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Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014

ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 1

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Abermaln ubllc School

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 2
"#$%& '(#)" *; 4<=("=( #=> ("?( $"@AB$"C"=(' 4D"4E%B'(

In this syllabus, the study of a wide range of texts is central to the study of English. This includes the study of texts
which are widely regarded as quality literature, providing students with the opportunity for aesthetic experience and to
develop an appreciation of the artistic expression found in texts.
In the primary years of schooling, the study of text types, as part of a broader study of texts, is intended to facilitate
student literacy skills and help to establish knowledge about the purpose and audience, structures and language
features of a broader range of texts. In the categorisation of texts into 'text types', it is important to note that any such
classification is to some extent arbitrary and that there is always likely to be overlap between ways of grouping and
defining texts.
While delivering courses that reflect the outcomes and content, the following text requirements should be addressed.
Students in K6 must read, listen to and view a variety of texts that are appropriate to their needs, interests and
abilities. These texts become increasingly sophisticated as students move from Kindergarten to Year 6.
In selecting specific texts for study in English, teachers should consider the needs, interests and abilities of their
students and the ethos of the school and its local community.
Note: students with special education needs may not be able to use all or some of the language modes. Some
students with special education needs communicate through a variety of verbal or non-verbal communication systems
or techniques. It is important to take account of the individual communication strategies used by these students and
make appropriate curriculum adjustments.
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B0 ./+5 &./G 9:31.0:9 H39: 9:31L .F/H-7.9 ,M;
spoken texts
print texts
visual texts
media, multimedia and digital texts.
#+G,99 / 9:/N. ,M 7./G080NO :5. 9.7.+:8,0 ,M :.F:9 H39: N8P. 9:31.0:9 .F-.G8.0+. ,M;
texts which are widely regarded as quality literature
a widely defined Australian literature, including texts that give
insights into Aboriginal experiences in Australia

a wide range of literary texts from other countries and times,
including poetry, drama scripts, prose fiction and picture books

texts written about intercultural experiences
texts that provide insights about the peoples and cultures of Asia
everyday and community texts
a wide range of factual texts that present information, issues and

texts that include aspects of environmental and social

an appropriate range of digital texts, including film, media and

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 3

"#$%& '(#)" *; %"#$=B=) #4$<'' (D" 4A$$B4A%AC 4D"4E%B'(

Learnlng across Lhe currlculum conLenL, lncludlng Lhe cross-currlculum prlorlLles and general capablllLles, asslsLs
sLudenLs Lo achleve Lhe broad learnlng ouLcomes deflned ln Lhe 8oard of SLudles !"#$ &'(()*'+', -(.,/01(2 and
34.4/,/54 16 78')49 :()5*);+/<, and ln Lhe =/+>1'(5/ ?/*+.(.4)15 15 7@'*.4)15.+ A1.+< 61( B1'5C D'<4(.+).5<
(uecember 2008).
Cross-currlculum prlorlLles enable sLudenLs Lo develop undersLandlng abouL and address Lhe conLemporary lssues
Lhey face.
Ceneral capablllLles encompass Lhe knowledge, skllls, aLLlLudes and behavlours Lo asslsL sLudenLs Lo llve and work
successfully ln Lhe 21sL cenLury.
1he 8oard's syllabuses lnclude oLher areas ldenLlfled as lmporLanL learnlng for all sLudenLs.
Learnlng across Lhe currlculum conLenL ls lncorporaLed, and ldenLlfled by lcons, ln Lhe conLenL of Lhe 75C+)<E !"#$
39++.>'< ln Lhe followlng ways:

%./G080N #+G,99 :5. 43GG8+373H (.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
4G,99Q43GG8+373H RG8,G8:8.9
Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander hlsLorles and culLures

