Bai Tap On Cao Hoc Buoi 12

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I. Choose the best answer.

1. Last Sunday is was_____ wet _____ we couldn't go to the movies.
a. so / that b. as / as c. less / than d. more / than
2. I did it_____ they asked me to.
a. because b. because of c. the reason d. since
. !e was"""". tired """" he sle#t all day.
a. such / that b. too / so c. so / that d. very / that
$. %lthough he tried hard& _____
a. but he failed b. yet he failed c. however he failed d. he failed
'. It was_____ that we had gone for a walk.
a. such a beautiful weather b. such a nice weather
c. so nice a weather d. so beautiful a weather
(. Last year& I earned _____my sister& who has a better #osition.
a. twice as much as b. twice more than b. twice as many as d. twice as more as
). !ow can we measure the #rice and things* !owever much_____ it will be worth it.
a. it cost b. it costs c. does it cost d. costs it
+. ,!ere& I brought you some flowers from my garden,.
,-hank you. -hey're_____ beautiful colors,.
a. so b. as c. such d. too
.. Some #eo#le are tall& _____ others are short.
a. whereas b. when c. as d. so
1/. In some nations coffee is the favourite beverage& _____ in others it is tea.
a. when b. where c. while d. which
11. %fter 0essica_____ her agree& she intends to work in her father's com#any.
a. will finish b. will have finished c. finishes d. is finishing
12. 1y the time I go to bed tonight& I _____ my work for the day.
a. will finish b. have finished c. will have finished d. finish
1. 2hen my #arents_____ for a visit tomorrow& they will see our new baby for the first time.
a. will arrive b. arrive c. will have arrived d. arrived
1$. 1y the time %lfonso graduated from high school& he_____ seven different schools because his
#arents moved fre3uently.
a. attended b. was attending c. had attended d. had been attending
1'. 1efore I started the car& all of the #assengers_____ their seat belts.
a. will buckle b. had buckled c. buckle d. have buckled
1(. It seems that whenever I travel abroad I _____ to take something need.
a. forgot b. am forgetting c. forget d. had forgotten
1). 2hen I see the doctor this afternoon& I _____ him to look at my throat.
a. will ask b. asked c. will have asked d. ask
1+. %fter the race_____& the celebration began.
a. had been won b. is won c. will be won d. has been won
1.. I_____ all of the 3uestions correctly since I began this grammar e4ercise on verb tenses.
a. am answering b. answer c. have answered d. answered
2/. 1efore 0ennifer won the lottery& she_____ any kind of contest.
a. hasn't entered b. didn't enter c. wasn't entering d. hadn't entered
21. 5very time 6rakash sees a movie made in India& he_____ homesick.
a. will have felt b. felt c. feels d. is feeling
22. Since I left 7ene8uela si4 years ago& I_____ to visit friends and family several times.
a. return b. will have returned c. am returning d. have returned
2. ,9id you hear the #hone ring last night*,.
,I didn't hear anything& I was_____ that I didn't wake u#,.
a. very tired b. such tired c. so tired d. enough tired
2$. ,2hat is your o#inion of the Smiths*,.
,-hey are_____ #eo#le,.
a. such an interesting b. so interesting a c. so interesting d. such interesting
2'. ,6aul is a very com#etent sales#erson,.
,!e's_____ good that I am going to give him a raise and a #romotion.
a. definite b. definitely c. so d. so much
2(. ,I hear that :rs. Saunders has a lot of money,.
,She's_____ rich that she takes a helico#ter to work,.
a. such b. too c. very d. so
2). ,;ou made a lot of long distance calls last month,.
,%nd now I'm faced_____ a huge bill,.
a. to b. with c. toward d. at
2+. ,2hat kind of <ob is %drienne looking for*,.
,She's interested_____ a career in -7,.
a. in b. on c. to d. for
2.. ,-he dance was fun,.
,1ut there were _____ there,.
a. so many #eo#les b. such much #eo#le c. so a lot of #eo#le d. so many #eo#le
/. ,:ain :arket is a nice #lace,
,-hey have_____ we recommend it to all our fiends,.
a. such good food that b. such a good food that
c. so good food that d. such as good food as
1. ,!ow much does a gold ring cost,*
,It de#ends_____ the 3uality of the gold,.
a. to b. on b. of d. about
2. ,2ho is in class today*,
,5veryone_____ Sam& who is sick,.
a. e4ce#t b. without c. e4ce#t from d. not
II. Read the text below and fill each of the blanks with OE s!itable word fro" the box.
because customers have making The
who using to earn Company
introduced whom successful in advance Had
#a$ before $o! talk.
