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Implementing a Search Page:

-Open the Jdeveloper
-Create a New OA Workspace and Empty OA Project
Select File > New> General > Workspace Configured for Oracle pplications>ok
(any name s okay !or a workspace" s#ch as cr#d$jws%
A!ter yo# clck O!" yo# wll see the Oracle pplications Pro"ect Wi#ard
and &ve the name o! the project as shown 'elow(
Clck ne)t * ne)t
check the $se %epositor& for 'esign (ime check 'o) and provde connecton n!ormaton n Step
+ and select the connecton as connection)


Place the -.C !le n the drectory
nd select t as shown n the a'ove screen$( 1or Oracle E-.#sness S#te developers
#sn& a central2ed J-eveloper NetApp envronment" yo#r -.C !les are located n the
(/#sers/d'c0!les/sec#re/ drectory %
select yo#r project (myproject$jpr%n the Nav&ator and choose Pro"ect Settings !rom the
conte)t men#" or do#'le-clck on yo#r project$

OA-eveloper3ode and OA-a&nostc" and move them to the On Options 0ist as shown a'ove

Create 5o#r Pa&e6s 3odel Components(
12C34 Package for Client o/"ects 5O6s7 *++8
Select the m&pro"ect+"pr project n the Na9igator" r&ht-clck and select New
Components Package !rom the conte)t men#$
78! the Welcome pa&e appears n the .#sness Components Packa&e W2ard" select
7Enter apc:+oracle+apps+ak+emplo&ee+ser9er as the packa&e name$
79er!y that the rado '#tton ;ntit& O/"ects mapped to data/ase schema o/"ects
s selected$
7Select Ne:t$
7Select the Finish '#tton to create the packa&e
fter creating7 &ou must /e a/le to see:

Create the 2C34 Package for Ser9er O/"ects: 1 ;O6s7 ++8
- Select the m&pro"ect+"pr project n the Na9igator" r&ht-clck and select New 2usiness
Components Package !rom the conte)t men#$
- 8! the Welcome pa&e appears n the .#sness Components Packa&e W2ard" select
- Enter apc:+oracle+apps+ak+schema+ser9er as the packa&e name$
- 9er!y that the rado '#tton ;ntit& O/"ects mapped to data/ase schema o/"ects s
selected (yo# wll not 'e a'le to create yo#r entty o'ject n ths packa&e ! yo# !al to
do ths%$
- Select the Finish '#tton to create the packa&e
Create <our %oot $I pplication *odule 1*8: 1re!er to onon da&ram%
Select the
=yourname>+oracle+apps+ak+emplo&ee+ser9er1apc:+oracle+apps+ak+emplo&ee+ser9er8 .C4J
packa&e n the Na9igator" r&ht-clck and select New pplication *odule+++ !rom the conte)t
men# to open the Applcaton 3od#le (A3% w2ard$
- 8! the Welcome pa&e appears" select Ne:t$
- 8n the Name pa&e" spec!y *ain* as the A3 name and ver!y that the Package s
-Clck the Ne:t '#tton #ntl yo# &et to Step 4 o! 4$
- 8n the 4a9a pa&e" select the Generate 4a9a File1s8 check'o)$
- Select the Finish '#tton to create the A3$

.files are created /& the I'; on creation of * as shown 'elow:
i8 *ain*+:ml
ii8 *ain*Impl+"a9a1'eca#se o! selectn& the Generate 4a9a File1s8 check'o)8
;na/le Passi9ation for the %oot $I pplication *odule
Passvaton sho#ld 'e ena'led !or all root <8 applcaton mod#les$
Note that passvaton s not !#lly s#pported n release 11$:$1= prod#cton> ths s ncl#ded !or
prevew p#rposes$
- Select the *ain* applcaton mod#le n the Na9igator" r&ht-clck and select ;dit
*ain*+++ !rom the conte)t men#$
- 8n the pplication *odule Wi#ard" nav&ate to the Properties pa&e$
- 8n the Name !eld enter %;(;N(ION-0;5;0$
- 8n the 5alue !eld enter *NG;-S((;$
Warning: yo# m#st match the case and spelln& e)actly as shown$
- Select the dd '#tton$
- Select the ppl& '#tton$
- Select the O! '#tton to close the pplication *odule Wi#ard wndow