Asla and AusLralla's engagemenL wlLh Asla


).0.G/7 4/-/S878:8.9
CrlLlcal and creaLlve Lhlnklng

LLhlcal undersLandlng

lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon Lechnology capablllLy

lnLerculLural undersLandlng



ersonal and soclal capablllLy

<:5.G %./G080N #+G,99 43GG8+373H #G./9
Clvlcs and clLlzenshlp

ulfference and dlverslLy

Work and enLerprlse

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 4
!"#$%&%'() ('+ ,#$$-. /0$(%0 1.)('+-$ 2%.0#$%-. ('+ 34)04$-.
1he Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander hlsLorles and culLures cross-currlculum area encompasses Lhe concepLs of CounLry and
lace, eople, CulLure and ldenLlLy. ln Lhelr sLudy of Lngllsh, sLudenLs wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo engage wlLh LexLs LhaL glve
Lhem experlence of Lhe bellefs and value sysLems of Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander peoples. SLudenLs wlll develop
knowledge and undersLandlng of Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander hlsLory and culLure ln AusLralla. ln Lhelr sLudy of Lngllsh,
sLudenLs explore a range of experlences and achlevemenLs of Aborlglnal peoples ln hlsLorlcal and soclal conLexLs and Lhe llnks
beLween culLural expresslon, language and splrlLuallLy.
!.%( ('+ !4.0$()%(5. -'&(&-6-'0 7%02 !.%(
1he sLudy of Lngllsh provldes learnlng opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo explore and appreclaLe Lhe rlch LradlLlon of LexLs from and
abouL Lhe people and counLrles of Asla, lncludlng LexLs wrlLLen by Aslan auLhors. 1hey develop an undersLandlng of Lhe many
languages and dlverse Aslan culLures and how Lhey have lnfluenced AusLrallan culLure. 1hrough Lhelr sLudy, sLudenLs wlll
develop an appreclaLlon of Lhe role AusLralla has played ln Asla and Lhe ongolng relaLlonshlp AusLralla has developed wlLh Lhe
counLrles LhaL make up Lhe Aslan reglon.
1he sLudy of Lngllsh provldes sLudenLs wlLh Lhe sklll requlred Lo lnvesLlgaLe and undersLand lssues of envlronmenLal and soclal
susLalnablllLy, Lo communlcaLe lnformaLlon abouL susLalnablllLy, and Lo advocaLe acLlon Lo lmprove susLalnablllLy.
lf people now and lnLo Lhe fuLure are Lo be LreaLed falrly, acLlon Lo lmprove susLalnablllLy needs Lo be lnformed by a worldvlew
of people, places and communlLles. 8oLh llLeraLure and llLeracy are key elemenLs ln Lhe developmenL of each sLudenL's
worldvlew. More susLalnable paLLerns of llvlng are largely shaped by people's behavlours. Lngllsh provldes an lmporLanL means
of lnfluenclng behavlours, faclllLaLlng lnLeracLlon and expresslng vlewpolnLs Lhrough Lhe creaLlon of LexLs for a range of
purposes, audlences and conLexLs, lncludlng mulLlmodal LexLs and Lhe use of vlsual language.
9$%0%3() ('+ 3$-(0%:- 02%';%'&
SLudenLs develop crlLlcal and creaLlve Lhlnklng by seeklng new paLhways or soluLlons when Lhey evaluaLe knowledge, ldeas and
posslblllLles. Lngllsh provldes sLudenLs wlLh opporLunlLles Lo Lhlnk ln ways LhaL are crlLlcal and creaLlve uslng lnformaLlon and
ldeas and argumenLs Lo respond Lo and compose LexLs, evaluaLe Lhelr own work and Lhe work of oLhers, and plan for fuLure
learnlng. 1hese skllls are lnLegral Lo acLlvlLles LhaL requlre reason, loglc, lmaglnaLlon and lnnovaLlon. ln learnlng Lo Lhlnk broadly
and deeply sLudenLs use reason and lmaglnaLlon Lo dlrecL Lhelr Lhlnklng for dlfferenL purposes.
<02%3() 4'+-$.0('+%'&
1he sLudy of Lngllsh provldes sLudenLs wlLh opporLunlLles Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr capaclLy for eLhlcal undersLandlng and
