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Special Colum

Technology development
Rafi udin
How to be a good teacher
M. Taufan
Short story
Football lovers and
Raduga, Barkah & Saifullah
8 The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
General advisr
KH. Fikri Husain, MA
KH. Drs. Jafar Shodiq, MM
!dvisr f "EC
Mr.Rifqi Rahman
Mr. Muzain
Chief f Edi#r
M. !aufan
A%art&m&nt 'uildin# of ar(
Rahman !M)(Mal& )E* Al(
Ami&n )slami+ ,oardin#
S+hool Sum&n&%
Madura -./-0,
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
Al-Hamdulillah ' his m&r+i&s
and 'l&ssin#s 5& +an still &6ist in
+r&ati7it En#lish 5ith %u'lish th& third
&dition 8#&n&ration9 ,ull&tin, in s%it& it
has '&&n lon# tim& its not %u'lish on
tim& '&+aus& th&r& ar& man thin#
'&+om& o'sta+l&.
!h&r&for&, 5& 5ould tr to '&
mor& &6ist a#ain, ' r&formattin# th&
&ditors this 8#&n&ration9 'ull&tin in ord&r
&as&r to +ontrol. :& do ho%& '
r&formattin# 5ould '& '&tt&r than '&for&.
,&sid&s, 5& ho%& a su%%ort from
th& 5rit&rs &s%&+iall and from r&ad&rs
+ommonl a %rais& and su%%ort and
+riti+al, as r&%air&d &7aluation for th&
n&6t &dition. Ho%&full, this 'ull&tin
should '& us&ful for us and for th& lo7&d
r&ad&rs, ha7& a ni+& r&adin#;
The development of Technology
By ; Rafi udin*
In this era we are facing to the
bright of globalization era which have
many variations and changes of life
whether they are from transportation,
and technology information development.
So that we arrive to the enjoyment of life
every activities we do we arent be apart
from technology, technology always help
us how condition we are, even some
been using technology to saving
humans life.
ow important the role of
technology in our life now even it could
saved humans life, such as in foreign
countries that some hospitals foundation
helped a victim of cancer by using
technology !"icrochips# which the
technology be included to the victims
body, and finally the "icrochips destroy
the cancer. $rom the e%ample above we
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
might thin& that humans life cant be
apart from the id the technology and use
technology as life guarantee.
'nd also when I was reading a
tabloid of Info Komputer !(omputer
)ews# I found many new things about
the progress of technology whether new
computer structures, new games,
)oteboo& price, etc. even at that time I
found a new technology of Printer *a
thing that could print a picture, te%t, etc
from a document on computer screen*,
but in this tabloid I was finding a new
shape of printer.
The name is Urbee Car a cars
shape that can print a thing !+*
,imension# in the computer to the true
thing li&e the document, do you believe
it- (ertainly if that thing !.rbee car# used
by an army foundation, will they print
guns, bazoo&a, or maybe they want
ma&e bigger Urbee in order they can
ma&e a tan& is it danger or not-
Then for health side, will .rbee
able ma&e heart, liver, hands, feet, face
and etc- /ets hope it couldnt ma&e it,
why- 0ecause as we &new that we are
Islam society who have biggest creator
and the owner of the universe, who could
ma&e whatever he wanted and also as
human being commonly we cant be
apart from death although we can create
all the changer of our bodys tools we will
still die tomorrow, what 1od 'l*"ighty
Inna lillahi-
wa inna
$rom statement above we
already &new that all the things in this
world are lies, actually they will be
annihilated by 1od and the worlds
occupant will return too, so that way our
1od sent us to this world just for repair
our 3!"hla# because 1od 'l*"ighty sent
us perfectly than others, so why as
human being we have to see&
The answer of the 4uestion
above is only in our selves. ow we
compare and discriminate between our
lives with others 1ods creation and also
to show that Islam is the real religion
than others2
Innad-dinnu-llah huwa al-i$lamu
Those all are on our hand so that
why we have to see& &nowledge more-
0ecause as the members of Islam could
be the best from others, what wise word
%ee" "nowled&e althou&h in 'hina
'nd the last, in this technology
era we have to use the technology
usefully in order to ma&e others society
could fell li&e we got and can spread all
the 1ods doctrines. 0esides we can put
it as our savings in the ne%t dimension
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
and then for our descendent could be
taste it too5!mien.
