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NCPTT Notes Issue 46

The Newsletter of the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training

NCPTT Notes Summer 2006/Issue 46 •

U.S. Department
of the Interior

as preservation professionals across
the country. Since then, NCPTT’s
National Cemetery Preservation
Initiative has partnered with or-

ganizations across the country to
develop training and technologies
to save historic cemeteries.
The work in American Cem-
etery allowed conservators like
former NCPTT staff member
ElizaBeth Guin the opportunity
NCPTT to field test new ideas and basic
techniques. The outcome of this
Training Initiative work began as local lectures and
Brings National spawned into testing new hands-on
training methods. NCPTT contin-
Attention to ues its work in cemetery conserva-
Conservation of tion by planning and implementing
Historic workshops, lectures, and research
Monuments CMC Workshop
In 2003, NCPTT developed
the Southern Regional Cemetery
Monument Conservation Work-
shop that focused solely on the
Shelley Sass, Cemetery Monument Conservation workshop instructor, demonstrates proper filling
and patching methods. The Southwest regional CMC workshop will be held Sept. 26-28. conservation of cemetery monu-
ments. The event drew more than
60 participants from around the

n September 26-28, country to the American Cemetery.
NCPTT will hold its South- The hands-on workshop included a
west Regional Cemetery seminar portion that featured lec-
Monument Conservation Work- tures by experienced conservators
shop in Virginia City, Nev. The about cemetery care.
Catholic Section of the Silver Ter- The workshop began with the
race Cemetery will be the site for fundamental skills of condition as-
this intensive hands-on experience sessments, documentation, monu-
that will feature the conservation ment setting, cleaning, lifting, and
of wooden grave markers. Partners Oklahoma Cemetery Basics participant Sherry safety. Participants worked through
Heim cleans biogrowth from a gravemarker.
in this effort include the National the more complex issues of stone
Park Service Pacific West Regional cemetery enthusiasts. In summer consolidation, adhesive and rein-
Office and the Comstock Cemetery of 2001, NCPTT led an effort to forced repairs. All of these skills
Foundation. document and conserve gravemark- were complimented by lectures on
The Southwest workshop is ers in Louisiana’s American Cem- the deterioration methods of mate-
the fourth CMC training event in etery, which is believed to be the rials commonly found in cemeteries
as many years, owing to sustained oldest cemetery in the Louisiana and the various ways to stabilize
demand from groups ranging Purchase. The project sparked the those materials.
from professional conservators to interest of the local public as well Continued on page 6

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

tion Agency to conceptualize the use of

bacteria as a possible means to extract
mercury from these artifacts without
damaging them. Due to the presence of
mercury, for example, and the risk of
dermal or inhalation exposure, some
of these artifacts could not be put back
into cultural use.
Roane is working with bacteria
already living on the artifacts that will
allow her to change mercury into a
gaseous form that can then be disposed
of properly. This builds on her past
research that uses naturally occurring
bacteria for environmental cleanup.
“With funding from the NCPTT,
we’ve been able to isolate mercury-
resistant bacteria capable of removing
mercury from contaminated media,”
she said. “We are very excited by the
prospect of being able to remove mer-
Timberley Roane, associate professor of biology at the University of Colorado at Dev- cury from treated museum materials,
er, collects bacteria from one of the artifacts provided by the Arizona State Museum.
in hopes of mitigating the toxicity of
these materials for not only repatriation

All-natural cleanser
to tribal members but for anyone who
comes in contact with them.”
Traditional methods of removing
toxic metals include chemicals, ultravi-
Researcher Uses Bacteria to Safely Clean Toxic Metals olet light and heat. These methods can
from Native American Artifacts damage materials, which led to Roane’s
desire to research less invasive methods

