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East Strt, Ka!ara"ar Na#ar, Th$r%&a'!$(%r, Ch''a$) *+++,1- Ph. +,, ) 2,/201/,
Phase Shift Keyed modulator is used widely in binary data communication systems.
At the transmitter the binary signals are used to generate a continuous phase shifted carrier signal with a
mark or logic-1 representing 180
phase shift from the carrier signal ! space or logic "0 state represented
by 0
phase shift or same as carrier signal.
#0#$ is used to generate the s%uare wa&e carrier signal. 'he transistor ()*#+ is used as in&erter to generate
phase shift signal on the arri&al of logic data at PSK input.
Th ,+,*B IC
'he #0#$( )-.S /) is an outstandingly useful P00. /ts built-in 1). can be &oltage-scanned
through a million-to-one fre%uency range and has a top-end fre%uency limit in e2cess of 1-34. 'he 5ig.
Shows the outline and pin notations of the de&ice which is housed in a 1$ pin 6/0 Package. 'his figure also
shows the internal block diagram of the #0#$( and the basic e2ternal connections of its integral 1)..
'he #0#$( houses two different types of phase comparator plus an e2cellent 1). a 4ener diode
and a source follower buffer stage. Phase comparator1 7P)18 is a simple 9:-.; type and has a good noise
re<ection performance= nut must be dri&en by s%uare wa&es on both pins> and 1#. /t has only a narrow
capture-fre%uency range. Phase comparator , 7P),8 is an edge-triggered logic?bistable type with a three-
state output and can be dri&en by grossly non-symmetrical wa&eforms on pins > and 1#. /t has a &ery wide
capture-fre%uency range but fairly poor noise re<ection.
'he #0#$( @s 1). is a wide-range type with a ma2imum operating fre%uency in e2cees of 1-34.
'he &oltage on pin A determines the fre%uency by the capacitor &alue between pins $ and + and by the
&alues of ;1 ;,. ;, enables the minimum operating fre%uency to be preset and can be eliminated in many
applications. 'he 1). generates a symmetrical s%uare-wa&e output which appears in pin #.
'he /)Bs pin A 1). "input terminal has a near infinite input impedance and can be dri&en from a
high-impedance source. 'he internal source-follower enables the pin A &oltage to be e2ternally monitored
without loading this source. /nhibit terminal * of the /) is normally tied to 1ss to enable both the 1). and
the source follower. (oth of these de&ices are disabled when a logic-1 is applied to pin *. the /)Bs internal
4ener diode has a nominal &alue of *1 can be used to pro&ide supply regulation if re%uired.
O%t2%t 3a&45r!

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