*%tudent &rade twelfth of I$lami'
(du'ation 'entre
)rom %itubondo*
How to be a good
6eally not easily as teacher this
well, wondered and respected by
prot7g7. surrounding society and friend
one profession.
There are few things which need to be
done by a teacher to get admitting as
teacher that good and successful.
$irst, Try to perform at face
brazes with prima. 1ain control really
tutorial material that will give unto
student. If needs, while converses at
face a class not open note or grapple
boo& absolutely. (onverse that clear and
smooth so impressed at that student
heart we aptly &now all about problem of
material those are passed on.
0oth of, in force wise. 6ealize
that student that we teach, having
cleverness zoom that variably.
There is fast one understands, there is
that be, there is that slowing and there is
that so slowing even available one is
hard for comprehensibility.
Second if we have this
consciousness, therefore was may
simply we will have tall patient to &eep all
4uestions of our prot7g7. /oo& for tric&
simple to words on student that has to
increase low ability by samples modestly
which often be met deep life everyday
although maybe that e%ample rather
Third Try always fun at shows
face class. ,on8t ta&e in problems that
unpleasantly from home or of other place
goes to within class one time we start
and teaching.
$ourth 6estrain emotion. ,on8t be
easily anger at class and do not pettish
because student behaviour. 6emember
student that we teaches is adolescent
one still really unstable its emotion.
Student that we teaches to come from
region and culture who may variably one
by another one and in contrast to our
wont, evenless maybe education on the
house of its oldster really reducing
corresponds to procedure and our wont.
0eside oneself at class will ma&e
atmosphere as is not delicate, student
becomes strained. It will ascendant on
student rationality to accept study
material that we gives.
$ifth Try to answer each 4uestion
that proposed by student. ,oesnt angry
one student e%cessively as&. Try to
answer each 4uestion that proposed by
student with every consideration. If a
while there is 4uestion of student that
doesnt ready be answered, apply
honest. 9ept faith for gets to answer it
aright on temporary other chance we try
to loo& for that answer. ,on8t falt cheap
because it. 6emember as man we have
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
limitation. 0ut labours thing as it don8t
e%cessively happen. To avoid instance
as it, try for well*read and learned again.
,on8t boring in learning. ,on8t cover our
wea&ness by on the warpath if there is
child which as&s so ma&e child not brave
to as& again. If student haven8t braive to
as&, don8t bargain for education teaching
we will successful.
Si%th. aving abashment and has
cold feet. To become good teacher,
therefore a teacher has to have this
character. In this case that intended
abashment is shy to do misdoing, while
has cold feet is cowed of effect misdoing
which we do. 0y has both of its character
therefore each conduct who that we will
do will a lot easier we restrain and be
thought over if will continually be done or
Seventh get to accept this life as
which mar&s sense. 't this country a lot
of motto glamourize teacher profession
but in reality this country can8t yet want
ma&e prosperity life learns. :e shall
accept this fact, don8t compare
production of our effort with other people
production cler& of other institution. Try
for plain life and if still haven8t sufficed
tries to part*time loo& for other &osher
one, that don8t merigi&an others and not
adverse thyself. ,on8t daze others
gossip, remember proverb 3 dog howls
bajaj over.;
<ighth is not brazen. )ot arrogant
self before student doesn8t preen on, well
while teaching or even is at
environmentally other. ,on8t flout student
that do not clever at class and doesn8t
dishonour student !one that
notwithstanding false# at multitude face.
0ut call them the guilty student and tell
them carefully, are not spea&ing and
prevailing crude on student.
)inth apply fair, Try prevailing fair
deep give estimation to student. ,on8t
discriminate clever student and student
that insufficiently clever indigent and not
praises redundantly to clever student
before student which insufficiently clever.
0y= +>?
$ootball lovers and friendship
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
By+ effendi*
In the morning and good
weather a child has a high dream to be a
greatest football player, so that he effort
hardly to train almost every early
morning and every afternoon just for his
dream be the national football player in
order he can join to high level such as=
sea games or 'sian game . so that 3
I),@)<SI') (/.0 3 would be the
winner, thats his dreams. 'nd also he
has many friends for train together, his
friend always together if there is super
big match between 0arcelona AS real
"adrid they would watch together
because 0arcelona was loved by them.
<very day when they would go to
school, they never forgotten to carry a
ball at school, just football in their mind
then after they went home, they prepare
their sport clothes football. Then they
went to some friends house firstly after
arrived they were &noc&ing together.
