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Trial of Agent of S.

Korean IS Held
Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- The P!K S"#re$e Co"rt %riday held a trial of Ki$ &ong
'(, agent of the #"##et Intelligen)e Ser*i)e (IS), +ho +a, "n$a,(ed and arre,ted +hile
infiltrating into Pyongyang to )o$$it ho,tile a)t, again,t the P!K after )ro,,ing the
-order illegally.
Pre,ent there +ere #eo#le of *ario", )ir)le, a, o-,er*er,.
%ir,t of all, the trial e.a$ined the )harge, of ,tate ,"-*er,ion, e,#ionage and anti-,tate
#ro#aganda and agitation and illegal entry into the -order -ro"ght again,t the a))",ed
Ki$, the )ri$e, +hi)h )o$e "nder Arti)le, /0, /0, /1 and 112 of the P!K Cri$inal 3a+
and #re,ented an indi)t$ent on )onfir$ing the a-o*e-,aid )ri$e,.
In the )o"r,e of e.a$ination, the a))",ed ad$itted to all hi, )ri$e,4 he )o$$itted anti-
P!K religio", a)t,, $alignantly h"rting the dignity of the ,"#re$e leader,hi# of the
P!K o*er,ea, and tried to infiltrate into Pyongyang after illegally tre,#a,,ing on the
-order for the #"r#o,e of ,etting "# "ndergro"nd )h"r)h and gathering infor$ation a-o"t
the internal affair, of the P!K +hile l"ring it, inha-itant, into ,o"th Korea and ,#ying on
the P!K.
Then the trial heard te,ti$onie, $ade -y +itne,,e,.
An e.#ert #rod")ed e*iden)e ,")h a, religio", -oo(,, $e$ory )ard,, ,e. C, and ,#ying
de*i)e, )arried -y the a))",ed for )ri$inal #"r#o,e,.
The #ro,e)"tor addre,,ed the )o"rt.
He ,aid that the a))",ed $",t fa)e a ,tern #"ni,h$ent he de,er*e,, a))ording to a P!K
la+, -e)a",e hi, )ri$e, +ere gra*e infringe$ent, "#on the ,e)"rity of the dignified
,o)iali,t ,y,te$ of the P!K and it, ,tate and the frontier order of the P!K, and
#ro#o,ed the )o"rt to #a,, a death ,enten)e on the a))",ed.
The defen,e )o"n,el ,aid that the )on,e5"en)e, of hi, )ri$e, are *ery ,erio",, -"t he
,in)erely re#ented of hi, )ri$e, and a#ologi6ed for the$ and re5"e,ted the )o"rt to
)o$$"te the death ,enten)e de$anded -y the #ro,e)"tor to other for$ of #"ni,h$ent,
ta(ing into )on,ideration the #o,,i-ility of hi$ $ore (eenly re#enting hi$,elf of hi,
ridi)"lo", and +rong deed,, ,eeing for hi$,elf the day +hen a #ro,#ero", thri*ing
,o)iali,t nation +ill a##ear and the fa)t that he hel#ed #hy,i)ally ailing inha-itant, fro$ the
north in the #a,t and he i, a $e$-er of the ,a$e nation.
A de)i,ion +a, read o"t at the trial.
Ki$ &ong '(, the a))",ed, +a, ,enten)ed to life hard la-or.
Hi, )ri$e, +ere a #rod")t of the )onfrontation +ith fello+ )o"ntry$en #"r,"ed -y the
#"##et gro"# of traitor, -a)(ed -y foreign for)e,, a )lear indi)ation that +hoe*er ,"##ort,
it i, -o"nd to go again,t the ardent de,ire of the Korean nation for #"tting an end to the
o"t,ide interferen)e and -"ilding a re"nified and #ro,#ero", )o"ntry in the idea of 7y
Korean nation it,elf and )ertainly fa)e a final 8"dg$ent -y hi,tory.

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