commlLmenL Lo eLhlcal behavlour for occaslons when Lhey face uncerLalnLy and confllcLlng clalms ln a range of conLexLs.
CpporLunlLles arlse for sLudenLs Lo engage wlLh slLuaLlons or clrcumsLances from Lhe real or vlrLual worlds, or Lhe lmaglnaLlve
worlds of LexLs LhaL lnvolve eLhlcal or moral lssues, dllemmas or declslons as Lhey respond Lo and compose LexLs. LLhlcal lssues
are lnLegral Lo many of Lhe LexLs LhaL sLudenLs encounLer ln Lngllsh.
1'=#$6(0%#' ('+ 3#664'%3(0%#' 0-32'#)#&8 3(>("%)%08
1he sLudy of Lngllsh enables sLudenLs Lo develop and apply knowledge, undersLandlng and skllls of lC1 ln Lhelr composlng,
respondlng and presenLlng, and as parL of Lhe lmaglnaLlve and crlLlcal Lhlnklng Lhey underLake ln Lngllsh.
SLudenLs have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo become compeLenL, dlscrlmlnaLlng and creaLlve users of lC1 as Lhey learn Lo use lC1 effecLlvely
and approprlaLely when lnvesLlgaLlng, creaLlng and communlcaLlng ldeas and lnformaLlon. SLudenLs wlll learn abouL Lhe eLhlcs of
lnformaLlon communlcaLlon Lhrough Lechnology.
1'0-$34)04$() 4'+-$.0('+%'&
SLudenLs develop lnLerculLural undersLandlng as Lhey learn Lo undersLand Lhelr own ldenLlLy ln relaLlon Lo oLhers from dlfferenL
culLures and backgrounds.
1he sLudy of Lngllsh offers rlch opporLunlLles for lnLerculLural undersLandlng and exchange. SLudenLs experlence a range of
llLeraLure from dlfferenL culLures, lncludlng Lhe lnscrlpLlonal and oral narraLlve LradlLlons of Aborlglnal people and 1orres SLralL
lslander people, as well as Lhe conLemporary llLeraLure of Lhese Lwo culLural groups. 1hey also read classlc and conLemporary
world llLeraLure, lncludlng LexLs from and abouL Asla.
Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 3
[LlLeracy ls embedded LhroughouL Lhe 75C+)<E !"#$ 39++.>'<. lL relaLes Lo a hlgh proporLlon of Lhe conLenL descrlpLlons across k-
10. ConsequenLly, Lhls parLlcular general capablllLy ls noL Lagged ln Lhls syllabus.]
LlLeracy ls Lhe ablllLy Lo use a reperLolre of knowledge and skllls Lo communlcaLe and comprehend effecLlvely ln a wlde varleLy of
conLexLs, modes and medla. LlLeracy knowledge and skllls provlde sLudenLs wlLh Lhe foundaLlons for currenL and fuLure learnlng
and for parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe workplace and wlder socleLy. 1he knowledge and skllls also provlde opporLunlLles for personal
enrlchmenL Lhrough soclal lnLeracLlon, furLher educaLlon, Lralnlng and skllled employmenL and a range of culLural pursulLs,
lncludlng engagemenL wlLh llLeraLure and Lhe arLs. LlLeracy knowledge and skllls also enable sLudenLs Lo beLLer undersLand and
negoLlaLe Lhe world ln whlch Lhey llve and Lo conLrlbuLe Lo a democraLlc socleLy Lhrough becomlng eLhlcal and lnformed clLlzens.
8elng 'llLeraLe' ls more Lhan Lhe acqulslLlon of Lechnlcal skllls: lL lncludes Lhe ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy, undersLand, lnLerpreL, creaLe and
communlcaLe purposefully uslng wrlLLen, vlsual and dlglLal forms of expresslon and communlcaLlon for a number of purposes ln
dlfferenL conLexLs. 1he Lngllsh learnlng area has a parLlcular role ln developlng llLeracy because of lLs lnherenL focus on language
and meanlng. Powever, all currlculum areas have a responslblllLy for Lhe general llLeracy requlremenLs of sLudenLs as Lhey
consLrucL meanlng for Lhemselves and oLhers.
1he esLabllshed funcLlons of speaklng and llsLenlng, readlng and wrlLlng, and vlewlng and represenLlng remaln cenLral Lo belng
llLeraLe LogeLher wlLh llLeracy demands relaLed Lo a range of vlsual and mulLlmodal LexLs, as well as Lhose LhaL have evolved
