Agribusiness Notes

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Saudi Arabia Agribusiness Ideas

Region Specific Ideas Creating a Market of Interdependence

Region specific agribusiness sectors
o Identify what the market lacks, what the consumers need
o Follow the supply and demand model of that region
o For example in Saudi Arabia, we have been dedicated to
curtailing our production of grain in order to conserve the
nations water supply. However, we have maintained a high
poultry production and have focused on agribusiness overseas.
Organizational body working at the regional level that reports directly to
UNIDO to determine what is most needed in a particular area and how
current plans are progressing
Key is to help them utilize their resources while meeting the
consumers demand so that they can generate a domestic market with
their own resources without relying on outside powers this helps with

Provide them with the necessary materials from their local resources
basket weaving, embroidery, etc.
o If no natural resources, focus on manpower production of
manufactured goods that can be exported to neighboring regions in
need of agro-machinery facilitate the growth of an international
market among those involved in agribusiness so that they are not
manipulated by already existing markets in the developed nations
o Create a market of interdependence, not self sustainability

Training through Cooperation of NGOs
Training divided into period first 4 months of training, each successive
training is followed with bigger freedom and resources
o Annual check up to improve any methods or supplies if necessary as
technological improvement demands

4 Cs
o Clearly identified market
o Capable and committed staff
o Creative methodologies and technologies
o Commitment to standards and best practices
Appropriate products for recipients
Appropriate delivery
Clear organizational/institutional structure
Adequate risk management
Subscription to performance standards

Environmental Factors
Cooperation with UNEP Regional Offices and field researchers to keep track
of the potential risk of hazard produced by such agribusiness activities

Safe Agriculture Practices
Cultivation Method
o Intercrop mixture of plants (34% drop in damaged crops)
o Strip cutting one segment of crop is harvested at a time, unharvested
portion provides undisturbed habitat for natural predators and
parasites of pest species (pest mortality 50% higher)
o Rotational crop
Biological Controls
o Introduce new species as biological control agents
o 300+ species have been introduced in N. America

Maximum number of income per month set to a certain number so that the
income is not based on the amount of work getting done but the level of
discipline among the trainees
Diversification only a certain amount of the same agribusiness in that
region so that everyone is producing different products

Cooperation with Foreign Nations Utilizing the best of each nation
Saudi Arabia is looking to boost its investments in foreign agricultural
production, especially in Africa and Latin America
Saudi Arabia is eager to import foreign-bred cattle for its livestock and dairy
Saudi Arabia procures cattle through imports while investing in suppliers
countries in order to secure stable supply

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