Maritime News: Britain Launches NSMS To Protect Shipping

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Friday, May 16, 2014

International maritime news for seafarers
Britain launches NSMS to protect shipping
The British Shipping and Armed Fores Ministries, along with the !" #ham$er of
Shipping, ha%e &ointly p'$lished the ()ational Strategy for Maritime Se'rity( *)SMS+
that aims to (!nderstand, Infl'ene, ,re%ent, ,rotet and -espond( s'ita$ly to threats
to the ind'stry.
/esri$ing the sea as the (life$lood0 of the British eonomy, the ministry said that the
)SMS will protet the ind'stry that ao'nts for 102 of the national trade, 22 of the
3/, and one in e%ery 40 &o$s.
The )SMS will also strengthen se'rity in the 5orn of Afria, as it is the transit point of
British maritime trade worth 3B, 10 $illion.
In the )SMS, it is also mentioned that the So'th #hina Sea, the ina$ility of oastal
states to effeti%ely monitor their waters and 6potential new maritime se'rity threats6
in the Arti regions are other ma&or pro$lems the ind'stry is faing.
#ommenting on the iss'e, #78 of !" #ham$er 3'y ,latten said that piray was 6still
a ma&or threat to the safety of seafarers6 espeially in 3'lf of 3'inea, 6where it is
inreasing.6 Aording to him, their main aim is to red'e these ris9s.
,latten also said: 6The strategy demonstrates the !"(s approah to addressing some
of the root a'ses of piray in other parts of the world, inl'ding apaity $'ilding on
6Inreasing awareness and finding sol'tions for the omple; pro$lems of maritime
se'rity are r'ial. The )SMS will allow ind'stry to share its speialist 9nowledge
aross go%ernment to de%elop $etter &oint responses to threats and we loo9 forward to
ontin'ing this wor9 together,6 he stressed.
An otherwise d'll tas9 of se'ring argo $o;es in the hold t'rned deadly when a sailor
deided to ta9e a short 't aross a wooden foot$ridge.
After l'nh, the de9 rew of a argo ship, led $y the hief offier, headed forward to
se're pa9aged argo in the hold. After lowering the e<'ipment, the rew lim$ed
down into the hold either %ia a reessed ladder in the forward porta$le $'l9head or $y
'sing a foreastle aess tr'n9. The latter re<'ired the rew to ross a wooden
foot$ridge $etween the aess tr'n9 and theforward porta$le $'l9head, whih was in
its stowed position. The rew se'red the argo as far aft as possi$le and then started
to shift metal lamps from the forward part of the hold to se're the rest of the argo.
8ne A$le Seaman lim$ed o't of the hold %ia the reessed ladder and re=positioned
the hath o%ers to allow the remaining argo to $e loaded. As the hath o%ers now
pre%ented his 'se of the reessed ladder, he ret'rned to the hold $y lim$ing down
the aess tr'n9 and wal9ing aross the wooden foot$ridge. The AB then helped the
rest of the rew mo%e the lamps. >ater, the AB left the hold %ia the wooden
foot$ridge, $'t he either slipped or lost his $alane and fell. The rest of the rew in the
hold heard a th'mp. They went to the forward $'l9head and searhed for the AB 'sing
a torh. They saw him lying 'nonsio's and $leeding from a head wo'nd a$o't fi%e
metres $elow. They attended to the AB and raised the alarm. The AB was gi%en
o;ygen and #,- was started. The emergeny ser%ies sta$ilised the as'alty $efore
he was raned o't of the hold on a strether.
The AB ne%er regained onsio'sness and was delared deeased on arri%al at a
near$y hospital.
Any ship spaes that are reg'larly entered m'st ha%e a safe means of aess = ad
ho meas'res are li9ely to $e 'nfit for p'rpose. This wooden foot$ridge had no
g'ardrails or toe $oards, the openings were not f'll height and lighting was
inade<'ate. It did not meet the re<'irements of a safe means of aess.
5a%e yo' e%er $een e;peted to do something yo' tho'ght was 'nsafe, $'t still did it
anyway? /on(t ta9e 'nd'e ris9s when often simple sol'tions or orreti%e ation an
retify the pro$lem. Safety is e%eryone(s responsi$ility. So're: !" MAIB
Ship detained for safet !iolations
The !S #oast 3'ard *!S#3+ has detained a 4@1ft motor %essel for n'mero's safety
%iolations. The ship is 'rrently anhored in ,ortland and the rewmem$ers ha%e
$een as9ed to orret the safety %iolations $efore lea%ing the port.
A senior !S#3 offiial said that the ship arri%ed in ,ortland to load grain and was to
depart for 7'ador.
