting0 and practice0< 1nle00 yo1
ha4e noti$ied the head coach o$ a problem. Follo" the $i$teen-min1te r1le< i$ "e e3pect
o1r athlete0 to $ollo" thi0 r1le then "e a0 coache0 need to $ollo" it al0o.
.o be a po0iti4e role model.
"6pe&tations Of O'r Assistant ,oa&hes
.o do e4erything yo1 can do to de4elop a "inning attit1de.
.o 0t1dy and "or/ hard to ma/e yo1r0el$ a great coach. Ed1cational gro"th i0 a m10t $or
any coach in order to maintain< 010tain and de4elop ne" inno4ati4e "ay0 o$ coaching< ne"
teaching techni>1e0< and better "ay0 to impro4e teaching.
.o be pro$e00ional in attit1de< re0pon0e0< "or/ and per0onal appearance.
Ee4er in4ol4e yo1r 0po10e in the coaching 0it1ation in a negati4e manner.
.o be 0incerely intere0ted in the 01cce00 o$ o1r player0 and other member0 o$ the coaching
Ee4er gi4e 1p on a player. He can al"ay0 change and li/ely "ill i$ gi4en the chance by yo1.
.o be po0iti4e and ne4er do1bt that "e "ill be 01cce00$1l.
.o be loyal to the program. 8$ yo1 ha4e problem0 "ith the head coach or any o$ o1r other
coache0 plea0e /eep yo1r comment0 in ho10e they don=t belong o1t in the comm1nity.
.o be creati4e and ha4e the ability to thin/ on yo1r o"n and apply gained /no"ledge o$ the
game. Plea0e don=t "ait to be told "hat to do.
.o be on the 0ame page "ith each other @o$$en0e< de$en0eA "hen ta/ing the practice or
game $ield. Ee4er ta/e yo1r di0agreement0 to practice.
"6pe&tations Of O'r Assistant ,oa&hes
:on=t get complacent a0 the 0ea0on goe0 on. :on=t let the little thing0 0lide in the di0cipline
o$ o1r player0? thi0 "ill lead to bad habit0.
Ha4e a plan $or e4erything. Ce organized.
:o not choo0e $a4orite0. or/ "ith e4ery player on the 0>1ad.
8$ yo1 are going to lea4e camp10 or be ab0ent $rom a00igned d1tie0 plea0e chec/ in "ith the
appropriate 0ta$$ member in charge o$ teacher0.
hen ta/ing the $ield /no" "here yo1 belong< be "aiting $or yo1r player0< don=t ha4e
player0 "aiting on yo1.
9tilize in0tr1ction time be$ore and a$ter practice. 70 a r1le o$ th1mb 10e the 15 min'te
r'le i$ 8 arri4e () min1te0 be$ore the 0ched1led meeting time then 8=m on time? i$ 8 arri4e (+
min1te0 early 8=m ) min1te0 late? i$ 8 arri4e ) min1te0 early then 8=m (+ min1te0 late? and i$ 8
arri4e on the 0ched1led time then my player0 are "aiting $or yo1.
Ha4e 0omething to 0ay a$ter each e$$ort. Femember< thi0 i0 coaching and -don=t coach o1t
o$ $r10tration.2 :on=t #10t tell an athlete "hat he i0 doing "rong< 0ho" him ho" to correct it?
thi0 b1ild0 credibility.
"6pe&tations Of O'r Assistant ,oa&hes
Stay alert $or player0 "ith in#1rie0 or heat problem0. Fe$er to trainer.
Stri4e to ma/e yo1r gro1p the be0t on the $ield< ta/e pride in yo1r "or/.
:o not e3periment "ith drill0 d1ring practice< ha4e yo1r "or/ tho1ght o1t< and ma/e 01re it
$it0 the 0cheme.
7l"ay0 0tri4e to impro4e yo1r indi4id1al po0ition techni>1e that yo1 are teaching yo1r
Ee4er lo0e yo1r poi0e or con$idence< coach tho0e thing0 that yo1 /no" ho" to $i3.
70 a po0ition coach< e3pect to be tal/ed to i$ 0omething a4oidable goe0 "rong.
O1r practice0 m10t be organized? tal/ in meeting0 not on the $ield< repetition i0 the mo0t
important /ey< repetition in0till0 learning. :on=t hold clinic0 on the $ield.
Player0 m10t per$orm on the practice $ield "ith a 0ince o$ 1rgency< h10tle i0 the /ey
Pay 0trict attention to the 0ched1led time 0egment0. ear a "atch to practice< ta/e a
"hi0tle to the practice $ield and don=t $orget yo1r practice 0ched1le.
:on=t rela3 d1ring any 0egment. 7ll 0egment0 are 4ery important< or they "o1ld not be
"6pe&tations Of O'r Assistant ,oa&hes
Hain the re0pect $rom yo1r player0< don=t demand re0pect< yo1 m10t earn it.
Coach o1r player0 all year long< -tal5 football. Enco1rage them to hang aro'n$ the
fiel$ ho'se, to "or/ on a po0ition 0pecialty 0/ill< and to "or/ in the "eight room.
.al/ the importance o$ cla00room demeanor< doing "ell in cla00< 0taying c1rrent on all
cla00room a00ignment0 and home"or/. Character in the cla00room i0 /ey.
8$ yo1 get tired pray $or 0trength< beca10e a0 a 0ta$$ "e are only a0 0trong a0 o1r "ea/e0t
Coache0 "ill be a0/ed to ma/e thoro1gh preparation $or carrying o1t their re0pon0ibilitie0
at each and e4ery practice 0e00ion< o$$-0ea0on and in-0ea0on e4ent0. Coache0 "ill be
a0/ed to per0onally a001me the re0pon0ibility $or preparing any nece00ary chart0 and drill
0it1ation0 to accompli0h 0moothly and e$$iciently the teaching e3pected o$ him on and o$$
the $ield.
Al*a2s be optimisti&. %he glass is half f'll.
What We As ,oa&hes Will "6pe&t From O'r Athletes
#! )ehavior -:pectations of $ur ,tudent #thlete;s
7ccept and 1nder0tand the 0erio10ne00 o$ their re0pon0ibility< their commitment to
01cce00 and the pri4ilege o$ repre0enting their 0chool and their comm1nity.
Bi4e 1p to the 0tandard0 o$ 0port0man0hip e0tabli0hed by the 0chool admini0tration
and the :i0trict0 athletic code o$ cond1ct.
Bearn the r1le0 o$ the game thoro1ghly and di0c100 them "ith parent0< $an0<
$ello" 0t1dent0 and elementary 0t1dent0. .hi0 "ill a00i0t both them and yo1 in
the achie4ement o$ a better 1nder0tanding and appreciation o$ the game.
.reat opponent0 the "ay yo1 "o1ld li/e to be treated< a0 a g1e0t or $riend. ho
better than yo1 to 1nder0tand all the hard "or/ and team e$$ort that i0 re>1ired o$
yo1r 0portK
i0h opponent0 good l1c/ be$ore the game and congrat1late them in a
co1rteo10 manner $ollo"ing either 4ictory or de$eat.
Fe0pect the integrity and #1dgment o$ game o$$icial0. .he o$$icial0 are doing their be0t
to help promote yo1 and yo1r 0port. .reating them "ith re0pect< e4en i$ yo1 di0agree
"ith their #1dgment< "ill only ma/e a po0iti4e impre00ion o$ yo1 and yo1r team in the
eye0 o$ the o$$icial0 and all the people at the e4ent.
What We As ,oa&hes Will "6pe&t From O'r Athletes
7l"ay0 10e Le0 Sir< Le0 Ma=am? Eo Sir< Eo Ma=am.
Po0ition coache0 "ill be re0pon0ible $or teaching hi0 po0ition player0 ho" to play
hard bet"een the "hi0tle and ho" to act bet"een play0. 7b0ol1tely no tra0h tal/ingJJJ
.o gi4e their 4ery be0t e$$ort to"ard0 recei4ing a >1ality ed1cation.
:o the right thing? ma/e good deci0ion0 that "on=t a$$ect them< their $amilie0 and or the
$ootball program in a negati4e "ay.
7l"ay0 gi4e their be0t e$$ort $or the team< teammate0< and them0el4e0.
.o treat all teacher0 "ith $1ll re0pect or to treat other0 the "ay yo1 "ant to be treated.
.o be an athlete o$ Character.
7bide by team and 0chool r1le0. M10t 0tay clean-0ha4en.
Sacri$ice $or the team< each indi4id1al i0 only a0 good a0 the team.
Ce the be0t per0on that they can be< be a role model $or other0.
/is&ipline ,onse='en&es in +eason an$ /'ring Athleti&
Each po0ition coach m10t pay attention to hi0 po0ition player0 i$ any o$ the0e in$raction0 occ1r
and i$ 0o be re0pon0ible $or ta/ing appropriate action to in01re it doe0n=t happen again.
Bate $or practice or cla00 5 G1ality time "ith coach
S/ipping cla00 d1ring athletic period< o$$-0ea0on 5 G1ality time "ith coach
Eot "earing proper i001ed clothing 5 G1ality time "ith coach
Eot 0ha4ing - G1ality time "ith coach.
Bea4ing loc/er 1nloc/ed 5 G1ality time "ith coach.
8nappropriate lang1age 5 G1ality time "ith coach
Bo0ing e>1ipment 5 G1ality time "ith coach and co0t o$ replacing e>1ipment.
Bea4ing e>1ipment o1t on the $loor 5 G1ality time "ith coach.
P'nishment 0'nning After Pra&ti&e
For each o$$en0e a 3irty <== "ill be gi4en a player a$ter practice. .he commitment coache0
or po0ition coach "ill be re0pon0ible $or p1ni0hment r1nning a$ter practice. :e$inition o$ a -:irty
(++-yard $or"ard 0print.
(++-yard bac/ pedal.
(++-yard Cear Cra"l.
hen per$orming the bear cra"l the athlete=0 /nee 0ho1ld not to1ch the gro1nd< i$ a /nee
to1che0 then the athlete "ill 0tart the -:irty &++2 o4er again.
Approa&h to Pra&ti&e +essions
Eothing i0 more important to the 01cce00 o$ o1r $ootball program than the time "e 0pend on
the practice $ield. .he important thing i0 ho" "e 1tilize thi0 time. .he time "e 0pend
preparing $or practice i0 a0 important a0 the act1al time "e 0pend on the $ield. .he only "ay
"e can determine "hether o1r practice0 are organized or not i0 by "hat "e accompli0h on
the $ield d1ring o1r allotted time. hether "e "in or lo0e on Friday night i0 determined ho"
"e practiced d1ring the "ee/. 8n other "ord0 "e=ll play li/e "e practice. M'st Pra&ti&e
9i5e ,hampions.
:1ring pre-0ea0on practice0< "e m10t get o1r team $1ndamentally 0o1nd. e m10t attempt
to prepare o1r 0el$=0 to play a game the "ee/ prior to the opening 0ea0on. Compile a m'st
list and ma/e certain e4ery 0it1ation i0 co4ered on it. Coth O$$en0i4e and :e$en0i4e
coordinator0 m10t cond1ct a game li/e 0crimmage and do not concl1de it 1ntil e4ery 0it1ation
that might ari0e d1ring the 0ea0on i0 co4ered prior to o1r $ir0t 0crimmage.
Pra&ti&e Philosoph2 an$ G'i$elines for ,oa&hes
%he 15! Fa&tor
9tilization o$ practice time i0 o$ 1tmo0t importance. e m10t ha4e practice 0egment0
organized to the min1te. Each 0egment "ill la0t ) min1te0 b1t not longer than (+ min1te0 in
d1ration. Each 0egment 0ho1ld be coached to it0 $1lle0t potential and once the period i0 o4er
then "e m10t proceed to the ne3t period< no e3ception0. Cy 0tic/ing to thi0 ro1tine< it $orce0
10 to coach hard and to near game li/e 0it1ation. Coache0 m10t 0tay a"are o$ the time and
practice 0egment "e are in.
Coache0 are to get a0 m1ch tal5ing done a0 po00ible be$ore going onto the $ield. e do
not "ant to 0lo" do"n the tempo o$ practice. Enth10ia0m i0 a 4ital role in a good practice.
Cy 0tanding aro1nd and -tal/ing2 to o1r player0 "ill 0ometime0 0lo" do"n their inten0ity.
Player0 need to /no" that "hen they 0tep onto the gra00 they m10t be a 15! pla2er a0 "ell
a0 the coach being a 15! &oa&h to hi0 player0. O1r practice0 0ho1ld be 0harp<
enth10ia0tic< "ith lot0 o$ h10tle. .hi0 can only be po00ible i$ "e ha4e
-A .nifie$ ,oa&hing +taff "hich mean0 all o1r coache0 in4ol4ed in the $ootball program
demanding the 0ame 0tyle o$ play. Ce Po0iti4e M Coach 1p and ma/e o1r player0 the be0t
that they can be< each player 0ho1ld be made to $eel important to the o4erall 01cce00 o$ the
70 a 0ta$$ "e m10t 0tre00 to o1r player0 the importance o$ a great "or/ ethic. 8$ o1r opponent
r1n0 (+ 5 (++ yard 0print0 then "e m10t r1n (+ better. 8t i0 my belie$ a0 the Head Football
Coach i0 that i$ "e are going to change the attit1de o$ o1r player0 then "e m10t change the
attit1de and e3pectation0 o$ o1r 0el$=0 a0 coache0 $or "hat it ta/e0 to "in and go the di0tance.
%he little %hings Ma5e %he /ifferen&e, - Will 1e8er ,ompromise M2 #eliefs, an$ O'r
"6pe&tations of a >'alit2 Pra&ti&e ?15! effort@.
Pra&ti&e an$ /e8elopment ,onsi$erations
.he $ollo"ing in$ormation i0 ba0ic practice and drill con0ideration0 each coach "ill be a0/ed to
remember "hen in0talling and de4eloping their po0ition player0. .he $ollo"ing in$ormation m10t
be adhered to "hen ta/ing the practice $ield and preparing o1r $ootball team $or a champion0hip
r1n. e ha4e an eight-ho1r r1le 1nder 9.8.B. $or allocated practice time d1ring the "ee/.
Hi4e each player a chance to 01cceed and be po0iti4e. e=re only a0 good a0 the la0t
g1y? 0o ho" good "ill o1r player0 beK Ho" important "ill yo1 ma/e each player $eel in
relation0hip to the 01cce00 o$ o1r $ootball programK
P10h player0 to their $1ll ma3im1m e$$ort d1ring indi4id1al< gro1p and team period0.
hen not in0talling techni>1e0 and introd1cing 0cheme0 ma/e yo1r -:rill 7tmo0phere2 a0
near game li/e a0 po00ible.
.each at the top po0ition 0/ill le4el in yo1r gro1p don=t coach do"n.
Correct all techni>1e0 and a00ignment error0 immediately. hen "or/ing in gro1p
0etting0 and or team ma/e 01re "e all ta/e notice o$ o1r po0ition player0 the little a0pect0
o$ techni>1e and correct them i$ needed.
Maintain po0iti4e di0cipline 5 control the de0ired re01lt0 5 0tre00 e3ec1tion.
.each high percentage repetition0 "ith lo" gro1p di0c100ion< repetition de4elop0 po0ition
S/ill0 are per$ected by -Fepetition2.
Pra&ti&e an$ /e8elopment ,onsi$erations
S/ill0 are per$ected by -Fepetition2 5 mo4e player0 $a0t thro1gh drill0< 10e the ()+6
$actor $or de4eloping o1r player0.
Cegin ne" practice period0 a0 $a0t a0 po00ible? /eep an eye on the 0egment cloc/0.
M10t be able to coach $ir0t /ey reaction0 to o1r po0ition player0 and ma/e thi0
important. .hi0 i0 "here the 0tim1l10 re0pon0e "or/0.
.each the ea0ie0t "ay to complete yo1r de0ired re01lt0 $or po0ition0 drill0 5 repetition
contin1e0 to be the /ey.
70 a po0ition coach 0tre00 ba0ic 0/ill techni>1e0< the game i0 0econdary. .he
coordinator0 "ill pro4ide the direction $or 0cheme.
8n0till in o1r athlete0 a po0iti4e "or/ ethic b1ilt aro1nd the ()+6 $actor and gi4ing all
they ha4e d1ring o1r 0ched1led practice period0. e "ill play li/e "e practice.
Ce per0i0tent in demanding that techni>1e0 are per$ormed correctly. 70 an e3ample i$
yo1 are re0pon0ible $or coaching de$en0i4e bac/0 than on any gi4en 0nap all yo1r
po0ition athlete0 0ho1ld be ob0er4ed and corrected. .hi0 i0 called coaching on the r1n.
Pra&ti&e an$ /e8elopment ,onsi$erations
Coach at near game li/e player reaction a0 po00ible.
Plan and only 10e drill0 that relate to 0peci$ic po0ition a00ignment0 that the coordinator0
"ill 10e. Chec/ yo1r practice 0ched1le0 be$ore ta/ing the $ield.
End practice 0egment0 on the "hi0tle 5 0tart ne" drill a0 0oon a0 po00ible. Eo 0tanding
aro1nd. Each coach "ill be re>1ired to ta/e a "hi0tle to practice.
Coordinator0 ha4e practice 0ched1le0 ready and a4ailable prior to practice. Coache0
m10t chec/ "ith coordinator0 $or practice 0ched1le0 be$ore ta/ing the $ield.
hen "or/ing "ith other gro1p0 @e3ample OB 40 :BA get yo1r gro1p ready >1ic/ly 5 do
not "ait $or the other gro1p 5 rep0 are the mo0t important thing.
Ce 01re to 0et yo1r e>1ipment 1p prior to the $ir0t period on the 0egment cloc/ 0tart0.
Fecognize $atig1e and be ready to ad#10t yo1r drill0 accordingly.

