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Final Project Report for Media Management System Page i

Final Project Report

Media Tracking System
Version 2.0 approved
Final Project Report for Media Management System Page ii
Table of ontents
1. Final Project Summary.....................................................................................................i
2. Future directions............................................................................................................vii
The portable backup media tracking system produced from this project was intended to be a low
cost solution developed by in house staff at the ationwide !hildren"s #ospital. $s long as the
organi%ation maintains staff with the appropriate skill sets& the product can continue to be
updated with new capabilities and features added as needed for automation tasks of this business
process. .............................................................................................................................vii
Should the ationwide !hildren"s #ospital re'uire upgrading to a more robust database server
in the future such as (icrosoft S)*& the $ccess 2++, data can be upsi%ed and migrated to the
new database server. Such an upgrade would re'uire an additional investment in hardware& but
the current solution provides a foundation that would make the transition fairly seamless for
administrators. ..................................................................................................................vii
-. $nnotated .ibliography................................................................................................vii
Final Project Report for Media Management System Page iii
Revision !istory
"ame #ate Reason For $anges Version
Kenneth Wright 07/01/2010 Initial Draft 1.0
Kenneth Wright, et al 07/15/2010 With contributions and edits from
all team members, we refined the
Kenneth Wright, et al 07/2/2010 !t"le, editing, additional
information from all team members
Kenneth Wright, et al 07/0/2010 $inal editing and %roofreading 2.0
%ro&p Members
"ame Role Responsibilities
Kenneth Wright &ro'ect (anager
) Infrastructure
+,ersee %ro'ect acti,ities, su%er,ise solution
integration into e-isting infrastructure
.oe /ettinger Database )
/ardware !(*
Install ) design database, su%er,ise ser,er
hardware im%lementations
0reg 1obison Interface )
*ncr"%tion !(*
2uild user interface and ma3e
recommendations for secure networ3 traffic
'. Final Project S&mmary
42 4echnologies is the go to source for small and intermediate si5e business loo3ing for
%rogressi,e and cost effecti,e I4 solutions.
1ecentl" 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital contracted 42 to create a cost effecti,e media
management s"stem to organi5e, trac3 and manage their large in,entor" of bac3u%
ta%es, 7D/D9D and other media that is stored and their main data center and at their
offsite storage facilit". 4his s"stem is designed to better manage and trac3 the media
as well as %ro,ide regulator" com%liance for data safet" in accordance with federal
/I&&: ;/ealth Insurance &ortabilit" and :ccountabilit" :ct< and &7I ;&a"ment card
industr"< laws and guidelines.
'.'. ontent S&mmary
4his engagement %ro,ides for an electronic database with a standard 0=I interface to
in,entor" and trac3 %ortable media. 4he engagement also includes a web interface for
offsite em%lo"ee usage. 4his web interface will ha,e limited function and onl" be for
in,entor"ing or trans%ort of media.
4his engagement began on :%ril 2#, 2010 and will continue through :ugust, 2010 with
the im%lementation of the s"stem and first two wee3s of in,entor"ing the customer8s
ta%e in,entor".
/ardware costs include the &7 to interface with the database, the scanner and other
%eri%heral hardware re>uired at both the customer site as well as the offsite facilit".
:ll additional costs ha,e been de,elo%ment, software and %rogramming time.
:s outlined in the sco%e document, the ris3s are as follows
Final Report for Media Management Page ii
Risk Impact Probability Mitigation
The solution will be cumbersome and not
adopted quickly or compliance will be
sporadic. High Moderate
Regular reporting and auditing from
management will ensure compliance after
initial training. Design considerations to
make the system easy to use will also aid in
The tape and other media usage will reduce
to such a level as to make this solution
obsolete Low High
The natural progression is to move from
portable media for back ups so this will be a
natural reduction. However tracking for
the portable media must be maintained
until all media has reached e!piration
"eb based entry #browser incompatibility$ Moderate Low
%rior to implementation we will ensure
that all computers that access this system
are at the same level of browser.
