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Universidad de Puerto Rico

Recinto Universitario de Mayagez

Programa de Preparacin de Maestros de Escuela Secundaria

Actividad de inicio Actividad de desarrollo Actividad de cierre

Colegio San Carlos
Scholar District of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Name: ___________________ Date: __________________
Miss Rosa Rivera Grade: _____ Group: ____

Assessment Technique: Word Journal
Title: Rainsfords Journal

Instructions: Chose a word that describes Rainsfords character
traits, personality or state of mind. Explain in a
short paragraph why this word appropriately
describes who is Rainsford.

Word: _____________________________


Colegio San Carlos
Scholar District of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Name: ________________________ Date: _______________________
Miss Rosa Rivera Grade: ________ Group: _____

Assessment Technique: Pros and Cons
Title: Pros and Cons of Hunting according to Saroff

Instructions: Answer the following question in the provided space according to the
reading Richard Connells The Most Dangerous Game.

What are the advantages of hunting humans vs. animals according to Saroff? What
disadvantages can you find about hunting?

Pros Cons

Colegio San Carlos
Scholar District of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Name: ____________________________ Date:
Miss Rosa Rivera Grade: ________
Group: ________

Assessment Technique: Summarize in a Sentence
Title: Reading with a Purpose

Instructions: Please read each of the following questions carefully after reading Richard
Connells The Most Dangerous Game (in your Elements of Literature
textbook). Afterwards use complete sentences to correctly answer each
question. Be prepared to discuss theses questions with your class.

1. Is Richard Connells The Most Dangerous Game frightening? Why or why not?

2. Please use details to describe the setting of The Most Dangerous Game. Note that setting can
mean physical surroundings as well as a persons state-of-mind (psychological setting). Consider:
Where is the story set (geographically)?
What kind of island is it?
What are the buildings like?
What is the difference between this island and one like, say, Bermuda?
Would the setting be scary if General Zaroff didn't live on the island?
If the island were inhabited, would the story be as scary?

3. What is the state-of-mind of Rainsford before he lands on the island? What is his state-of-mind
after he meets the General?

4. How does Rainsford now feel about animals feelings?


Universidad de Puerto Rico
Recinto Universitario de Mayagez
Programa de Preparacin de Maestros de Escuela Secundaria

Actividad de inicio Actividad de desarrollo Actividad de cierre

Colegio San Carlos
Scholar District of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Name: _________________ Date: ________________
Miss Rosa Rivera Grade: ____ Group: ____

Assessment Technique: Focalized Concept List
Title: Tone in Richard Connells The Most Dangerous Game.

Instructions: As this is the start of a story, the author will
seek to establish a tone or mood to his
story, as well as encouraging the reader to find
out what happened next. Make a list of
examples in the text where Richard Connell
established the tone of the story. What does he
use to establish the tone?

Colegio San Carlos
Scholar District of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Name: ____________________ Date: ___________________
Miss Rosa Rivera Grade: ____ Group: ______

Assessment Technique: Flujograma Flowchart
Title: Main Events

Instructions: Use the following flow chart recall the main events in
the story.

Colegio San Carlos
Scholar District of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________
Miss Rosa Rivera Grade: _____ Group: _______

Assessment Technique: Categorizing Grid
Title: Character Traits

Instructions: Using the TWO main characters from The Most Dangerous
Game complete the chart below. In the box, categorize
the adjective that best describe the personality traits of
each character.

adventurous barbarian composed hunter
hunted resourceful maniacal violent

Adjectives that describe: Zaroff Adjectives that describe: Rainsford
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

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