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Friday, May 30, 2014

Your monthly magazine dedicated to health & wellbeing
Have a healthy bowel
How often do you reliee your!elf" #ery day, eery other or a few time! a wee$" %hat
i! normal when it come! to bowel habit!" %ell, the an!wer i! it arie! from &er!on to
&er!on' %hat(! normal for you may not be for other!' Your dige!tie !y!tem i! different
from other! and it function! according to your body, habit! and life!tyle' )o focu! on
what(! regular for you and not on a &articular fre*uency'
Your dige!tie !y!tem &lay! a $ey role in your oerall health' +t &roce!!e! the food you
eat, ab!orb! the nutrient! and energy and eliminate! the wa!te' Food trael! from your
mouth, down to the !tomach ia the e!o&hagu! and through the !mall inte!tine' ,fter
the e!!ential nutrient! are ab!orbed here, whateer i! left moe! to the large inte!tine,
al!o $nown a! the colon or bowel'
Your colon dehydrate! the li*uid wa!te material and !ha&e! it into a !tool' -he !tool i!
then remoed by the co.ordinated contraction! of the inte!tinal wall!, $nown a!
&eri!tal!i!, which !lowly &u!he! the e/creta forward to reach the rectum and e/it ia
defecation from the anu!'
+f you &a!! !oft, !olid !tool! without cram&! or &ain, your bowel i! healthy' ,nd a! long
a! you feel comfortable, it doe!n(t matter whether you hae the &rototy&ical one bowel
moement a day'
Its ok when things slow down:
Your food habit! or life!tyle can di!ru&t the normal rhythm of the body and !low the
moement of !tool! through the colon' )o if you e/&erience occa!ional bout! of
con!ti&ation, it i! *uite normal' 0on!ti&ation ha&&en! when more than the normal
amount of water i! ab!orbed from the !tool, ma$ing it drier and harder, which i! difficult
to &a!! out of the body'
To make it regular:
Eat fibre-rich food: 1octor! adi!e ta$ing at lea!t 22 to 32 gramme! of fibre a day to
$ee& your ga!trointe!tinal !y!tem moing' %hole. grain bread! and cereal!, raw
egetable! and fruit are a good !ource of fibre'
-he inta$e of low.fibre food!, !uch a! chee!e, refined !ugar, meat, candy, &a!trie! and
anything made with white flour, !hould be minimi!ed'
Don't skip meals: )$i&&ing meal! cau!e! many health &roblem! and one of them i!
irregular bowel moement' %hen you eat !omething it !timulate! the refle/, cau!ing
wa!te to moe forward in the bowel'
#at all of your meal! 3brea$fa!t, lunch, and dinner4 and if &o!!ible at the !ame time
each day' -he bowel function! be!t when you eat food at regular interal!'
Stay hydrated: +deally a &er!on !hould drin$ 54 ounce! or eight gla!!e! of water a day'
Keep caffeine to a minimum: -he diuretic effect of caffeine dehydrate! you, re!ulting
in hard !tool!, which are difficult to &a!!'
isten to your body: 6eliee your!elf wheneer you feel a bowel moement' #en if it
mean! oercoming all your aer!ion and u!ing wa!hroom! out!ide your home'
!oderate e"ercise: 7o for moderate e/erci!e, !uch a! wal$ing or !wimming, at lea!t
four time! a wee$' -he bowel function! the be!t when e/erci!e i! at a con!i!tent daily
#hen to see a physician:
+f you e/&erience e/tended bout! of con!ti&ation, trouble in &a!!ing !tool, cram&! or
&ain, feer, nau!ea and omiting, or your well.e!tabli!hed &attern !uddenly change!,
you mu!t !ee your &hy!ician'
0hronic con!ti&ation may lead to fatigue, irritability, bowel ob!truction, hemorrhoid!,
dierticular di!ea!e, yea!t8candida infection, enlarged &ro!tate, mild de&re!!ion and
decrea!ed libido'
,n!wer the!e *ue!tion li!ted below to $now whether your &attern! con!titute
During the past year$ ha%e you:
. Had hard or lum&y !tool! for more than 229 of :owel Moement! 3:M!4"
. )trained during more than 229 of :M!"