Lack of web development e!perience with
our team %otentially high High
"e are planning to use a combination of
internal team members as well as outside
resources to assist in the web development
and connection to the database. &n
addition M'access ())* offers the ability
to create web pages from forms.
omm&nications Strategy
4he team utili5ed se,eral communication methods to collaborate with each other?
including email, instant web meeting technolog", ,oice calls and ,oicemail. 4he team
also used both email as well as (icrosoft +ne6ote to 3ee% notes on meetings, and
other con,ersations.
We utili5ed regular meetings with both the customer as well as the business %ractitioner
to solicit feedbac3 for im%ro,ements and changes.
'.2. (essons (earned
+ur %rimar" lesson learned was to dig dee%er into the actual use of the final %roduct.
Who would use it, what would be their wor3flow. :fter careful consideration, we
determined that the web %ortion of the s"stem should ha,e been added to a future
enhancement since the em%lo"ees at the offsite storage would not be granted access to
6ationwide 7hildren8s networ3.
: redesign of the screens would ha,e been unnecessar" for this %ro'ect, had the design
team gone to the customer sites %rior to designing the management screens and done
a wor3flow stud". 4his resulted in changes to the %rimar" management interface to
allow for easier wor3flow when creating and sending dail" cases of media to the offsite
storage facilit".
'.). (earning *&tcomes S&mmary
4he learning outcomes were met b" a ,ariet" of wa"s the following is a summar" for
each section and then following the summar" is the detail for each section.
Final Report for Media Management Page iii
1..1 7ommunications outcomes are met through email, Web*- meetings, and
%hone calls are documented in the 7ommunications @og in :%%endi- *.
:dditionall", ideas de,elo% into wor3ing com%onents, and the flow of ideas can
be seen in the transition from :%%endi- : to :%%endi- 2.
1..2 7ritical 4hin3ing outcomes are seen b" the team8s a%%roach to sol,ing the
management of %ortable media through email communications in the
7ommunications @og and the %ro'ect white %a%ers in :%%endi- *.
1.. 6etwor3 Design outcomes were met as demonstrated through diagrams
and with a 9&6 to access the networ3 in section 1.2 of !tatus 1e%ort 1 in
:%%endi- 2.
1..A (anagement Information !"stems outcomes are document in email
communications in the 7ommunications @og in :%%endi- * and !ection B of
!tatus 1e%ort 1 in :%%endi- 2 where the business %ractitioner %ro,ided feedbac3
to the team.
1..5 !"stems :dministration and !cri%ting are documented throughout !tatus
1e%ort 1 in :%%endi- 2. +ne e-am%le of !"stems :dministration is the bac3u%
%lan in section 1.2 of !tatus 1e%ort 1.
1..# !ecurit" is documented and ac3nowledges that ,ulnerabilities ma" be
introduced when adding a new ser,er and describes the encr"%tion used for the
wireless networ3 in section 7 of !tatus 1e%ort 1 in :%%endi- 2 and in further
detail in 1..# of this section.
1..7 *m%lo"abilit" is documented in section of the 9ision and !co%e in
:%%endi- :. configuration files, diagrams, securit" %lans, etc., that "ou ha,e
included in the :%%endices to this document.
'.+. omm&nications
:ll members of the team ha,e res%onded, contributed, and interacted well with each
other throughout the ca%stone %ro'ect. :ssignments ha,e been com%leted in a timel"
manner with few grammatical errors, using correct terminolog", and in an organi5ed
eas" to read fashion in the correct :&: format. !%ecificall", the wee3l" deli,erables
demanded enough wor3 that teammates would ha,e to >uic3l" di,ide the wor3,
com%lete tas3s, and submit the wor3 bac3 to the grou% for re,iew. !ubmitting tas3s
bac3 to the grou% ga,e teammates an o%%ortunit" re,iew the wor3 and %ro,ide
a%%ro%riate feedbac3.
4he $ran3lin @i,e and Web*- meetings were focused on the %ro'ect deli,erables and
%ro,ided o%%ortunities for brainstorming, %lanning, and feedbac3 on submitted tas3s. :ll
%artici%ants were %re%ared for the meetings with ideas or >uestions that were %ertinent
to the %ro'ect.