ecades of antiquated preserva- to clean collections.
Download tion methods have led to the “You have to treat them gently and
This Research contamination of American with respect, especially since some of
@ Indian artifacts with toxic metals, these materials are considered living by
  potentially damaging the artifacts while their native peoples,” she said. “New
posing danger to the conservators work- methods like those proposed by the
ing with them. grant procedures offer new hope.”
With a grant from NCPTT, Tim- Roane was granted access to Native
berley Roane, associate professor of American collections at the Arizona
biology at the University of Colorado at State Museum for her research. Dozens
Denver and Health Sciences Center, has of samples have been taken and docu-
been researching a means to resolve an mented. After the bacteria are grown in
environmental quandary involving toxic the lab they are screened for their abil-
substances and artifacts such as kachina ity to turn mercury into a gaseous form.
dolls, pipes, pottery, blankets, mounted Those bacteria are then tested further.
animals and ceremonial masks. While much is not known about
“Historically, artifacts might have contamination levels in native artifacts,
been treated with a variety of differ- Roane’s research represents a promis-
ent pesticides to preserve the objects ing step toward dealing with the con-
from insects and microbial damage,” tamination from the past while preserv-
Roane said. “Two of the most prevalent ing these significant cultural artifacts
pesticides that we’re most concerned for the future.
with now are mercury and arsenic, as “The start to this project shows a
the toxicity of these metals to biological lot of potential,” she said. “We plan to
systems is under review.” continue our efforts in using bacteria to
Roane, a Lumbee tribe member, remove mercury from collections and
collaborated with a Navajo friend who hope to eventually develop an effective
works with the Environmental Protec- mitigation technology.”

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

which can then be used to request reels

through interlibrary loan,” Reed said.
“For the library, archives, museum and
Park Service communities, this proj-
ect exemplifies how a bold, energetic
public-private partnership can create a
product that utilizes expertise, scholar-
ship and resources that otherwise may
not have operated together.”
The project began when a group of
interested individuals from NAOP and
the Olmsted National Historic Site saw
the potential to dovetail the ongoing
conservation and cataloging work be-
ing done at the NHS with scholarship
being produced by the Papers of Fred-
erick Law Olmsted editorial project
out of American University. With over
The Olmsted Research Guide Online allows portal access of records from the National As- 138,000 plans and drawings maintained
sociation for Olmsted Parks (NAOP) and the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site.
at the NHS, and a significant collection
of records in Washington D.C. donated
by the Olmsted firm to the Library of
landscapes online Congress, research had always neces-
sitated travel to the two locations.
Each organization brought comple-
Online Searchable Database Provides Unprecedented Access to mentary resources and experience to
Records of Renowned Landscape Architect the project. NAOP offered extensive
strategic, intellectual and administra-

Download esponding to growing demand tive expertise, while the National Park
for easy access to the records of Service provided a database structure,
This Research legendary landscape architect a management framework for the proj-
@ Frederick Law Olmsted, the National ect and general oversight of the data
  Association for Olmsted Parks (NAOP) itself. According to Reed, NCPTT was
and the Frederick Law Olmsted Na- the logical partner given the project’s
tional Historic Site (NHS) have created electronic resource sharing potential.
a database that provides simultaneous “Using electronic means to access
search capability of Olmsted-related and preserve historic materials seemed
project records held at the Olmsted perfectly on point for the aims of
NHS and the Library of Congress. NCPTT projects,” he said. “By giving
The Olmsted Research Guide Online more access to researchers, materials
(ORGO, are used more heavily and advocate for
was funded by a grant from NCPTT the preservation of Olmstedian land-
and more recent private donations. scapes. By giving more detailed access
According to Anthony Reed, an about the documents, better decisions
archivist at the Olmsted NHS in Brook- can be made earlier in the research
line, Mass., portal access of these re- process, requiring less handling of frag-
cords is a major step forward for the ile materials.”
wide range of individuals who research Data collection and entry continue
Olmsted’s work and the work of his on handwritten inventories of plans
sons and successors. and smaller Olmsted collections. Other
“For the community of landscape text-based collections held at Olmsted
historians, the opportunity to get infor- NHS that are anticipated for entry
mation about so large and significant include the firm’s planting lists, plans
a body of work as the Olmsteds’ is inventory cards and the collection of
significant, saving on research trips by correspondence (mostly post-dating
providing specific microfilm reel and 1950) that remained in Brookline after
frame information from the Library of the firm’s donation to the Library of
Congress correspondence collections, Congress.