1y the 1../s many #eo#le were =21>""""" mobile #hones for both business and #leasure. -hey
had a contract and received a bill for calls they had made in =22> """"" #revious month. 7odafone&
a =2>"""""" ?@ mobile #hone com#any& was already =2$>"""" good #rofits when it =2'>
"""."its Aew 6ay %s ;ou -alk service in 1..). -his allowed customers to =2(>"..""" a #hone
without a contract and monthly bills. Instead& they have a Bto# u#C card =2)>".""". e4tend calling and
service credit. -he advantage for =2+>""""". was that they could carefully budget the amount of
money s#ent D very useful for #arents =2.>""""... gave #hones to their children. 7odafoneEs great
idea was to get #eo#le to #ay =/>""""" for their calls. -hanks to

this& sales increased.
III. Sentence rewritin%
1. -his is my first visit to 0a#an.
-his is the first """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".
2. !urry u#F 2eEll get to the theatre after the beginning of the #lay.
1y the time we get to the theatre& the #lay""""""""""""".......................................
. I havenEt been to the cinema for two months.
-he """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""...
$. B2hen will I know the results of the e4amination*C
:aria asked the e4aminer""""""""...""""""""""""""""""""..
'. If you hadnEt told me about SueEs hair& I wouldnEt have noticed.
(. 2hat a #ity we ate all the food.
). 2e #ut u# a notice about the tri# on the notice board yesterday.
% notice"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".
+. :y #arents made me study every night.
.. -he house was too small to live in comfortably.
-he house wasnEt"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".
1/. 9es#ite the cold weather& we all went for a walk.
%lthough """""""""""""""""""................................................................
11. IEm sorry that I didnEt finish my homework last night.
I wish""""""""""""""""""""""""""...........................................
12. I couldnEt hear them because they were s#eaking too softly.
-hey were s#eaking""""""""""""""""............................................................
1. 2e s#ent five hours getting to London.
It took""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..
1$. :y sister has studied Grench for two years.
:y sister began""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..
1'. -he train was delayed for twenty minutes because of the bad weather.
1ecause the""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..
1(. 1arbara #lays s3uash better than :ike.
:ike doesnEt""""""""""""""""""""""".............................................
1). 2e couldnEt drive because of the fog.
-he fog #revented"""""""""""""""""""""".........................................
1+. I e4#ect that he will get there by lunch time.
I e4#ect him""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""...
1.. Hetting a good <ob doesnEt interest him.
!e is not"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""....
2/. I have never seen a dirtier D looking dog.
-his is """""""""""""""""""""".""""""""""""""..
I. Choose the best answer
1. She's not only beautiful_________ intelligent.
a. but also b. but c. however d. yet
2. I was very tired& ________ I determined to walk on to the ne4t village.
a. therefore b. however c. and d. or
. ;ou can come here either on :onday__________ on Griday.
a. or b. nor c. both d. and
$. !e had to act immediatelyI ________ he would have been too late.
a. conse3uently b. nevertheless c. still d. otherwise
'. -hey said both he_________ I were to come.
a. and b. but c. or d. so
(. -he weather in 9alat is neither too hot in summer________ too cold in winter.
a. or b. nor c. or else d. otherwise
). !e never works_______ he gains all the #ri8es.
a. furthermore b. whereas c. but d. accordingly
+. ;ou need to get some <ob retraining. _______ it& you risk being laid off.
a. If so b. If not c. 2ith d. 2ithout
.. Jould I have rice_______ #otatoes& #lease*
a. but b. but also c. instead d. instead of
1/. _______his denial& we knew that he was guilty.
a. 9es#ite b. In s#ite c. 1ecause d. %nd
11. 0ohn's family is very ha##y _______his being awarded a scholarshi#.
a. because of b. if c. either d. nor
12. -he lecture was _______ interesting and instructive.
a. as b. either c. neither d. both
1. 1oth :ary and %llen_______0ean are going on the tour.
a. as well b. as well as c. nor d. but
1$. !e likes travel& and_______ does she.
a. too b. such c. so d. but
1'. I'm worried about it& and he is_______
a. too b. also c. but also d. a or b
1(. !e borrowed money_______ he could finish his education.