from Lhe growLh of dlglLal Lechnologles. SLudenLs Loday need Lhe knowledge and skllls requlred for [udlclous use of Lhese
Lechnologles and Lo quesLlon, challenge and evaluaLe Lhe role of Lhese Lechnologles and Lhe wlder lmpllcaLlons of Lhelr use for
conLemporary socleLy.
1he sLudy of Lngllsh provldes opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo develop Lhelr skllls ln numeracy by ldenLlfylng and uslng numerlcal,
measuremenL, spaLlal, graphlcal and sLaLlsLlcal concepLs and skllls. SLudenLs sLrengLhen Lhelr undersLandlng of how lssues and
polnLs of vlew LhaL are based on daLa are represenLed ln LexLs by developlng Lhelr skllls Lo ldenLlfy, analyse and synLheslse
numerlcal lnformaLlon as Lhey respond Lo Lhe rellablllLy of sources and meLhodology.
A-$.#'() ('+ .#3%() 3(>("%)%08
SLudenLs develop personal and soclal capablllLy as Lhey learn Lo undersLand and manage Lhemselves, Lhelr relaLlonshlps, llves,
work and learnlng more effecLlvely. 1here are many opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo develop personal and soclal capablllLy ln
Lngllsh. 1he sLudy of Lngllsh helps Lhem Lo ldenLlfy and express Lhelr own oplnlons, bellefs and responses and Lo lnLeracL
confldenLly and approprlaLely ln a range of soclal conLexLs. Lngllsh provldes sLudenLs wlLh opporLunlLles Lo reflecL on Lhelr own
and oLhers' learnlng and Lo assess and adapL Lhelr lndlvldual and collaboraLlve skllls for learnlng wlLh lncreaslng lndependence
and effecLlveness.
9%:%3. ('+ 3%0%B-'.2%>
Clvlcs and clLlzenshlp conLenL lnvolves knowledge and undersLandlng of how our AusLrallan socleLy operaLes. ln Lhelr sLudy of
Lngllsh, sLudenLs demonsLraLe Lhelr acLlve parLlclpaLlon by conslderlng how clvlc lssues are represenLed ln Lhe publlc arena, Lhe
soclally responslble consLrucLlon and use of medla, and Lhe represenLaLlon of AusLrallan lmages and slgnlflcanL AusLrallans.
C%==-$-'3- ('+ +%:-$.%08
SLudenLs experlence and value dlfference and dlverslLy ln Lhelr everyday llves. Age, bellefs, gender, language and race are some
of Lhe facLors LhaL comprlse dlfference and dlverslLy. Lngllsh provldes sLudenLs wlLh opporLunlLles Lo deal wlLh dlfference and
dlverslLy ln a poslLlve and lnformed manner, showlng awareness, undersLandlng and accepLance. lL asslsLs Lhem Lo develop and
express Lhelr sense of self, Lo connecL wlLh oLher people and communlLles and Lo undersLand Lhe feaLures of a falr and [usL
socleLy LhaL values dlverslLy. 1hrough Lhe sLudy of LexLs from a range of perspecLlves, counLrles and Llmes, Lngllsh develops
sLudenLs' undersLandlng of oLhers and bullds empaLhy for lndlvldual dlfferences.
D#$; ('+ -'0-$>$%.-
Lngllsh provldes opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo develop knowledge, undersLandlng and skllls requlred ln Lhe workplace and Lo
develop values and aLLlLudes abouL work. Lngllsh develops many of Lhe key skllls requlred for effecLlve parLlclpaLlon ln work
envlronmenLs, lncludlng llLeracy, worklng ln groups and skllls ln acqulrlng, processlng, assesslng and communlcaLlng lnformaLlon,
boLh orally and ln a varleLy of wrlLLen forms. 1hrough Lhe sLudy of Lngllsh, sLudenLs also develop an undersLandlng of Lhe ways
ln whlch language ls used for parLlcular audlences, purposes and conLexLs. AddlLlonally, Lhe sLudy of LexLs wlLh workplace
conLexLs expands sLudenLs' undersLandlng of Lhe world of work. 1he communlcaLlon skllls developed Lhrough Lhe sLudy of
Lngllsh provlde a plaLform for sLudenLs Lo underLake fuLure vocaLlonal educaLlon and Lralnlng.

