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The Ingestion, Absorption, and Utilization

Calcium is an essential mineral for many bodily processesfrom immune
response to bone renewal. Ingestion of calcium through diet and/or
supplementation does not guarantee its utilization in the body. Many
factors must come into play to deliver calcium to every cell in the body.

Ingestion: It is important to eat foods rich in calcium.
Supplements can be added if diet is not sufficient.

1. Ingestion of a bioavailable form of calcium is essential. When it
comes to supplements, the most common form found at health food
stores is calcium carbonate. This is an inorganic, cheap form of
calcium and, when ingested, it is essentially the equivalent of licking
a rock or eating a seashell. The pH of calcium carbonate is about 8-
10, very basic. However, calcium is only absorbed at a very acidic
pH (2-3). High amounts of milligrams must be ingested in order for
a forced absorption to occur. Therefore, while calcium carbonate
(antacids i.e. Tums & Rolaids) is effective in reducing the symptoms
of heartburn by neutralizing stomach pH, it is not the best choice as
a calcium supplement. The best forms to take as a supplement are
calcium citrate or calcium lactate as they have a neutral to slightly
acid pH, making them more bioavailable, therefore requiring the
intake of less milligrams.

Calcium lactate is the form used by Standard Process.

Overview & Standard Process Products Selections:
Correct form of calcium must be ingested
o Calcium Lactate tablets or powder
6 tablets per day or 1 level tbsp. per day (powder mixes well
with a small amount of warm 100% apple juice) Take on an
empty stomach

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Absorption: Calcium is absorbed through the small intestines,
primarily in the duodenum. Several factors must be in place for this
to occur correctly.

1. The pH of the duodenum must be at 2-3 for optimal absorption.
Prolonged use of antacids will inhibit this process. Note about
antacid use: Often the sensation of heartburn is not an issue of
hyperchlorhydria but rather of hypochlorhydria. The brain wants the
stomach to reach a pH of 2-3 before passing food through to the
small intestines. Therefore, if hydrochloric acid levels are insufficient
and pH is too high, the food will continue to sit in the stomach
longer than designed. During this time, the food will begin to
ferment and putrefy, thus producing its own local acids. These are
the acids that then start to creep up the stomach and into the
esophagus, creating the sensation of heartburn. If adequate
hydrochloric acid were present to lower the pH, this would allow the
food to pass through the stomach more quicklybefore local acids
could be produced.
To help determine whether there is a potential need for increased
hydrochloric acid, check for a cluster of numbers in group 6 of the
Systems Survey Form (SSF). This document is attached to this

2. Vitamin D is needed in the absorption of calcium from the gut into
the blood. The best way to obtain Vitamin D is through appropriate
amounts of sun exposure as the ultraviolet rays convert skin oil to
Vitamin D. Note: Sunscreen actually blocks the ability for the body
to make vitamin D. A tendency to burn (very fair-skinned individuals
are an exception) is due to overexposure or insufficient amounts of
Vitamin F* (polyunsaturated fatty acids). It is excess Vitamin D from
extreme sun exposure that has shown to cause cancer (refer to the
Clinical Reference Guide** description of Cataplex D in the cream-
colored section for a excellent explanation of this). Vitamin D is also
obtainable from the diet. If dietary Vitamin D is inadequate,
supplementation may be necessary. Those with low blood pressure
are more likely to be Vitamin D deficient. Most Vitamin D
supplements contain cholecalciferolthe inactive form of Vitamin D.
Then, the body has to convert the cholecalciferol to calcitriolthe
active and usable form of Vitamin D. This conversion requires both
liver and parathyroid function.
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Standard Process Vitamin D supplement is Cataplex D. Each tablet
contains 800 IUs of Vitamin D in the form of cholecalciferol. Cataplex D
also contains milk powder, which provides amino acids along with Vitamins
A, B, and E to help convert this inactive form of Vitamin D into its active

3. The parathyroid glands enhance the absorption of calcium from the
small intestine by secreting a hormone that stimulates the
production of the active form of Vitamin D in the kidneys.

