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721 ALPHA Release Notes

The 721 version adds new functionality including the Boisy Interface (BI). The BI gives a fast interface to
the DriveWire server, bypassing the 1773 FDC interface. Both interfaces can be used simultaneously. An
issue has been seen where the FIFO buffering the BI can get filled while using telnet to access the
CoCo3FPGA. This was seen using the NitrOS-9 "dump" command. To eliminate this over flow, when the
FIFO is full, the CoCo3FPGA is halted.
The slave processor code has been modified to prevent system appearing to be "Locked up." Previously,
when the slave processor was trying to set the time and determine if the disks are single / double sided,
the system would be halted until the processing was completed. When the server is running, this
happens so fast it was unnoticeable. But if the server is not running, it could take 40 seconds and 20
seconds later it would try again. The new code only updates the clock and sides when a 1773 disk
operation is requested. Also, if the server is not running, the process is skipped.
The baud rate has been increased from previous versions. A pair of switches are used to set the speed.
The TerASIC DE1 and the Digilent Spartan 3 Starter board have been tested up to 460800 bps. There is a
setting for 921600 bps, but neither board will work at those speeds. The RS232 level translators are
rated up to 230400 bps, but seem to work faster than that. The DriveWire 3 server will not support
speeds faster than 115200 bps. The DriveWire 4 server will need to be used for these faster baud rates.
This is an ALPHA release because not all features are completed and tested. Use at your own risk. The
source code is not ready to be released. The BETA release will come when more testing has been
completed and all the features are implemented. Not all features of the DE1 will be available even in the
first official release.
Switches Function
0 CPU Speed 0
1 CPU Speed 1
2 MPI Slot 0 (Should be left ON)
3 MPI Slot 1 (Should be left ON)
4 Interrupt Disable (should be left OFF)
5 NA
6 NA
7 NA
8 Baud Rate 0
9 Baud rate 1

CPU Speed Switches
SW1 SW0 Speed*
OFF OFF 1.79 MHz
OFF ON 4.17 MHz
ON OFF 12.5 MHz
ON ON 25 MHz
*High Speed Poke Speed

Baud Rate Switches
SW9 SW8 Baud Rate
OFF OFF 115200
OFF ON 230400
ON OFF 460800
ON ON 921600

Button 0 NA
Button 1 NA
Button 2 NA
Button 3 RESET

Digilent Spartan 3 Starter Board
The Digilent board is not as stable as the DE1. Simultaneous accessing the 1773 and BI interfaces, is
unreliable. This is being worked on and should be fixed soon.
Switches Function
0 CPU Speed 0
1 CPU Speed 1
2 MPI Slot 0 (Should be left ON)
3 MPI Slot 1 (Should be left ON)
4 Baud Rate 0 /Interrupt Disable (should be left OFF)
5 Baud rate 1 / Joystick swap
6 LED Display 0
7 LED Display 1

CPU Speed Switches
SW1 SW0 Speed*
OFF OFF 1.79 MHz
OFF ON 4.17 MHz
ON OFF 12.5 MHz
ON ON 25 MHz
*High Speed Poke Speed

Baud Rate Switches
SW5 SW4 Baud Rate
OFF OFF 115200
OFF ON 230400
ON OFF 460800
ON ON 921600

Button 0 NA
Button 1 NA
Button 2 NA
Button 3 RESET

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