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 6
#; 'R"#EB=) #=> %B'("=B=) *

A. communlcaLe Lhrough speaklng, llsLenlng, readlng, wrlLlng, vlewlng and represenLlng*
"=.Q*# communlcaLes wlLh peers and known adulLs ln lnformal and gulded acLlvlLles demonsLraLlng emerglng skllls of
group lnLeracLlon

1erm 1 1erm 2 1erm 3 1erm 4
uevelop and apply conLexLual knowledge
undersLand LhaL Lngllsh ls one of many languages spoken ln AusLralla
and LhaL dlfferenL languages may be spoken by famlly, classmaLes and
communlLy (ACLLA1426)

undersLand how Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely ln palrs and groups uslng
agreed lnLerpersonal convenLlons, acLlve llsLenlng, approprlaLe language
and Laklng Lurns

undersLand and apply knowledge of 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
begln Lo ldenLlfy some language feaLures of famlllar spoken LexLs ln
classroom lnLeracLlons

communlcaLe approprlaLely and effecLlvely wlLhln Lhe classroom uslng
agreed convenLlons, eg sLaylng on Loplc, asklng for and offerlng

recognlse how 'and', 'buL', 'Lhen' llnk ldeas ln spoken LexLs
aLLempL Lo maLch noun Lo pronoun ln spoken LexL, eg 'My broLher has a
peL. Pe feeds hls peL.'

repllcaLe Lhe rhyLhms and sound paLLerns ln sLorles, rhymes, songs and
poems from a range of culLures (ACLL11379)

$.9-,01 Lo and +,H-,9. LexLs
use lnLeracLlon skllls lncludlng llsLenlng whlle oLhers speak, uslng
approprlaLe volce levels, arLlculaLlon and body language, gesLures and
eye conLacL (ACLL?1784)

llsLen Lo and respond orally Lo LexLs and Lo Lhe communlcaLlon of oLhers
ln lnformal and sLrucLured classroom slLuaLlons (ACLL?1646)

dellver shorL oral presenLaLlons Lo peers (ACLL?1647)
communlcaLe wlLh peers and famlllar adulLs abouL personal experlence
descrlbe an ob[ecL of lnLeresL Lo Lhe class, eg Loy, peL
express a polnL of vlew abouL LexLs read and/or vlewed
respond Lo slmple quesLlons elLher verbally or non-verbally
conLrlbuLe approprlaLely Lo class dlscusslons
use quesLlons and sLaLemenLs approprlaLely ln class dlscusslons
use correcL lnLonaLlon when asklng quesLlons and maklng sLaLemenLs
carry ouL lnsLrucLlons lnvolvlng one sLep
undersLand slmple classroom rouLlnes
engage wlLh and respond Lo a range of oral and aural LexLs for
en[oymenL and pleasure

respond Lo Lhe shared readlng of LexLs for en[oymenL and pleasure
reclLe shorL, slmple poems
reLell famlllar sLorles, lncludlng ln home language
Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 7
#; T$B(B=) #=> $"R$"'"=(B=) *
A. communlcaLe Lhrough speaklng, llsLenlng, readlng, wrlLlng, vlewlng and represenLlng*
"=.QI# composes slmple LexLs Lo convey an ldea or message