/out passi9ation:
@he process o! savn& applcaton state to a secondary med#m (n the case o! OA 1ramework"
data'ase ta'les% s called passvaton$
@he process o! savn& o'ject state to a secondary med#m$ @hs s smlar to Java 8BO seral2aton" '#t
passvaton s a more &enerc concept$ Seral2aton s one way to save data$
Consder a m#lt-pa&e p#rchase order creaton !low where the #ser descr'es the order n the !rst
pa&e" enters one or more lne tems n the second pa&e" and revews the order 'e!ore s#'mttn& t n
the thrd pa&e$ @he p#rchase order data (ts state% m#st reman ntact 'etween each o! the 'rowser
reC#ests !or the transacton to 'e completed s#ccess!#lly$
NO@E(--*Set the Aetenton Devel !or root applcaton mod#les only$ -o not set t !or nested
applcaton mod#les as ther passvaton 'ehavor s determned 'y the root applcaton mod#le6s
con!&#raton$ 1or e)ample" do not set ths property !or applcaton mod#les assocated wth DO9s
and attachment pa&es as these applcaton mod#les are nested #nder the man pa&e6s root applcaton
mod#le$ Eowever" 'eca#se they are passvated wth the root applcaton mod#le" nested applcaton
mod#les m#st o'serve all the state mana&ement codn& standards$
Set each root applcaton mod#le6s Aetenton Devel to 3ANAFE0S@A@E$
Aeason why---* @hs allows OA 1ramework to recover connectons and memory #nder reso#rce load"
s#pport sesson !alover" and other pendn& !eat#res s#ch as Save 1or Dater and J93 !alover

Creation of ;ntit& o/"ect1;O8 : 1re!er to onon da&ram%
Create an entty o'ject (EO% !or the FW!-(2>-;*P0O<;;S ta'le n the OA 1ramework
@ool.o) @#toral schema$
- Select the apc:+oracle+apps+ak+schema+ser9er .C4J packa&e n the Na9igator"
r&ht-clck and select New ;ntit& O/"ect+++ !rom the conte)t men# to open the Entty
O'ject w2ard$
- 8! the Welcome pa&e appears" select Ne:t$
- 8n the Name pa&e(
Enter ;mplo&ee;O n the Name !eld$
9er!y that the Packa&e s apc:+oracle+apps+ak+schema+ser9er$
8n the Schema O/"ect !eld" enter FW!-(2>-;*P0O<;;S$ 5o# m#st type ths
name correctly$ Otherwse" yo# can check the S&non&ms check 'o) (so 'oth
(a/les and S&non&ms are checked% and choose the correct name !rom a very
lon& lst$
- Select the Ne:t '#tton twce to nav&ate to the ttri/ute Settings pa&e (note that all the ta'le6s
col#mns are a#tomatcally ncl#ded as attr'#tes" whch comples wth the OA
1ramework 3odel Codn& Standards !or Entty O'jects$
- 9er!y that the ;mplo&eeId attr'#te6s Primar& !e& check 'o) s selected$ -o not
chan&e any other de!a#lt settn&s$
- Select the Ne:t '#tton$
- 8n the 4a9a pa&e" select the Generate 4a9a File check 'o) !or the ;ntit& O/"ect Class:
;mplo&ee;OImpl (yo# wll add '#sness lo&c to ths Java !le n a later e)ercse%$
-8n the Generate *ethods re&on" check the ccessors7 Create *ethod7 5alidation
*ethod and %emo9e *ethod check 'o)es$
-Select the Ne:t '#tton$
-8n the Generate pa&e" deselect the Generate 'efault 5iew O/"ect check 'o) (or" ver!y
that t s not selected%$
-Select the Finish '#tton to create yo#r EO #nder apc:+oracle+apps+ak+schema+ser9er
;O :
Entty O'ject(EO% s nothn& '#t the replca o! a data'ase ta'le$
Each ta'le sho#ld have one and only one ;ntit& O/"ect$ @here can 'e any n#m'er o! 9ew O'jects
'ased on an Entty O'ject$
Create an 5iew O/"ect 15O8:

- Select the apc:+oracle+apps+ak+emplo&ee+ser9er .C4J packa&e n the Na9igator7
r&ht-clck and select New 5iew O/"ect+++ !rom the conte)t men# to open the 9ew O'ject
- 8! the Welcome pa&e appears" select Ne:t$
- 8n the Name pa&e" spec!y ;mplo&eeSummar&5O as the vew o'ject6s name and ver!y
that the Package s apc:+oracle+apps+ak+emplo&ee+ser9er$
- Select the Ne:t '#tton$
-78n the ;ntit& O/"ects pa&e" select the ;mplo&ee;O n the 9aila/le lst and sh#ttle t to
the Selected lst
I7Select the Ne:t '#tton
I7Select the ;:pert *ode check'o)$ @hs allows yo# to edt the &enerated C#ery$
I7When yo# are !nshed wth yo#r edtn&" select the (est '#tton to ens#re yo#r synta) s
I7Select the Ne:t '#tton" a&an Ne:t '#tton
I78n the 4a9a pa&e" deselect the Generate 4a9a File !or 5iew O/"ect Class:
;mplo&eeSummar&5OImpl (yo# don6t need to add any code to ths vew o'ject%$ Do
select the Generate 4a9a File !or 5iew %ow Class: ;mplo&eeSummar&5O%owImpl to
comply wth OA 1ramework codn& standards$
ISelect the Finish '#tton to create yo#r 9O
dd <our 5iew O/"ect to the %oot $I pplication *odule:
9ew o'jects can 'e #sed only wthn the conte)t o! a contann& applcaton mod#le$ .e!ore yo#
can #se the ;mplo&eeSummar&5O n yo#r pa&e" yo# m#st add t to the pa&e6s root <8
Applcaton 3od#le$
I7Select the *ain* n the Na9igator pane" r&ht-clck and select ;dit *ain*+++
!rom the conte)t men# to open the pplication *odule w2ard$
I7Nav&ate to the 'ata *odel pa&e$
ISelect the ;mplo&eeSummar&5O vew o'ject n the 9aila/le 5iew O/"ects lst and
sh#ttle t to the 'ata *odel lst$
ISelect the O! '#tton to !nsh addn& yo#r 9O to yo#r root A3$

?uick %e9iew which we ha9e completed till now:
1% Creaton o! workspace
+% Creaton o! project
,% Project settn&s" data'ase connectonJetc
4% .C4J packa&e !or clent sde o'jects
:% .C4J packa&e !or server sde o'jects
;% Creaton o! A3 #nder .C4J packa&e !or clent sde
?% Creaton o! EO #nder .C4J packa&e !or server sde
G% Creaton o! 9O 'ased on EO #nder .C4J packa&e !or clent sde
H% Addn& the 9O to A3 ( re!er to onon da&ram to have a clear c#t%
Creaton o! 8ntal Pa&e(;mpSearchPG Page%

-Create a new <8 pa&e n the apc:+oracle+apps+ak+emplo&ee+we/ui packa&e
ISelect the m&pro"ect+"pr project n the Nav&ator" r&ht-clck and select KNew+++K !rom
the conte)t men#$
I8n the New wndow" e)pand the We/ (ier herarchy and select O Components$
I7Select Page n the OA Components Items lst$
I7Select the O! '#tton to contn#e$
I78n the New Pa&e dalo&" enter ;mplo&eeSearchPG n the Name !eld and
apc:+oracle+apps+ak+emplo&ee+we/ui n the Package !eld$
- 8n the nav&ator" yo# wll 'e a'le to see the pa&e ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml "
- n the str#ct#re pane L region)7 on clckn& the re&on1" a property nspector wndow
opens shown& all the propertes o! region) as shown 'elow$