Lo1r po0ition player0 0ho1ld be enco1raged to drin/ "ater "hen needed< don=t deny a
player i$ "ater i0 a0/ed $or.
The most important thing to remember as a coach in our football program; your
coaching image can change the football life of your position players! %et involved
with your players and be concerned about their personal lives!
General ,oa&hing A6ioms
Each and e4ery coach in o1r program ha0 an obligation to p10h hi0 athlete0 in order to achie4e
thing0 they ne4er tho1ght po00ible @8n-Sea0on< O$$-0ea0on< Cla00room< eight roomA. 7n athlete
and or coach can become "hate4er he thin/0 he can be< b1t he m10t be "illing to pay the price
"ith e$$ort and dedication. Eot e4eryone can be a coach and or player. One m10t pay the price
to be apart o$ a 01cce00$1l $ootball program. 7ny organization that i0 ea0y to be a member o$
generally i0n=t "orth being apart o$.
/ress for +'&&ess /'ring %he +eason
An$ %he Off 4 +eason.
:re00 neatly at all time0< e0pecially "hen meeting parent0< admini0trator0< attending pro$e00ional
clinic @coaching 0choolA etc. Plea0e "ear practice and game clothe0 that ha4e been i001ed and
repre0ent yo1r partic1lar camp10. hen attending any clinic and e0pecially coaching 0chool< long
pant0 "ill be "orn.
,hain Of ,omman$
8=m not impre00ed "ith the title o$ head coach< b1t grate$1l to ha4e the opport1nity to be the head
coach in Victoria. E4eryone on o1r 0ta$$ "ill be made to $eel that hi0 4oice and opinion matter0.
Ho"e4er< 0omeone ha0 to ha4e the $inal 0ay. 70 the head coach 8 "ill ta/e all blame $or lac/ o$
01cce00< b1t "illing to ma/e the nece00ary change0 to in01re $1t1re 01cce00. 8$ the $ootball
program de4elop0 a problem and yo1< a0 the po0ition coach can=t 0ol4e it< bring it to the head
coach and gi4e me yo1r recommendation0 $or a po0iti4e 0ol1tion.
Football +taff Offi&e 7o'rs
.he ba0ic r1le i0 to "or/ long eno1gh< to get the #ob done. Sho1ld not get ca1ght 1p in b10y
"or/< coache0= need time to them0el4e0 and $or their $amilie0 d1ring the 0ea0on and o$$-
0ea0on< b1t 1nder0tand thi0 i0 a )-7 $ootball program that m10t rai0e it0 0tandard0 o$
e3pectation0 o$ o1r 0el$=0 a0 coache0 and a0 athlete0 to get the #ob done no matter "hat the
ho1r0 are. 7 coach need0 to be $le3ible< b1t 1nder0tand that thi0 i0 not an N to ) #ob< b1t a
pro$e00ion. :o "hat it ta/e0 to get the #ob do"n? don=t 0hortchange the other coache0 and or
o1r player0. Plea0e ha4e all notable change0 to de$en0e and o$$en0i4e 0cheme0< practice
0ched1le0< "eight room< "ee/-end d1tie0< coache0 a00ignment0< 0ta$$ meeting time0 and
re0pon0ibilitie0 $is&'sse$ *ith 7ea$ Football ,oa&h prior to an2 &hanges being ma$e.
Ceca10e 8 li/e to be at the o$$ice doe0 not mean yo1 or the other coache0 ha4e to be there at
the 0ame time. hen o1r "or/ i0 $ini0hed it i0 time to go home. O1r a00i0tant coache0=
depart1re $rom 0chool d1ring the $ootball 0ea0on "ill be le$t 1p to o1r coordinator0 1nle00 8 a0
the head coach ha4e appointed coache0 $or a 0peci$ic a00ignment. 8 "ill a0/ that all coache0
pitch in to ma/e 01re all re0pon0ibilitie0 ha4e been completed on game night and that the
dre00ing room0 are al"ay0 01per4i0ed< no coach 0ho1ld be e3c10ed 1ntil the la0t player ha0 le$t
and the la1ndry and any other d1tie0 ha4e been completed.
7ar$ Wor5
hile the head coach=0 time i0 not more 4al1able than yo1r0< neither i0 yo1r0 more 4al1able
then mine. Ce prompt in completing all yo1r a00igned d1tie0 and be prepared to di0c100
d1tie0 per$ormed. Ce a 0el$-0tarter and ma/e a per0onal &ommitment to e6&ellen&e. Het the
#ob done regardle00 o$ the ho1r0 in4ol4ed. 8$ yo1 lo4e yo1r #ob< yo1 "ill ne4er co1nt the ho1r0.
7ccept re0pon0ibilitie0< accept d1tie0< ma/e per0onal 0acri$ice0< impro4e yo1r /no"ledge o$
$ootball< and con0tantly 0tri4e to e3hibit to yo1r player0 yo1r commitment to the program and to
Boyalty to the program i0 a prime ingredient $or 01cce00. 8$ the program i0 going to be loyal to
yo1 then yo1 m10t be loyal to the head $ootball coach< 0chool< admini0tration< team< $ello"
coache0< and o1r athlete0.. Lo1 m10t be "illing to li0ten and change i$ nece00ary and to
e3cept 01gge0tion0 that the head coach ma/e0 according to 0cheme0 and or per0onnel
change0 i$ the 0ta$$ i0 going to be 01cce00$1l. Lo1 m10t de$end and hold each other 1p at all
time0 thi0 mean0 the head coach a0 "ell. Ee4er di0c100 anything b1t good >1alitie0 abo1t the
0ta$$ and the program. Boyalty i0 a t"o "ay 0treet.
O1r 0ta$$ can=t be 0plit bet"een o$$en0e and de$en0i4e 0ta$$0. Eo-0econd g1e00ing. 8t m10t be
1nder0tood that "e "ill "in together and or lo0e together. 7ll di0agreement0 and problem0
0ho1ld be handled in pri4ate. 8$ there i0 a di0agreement don=t ta/e it into the comm1nity and or
onto the $ield? parent0 and /id0 pic/ 1p on thi0 $a0t.
+taff "6pe&tations an$ 0elationships
.here i0 only one Head Football Coach and 8 "ill co1nt on each coach to ta/e $1ll re0pon0ibility
$or hi0 a00igned d1tie0 and to 1p hold the integrity o$ the program and it0 philo0ophie0.
70 a 0ta$$ "e m10t be prompt $or all 0ta$$ meeting0 and practice 0e00ion0. 7ll meeting0 and
practice 0e00ion0 are mandatory and i$ $or 0ome rea0on yo1 can=t be at a 0ched1led meeting or
practice plea0e noti$y Coach Campbell. Ma/e 01re yo1 chec/ "ith head coach and or
coordinator0 $or 0ta$$ meeting0 and o1r 0ched1le chance0 to o1r daily ro1tine0.
Philo0ophie0 and agreed 1pon o$$en0e< de$en0e and /ic/ing game proced1re0 m10t be
pre0ented to the Head Coach be$ore changing.
70 the head coach< coordinator0 0ho1ld plea0e pre0ent all game plan0 prior to the $ir0t Monday
meeting "ith player0 d1ring the 0ea0on. :1e to pa0t e3perience0 it m10t be pointed o1t that a0 a
coach and 0ta$$ i$ "e go o1t into the comm1nity that "e don=t dra" any 1ndo attention to o1r
program in a negati4e "ay.
700i0tant coache0 "ill be held acco1ntable $or their po0ition player0 and coaching 0tyle0. Eo
bad lang1age in the program. Eo negati4e tra0h tal/ing d1ring game0 and or practice0 once the
"hi0tle ha0 blo"n. Po0ition coache0 "ill be acco1ntable $or the "hereabo1t0 o$ their po0ition
player0 i$ mi00ing $rom practice or game0. 8$ a po0ition coach i0 mi00ing a player a phone call
0ho1ld be made immediately to 0ee i$ the player i0 at home< etc. e m10t teach o1r athlete0
ho" to play "ith action not "ord0.
8$ any negati4e 0it1ation occ1r0 d1ring a game 01ch a0 a $ight bet"een o1r athlete0 and
oppo0ing team both the head coach and coordinator0 "ill be the only coache0 to enter the $ield
and attempt to 0top o1r player0 $rom e0calating the 0it1ation. .he re0t o$ the 0ta$$ "ill be a0/ed
to ma/e 01re all other athlete0 remain on the 0ideline.
Coache0 plea0e ma/e 01re "hen "e prepare o1r practice plan0 that "e allocate time $or "ater
brea/0. Eo athlete 0ho1ld be denied i$ he $eel0 that he need0 "ater. O1r trainer "ill ma/e
01re that hi0 0ta$$ ha0 0tationed eno1gh "ater aro1nd the practice and playing $ield that no
di0r1ption in practice 0ho1ld occ1r. 7thlete0 need to drin/ thro1gho1t the day @"ater< 0port0
drin/0< $r1it #1ice< and non-ca$$eine drin/0A. Sho1ld drin/ at lea0t (' oz o$ $l1id0< O ho1r0 be$ore
practice or game0. :rin/ another N oz=0 o$ "ater< () min1te0 be$ore practice or game0 to
en01re proper hydration. :rin/ to $1lly replace 0"eat lo00 d1ring e3erci0e. ater "ill be
readily a4ailable at all practice0. O1r 0t1dent athlete0 "ill be enco1raged to get "ater
"hene4er they $eel the need.
Memorial +taff Meetings
8t i0 al"ay0 important that all coache0 be at 0ched1led meeting0 on time< i$ there=0 going to be a
problem let the Head Coach and or Coordinator0 /no". Plea0e $ollo" the ()-min1te r1le. 8t "ill
be the re0pon0ibility o$ o1r a00i0tant coache0 to chec/ in each day "ith coordinator0 $or 0ta$$
meeting0 and or any po00ible change0 to 0ched1le0.
Opponents Propagan$a #oar$ ; 9o&5er 0oom
O1r JV coache0 "ill be re0pon0ible $or o1r propaganda board located in the bl1e room d1ring
the 0ea0on. .hi0 board "ill be done o4er the "ee/end and ready $or o1r player0 "hen they
ret1rn on Monday. Bocate ne"0paper article0 and any comp1ter-generated in$ormation located
on the "eb.
%heme of the Wee5 +enior ,amp's 4 7all #oar$
e "ill ha4e a theme o$ the "ee/ b1lletin board? location $or thi0 board i0 located o1t0ide the
training room. .he theme o$ the "ee/ "ill be rotated "ee/ly and maintained by the coaching
0ta$$< "ith each coach a00igned a topic. .he theme o$ the "ee/ "ill la0t thro1gh the entire
0ea0on and on into the play-o$$0 i$ applicable. .he in$ormation pro4ided belo" i0 the a00igned
theme o$ the "ee/ topic0. Each "ee/=0 topic 0ho1ld be po0ted no later than S1nday e4ening.
Wee5 %opi&
One (ydration .rainer0
."o 4haracter Coach Ste"art
.hree &eadership Coach McCarter
Fo1r 4ommitment Coach B1po
Fi4e #ttitude Coach Eblen
Si3 'ride Coach Campbell
Se4en -:cellence Coach Carnett
Eight 0ntegrity Coach P. Carnett
Eine -ffort Coach Ee"man
.en #dversity Coach Fo#a0
Ele4en "inning Coach illiam0
,ommitment ,oa&hes
Each "ee/ "e "ill a00ign coache0 to ta/e care o$ the "ee/=0 need0. .he0e a00ignment0
"ill be on a rotating ba0e0 or a permanent one depending 1pon o1r philo0ophy. Some o$
the0e thing0 are!
.a/e care o$ all cond1ct r1nning $or tardie0< mi00ed "or/o1t0< meeting0< etc.
8n0pect dre00ing room be$ore and a$ter "or/o1t0.
Pic/-1p and 0tart la1ndry $or Var0ity< JV and 0ophomore team0 a$ter e4ening "or/o1t0?
report ne3t morning to p1t clothe0 in dryer.
7ny other d1tie0 that may be a00igned by the head coach.
Ma/e 01re all door0 leading to loc/er room0 are loc/ed a$ter athletic period and a$ter
Ma/e 01re all door0 leading to the 0ho"er0 $rom 4ar0ity loc/er room are loc/ed.
Chec/ $acility and ma/e 01re o1t0ide door0 are loc/ed "hen lea4ing $or the e4ening.
9a'n$r2, 9o&5er 0oom, an$ "6tra P'nishment 0'ns
Each "ee/ and on a rotating ba0i0 o1r commitment coache0 "ill be re0pon0ible $or la1ndry<
loc/er room and di0cipline r1nning @po0ition coachA a$ter practice. 7t the concl10ion o$ each
e4ening0 practice< player0 "ill t1rn in their 1nder clothe0 $or la1ndry by placing them in their
a00igned la1ndry 0trap. Player0 "ill retrie4e their la1ndry 0trap0 prior to the 0tart o$ athletic
period the $ollo"ing day. 7ll la1ndry 0trap0 "ill be a00igned by la1ndry bin. Coach E0calona
"ill be re0pon0ible $or e>1ipment le$t o1t on the $loor and to ma/e 01re all loc/er0 ha4e been
loc/ed "hen o1r athlete0 lea4e the loc/er room $or practice d1ring the 0ea0on. 8$ e>1ipment
i0 le$t o1t and o1r a loc/er i0 le$t open he then "ill pro4ide coache0 re0pon0ible $or G1ality
.ime "ith their name0.
/ressing 0oom +'per8ision
hen o1r athlete0 enter and lea4e the $ield ho10e they 0ho1ld do 0o thro1gh the bac/ door0
o$ the loc/er room. Coach Ma#or< Coach Eblen meet and greet at the bac/ door0 be$ore
practice and be$ore athletic period0. Coach Ma#or and Coach Eblen 01per4i0e bac/ door
be$ore athletic period and Coach .aylor and McCarter a$ter athletic period.
7ll coache0 1pon the completion o$ practice and a00igned d1tie0 "ill be e3pected to be in the
dre00ing room. Coach Carnett "ill monitor all dre00ing room re0pon0ibilitie0. 8$ not a
commitment coach d1ring the "ee/ plea0e be apart o$ "al/ing thro1gh the loc/er room to 4i0it
"ith o1r player0. 8$ player0 lea4e any o$ their $ootball e>1ipment on the $loor or loc/er0 le$t
open then thi0 "ill con0tit1te a -:irty &++2.
8t "ill be le$t 1p to the coach E0calona to loc/ 1p both JV and Var0ity loc/er room0 once o1r
athlete0 ha4e le$t and cleared o1t $or practice. Coach E0calona "ill al0o be re0pon0ible $or
chec/ing to 0ee i$ o1r athlete0 ha4e loc/ed their loc/er0< Coach E0calona "ill pre0ent tho0e
name0 o$ athlete0 to Coach Campbell "ho ha4e le$t e>1ipment o1t and "ho ha4e le$t their
loc/er0 1nloc/ed.