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

descriptive surveyor comments of

the historic Choctaw and Chickasaw
The MSU research team, which
included graduate student Paul Lan-
ning of Memphis, Tenn., used informa-
tion provided by Mississippi’s secre-
tary of state’s office.
Team members examined copies
of documents that have been trans-
ferred to compact discs. Some have
been transcribed into type, while
others are in the spidery, very formal
handwriting of the period.
In addition to establishing sec-
tion lines throughout their assigned
districts, the early surveyors recorded
related information in leather-bound
journals, including the location of
“witness” trees—semi-permanent
Graduate student Paul Lanning and Professor Wayne Wilkerson display a map that is landmarks that could help verify a
being made accessible on the Mississippi State University website. boundary line.
Comparing the project to a “trea-

treasure hunt
sure hunt,” Wilkerson said the research
reveals much about the land and the
experiences of the surveyors.
“You get a sense of what they really
MSU Researchers Use General Land Office Records to Enhance were going through when they write
Identification of Cultural Landscapes in Northern Mississippi ‘six miles of heavy forests,’ or ‘bog,’” he
said. “For his 1821 notes on the Choc-

n the years immediately following taw Purchase “west of Pearl River,”
Mississippi’s 1817 statehood, the surveyor Gideon Fitz detailed the exact
federal government dispatched sur- locations of persimmon, chestnut and
veyors to provide detailed maps of what beech trees on a particular section.
formerly had been Native American ‘good bottom land’ and ‘poor pine’
territories. Under the direction of Mis- were among descriptive phrases he
sissippi State University landscape ar- used.”
chitecture assistant professors G. Wayne The MSU researchers are mapping
Wilkerson and Robert F. Brzuszek, the historic markers using geographic
those official records are being col- information systems software. With
lected into a digital database. that information, they then can de-
“We are converting thousands of velop easily understood illustrations
records that we will make accessible on of what Mississippi’s vegetative cover
the World Wide Web,” Wilkerson said. might have looked like at the time of
“As the first published research on one statehood.
of Mississippi’s earliest vegetation and As his research team continues to
Records of identified townships cultural surveys, it will be a valuable move historical data to the Web, Wilk-
in Mississippi were digitized and tool for archeologists, natural resource erson says he is seeing potential ben-
included on the website. managers and historians.” efits beyond the preservation field.
Brzuszek said most of Mississippi’s “We are excited about the research
land plat records were created 1832-40 potential found in this rich primary
by surveyors hired by the then-General data set, not only for landscape archi-
Land Office, now the Bureau of Land tects but also for planners, archeolo-
Management. gists, and forest managers,” Wilkerson
“The records were produced as said. “NCPTT’s support was vital to
part of the original land survey of this important research. We hope that
new states and territories in the early this effort can be expanded to the re-
19th century,” he said. “They include mainder of Mississippi.

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

historic no-wax floors?

NCPTT Partners with GSA to Study Alternative Treatments for Terrazzo Flooring
showing serious signs of wear and the
question of alternative treatments has
come up once again.”
Vitrification is an alternative meth-
od using a chemical buffing technique
to change the character of the top
microlayer to make it harder, stronger,
and more resistant to water damage.
However, there have been questions
about the suitability of this kind of
treatment for historic terrazzo flooring.
Schmidt says they are interested in this
method, but has three main concerns
regarding vitrification as a treatment
for historic terrazzo.
“The first area of concern is
whether the vitrification treatment
is truly reversible or not,” she said.
“Good conservation practices require
NCPTT Researcher Eric Broaddus uses a glossmeter to measure the surface shine of a reversibility so that any needed future
terrazzo sample that has been vitrified. treatments might be applied without
complication. Another concern is that