Final Report for Media Management Page iv
During the meetings and through email, there were times that teammates would
challenge each other on the direction or selected method for com%leting a %articular
tas3. 4hese Cchallenges8 often would %ro,ide uni>ue insight to the %roblem and
demonstrated the s"nthesis and understanding of the to%ic leading to an enhanced
solution to the %roblem at hand.

'.,. ritical T$inking
4he team members did an outstanding 'ob in the anal"sis of the management %roblem
with %ortable media at 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital. 4he team8s a%%roach to sol,ing
the management of %ortable media was based on the following ideals and methods.
2uild a %roduct that considers alternati,e future uses that is reliable.
7om%letel" define the %roblem.
Decide the fastest and most cost effecti,e wa" to sol,e the %roblem.
=se the !oftware De,elo%ment @ife 7"cle using the Waterfall (ethodolog".
De,elo% with trouble shooting tools or methods that will aid in trouble shooting
+ne e-am%le of the foreword thin3ing was the suggestion of a team member to add
se,eral fields to the database that would aid in troubleshooting %roblems. 4he trouble
shooting fields added were for date and time stam%s, the user who created the record,
and the user who modified the recorded. !ome de,elo%ers would not add these fields to
conser,e dis3 s%ace, reduce de,elo%ment time, and to s%eed u% the a%%lication.
/owe,er, the number of tables and the e-%ected si5e of the database will not consume
too man" resources or noticeabl" affect the s%eed of the a%%lication. :dditionall", it is
easier to add the fields during initial de,elo%ment than it is to go bac3 and add fields
after the %roduct has been released.
'.-. "et.ork #esign
4his %ro'ect did not re>uire the team to design a networ3 because 6ationwide 7hildren8s
/os%ital alread" had an established networ3. 4he %ro'ect in,ol,ed one ser,er to be
added to a networ3 consisting of o,er 50 ser,ers and o,er a thousand wor3stations.
/owe,er, the 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital networ3 administrator %ro,ided the team
with an o,er,iew of the networ3 that described the %h"sical la"out and how the D6!,
D/7&, and 9&6 were setu%. =sing the o,er,iew of the networ3, the team re,iewed
what was re>uired to connect to the %ortable media management ser,er both internall"
and e-ternall". 4he following are the networ3ing com%onents that were used and
re,iewed to ensure the team could access the necessar" resources.
/ow to determine if name resolution is wor3ing or not.
4he use of %ing, ar%, and netstat in the command %rom%t for trouble shooting.
1emotel" logging into com%uters with the use of 1emote Des3to% &rotocol
Final Report for Media Management Page v
:ccessing networ3 resources using a 9irtual &ri,ate 6etwor3.
(a%%ing networ3 dri,es.
'./. Management 0nformation Systems
4he %ortable media management s"stem de,elo%ed for 67/ will control media
in,entor", the %rocess for trac3ing media sent to offsite storage facilities, and I4
anal"sts re>uest for restore 'obs. 4he s"stem will trac3 when media is destro"ed and
re%orts will identif" the media can be destro"ed according to retention %olicies.
:dditionall" the s"stem is com%liant with /I&:: and other %ri,ac" statutes.
4he s"stem will eliminate illegible %a%er logs and s%eed u% %rocessing with a barcode
scanner to trac3 the media identification number. 4he loo3 u% %rocess will be much
faster, a built in >uer" will identif" the location of the media with the media identification
number for the last bac3 u% of a ser,er instead of thumbing through a %a%er log. 4he
/I&:: com%liant s"stem will a,oid inad,ertent or miss %laced %ortable media,
eliminating or reducing the %ossibilit" for fines associated with /I&:: com%liance
4he business %ractitioner that ad,ised our team was hel%ful in %ointing out a few errors
in our initial %lans along with good standard %rocedures for database de,elo%ment. +ne
suggestion was to include the table name or abbre,iation into each field name and not
to abbre,iate the field name if it is not clearl" understood b" a new user. 4he reason for
using this %rocedure is that the database becomes selfDdocumenting, which is hel%ful
for new %ersonnel who need to de,elo%, modif", or maintain the s"stem.