. Felt a !en!ation of ob!truction for more than 229 of :M!"
. Felt a! if the bowel moement! wa! incom&lete more than 229 of the time"
. Had fewer than three bowel moement! &er wee$"
. ;!ed manual manoeure! 3!uch a! digital eacuation4 to facilitate :M!"
More than two (ye!( mean!, there could be a condition more !eriou! than con!ti&ation
alone and you mu!t ma$e an a&&ointment with your &hy!ician'
I& T'E &E#S
'E(T' )(*S+ES
Avoid cold water or beverages after meals
1o you drin$ cold water or beerage! after a meal" +f !o then change thi! habit becau!e
cold water after a meal !olidifie! the oily !tuff con!umed and !low! down the &roce!! of
%hen you drin$ cold beerage!, your body ha! to u!e energy to warm u& that li*uid
in!ide your body' +n!tead of wor$ing to get all the nutrition of the food, your dige!tie
!y!tem i! wor$ing on regulating the tem&erature of the cold drin$'
+t i! be!t to hae a cu& of hot !ou& or warm water after a meal' 1rin$ing warmer li*uid!
will aid your dige!tie !y!tem by increa!ing it! actiity'
The best way to eat fruit
You can ma/imize the benefit! from fruit!, if you $now how and when to eat them' Hae
fruit! on an em&ty !tomach and not a! de!!ert after your meal' -hi! will hel& to deto/ify
your !y!tem, !u&&lying you with a great deal of energy'
7raying hair, balding, nerou! outbur!t and dar$ circle! under your eye! can be $e&t at
bay if you eat fruit! on an em&ty!tomach'
-ry to eat uncut fruit!, a! in mo!t fruit! nutrient! are mo!t concentrated <u!t under the
!$in' ,l!o, remember to con!ume cut and refrigerated fruit within 3.4 day!, becau!e
they !tart to lo!e nutrient! thereafter' ,lway! &lace fruit! in airtight container!, a!
leaing them e/&o!ed in your fridge allow! bacteria to fe!ter on their fle!h, ma$ing them
unfit for con!um&tion'
Laugh out loud and stay healthy
For good health ma$e laughter a &art of your daily routine= >aughter !trengthen! your
immune !y!tem, boo!t! energy, dimini!he! &ain and reliee! !tre!!' +t come! at
ab!olutely no co!t and doe! wonder! for your health'
, real belly laugh can turn your mood from !our to !weet' )tudie! hae !hown that belly
rolling laughter hel&! our body &roduce &ain.$illing o&$e chemical! a! well a!
increa!e the relea!e of ha&&y hormone! li$e endor&hin!, do&amine and !erotonin'
, daily do!e of laughter may be <u!t a! beneficial a! e/erci!e' ,ccording to a re!earch,
10.12 minute! of laughter a day can burn u& to 20 calorie!'
>aughter al!o hel&! you rela/ your facial mu!cle! thu! reducing your frown and wrin$led
line!' +t &romote! e/tra blood flow into your face and thi! hel&! to regenerate fre!h and
new !$in cell!'
New test for chemicals suspected to damage
7erman and 1ani!h !cienti!t! !aid they hae identified dozen! of chemical!, including
!ome u!ed in hygiene and con!umer &roduct!, that interfere with male fertility by
damaging !&erm'
%riting in the <ournal #M:? 6e&ort!, the team !aid a third of @5 com&ound! they
te!ted, u!ing a new techni*ue, had an ader!e effect on !&erm' -he chemical! included
4.methylbenzylidene cam&hor, which i! an ultraiolet filter u!ed in !ome !un!creen!,
and the anti.bacterial agent -riclo!an, u!ed in !ome $ind! of tooth&a!te, they !aid'
?ut!ide commentator! hae &rai!ed the re!earch but noted it wa! only carried out on
!&erm in a lab, a conte/t far remoed from the more com&le/ enironment of the human
Health watchdog! are $ee&ing a clo!e eye on the !o.called Aendocrine di!ru&tor
chemical!A, hundred! of which are &re!ent in food &roduct!, te/tile!, hygiene &roduct!,
toy!, co!metic! and &la!tic bottle!'