o, we’re not talking about vitrification may affect the ability of
ancient linoleum. But even for moisture to move through the terrazzo.
historic masonry flooring, it The final concern is that the mirror-like
turns out that there are some interest- appearance of vitrified terrazzo might
ing alternatives to the usual waxing and not be appropriate for a historic floor.”
stripping cycles commonly used today. NCPTT and GSA designed and
Government buildings from the implemented a comparative study to
early 1900’s are already becoming rec- objectively determine the actual impact
ognized for their historic importance. of these issues. The research compared
These buildings often have unique as- terrazzo patterned after flooring in the
Learn More pects of construction requiring special Milwaukee Federal Building but with
at the Association means of preservation. Recognizing three different treatments: raw (sealed),
the extensive usage of terrazzo floor- waxed, and vitrified. The study exam-
for Preservation
ing in buildings of this time period, the ined physical characteristics, water
Technology General Services Administration (GSA) transport characteristics, glossiness and
Meeting has partnered with NCPTT to study the surface chemistry of the sample types.
suitability of vitrification as an alterna- NCPTT researchers have dis-
September 13-16 tive floor treatment. covered that compared to standard
Atlanta, Ga. According to Melissa Schmidt, his- wax, vitrification allows for somewhat toric preservation specialist at GSA, the greater moisture transport through
Dr. Tye Botting, NCPTT researcher, will study outcome will guide GSA preserva- the terrazzo, that color saturation does
present the findings of this study.
tion policy both regionally and nation- increase, and that surface chemistry
ally, and will potentially set an industry- changes permanently only for the top
wide standard for preservation policy microlayer. Researchers also deter-
on the vitrification process. mined vitrification increases terrazzo’s
“Previously, historic terrazzo floors resistance to surface impact and that it
have traditionally undergone repeated produces a surface at the upper limit of
cycles of stripping, waxing, and buffing,” both allowable glossiness and slip by
Schmidt said. “Many of these floors are government standards.

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

NCPTT cemetery initiative

Advanced Techniques
NCPTT’s first Advanced Cemetery
Conservation Techniques Workshop
was held for the first time July 10-14 at
Natchitoches’ American Cemetery as
part of NCPTT’s Summer Institute.
The purpose of this workshop was
to allow participants to take the skills
already learned in the three day work-
shop and build upon them by working
through complex conservation issues
with a professional conservator. His-
toric brick work and the use of lime
mortars were a new focus of this work-
shop as the participants reconstructed
and restored arched brick burial box
vaults. In addition to the numerous
Jason Church, NCPTT materials conservator, demonstrates the proper use of epoxies to
skills already covered in the previous
members of the Monument Builders of North America. workshops, historic limewash used as
a protective coating was discussed and
National Demand
CMC 2006 Positive word of the American CMC Basics
Workshop Cemetery workshop quickly spread,
igniting demand for similar training in
The popularity of the CMC work-
shops and continuing requests from
Sept. 26-28 other regions of the country. In 2004, the public led to the development of
NCPTT’s Cemetery Monument Con-
$695 per person NCPTT partnered with the Historic
Congressional Cemetery Association servation Basics Workshop. The goal
in Washington D.C. to develop its Mid- of this workshop is to give the partici-
Silver Terrace Cemetery Atlantic Regional Cemetery Monument pants who care about America’s history
Virginia City Nevada Conservation Workshop. In addition the knowledge to help preserve it for
to the regular course itinerary, the spe- the next generation.
For More Information or to cialty focus of the workshop was the This day long course was designed
register, visit: restoration of brick burial vaults, which for genealogists, church sextons, small
are common to the Congressional Cem- cemetery owners and the general pub-
etery. The workshop, which attracted lic. The course starts with an indoor
25 participants from 13 states and Scot- lecture on the importance and proper
Workshop is limited land, was set up in a round-robin style methods of cemetery care and main-
to 32 participants. to maximize hands-on experience. tenance. The lecture is followed by an
In 2005, NCPTT partnered with interactive monument cleaning demon-
the NPS Midwest Regional Office, the stration.
The workshop will be a combi- Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center, The first CMC Basics Workshop
nation of lecture, demonstra- and the Prospect Hill Cemetery As- was held in June 2005 and drew capaci-
sociation to hold a Midwest Regional ty crowds thanks to sponsorship by the
tion, and hands-on training in
Workshop at Prospect Hill Cemetery Vernon Parish Tourism Commission in
round-robin format in Omaha that focused on the conser- Leesville, La. A second workshop was
vation of metal work such as cast iron held in March at the Fairlawn Cem-
and bronze. Thirty participants from 13 etery in Oklahoma City with the spon-
states and Canada attended this inten- sorship of Preservation Oklahoma, Inc.
sive hands-on training. This new format With the help of additional sponsors,
separated the attendees into smaller these new basics workshops will be an
groups for two days of hands-on round ongoing series to help nonprofessional
robin field training and a half-day of audiences.
classroom lecture. In addition to the formal teaching

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

ncptt cemetery initiative

model for heritage education. In 2004

and 2005, the program held a series
of workshops around Louisiana to
teach educators how to use cemeter-
ies to teach cultural heritage in a
standardized testing environment.
NCPTT additionally partnered with
the Natchitoches Parish School Board
and the Natchitoches Historic Foun-
dation in a Louisiana state education
grant to incorporate cemeteries into
the learning experience. NCPTT
Heritage Education also works on a
grass roots effort to teach children the
importance of and the proper respect
for cemeteries by giving lectures and
guided tours of American Cemetery.

