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According to paragraph 1 and 2, what things can

one assume about how painting in the 1800s was
affected by photography?
a) The lens in which the real world was viewed was
not greatly shifted by photography
b) The still shots created by the camera obscura
were more valued than those of the daguerreotype
by painters of the time
c) Photography had an especially strong effect on
certain painters that focused more on natural and
real world art
d) Photography was used in inspiring manner by

2. The word facet in the passage is closest in
meaning to
a) Respect
b) Factor
c) Composition
d) Purview
3. The word saturated in the passage is closest in
meaning to
a) fell
b) merged
c) wet
d) formed

4. According to paragraph 3, which of the
following is true about the daguerreotype and
a) Both were helpful to artists in a similar degree.
b) Daguerreotype could be duplicated.
c) Calotype could be made with numerous positive
d) Both required chemically induced paper as a

5. The word obsolete in the passage is closest in
meaning to
a) Deserted
b) Outdated
c) Dispersed
d) Cardinal

Photography development

1 The introduction of photography to the world in
the 1800s had a dramatic effect on the artistic scene
particularly in the realm of painting. A special facet of
the painting community that focused on natural or
other realistic elements was the most affected by
changes due to this technology. The painters took
photography and considered it either as both a tool
and learning aid.

2 There were other forms of projecting images
onto flat surfaces before the advent of major
photography as seen in the camera obscura made
famous by an Italian painter named Giovanni
Canaletto. This invention projected images onto glass
or paper sheets from a small hole in a box or through
a lens. These devices were already widely known and
celebrated as the views of famous cities were made
through this method. However, the images could not
stay on its projections. It is not until Louis Daguerre
created his daguerreotype in the late 1830s that it
allowed images to be fixed onto metal sheets

3 In the early 1840s an inventor by the name of
William Henry Talbot invented a new method named
the calotype. This was what all future photography
is based on as it made use of the very first negative-
to-positive method. This new process used paper that
had been saturated in chemicals where areas that had
been exposed to light darkened which made a
negative image. Many positive images could be
printed on a different piece of chemically induced
paper with the use of this negative sheet. The results
of the two forms of photography had vast differences
with the calotype being generally softer looking with
less hard edges and could be copied, while the
daguerreotype was very detailed and reproduced only
the image right in front of the camera and could not
be copied.

6. Which of the following is true according to the
paragraph 5?
a) The advent of photography brought about the
lowering in cost of paintings due to natural economic
b) In contrast to paintings, photography was
reachable even to ordinary and less prosperous
c) Photography had an effect on every style of
painting at the time
d) The calotype was not as favored as the
daguerreotype was

7. Which of the sentences below best express the
essential information in the highlighted sentence in the
passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in
important ways or leave out essential information.
a) Paintings and other art of the time did not find itself
substituted by photography as the general populace
believed it appeared less desirable.
b) Because of the fact that productions of
photography could be mass produced at a low cost,
the public did not consider it an art
c) The low cost of photography produced images
allowed for the poorer populace that could not afford
real art to buy images.
d) Photography quickly took over the position of real
art as production required a very low cost allowing it
to spread around in a short amount of time

8. The word set out in the passage is closest in
meaning to
a) rule out
b) start
c) become
d) improve

4 With photography, a direct representative of
nature could be made with almost no interference
from the medium. This concept of purity was one of
the main attributes that fascinated the earliest artists
of photography. In effect, photography allowed
for a closer look at the natural world which
fascinated artists. However, as it could also rend
artists jobs obsolete, they were also fearful of the

5 Portraiture fell victim to this new technological
advancement because only the wealthy used to able
to afford higher artists to paint self-portraits, but with
photography personal photographs became afforded
by all. The daguerreotype replaced the hand painted
portraits and now common people were able to own
portraits using photography. Although many believed
photography would replace fine art, the overall
impact proved to be much more complicated. Due to
photographys copious nature, that is, numerous
copies of photographs could be cheaply produced;
society did not consider it a fine art. In fact, many
artists that relied on photography for their art were
even hesitant to say so, fearing that their professional
image may be tarnished.

9. The word they in the paragraph 6 is closest in
meaning to
a) animals and humans
b) images
c) pictures
d) photography

10. Why does the author mention Edgar Degas in
paragraph 6?
a) To show he adopted new method in his art.
b) To show he showed animals and humans pictures
are differently displayed.
c) To show animals and humans are usually unaware
of being picture-taken.
d) To show he is the one of the best known artists in
11. According to paragraph 6, which of the following
is a benefit that painters were able to gain from
a) Photography induced artists to take upon new-
technology subjects in their work
b) Photography resulted in painters gaining esteemed
reviews for using photographic images as models
c) Photography brought about new and improved
methods to allow quicker paintings
d) Photography instilled into the minds of painters
new forms of creating images in their work

12. In paragraph 6, what can be assumed that an
effect that photography had on painting?
a) Photography gave understanding to the painters
on realistic movements of animals and humans
b) Photography gave the more prosperous populaces
incentives to enjoy portrait paintings more than
c) Photography gave painters an incentive to find
methods for quicker painting speeds
d) Photography gave proof that art focusing on the
movement of a creature could be just as alluring as
typical portrait art

6 Photography engaged with science as a series of
photography took place under photographers Edward
Muybridge and Etienne Jules Marey. These
experiments set out to prove that the movements of
animals and humans were very different from the way
they were originally displayed in art. Evidence for this
could be seen in candid photography which took
pictures of subjects when they were unaware of being
taken by photography. Artists were forced to
acknowledge this evidence and changed their art
accordingly. Also cropping (cutting) of images
became available allowing for new kinds of
compositions. Soon, artists such as the French painter
Edgar Degas started to play with the results of this
candid photography in their art pieces. As a result the
artistic world was forced to adapt to technological
achievements in photography such as new materials
that allowed for quicker reproduction of images

13. Find the four squares [] that point out areas
where the given sentence can be included into the
Talbot who was one of the artists created a book
based on this concept called, The Pencil of Nature.

14. Directions: A leading statement for a short
summary of the reading is show below. Among the
answer choices given, finish the summary by choosing
THREE of them that will cover the main parts of the
reading. The rest of the answer choices are not meant
to be part of the summary as they are either not in, or
have very little importance within the reading. This
question is worth 2 points.

The invention of photography had a significant impact
on the art of painting in the nineteenth century.

Answer Choices

a) After the introduction of photography, painters
avoided doing works on realistic and natural
elements as they would have to directly contest
b) Both Daguerre and Talbot created photography
systems that allowed for lasting pictures however
Talbots method was also able to make reproductions
c) Although photography enjoyed success as it was
able to provide images to a large population at an
extremely low cost, this in turn resulted in
photography being viewed as lower compared to
real art.
d) A phase before the advent of photography was
Canalettos camera obscura that could project images
over glass or paper plates
e) Photography became known as both art and
science in thanks to Eadweard Muybridge and
Etienne-Jules Marey.
f) Photography ultimately could not success the
conservative visual arts although it did get rid of
portraiture paintings, helped painters better paint
movement of animals and humans, and affect the
style of pictures

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