Bulletin - 2014 06 01

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Gehman Mennonite Church

Physical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569

Mailing address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501
Ministry Team
Phil Horning - Lead Pastor - (church: 717-484-4548) (home:717-484-0998)
Glen Martin - Associate Pastor- 717-484-2162
Steve McCosby - Deacon - 717-336-8275
Lets walk with Jesuspersonally, locally, and globally.

June 1, 2014
Prayer 8:15 AM
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Worship Service 10:00 AM
Call to Worship
Hymn of Praise Randy Sauder
Offering Darlene McCosby
Worship in Song Worship Team
Message: 1 Peter 4:12-19 "You Will Be Hated" Phil Horning
Hymn of Praise Randy Sauder
Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Phil Horning
Greeters Matt & Shelby Kanagy
Offering Rebecca Horning
Sunday School Nursery Liz & Sylvia
Church Nursery Lydia & Rachel
Fellowship Meal today, all are welcome!

The offering for the month of June is for Gehman Missionary Support(Flamms,
Millers, Miners, Phillips, & Snader) and budgeted items.

Next Week:
Greeters Ed & Marlene Martin
Song Leader Doug Musselman
Offering Marlene Martin
Scripture Reading
Message Glen Martin
Sunday School Nursery Darla & Chrystle
Church Nursery Roxanne & Cindy

June 4, Wed.- Youth Bible Study will meet here at church, 7 p.m.
June 13-15, Fri.-Sun.- Church Camping Weekend at Spruce Lake Retreat. At last
check there were still campsites and rooms available, you can contact them at 800-
822-7505 or www.sprucelake.org. If you are not a camper and dont have the
stuff you would likely be able to borrow a tent, or possibly even a camper from
someone at church, just ask around. If camping doesnt seem appealing, you still
might enjoy joining the group for a day.
June 14, Sat.- Everyone is invited to join in a meal together at Spruce Lake Retreat
at 5:30 p.m. Paper supplies, drinks, condiments, and a fire for roasting hot dogs will
be provided. You are encouraged to bring hot dogs and rolls, and a hot and a cold
dish. Games for the children will follow the meal.
June 15, Sun.- There will be no worship service due to the Spruce Lake Church
Camping Weekend.
June 26 & 27-Our church will be "Walking Locally" in June by serving a
Community Meal in Denver on the 26
and with a Movie Night in the Grove on the
. We are in need of volunteers to help at both events as well as food donations.
Sign-up sheets are located in the narthex. Please consider how you can help to show
God's Love to our community. Thank you!
-A Steering Team is being formed to pursue questions related to the possibility
of church facility expansion. We are looking for 5-6 volunteers (male, female,
various age groups, some members with building experience.) If you sense God's
leading to look into this, please see Pastor Phil.
-Updated Church Photo Directory-We are beginning the process of updating our
church photo directory. Please contact Phil Horning or Bethany Horning to arrange
a time for a photo to be taken(Sun. after church might be good), or if you have a
recent individual or family photo you would like to use, let us know that as well.
-Plans are in the works for the Acts of Love - Summer Lunch Program in
cooperation with the churches of the Cocalico Ministerium providing free lunches
to needy children at Adamstown, Denver, Reamstown and Reinholds Parks.
Volunteer are needed to prepare, distribute and serve lunches, during one week of
the summer. If you have interest and would like to suggest a week, see Pastor Phil.
Happy Birthday! Eileen Dunn on Mon., Michelle Gockley on Tues., Betty Martin
& Luke Horst on Thurs. and Liz Good on Fri.
May 2014 Offering Report Total Offerings: $9,090.91
Designated Youndt property 440.00
Designated Esther Snader 50.00
First fruits giving 860.09 (District Bishop Fund/Lanc Menn Conf)
Budgeted funds 6,288.00 (Insurance, Ministers, Operating, Gehmans
Missions, Youndt property purchase, Youth)
Eastern Mennonite Missions 1,452.82
Community Service offering:
Acts of Love-summer lunch program $ 754.34
Real Youth Ministry-Momentum club 754.34
Fire victims Bowmansville 754.33

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