CMC instructors Irving Slavid and Karl Munson prepare a monument for repair. Department of Veterans Affairs
The Materials Research staff at
opportunities of the CMC Workshop NCPTT regularly answer questions
Visit Our Website series, NCPTT staff also reach out to from cemetery enthusiasts, profes- groups with specific interests through sional conservators and government
  public lectures and demonstrations. In agencies. One such discussion led to
the past year, NCPTT staff members ongoing research with the Depart-
have given talks to numerous organi- ment of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) in
zations, including the Mid-America which NCPTT is testing commercially
Monument Builders Association, Ark- available cleaners in five national
La-Tex Genealogical Society, and the cemeteries to evaluate their long term
Central Louisiana Archaeology Society. effects and ability to retard biological
growth on marble.
For more information on Partnering with Monument Builders The first phase of the two-year
NCPTT’s Cemetery One organization that has continually DVA study included taking biologi-
Conservation Initiative fostered the cause of cemetery pres- cal swabs from select markers in each
ervation is the Monument Builders of the targeted cemetery. These tests
of North America (MBNA). In 2004, rank the selected cleaners based on
MBNA invited NCPTT to present a their ability to remove biological
lecture on cemetery preservation con- growth and soiling from headstones
cepts at their national convention in in different regions of the country.
Galveston. This lecture was followed Phase one testing will help determine
in 2005 by a presentation on cemetery if the selected cleaners had any nega-
conservation at the national convention tive effects physically or chemically on
in Memphis. NCPTT has since held a the marble itself.
one-day field class on historically sensi-
tive cleaning and repair methods for a The Future
large group of monument builders at Future projects focusing on cemetery
the 2006 MBNA Centennial Conven- preservation will include a series of
tion in Savannah, Ga. instructional videos on various top-
ics such as cleaning techniques, basic
Heritage Education resetting and adhesive repairs. The
NCPTT’s Heritage Education videos will be available for free down-
program was created to instill steward- load from the NCPTT website with
ship in K-12 students while enhanc- simple illustrated instructional sheets
ing education and creating a national for the public.

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

issues as well as understanding local

“GIS allows us to take information
from historical documents and place
them in a data set,” Teal said. “It is be-
ing used to identify ‘places of memory,’
locations that may no longer exist, yet
are very much alive in the minds of
people who lived near or frequented
those areas.”
Nancy Morgan, CRNHA executive
director, views the GIS as an impor-
tant tool for the preservation of the
rural areas along Cane River. “We look
forward to using the GIS for land use
planning as well as a tool to help pre-
serve a sense of place in the rural areas
of the Cane River region,” Morgan said.
The Cane River National Heritage Area GIS system is being used to document current and past “This technology is an important asset
geography in the Cane River region of Louisiana. The system will preserve the memory of struc-
tures such as the Carnahan Store in Cloutierville, La., which burned in 2004. (Photo by Jack Boucher, NPS)
to document the significant history of
the region since its economy relies on
heritage tourism.”