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
>.P.7,- /01 /--7L +,0:.F:3/7 60,U7.1N.
drawlng on Lhelr experlence of language and LexLs, begln Lo
undersLand LhaL wrlLlng and represenLlng can be used Lo
convey an ldea or message

share wrlLlng wlLh oLhers for en[oymenL
develop an awareness of lssues relaLlng Lo Lhe responslble
use of dlglLal communlcaLlon

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
know LhaL spoken sounds and words can be wrlLLen down
uslng leLLers of Lhe alphabeL and how Lo wrlLe some hlgh-
frequency slghL words and known words (ACLLA1738)

$.9-,01 :, /01 +,H-,9. :.F:9
creaLe shorL LexLs Lo explore, record and reporL ldeas and
evenLs uslng famlllar words and beglnnlng wrlLlng
knowledge (ACLL?1631)

ldenLlfy and use words around Lhe classroom and ln books
durlng wrlLlng

compose LexLs uslng some slghL words and known words
compose LexLs on famlllar Loplcs uslng plcLures and
graphlcs Lo supporL Lhelr cholce of words

experlmenL wlLh baslc vlsual, mulLlmodal and dlglLal
processes Lo represenL some slmple ldeas expressed ln
LexLs and Lo convey experlences

use opporLunlLles Lo wrlLe ln Lhelr home language and
dlalecL and make baslc connecLlons wlLh Lngllsh, lncludlng
Aborlglnal languages and Aborlglnal Lngllsh

parLlclpaLe ln shared edlLlng of sLudenLs' own LexLs for
meanlng, spelllng, caplLal leLLers and full sLops (ACLL?1632)

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 8
#; D#=>T$B(B=) #=> A'B=) >B)B(#% ("4D=<%<)B"'
D#=>T$B(B=) #=> A'B=) >B)B(#% ("4D=<%<)B"'

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
>.P.7,- /01 /--7L +,0:.F:3/7 60,U7.1N.
demonsLraLe a growlng undersLandlng LhaL handwrlLlng and
presenLaLlon of work needs Lo reflecL audlence and purpose
ln order Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
undersLand foundaLlon movemenLs LhaL underpln nSW
loundaLlon SLyle

begln Lo undersLand Lhe sequence of leLLers Lhrough
sLrucLured and gulded acLlvlLles

$.9-,01 :, /01 +,H-,9. :.F:9
use foundaLlon movemenLs as a basls for Lhe lnLroducLlon of
formal leLLers when composlng slmple lmaglnaLlve and oLher
LexLs for en[oymenL or Lo convey an ldea or experlence

develop baslc skllls of wrlLlng, lncludlng correcL pencll grlp,
good posLure, handwrlLlng movemenLs and accuraLe use of
alLernaLlve wrlLlng Lools, Lo form some lower case and upper
case leLLers

wrlLe from lefL Lo rlghL and leave spaces beLween words
produce some lower case and upper case leLLers uslng
learned leLLer formaLlons (ACLL?1633)

use slmple funcLlons of keyboard and mouse, lncludlng
Lyplng leLLers, scrolllng, selecLlng lcons and dropdown

experlmenL uslng dlglLal Lechnologles, eg produce own
name, commonly used words and slmple senLences

consLrucL LexLs uslng sofLware lncludlng word processlng
programs (ACLL?1634)