(We create Ae&on wthn the Pa&e$
a$ Ae&on s what wll store yo#r !elds$ @e)t np#t !elds wll 'e o! type messa&e@e)t8np#t$ @hnk
o! Canvas n -+MNto an e)tentO$
'$ 5o# can have nested re&ons$ Stacked Canvas n -+M comes the closest to ths component o!
OA 1ramework$%
*odif& the region):
- Select yo#r ;mpSearchPG n the Structure pane and select the region) that J-eveloper
created !or yo#$
- set the !ollown& propertes as n property nspector(

8- Pa&eDayo#tAN
AEF8ON S@5DE pa&eDayo#t
A3 -e!nton apc)$oracle$apps$ak$employee$server$3anA3
Wndow @tle APC( Employees
@tle Search Employees
A#to1ooter @r#e

dd a Product 2randing Image:
Each Oracle Applcatons pa&e reC#res a prod#ct 'randn& ma&e$
- Select yo#r Page0a&out%N n the Structure pane" r&ht-clck and select New +++
product2randing !rom the conte)t men#$
- J-eveloper creates a page0a&outComponents !older contann& a product2randing
ma&e tem (named item)%$ Select ths tem and set the !ollown& propertes(
8- Prod.rand
8ma&e <A8 1N-@APP.AAN-$&!
Addtonal @e)t OA 1ramework @#toral
Create the Page Instruction (e:t : (ths step s not mandatory%
- Select the Page0a&out%N n the Structure pane" r&ht-clck select New > pageStatus !rom the
conte)t men# (any nstr#cton te)t or other content added to the pa&eStat#s wll
render n parallel wth any pa&e-level acton or nav&aton '#ttons that yo# add%$
- J-eveloper a#tomatcally creates a flow0a&out re&on !or yo# 'eneath the pageStatus
component$ Select ths re&on and set ts 8- to PageStatus%N$
- Select PageStatus%N" r&ht-clck and select New > Item$ Set ths tem6s propertes as
8- Pa&eEelp

8tem Style statcStyled@e)t
-ata @ype 9AACEAA+
CSS Class Ora8nstr#cton@e)t
3essa&e Appl Short Name AM
3essa&e Name 1WM0@.P0@0PAFE0FENEAAD
-We can mod!y(or create new messa&e% the te)t n messa&e
1WM0@.P0@0PAFE0FENEAAD #sn& Applcaton -eveloper -* 3essa&es
(est <our Work
- Select yo#r pa&e ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml n the Na9igator wndow" r&ht-clck and
choose %e/uild ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml (Ae'#ld mples the comple o! yo#r pa&e"shows
warnn&s and complaton errors ! avala'le%
- Select yo#r pa&e ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml n the Na9igator wndow" r&ht-clck and
choose %un ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml $
- Pa&e loads n a 'rowser a#tomatcally and sho#ld appear as 'elow

dding a %esults@2ased Search to &our Page:
i8 dd a ?uer& 2ean to <our Page
Add the C#ery 'ean re&on to yo#r pa&e
- Select the Page0a&out%N n the Structure pane" r&ht-clck and select New > %egion
!rom the conte)t men#$
-Select the new re&on (region)%" and set ts propertes as !ollows(
8- Q#eryAN
Ae&on Style C#ery
Constr#cton 3ode res#lts.asedSearch
8ncl#de Smple Panel @r#e
8ncl#de 9ews Panel @r#e
8ncl#de Advanced Panel @r#e

ii8 dd a %esults 'ata (a/le to <our ?uer&%N
@ Select the ?uer&%N n the Structure pane" r&ht-clck and select New > %egion $sing
Wi#ard !rom the conte)t men#$
- 8! the Welcome pa&e appears" select Ne:t$
- 8n the 2C34 O/"ects pa&e" select yo#r *ain*
(apc:+oracle+apps+ak+emplo&ee+ser9er+*ain*%" and then select yo#r
;mplo&eeSummar&5O) vew o'ject nstance !rom the 9aila/le 5iew O/"ects lst$
'O NO( select the $se this as pplication *odule 'efinition for this region check'o)$
- Select the Ne:t '#tton$
- 8n the %egion Properties pa&e" set the %egion I' !eld val#e to %esults(a/le and set the %egion
St&le to ta/le$