Coach Coehm< Coach Perez< and Coach illiam0 "ill be re0pon0ible $or 01per4i0ing the JV
loc/er room. Coach Carnett< Coach Ste"art< Coach Ee"man< and Coach Fo#a0 "ill be
re0pon0ible $or 01per4i0ing the Var0ity loc/er room d1ring athletic period.
Coach Hac/ey "ill a00ign d1tie0 $or hi0 coaching 0ta$$ $or the 01per4i0ion $or the Stroman
Game Wee5 +&he$'le an$ Preparations
+onday * > hrs! <? minutes
Coaching 0ta$$ @Sr. and StromanA meet0 at '!&+ a.m. on 0enior camp10.
7thlete0 report and ready to go by *!&+ a.m.
7thletic period hand o1t 0co1ting report0< helmet 0tic/er0< "atch $ilm
Practice begin0 ,!() pm< end0 '!()
O, Period0 o$ practice.
Conditioning at '!+) period0 O& Q O,
Tuesday * > hrs <? minutes
7thlete0 report and ready to go by N!+) a.m
*!&+ eight0< N!++ a.m. Pic/ing Hame
Practice begin0 ,!() pm< end0 '!()
O, Period0 o$ practice.
Conditioning at '!+) period0 O& Q O,
"ednesday * > hrs! <? minutes
7thlete0 report and ready to go by *!() a.m
*!&+ 8ndi4id1al time "ith po0ition coache0.
N!&) a.m. E.O.P.
Practice begin0 ,!() pm< end0 )!&+
Game Wee5 +&he$'le an$ Preparations
Thursday * #thletic 'eriod $nly
7thlete0 report and ready to play the game by *!&+ a.m.
Felea0e athlete0 $or 0ho"er at N!,+ a.m.
Var0ity Sta$$ tra4el and coach 0ophomore game "hen o1t o$ to"n.
(0t period JV coache0 prepare $or JV game.
Friday * #thletic 'eriod $nly
7thlete0 report and ready to meet by N!+) a.m.
.eam Hoal0 meeting.
F.C.7. O+ min1te0
Hando1t game 1ni$orm0 Var0ity.
8$ a"ay game< pac/ bag0< po0ition coache0 con$irm player=0 bag i0 OP and all per0onal
e>1ipment i0 in0ide.
Home game0 player0 "ill be pro4ided "ith a 0paghetti dinner by o1r boo0ter cl1b.
#ll coache0 report *!++ a.m.
*!++ Fe4ie" goal chart< grade $ilm.
8n#1red player0 to trainer i$ applicable by N!&+.
R!&+ Player0 report "eight room< Coach Perez< Coach Coehm< and Coach al/er "ill
01per4i0e li$t and r1nning.
R!&+ Coach Cro"n0on and Coach Care$ield a00i0ted by 8ntermediate 0chool coache0
"ill pre0ent 0co1ting report to 4ar0ity coache0.
#ll Senior camp10 o$$en0e and de$en0i4e coache0 a00i0t in game planning and $ilm
((!++ ee/ly game a"ard 0tic/er0.
((!() Po0ition Meeting0
(O!++ Felea0e player0
(O!() B1nch pro4ided by Coo0ter cl1b.
Ce$ore lea4ing ha4e all goal board0< opponent board< and moti4ational board
,unday '!+!
S1nday report (!&+ a$ter ch1rch and $ini0h 1p 0co1ting report0 and game plan till done.
Coordinator0 pre0ent potential game 0trategie0 to Head Coach $or 1p coming "ee/.
F1n o$$ all 0co1ting report0 o$$en0e< de$en0e and /ic/ing game and ha4e them ready to hand
o1t on Monday morning0 d1ring athletic period.
Fre0hman coache0 meet on Senior camp10 to brea/ do"n and grade $re0hman game $ilm
and a00i0t "here needed.
Coache0 "ill be e3c10ed by coordinator0 at the completion o$ the day.
Wee5en$ /'ties -n;+eason
Film c1t-1p0 done.
Opponent=0 C1lletin board done< 0ee commitment coach 0ection.
7ll goal board0 completed by o$$en0e and de$en0i4e coordinator0.
Hame 0tati0tic0 done and completed by Coach Hac/ney and Coach al/er.
.ac/le chart0 done and 1pdated.
Sco1t team0? o$$en0e< de$en0e and /ic/ing game card0 completed.
:e$en0i4e :ata 8np1t $or comp1ter printo1t0 done.
O$$en0i4e :ata both 0el$-0co1t and opponent inp1t completed.
Sco1ting report0 all coache0.
Hrade Friday night $ilm 5 all 4ar0ity po0ition0 on Sat1rday morning< report *!++ am.
Game $a2 0esponsibilit2 ,he&5 9ist
Pre-game meal0 @collect moneyA Coach .
8001e 9ni$orm0 and e>1ipment.
Clean 4i0itor=0 dre00ing room.
8ce do"n drin/0.
Film e3change. @Coach EblenA
E>1ipment /it $or repair0.
Clean re$eree0 loc/er room< co/e0.
Practice ball0 $or game.
Hame ball0 $or o$$icial0.
O$$icial game time.
Field organization< coache0 de0ignated $ield po0ition0 $or indi4id1al "arm-1p.
Pic/ing tee0 and net.
Head 0et0.
Video e>1ipment Coach E0calona.
Call boy0. Coach John0on
Coach Eller< Coach Hector Feye0< Coach O0car Feye0< Coach Firo4a Viper0 :en.
Clean to"el0.
.o"el0 $or "et ball0.
Player 01per4i0ion 5 all coache0.
Call 0heet0 5 Coach .aylor and Coach McCarter.
E3pre00 any tric/ or 1n101al play0 "ith o$$icial0 5 Coach Campbell.
Varsit2 7ome Game 0o'tines
O1r Coo0ter cl1b "ill pro4ide 0paghetti a0 a pre-game meal $or o1r player0 and coache0.
Player0 "ill be charged S(.++ $or their meal. Coache0 plea0e lend a helping hand to o1r
boo0ter cl1b "hen 0er4ing pre-game meal.
@A== Pre-game meal.
?A== Player0 Feport For .aping
?A>= Coache0 meet "ith po0ition player0
BACD G1arterbac/=0 and Fecei4er=0 Early arm-1p
a. CLFB $ollo"0 player0 to $ield.
BA>D .hro" &++-)++-N++-R++ Pa00e0
BA<> Special .eam0 arm-1p
BA@@ 7ll other0 to the $ield
BA@D Pre-Hame Stretch .eam
BA?> 8ndi4id1al Po0ition arm-1p
BA?D O$$en0e % :e$en0e Play Poli0h
DA=> T-Pt. 5 Field Hoal
DA=D Fet1rn .o Boc/er
DAC? Coin .o00
DA>> Fet1rn .o Field
DA>? Eational 7nthem
DA<= Ceat Mc7llen Memorial
hene4er "e ha4e a home game o1r 4ar0ity player0 "ill be allo"ed to a0/ their $a4orite
teacher to "ear their a"ay game #er0ey. Coach Carnett and Coach Eblen "ill be
re0pon0ible $or handing o1t and collecting game #er0ey0 and game pant0.
:.D0 OB
.he $ollo"ing
in$ormation 0hall be
10ed a0 o1r po0ition
pre-game "arm 1p
End Uone
Pre - Hame arm 9p
Eblen Coach
/ow C
/ow >
/ow <
/ow @
/ow ?
/ow B
Cha0e B1hn
Caleb 9rban
illie Harley
Seth Michaeli0
Fo" ( - ho "or/0 harderK @Fe0pon0eA ; Eo One
Fo" O - ho are "eK @Fe0pon0eA ; Viper0
Fo" & - here "e go one @Fe0pon0e ; e Ho 7ll
Fo" , - ho0 ho10eK @Fe0pon0eA ; O1r Ho10e
Fo" ) - hat do "e doK @Fe0pon0eA ; Hit
Fo" ' - Viper0 "hat time i0 it @re0pon0eA ; 8t0 .ime .o Het 8t On
7ndre Eagle0
Je$$ Moehrig
Player0 0ho1ld
be lined 1p
1nderneath the
goal po0t and in
their ' line0 by
'!,, - Player0 "ill
0tretch at '!,)
Pre 5 Hame Stretch
.he $ollo"ing
in$ormation 0hall be
10ed a0 o1r po0ition
pre-game "arm 1p
End Uone
Pre - Hame Pic/ing arm-1p
&ong ,nappers
Coach B1po
Coach Campbell

F% E -: 'T!
Coach Campbell
Coach Moo0e
Coach Fo#a0
Coach Cr1ton
.hing0 that m10t ta/e place d1ring hal$ time!
Player0 m10t be gi4en time to re0t.
7ll in#1ry and e>1ipment problem0 ta/en care o$.
Sta$$ m10t analyze the $ir0t hal$ and ma/e plan0 $or the 0econd hal$.
Player0 m10t be re-moti4ated to play the $inal and mo0t important part o$ the game.
Hal$time di4ided into $o1r period0!
Fir0t period @$o1r min1te0A.
Sta$$ meeting0.
.eam re0t.
8n#1ry and e>1ipment care.
Second period @$o1r min1te0A.
O$$en0e and :e$en0i4e po0ition coache0 meet "ith a00igned gro1p0.
.hird period O$$en0e and de$en0i4e Coordinator0 meet "ith their entire o$$en0e or
de$en0i4e 0>1ad0. @Fo1r min1te0A.
Fo1rth period @$o1r min1te0A
Head coach meet0 "ith both o$$en0e and de$en0e a0 a team.
Fet1rn to $ield $or "arm-1p.
8n order to 0tay on 0ched1le at hal$ time Coach Perez "ill /eep coache0 in$ormed abo1t
remaining cloc/ time and "hen "e 0ho1ld ret1rn to the $ield $or o1r 0econd hal$ play.
Perio$ One 5 Hal$ .ime Organization
.he $ir0t period i0 a critical one $or the 0ta$$. 7t thi0 time yo1 0ho1ld be in4ol4ed in an analy0i0 o$ "hat ha0 ta/en place
d1ring the $ir0t hal$ and deciding "hat yo1r plan o$ attac/ "ill be $or the 0econd hal$. .he in$ormation that yo1 0ho1ld
con0ider incl1de0!
Front0 by do"n and di0tance.
Secondary by do"n< di0tance< and $ormation.
Short yardage and goal line de$en0e0 5 0t1nt0.
Lo1r play 0election by 01cce00 and $ail1re.
Play0 by $ormation.
Play0 by do"n and di0tance.
Pa00 ro1te0.
Lo1r de$en0i4e call0 by do"n and di0tance.
Pic/ing Hame
Ha0 there been any a00ignment brea/do"n in any pha0e o$ the /ic/ing game.
80 the $a/e p1nt po00ibleK
Ho" i0 the /ic/-o$$ co4erage and p1nt co4erageK
Sho1ld yo1 p1nt< bloc/ or ret1rn< etc.
Per0onnel ad#10tment0 beca10e o$ in#1rie0 or other rea0on0.
7ny po00ible playing condition0 01ch a0 "ind< rain< and 0o on< a$$ecting the play.
Perio$ %*o 5 Hal$ .ime Organization
.he 0econd period o$ o1r hal$time i0 $or each coach to meet "ith the player0 o$ hi0 po0ition. :1ring thi0
period< yo1 hope to do t"o thing0. Fir0t< yo1 >1iz yo1r player0 a0 to "hat i0 happening to them on the
$ield. O1r 0ta$$ 0ho1ld be made to $eel that it i0 e3tremely important to ha4e open comm1nication "ith
their player0. Many time0 yo1 "ill $ind that one o$ yo1r player0 "ill come 1p "ith in$ormation that t1rn0
o1t to be 4ery help$1l the 0econd hal$. 7l0o< the coach need0 to /no"< $or in0tance< i$ a recei4er can
beat a corner on an o1t ro1te or a 0trea/< or i$ an o$$en0i4e lineman can reach a do"n de$ender on
o1t0ide play0.
Perio$ %hree 5 Hal$ .ime Organization
70 0oon a0 each po0ition coach ha0 met "ith hi0 player0< both the o$$en0e and de$en0e meet "ith their
coordinator0 to tie the 0cheme0 together. Lo1 0ho1ld allo" , to ) min1te0 $or thi0 period.
Perio$ Fo'r 5 Hal$ .ime Organization
ith abo1t N min1te0 remaining the per0on in charge o$ /eeping time "ill gi4e a )-min1te "arning. 7t
thi0 time yo1r coache0 "ith pre00 bo3 re0pon0ibilitie0 and yo1r team captain0 0ho1ld lea4e the loc/er
room $or the $ield. .he head coach "ill ta/e control at thi0 point and the o$$en0e and de$en0e #oin
together $or $inal in0tr1ction0. 8t i0 the #ob o$ the head coach to $inalize all 0trategy and goal0 and to
moti4ate the 0>1ad $or the 0econd
hal$. .hi0 time period la0t0 101ally not more than & to , min1te0. .he team then depart0 $or the 0econd
#'s Assignments an$ 0o'tines for A*a2 Games
hen tra4eling o1t o$ to"n o1r coordinator0 "ill be re0pon0ible $or ta/ing roll o$ player0 and
coache0 a00igned to their b10e0 "hen lea4ing $or and ret1rning $rom a"ay game0. .he
de$en0e "ill al"ay0 be a00igned b10 n1mber one. O1r b10e0 "ill not p1ll o1t o$ the par/ing
lot 1ntil both coordinator0 ha4e noti$ied the head coach that all their athlete0 are loaded onto
their a00igned b10e0.
Po0ition coache0 "ill help in loading the b10e0 and to ma/e 01re all nece00ary e>1ipment
ha0 been placed on the b10e0. :1e to the amo1nt o$ e>1ipment needed $or an a"ay game
by o1r trainer0 plea0e lend a helping hand and a00i0t o1r trainer and hi0 0ta$$.
Coach Coehm and Coach Perez "ill be re0pon0ible $or handing o1t 0ac/ l1nche0 to o1r
athlete0 "hen 0ched1led< 0ac/ l1nche0 "ill be pro4ided by 01b"ay 0and"iche0. Plea0e
ma/e 01re o1r athlete0 ta/e only one 0ac/ l1nch.
hen on the road 9ncle M1tt0 "ill pro4ide o1r po0t game meal. .hi0 i0 an important time to
ma/e 01re o1r 4i0iting loc/er room ha0 been le$t the "ay it "a0 $o1nd. 7ll po0ition coache0
"ill lend a helping hand to ma/e 01re thi0 i0 done. Coach Coehm and Coach Perez "ill
01per4i0e o1r athlete0 o1t0ide a0 they get their plate0. Once "e ha4e $ini0hed eating it "ill
be the re0pon0ibility o$ all o1r coache0 to help patrol the eating area and that all plate0 ha4e
been thro"n into tra0h can0 @lea4e the eating area cleanA.
Coach Ee"man "ill ret1rn $rom all a"ay game0 "ith Coach Hac/ney in order to get o1r
game $ilm d1ped and ready.
Vi$eo /'ties an$ 0esponsibilities
Coach Ee"man "ill be in charge o$ o1r 4ideo program and the d1plication o$ game
$ilm a0 "ell a0 practice 4ideo. .he $ollo"ing coache0 "ill a00i0t Coach Ee"man
Coach J1pe 4ideo editing 5 Crain
Coach Fanelli 4ideo editing 5 Ho"ell
Coach 7l4arado game night 4ideo both tight and "ide camera0.
Coach Coehm "ill be re0pon0ible $or End Uone camera.
Coach E0calona "ill a00i0t "ith pre and po0t-game 4ideo and headphone
Coach Eblen "ill call and ma/e 4ideo e3change arrangement0 "ith opponent0.
Coach Coehm and Coach Perez "ill ma/e nece00ary 4ideo e3change on
Proced1re0 $or Sat1rday morning preparation0 "ill be to ha4e ready by *!++ am $or
Coach .aylor and Coach McCarter one .ight< ide< and End Uone copie0. 7ll
0toring and chec/erboard tape0 0hall be done on Sat1rday morning0.
Coach Ee"man ha0 the re0pon0ibility o$ ma/ing 01re all practice 0egment0 to be
4ideoed are co4ered "here needed. Coordinator0 0ho1ld chec/ "ith Coach
Ee"man $or tho0e arrangement0.
Coordinator0 "ill 0et o$$en0i4e and Sta$$ meeting0 a0 needed. 8$ practice 0egment0
are going to be 4ideoed then coache0 m10t ta/e the time to re4ie" them.
Coach Ee"man plea0e ma/e 01re Stadi1m pre00 bo3 ha0 been 0ec1red and loc/ed
a$ter $ilming any practice in0ide the 0tadi1m.
/istri&t Vi$eo "6&hange Poli&2
Coach Eblen "ill be re0pon0ible $or ma/ing 4ideo e3change arrangement0 "ith oppo0ing
coache0 and "ill ma/e nece00ary arrangement0 on game day $or 4ideo e3change. Coach
Coehm and Coach Perez "ill be re0pon0ible $or Sat1rday e3change0 "ith 1p coming
VHS 4ideotape0 @ne" tape-$ir0t generationA o$ $o1r @,A game0< incl1ding the mo0t
pre4io10 one< i$ de0ired< "ill be traded "ith each opponent.
.hree @&A tape0 "ill be traded on the night that la0t opponent play0< the "ee/ be$ore
the 0ched1led game. 8$ tape0 $rom the la0t game played are re>1e0ted< the tape0 m10t
be traded by (+!++ 7M the ne3t day.
Video tape0 o$ each game 0hall incl1de t"o 0eparate tape0! one "ide angle tape
di0playing all o$$en0i4e bac/< recei4er0 and de$en0i4e 0econdary? the 0econd tape
0ho1ld 0ho" a clo0e angle o$ the o$$en0i4e line $rom tight end to tight end< all r1nning
bac/0< de$en0i4e linemen and linebac/er0. 8n both copie0 $ilming 0ho1ld 0tart "ith the
brea/ o$ the h1ddle and 0top t"o @OA 0econd0 a$ter the play end0. .he tape 0ho1ld
0ho" the 0coreboard a$ter each 0core and at the end o$ the >1arter. .he $ilm 0ho1ld
al0o 0ho" periodically the do"n and di0tance mar/er0 i$ po00ible.
7ll trade tape0 "ill be ret1rned to the original o"ner prior to the 0ched1led game time.
Coth coache0 "ill $ollo" the abo4e proced1re on 4ideotape0 1nle00 both coache0 m1t1ally
F$/+#T0$., +$T0$., '&#F 9 - GC 'layside G> 'layside G<
H - GC )ac6side
G> )ac6side Fullbac6
(Ft. % Bt @.ightA Fip - Biz ((O - ((& Corner Seam Corner Flare
OHreen .om - .im ((O - ((& Fead Cloc/ Seam Corner Hitch
&."in0 H1mp - J1mp &++ Hoo/ Hoo/ Ho Mirror .ag
,Slot Uip &++ China Stop Corner Slice Slant Flare
)7ce Jet &++ ide ide Corner Slant .ag
':o1ble0 &++ Cro00 Corner :rag - L Shallo" Slice