A. communlcaLe Lhrough speaklng, llsLenlng, readlng, wrlLlng, vlewlng and represenLlng*
"=.QJ# produces mosL lower case and upper case leLLers and uses dlglLal Lechnologles Lo consLrucL LexLs

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 9
#; $"#>B=) #=> VB"TB=) *
A. communlcaLe Lhrough speaklng, llsLenlng, readlng, wrlLlng, vlewlng and represenLlng
"=.QK# demonsLraLes developlng skllls and sLraLegles Lo read, vlew and comprehend shorL, predlcLable LexLs on
famlllar Loplcs ln dlfferenL medla and Lechnologles

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
>.P.7,- /01 /--7L +,0:.F:3/7 60,U7.1N.
ldenLlfy some famlllar wrlLLen symbols ln conLexL, eg logos,
compuLer lcons and commands, labels of packages, slgns

ldenLlfy unfamlllar words and aLLempL Lo use experlence and
conLexL Lo work ouL word meanlngs

ldenLlfy and compare slmllar ldeas, characLers and seLLlngs
ln LexLs

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
undersLand concepLs abouL prlnL and screen, lncludlng how
books, fllm and slmple dlglLal LexLs work, and know some
feaLures of prlnL, for example dlrecLlonallLy(ACLLA1433)

recognlse baslc book convenLlons, eg open and hold books
correcLly, Lurn pages

undersLand dlrecLlon of prlnL, reLurn sweeps and spaces
beLween words

ldenLlfy a senLence ln lmaglnaLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs and
undersLand lLs meanlng

recognlse Lhe leLLers of Lhe alphabeL and know Lhere are
lower and upper case leLLers(ACLLA1440)

recognlse grammaLlcal paLLerns when readlng Lo asslsL ln
maklng meanlng, eg locaLlng words LhaL Lell who, whaL,
when or where ln LexLs

>.P.7,- /01 /--7L -5,0.H8+ 60,U7.1N.
[oln ln rhymes and chanLs
undersLand LhaL spoken words are made up of sounds
recognlse rhymes, syllables and sounds (phonemes) ln
spoken words (ACLLA1439)

conslsLenLly ldenLlfy words LhaL sLarL wlLh Lhe same lnlLlal

segmenL words lnLo onseL and rlme
ldenLlfy Lhe beglnnlng and end sounds of words
orally blend Lwo or Lhree sounds Lo make a word
segmenL slmple spoken words lnLo separaLe sounds
ldenLlfy Lhe new word when asked Lo deleLe or add a
phoneme (sound) Lo an exlsLlng spoken word

>.P.7,- /01 /--7L NG/-5,7,N8+/7O -5,0,7,N8+/7O 9L0:/+:8+ /01 9.H/0:8+ 60,U7.1N.
Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 10

recognlse hlgh-frequency words, lncludlng own name
read and undersLand some slghL words ln slmple,
predlcLable LexLs

ldenLlfy mosL of Lhe sounds and name all leLLers ln a glven

use phonologlcal sLraLegles when readlng, lncludlng leLLer-
sound relaLlonshlps

use knowledge of leLLers and sounds Lo decode words,
lncludlng Lhose ln lnlLlal, flnal and medlal poslLlons

manlpulaLe leLLers Lo asslsL readlng, eg deleLe an onseL Lo
make a new word, deleLe a rlme Lo say an onseL

$.9-,01 :,O G./1 /01 P8.U :.F:9
read predlcLable LexLs, pracLlslng phraslng and fluency, and
monlLor meanlng uslng concepLs abouL prlnL and emerglng
conLexLual, semanLlc, grammaLlcal and phonlc knowledge

use comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo undersLand and dlscuss
LexLs llsLened Lo, vlewed or read lndependenLly

predlcL meanlng uslng elemenLs of LexLs prlor Lo readlng
read one or more senLences correcLly and for meanlng ln
envlronmenLal/prlnL LexLs

