Ciaga - Efomm / Revision Test 2

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1. Make up sentences using the given words + a verb to give a reminder or an instruction.
1) Before _________________________________________________________________
2) After __________________________________________________________________
3) hen __________________________________________________________________
!) hi"e _________________________________________________________________
2. #omp"ete the sentences for each situation using $ing.
3. %i"" in the b"anks with &ust ' a"read( or (et.
1) ) want to watch *+' but ) haven,t finished writing the sa"es report ___________.
2) A- here is *aner.
B- /e has __________ arrived. /e is having a shower.
3) /ave (ou seen the new fi"m of 0emi Moore __________.
!) ) don,t want to eat an(thing. ),ve ___________eaten two cheeseburgers.
1) A"though the(,re p"a(ing ver( we""' the( haven,t scored a goa" _________.
2) 3ook4 /e has __________crashed that "orr(.
!. 5ewrite the sentences using the present passive or past passive.
1. Match the e6pressions and their meanings.
1. a burning ambition 7 ) a group of ships
2. a brainwave 7 ) to be upset
3. a go"den ru"e 7 ) for a ver( "ong time
!. to s"ip up 7 ) a ver( strong desire to do something
1. tight corners 7 ) to become faster and better
2. to have enough on one,s hands 7 ) to begin a &ourne(
8. to be under one,s own steam 7 ) to have enough to dea" with
9. to run out of steam 7 ) where peop"e or ships stop in a "ong trip
:. to "et off steam 7 ) to make a care"ess mistake
1;. to be steamed<up about something 7 ) to do something a"one' without an( he"p
11. to go fu"" steam ahead 7 ) to be more important than something
12. to outstrip 7 ) a sudden idea
13. advent 7 ) trave""ing towards the east
1!. to corkscrew 7 ) to become e6hausted
11. to set off 7 ) to make circu"ar movements
12. f"eet 7 ) a guiding principa"
18. staging post 7 ) invention
19. east<bound 7 ) to get rid of something
1:. to be outweighted 7 ) difficu"t situations
2;. perennia" 7 ) to work hard
2. #omp"ete with =/>?30 @ >?A/* *> @ /A0 BB**B5 @ M?=* @ /A+B *> in the
correct form.
1. *edCs f"ight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. /e __________ be e6hausted
after such a "ong f"ight.
2. *he book is optiona". M( professor said we cou"d read it if we needed e6tra credit. But
we __________ read it if we donCt want to.
3. Dou __________ worr( so much. )t doesnCt do (ou an( good. Bither (ou get the &ob' or
(ou donCt. )f (ou donCt' &ust app"( for another one. Bventua""(' (ou wi"" find work.
!. At first' m( boss didnCt want to hire =am. But' because ) had previous"( worked with
=am' ) to"d m( boss that he __________ to take another "ook at his resume and reconsider
him for the position.
1. Dou __________watch the wa( (ou ta"k to me in the future4
2. ) __________ get up ear"( tomorrow. *here are "ots of things ) want to do.
8. Dou don,t "ook ver( we"". Dou __________ see a doctor.
9. /e __________ get up ear"( because he isn,t working tomorrow.
:. Dou "ook tired. Dou __________ go to bed.
+ocabu"ar( to stud( for the ora" and written tests-
p. 2.1 p. 3.1! p. 2.:
p. 2.! p. !.8 p. 2.11
p. 3.1 p. !.13
p. 3.9 p. 1.1
p. 3.: p. 2.9

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