&++ Pi4ot Corner Pi4ot Pi4ot Pi4ot
N.rey @.ightA &+( - &(+ Fade Stop Slant Slant
REebra0/a &+O - &O+ Slant Flat Slant Slant
(+H10/er &+& - &&+ Cench Corner Slice Po0t .ag
&+, - &,+ C1rl heel Slice Po0t .ag
)ac6field ,ets &+' - &'+ :ig :rag - L .ag Shallo" Corner
Ft. % Bt. &+N - &N+ Po0t :rag - L Slice Corner Slice
Ping &+R - &R+ Ho Seam Far Ha0h Ho Seam Cloc/ % .ag
G1een N++ - R++ ide ide Corner Flat Po0t :rag Cloc/
Empty N++ - R++ C1rl C1rl heel Flat Po0t :rag Cloc/
N++ - Ho Ho Cench Flat Po0t :rag Cloc/
N++ - Cench Cench Corner Flat Po0t :rag Cloc/
Pa00ing Hame! &++ :ropbac/ % N++ 5 R++ Sprint o1t
<== ,lip /t!E&t!
<== Tunnel /t!E&t!
<== 4onvoy /t!E&t!
I== - J== F) ,creen /t!E&t!


C@B - C@D )oot %o, 4url, "ide, )ench 7under

CC> - CC< )oot %o, 4url, "ide, )ench 7%un8
Screen0 and Coot0
Running Game
F$/+#T0$., +$T0$., 1nder 4enter
(Ft. % Bt @.ightA Fip - Biz (+ - (( .rap
OHreen .om - .im (+ - (( Jill< Ca0e< Mi/e
&."in0 H1mp - J1mp (O - (& Veer
,Slot Uip (N - (R Boad
)7ce Jet (N - (R Cloc/
':o1ble0 &, - &) 8SO
*:1ece &, - &) 8SO Follo"
N.rey @.ightA &, - &) 8SO Option
REebra0/a ,, - ,) 8SO
(+H10/er ,' - ,* Cla0t @LA
,N - ,R .o00
)ac6field ,ets %un /uns
Ft. % Bt. (O - (& 8n0ide
Ping (O - (& Cloc/
G1een (O - (& Crazy
(, - () .ac/le 8SO
(N - (R S"eep
(N - (R S"eep Follo"
:e$en0i4e Scheme Binebac/er 7lert0 Secondary Co4erageD0
E4en S1gar Co4er + @FireA
Odd Sho" Co4er ( @FedA
.ight 9p Co4er O @Cl1eA
ide Co4er O @Cl1e CatA
Stac/ Co4er & @HreenA
Co4er & Combo @Hreen ComboA
St1nt0 Co4er ,
.h1nder Co4er )
Bightning Co4er ' @SpecialA
Storm Co4er *




:e$en0i4e 8n0tallation
3ateA J->?->==D GC 3ressAKKKKKKKKKKKK 'ractice

+on! +ust 'ractice &i6e a 4hampion
'er! 5)Ls /)Ls T-Ls $-&ine /ec!Ls
@A== -arly
@AC? = ,tretch ,tretch ,tretch ,tretch ,tretch
@A>= C 0nd! 0nd! 0nd! 0nd! 0nd!
@A>? > H H H H H
@A<= < 5)Ls - /)Ls +esh /)Ls - 5)Ls +esh T- - $& /un $& - T- /un ,tal6
@A<? @ H H H H H
@A@= ? %un /uns vs MV 3 %un /uns vs MV 3 %un /uns vs MV 3 %un /uns vs MV 3 /eleases
@A@? B H H H H H
@A?= D /uns vs MV 3 /uns vs MV 3 /uns vs MV 3 /uns vs MV 3 C on C vs 3)Ls
@A?? I H H H H H
?A== J 'ass (ull - $ff! 'ass (ull - $ff! 'ass (ull - $ff! $& vs 3& /un 'ass (ull - $ff!
?A=? C= H H H H H
?AC= CC 'ass (ull - 3ef! 'ass (ull - 3ef! 'ass (ull - 3ef! $& vs 3& 'ass 'ass (ull - 3ef!
?AC? C> H H H H H
?A>= C< %roup N$N vs MV 3 %roup N$N vs MV 3 %roup N$N vs MV 3 %roup N$N vs MV 3 %roup N$N vs MV 3
?A>? C@ H H H H H
?A<= C? H H H H H
?A<? CB Team $ CLs vs CLs Team $ CLs vs CLs Team $ CLs vs CLs Team $ CLs vs CLs Team $ CLs vs CLs
?A@= CD H H H H H
?A@? CI H H H H H
?A?= CJ Team 3 CLs vs CLs Team 3 CLs vs CLs Team 3 CLs vs CLs Team 3 CLs vs CLs Team 3 CLs vs CLs
?A?? >= H H H H H
BA== >C H H H H H
BA=? >> ,hort Fds! $ ,hort Fds! $ ,hort Fds! $ ,hort Fds! $ ,hort Fds! $
BAC= >< H H H H H
Coache0 Sco1ting Chec/li0t
hat i0 o1r opponent0 ba0ic philo0ophy o$$en0e % de$en0e
Starting line-1p0 o$$en0e % de$en0e
P1rcha0e and bring bac/ t"o program0.
P1rcha0e local ne"0paper.
ho are their dominant player0< n1mber0< etc.
Snap co1nt
:oe0 o1r opponent li/e to 0tem their $ront0
Ca0e to Clitz ratio % de$en0e.
Het all n1mber0 on per0onnel change0 o$$en0e % de$en0e.
:id yo1 notice any in#1rie0
Sideline demeanor.
Ho" doe0 o1r opponent handle 01dden changeK
P1nter0 n1mber.
P1nter0 longe0t p1nt.
Pic/er0 n1mber.
Pic/er0 010tained di0tance /ic/0.
F1rthe0t pre-practice $ield goal made.
P1nt ret1rnee=0 n1mber0.
Pic/o$$ ret1rnee=0 n1mber0.
Ho" good do yo1 $eel their deep 0napper i0K
80 the deep 0napper con0i0tent "ith hi0 0nap0K
ho=0 their be0t ret1rnee=0 name< n1mber0.
hich player0 do yo1 $eel "e can e3ploit o$$en0e % de$en0eK
hat i0 their 0ideline organizationK hich 0ide o$$ the bench doe0 the o$$en0e and de$en0e report to "hen coming o$$ the $ieldK
hat yard line do they go into their goal line pac/ageK
:id yo1 notice any tric/ play0K
8n pre-game "arm 1p to they come o1t in their game #er0ey=0K
hen do they come o1t in game #er0ey0K
Primary penaltie0 and problem0.
:e$en0i4e hand 0ignal0.
Pre-game play0 and ro1te0.
7ny problem0 getting alignedK
7ny hand 0ignal0 10ed by o$$en0i4e recei4er0K
O$$-Sea0on Football
Champion0hip0 7re on 8n .he eight Foom
The 'lay
,6ill -ffort
+ental Technique ,trategy
,peed #gility 'ower -ndurance
&ifting /unning ,tretching .utrition /est
)elief /esolve 3iscipline 4ourage 'erseverance 1nity
#thletic #bility
The '-/F$/+#.4- 'F/#+03 was inspired by Mohn "oodenLs N'yramid of
,uccessN! The ape: is our ability to ma6e the play! 0t is the culmination of
character, conditioning, athletic ability, practice habits, s6ill level, and effort!
.he C1ilding O$ 7 Program
7ll athlete0 "ill be re>1ired to 0print to their
ne3t 0tation and no one "ill be allo"ed to
"al/. 8$ a player doe0 not meet the coache0
e3pectation0< then 0end them bac/ and ha4e
them do it again.
Eote! Form r1nning "ill la0t $or a period o$ ) min1te0.
7ll 0tation "or/< both in0ide the "eight room
and the dome area "ill la0t $or a period o$
eight min1te0.
Cst 'eriod Time $rganization
Crea/$e0t Cl1b! '!&+ - *!,)
7ll athlete0 in a00igned ro"0 by - N!++
.ardy Cell Fing0 - N!+)
Hro1p0 Crea/ to 700igned area0.N!+)
Form F1nning Station - N!+) - S"itch N!(+
eightroom Station ( - N!(( - S"itch N!O+
eightroom Station O - N!O( - S"itch N!&+
eightroom Station & - N!&( - S"itch N!,+
eightroom Station , - N!,( - Felea0e N!)+
7gility Station ( - N!(( - S"itch N!O+
7gility Station O - N!O( - S"itch N!&+
7gility Station & - N!&( - S"itch N!,+
7gility Station , - N!,( - Felea0e N!)+
Felea0e Cell Fing0 - R!+)
hene4er "e rotate $rom 0tation to 0tation
athlete0 "ill come together and brea/ a0 a
gro1p be$ore heading to their ne3t 0tation.
hene4er a coach bring0 hi0 player0 together
he "ill 0ay a $e" "ord0 and then brea/ them
o1t by 0aying N4oach E 'osition, 'layers E
e are only a0 good a0 the la0t g1y< 0o
e are only a0 good a0 the la0t g1y< 0o
ho" good "ill "e beK e "ill a00ign a
ho" good "ill "e beK e "ill a00ign a
coach to "ait $or the la0t player thro1gh
coach to "ait $or the la0t player thro1gh
the door $or athletic period or team
the door $or athletic period or team
(. ,N Ja4elina0
(. ,N Ja4elina0
O. ,N Crazy 7pe0
O. ,N Crazy 7pe0
&. ,N Crazy Mon/ey=0
&. ,N Crazy Mon/ey=0
,. :ea$ Con ,
,. :ea$ Con ,
Pha0e (! High 8nten0ity Q Percentage Bi$ting
.ovember C?
thru 3ecember CJ
Pha0e O! High 8nten0ity Q Hea4y eight0 Combined ith .eam C1ilding
Manuary @
thru February C<
Pha0e &! High 8nten0ity< Hea4y eight0< Football S/ill0 and :rill0
February C@
thru #pril C<
Pha0e ,! High 8nten0ity 7gilitie0< Hea4y eight0 and Spring Football
#pril CB
thru +ay CJ
:1ring pha0e t"o o$ o1r o$$-0ea0on "e "ill teach o1r athlete0 the meaning o$ commitment<
Character< team b1ilding and the need $or a $ighting 0o1l to"ard0 a "inning $ootball 0ea0on.
Football m10t be important to each and e4ery coach< player< trainer and that 1nder0tanding
M10t be $elt by all.
"hy Football
Ha4e yo1 e4er "ondered abo1t $ootballK hy it=0 only a game "hich i0 a0 $1ndamental
70 a ball and a helmet. C1t the 0port i0 a game o$ $ootball and p1t them into a #ar< 0ha/e
ell and poor o1t< yo1=4e got a "ell-proportioned pha0e o$ the 7merican "ay o$ Bi$e.
'aul "! )ear )ryant
A15 A1B
$ff-,eason 4oaches
Cst 'eriod Varsity #thletics
Coach Eblen
Coach illiam0
Coach Eblen
Coach illiam0
Coach Eblen
Coach illiam0
Coach Carnett
Coach Perez
Coach Carnett
Coach Perez
Coach Carnett
Coach Perez
Coach Carnett
Coach Perez
Coach McCarter
Coach Fo#a0
Coach McCarter
Coach Fo#a0
Coach McCarter
Coach Fo#a0
Coach McCarter
Coach Fo#a0
Coach .aylor
Coach Ste"art
Coach .aylor
Coach Ste"art
Coach .aylor
Coach Ste"art
Coach .aylor
Coach Ste"art
Coach .aylor
Coach Ste"art
Coach Carnett - Famrod :ome 7rea
Strength Coach - Famrod eight Foom
%roup C
Jerry Campbell
Pyle .aylor
7bbie Carnett
Crad Eblen
Jame0 McCarter
&ibrary "ith ,eniors
Mi/e Ma#or "ill 01per4i0e all 0enior0 and any
other athlete "ho decide0 not to $ini0h o1t the
athletic period.
7$ter School li$ting< eight Foom "ill be open $rom &!&) til )!++ pm. 7$ter 0chool li$ting "ill
be monitored and 01per4i0ed by Coach Eblen.
4oach -blen d1tie0 and re0pon0ibilitie0 $or o$$-0ea0on "eight training.
Fe0pon0ible $or monitoring all be$ore and a$ter 0chool brea/$ea0t and dinner cl1b li$ting.
Fe0pon0ible $or /eeping all chart0 in0ide the "eight room c1rrent.
Fe0pon0ible $or monitoring and /eeping trac/ o$ the i001e o$ 0hirt0 earned.
Fe0pon0ible $or maintaining 0ign in 0heet0.
Fe0pon0ible $or ma3 "eight te0ting< r1nning and compiling po"er ran/ing0 $or o1r $ootball
(. Cench
O. S>1at
&. 8ncline
,. Po"er Clean
). Pro Sh1ttle
'. ,+ yd. :a0h
*. Standing Croad J1mp
.-SHirt brea/do"n $or attending the "eight room be$ore and a$ter 0chool. 8n order $or an athlete to recei4e one o$ o1r
Viper li$ting and committment 0hirt0 he m10t attend either the brea/$ea0t and or dinner cl1b $o1r day0 d1ring the "ee/
@$riday a.m. can be 10ed a0 a ma/e-1p dayA. 7t anytime a 0hirt can be ta/en a"ay d1e to the lac/ o$ attendance and at
that point o1r athlete "ill 0tart o4er and "ill ret1rn to hi0 original 0hirt.
.he Crea/$ea0t and :inner cl1b i0 de0igned to create "eight room habit0 "ithin o1r $ootball player0. .he brea/$ea0t
and dinner cl1b i0 not mandatory< 0ign-in i0 $or the 0ole p1rpo0e o$ monitoring o1r committment .-Shirt0.
Crea/$a0t Q :inner Cl1b .-Shirt0
Crea/$a0t Q :inner Cl1b .-Shirt0
Hray 8001ed .-Shirt Hray 8001ed .-Shirt
(++6 hite .-Shirt (++6 hite .-Shirt
((+6 Cl1e .-Shirt ((+6 Cl1e .-Shirt
(O)6 Clac/ .-Shirt (O)6 Clac/ .-Shirt
()+6 Camo .-Shirt ()+6 Camo .-Shirt
8t "ill be o1r goal a0 a team to 8t "ill be o1r goal a0 a team to
ma/e the "eight room a habit ma/e the "eight room a habit
not a chore. O1r goal a0 a not a chore. O1r goal a0 a
team i0 to ha4e all o1r athlete0 team i0 to ha4e all o1r athlete0
in Camo 0hirt0 by the end o$ in Camo 0hirt0 by the end o$
o$$-0ea0on. o$$-0ea0on.
.o obtain a Camo .an/ top "ill .o obtain a Camo .an/ top "ill
re>1ire (' day0 "ith re>1ire (' day0 "ith
contin1o10 attendance. contin1o10 attendance.
.-Shirt0 can be earned by , .-Shirt0 can be earned by ,
0traight day0 o$ attendance.. 0traight day0 o$ attendance..
7thlete can e3change .-0hirt0 7thlete can e3change .-0hirt0
"ee/ly ba0ed 1pon , day0 o$ "ee/ly ba0ed 1pon , day0 o$
attendanceM attendanceM
8$ at any time an athlete mi00e0 8$ at any time an athlete mi00e0
a morning or a$ter 0chool a morning or a$ter 0chool
"or/o1t hi0 .-Shirt "ill be "or/o1t hi0 .-Shirt "ill be
pic/ed 1p and the athlete "ill pic/ed 1p and the athlete "ill
go bac/ to hi0 original t-0hirt. go bac/ to hi0 original t-0hirt.
hite (++6
hite (++6
hite (++6
hite (++6
)lue CC=O
)lue CC=O
)lue CC=O
)lue CC=O
)lac6 C>?O
)lac6 C>? O
)lac6 C>?O
)lac6 C>?O
4amo C?=O
4amo C?=O
4amo C?=O
4amo C?=O
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
ee/ One! ee/ One!
Program Start0 Program Start0
at '+6 o$ ma3. at '+6 o$ ma3.
ee/ ."o! ee/ ."o!
')6 o$ ma3. ')6 o$ ma3.
%roup C
ee/ O % Monday
Cench - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
8ncline - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
S>1at - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
ee/ O % Friday
Cench - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
8ncline - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
S>1at - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
ee/ O % edne0day
Cench - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
8ncline - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
S>1at - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @')6A
ee/ ( % Monday
Cench - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
8ncline - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
ee/ ( % edne0day
Cench - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
8ncline - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
ee/ ( % Friday
Cench - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
8ncline - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0 @'+6A
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
%roup C
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Monday Monday
edne0day edne0day
Friday Friday
ee/ .hree! ee/ .hree!
at *+6 o$ ma3. at *+6 o$ ma3.
ee/ Fo1r! ee/ Fo1r!
*O6 o$ ma3. *O6 o$ ma3.
ee/ & % Monday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
S>1at - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
ee/ & % Friday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
S>1at - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 N rep0
ee/ & % edne0day
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
S>1at - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 N rep0 @*+6A
"ee6 @ E "ednesday "ee6 @ E +onday
)ench - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
0ncline - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
,quat - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
'ower 4lean - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
"ee6 @ E Friday
)ench - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
0ncline - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
,quat - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
'ower 4lean - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
)ench - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
0ncline - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
,quat - @ sets : I reps 7D>O8
'ower 4lean - @ sets : I reps
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Monday Monday
edne0day edne0day
Friday Friday
ee/ Fi4e! ee/ Fi4e!
at *)6 o$ ma3. at *)6 o$ ma3.
ee/ Si3! ee/ Si3!
*N6 o$ ma3. *N6 o$ ma3.
"ee6 ? E +onday
)ench - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
0ncline - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
,quat - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
'ower 4lean - B sets : B reps 7D?O8
"ee6 ? E Friday
)ench - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
0ncline - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
,quat - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
'ower 4lean - B sets : B reps
"ee6 ? E "ednesday
)ench - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
0ncline - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
,quat - @ sets : B reps 7D?O8
'ower 4lean - B sets : B reps 7D?O8
"ee6 B E "ednesday
)ench - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
0ncline - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
,quat - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
'ower 4lean - ? sets : I reps 7DIO8
)ench - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
0ncline - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
,quat - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
'ower 4lean - ? sets : I reps 7DIO8
"ee6 B E Friday
)ench - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
0ncline - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
,quat - @ sets : ? reps 7DIO8
'ower 4lean - ? sets : I reps 7DIO8
"ee6 B E +onday
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Monday Monday
edne0day edne0day
Friday Friday
ee/ Se4en! ee/ Se4en!
at N+6 o$ ma3. at N+6 o$ ma3.
ee/ Eight! ee/ Eight!
N)6 I ) o$ ma3. N)6 I ) o$ ma3.
"ee6 D E +onday
)ench - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
0ncline - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
,quat - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
'ower 4lean - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
"ee6 D E "ednesday
)ench - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
0ncline - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
,quat - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
'ower 4lean - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
"ee6 D E Friday
)ench - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
0ncline - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
,quat - @ sets : @ reps 7I=O8
'ower 4lean - @ sets : @ reps
Cench - )< ,< &< &< O rep0 @N)6 - add ) Bb0.A
8ncline - )< ,< &< &< O rep0 @N)6 - add ) Bb0.A
S>1at - )< ,< &< &< O rep0 @N)6 - add ) Bb0.A
Po"er Clean - )< ,< &< &< O rep0 @N)6 - add ) Bb0.A
+onday - "ednesday - Friday
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
eight Foom Core Bi$t0
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Cench< S>1at< 8ncline< Po"er Clean
Monday Monday
edne0day edne0day
Friday Friday
ee/ Eine! ee/ Eine!
at N+6 I (+ Bb0. at N+6 I (+ Bb0.
o$ ma3. o$ ma3.
ee/ (+! ee/ (+!
Ma3 .e0ting Ma3 .e0ting
Testing will test our big four liftsA
)ench, ,quat, 0ncline, 'ower 4lean
#thletes will test based upon a $ne /ep +a: and
athletes should only use a weight that they can only rep
out three times!
Cench - '< ,< ,< O< ( rep0 @N+6 - add (+ Bb0.A
8ncline - '< ,< ,< O< ( rep0 @N+6 - add (+ Bb0.A
S>1at - '< ,< ,< O< ( rep0 @N+6 - add (+ Bb0.A
Po"er Clean - '< ,< ,< O< ( rep0 @N+6 - add (+ Bb0.A
Monday< edne0day< Friday
Po"er Fan/ing0
Po"er Fan/ing0
th th
ee/ .e0ting Period
ee/ .e0ting Period
(. (.
O. O.
&. &.
,. ,.
Po"er Clean
Po"er Clean
). ).
,+ Lard :a0h
,+ Lard :a0h
'. '.
Pro Sh1ttle
Pro Sh1ttle