+t al!o need! to be under!tood that there were &reiou!ly no te!t! that could deci!iely
demon!trate the !u!&ected !ide.effect! on !&erm' 6e!earcher! !aid thi! &roblem ha!
now been !oled'
A?ur !tudy &roide! !cientific eidence to a!!i!t forming international rule! and
&ractice!,A !aid -imo )truen$er of the 0entre of ,danced #uro&ean )tudie! and
6e!earch in :onn, the former %e!t 7ermany ca&ital, who led the !tudy' 3,FB4
Red wine ingredient no magic pill for health
;) re!earcher! may hae found a flaw with the AFrench Barado/,A or the notion that
&eo&le who drin$ red wine can !omehow aoid the &itfall! of a high.fat diet'
, recent !tudy found that re!eratrol . one of the highly touted antio/idant! in red wine .
did not hel& &eo&le lie longer' Cor did it hel& &eo&le aoid cancer or heart di!ea!e,
according to a re!earch &a&er &ubli!hed in D,M, +nternal Medicine, a <ournal of the
,merican Medical ,!!ociation'
A-hi! !tudy !ugge!t! that dietary re!eratrol from %e!tern diet! in community.dwelling
older adult! doe! not hae a !ub!tantial influence on inflammation, cardioa!cular
di!ea!e, cancer, or longeity,A !aid the re!earch &a&er, led by 6ichard )emba of the
Dohn! Ho&$in! ;nier!ity )chool of Medicine'
6e!earch on animal! ha! !ugge!ted re!eratrol, a &oly&henol al!o found in !ome
,!iatic &lant root! a! well a! &eanut! and berrie!, may wield beneficial health effect!'
,lthough not &roen in human !tudie!, tho!e finding! hae contributed to a ;)1 30
million &er year mar$et for re!eratrol !u&&lement! in the ;) alone, re!earcher! !aid'
,-..! /.+-SE0
Male grooming: The talk of the town
#en for men loo$! ha&&en to be ery im&ortant nowaday!' %hether you li$e it or not,
&eo&le are !ure to <udge the way you loo$ and ba!e their a!!um&tion! on you on what
they !ee' :efore you reach out for that e/&en!ie !uit to ma$e an im&re!!ion on &eo&le
at your wor$&lace and al!o the fairer !e/, hold off' You(d be !ur&ri!ed by how much
grooming can change your a&&earance' Managing your body hair and or changing your
facial hair!tyle can actually breathe new life into your e/i!ting boring a&&earance and
add more confidence to your &er!onality'
Here are !eeral u!eful !elf.grooming ti&! that eery guy !hould $nowE
0or your skin: -he !$in i! the body(! bigge!t organ, it will fail if get! too !tre!!ed'
Modern day life i! generally !tre!!ful, though, due to the water chemical!, air
conditioning and air &ollution that you might face on a daily ba!i!' %hat you eat and
drin$ may affect your !$in(! health, a! well' Here(! what you can do to maintain itE ;!e a
!oa&.free clean!er to clean your face and nec$ once a day' -hi! will clean the dee&e!t
layer! of your !$in and get rid of any unwanted to/in! and dirt at the !ame time' ;!e an moi!turi!er with )BF.12 to hydrate your !$in and $ee& it !afe from the !un'
0or the face: , lot of men e/&erience razor burn after !haing' -hi! ha&&en! when the
razor(! fiction &a!!e! oer the !$in(! ini!ible fold! and get! irritated by !haing
&roduct!, !weat and hot water' -o reduce razor burn, here(! what you can doE ;!e an
e/foliant on a regular ba!i! to get rid of dead !$in cell!' ;!e a!ed !haing
cream to &reent drying and gie your face a !lic$ !urface to glide oer' ;!e a tri&le.
bladed razor'
0or the hair: +t i! im&ortant for you to choo!e a hair!tyle that i! a&&ro&riate for your
oerall loo$' -o do thi!, you !hould !et an a&&ointment with a hair!tyli!t that i! re&utable
in thi! de&artment and then a!$ them for adice on the different hair!tyle! that would
!uit your &articular face !ha&e be!t' ?nce you get a great haircut, you !hould hae an
ea!ier time maintaining it and en!uring that you loo$ good at all time!'