'.1. Systems 2dministration and Scripting

4he additional s"stems administration and scri%ting associated with the new %ortable
bac3u% media trac3ing s"stem at the 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital comes with
minimal o,erhead. 4he database runs on a la%to% com%uter in :ccess 2007 and
Dot6et$ramewor3 2.0. 4he com%uter will be 'oined to the domain for securit" and
integration as well as recei,e regular u%dates from the W!=! ser,er and a managed
antiD,irus a%%lication. +%erating !"stem and software u%grades will be a%%lied as
needed, ensuring that sufficient testing is done before hand to reduce an" bugs that
could interru%t ser,ice on the %roduction networ3.
4he wireless hand scanners running (icrosoft Windows 7* #.0 will be configured to
recei,e im%ortant o%erating and software u%grades as well. :dditional the" will used on
a rotational schedule that ensures that the" will regularl" be returned to administrators
so that regular ins%ections for u%dates and com%atibilit" can be conducted.
Final Report for Media Management Page vi
'.3. Sec&rity

:n"time a new ser,er or de,ice is introduced to a networ3 it re%resents a new %otential
,ulnerabilit" and access %oint for malicious acti,it" if not %ro%erl" safe guarded against
threats. 4he new management s"stem for %ortable bac3u% media that will be
im%lemented at the 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital b" 4eam 2 consists of se,eral
com%onents that ha,e been thoroughl" researched to determine the most effecti,e
methods for establishing a strong securit" %osture. :lthough the s"stem is %rotected b"
the e-isting securit" controls on the 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital networ3, it
introduces se,eral new features and ca%abilities that warrant additional securit"
im%lementations. 4o start, the new ser,ers will ha,e securit" %atches and software
u%dates a%%lied in accordance with the 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital current %olicies.
:ntiD,irus software will be installed and maintained in the same fashion ma3ing the new
ser,ers securit" com%liant to the 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital information assurance
4he new management s"stem for %otable bac3u% media also ma3es use of se,eral
different web interfaces that will be %rotected using 4rans%ort @a"er !ecurit" ;4@!< and
user authentication b" username and %assword. $irewalls will be configured to onl"
allow re>uests for the web interface to be %ermitted from the internal networ3 to hel%
%re,ent its e-%loitabilit" from e-ternal threats. 4he mobile scanners used for the s"stem
introduce a new o%erating s"stem to the networ3, (icrosoft Windows 7* #.0 that will
also re>uire monitoring for securit" %atches and software u%dates as well. 4he" will be
%laced on a rotational use s"stem that will ensure that administrators will ha,e
%rocession of them on a regular basis to 3ee% them current. 7ommunication between
the handheld scanners and the ser,ers will be %rotected with 4@!, and the wireless
traffic from the scanner to the wireless access %oints will be %rotected with W&:2 using
the :d,anced *ncr"%tion !tandard ;:*!<.
:lthough the actual bac3u% s"stems are not %art of the new im%lementation, the" are an
integral %art of the o,erall s"stem. 4eam 2 has made that recommendation that all
bac3u% data be encr"%ted using a data at rest encr"%tion solution such as the !im%ana
%lug in for 7omm,ault or +%en!!@, a free o%en source bac3u% encr"%tion software
a%%lication for Windows and =ni- ser,ers.
'.'0. 4mployability
4he sco%e of this %ro'ect to de,elo% a %ortable bac3u% media trac3ing s"stem for the
6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital was designed to meet se,eral initial strict re>uirements.
4he s"stem had to be de,elo%ed at minimal cost, de,elo%ment staff consisted of in
house %ersonal, re>uired a sim%le to na,igate web interface and be robust enough to
%ro,ide the trac3ing re>uirements of %ortable bac3u% media.