Standing Croad J1mp Standing Croad J1mp
e "ill te0t o1r team "ith * e "ill te0t o1r team "ith *
e4ent0 at end o$ each (+ e4ent0 at end o$ each (+
"ee/ period. e a"ard each "ee/ period. e a"ard each
athlete a point $or the 0pot he athlete a point $or the 0pot he
come0 in 40 the other player0. come0 in 40 the other player0.
.he be0t 0core i0 a 0core o$ *< .he be0t 0core i0 a 0core o$ *<
( point $or each acti4ity. ( ( point $or each acti4ity. (
point mean0 that point mean0 that
the athlete
the athlete
0cored the highe0t in that
0cored the highe0t in that
7thletic Period
7thletic Period
.1e0day 5 .h1r0day 7gility or/o1t
.1e0day 5 .h1r0day 7gility or/o1t
Once "e ha4e bro/en Once "e ha4e bro/en
$rom roll call and $rom roll call and
anno1ncement0 "e "ill anno1ncement0 "e "ill
proceed into $orm r1nning proceed into $orm r1nning
$or a period o$ N min1te0 $or a period o$ N min1te0
7$ter $orm r1nning "e "ill 0tart o1r agility period "ith ) 7$ter $orm r1nning "e "ill 0tart o1r agility period "ith )
0tation0. Each 0tation "ill be ' min1te0 in d1ration "ith a 0tation0. Each 0tation "ill be ' min1te0 in d1ration "ith a
( min1te e3change d1ring rotation $rom one gro1p to the ( min1te e3change d1ring rotation $rom one gro1p to the
other. other.
7t the end o$ each 0tation the gro1p "ill come together 7t the end o$ each 0tation the gro1p "ill come together
$or gro1p brea/do"n. $or gro1p brea/do"n.
7thlete0 "ill h10tle $rom one 0tation to the other @no one 7thlete0 "ill h10tle $rom one 0tation to the other @no one
"al/0A. "al/0A.
Stance and Start0 Stance and Start0
B1ng al/ B1ng al/
Mach -7=02 Mach -7=02
Mach -C=02 Mach -C=02
C1tt Pic/0 C1tt Pic/0
G1ic/ Carioca G1ic/ Carioca
Feg1lar Carioca Feg1lar Carioca
High Pnee0 High Pnee0
Stance0 - .he $ir0t item "ill be the concentration on a good 0tance< 0tance0 "ill be done 10ing an act1al $ootball related
0tance by po0ition played. Each coach "ill be e3pected to $oc10 on each athlete and to ma/e 01re that they per$orm
the 0tance a0 dictated by the program.
a. 7thlete0 "ill be re>1ired to be in a & point 0tance< all do"n hand0 "ill be $rom $inger tip0.
b. Feet 0ho1lder "ith apart.
c. Feet "ill be "ith toe0 pointed 0lightly in"ard< "ith heel0 pointed o1t"ard @thi0 create0 a $lat bac/A.
d. Eye0 "ill be $oc10ed 0traight ahead< "ith the bac/ heel0 o$ the $eet only 0lightly o$$ the $loor.
e. Heel0 no more than a (%O inch o$$ the $loor.
B1ng al/0 -Cac/ /nee do"n $ront leg $or"ard - Sho" yo1r n1mber0 - Sho1lder0 Oppo0ite the p1nch