0or your teeth: +t doe!n(t matter! if your teeth are not &erfectly !traight and white, but
you !hould $ee& them clean !o you need to bru!h and flo!! them daily' +t i! rather
una&&ealing to tal$ to !omeone and !ee built u& &la*ue or food !tuc$ between their
)lip your nose hair: Mo!t women hae lo!t count of how many men they(e !een with
bit! of hair !tic$ing out of their no!tril!' +t(! not attractie, it ma$e! you loo$ older and if
you hae a cold or allergie!, it can be downright di!gu!ting'
S(0ET/ .& 1.(-D
afety working aloft or overside
, fall from a height, whether oerboard or onto the dec$, could be fatal or could
!eriou!ly in<ure !omeone' +m&ro&er &rocedure!, or faulty or old e*ui&ment could re!ult
in a fall' +t could al!o be dangerou! for &eo&le wor$ing below if tool! or other ob<ect! are
not !ecured &ro&erly and are dro&&ed from a height'
,di!able Brecaution!E :efore wor$ing aloft or oer!ide, it(! im&ortant to ma$e !ure you
hae the correct &$,hae &erformed a ri!$ a!!e!!ment and that you
con!ider any &otential hazard! 3thi! could include bad weather or !trong current!4' +t(!
al!o !afe &ractice to inform crewmate! of your &lan! to carry out !uch wor$, both
erbally and by &utting warning !ign! in &lace, and to en!ure any e*ui&ment nearby
3!uch a! the whi!tle, funnel, radar !canner or radio antenna4 i! !witched off and made
+f you are a !eafarer with limited e/&erience, you !hould not wor$ aloft or oer!ide,
unle!! !u&eri!ed by a more e/&erienced crewmember, but whateer your e/&erience
leel, you !hould alway! hae a re!&on!ible crewmember $ee&ing watch on dec$' You
mu!t ma$e !ure all !afety e*ui&ment i! &ro&erly worn or rigged 3including a life<ac$et,
harne!!e!, net! etc4'
+f you are wor$ing oer!ide, the crewmember $ee&ing watch !hould hold a lifebuoy and
line, which can be thrown to you immediately if need be'
+t i! ital that all e*ui&ment and tool! are e/amined &rior to commencing wor$, to en!ure
they are of the right *uality and in good condition' -ool! !hould alway! be carried in a
tool belt or into a !uitable container . not in your &oc$et!=
You mu!t al!o be careful to ma$e !ure any !ecured e*ui&ment, !uch a! gantline! are
fa!tened to &ermanent fi/ture! only' ,l!o, ma$e !ure all ro&e! and ladder! you intend to
u!e are load te!ted beforehand 3&erform te!t! with at lea!t four time! the weight which
the ro&e will actually be e/&ected to carry4 and you !hould al!o &erform i!ual te!t! for
*uality and condition of ro&e! and e*ui&ment' 3:ritannia B&+4
M!TH "R #A$T%
0act2 1rin$ing water hel&! weight lo!!'
!yth3: 1rin$ing water i! often con!idered one of the be!t way! to lo!! weight' Howeer,
it turned out to be a myth a! recent re!earch carried out by !cienti!t! !ay that water i!
not the magic formula for lo!ing weight'
-hey !ay drin$ing &lenty of water increa!e! calorie burning !lightly, howeer, not
!ufficiently to be notable'
&mportance of principled approach
+n a ery broad !en!e, mo!t of u! could be categori!ed into two $ind! of &eo&le, one!
who !tic$ to their &rinci&le! and the other! who are only concerned with the!ult
and do not mind ta$ing !hort.cut! or a non.&rinci&led a&&roach'
?ur thought! today are dominated by (end! <u!tifie! the mean!( $ind of thin$ing' +t may
al!o be thought that the one! who act according to their &rinci&le! are often time! too
traditional or een im&ractical'
%e lie in world that i! fa!t becoming too demanding about loo$ing for in!tant re!ult!' ,
&rinci&led a&&roach to life re*uire! a lot of &atience that i! fa!t lo!ing it! alue in thi!