living laboratory With GIS, users can link informa-

tion to location data, such as people to
addresses, buildings to tax parcels or
streets within a network. Additionally,

magine an emergency coordinator users could layer the information based
being able to better calculate the on the information they are seeking.
response time in advance if a natural “As the National Park Service’s
disaster threatened. Or imagine being center for advancing the use of tech-
able to view how a town has evolved nology in preservation, NCPTT is
within the last century with one click of excited about the potential of this proj-
a mouse. ect,” Kirk Cordell, NCPTT executive
A partnership between NCPTT and director, said. “The system will provide
the Cane River National Heritage Area a powerful tool for our researchers and
J.C. Rivers, MAHR student, and Ro-
(CRNHA) is making these scenarios the preservation professionals who at-
landa Teal, CRNHA program man- possible by bringing a Geographic tend our training courses.”
ager, study maps of the Cane River Information System (GIS) to northwest GIS will also provide educational
region during NCPTT’s Summer Louisiana where both organizations are opportunities for students at North-
Institute program “Prospection in
Depth” that was held in June.
headquartered. western State University of Louisiana’s
GIS is a collection of computer Master’s of Heritage Resources Pro-
Download Related hardware, software and geographic data gram (MAHR), which was recently
for capturing, managing, analyzing and awarded a grant from the Louisiana
displaying all forms of geographically Board of Regents. The grant will build a
@ referenced information. The system is GIS facility on the campus that will fa-
  used in many agencies and organiza- cilitate joint research projects between
tions and companies. both GIS programs. ElizaBeth Guin,
CRNHA’s GIS was created in 2004 MAHR program coordinator, says both
to store area maps, past and present. systems working cooperatively will
NCPTT houses and maintains the sys- produce far-reaching benefits.
tem, which allows users to identify and “Our students will have the advan-
match property locations and dimen- tage of working with technologies on
sions from any point in the property’s a scale not available in many graduate
documented history. preservation programs,” Guin said.
Rolonda Teal, program manager “Our combined efforts will not only
at the CRNHA, believes the system is contribute to the resources and capa-
crucial to understanding and making bilities of the Cane River Region but the
informed decisions about preservation national preservation dialog as well.”

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

this research is to demonstrate a new

bridges to the future methodology to account for increased

strength provided by non-traditional—
but real—load paths.”
Researchers seek to aid preservation efforts for historic iron
Rutz initiated the research as a
and steel truss bridges graduate student at the University of
Colorado with Rens serving as his
adviser. When Rutz finished his thesis
in 2004, his literature review showed
that century-old bridges were being
demolished and replaced.
“In Colorado, there were only
a dozen or so historic bridges left
and two of those were scheduled
for replacement,” Rens said. “Fred
and I tried to make a difference by
investigating five of those bridges to
prove that they were stronger than
conventional analysis indicated.”
The research team investigated
the problem using software tools
that are readily available to practicing
engineers. First analytical models using
the traditional “skeleton” frame were
developed to study the lateral response
University of Colorado at Denver civil engineering students Sam Brown and Chris Kline
attach strain gauges to the San Miguel Bridge near Uravan, Colorado. The bridge was
for each of five real bridges.
built in 1886. Then the same models were
modified to include the stiffening
effect of their respective decks and

Download reservation opportunities analyzed again. They confirmed
are growing as the nation’s that inclusion of stiffening elements
This Research
truss bridges age. Some are such as decks into structural analysis
@ being converted for pedestrian use, models can aid engineers in historic
  permitting ready public access to bridge preservation efforts and reduce
historic structures, which adds the rehabilitation costs.
advantage of providing incentives for Civil engineering graduate
continued maintenance. Unfortunately, students Veronica Jacobson, Shohreh
the engineer for today’s historic bridge Hamedian, Kazwan Elias, and Bill
preservation project often finds the Swigert went into the field and
structure has insufficient lateral strength prepared the bridges for study under
to satisfy modern requirements. actual wind conditions to verify their
With support from a PTT Grant, analytical findings.
a team of four structural engineering The researcher team installed
graduate students led by Kevin Rens strain transducers and wind monitoring
at the University of Colorado at instruments at each bridge. Their field
Denver and Fred Rutz of J.R. Harris & studies took them to bridge sites from
Company, has been researching realistic the high plains of eastern Colorado
lateral strength of historic truss bridges, to the Rocky Mountains to western
seeking improvements over traditional canyons. Modern instrumentation,
analytical methods. data acquisition and telemetry
According to Rens, the focus of equipment were also used in the study.
research at the University of Colorado Further results of this research will
at Denver has been on the stiffening be published in each student’s thesis
effect of decks in historic truss bridges. work. Results have been accepted
“The project’s overall purpose in several publications, including the
is to aid in preservation efforts for Journal of Performance of Constructed
historic iron and steel truss bridges,” Facilities and the Journal of Preservation
he said. “However, the specific goal of Technology.