Mach V7D0V @"al/ $or $ormA - Hammer Q Eail< donDt beat the dr1m - Pnee0 abo4e the "ai0t - toe0 to the 0/y - eye0 on the
prize - Sho" yo1r n1mber0
High Pnee0 @"ith 0peedA Hammer Q Eail< donDt beat the dr1m - Pnee0 abo4e the "ai0t - toe0 to the 0/y - eye0 on the
prize - Sho" yo1r n1mber0
Mach VCD0V - Hammer Q Eail< donDt beat the dr1m - Pnee0 abo4e the "ai0t - toe0 to the 0/y - eye0 on the prize - Sho"
yo1r n1mber0 - Pa" the gro1nd
C1tt Pic/D0 - Hammer Q Eail< donDt beat the dr1m - Pic/ yo1r 0el$ in the b1tt -eye0 on the prize - Sho" yo1r n1mber0
G1ic/ Step Carioca - Feet $ire.
Feg1lar Carioca - Slo" 0tretching action (+ to () yard0
Fight and Be$t Single Beg Po"er S/ip0 - Stre00 Height and 7rm 7ction
Co1nding :rill @Hazelle0A - Band and e3plode o$$ o$ alternate $oot @good r1nning $ormA
(. E0caping a bloc/.
O. F1nning to the $ootball.
&. Baying yo1r body o1t to ma/e a tac/le.
,. E3plo0ion at and on the line o$ 0crimmage.
). Crea/ing on the $ootball.
'. E0tabli0hing a bloc/.
*. Maintaining a bloc/.
N. C1tting to the hole.
(. Cear and .o1ch
O. Parallel F1n
&. Cac/"ard Cra"l.
,. For"ard Crab
). Cac/ Flop0
'. Cear and a4e
*. Seat Foll
N. Progre00i4e F1n
R. Fead and F1n
.o de4elop >1ic/ne00< the ability to change direction0< to lengthen the $ati>1e
$actor< to de4elop mental to1ghne00< and to re0pond e$$ecti4ely to in0tr1ction0<
to enhance!
3rillsA Eine drill0 10ed in appro3imately nine min1te0 each.
.o1c hi ng o$ $ c ome0 at the end o$ the mat. hen a $ ootball play er thr o"0 hi 0 body
r eac hi ng "i th all he ha0< to be the $ i r 0t one ac r o00 the li ne< "i ll p1t hi m c ompeti ng
agai n0t the other & $ r om the li ne o$ , teammate0. hen doi ng the to1c h o$ $ c or r ec tly
the $ i r 0t par t o$ the body to ma/e c ontac t on the c he0t. Football i 0 a game o$
thr o"i ng y o1r body ei ther to!
(. Ma/e a .ac /le.
O. Ma/e a Cloc /.
&. Ma/e an E3tr a Lar d.
,. Hoi ng For .he F1mble.
Proced1re! C! )ear and Touch
>! 'arallel /un
a. Starting Po0ition! .oe0 at end o$ mat< chin on the $loor< palm0 $acing 1p.
b. Feaction Pey - Sight< eye0 on coache0 command.
c. Mo4ement - On the 0ight /ey the athlete "ill 0nap to a bear po0ition
cra"l to the end o$ the mat and layo1t to1ching the end o$ the mat.
reaching the end o$ the mat he "ill do a 0ide roll.
a. Starting Po0ition! Be$t toe and le$t hand on the end o$ the mat in a , point 0tance.
b. Feaction Pey - Sight< eye0 on $oc10ed on coach.
c. Mo4ement - On the 0ight /ey the athlete "ill mo4e lateral do"n the mat< 1pon
hi0 command. Fin0h all r1n0 "ith a hard ) o$$ the mat.
d. End o$ :rill - 7thlete "ill 0nap into a hitting po0ition< $ind coach and brea/
<! )ac6ward 4rab
a. Starting Po0ition! Bie $lat on bac/< heel0 located at the end o$ the mat.
b. Feaction Pey - So1nd.
c. Mo4ement - On 0o1nd /ey athlete "ill crab (%& o$ the "ay and then
bac/"ard roll to a $ront crab< bac/ to a bac/ crab< $lip and go to
end in a bear crab. On command $ini0h "ith a hard ) o$$ the mat.
d. End o$ :rill - 7thlete "ill 0nap into a hitting po0ition< $ind coach and brea/
a. Starting Po0ition! Bie $lat on yo1r bac/< head located at the end o$ mat.
b. Feaction Pey - So1nd.
c. Mo4ement - On 0o1nd command $or"ard crab (%& o$ the "ay< bac/"ard
roll< $or"ard roll< bear and to1ch o$$.
hi0 command. Fin0h all r1n0 "ith a hard ) o$$ the mat.
a. Starting Po0ition! .oe0 at end o$ mat< chin on the $loor< palm0 $acing 1p.
b. Feaction Pey - So1nd and 0ight.
c. Mo4ement - On 0o1nd command 0nap to a , point 0tance and mo4e
$eet in po0ition. On 0econd command coach gi4e0 direction and athlete
"ill to1gh 0cap1la to the mat and then 0nap bac/ to a , point 0tance.
On coache0 $inal command athlete "ill $or"ard roll and bear cra"l and
to1ch end o$ mat then 0print a hard ) yard0.
@! Forward 4rab
?! )ac6 Flops
B! )ear "ave
a. Starting Po0ition! .oe0 at end o$ mat< chin on the $loor< palm0 $acing 1p.
b. Feaction Pey - So1nd.
c. Mo4ement - On coache0 command athlete "ill 0nap to a , point 0tance
On a 0econd command athlete "ill mo4e laterally in that direction. On $inal
command athlete "ill $or"ard roll and bear cra"l and to1ch o$$.
d. End o$ :rill - 7thlete "ill 0nap into a hitting po0ition< $ind coach and brea/
on coache0 command and then $ini0h "ith a ) yard 0print.
d. End o$ :rill - 7thlete "ill 0nap into a hitting po0ition< $ind coach and brea/
a. Starting Po0ition! Bie $lat on yo1r bac/< head located at the end o$ mat.
b. Feaction Pey - So1nd.
c. Mo4ement - On 0o1nd command $or"ard crab (%& o$ the "ay< bac/"ard
roll< $or"ard roll< bear and to1ch o$$.
hi0 command. Fin0h all r1n0 "ith a hard ) o$$ the mat.
D! ,eat /oll
J! /ead and /un
a. Starting Po0ition! .oe0 at end o$ mat.
b. Feaction Pey - So1nd.
c. Mo4ement - On command athlete0 "ill 0nap to a , point 0tance and
immediately 0tart to bear cra"l. Ho (%& o$ the "ay on the mat and $or"ard
roll and come bac/ and to1ch o$$. Fepeat. .hird time go all the "ay and
to1ch o$$.
d. End o$ :rill - 7thlete "ill 0nap into a hitting po0ition< $ind coach and brea/
hi0 command. Fin0h all r1n0 "ith a hard ) o$$ the mat.
a. Starting Po0ition! 7ll athlete0 "ill 0tart $rom a , point 0tance.
b. Feaction Pey - Sight.
c. Mo4ement - On coache0 command the athlete "ill react to a hand command
by the coach "hich can mo4e the athlete $rom 0ide to 0ide< $or"ard0 or
bac/"ard0 a0 the athlete "or/0 to"ard0 the end o$ the mat. .he ne3t
command "ill ha4e the athlete to1ching o$$ at at end o$ the mat.
d. End o$ :rill - 7thlete "ill 0nap into a hitting po0ition< $ind coach and brea/
hi0 command. Fin0h read and r1n "ith a hard ) o$$ the mat.
I! 'rogressive /un
< @
C >
< @
C >
T. T
)) ) ) 4 4
F, ,,
) Lard and * Cone 7gility Program
) yard0
) yard0
O1r ) yard agility program i0 to 0et 1p a0 $ollo"0. Place 0i3 cone0 ) yard0 apart< in the
manner ill10trated belo". 7 *th cone "ill be nece00ary $or 0ome drill0. O1r Cone
drill0 "ill be de0igned $or body control and change o$ direction. 70 "e proceed
thro1gh o1r o$$-0ea0on agility program it "ill be beneni$ical to change 1p and gi4e o1r
athlete0 a 4arity o$ di$$erent drill0.
C >
Start Start Start
Fini0h Fini0h
3rill G CA Figure I 3rill E < &ines
.he $ig1re N drill de4elop0 change o$ direction. 7thlete "ill 0tart $rom a & point 0tance on the right
0ide o$ the 0tarting cone and "ill (0t 0print to the le$t 0ide o$ the Ond cone r1nning a $ig1re N thro1gh
the cone0 t"ice. 7thlete "ill $ini0h drill "ith a hard ) yard 0print thro1gh the $ini0h line.
7thlete "ill ma/e hi0 t1rn aro1nd the cone0 "ith hi0 $eet 1nderneath him and
accelerating o1t o$ the t1rn0.
< @
C >
< @
C >
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G@A &owN&N 3rill
3rill G<A ,print (opE <&ines
Start Start
Fini0h Fini0h
Player00print r1nningthelo"VBV. M10t /eep$eet 1nderneaththem"henro1ndingthecone0.
Boo/$or e3plo0ion"hencomingaro1ndthecone.
Fini0hdrill by0printingahard)
yard0pa0t the$ini0hline.
conehopo4er the
topo$ it bye3ploding
.he0print hopincorprate0a0h1$$lebet"eenthecone0"hile/eepingthe0ho1lder0parallel tothe
coach"hopo0ition0him0el$ o1t $ront. .he0print hopi0a&o0econddrill attemptingto0h1$$leand
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G ?A NVN 3rill
C! ,tart bt sprint forward to cone G <!
>! 4ircle cone G < and then carioca with eyes facing inside towards cone G ?!
<! /ound cone G ? and then go into a bac6pedal with chin over the 6nees, finish past cone G C!
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G BA NVN (op 3rill
Hop Hop Hop
C! ,tart at cone G C and sprint to cone G <!
>! "hen reaching cone G < athlete will hop over the cone by e:ploding his 6nees towards his chest!
<! $nce hoping over cone G < then e:plode by sprinting to cone G @and then hop over it!
@! #thlete will repeat the process when arriving to cone G ?, recover and then sprint on past cone G C
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G DA 4arioca NVN 3rill
C! #thlete will begin with a crossover step 6nown as a carioca movement!
>! 'layer will loo6 inside by 6eeping his shoulders square to the cones!
<! &oo6 to over emphasis low hip movement!
@! 'ump hands and arms with hammer and nail movement!
?! 4oach should position himself inside the cones loo6ing for proper technique!
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G IA )ac6pedal NVN 3rill
(. .hi0 drill "ill re>1ire the athlete to bac/pedal thro1gh the triangle.
O. Boo/ $or chin o4er the /nee.
&. Sin/ the hip0 "ith a VUV in the /nee0.
,. P1mp the arm0 thro1gho1t the bac/pedal.
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G JA 'ro Figure I 3rill
C! #thlete will begin by sprinting ? yards touching the line with his hand!
>! #fter touching the first line he will return to the starting line touching off with his hand!
<! #fter touching off at the starting line, return to cone G @ by turning to your right running to cone G<!
@! #thlete will circle cone G < to his right returning and circling cone G @, and then sprinting past the
starting line!
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G JA Triangle 3rill
(. Start at cone W ( and 0print to and aro1nd cone W '.
O. Circle cone W ' and then 0print to and aro1nd cone W ).
&. Fet1rn to cone W ( "ith a $1ll 0print.
,. Empha0i0 the gathering o$ the $eet 1nderneath the body "hen circling the cone0.
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G C=A ,print (op 3rill
(. Start at cone W ( 0printing to cone W '< "hen arri4ing at each cone Hop o4er it.
O. hen hopping o4er the cone0 e3plode the /nee0 to the che0t.
&. Start at cone W ( and $ini0h at cone W (.
,. Empha0i0 the hop and e3plo0ion to the ne3t cone coming o1t o$ the hop.
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G CCA .ebras6a 3rill
.he Eebra0/a drill i0 named a$ter the big VEV that thi0 drill ta/e0 yo1 thro1gh.
7thlete "ill 0tart at cone W (< 0print to cone W , circle to yo1r right r1nning at cone W
O< circle cone W O and then 0print on pa0t cone W &. Boo/ $or tight t1rn0 aro1nd the
cone0 by /eeping the $eet 1nderneath the body. E3celerate at o$ the t1rn0.
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G C>A 'lant 3rill
70 athlete to1che0 o$$ on
the cone hi0 moment1m
0ho1l0 already be mo4ing
to the ne3t cone.
8n0tead o$ going aro1nd the cone the player "ill plant and to1ch the cone. Same
techni>1e a0 the pro agility drill. Boo/ $or the athlete to po1nd the arch< 0in/ the hip0<
"hile mo4ing a"ay $rom the cone "hen yo1 to1ch it. Progre00ion 0tart at cone W (< r1n
and to1ch o$$ on cone W * al"ay0 mo4ing to yo1r right. .he 0econd rep 0ho1ld ta/e the
athlete al"ay0 mo4ing to hi0 le$t.
< @
C >
< @
C >
pi4ot pi4ot
3rill G C<A @ 4orners 3rill
(. Sprint to cone W O and then pi4ot on yo1r in0ide $oot into a carioca mo4ement.
O. Sprint to cone W &< "hen reaching cone W & re4er0e pi4ot on yo1r in0ide $oot.
&. Cac/pedal $rom cone W & to cone W ,< re4er0e pi4ot on in0ide $oot< carioca thro1gh
the $ini0h line.
,. Empha0i0 techni>1e thro1gh the pi4ot.
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G C<A 'ro #gility 3rill
Pro#ected .ime0!
(. F1nning Cac/0 ,.) or Cetter
O. O$$en0i4e Binemen ,.') or Cetter
&. Fecei4er0 ,., or Cetter
,. .ight End0 ,., or Cetter
Pro#ected .ime0!
(. :e$en0i4e Cac/0 ,., or Cetter
O. :e$en0i4e Binemen ,.' or Cetter
&. Binebac/er0 ,.) or Cetter
From a three point
0tance 0taddle the
middle line.
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G C@A @ 4one 4arioca 3rill
Pi4ot Pi4ot
Sprint Sprint
:e4elop0! Foot"or/< $le3ibility< and hip mobility. Proced1re! Sprint to $ir0t cone< re4er0e
pi4ot by p1lling right 0ho1lder cloc/"i0e< carioc0 to ne3t cone< 0print to ne3t cone< re4er0e
pi4ot and carioca in0ide. Foc10 point0! Face in0ide 0>1are "hen doing carioca. hen
going thro1gh the carioca ma/e 01re hip0 0tay lo"< thi0 "ill 0tregthen the hip $le3or0.
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G C<A @ 4one and 4omebac6 3rill
:e4elop0! Foot"or/< Slide%Cac/pedal and change o$ direction. Proced1re!
Slide%Cac/pedal to the $ir0t cone< 0print diagonally to the 0econd cone< bac/pedal to the
third cone and 0print diagonally to the $o1rth cone. Foc10 point0! Stay lo" d1ring
bac/pedal "ith chin o4er the /nee< accelerate o1t o$ the bac/pedal @pro-plantA.
< @
C >
< @
C >
:e4elop0! 7cceleration and change o$ direction.
Proced1re! Sprint to cone W ,< c1t le$t and 0print to cone W )< c1t right and 0print pa0t W
, and circle W & $rom the le$t 0ide and then ret1rn to cone W , c1tting to the le$t and
$ini0hing the drill. .he $oc10 point0 $or thi0 drill i0 the acceleration o1t o$ the c1t.
3rill G C@A NTN 3rill
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G C<A <B= 3egree and Turn 3rill
Each player "ill 0print to the middle cone and p1t hi0 le$t hand do"n and circle the middle
cone. Peep $eet a0 tight to the body a0 they can. .he player "ill then e3plode to cone W ,
and to the le$t o$ the cone p1tting hi0 right hand do"n. .he player "ill then e3plode r1nning
bac/ to the right o$ the middle cone p1tting hi0 le$t hand do"n. .he player "ill then e3plode
to cone W ) and to the le$t o$ the cone p1tting hi0 right hand do"n. .he player "ill then
e3plode r1nning bac/ to the right o$ the middle cone p1tting hi0 le$t hand do"n. .he player
"ill then e3plode to cone W ' and to the le$t o$ the cone p1tting hi0 right hand do"n. .he
player "ill then e3plode r1nning bac/ to the right o$ the middle cone p1tting hi0 le$t hand
do"n. Player then "ill 0print pa0t the le$t 0ide o$ cone W (.
< @
C >
< @
C >
3rill G C@A @ 4one and ,quare 0n 3rill
.he , cone and 0>1are in drill de4elop0 $oot"or/< $le3ability and groin 0trength. Proced1re!
Cac/pedal to (0t cone pro-plant and 0print to Ond cone< pi4ot and bec/pedal to the &rd
cone< pro-plant and 0print to $ini0h line. Foc10 Point0! G1ic/ $eet. 7ccelerate o1t o$ pro-
plant and pi4ot.
High Pnee ith One Foot Each S>1are
(. 7thlete "ill 0tart o1t0ide the ladder.
O. One $oot in each 0>1are.
&. P1mp arm0 10ing hammer and nail techni>1e.
,. Sin/ hip0 a0 lo" a0 po00ible a0 to de4elop the hip $le3or0.
). Peep eye0 1p a0 yo1 "or/ thro1gh the ladder< learn to $eel the 0>1are0 "itho1t loo/ing do"n.
'. Once coming o$$ the la0t 0>1are $ini0h "ith a hard ) yard 0print.
*. Coach 0ho1ld po0ition him0el$ in $ront o$ the ladder 0o the athlete can $oc10 hi0 eye0 on the coach.
High Pnee ith Coth Feet Each S>1are
(. 7thlete "ill 0tart o1t0ide the ladder.
O. :o1ble hop "ith both $eet into the (0t 0>1are.
&. :o1ble hop "ith both $eet into the ad#oining 0>1are then hop $or"ard.
,. Sin/ hip0 a0 lo" a0 po00ible a0 to de4elop the hip $le3or0.
). hen hopping o4er and into each 0>1are bring both /nee0 to the che0t.
'. Peep eye0 1p a0 yo1 "or/ thro1gh the ladder< learn to $eel the 0>1are0 "itho1t loo/ing do"n.
*. Once coming o$$ the la0t 0>1are $ini0h "ith a hard ) yard 0print.
N. Coach 0ho1ld po0ition him0el$ in $ront o$ the ladder 0o the athlete can $oc10 hi0 eye0 on the
High Pnee Co1nding ith ."o Feet Each S>1are
(. 7thlete "ill 0tart o1t0ide the ladder and to one 0ide.
O. Mo4e laterally thro1gh the ladder< "ith eye0 loo/ing $or"ard not to the 0ide.
&. 7thlete "ill hit each 0>1are "ith both $eet< one at a time< once acro00 the ladder 0print
$or"ard to ne3t 0>1are.
,. Sin/ hip0 a0 lo" a0 po00ible a0 to de4elop the hip $le3or0.
). Peep eye0 1p a0 yo1 "or/ thro1gh the ladder< learn to $eel the 0>1are0 "itho1t loo/ing do"n.
'. Once coming o$$ the la0t 0>1are $ini0h "ith a hard ) yard 0print.
*. Coach 0ho1ld po0ition him0el$ in $ront o$ the ladder 0o the athlete can $oc10 hi0 eye0 on the
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
(. 7thlete "ill 0tart o1t0ide the ladder.
O. Coth $eet in each 0>1are "ith one $oot at a time.
&. 7thlete "ill mo4e thro1gh the 0>1are0 "ith hi0 0ho1lder0 0>1are to the coach 0tanding o1t $ront.
,. Sin/ hip0 a0 lo" a0 po00ible a0 to de4elop the hip $le3or0.
). 7thlete "ill cro00 o4er 0tep thro1gh the ladder.
'. Peep eye0 1p a0 yo1 "or/ thro1gh the ladder< learn to $eel the 0>1are0 "itho1t loo/ing do"n.
*. Once coming o$$ the la0t 0>1are $ini0h "ith a hard ) yard 0print.
N. Coach 0ho1ld po0ition him0el$ in $ront o$ the ladder 0o the athlete can $oc10 hi0 eye0 on the coach.
(igh 2nee "ith 4rossover, )oth Feet -ach ,quare
Ca0ed on a cro00 layo1t @$orming $o1r >1adrant0A. G1adrant0 are n1mbered
a0 $ollo"0!
:e0cribed a0! Competiti4e and F1n.
Progre00! ( thr1 R
Eote! Entire program ( thr1 R "ill be done be$ore 0tarting bac/ at the top again.
(. Feg1lar J1mp! - )+ time0.
O. Side to Side! @, to & and bac/A - )+ time0 @both $eetA.
&. 9p and Cac/! @, to ( and bac/A - )+ time0 @both $eetA.
,. Co3er Sh1$$le! @O on right $oot - O on le$t $ootA - )+ time0.
). 9p and Cac/ One Foot! @, to ( and bac/A - O) time0 each $oot.
'. Side to Side One Foot! @, to &A O) time0 each $oot.
*. .riangle! @( - O - ,A - alternate! 0"itch $eet - 0econd >1ad.
N. :o1ble J1mp ith Co1nce! Fope 1nder $eet t"ice each ) rep0 @both $eetA then once -repeat.
R. :o1ble J1mp in S1cce00ion! Fope 1nder each t"ice ) time0.
Each athlete participating in o1r a$ter 0chool li$ting program "ill be enco1raged to #1mp rope contin1oi0ly $or (N
min1te0. Once o1r athlete0 ha4e 0tarted the o$$-0ea0on program they "ill be gi4en a goal o$ (N min1te0 o$ #1mp roping
"itho1t the rope 0topping d1ring that time. O1r athlete0 "ill be te0ted in May to te0t "heather or note i$ the goal ha0
been reached.
(N min1te0 o$ contino10 #1mping achie4e0 n1mero10 goal0 01ch a0 de4eloping great $eet< attac/0 the mental a0pect0 o$
"or/ing thro1gh a to1gh ta0/ @"hen the body 0ay0 0top the mind 0ay0 /eep goingA. 7 player mentally "ill hit the "all at
abo1t N to R min1te0 into the acti4ity and "ill "ant to >1it< b1t< thi0 i0 "here he m10t contin1e to p10h thro1gh the pain and
end1re the goal.
Character Q Commitment
Character Q Commitment
4ommitment P 4haracter 4ommitment P 4haracter i0 a 0i3 i0 a 0i3
"ee/ proce00 in "hich each "ee/ proce00 in "hich each
"ee/ "e "ill ha4e a theme and "ee/ "e "ill ha4e a theme and
a coach 4i0it "ith athlete0 abo1t a coach 4i0it "ith athlete0 abo1t
the topic o$ the "ee/. the topic o$ the "ee/.
Each Coach "ill be gi4en Each Coach "ill be gi4en
() min1te0 daily to () min1te0 daily to
pre0ent their a00igned pre0ent their a00igned
topic. topic.
Mo0t program0< organization0 or plan0 $ail beca10e indi4id1al0 do not
belie4e in it. .hey $eel that 0omething el0e "or/0 better. 8$ a coach or
athlete doe0 not belie4e in the program< they "ill not be moti4ated to p1t
$1ll inten0ity into the $ootball program and "or/o1t0.
:onDt orry
8$ .he Hor0e 80 Clind<
J10t Boad .he agonJ
- John Madden
Coach Campbell
Jan1ary +N< O++*
hat "e are doing i0 not nearly a0 important a0 ho" "e are going to get o1r de0ired
re01lt0. 8$ "e belie4e in "hat "e are doing "ith e4er $iber o$ o1r being< "e "ill
create a po"er$1l $orce. 9ea8e 1o /o'bt yo1 belie4e in yo1r0el$< team< and
.ow This 0s The &aw $f The
Mungle #s $ld and #s True #s The
,6y and The "olf That ,hall 2eep
0t +ay 'rosper, )ut The "olf That
,hall )rea6 0t +ust 3ie, #s The
4reeper That %irdles The Tree
Trun6, The &aw runneth Forward
and )ac6, For The ,trength $f The
'ac6 0s 0n The "olf, and The
,trength $f The "olf 0s 0n The
9nity i0 p1tting yo1r teammate0 $ir0t and yo1r0el$ 0econd. .he 01cce00
o$ the team< $amily< or gro1p depend0 on yo1 doing yo1r part. Each
indi4id1al ha0 a role to play that contrib1te0 to the o4erall 01cce00 o$ the
team. 7 gro1p that ha0 good 1nity ha0 0ynergi0m. Synergi0m mean0
the "hole i0 greater than the 01m o$ the part0.
e are only a0 0trong a0 the people "ho 01rro1nd 10 and they are only a0 0trong a0
yo1. Can "e depend on yo1 and can yo1 tr10t the pac/K Can the pac/ depend on and
tr10t yo1K
Coach .aylor
Jan1ary ('< O++*
:i0cipline mean0 $ollo"ing thro1gh on yo1r commitment to the mi00ion
and plan. :i0cipline i0 doing the right thing0 at the right time.
One o$ the bigge0t rea0on0 people $ail i0 beca10e there i0 a lac/ o$ di0cipline. 8t re>1ire0
0acri$ice< dedication and commitment. ill yo1 ta/e the ea0y "ay o1t or that yo1 "ill
con0i0tently do "hat i0 right to reach o1r 1ltimate team goal.
.he Pain O$
:i0cipline 80 Be00
.han .he Pain O$ Fegret
Coach Ste"art
Jan1ary OO< O++*
.o ha4e re0ol4e< yo1 m10t $ir0t de4elop a mi00ion o$ "hat yo1 "ant to
achie4e a0 an indi4id1al and a0 a team. 8t i0 ba0ed on correct
principle0 that are $1ndamental g1ideline0 o$ ho" "e cond1ct and
go4ern o1r0el4e0.
Fe0ol4e entail0 the proce00 o$ preparation and properly conditioning
yo1r0el$. .he proce00 incorporate0 ob#ecti4e0< proced1re0< timetable0<
daily practice0< and "or/o1t 0ched1le0. 8t i0 1p to yo1 to ha4e the
re0ol4e to 0tic/ "ith the program and be con0i0tent.
Pre00 OnJ Eothing in the "orld can ta/e the place o$ per0i0tance. .alent "ill not.
Eothing i0 more common than 1n01cce00$1l men "ith talent. Heni10 "ill not.
9nre"arded geni10 i0 almo0t a pro4erb. Ed1cation "ill not. .he "orld i0 $1ll o$ ed1cated
derelict0. Per0i0tance and determination alone are a m10t. 8 "ill re0ol4e to "a/e 1p
e4eryday and do "hate4er it ta/e0 to reach o1r mi00ion. Con0i0tency i0 the tr1e mar/
o$ a championJ
S1cce00 :emand0
Singlene00 o$ P1rpo0e
- Vince Bombardi
Coach McCarter
Jan1ary OR< O++*
O$ten 01cce00 doe0nDt go to the 0"i$te0t< b1t to the one "ho i0 the mo0t per0i0tent
and determined.
X 7t OO< he ran $or legi0lat1re and lo0t
X Cy the ripe age o$ O& he had $ailed in b10ine00< not once< b1t t"iceJ
X 7t O'< he 01$$ered a ner4o10 brea/do"n.
X 7t ON< he lo0t in e$$ort to become Spea/er o$ .he Ho10e in State Begi0lat1re.
X Fi4e year0 later he ran $or congre00 and "a0 de$eated again.
X 7t &N he ran $or the Senate and lo0t that to.
X He ran $or Vice Pre0ident and lo0t that too.
ho "a0 thi0 mi0erable $ail1reK .he ('th Pre0ident o$ .he 9nited State0 -
7braham Bincoln.
hate4er the team doe0 "e m10t ne4er gi4e in. .here are many thing0 that are o1t o$
o1r control< thi0 i0 the one thing that "e "ill al"ay0 ha4e a 0ay in. Hold on to the rope
and "hate4er li$e thro"0 10 a0 a team and a0 indi4id1al0 that "e "ill 0till be 0tanding
together in the end.
Men :o Eot Fail< .hey
J10t Hi4e 9p .o Ea0y.
Ee4er G1itJ
Coach Eblen
Febr1ary +)< O++*
.he Pain O$
:i0cipline 80 Be00
.han .he Pain O$ Fegret
Heneral :o1gla0 Mac7rth1r 0aid< Vthere i0 no 0ecr1ity in thi0 li$e< only opport1nityV.
Co1rage i0 an act o$ the "ill< ha4e the co1rage to go a$ter yo1r dream0. :o "hat i0 right
and that yo1 "ill ha4e $aith in yo1r0el$ and the team and "ill 0eize opport1nitie0 "hen they
pre0ent them0el4e0 to 10.
Co1rage enable0 one to $ace a di$$ic1lt 0it1ation or problem head on. e m10t do "hat
"e $eel i0 right and not gi4e in to the pop1lar 4ie" o$ other0.
Coach Carnett
Febr1ary (O< O++*
Starting Febr1ary O'< O++* thr1 March O< O++*
Goal +etting
:1ring the month o$ Febr1ary "e "ill 0tart to goal 0et "ith o1r indi4id1al po0ition player0. Hoal 0etting i0 a h1ghly
po"er$1l techni>1e that can yield 0trong ret1rn0 in all area0 o$ o1r li$e0. 8n it0 0imple0t $orm goal 0etting help0 indi4id1al0
and team0 choo0e tho0e thing0 "e "ant to be< do< or ha4e in li$e. Some goal0 "ill be athletic< 0ome "ill be academic<
0ome "ill be career oriented< 0ome "ill in4ol4e $amily< team or $riend0 and 0ome 0pirit1al.
7$ter 0etting goal0 "ith o1r po0ition player0< "e m10t help de4elop a plan to help them achie4e tho0e goal0. e m10t be
able to ta/e a 0erio10 loo/ at "here "e are c1rrently and "hat 0tep0 need to be ta/en in order to reach o1r goal0. .here
are $o1r main 0tep0 that "ill be di0c100ed in helping o1r athlete0 "ith their goal0 both a0 indi4id1al0 and a0 a team. .hey
are a0 $ollo"0!
Step ( - Set Lo1r Hoal - Ma/e it 0peci$ic< mea01rable and attainable
Step O - Categorize Lo1r Hoal - 7thletic< academic< career< $amily< 0pirit1al< etc.
Step & - Fea0on For Lo1r Hoal - hyK
Step , - de4elop an 7ction plan - Ho" are yo1 going to reach thi0 goalK
70 a coaching 0ta$$ "hen meeting "ith o1r po0ition player0 "e m10t enco1rage comm1nication and e3plore "ith o1r
athlete0 the goal 0etting proce00 $or each o$ their goal0 0et. 8$ yo1 do thi0 "ith o1r athlete0 and 0incerely p1t a great e$$ort
to"ard0 them e3ploring their indi4id1al and team goal0 that there "ill be /no" do1bt that they "ill become more a00erti4e<
$oc10ed< con$ident< and e3perience more 01cce00 than e4er be$ore. Help t1rn their dream0 into goal0 and their intention0
into action0.
Coache0 plea0e ta/e the0e 0e00ion0 "ith yo1r athlete0 0erio10ly. 7$ter completing yo1r goal 0e00ion0 "ith yo1r athlete0
plea0e pro4ide me a copy. Once yo1 ha4e completed yo1r 0e00ion0 8 then "ill 0et do"n "ith each one and re4ie" their
goal0 "ith them a0 "ell.
Coache0 al0o 10e the $ollo"ing page0 to goal 0et "ith yo1r indi4id1al po0ition player0. Once the0e ha4e been completed 8
"ill begin to 0et 1p home 4i0it0 "ith parent0.
M2 Vo*s an$ Goals As A Member Of %his %eam
8 4o" that to be an athlete on thi0 team i0 an honor and a re0pon0ibility. 8 am no longer an indi4id1al? 8 am apart o$ the
VViper FamilyV. ithin the $amily i0 a brotherhood @.he .eamA. Ceing apart o$ thi0 $amily ha0 it0 co0t0 and
re0pon0ibilitie0! 8 ma/e the0e 4o"0 to 1p hold and protect the legacy o$ my $amily and my brotherhood!
8 4o" to be a team player o$ character and to be co1nted 1pon both on and o$$ the camp10.
8 4o" to gi4e my be0t to"ard0 recei4ing a >1ality ed1cation.
8 4o" to 0tri4e to b1ild the $o1ndation o$! Celie$< Fe0ol4e< :i0cipline< Co1rage< Per0e4erance< and 9nity.
8 4o" to cond1ct my0el$ in a manner that doe0 not dra" 1n"arranted attention to my $amily< my 0chool< and my team.
8 4o" "hen on camp10 and in the cla00room to ca10e no problem0 $or my0el$< teacher0< and the team.
8 o" to be the be0t po00ible 0t1dent that 8 can be and to ma/e 01re that my grade0 "ill not #eopardize my good
academic 0tanding. 8$ grade0 are in do1bt 8 "ill ma/e e4ery attempt to ma/e all 0t1dy hall 0e00ion0 and to get help
$rom my teacher0 and to attend all t1torial0 "hen nece00ary.
8 4o" to $ollo" all r1le0 laid o1t by the Viper $ootball program and the V8S: 0t1dent handboo/ o$ cond1ct.
8 4o" 8 "ill treat other0 the "ay 8 "o1ld "ant to be treated a0 a per0on and a0 an athlete.
8 4o" to "or/ to"ard0 becoming a 0t1dent o$ the game and to gi4e ()+6 e$$ort to"ard0 my coache0 and $ello"
8 4o" 8 "ill carry my0el$ at all time0 "ith 4haracter - Vplay a0 hard a0 8 can< $or a0 long a0 8 canV.
8 4o" to play "ith 'ride - VPno" that 8 "onDt >1it "hen it get0 to1ghV.
8 4o" to be mentally Tough - V7ccept di0com$ort and coaching and learn to li4e "ith itV.
8 4o" that "hen 8 "al/ o1t onto the $ield 8 "ill ta/e great pride in the $ollo"ing!
(. My School
O. My .eammate0
&. My Family
,. My0el$
8 /no" that "hen 8 ta/e the $ield 8 repre0ent all tho0e that came be$ore me and tho0e that "ill come a$ter me and ha4e
"orn the color0 o$ my 0chool.
Eo" it i0 my time in hi0tory. 8 4o" that be$ore 8 lea4e< hi0tory "ill remember me a0 a champion both on and o$$ the $ield
o$ play.
0 'romise To Follow These VowsA
%oals and -:pectations as a +emorial NViperN
7nticipated Hoal0 by 71g10t!
,+ Ld. :a0h! YYYYYYYY
Pro Sh1ttle! YYYYYYYY
Po"er Clean! YYYYYYYY
Standing Croad J1mp! YYYY
Femember! .hi0 "ill ta/e ()+6 e$$ort and yo1 only pa00 thi0 "ay b1t once< let0 ma/e the be0t
o$ it. e "ill only be a0 good a0 each other< 0o< ho" good "ill "e beK
Player0 8mmediate Hoal0
Player0 Bong .erm Hoal0
Home Phone E1mber!
Street 7ddre00!
City and Uip Code!
E-Mail 7ddre00!
Cell Phone E1mber!
Player0 Signat1re!
Parent0 Signat1re!
Coache0 Signat1re!
Coache0 Comment0 and E3pectation0
S.9:EE. 7.HBE.E=S S8HE7.9FE P7FEE.%H97F:87E S8HE7.9FE
St1dent 7thlete Hro"th Plan
.ovember >==B ,chedule of -vents
O & ,
(& (, (' (* (N
(R O+ O( OO
O& O,
O' O* ON OR &+
.han/0gi4ing .han/0gi4ing .han/0gi4ing
Pic/ - 1p
Pic/ - 1p
E>1ipment +a:
%roup C
%roup >
%roup C
%roup >
%roup >
/ One
& , ) ' * N R
(+ (( (O (& (, ('
(* (N (R O+ O( OO O&
O, O) O' O* ON OR &+
3ecember >==B ,chedule of -vents
%roup C
%roup >
%roup C
%roup >
%roup C
%roup C
%roup >
%roup C
%roup >
%roup C
Final0 Final0
/ ."o
/ .hree
) '
(, (' (* (N (R O+
O& O,
O' O*
ON OR &+ &(
Manuary >==D ,chedule of -vents
"or6 3ay
B1ther Ping
"ord of the
"ord of the
"ord of
the wee6A
"ord of
the wee6A
Jan. ((
O % ,,+ yd. man ma/er0
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een each r1n
& min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een each r1n
) - () yard Cear Cra"l Progre00ion0
Jan. (R
O % ,,+ yd. man ma/er0
(O 3 ((+D0
D> O
O &
C< C@
CB (*
(N (R O+ O( OO O& O,
February >==D ,chedule of -vents
"ord of
the wee6A
"ord of
the wee6A
Feb. Nth
O % ,,+ yd. man ma/er0
, - ,+ Ld. da0he0
( min1te re0t
, - ,+ Ld. da0he0
( min1te re0t
Feb. Nth
, - ,+ Ld. da0he0
( min1te re0t
, - ,+ Ld. da0he0
( min1te re0t
(O - ) yard 0print0
( > &
, ) ' * N R (+
(( C> C< C@ CB (*
(N (R O+ O( OO O& O,
O) O' O* ON OR &+ &(
+arch >==D ,chedule of -vents
C> C< (,
(N (R O+ O(
OO >< >@
>B O* ON
#pril >==D ,chedule of -vents
(& C@ CB CD (N CJ
O+ O( OO
O& O,
O* ON OR &+ &(
+ay >==D ,chedule of -vents
FC +'mmer Off;+eason
Weight 0oom 7o'rs
+onday thru Thursday ,ummer $ff-,eason 'rogram
%roup C E DA<= am - JAC? am
%roup > E JA<= am - CCA<= am
Friday "eight /oom (ours
IA== am - CCA== am
+onday thru Thursday -vening "eight /oom (ours
?A== pm - IA== pm
& , ) ' * N R
(O (& (, ('
(* (N (R O+ O( OO O&
O) O' O* ON OR &+
Mune >==D ,chedule of -vents
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
N!++ - ((!++
t. Foom
N!++ - ((!++
t. Foom
N!++ - ((!++
t. Foom
N!++ - ((!++
Hro1p ( % *!&+ am - R!() am
Hro1p O % R!&+ am - ((!&+ am
Friday eight Foom Ho1r0
N!++ am - ((!++ am
Monday thr1 .h1r0day E4ening eight Foom Ho1r0
)!++ pm - N!++ pm
( O & , ) ' *
(+ (( (O (&
(' (* (N
OO O& O, O) O' O*
OR &+
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
)!++ - N!++
t. Foom
N!++ - ((!++
t. Foom
N!++ - ((!++
Hro1p ( % *!&+ am - R!() am
Hro1p O % R!&+ am - ((!&+ am
Monday thr1 .h1r0day E4ening eight Foom Ho1r0
)!++ pm - N!++ pm
Friday eight Foom Ho1r0
N!++ am - ((!++ am
Muly >==D ,chedule of -vents
FC +'mmer Off;+eason 0'nning Program
Stance0 - .he $ir0t item "ill be the concentration on a good 0tance< 0tance0 "ill be done 10ing an act1al $ootball related 0tance by po0ition
played. Each coach "ill be e3pected to $oc10 on each athlete and to ma/e 01re that they per$orm the 0tance a0 dictated by the program.
a. 7thlete0 "ill be re>1ired to be in a & point 0tance< all do"n hand0 "ill be $rom $inger tip0.
b. Feet 0ho1lder "ith apart.
c. Feet "ill be "ith toe0 pointed 0lightly in"ard< "ith heel0 pointed o1t"ard @thi0 create0 a $lat bac/A.
d. Eye0 "ill be $oc10ed 0traight ahead< "ith the bac/ heel0 o$ the $eet only 0lightly o$$ the $loor.
e. Heel0 no more than a (%O inch o$$ the $loor.
B1ng al/0 -Cac/ /nee do"n $ront leg $or"ard - Sho" yo1r n1mber0 - Sho1lder0 Oppo0ite the p1nch