a. that b. so that c. such as d. too
1). -he tem#erature dro#s_______ the sun sets.
a. while b. for c. because d. when
1+. Some birds cannot fly well& _______& the chicken has wings& but its flying muscles are not strong
enough to be useful.
a. for e4am#le b. for instance c. such as d. a or b
1.. 0ust_______ he died& my friend who wrote #oetry #ublished his first book.
a. but b. either c. and d. before
2/. _______their small si8e& the cameras take good #ictures.
a. In s#ite of b. 9es#ite of c. 1ecause d. %nd
21. Glying is not only faster& _______ safer than traveling by car.
a. also b. so c. and d. but also
22. 1eth can #lay the guitar_______ the violin.
a. also b. so c. but also d. and
2. _______his #hysical handica#& he has become a successful businessman.
a. %lthough b. In s#ite of c. 9es#ite d. b or c
2$. She closed the door_______ left for the city.
a. and b. but c. or d. therefore
2'. -he mail comes at ten o'clock every day_______ Sunday.
a. e4ce#t b. although c. or d. and
A. CLAUSE O( 'I)E*+),nh -. ch/ th0i %ian1
1. :Knh LM chN thOi gian bPt LQu bRng cSc liTn tU when/ as =khi>& before =trVWc khi>& after =sau khi>& since =tU khi>&
until/ till =cho LXn khi>& as soon as =ngay sau khi>& while =trong khi>& etc.
54Y %fter he had done his homework& he watched -7.
!e #honed me as soon as he came back from his hoilidays
2. @hi dZng mKnh LM chN thOi gian& th[ c\a L]ng tU trong cSc mKnh LM #h^i #hZ h_# vWi nhau.
54Y ?ntil I lived in 7ietnam& I had never known hot weather.
2hile I was walking down the street& I saw an accident.
I'll tell you when I come back here tomorrow.
B. CLAUSE O( CO'RAS' +),nh -. ch/ s2 t34n% 5h6n1
1. :Knh LM chN s` tVang #h^n bPt LQu vWi cSc liTn tU although/ though/ even though/ while/ whereas& =mbc dZ>& etc.
54Y %lthough he worked hard& he didn't receive any #raise.
2hile she worked hard& she didn't achieve much.
2. JSc tU nci nevertheless& however& on the other hand LMu cd nghea tuy nhiTn/ mbc dZ& tuy nhiTn cQn lVu f cSch
dZng dgu chu
54Y :ary wanted itI however& -om gave it away.
:ary wanted it. !owever& -om gave it away.
. In s#ite of/ 9es#ite inoun/ vjingY mbc dZ
54Y In s#ite of working hard& he didn't receive any #raise.
9es#ite the bad weather& he went on his <uorney.
C. CLAUSE O( )AER + ),nh -. ch/ c7ch th8c1
:Knh LM chN cSch thkc thVOng nci vWi mKnh LM chlnh bRng liTn tU as =nhV lm>& as if/ as though =nhV thn>
54Y 2e should do as our teacher tells us.
!e looked at me as if I were mad.
;ou looked as if you had seen a ghost.
D. CLAUSE O( REASO +),nh -. ch/ l9 do1
1. :Knh LM chN ll do thVOng nci vWi mKnh LM chlnh bRng liTn tU because/ since / as =v[>
54Y I stayed at home yesterday because I didn't feel well.
Since he was late& I decided to go without him.
2. 1ecause ofi noun/ 7jing
54Y 1ecause of my illness& I stayed at home yesterday
E. CLAUSE O( RESUL' +),nh -. ch/ k:t ;!61
:Knh LM chN kXt 3u^ bPt LQu vWi so/ such""that& so
, Si be i so i ad< i that i S i 7
54Y !e is so intelligent that he can answer all 3uestions.
, S i 7 i so i adv i that i S i 7
54Y !e ran so 3uickly that I couldn't catch him.
, S i 7 i such i =a/an> iad< i noun i that i S i 7
54Y !e is such an intelligent boy that he can answer all 3uestions.
!e s#eaks such good 5nglish that everyone thinks he is a native.
