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11-A, Ratlam Kothi,

Near Geeta Bhawan Square,

Indore- 452001
Phone:+91 731 6054500-1-2

J2SE Page 1 of 6
Duration: 56 class room hours + 40 Lab hours

Objective: To introduce the student to Core Java

Prerequisites: Knowledge of objectoriented programming

Evaluation method: Theory exam (objective/subjective/both) 50% weightage
Lab exam 40% weightage
Assignments 10% weightage

List of Books / Other training material

The Complete Reference Java Seventh Edition, Herbert Schidt/ TMH

Reference: Beginning Java 2 by Ivor Horton; Wrox Publication

Session 1:
Java Language and its features How Java is different from C++?
The Java Language
Data types, Variables, Constants, operators, Control Statements (if, for, while, switch etc.)
Classes in java

Session 2:

Constructors, finalize, instance data and methods, the new operator
Methods, overloading, parameter passing, objects as parameters
Memory management, garbage collection
The first Java Program Assignment Lab:
Get yourself acquainted with java environment. Build a class Emp, which contains details about the employee
and compile and run its instance. Assignment Reading: Study the book Java FAQ Assignment
Compare syntactical similarities and dissimilarities between Java and C++

Session 3:
The this facility, static data and methods, block, scope, lifetime
JDK and its usage (Java Compiler, Java Runtime, Java Debugger, Java doc)
Difference between applications and applets

Session 4:
Inner classes, Abstract Classes & wrapper classes.
Assignment Lab:
Create an inner class for a manager, which contains information about the manager. Use the appropriate
interfaces. Create an anonymous inner class for Tech. Members using the Session one assignment

Session 5:

11-A, Ratlam Kothi,
Near Geeta Bhawan Square,
Indore- 452001
Phone:+91 731 6054500-1-2

J2SE Page 2 of 6
Access Control Rules

Session 6:
Exception Handling
Exceptions as objects,
Exception hierarchy
Try, catch and finally
Different exception classes Assignment Lab:
Create an appropriate data structures to store your employee object and use the java.util.package properties.

Session 7:
The java. Lang package, Object, Number, Math, System
The String class
The java.util Package Assignment Lab:
Implement String class and util package

Session 8:
Arrays, Vectors, Stack, Hash table, Dictionary, Property Assignment Lab:
Create a user defined exception to check whether your employee exist in your data structure and using the
catch and finally block. Redeem an appropriate solution.

Session 9:
The Java2 Collection Framework

Session 10:
The Java2 Collection Framework(Contd..) Assignment Lab:
Using the collection framework define an appropriate interface to your above application

Session 11:
Multithreaded programming in Java
Multithreading: advantages and issues
The Thread class, thread groups
The Run able interface

Session: 12
Thread synchronization
Inter-Thread communication Assignment Lab:
Using Multi-Threading create objects in java E.g. Create a clock & synchronize your application.

Session: 13

11-A, Ratlam Kothi,
Near Geeta Bhawan Square,
Indore- 452001
Phone:+91 731 6054500-1-2

J2SE Page 3 of 6
The Package
Byte Streams and Unicode Character Streams
Persistence of objects
Object Serialization Methods Assignment Lab:
Make your above Employee, manger classes objects persistent.

Session: 14
Using Basic Swing Components
Event handling
Components and layout managers
JFrame, JPanel, JOptionPane, JLabel, JButton, JList, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JScrollBar,
JMenuItem, JMenu, JmenuBar.

Session: 15

Advanced swing components
The Model-View-Controller Architecture
JScrollPane, JTable, JTree, JDesktopPane, JInternalFrame, JSplitPane
Assignment Lab:
Design the Session 8 assignment using swing components.

Session: 16
The Applet class
Applet context, paint (), repaint (), update (), get Graphics ()
Passing parameters, embedding in HTML
Integrating into distributed application

Session: 17
Inter applet communication
Communication with JavaScript
Security Issues while running in clients desktop Assignment Lab:
Design the interface of the Employee, manger classes using applets.

Session: 18
Reflection in Java
Determine the class of an object.
Get information about a class's modifiers, fields, methods, constructors, and super classes.
Find out what constants and method declarations belong to an interface.
Create an instance of a class whose name is not known until runtime.
Get and set the value of an object's field, even if the field name is unknown to your program
until runtime.
Invoke a method on an object, even if the method is not known until runtime.

11-A, Ratlam Kothi,
Near Geeta Bhawan Square,
Indore- 452001
Phone:+91 731 6054500-1-2

J2SE Page 4 of 6
Assignment Lab:
Create a new array, whose size and component type are not known until runtime, and then modify the array's

Session: 19
Introduction to Java Network Programming
Inet Address
Socket, and ServerSocket
Teaching Guidelines for J 2SE Core J ava DAC Aug 2011
DAC, J2SE Page 5 of 6
Assignment Lab:
Write a multithreaded chat server and a GUI client Assignment
Study Oreillys book Java Network Programming by E. R. Harold Assignment
Compare network programming in Java with that in other languages

Session: 20
DatagramSocket Assignment Lab:
Provide chat-rooms and private messaging facilities to your chat application.
Convert the client application to an applet

Session: 21
Remote Method Invocation
The java.rmi package
The Remote interface Assignment Lab:
Write an RMI server that returns a Result object to your RMI client application. He GUI client sends a roll
number to the server and the server looks up a database table for the students details (name, marks, rank
etc) and passes a Result object to the client encompassing all these info.

Session: 22
The UnicastRemoteObject and Naming classes
rmiregistry Assignment Lab:
Write an RMI server that returns a Result object to your RMI client application. He GUI client sends a roll
number to the server and the server looks up a database table for the students details (name, marks, rank
etc) and passes a Result object to the client encompassing all these info.

Session 23 & 24:
Introduction Of Design Patterns
Define Design Patterns
The Java Foundation Classes
Java Design Patterns
Creational Patterns
The Factory Pattern
The singleton Pattern
The builder Pattern Assignment Read:
Read consequences of these patterns from book Assignment
Suppose we are writing a program to assist homeowners in designing additions to their houses. What
objects might a Factory be used to produce?
If you are writing a program to track investments, such as stocks, bonds, metal futures, derivatives,
etc., How might you use singleton pattern?

Teaching Guidelines for J 2SE Core J ava DAC Aug 2011
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Session 25 and 26:
Structural Patterns
The Adapter pattern
The Bridge Pattern
The Composite Pattern
Assignment Read:
Read consequences of these patterns from book
Assignment Lab:
Write the code to define a Brightness object that represents the brightness function.

Session 27 & 28:
Behavioral Patterns
Chain Of Responsibility
The Command Pattern
The Interpreter Pattern Assignment
Read consequences of these patterns from book

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