Mach V7D0V @"al/ $or $ormA - Hammer Q Eail< donDt beat the dr1m - Pnee0 abo4e the "ai0t - toe0 to the 0/y - eye0 on the prize - Sho" yo1r
High Pnee0 @"ith 0peedAHammer Q Eail< donDt beat the dr1m - Pnee0 abo4e the "ai0t - toe0 to the 0/y - eye0 on the prize - Sho" yo1r
Mach VCD0V - Hammer Q Eail< donDt beat the dr1m - Pnee0 abo4e the "ai0t - toe0 to the 0/y - eye0 on the prize - Sho" yo1r n1mber0 - Pa" the
C1tt Pic/D0 - Hammer Q Eail< donDt beat the dr1m - Pic/ yo1r 0el$ in the b1tt -eye0 on the prize - Sho" yo1r n1mber0
G1ic/ Step Carrioca - Feet $ire.
Feg1lar Carrioca - Slo" 0tretching action (+ to () yard0
Fight and Be$t Single Beg Po"er S/ip0 - Stre00 Height and 7rm 7ction
Co1nding :rill @Hazelle0A - Band and e3plode o$$ o$ alternate $oot @good r1nning $ormA
O1r 01mmer o$$-0ea0on program that ta/e0 10 o1t0ide "ill con0i0t o$ the $ollo"ing acti4itie0. O1r $orm r1nning 0ection "ill re>1ire all o$ o1r
coache0 in4ol4ed and "ill al0o re>1ire each coach paying clo0e attention to $orm and techni>1e.
70 a team acti4ity "e "e 0tart each ro" or acti4ity "ith the team gi4ing three clap0 a$ter the 0tart command $rom a coach. Eo athlete 0ho1ld be
allo"ed not to clap< remember "e 0tart and $ini0h a0 a team< i$ thi0 i0 ob0er4ed "e "ill then 0tart the ro" or acti4ity o4er. .he gro1p m10t 0tay
$oc10ed. Once o1r $orm r1n 0tation ha0 been completed "e then "ill mo4e right into o1r 01mmer r1nning program.
O1r r1nning program i0 di4ided m1ch the 0ame "ay a0 the "eight room by changing the ro1tine 1p on a daily ba0i0< thi0 i0 done to /eep the
intere0t o$ o1r athlete0.
Form /unning
+'mmer Off;+eason Weight %raining
"ee6 $ne Mune @th thru Mune Dth
"ee6 $ne E Tuesday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Beg C1rl0 - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
"ee6 $ne E +onday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 $ne E "ednesday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 $ne E Thursday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Beg C1rl0 - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
+'mmer 0'nning an$ Agilit2 Program
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
& - min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
& - min1te re0t
(O - () yard progre00ion0
() 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
Tuesday Form F1n
Stride ,,+
(O 3 ((+D0
O+ 0econd 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
"ednesday , - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
, - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
, - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
, - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
, - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
(O - ) yard Sprint0
"ee6 $ne Mune @th thru Mune Dth
7gility Station0
Cone :rill0
Badder :rill0
.echni>1e :rill0
+'mmer Off;+eason Weight %raining
"ee6 Two Mune CCth thru Mune C?th
"ee6 Two E +onday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 Two E Thursday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Beg C1rl0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
"ee6 Two E Tuesday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Beg C1rl0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
"ee6 Two E "ednesday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
+'mmer 0'nning an$ Agilit2 Program
"ee6 Two Mune CCth thru Mune C?th
O+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
& - min1te re0t
O - &++ yard da0he0
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
) 3 ((+D0
O+ 0econd 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
, 3 '+D0
() 0econd re0t
& 3 ,+D0
() 0econd re0t
O 3 (+D0
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(O - () yard Progre00ion0
7gility Station0
Cone :rill0
Badder :rill0
.echni>1e :rill0
+'mmer Off;+eason Weight %raining
"ee6 Three Mune CIth thru Mune >Cth
"ee6 Three E +onday
Cench - , 0et0 3 * rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 ' rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 ' rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 Three E Thursday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Beg C1rl0 - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 O+ rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 N rep0
"ee6 Three E "ednesday
Cench - & 0et0 3 N rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 * rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - ' 0et0 3 ' rep0
9pright Fo" - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 Three E Tuesday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Beg C1rl0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - , 0et0 3 * rep0
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 , rep0
+'mmer 0'nning an$ Agilit2 Program
"ee6 Three Mune CIth thru Mune >Cth
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
, 3 ((+D0
O+ 0econd 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
& 3 '+D0
() 0econd re0t
O 3 ,+D0
() 0econd re0t
( 3 (+
&+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
&+ - O+ yard da0he0 "ith () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
& - min1te re0t
(O - () yard Progre00ion0
7gility Station0
Cone :rill0
Badder :rill0
.echni>1e :rill0
+'mmer Off;+eason Weight %raining
"ee6 Four Mune >?th thru Mune >Ith
"ee6 Four E +onday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 Four E "ednesday
Cench - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
8ncline - ) 0et0 3 ) rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - & 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 Four E Thursday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Beg C1rl0 - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 O+ rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
"ee6 Four E Tuesday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Beg C1rl0 - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - ) 0et0 3 ) rep0
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 & rep0
+'mmer 0'nning an$ Agilit2 Program
"ee6 Four Mune >?th thru Mune >Ith
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
' 3 ((+D0
O+ 0econd 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
, 3 '+D0
() 0econd re0t
& 3 ,+D0
() 0econd re0t
O 3 (+
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
&+ - O+ yard da0he0 "ith a () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
&+ - O+ yard da0he0 "ith () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
& - min1te re0t
(O - () yard Progre00ion0
7gility Station0
Cone :rill0
Badder :rill0
.echni>1e :rill0
+'mmer Off;+eason Weight %raining
"ee6 Five Muly >nd and Muly <rd
"ee6 Five E +onday
Cench - ) 0et0 3 & rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 ' rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - & 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
"ee6 Five E "ednesday
(oliday Muly @th
"ee6 Five E "ednesday
(oliday Muly ?th
"ee6 Five E Tuesday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Beg C1rl0 - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - ) 0et0 3 & rep0
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 (O rep0
+'mmer 0'nning an$ Agilit2 Program
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - (+ yard da0he0 "ith a (+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ) yard da0he0 "ith a (+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
"ee6 Four Muly >nd and Muly <rd
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
(+ 3 ((+D0
O+ 0econd 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
* 3 '+D0
() 0econd re0t
* 3 ,+D0
() 0econd re0t
) 3 (+
+'mmer Off;+eason Weight %raining
"ee6 ,i: Muly Jth thru Muly C>th
"ee6 ,i: E +onday
Cench - *< )< &< (< (
8ncline - , 0et0 3 ' rep0
Military - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - & 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
"ee6 ,i: E "ednesday
Cench - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
8ncline - *< )< &< (< (
Military - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - & 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
"ee6 ,i: E Tuesday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Beg C1rl0 - & 0et0 3 N rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - N< '< ,< O< O
Po"er Clean - , 0et0 3 O rep0
"ee6 ,i: E Thursday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Beg C1rl0 - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 O+ rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 ' rep0
+'mmer 0'nning an$ Agilit2 Program
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
&+ - O+ yard da0he0 "ith a () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
&+ - O+ yard da0he0 "ith () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
& - min1te re0t
(O - () yard Progre00ion0
"ee6 ,i: Muly Jth thru Muly C>th
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - (+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ) yard da0he0 "ith (+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
7gility Station0
Cone :rill0
Badder :rill0
.echni>1e :rill0
, 3 (+D0
O 3 O+D0
, 3 ,+D0
& min1te re0t
O 3 (+D0
O 3 O+D0
O 3 ,+D0
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
, 3 (+D0
, 3 O+D0
, 3 ,+D0
& min1te re0t
+'mmer Off;+eason Weight %raining
"ee6 ,even Muly CBth thru Muly CJth
"ee6 ,even E +onday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 ' rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 ,even E Tuesday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Beg C1rl0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
"ee6 ,even E "ednesday
Cench - , 0et0 3 N rep0
8ncline - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Military - , 0et0 3 N rep0
Cent O4er Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
9pright Fo" - , 0et0 3 N rep0
7rm C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
Fe4er0e C1rl - & 0et0 3 (O rep0
"ee6 ,i: E Thursday
Beg E3ten0ion0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Beg C1rl0 - , 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Sho1lder Shr1g0 - & 0et0 3 () rep0
S>1at - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
Po"er Clean - & 0et0 3 (+ rep0
+'mmer 0'nning an$ Agilit2 Program
"ednesday Form F1n
Stride ,,+
&+ - O+ yard da0he0 "ith a () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
( - min1te re0t
&+ - O+ yard da0he0 "ith () 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
& - min1te re0t
(O - () yard Progre00ion0
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ,+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - (+ yard da0he0 "ith a O+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
O - min1te re0t
(+ - ) yard da0he0 "ith (+ 0econd re0t bet"een 0print0
"ee6 ,even Muly CBth thru Muly CJth
Thursday 7gility Station0
Cone :rill0
Badder :rill0
.echni>1e :rill0
& min1te re0t
, 3 ()D0
O 3 &+D0
O 3 ,+D0
& min1te re0t
O 3 ()D0
O 3 &+D0
O 3 ,+D0
Form F1n
Stride ,,+
O 3 ()D0
O 3 &+D0
O 3 ,+D0
& min1te re0t
, 3 (+D0
, 3 ()D0
, 3 O)D0
, 3 ,+D0
Ho" .o F1n .he Metabolic Speed Program
Metaboli& +pee$ Program
P1rpo0e! .o 0im1late the r1nning re>irement0 o$ an act1al $ootball game.
.he goal o$ the metabolic r1nning program i0 $or o1r athlete0 to be able to complete three to $o1r >1arter0 o$ the program pre0cribed $or their
partic1lar po0ition. e "ill a0/ o1r athlete0 to $ind a partner and ha4e them on their o"n a$ter completing o1r a$ter 0chool "eight li$ting program
per$orm only three >1arter0 o$ the $ollo"ing ill10tration0 on the ne3t $e" page0< d1e to the demand0 $rom other a0pect0 o$ o1r r1nning and agility
program d1ring o1r athletic period. .here are t"o re0t period0 per >1arter and a re0t period at the end o$ each >1arter. O1r athlete0 "hen
per$orming their metabolic po0ition r1nning 0ho1ld go a0 $a0t a0 they can on each r1n< 0o a0 to gain the $1ll e$$ect o$ the 0peed program.
One o$ the $eat1re0 o$ the "or/o1t program i0 that o1r athlete0 can co4er the di0tance 01gge0ted in any direction. So< they can 0im1late not only
0traight ahead 0peed b1t< al0o mo4ement0 that 0im1late their partic1lar po0ition.
(. Fecei4er0 can r1n partic1lar pattern0 $or the di0tance0 01gge0ted.
O. O$$en0i4e g1ard0 and tac/le0 can p1ll< zone 0tep< or pa00 protect.
&. Binebac/er0 and de$en0i4e bac/0 can "or/ their drop0 @bac/pedalA.
,. O$$en0i4e bac/0 can r1n 0"eep0< 0lant0< or pa00 pattern0.
Each po0ition i0 programed indi4id1ally to bo1t0 o$ e3erci0e and re0t that 0im1late0 playing re>1irement0. @0ee $ollo"ing page0 $or indi4id1al
program0A. 70 mentioned< o1r athlete0 0ho1ld r1n the di0tance de0cribed a0 $a0t a0 po00ible and then re0t $or the alloted time. 8t i0 important to
go Vall o1tV $or each bo1t o$ e3erci0e and only re0t a0 o1tlined. .he metabolic program i0 di4ided into >1arter0 "ith the Ond< &rd< and ,th >1arter
being replication0 o$ the $ir0t >1arter.
:1ring o1r o$$-0ea0on and the time "e 0pend per$orming the metabolic 0peed program "e 0ho1ld /eep trac/ o$ o1r >1arter time0 and total
e3erci0e time. 70 o1r athlete0 become better conditioned< the >1arter time0 and total time 0ho1ld be le00. 7 compari0on o$ the (0t to Ond< &rd
and ,th >1arter0 0ho1ld indicate their degree o$ $ootball end1rance and i$ their Ond< &rd< or ,th >1arter time i0 more than their (0t >1arter time<
they 0ho1ld 0pend additional e$$ort to de4elop more end1rance @additional di0tance r1nningA.
.hi0 program can be r1n alone b1t< it "ill be ea0ier i$ they ha4e a partner to r1n the "atch and mar/ the 0pot they ha4e to r1n to. O1r athlete0
m10t 0tri4e to only re0t () 0econd0 @not (, or (' 0econd0A< and to r1n e4ery yard 01gge0ted di0tance.
.he 01gge0ted $1rthe0t di0tance r1n i0 a )+ yard area< or 10e the $ootball $ield. .he per0on helping their partner goe0 to the 0pot they are to r1n
to< and tell0 yo1 "hen to 0tart. Once the athlete cro00e0 the line they are r1nning to< the per0on /eeping time 0tart0 the $i$teen 0econd re0t time<
"hile at the 0ame time< he then goe0 to the ne3t yard mar/er the partner ha0 to r1n to. .he partner /eeping the time "ill gi4e a &-O-( call and yo1
are o$$ and r1nning to him once more. .hi0 proced1re contin1e0 1ntil all O' r1n0 ha4e been completed. .hi0 "ill then con0it1te one >1arter.
Lo1 "ill "ait & min1te0 and repeat all O' r1n0 again. 7t hal$ time yo1 "ill re0t ) min1te0 and then go thro1gh the &rd >1arter a0 yo1 did the $ir0t
t"o >1arter0. 8n the beginning o1r athlete0 may $ind it di$$ic1lt to complete t"o >1arter0< b1t they 0ho1ld 0tart "ith t"o >1arter0 and progre00 to
three >1arter0.
Metaboli& +pee$ Program
O$$en0i4e Cac/0
G1arterbac/0< F1nning Cac/0