NCPTT Notes Issue 46

setting historic standards

AIC Seeks to Establish Standards for the Conservation of New Media Technologies
specialized but nonetheless one that
is not limited to any one field,” Frost
said. “Conservators must engage with
information technologists, computer
scientists, audio-visual engineers, edu-
cators, artists, curators, librarians and
archivists who are also pursuing this
work as we establish our role and voice
in the effort to preserve media and
digital information.”
The website details abstracts and
papers of the topics covered at the AIC
session. Among the topics covered are
recording, documentation and data-
base issues, which includes techniques
for audio reconstruction of music from
phonograph plates and tubes by digital
processing of microscopic digital imag-
ing of the surfaces. Additionally, issues
in digital video preservation worthi-
AIC is working to help archivists understand the pro- ness are covered as most digital video
liferation of digital media formats and discover which
methods will stand the test of time.
storage methods allow for serious deg-
radation after successive conversions

he burgeoning field of electronic or copies.
media preservation threatens to The Electronic Media Group
outpace the research available (EMG), a specialty group of AIC, orga-
to prove its reliability in many cases. To nized the session. EMG meets annually
address this issue, NCPTT awarded a to share information on the preserva-
grant to the American Institute for Con- tion of electronic-based cultural mate-
servation of Historic and Artistic Works rials and tools of their creation, as well
(AIC) to convene leaders in the field to as to provide a means for conservators
share their experiences. Results of the and related professionals to develop
View the abstracts and special session demonstrating electronic and maintain knowledge of relevant
papers on the electronic media’s growing role in preservation are new media and emerging technologies.
media session at now available on the Web. Frost believes the PTTGrants pro- gram was well-suited as a source of
The website covers a wide spectrum
of concerns ranging from the philo- support for the program because the
sophical and theoretical to the prob- two organizations share a common
lems of actual real-world implementa- goal: to disseminate information about
tion. A broad approach was needed to recent conservation research.
properly address the diverse challenges “EMG aims to stimulate discus-
inherent to the emerging field of elec- sion and advance methodologies for
tronic media in preservation according preserving electronic media within
to Hannah Frost, media preservation the conservation field—an area that is
librarian at Stanford University Librar- gaining both in need by collections and
ies, and chair of the special session. in interest by collection caretakers,”
“By gathering a group of profes- she said. “This is a crucial time for de-
sionals from across the cultural heritage veloping best practices. We have much
spectrum who are working on elec- to learn from the pioneers working in
tronic media preservation projects, the field, and they are equally eager to
one recognizes that electronic media share their experiences and research
preservation is a praxis that is highly- results.”

Page 10
NCPTT Notes Issue 46

2006 Summer Institute

NCPTT held its third Summer In- NoteSWorthy Jackson Barracks Excavation
David Morgan, NCPTT archeol-
stitute in June and July featuring ogy and collections chief, pre-
What’s News in the World of Preservation Technology
intensive hands-on preservation sented a paper at the Society of
training in the fields of architec- Limewash Study Preservation Celebration American Archeologists (SAA)
ture, archeology and advanced NCPTT has completed its study In recognition of May as Preserva- annual meeting on burials ex-
cemetery conservation. Engi- on the durability of traditional tion Month, NCPTT presented its cavated from Jackson Barracks
neering the Past for the Future: and modified limewashes. The first “Preservation Celebration” in New Orleans, with emphasis
A Practical Approach to Engi- project addresses needs of the community fair. The come-and- on issues of cultural affiliation.
neering for Older and Historic Cane River Creole National His- go event was held at Lee H. Nel- Morgan also co-chaired the Ar-
Buildings was held June 6-16. torical Park. The study ranked son Hall and was free to the pub- chaeological Preservation Tech-
Prospection in Depth: Devel- the durability of limewashes lic. NCPTT staff and community nology Research Consortium
oping Advanced GPS, GIS and based on adhesion, abrasion re- partners presented interactive meeting held in advance of the
Geophysical Skills through Plan- sistance, and artificial weather- demonstrations of preservation SAA meeting. Two new work
tation Archeology was held June ing. Researchers tested 13 com- techniques and concepts of sig- tasks were identified for the con-
6-23. The Advanced Cemetery binations that were applied in nificance in the local area. These sortium. The first is to convene a
Monument Conservation Work- three coats to weathered wood, included basic cemetery conser- policy/theory level symposium at
shop was held July 10-14. For rough-sawn wood, handmade vation, bousillage construction, the 2007 SAA meeting in Texas.
detailed information on these and modern brick, and epoxy local archeological landscapes The second is to produce a set
programs and future training wood filler. NCPTT presented and limewash finishes. NCPTT’s of standards and protocols for
opportunities, visit www.ncptt. the results at the 2006 Tradi- preservation partners presented terrestrial geophysical prospec- tional Building Conference. exhibits at Nelson Hall as well. tion techniques.