materiali!tic and re!ult.oriented world'
Beo&le who ado&t a &rinci&led a&&roach are ery clear in their thought.&roce!!' -hi!
doe! not mean that they are infle/ible' +t only mean! that they beliee in doing thing!
the right way, ba!ed on &rinci&le!' Haing !aid that, for mo!t of u! &rinci&le! a&&ear to
be fading away in the world of commerciali!m, ca&itali!m, globali!ation and moderni!m'
-echnology now rule! our life and &eo&le more willing to bend !ome e!tabli!hed rule!
to moe into the fa!t lane'
Howeer, we !hould not lo!e !ight of the fact that we are driing in the !ame lane and
brea$ing rule! may hel& !ome to reach the de!tination fa!ter but eentually we all will
reach the !ame de!tination'
,t time!, one i! tem&ted to <um&ing a light when no one(! watching or &ic$ing the larger
!hare of a &ie and ignoring the &rinci&le of e*ual di!tribution'
-he!e are &etty e/am&le!, but in the bigger &icture, ado&ting a non.&rinci&led
a&&roach, een while doing !mall thing! in life, ta$e! away it! real e!!ence'
%ith eery moe a &er!on ma$e! in hi! life, they !et an e/am&le for them!ele!' -he
de!ire to be committed to one(! wor$, &ay attention to tiny detail! while wor$ing, the
gut! to refu!e ta$ing a bribe to do !omething unethical, all the!e come from following a
&rinci&led a&&roach in life'
,dhering to certain &rinci&le! hel&! a &er!on to moe in a de!ired direction without the
mental baggage of a guilty con!cience'
-a$ing !hort.cut! or non.&rinci&led !te&! could !ae !ome time or &roduce *uic$ re!ult!
but it al!o cau!e! !ome mild &ric$! to one(! con!cience' ,nd tho!e mild &ric$! to one(!
con!cience, if ignored oer a &eriod of time, cau!e unha&&ine!!' +f thi! i! ignored then it
create! !tre!!' -he accumulation of numerou! !tre!!ful !ituation! lead! to de&re!!ion'
)o, de&re!!ion could be a re!ult of a numerou! non.&rinci&led !te&! that an indiidual
ta$e! <u!t to achiee *uic$ re!ult! by ta$ing !hort.cut! in life'
-he idea here i! not to &ro&agate the conce&t of a uto&ian world but to encourage
&eo&le to ado&t a &rinci&led a&&roach to life' ,nd that &rimarily mean! not to !$i& a
challenging ta!$ or the !ituation that inole! a little bit of &hy!ical or mental !truggle'
,! it i! our !truggle! that define who we are' +t hel&! u! to deelo& our &er!onality' -he
more we are te!ted the !tronger we become'
T-(I&I&, .& 1.(-D
'(M))*LL )*+&NN*R
E"ercise 4: Knee bend with dumbbells
1E )tand with your feet !houlder.width a&art and a dumbbell in each hand'
2E :end your $nee!, and !it down a! if you(re !itting down on a chair' Fee& the
bodyweight on your heel!' %hen your $nee! are bent @0 degree!, &u!h bac$ u& to the
!tarting &o!ition' Fee& your bac$ !traight during the entire moement'
E"ercise 5: .ne-arm rowing:
1E )tand with your weight on one $nee and one arm' Hold a dumbbell in your free hand
and let the arm hang down freely'
2E Bull the arm u& along your !ide until the dumbbell reache! your !tomach' )lowly
lower the dumbbell bac$ to the !tarting &o!ition' Maintain a !traight bac$ throughout the
entire moement' 6e&eat the e/erci!e with your other arm'
E"ercise 6: Sitting hea%y lift:
1E )it on a chair with your feet on the floor and your leg! !lightly rotated outward!' Blace
the dumbbell! on your !houlder!, !it with a !traight bac$ and maintain a !traight bac$
during the entire e/erci!e'
2E )lowly bend forward a! much a! you can before returning to the !tarting &o!ition'
E"ercise 7: 0lat dumbbell press:
1E >ie !u&ine with your feet on the floor and the dumbbell! at !houlder leel' Bull your
!houlder blade! together and try to $ee& them together during the e/erci!e'
2E Bre!! the weight! !traight u& until your arm! are nearly !tretched' )lowly lower them
again and re&eat'
E"ercise 8: Shoulder press:
1E )it on a chair while holding the dumbbell! at the !ide of your !houlder!, &alm!
