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500 Hours Yoga teacher training Program

Our 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is an extensive yoga program authorized by
Yoga Alliance that runs over 5 weeks !t is a successive program o" the #00 hour Yoga
Teacher Training Course You will undergo a $00 hours course "urther in order to
ac%uire your 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course %uali"ication The program is
con"igured to advance your growth as both a yoga teacher as well as a practitioner !t is
an intense and vigorous course that is structured to boost your yoga teaching career as
you improve your understanding o" various styles o" &inyasa yoga and their theories
You are suitable "or this course i" you desire to'
( establish your career as a renowned yoga teacher
# train and be trained by "riends through learning as well as sharing "rom each other
$ "ormulate and conduct your own classes and avail the opportunity to teach in our
) improve your insight on all aspects o" yoga including *editation+ breathing
techni%ues+ ,ranayama+ -riyas+ *udras and ,hilosophy
5 be dedicated to an intensive course that extends "or over 5 weeks+ immersing deeply
into a yogic trance and Ayurvedic li"estyle
. assist our senior "aculty at our center and mentor the students o" the #00 hour Yoga
Teacher Training Course
Your personal practice o" &inyasa /low is vital during this course You will continue to
practice advanced multi style yoga 0orkshops will continue to "ill the sessions with "un
and enticement to give you a break "rom the intensive practice you undergo in this
course 1imilar to #00 hours Yoga Teacher Training course the workshops conducted as a
part o" 500 hours Yoga teacher training course also assess your per"ormance 2uring
these sessions+ you will not only develop your own practice + you will also certainly pick
up help"ul ideas "or your yoga teaching pro"ession yoga teacher training in himalaya
Your daily routine will also consist o" daily ,ranayama This course is integrated with
,ranayama tutorials that carried out throughout the course You will learn a lot o" new
things about the breathing techni%ues during this course which you can incorporate into
your daily practice You will truly witness the growth in your practice as you continue to
learn more breathing techni%ues to bene"it various parts o" your body ,ranayama along
with -riyas class+ will be a part o" your daily practice in the morning in the beauti"ul hilly
locations o" 2ar3eeling
Classical yogic philosophy is intertwined throughout this course too+ emphasizing on
&edic and Tantric belie"s This course will include a study o" in"luential texts like
4hagavad 5ita and the Yoga 1utras along with discussions and debate sessions around
these philosophies Teaching *ethodologies are designed to keenly develop your
teaching skills to teach multi style yoga /rom the beginning week+ you will be involved
in teaching as well as will be taught by your peers You continue to learn and share 3ust
like in #00 hours course This program is both physically and mentally a very intensive
course that is o""ered in the most "un+ casual+ trendy and advanced approach 1tudents
should be ready to be undergo the mental and physical turmoil This course will
eventually turn you into a per"ect and success"ul yoga teacher

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