National Park Service Headquarters PTT Board

Fran P. Mainella Director
Judith Ann Bense, Ph.D.
Jan Matthews Associate Director, Cultural Resources Chair, Department of Anthropology
Director, Archaeology Institute
Jon C. Smith Assistant Associate Director, Heritage University of West Florida
Preservation Assistance Programs
Horace Henry Foxall, Jr.
Program Manager, U.S. Corps of Engineers NCPTT Notes
National Center for Preservation Issue 45
James Walter Garrison Spring 2006
Technology and Training Staff State Historic Preservation Officer, Arizona
NCPTT Executive Director
Kirk A. Cordell Executive Director
Roy Eugene Graham, FAIA Kirk A. Cordell
Director, College Programs in Historic Preservation
Kevin Ammons Administrative Officer School of Architecture, University of Florida Editor
Jeff Guin
Mary Bistodeau Receptionist Norman Koonce, FAIA
National Co-Chairman
Tye Botting NCPTT/NSU Joint Faculty NCPTT Notes is published by the
The Campaign for the American Center of Architecture
National Park Service’s National
Jason Church Materials Conservator Center for Preservation Tech-
Suzanne Lewis, Vice Chair nology and Training.
Sean Clifford Web Developer Superintendent, Yellowstone National Park
Secretary of Interior’s Designee to PTT Board The purpose of this publication is
Lance Ellis I.T. Administrator
to convey NCPTT’s Mission, which
Andy Ferrell Chief, Architecture and Engineering Patricia O’Donnell, FASLA is to advance the use of science
Principal, Heritage Landscapes and technology in the field of
Jeff Guin Marketing Manager historic preservation including ar-
Rob Pahl, AIA cheology, architecture, landscape
Sarah Jackson Materials Research Assistant President, Pahl, Pahl, Pahl Architects/Planners architecture and materials conser-
vation. The Center accomplishes
David W. Morgan Chief, Archeology and Collections its mission through training,
Frank Preusser, Ph.D.
education, research, technology
Frank Preusser and Associates, Inc.
Mary Ellen Servello Executive Secretary transfer and partnerships.
Robert Silman, PE, Chair The mail list for NCPTT Notes is
Mary F. Striegel Chief, Materials Research
Robert Silman and Associates, P.C. subject to request under the Free-
dom of Information Act. Persons
NCPTT Interns Suzanne Louise Turner, FASLA or organizations not wanting to
Anna Breaux Information Technology Intern Professor Emerita of Landscape Architecture have mail list information dis-
Jennifer Renfrow Information Technology Intern Louisiana State University closed should unsubscribe.
Cole Stevens Materials Research Intern
Norman Weiss, FAPT Send comments to NCPTT Notes
Professor, Columbia University or submit articles or notices for
consideration to
or call 318-356-7444.

Page 11
NCPTT Notes Issue 46

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Inside this edition of

summer 2006/Issue 46 • Technology Serving the Future of America’s Heritage •

NCPTT SummerLegacy:
Monumental Institute
Page 1 Bridges to the Future: Page 9 Historic No-Wax Floors: Page 5

Virginia City, Nev., will be the setting Researchers seek to aid preservation NCPTT Partners with GSA to Study
for NCPTT’s next CMC workshop efforts for historic iron and steel truss Alternative Treatments for Terrazzo
Sept. 26-28. bridges. Flooring.

Plus • a living laboratory • Setting historic standards • treasure hunt • and much more

Page 12

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