&ointing forward'
2E Bre!! the weight! u& oer your head until your arm! are fully !tretched' )lowly lower
them again until you reach the !tarting &o!ition and re&eat'
E"ercise 9: Standing biceps curl:
1E )tand with dumbbell! hanging down along your !ide!'
2E :end your elbow! and lift the weight! all the way u& while rotating them outward! 3in
the end &o!ition your &alm! are &ointing u&4' )lowly lower the dumbbell! bac$ to the
!tarting &o!ition and re&eat'
E"ercise :: Triceps press:
1E )tand with your weight on one $nee and one arm' Hold the actie arm along the !ide
of your u&&er body, elbow bent at @0 degree!'
2E )tretch the arm at your elbow a! much a! you can, before !lowly returning to the
!tarting &o!ition and re&eat' 3-?:8+)%,C4
'E( T'/ SE0
,alk your way to fitness this summer
:ri!$ wal$ing or hi$ing i! one of the mo!t en<oyable way! to get fit thi! !ummer' +t can
be a great way to lo!e weight and increa!e &hy!ical fitne!! and i! ery ea!y to do'
-here are many benefit! to incor&orating !uch an e/erci!e routine into eeryday life'
-here are way! to ma$e your wal$ or hi$e more beneficial and !ucce!!ful' Here are
!ome of the benefit! of wal$ing and hi$ing and !ome ti&! for !ucce!!'
)ardio%ascular health: #/&ert! !ay that bri!$ wal$ing i! one of the be!t form! of
e/erci!e for the heart' -he $ey i! to $ee& u& a igorou! &ace the whole time you are
wal$ing 3if you are <u!t beginning, it(! a good idea to !low down to catch your breath if
you feel really winded4' +f you $ee& u& the &ace, your heart get! a continual wor$out'
!uscle toning and strength: %al$ing u!e! a lot of large mu!cle grou&!' +f you li$e,
carry weight! or !tra& on wri!t weight! to hel& tone your arm!' ,l!o, adding weight i!
!aid to increa!e the amount of calorie! you burn while wal$ing'
1ring water: +t(! a good idea to bring water with you on the trail or along the road where
you(re wal$ing' You may not get thir!ty, but it(! far better to hae water and not need it
than need it and not hae it= You can !im&ly !li& water bottle! into a !mall bac$&ac$, or
u!e cli&.on water bottle! for your belt'
The right shoes: You(re much more li$ely to hae a good wal$ if you hae the right
!hoe!' For hi$ing, one of the be!t ty&e! of !hoe! i! !omething that loo$! li$e a cro!!
between !nea$er! and boot!' For wal$ing on leel ground, wal$ing !hoe! are le!! boot.
li$e and more li$e !nea$er!' Haing the right !hoe! mean! le!! !tre!! on your <oint!
and feet'
ocation: 0hoo!e a location that you en<oy wal$ing in' +f the whole family i! in on the
hi$e, try e/&loring a local &ar$ or fore!t' +f you are <u!t going for a wal$ in a
neighbourhood, go on a Ahou!e tourA and tal$ about which hou!e! you li$e and why' +t
can hel& boo!t motiation when you are loo$ing forward to the !cenery'
)hallenge: ,! your family get! more in !ha&e, challenge your!ele!' -ry a trail with
!tee& hill! or roc$! to climb oer' -ry wal$ing further in other neighbourhood! or do
another la& or two on the trac$'
'E(T'/ E(TI&,
#oods to speed up healing period
+n thi! modern !ociety, we are becoming more and more de&endent on medicine! to
!tay fit' %e may con!ider medicine! a! ciili!ation(! gift! to u!, but we !hould not forget
that the food! we con!ume eeryday may hel& u! recoer fa!ter from any illne!! a!
they hae tremendou! health.giing benefit!'