4he selection of software and hardware %roducts was carefull" chosen to conform to the
necessar" design re>uirements. :ccess 2007 was selected as low cost database
solution that could run on minimal hardware, in this case a la%to% com%uter. :ccess
Final Report for Media Management Page vii
2007 is also a robust enough a%%lication that could be used to run custom a database
with re%ort generating ca%abilities and %ro,ide remote data in%ut through web forms ,ia
multi%le sources. 4he hand scanners with wireless networ3ing ca%abilit" %ro,ide the
necessar" %ortabilit" scan, trac3, indentif" and re%ort %ortable media at multi%le
locations simultaneousl". 4he database and web interfaces were de,elo%ed with inD
house staff, %ro,iding future su%%ort for database changes, u%grades or the addition of
new features or ca%abilities should the need arise.
4he final %ortable bac3u% media trac3ing s"stem %roduced b" this %ro'ect successfull"
meets all the %reDdetermined design re>uirements and o%erational criteria. 4he ma3es
use of all %ossible networ3 infrastructure in %lace, an re>uires minimal additional
com%onents to %urchased and no outside contracting to com%lete the software
2. F&t&re directions
4he %ortable bac3u% media trac3ing s"stem %roduced from this %ro'ect was
intended to be a low cost solution de,elo%ed b" in house staff at the 6ationwide
7hildren8s /os%ital. :s long as the organi5ation maintains staff with the a%%ro%riate
s3ill sets, the %roduct can continue to be u%dated with new ca%abilities and features
added as needed for automation tas3s of this business %rocess.
!hould the 6ationwide 7hildren8s /os%ital re>uire u%grading to a more robust
database ser,er in the future such as (icrosoft !E@, the :ccess 2007 data can be
u%si5ed and migrated to the new database ser,er. !uch an u%grade would re>uire
an additional in,estment in hardware, but the current solution %ro,ides a foundation
that would ma3e the transition fairl" seamless for administrators.
$or 42 7onsulting, this database is a launching %oint to remo,e the branding, con,ert to
a !E@ database with a full web front end to create a commerciall" mar3etable %roduct.

). 2nnotated 5ibliograp$y
2n article t$at compares different 6eb development platforms
.Net Comparison Chart. ;200A, $ebruar" 5<. 1etrie,ed .une 2#, 2010, from &romoteWare.comF
0mage of t$e '21 barcode
Final Report for Media Management Page viii
128 Barcode. :dams 1.
2rticle regarding 2 dimensional barcodes and t$eir &ses
2 Dimensional Barcode. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed .une 25, 2010, from DownloadsoftsF
2 6eb page t$at displays t$e specifications of 2ccess 200/
Access 2007 Specifications. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed .ul" 2, 2010, from
0mage of standard barcode
Barcode image. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed .une 27, 2010, from 7ommunit" +mni%lanarF
2rticle regarding t$e different varieties of bar codes and t$eir applications
Barcode Information. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed .une 2I, 2010, from 2arcode !olutionsF
Matri7 of barcodes .it$ t$eir associated feat&res and applications
Barcode Matri. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed .une 25, 2010, from 2arcode $:EF
F&ll description of t$e symbology of bar codes
Barcode S!m"olog!. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed .une 2I, 2010, from 2arcoderesource.comF
2rticle of t$e $istory and &se of barcode tec$nologies
Barcode #echnologies. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed .une 27, 2010, from @ightning @abelsF
T$is book e7plains tec$nologies and tec$nical terms
2owman, &. /. ;200#<. I4 (ade *DK. In &. /. 2owman, ) @. @ong ;*d.<, I# Made $%& ;%. AI<.
I4 (ade *DK, Inc.