Standard Process formulated Cal-Ma Plus for parathyroid support by
combining calcium lactate (160 mg per 3 tablets) and parathyroid

Overview & Standard Process Product Selections:
Low pH & adequate hydrochloric acid: check SSF group 6
o Zypan: hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes
2 tablets in the middle of each meal
o Betaine Hydrochloride: hydrochloric acid
1-2 tablets in the middle of each meal
o Parotid PMG: stimulates bodys own production of HCL for the
severely hypochlochidric patient
3-6 tablets per day
o Apple cider vinegar assists in acidifying the stomach
Adequate vitamin D required
o Cataplex D: 800mg cholecalciferol + milk powder
1-3 tablets per day, best on empty stomach
o Sun exposure: ultraviolet rays from the sun convert skin oil to
vitamin D. Sun exposure becomes hazardous when a person is
Vitamin F (polyunsaturated fats) deficient.
Parathyroid support
o Cal-Ma Plus: calcium lactate + parathyroid desiccate
3 tablets per day

*Vitamin F refers to as the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids: linolenic, linoleic, and arachidonic acids. Dr. Royal Lee, founder of
Standard Process, referred to these as Vitamin F since they are essential and must be obtained from the diet. Previously, essential
polyunsaturated fatty acids were referred to as Vitamin F; however, they did not sustain vitamin status. Those at Standard Process
often continue to use the term Vitamin F to describe the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids as Dr. Royal Lee did.
**Clinical Reference Guide: for more information call 314-482-2648 (IA) or 314-518-9002 (MO) or to purchase call 314-494-3973

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Utilization: Even if calcium reaches the bloodstream, it does
not automatically mean that it can be well utilized by the bones and
soft tissues in the body. In fact, this last step of delivering blood
calcium to the tissues is often where the biggest breakdown occurs.
Various factors are needed in order to distribute calcium from the
blood into bone or soft issue. Note: A simple blood test is not always
adequate in determining whether there is sufficient calcium throughout the body
because although the patient could have plenty of blood calcium, there may be
inadequate tissue calcium because he/she is unable to absorb the calcium into
the bones and soft tissues. This (along with unbalanced calcium to phosphorous
ratio) could explain why an individual may experience symptoms of calcium
deficiency (immune insufficiency, bone loss, muscle cramps, itchy skin, etc.) and
yet his/her blood tests are normal.

1. Vitamin F (polyunsaturated fatty acids) works as an antagonist to
Vitamin D. While Vitamin D is responsible for pulling calcium from
the gut to the blood, Vitamin F then pulls the calcium from the blood
to bones and tissues. As mentioned above, the balance between
Vitamin D and Vitamin F must stay in check. More people are
Vitamin F deficient.

Cataplex F from Standard Process contains Vitamin F. Cataplex F
comes in tablets and perles. The tablets contain iodine for thyroid
support (also necessary for calcium utilization) so it is often
preferred over the perles, which contain no iodine.

There are several ways to help determine if a patient is Vitamin F
o Itchy skin
o Burns and rashes as a result to sun exposure
o Canker sores or herpeswhile this is a virus that will remain
in the body for the patients whole life, inadequate tissue
calcium can cause it to leave its dormant phase and become
o Muscle cramps/growing pains
o Joint stiffness after arising that wears off throughout the day
o Calcium Cuff Test: This is an excellent test using a blood
pressure cuff that measures whether there is adequate soft
tissue calcium. Please contact your Standard Process rep for
more information on the calcium cuff test.
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Dr. Jay Robbins thoroughly teaches the Nutritional Exam at
his seminars, which includes the Calcium Cuff Test. The
complete Nutritional Exam is attached to this email.
Dr. Jay Robbins will be coming to Bettendorf, IA, on June 4-5
and St. Louis, MO, on October 22-23. Information on this
seminar is attached to this email.
To register, call Kathy Anderson at 314-494-3973 or email at
Mention the Calcium Cuff Test from this reading and receive
$10 off the registration.

2. Calcium utilization to the hard and soft tissues also requires thyroid
function and Vitamins A, K, & C.
To help determine whether there is a potential need for thyroid
support, check group 7B on the Systems Survey Form (SSF).