; hey5brothers lets go to
training; andi said. They went together
while juggling until arrived in the field
while we are training first someone was
running to us.
3ey5bro two ne%t days there is
competition of football; 6oni said
3:owB 're you serious-; I
3This is Crovince level, who wants
to join this match and be the winner, he
will join to general election to be member
of 1aruda (lub, and first winner will get ?
million.; e added
3Second winner D.? "illion the
third winner will get E million; Fo&o added
3$rom where did you get this
news-; 'ndy 's&ed
3Gesterday, when I was gotten
the information from my father as the
council of our province; 6oni said
3@&B 0egin from now we have to
endeavor to train twice a wee& and we
must change again our
3Schedule in a wee& in order we
can plan our train and our study and
school, are you agree with my opinion- I
3@&B Sir; They screamed. They
agree at the time spirit on fire afterward
the competition was being started by
In a day when the time for our football
club will match with other district, our
friend Ical doesnt present. "y friend
'ndi told me that Ical was having
problems with his father because his
father forbids him to playing football, his
father as&ed Ical to be an
entrepreneurship so when Ical tell to his
father that he is joining to football
competition his father angry directly, 'ndi
told me.
:e feel worry to him !Ical#
because he doesnt coming here, If he
doesnt present who will be the stri&er
whereas he is our greatest stri&er so now
we hopeless at that time.
e is confusing but finally he has
an idea for escape from his home by the
window. 'nd lastly he could do it then he
said to himself. 'lhamdulillah, I could flee
from this place 3Ical said in his heart, and
then he goes to the competition when he
arrived the match was over there and his
friend came on time although just three
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
minutes late all supporter had supporting
to him.
'nd now all of my friends have more
spirit cause of supported by Ical finally
we could win and Ical was the best
player who had gotten > goals and he is
getting many congratulation from others
friend and he was so happy because the
club became first winner. :e &now that
he is the important one who had made
this happen.
3 than&s so much my friends,
without your supporting ,I would not
never get this chance and also I say
than& full caused you all believe in me so
you order me to be stri&er; Said Ical by
crying. 'nd apparently when Ical :as
playing football his father saw him and
he is regretting now and finally he could
allow Ical to be a football player.
3"y son youre the best &eep on
your playing; his father said.
3@h than&s very much ,adB 't
that time Ical and his friends overflow
their happiness, and Ical now can being
the member of Indonesian (lub .*EJ.
The ne%t year I have heard that Ical has
been being the best player, so that after I
informed those all to the all my friend in
village they fell happy and want to ma&e
some party and invite Ical to support to
the party, and because he had promised
that he never forget his friends in village.
The true friendship they are li&e a
younger brother and elder brother in a
family whenever and wherever always
together, sweat and bitter they tasted
together and from that connection it may
be we could call them as K S@./ "'T<
K and certainly without friendship we
would not so perfect. 's human being we
need communication each other, so lets
stronger our friendship bone. See you
ne%t time.
*%tudent &rade tenth of I$lami'
(du'ation Centre
)rom %o"obanah, %ampan&
By+ -ali bar"ah*
The leader of every leader
The guider of every guider
The human that tell us the truth
The best human that ever life in this
:ithout you Im lost
:ithout you Im bro&en
:ithout you Im nothing
:ithout you Im will be in the dar&ness
Clease lead me to the good ways
@nly you could do that
*%tudent &rade $e.enth of I$lami'
edu'ation Centre
)rom Palemban&
6eal friends
By; Radu&a*
$rom so many friends
@nly you that always accompany me
<very time I need
<very time Im happy
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin
<very time Im in sadness
@nly you that come to me
:hen the world avoid me
I will never forget you
(oz of you Im here
(oz of me you are there5..
*%tudent &rade $e.enth of I$lami'
edu'ation Centre
)rom Palemban&
"y hoping
By; %aifullah*
oney please comes bac& to me
I will always wait you
"y time is just for you
'nd come to me
(all me in your
@nly you can
wa&e me
In my beautiful
@nly youKre who
truly special in my heart
Im crying in the sadness
0ecause of you
I hope you
Im created just for you
'nd no one there
will be in my heart e%cept you
appy together
Sad together
$un together
(ry together
@nly with you
Goure li&e candle in the dar&ness
<very time you touch me
Im a hero for you
)othing to say, I just need you
*%tudent &rade tenth of I$lami'
(du'ation 'entre
)rom -apura, %umenep
The Eighth Edition of Generation Bulletin

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