(. CLAUSE O( #LACE + ),nh -. ch/ n4i ch<n1
:Knh LM chN nai chcn nci vWi mKnh LM chlnh bRng where hobc wherever
54Y I looked where he #ointed
=. CLAUSE O( #UR#OSE +",nh -. ch/ ">c -9ch1
:Knh LM chN moc Llch bPt LQu bRng cSc tU so that/ in order that =Ln mm>. -rong mKnh LM chN moc Llch thVOng cd cSc
:odal verbs nhV can/ could/ may/ might
54Y She is saving so that she can buy a new car.
i so as to/ in order to i inf cpng dZng Ln chN moc Llch
54Y She is saving so as to buy a new car.
Li?n t@ -An% lB5 Li?n t@ 5h> th!Cc
and& but& or& nor& for& yet& so although& because& since& unless
CD! tEo*
LiTn tU gqm ba drng chlnhY
'@ -4n
vl doY and& but& because& although
'@ %hF5 =thVOng kXt thsc bRng as hobc that>
vl doY #rovided that& as long as& in order that
'34n% li?n =Li cZng vWi trrng tU hobc tlnh tU>
vl doY so...that
Ch8c nGn%*
Li?n t@ -An% lB5* LV_c dZng Ln nci 2 #hQn trong m]t chu cd vai trt ngu #hS# L]c lv# vWi nhau.
wd cd thn lm cSc tU Lan hobc cSc mKnh LM. 7l doY
j Jack and Jill went u# the hill.
j The water was warm, b!t I didn't go swimming.
Li?n t@ 5h> th!Cc* LV_c dZng Ln nci mKnh LM #ho thu]c vWi mKnh LM chlnh c\a chu. 7l doY
j I went swimming altho!%h it was cold.
VH tr9
Li?n t@ -An% lB5* luxn luxn Lkng giua 2 tU hobc 2 mKnh LM mm nd liTn kXt
Li?n t@ 5h> th!Cc* thVOng Lkng LQu mKnh LM #ho thu]c.
Li?n t@ -An% lB5
and& but& or& nor& for& yet& so
:]t liTn tU Lyng lv# nci cSc #hQn cd vai trt ngu #hS# tVang LVang hobc ngang bRng nhau trong chu. :]t
liTn tU Lyng lv# cho thgy cSc thmnh #hQn mm nd liTn kXt cd cgu trsc vm tQm 3uan trzng tVang t` nhau
!{y 4em nhung vl do sau D 2 thmnh tc trong ngobc vuxng LV_c nci vWi nhau b|i m]t liTn tU Lyng lv#
I like }tea~ and }coffee~.
}am likes tea~& b!t }%nthony likes coffee~.
LiTn tU Lyng lv# luxn Lkng giua cSc tU hobc mKnh LM mm nd liTn kXt.
@hi m]t liTn tU Lyng lv# nci cSc mKnh LM L]c lv# th[ luxn cd dgu #hy Lkng trVWc liTn tU
I want to work as an inter#reter in the future& so I am studying ussian at university.
-uy nhiTn& nXu cSc mKnh LM L]c lv# ngPn vm tVang t` nhau th[ dgu #hy khxng th`c s` cQn thiXtY
She is kind so she hel#s #eo#le.
@hi BandC Lkng trVWc tU cuci cZng trong m]t d{y liKt kT& th[ cd thn cd dgu #hy hobc khxng
!e drinks beer& whisky& wine& and rum.
!e drinks beer& whisky& wine and rum.
Jd m]t mo nh Ln nhW ) liTn tU ngPn vm Lan gi^n.
Gor %nd Aor 1ut r ;et So
Li?n t@ 5h> th!Cc
6hQn lWn sc liTn tU lm liTn tU #ho thu]c. :]t sc liTn tU #h biXn nhVY
after& although& as& because& before& how& if& once& since& than& that& though& till& until& when& where&
whether& while
LiTn tU #ho thu]c nci mKnh LM #ho vWi mKnh LM chlnh
!{y 4em vl do sauY
Mnh chnh lin t ph thuc mnh ph
am went swimming altho!%h it was raining
:]t mKnh LM #ho thu]c B#ho thu]cC vmo mKnh LM chlnh. Ad khxng thn Lkng m]t m[nh nhV lm chu L]c lv#
LiTn tU #ho thu]c luxn luxn Lkng | LQu mKnh LM #ho thu]c. Ad BgiWi thiKuC mKnh LM #ho thu]c. -uy
nhiTn& mKnh LM #ho thu]c Lxi khi cpng cd thn Lkng sau hobc trVWc mKnh LM chlnh. 9o vvy trong tiXng
%nh cpng cd thn cd hai cgu trsc sauY
am went swimming altho!%h it was rainin%.

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