Subiecte Clasa A Vii-A

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Concursul regional de limba engleza


Clasa a VII!a
E"a#a locala ! $% &ebruarie $'()
I* Read "+e "e," belo- "+en decide i& "+e sen"ences gi.en are "rue or &alse* /$#,('0$'#1
Bully for you
The makers of a controversial computer game about bullying have decided to go ahead and launch
it despite calls for it to be banned. In the game, players take on the role of a new student at a school and
have to fight the bullies, by punching them or hitting them with a baseball bat.
Critics have said that the game encourages violence, but the makers deny this and say that, while
there is violence in the game, it is just an amusing look at school life, besides which, the violence in the
game is directed against the bullies to protect pupils who are being bullied. The makers also say that
players will learn to stand up to bullies.
A British politician, a former minister, has called for it to be banned as it might affect the way
young people perceive violence.
Antibullying charities have said that the game might make people respond violently to bullies,
which might make things more complicated and result in injuries.
!. The makers of the computer game decided not to release it.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
). In the game, the player takes on the role of a bully.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
*. The game is set in a university.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
+. $veryone agrees that the game encourages violence.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
,. A British politician has spoken in favour of the game.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
-. The politician used to be a minister.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
.. The politician thinks it might make young people look at violence differently.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
/. The antibullying charity thinks the game is good because it might make pupils stand up to bullies.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
0. The antibullying charity thinks that people might get hurt because of this game.
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
!1. The makers of the game have changed the contents before releasing it in the #2*
a. T"#$% b. &A'($
II* 2ind "+e -ord or #+rase "+a" bes" com#le"es eac+ sen"ence* /(,('0(' #oin"s1
!.34ave you ever been to &rance53
36es, I 77777 there last August.3
A. went
B. had been
C. were
8. have been
). This dinner looks 77777 to me.
A. well
B. nicely
C. good
8. Badly
*. 4e can9t go to see her tonight. 4e hasn9t got
77777 time.
A. some
B. a
C. many
8. :uch
+. 4e hasn9t got 77777.
A. a lot of luggages
B. a great number of luggage
C. many luggages
8. much luggage
,. If she 77777 ;eter, he9ll stay.
A. asks
B. had asked
C. asked
8. has asked
-. 7777 radio is on the table5
A. <ho9s
B. <hos9
C. <hoes
8. <hose
.. =obody 777777 hungry.
A. are
B. is
C. aren9t
8. isn9t
/. I 77777 for this office since I arrived.
A. am looking
B. look
C. was looking
8. have been looking
0. <hen you 77777 me the book, I9ll read it.
A. will lend
B. would lend
C. lend
8. lent
!1. (he got married 77777 a rich businessman.
B. with
C. to
8. for
III* Read "+e &ollo-ing "e,"s and use "+e underlined -ords "o &ill in "+e s#aces* >!?!1@!1A pointsA
!. a""end en3o4 do s#end li5e
There are only two of us in the department, so I >!A BB.BBB. a bit of everythingC I >)A BBBBBB.
a lot of long meetings D many of these are related to budgets and to company policy development and I >*A
BBBBBBB.. them. I also >+A BBBBB...a lot of time interviewing candidates for jobs. This is one
of the areas of the job I >,A BBBBBBBBB. the most.
). -or5 de.elo# crea"e s#end "ra.el
;eople in the company I work >-A BBBB educational software for primary school children. I usually
>.A BBBBB. on maths projects but we also >/A BBBBB. (panish language learning programs.
(ometimes I >0A BBBBB to (pain for meetings but I >!1A BBBBBBB. most of the time at a desk
in my office.
IV* 2ill in "+e correc" -ord deri.ed &rom "+e -ords in bold* /$#,60('#1
!. Elobal warming is one of the worldFs most seriousBBBB.problems. $=GI"H=:$=T
). 6ou can tell from his BBBBthat he spends a lot of money on clothes. A;;$A"
*. In this job you have to be original and to think BBBBBBBBB.. C"$AT$
+. I donFt know why everyoneFs being soBBtowards me. IFve done nothing wrong. &"I$=8
,. IBBBBB. spend at least one day per week out of the office. E$=$"A'
G. Re#+rase "+e &ollo-ing sen"ences so as "+e meaning s"a4s "+e same7 /$,60('#oin"s1
!. I bought a house. It was advertised in the local paper.
I bought a houseBBBBB.was advertised in the local paper
). ItFs the first time IFve ever travelled by plane.
I plane before
*. ItFs a long time since I last played tennis.
I BBBBBBBBB a long time.
+. (he started taking piano lessons ten years ago.
(he BBBBBBBBB.. ten years.
,. 6ou cannot smoke in the underground% it9s forbidden.
6ou BBBBBBBin the underground.
VI* 8ri"e a narra"i.e com#osi"ion o& abou" (6' -ords -i"+ "+e "i"le Ill never do that again )'#
set the scene >whowhenwherewhatA%
development >describe incidents leading up to the main event itself in detail% use time wordsA%
end the story >refer to moods, conseJuences, peopleFs reactions, feelings, commentsA
9oa"e subiec"ele sun" obliga"orii
9im# de lucru7 $ ore
Se acorda (' #unc"e din o&iciu*

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