:i0tance @yd0.A Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A

Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
Cst 5rt!
>nd 5rt!
<rd 5rt!

Metaboli& +pee$ Program
:i0tance @yd0.A Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
Cst 5rt!
>nd 5rt!
<rd 5rt!



ide Fecei4er0< .ight End0
Metaboli& +pee$ Program
:i0tance @yd0.A Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
Cst 5rt!
>nd 5rt!
<rd 5rt!
$ffensive &ine
4enters, %uards, Tac6les



Metaboli& +pee$ Program
:i0tance @yd0.A Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
Cst 5rt!
>nd 5rt!
<rd 5rt!
3efensive )ac6s
4orners, Free ,afeties



Metaboli& +pee$ Program
:i0tance @yd0.A Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
Cst 5rt!
>nd 5rt!
<rd 5rt!



0nside &inebac6ers and $utside &inebac6ers
Metaboli& +pee$ Program
:i0tance @yd0.A Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
Fe0t .ime @0ec.A
:i0tance @yd0.A
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
X Fe0t & Min1te0 X
Cst 5rt!
>nd 5rt!
<rd 5rt!
3efensive &ine
3efensive Tac6les, 3efensive -nds



? +inute /est
)etween /uns
C> - >? Fd! /uns
<== Fard
,huttle /un
G (ar$ +h'ttle
Set the N++ yard 0h1ttle a0 0ho"n in the $ollo"ing diagram. Mar/ o$$ O) yard0. 7thlete0 0print
the O) yard co1r0e 1p and bac/ to the 0tarting line $or 0i3 ro1nd trip0. @(O 3 O) yard0 ; &++ yard0A
7$ter completing ( trail r1n yo1 "ill re0t $or e3actly ) min1te0. Start the 0econd trail r1n at thi0
time. .he time 0ho1ld be le00 than O 0econd0 $rom the $ir0t.
90ing the $ollo"ing time0 a0 a g1ide line!
:e$en0i4e Cac/0 % F1nning Cac/0 % ide Fecei4er0 ; )N Second0
.ight End0 % Binebac/er0 % F1llbac/0 ; '+ Second0
O$$en0i4e Bine % :e$en0i4e Bine ; '& Second0

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