DTC Introduces Pioneer Brand Ambassadors in Contract Signing Event May 5, 2014, Manila, Philippines - Market-Leading Economy Mobile Device Innovator

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DTC Introduces Pioneer Brand Ambassadors in Contract Signing Event

May 5, 20!, Mani"a, P#i"i$$ines % Market-leading economy mobile device innovator

DTC further solidifies its position in the global mobile industry as it unveils five key local
professional basketball athletes as its first brand ambassadors in an exclusive media
event at the Diamond Hotel in Manila. All renoned icons of their on league! DTC
chose the "uintet for their dedication! revolutionary style and poerful performance #
similar traits shared by DTC. Today officially marks the beginning of an exciting
partnership beteen DTC and the five ballers as they formally enter an exclusive
ambassadorship contract ith the mobile device giant.
The all-star ambassador roster shocases one player each from five outstanding
teams! including $ain or %hine shooting guard $yan Ara&a! Air '( point guard %imon
Atkins! Talk )* Text poer forard $ommel *i&o +,-. Canaleta! /-time 01A All-%tar
Meralco 1olts shooting guard -ary David! and ((-time 01A All-%tar $edbull point guard
2illie Miller.

This is the first time that DTC has launched its on ambassadors since the company3s
founding in '4((! making the said athletes the company3s pioneer advocates. Their
addition is expected to bring the brand closer to its consumers. As five of the most
exceptional players in the league! they symboli5e active but practical living! hich DTC
consumers also exemplify.
6erdinand 1uensalida 7r.! -eneral Manager for DTC! elaborates on the partnership8
+DTC is a brand that capitali5es on a strong commitment to customer satisfaction
through the poer of innovative technology and human ingenuity. 2e consider our
people as one of our best assets..
He adds! +picking our pioneer ambassadors came as a no-brainer. They are all the
cr9me de la cr9me of their field and e are honored to elcome more people into our
team ho share our mission of putting dedication! skills! performance! style and
creativity at the heart of everything. These fine gentlemen are an epitome of hat DTC
is all about! and e3re glad that more than affiliates! they are no friends of the brand..
:nly a fe months shy of its third anniversary in the industry! DTC anticipates a more
poer-packed year ith the addition of their first brand ambassadors! plus ne smart
gadgets in the pipeline! hich are expected for release before the third "uarter of '4(;
About DTC
<stablished in '4(( in Manila! DTC Mobile is a top-selling manufacturer of high-"uality
and lo-cost mobile devices including classic bar phones! T= phones and Android-
based smartphones and phablets.
2ith its dedication to innovative technology and ever-evolving customer needs! DTC
became an honoree of the 1est >nnovative 1rand of Mobile 0hones *ational Aards in
'4(( and the *ational 0roduct ?uality <xcellence Aards in '4(/. Today! it continues
to be the leading mobile device provider of choice for discerning users across the
To learn more about DTC! visit their official ebsite at .dtcmobile.com.ph.

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