-he adantage of curing our di!ea!e! through food!, &reci!ely fruit! and egetable!, i!
that we aoid !ide.effect! of medication and treatment *uite ea!ily' +t mean! food can
definitely &lay the role of medicine! and healthy food can hel& u! $ee& the doctor away'
#en medicine !&eciali!t! are of the o&inion that eating healthy food! can eliminate the
need for medicine! becau!e of their ability to reduce the ri!$ of di!ea!e!' %hen we are
!ic$, our body need! more calorie! to function &ro&erly and al!o to fight infection' >ong
ago, human! di!coered the connection between food and di!ea!e! and thi! ha! been
em&ha!i!ed by new re!earch in the modern era'
+f you want to !tay fit and lie a healthy life, you hae to &racti!e a healthy diet that
hel&! you not only control your weight, but al!o reduce the ri!$ of di!ea!e' +t i! therefore
nece!!ary to $now the fact! about food!' -he information a! to which food! harm health
and which food! enhance health can hel& you !tay fit and fine in any &art of the world'
Here(! a li!t of food item! which hel& u! recoer fa!ter from illne!!'
;itamin (: )&inach and !weet &otatoe! are a great !ource of Gitamin ,' -hi! itamin
hel&! &romote white blood cell!, which fight infectiou! di!ea!e and foreign bodei! in our
!y!tem, thu! increa!ing the &ace of healing'
*rotein-rich food: +n<urie! need &rotein, a er!atile nutrient that re&air! ti!!ue! and
!&eed! u& the healing &roce!!' #gg!, chic$en, lamb, tur$ey, almond!, lentil!, etc', are a
rich !ource of &rotein and mu!t be &art of our daily diet'
<inc: Food! which contain zinc, !uch a! nut! and chic$en, hel& to !trengthen the
immune !y!tem' Hinc al!o &lay! an im&ortant &art in healing in<urie!' +n fact, in!ufficient
*uantity of zinc can &rolong the duration of recoery'
.mega-6 fatty acid: Food! rich in ?mega.3 hel& reduce inflammation' %alnut!,
!almon, !ardine!, tufu, !hrim&, !oyabean!, nut! etc are good !ource! of thi! beneficial
fatty acid'
;itamin D: -he main building bloc$! of bone i! calcium and Gitamin 1 hel&! ab!orb
calcium' )unlight i! the &rimary !ource of itamin 1' #/&ert! recommend !oa$ing u& the
!un, but !en!ibly' ,t the !ame time, you !hould add dairy &roduct! li$e mil$ and yoghurt
to your daily diet, a! they are good !ource of calcium'
;itamin ): 0ruit and egetable! !uch a! citru! fruit!, berrie!, $iwi!, tomatoe! and
broccoli build new &rotein for !$in, tendon!, ligament and blood e!!el!, thu! &laying an
im&ortant role in the healing &roce!!' -he!e fruit! are al!o a ery good !ource of
itamin 0, which hel&! maintain bone ti!!ue and cartilage'
'E(T'/ -E)I*ES
$hicken puttanesca with angel hair pasta
Ingredients: I ounce! uncoo$ed angel hair &a!ta, 2 tea!&oon! olie oil, 4 35.ounce4
!$inle!!, bonele!! chic$en brea!t hale!, 182 tea!&oon !alt, 2 cu&!!il &a!ta
!auce, 184 cu& &itted and coar!ely cho&&ed $alamata olie!, 1 table!&oon ca&er!, 184
tea!&oon cru!hed red &e&&er, 184 cu& 31 ounce4 &re.!hredded Barme!an chee!e and
cho&&ed fre!h ba!il or ba!il !&rig! 3o&tional4
But oil in a large non.!tic$ !$illet and heat it' 0ut chic$en into one inch &iece!'