Final Report for Media Management Page ix
2 dynamic .ebsite &sers to searc$ for bro.ser &sage based on inp&t date
Bro'ser Mar(et Share. ;2010, .une 2#<. 1etrie,ed .une 2#, 2010, from 6et(ar3et!hareF
T$is site describes t$e soft.are development life cycle and several met$odologies
7ha%man, .. 1. ;2007, .anuar" 1<. Soft'are De)elopment Methodolog!. 1etrie,ed .une 0,
2010, from h"%erthot.comF htt%F//www.h"
2rticle describes t$e different server models &sed for .ebsites
Choosing a Ser)er Model. ;200B, December <. 1etrie,ed .une 2#, 2010, from dreamwea,erD
m-.orgF htt%F//dreamwea,
2rticle lists t$e pros and cons of different programming lang&ages
Choosing a *e" Application +rogramming ,ang-age. ;2010, .une 1<. 1etrie,ed .une 2#,
2010, from >uanrel.comF htt%F//www.>
2rticle on data sec&rity regarding a veteran .$ose personal information .as
Dignan, @arr". ;200#<. .A/ .eteran0s Data S'iped. 1etrie,ed on 1 .ul", 2010 from
2rticle abo&t t$e process of tape and media tracking
$errill, &. ;200#, :%ril 7<. 4a%e 4rac3ing. +rocessor , %%. 1D2.
2rticle on managing back &p process properly to avoid database corr&ption and loss
/uber, 6. ;200A , +ctober 2#<. +oor "ac(%-p management can create data"ase ris(. 1etrie,ed
(a" 1, 2010, from 7om%uter Wee3l"F
2rticle on a ne. system for tracking portable media
Final Report for Media Management Page x
,o 1ac( for Bac( 2p #apes. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed :%ril 27, 2010, from *nter%rise !torage $orumF
2rticle regarding t$e viability of tape media for back &p
(c7all, .a". L4a%e Is !till : 9ital &art +f Data (anagement.M 2usiness !olutions, ,. 1I issue
I, 200A, %. I0DI2.
T$is site contains information on Microsoft *ffice prod&cts
Microsoft +rod-cts. ;2010<. 1etrie,ed .ul" 2, 2010, from americanglobalsoftware.comF
Tec$nical article describes 2SP."et and .$y it is bro.ser8ne&tral
( ;200<. *hat is #,S3SS,4 . retrie,ed on 2I .une 2010 from
Tec$nical article describes 2SP."et and .$y it is bro.ser8ne&tral
M-lti%Bro'ser S-pport. ;200, +ctober<. 1etrie,ed .ul" 2, 2010, from
2rticle compares P!P to ot$er lang&ages
+5+ and other lang-ages. ;2010, .une 25<. 1etrie,ed .une 2#, 2010, from %h%.netF
2rticle compares several different bro.sers and e7plains .$y t$e bro.ser market is
&olishchu3, &. ;2010, .une 2<. A collection of alternati)e *e" "ro'sers tr!ing to hold their
o'n. 1etrie,ed .une 25, 2010, from download.cnet.comF
2rticle compares ."et to 9ava .it$ a perspective of .$at sill set an soft.are companies
application developers $ave
Final Report for Media Management Page xi
!ilwa, 7. ;2002, (a" 20<. .Net )s. 1a)a/ 6i)e 6actors to Consider. 1etrie,ed .une 0, 2010,
from com%uterworld.comF htt%F//,s.J.a,a
0nteresting encryption article
!!@/4@! handsha3e se>uence. ;2010<. 1etrie,ed 2I .une 2010 from
Tape Management soft.are sol&tion
#ape Management Soft'are Sol-tion. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed :%ril 27, 2010, from 2)@ :ssociatesF
Tape tracking system prod&ct offering
#ape #rac(ing S!stem. ;n.d.<. 1etrie,ed (a" 1, 2010, from 4homas 6etF
2rticle regarding encrypting back&p tape and ot$er media for data sec&rity
4hom%son, Kerr". ;2007<. Bac(-p $ncr!ption. 1etrie,ed on 1 .ul", 2010 from
4ncryption article for .ireless tec$nology ;200#<. *+A27 Sec-rit! No' Mandator! for *i%6i C$8#I6I$D7 +rod-cts.
1etrie,ed on 0 .une 2010 from htt%F//
2rticle on data encryption
Wil3ins, Da,id. ;n.d.<. Data $ncr!ption. 1etrie,ed on 2I .une 2010 from

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