/'ring a ro'tine inspetion, ,ort State #ontrol offiers from the !S#3(s Marine Safety
!nit *MS!+ in ,ortland diso%ered that the ship had not maintained its res'e $oat
properly and its steering p'mp lost power and was non=f'ntional d'ring a test.
Meanwhile, hief of the ,ort State #ontrol Branh at MS! ,ortland >ie'tenant Ben
-'ssell told the loal media: 6The om$ined ris9s posed $y the safety disrepanies
made the %essel s'$standard with respet to !S and international on%entions. 7ah
disrepany impats %essel, rew and port safety and olleti%ely indiates that the
%essel is 'nsafe to proeed to sea.6
#ommanding 8ffier of MS! ,ortland #aptain ,at -opp stressed: 6The p'rpose of
the !S#3(s ,ort State #ontrol programme is to mitigate and remo%e safety and
en%ironmental haAards posed $y foreign %essels from !S waters. For foreign %essels
alling on !S ,orts, the ,ort State #ontrol o%ersight is the primary means of enforing
internationally reognised standards for safety of life at sea.6
"inland de#ands co$operation to pre!ent
Finland has 'rged the Balti -im o'ntries to $olster o=operation to pre%ent maritime
aidents in Balti Sea, as no Balti state an a%oid a disaster alone.
In its latest report on the res'e apa$ilities of the o'ntries *e;l'ding -'ssia+ in the
region, Finland has said that it is important for /enmar9, 7stonia, 3ermany, >ith'ania,
7stonia, >at%ia, >ith'ania, )orway, ,oland and Sweden to &oin hands.
Aording to the report, the Finnish Border 3'ard has assessed the se'rity senario
in the Balti Sea as the res'e responsi$ility falls on se%eral o'ntries. Finland stated
that any snags in offiial o=operation o'ld ost li%es or aggra%ate the en%ironmental
effets of the aident in the worst ase senario.
#ommenting on the iss'e, senior ,ro&et Manager at the Finnish Border 3'ard Toni
Fohlin said: 6The time when e%ery o'ntry tried to maintain the apa$ilities to ope
with e%erything alone is $ehind 's. The pro&et fo'nd that e%ery o'ntry wants to
enhane o=operation.6 6If we o'ld only learn something $efore anything serio's
happens,6 he stressed.
Altho'gh the Balti Sea is onsidered as one of the safest seas in the world, the Balti
-im o'ntries deploy 10 maritime res'e rews and se%eral res'e heliopters on its
shores. They ha%e made the mo%e after onsidering the inreasing traffi %ol'mes in
the sea. #'rrently, more than 2,000 argo and passenger ships 'se the Balti Sea at
any gi%en moment. As per the report, the %ol'me of freight traffi will inrease $y B02
$y the end of 20B0.
In its report, Finland has mentioned that the iy winter onditions and narrow shipping
lanes are posing a serio's threat to shipping espeially in ase of %essels r'nning
agro'nd $ea'se of engine or prop'lsion fail'res.
Finland has also deided to re<'est the #o'nil of the Balti Sea States to esta$lish a
o=operati%e tas9 fore. 6#o=operation $etween a'thorities wor9s well in Finland. That
o'ld $e an e;port prod't for 's,6 stressed Fohlin.
%& ' &() ears i#prison#ent for So#ali
A !S Federal &'dge in )orfol9, Cirginia reently ordered a Somali pirate to ser%e a
prison term of 41 and half years for his in%ol%ement in an atta9 on )a%y ship.
Assistant !S Attorney Ben 5at also re&eted a prose'tor(s all for a mandatory life
The o'rt on%ited Mohamed Ali Said *B0+ along with fi%e other Somali pirates on
related harges in the April 2010 atta9. 5owe%er, the fi%e others faed a mandatory
life prison term.
As far as Said(s p'nishment is onerned, the &'dge said that the prison term of 41
and half years was appropriate, onsidering nat're of the atta9 that was harsh and
heino's. 5e also said that Said had shown no remorse or aeptane of responsi$ility.
Tal9ing to the loal media, !S /istrit D'dge -aymond A Da9son stressed:
68$%io'sly, the o'rt has a different %iew of matters. The o'rt is aware of the
gr'esome nat're of piray. The o'rt finds a differene in the ond't.6
Said, who had laimed that he was not a pirate, had nothing to say d'ring the hearing.
Aording to prose'tors, the Somalis had mista9en the na%al ship for a ommerial
%essel and opened fire on it in an attempt to ta9e its rewmem$ers hostage in
e;hange for ransom.
Altho'gh no )a%y personnel were in&'red, a se%enth Somali was 9illed in ret'rn fire.