,dd chic$en to &anJ !&rin$le eenly with !alt' 0oo$ chic$en till it turn! lightly browned'
)tir in &a!ta !auce, olie!, ca&er!, and &e&&erJ bring to a !immer'
0oo$ fie minute! or until chic$en i! done, !tirring fre*uently'
Meanwhile, coo$ &a!ta according to &ac$age direction!, omitting !alt and fat' 1rain
&a!ta and diide between four &late!J to& with 1 182 cu&! chic$en mi/ture'
)&rin$le each !ering with one table!&oon chee!e'
+f you wi!h, garni!h with cho&&ed ba!il or ba!il !&rig!'
)roccoli Manchurian
1atch-4: 1 lb of floret! of broccoli, 2 tbl!& all.&ur&o!e flour, 1.182 cu&! cornflour, 1 tbl!&
chilli &owder, 1 t!& ground &e&&er, 1 t!& !alt, 1.182 cu& water 3or a! needed to ma$e a
thic$ batter4' ?il for dee& frying'
1atch-5: 3.4 cloe!, ground, 1 t!& finely cho&&ed ginger, 3 tbl!& tomato !auce, 1.2
tbl!& chilli !auce, 3 tbl!& !oy !auce, 1 t!& a<inomoto 3o&tional4, 2 tbl!& oil'
!ethod: Mi/ all the ingredient! from :atch.1 e/ce&t broccoli floret! to ma$e a thic$
batter' ,dd the water a little at a time to &reent the formation of lum&!'
1i& the floret! in the batter to coat them com&letely and dee& fry in oil' 1rain e/ce!! oil
on the &a&er towel'
But 2 tbl!& oil in a non.!tic$ &an and heat it' )aute the finely cho&&ed ginger and garlic'
3?&tionally you can al!o !aute !liced onion!, coloured &e&&er! and other eggie! with
,dd the tomato !auce, chilli !auce, !oy !auce, a<inomoto and mi/ eerything'
Finally to!! the fried broccoli floret! with the !auce'
7arni!h with finely cho&&ed green onion! and !ere a! a !ide for fried rice or noodle!'
I0E E=*E)T(&)/
Life e-pectancy rises in poor nations
>ife e/&ectancy in the globe(! &oore!t countrie! ha! ri!en by an aerage of nine year!
oer the &a!t two decade!, than$! to ma<or im&roement! in infant health, according to
the ;C' +n it! annual !tati!tic!, the ;C(! %orld Health ?rgani!ation 3%H?4 !aid that !i/
of the!e countrie! had managed to rai!e life e/&ectancy by oer 10 year!, between
1@@0 and 2012' -he to& achieer wa! >iberia, where aerage life!&an! increa!ed by a
full 20 year!, from 42 to 52' Ce/t in line were #thio&ia 3from 42 to 54 year!4, Maldie!
32I to KK4, 0ambodia 324 to K24, #a!t -imor 320 to 554 and 6wanda 34I to 524'
7lobally, aerage life e/&ectancy ro!e by !i/ year! during the !ame &eriod' :a!ed on
global aerage!, a girl who wa! born in 2012 can e/&ect to lie to around K3 year! and
a boy to the age of 5I, the %H? !aid' , boy born in 2012 in a high.income country can
e/&ect to lie to the age of around K5 . 15 year! longer than a boy born in a low.income
country' For girl!, the difference i! een wider, with tho!e in high.income countrie! li$ely
to lie to the age of I2 and tho!e in &oor nation! to 53' Female life e/&ectancy in all the
to& 10 countrie! of the globe i! I4 year! or more, the %H? !aid' %omen in Da&an en<oy
the world(! be!t life e/&ectancy, at IK year!, followed by )&ain, )witzerland and
)inga&ore on I2'1 year! each' >ife e/&ectancy among men, meanwhile, i! I0 year! or
more in nine countrie!, with the longe!t in +celand 3I0'24, )witzerland 3I0'K4 and
,u!tralia 3I0'24' 3,FB4
'&' !"( .N", %
L ?ur heart generate! enough energy to drie a truc$ for 20 mile! eery day'
L +t ta$e! u& to 12 month! for your blood e!!el! to com&letely recoer from a !unburn'
L +f you could !tretch out all the blood e!!el! in a human body, they would circle the
world twice'
L -he !urface area of a human lung i! e*ual to that of a tenni! court'

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