- Select the Ne:t '#tton$
- 8n the 5iew ttri/utes pa&e" select the !ollown& attr'#tes !rom the 9aila/le 5iew
ttri/utes lst and sh#ttle them to the Selected 5iew ttri/utes lst(
- Employee8d
- 1#llName
- EmalAddress
- Start-ate
- Select the Ne:t '#tton$
- 8n the %egion Items pa&e" set the property St&le as messageSt&led(e:t !or all the !elds and
leave ttri/ute Set propertes 'lank as o! now$

iii8 Set <our %esults(a/le %egion Properties
- Select the %esults(a/le re&on n the Str#ct#re pane" and setBver!y the !ollown&
8- Aes#lts@a'le
Ae&on Style ta'le
A3 -e!nton Make sure that you have not associated an
application module here
Addtonal @e)t Employees @a'le
Aendered @r#e
Aecords -splayed 1=
Wdth 1==R
<ser Personal2aton @r#e
i98 Set or 5erif& Item Properties
- 1or the ;mpId tem(
- Set the Search Allowed property to (rue to ena'le sortn& on ths ta'le col#mn$
- Set the Sort Allowed property to ascending
- Set the 8ntal Sort SeC#ence property to first$
- Set the Selectve Search Crtera property to (rue+
- Set the <ser Personal2aton property to (rue (needed so the #ser can save
a Personal2ed 9ew%$
- 1or the FullName tem
- Set the Search Allowed property to (rue$
- Set the Selectve Search Crtera property to (rue$
- Set the <ser Personal2aton property to (rue
-1or the" ;mailddress tem
- Set the Search Allowed property to (rue$
- Set the <ser Personal2aton property to (rue

-1or the" Start'ate tem
- Set the Search Allowed property to (rue$
- Set the <ser Personal2aton property to (rue
(est <our Work
- Select yo#r pa&e ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml n the Na9igator wndow" r&ht-clck and
choose %e/uild ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml (Ae'#ld mples the comple o! yo#r pa&e"shows
warnn&s and complaton errors ! avala'le%
- Select yo#r pa&e ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml n the Na9igator wndow" r&ht-clck and
choose %un ;mplo&eeSearchPG+:ml $
- Pa&e loads n a 'rowser a#tomatcally and sho#ld appear as 'elow

1. In D2K-forms we sort of created a Window, attached to Canvas, and then fields within that
However in OA Framewor, thin of !a"e #ein" fm$%Window, thin of &e"ion #ein" a Canvas,
and fields #ein" within &e"ions.
This is not a formal/accurate understanding of analogy between D2k and Framework, but
is close to being logical.
2. In D2, 'o(r Forms fm# file was com)iled to fm$. It was fm$ file that was de)lo'ed on mid-tier.
In case of OAF, 'o(r OA !a"e is nothin" #(t a *+, file. We call this +D- .meta data/.
Whatever name 'o( "ive to 0!a"e0 in OAF, an *+, file of the same name "ets created. 1his $ml
file m(st then #e loaded into data#ase #' (sin" *+,Im)orter command.
2. A)art from +D- *+, file, almost ever'thin" else is merel' de)lo'ed to 'o(r mid-tier. 3s(all'
this is (nderneath 45A6A71O!%oracle%a))s%..%..
All 'o(r 8ava files will "o (nderneath 8ava to)%oracle%a))s%..%.. etc.
9. When #(ildin" 'o(r t(torial, i"nore the ste)s for settin" 0Attri#(te -ets0. 1hese are not
mandator'. Oracle mi"ht 8(st have develo)ed their t(torials witho(t incl(din" these. 1hin of
these lie 6is(al Attri#(tes of D2K forms .to an e$tent/

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