6At the end of the day, this was an attempt,6 said Said(s Attorney and Assistant
Federal ,'$li /efender "eith "im$all.
*ocaine +orth ,B- ./#ln found in ship
The Sottish polie ha%e seiAed 10E9g of oaine worth 3B, B0 million from on$oard
a #olom$ian ship. The oaine was hidden in the r'dder of the Sotland=$o'nd ship.
The ship had loaded a argo of oal from ,'erto )'e%o on April 14 and anhored off
5'nterston, where the oaine was fo'nd.
8n interrogation, the aptain and rewmem$ers admitted that they 9new of the
ontra$and and had plans to 'nload the same in Sotland. The polie and offiers
from the )ational #rime Ageny ha%e arrested the aptain and the rew. They ha%e
$een sent to polie 'stody and will fae trial.
-ana#anian cargo ship runs aground in
A ,anama=flagged argo ship ran agro'nd near the 3ree9 port of )ea Mo'dania in
5al9idi9i penins'la on Th'rsday. 5owe%er, no in&'ries or poll'tion was reported.
Immediately after reei%ing a distress all, the 3ree9 #oast 3'ard reahed the spot
and $egan efforts to free the ship that is str'9 on the westernmost leg of the
The #oast 3'ard said that the ship with 14 T'r9ish rewmem$ers on$oard was
arrying 2,000 tonnes of fertiliser from 7gypt.
Netherlands Mariti#e Technolog launched
(Maritime $y 5olland(, a networ9 of /'th shipyards, s'ppliers and ser%ie pro%iders,
has re=$randed itself as )etherlands Maritime Tehnology.
#onfirming the news, the /'th maritime a'thorities said in a statement that
)etherlands Maritime Tehnology has replaed Sheeps$o'w )ederland, 5olland
Ship$'ilding Assoiation, 5olland Marine 7<'ipment Assoiation, C)SI, 5M7 BC,
5M7Singapore and #MTI.
Aording to the statement, altho'gh the maritime offiials presented the new identity
at /amen Shipyards on May E, it will $e la'nhed offiially d'ring SMM in 5am$'rg in
Septem$er. Meanwhile, ompanies from the networ9 ha%e started 'sing the
)etherlands Maritime Tehnology logo after the re=$randing.
0ater#elon fire ' ice salsa
Ingredients: B 'ps of watermelon *hopped+
1F2 'p of green $ell pepper *hopped+
2t$sp of lime &'ie
2t$sp of fresh ilantro *hopped+
1t$sp of green onions *hopped+
1t$sp of &alapeno pepper *hopped+
1F2tsp of garli
Method: #om$ine the watermelon, green $ell pepper, lime &'ie, ilantro, green
onions, &alapeno and garli salt in a large $owl.
Mi; it well and ser%e.
0ater#elon1 red onion salad
Ingredients: 1t$sp of shallots *hopped+
1FB 'p of rasp$erry %inegar
1FB 'p of fresh or froAen rasp$erries *p'reed and strained+
2tsp of honey
1FB 'p of oli%e oil
2 medi'm red onions *thinly slied+
2 $'nhes waterress *stems remo%ed+
E 'ps of watermelon *'t into 1=inh '$es+
"osher salt and fresh gro'nd pepper.
Method: Ghis9 together the shallots, %inegar, rasp$erry p'ree, honey and oli%e oil in
a medi'm=siAe $owl.
Season it with salt and pepper.
)ow, separate the onions into rings and po'r the %inaigrette o%er the onions and
marinate in the refrigerator for at least 14 min'tes.
Arrange a $ed of waterress on a plate.
Top it with the '$ed watermelon and drape the red onion rings on top.
/riAAle it with the %inaigrette and garnish with the mint lea%es and ser%e.
Market snapshot: 11:30 GMT
Dry Index BDI 1021 +19
Capesize Index BCI 15! +50
"ana#ax Index B"I 101! +$
%&pra#ax Index B%I 901 '3
(andysize Index B(I 90 '$
)e* +ork ,Th& C-s.
/0n C&rren1y 2%D in /0n
in 2%D C&rren1y
Britain ,"o&nd. 13!$95 03595
Canada ,Do--ar. 03919 1304$$
China ,+&an. 031!05 !32309
5&ro 133$1! 03$291
India ,6&pee. 0301!4 593050
Indonesia ,6&piah. 0300004$ 1150300
7apan ,+en. 0300949 1013500
)or*ay ,8rone. 031!41 539503
"hi-ippines ,"eso. 030229 33$300
"o-and ,9-oty. 0332$1 330!00
6&ssia ,6&:-e. 030244 33$!00
%in0apore ,Do--ar. 03$944 132519
2kraine ,(ry;nia. 03045$ 113!!$4

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