Overview & Standard Process Product Selections:
Adequate Vitamin F (polyunsaturated fatty acids)
o Cataplex F tablets: Vitamin F + iodine
1 tablet per meal
o Cataplex F perles: Vitamin F without iodine
Thyroid support: check SSF group 7B
o Thytrophin PMG: thyroid gland rebuilding to support the
normalizing of hormone output
1-2 tablets per meal
o Prolamine Iodine: 3 mg of protein-bound iodine per tablet,
use for iodine deficiency
1 tablet per day
o Iodomere: 200 mcg of protein-bound iodine per tablet, use
to maintain iodine levels once adequate level is attained
1 tablet per day
Vitamin A sources
o Cataplex A
2 tablets per meal
o Cataplex AC: combines Cataplex A & Cataplex C, which are
both needed for calcium utilization
2 tablets per meal
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o Cataplex ACP: combines Cataplex A, Cataplex C and
bioflavonoids, essential for blood vessel wall integrity
3 tablets per meal
Vitamin C sources
o Cataplex C
3 tablets per meal
o Cataplex AC: combines Cataplex A & Cataplex C, which are
both needed for calcium utilization
2 tablets per meal
o Cataplex ACP: combines Cataplex A, Cataplex C and
bioflavonoids, essential for blood vessel wall integrity
3 tablets per meal
Vitamin K sources
o Cruciferous Complete
3-6 per day
Eliminate trans fats in diet (partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated)

It is recommended to add Catalyn to every program.

Refer to Follow Calcium Through the Body diagram that is
attached to this email.

Page 6
Calcium Absorption Flow ChartA Primer

Calcium into Stomach: Calcium Lactate (low pH) easily absorbed form of
Calcium Absorbed from Small Intestine to Blood:
1) Must have low pH in Duodenum (2-3) Use Zypan
2) Must have Vitamin D: Use Cataplex D
3) Must have Parathyroid Function: Use Cal Ma Plus.
Calcium from Blood to Tissue:
1) Must have Thyroid Function: Thytrophin PMG and Prolamine Iodine
2) Must have Essential Fatty Acids: Cataplex F tablets

Additional factors required for movement of calcium to tissueespecially hard
1) Vitamin C: Cataplex C
2) Vitamin K: Cataplex C and or Chlorophyll Complex Perles

Remember that Vitamin D moves Calcium from anywhere to the blood. Essential
Fatty Acids does the oppositemoves Calcium from blood back to tissue.
If using the Calcium Cuff Test around the calk: You can easily determine where a
patient is broken by doing this test introducing each product in sequence
beginning at the top of this sheet and down to each product. Have the patient put
product in the mouthhold it there contacting the saliva and retest. The blood
pressure will rise as you complete the requirements nutrient (product) wise. When
you see the tissue calcium up to or over 200, you have determined the support
program for the patient using the product that enables the correct 200-240 level.
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Lets really think for a moment
about using stomach antacids as
calcium supplements. Maybe a
little information will shed some
light on the subject.

According to Sue Rodwell Williams, author of the textbook, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, calcium requires and acid
medium for optimal absorption.

This is profound, in light of the fact that antacids, by design, lower acid (increasing the pH) by neutralizing stomach acid.
If you have too much stomach acid, and it hurts because it burns you then an antacid might be the very thing you need.
But if you are taking the antacid as a calcium supplement, you are nullifying a requirement for the absorption of the
calcium by increasing the pH are you making sense? Not.

Antacids are made from calcium carbonate (read your labels) and calcium carbonate is a very alkaline substance that is
why it makes a good antacid but it makes no sense to use an antacid as a calcium supplement when it neutralizes the
very medium needed for absorption.

A little light goes a long way!
Absorption takes place in the small intestine,
chiefly in the duodenum, where the pH is lower than
in the distal portion of the intestine, because the
acidity of the gastric juices has not yet been
reduced. Calcium salts are relatively insoluble in a
less acid medium.
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Minerals Relationships

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