ldenLlfy llLeral meanlngs presenLed ln LexLs, eg characLer,
seLLlng and evenLs

make connecLlons beLween a LexL and own llfe
lnLerpreL meanlng by respondlng Lo an lnferenLlal quesLlon
reLell a famlllar sLory ln sequence and ldenLlfy maln ldea
creaLe vlsuals LhaL reflecL characLer, seLLlng and evenLs
use conLexL Lo predlcL meanlng ln wrlLLen LexLs Lo
supplemenL decodlng aLLempLs

make accepLable subsLlLuLlons when readlng slmple LexLs
begln Lo use self-correcLlon sLraLegles, eg rereadlng, pauslng,
uslng plcLure cues and semanLlc and synLacLlc skllls, Lo make
meanlng from prlnL and non-prlnL LexLs

use wlLh lncreaslng awareness approprlaLe readlng
behavlours, eg plLch, lnLonaLlon and fluency

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 11
#; 'R"%%B=)

A. communlcaLe Lhrough speaklng, llsLenlng, readlng, wrlLlng, vlewlng and represenLlng*
"=.QW# demonsLraLes developlng skllls ln uslng leLLers, slmple sound blends and some slghL words Lo represenL known words
when spelllng

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
>.P.7,- /01 /--7L +,0:.F:3/7 60,U7.1N.
undersLand LhaL lnlLlal approxlmaLlons can lead Lo correcL
formal spelllng

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
spell unknown words phoneLlcally wlLh closer

know how Lo use onseL and rlme Lo spell words (ACLLA1438)
ldenLlfy paLLerns ln words leadlng Lo Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of
word famllles

use and wrlLe beglnnlng and endlng sounds of spoken words
know LhaL leLLers are used Lo represenL sounds when wrlLlng

$.9-,01 :, /01 +,H-,9. :.F:9
use approxlmaLlons and some convenLlonal spelllng
aLLempL Lo spell unknown words uslng slmple sLraLegles, eg

spell some common words accuraLely ln Lhelr own wrlLlng
vocallse or subvocallse words when Lrylng Lo wrlLe Lhem
use plural form when spelllng some words

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 12
X; 'R"#EB=) #=> %B'("=B=) I

8. use language Lo shape and make meanlng accordlng Lo purpose, audlence and conLexL
"=.QYX recognlses LhaL Lhere are dlfferenL klnds of spoken LexLs wlLh speclflc language feaLures and shows an emerglng
awareness of some purposes for spoken language

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
>.P.7,- /01 /--7L +,0:.F:3/7 60,U7.1N.
recognlse LhaL Lhere are dlfferenL ways of uslng spoken
language Lo communlcaLe

demonsLraLe a developlng undersLandlng of language used
aL school and expecLaLlons for uslng spoken language
accordlng Lo audlence and purpose

recognlse dlfferenL meLhods of communlcaLlon, eg SLandard
AusLrallan Lngllsh, Aborlglnal Lngllsh, home language, slgn
language and body language

explore how language ls used dlfferenLly aL home and school
dependlng on Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween people

undersLand LhaL language can be used Lo explore ways of
expresslng needs, llkes and dlsllkes (ACLLA1429)

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
begln Lo ldenLlfy some language feaLures of famlllar spoken

ldenLlfy Lhe dlfference beLween a quesLlon and a sLaLemenL
undersLand Lhe use of vocabulary ln famlllar conLexLs relaLed
Lo everyday experlences, personal lnLeresLs and Loplcs
LaughL aL school (ACLLA1437)

$.9-,01 :, /01 +,H-,9. :.F:9
greeL people dlfferenLly accordlng Lo Lhe relaLlonshlp
make slmple requesLs uslng approprlaLe word order
recognlse and lnLerpreL a slmple lnsLrucLlon from Leachers
and peers

compose LexLs Lo communlcaLe feellngs, needs, oplnlons and

use muslc and/or acLlons Lo enhance Lhe en[oymenL and
undersLandlng of rhymes, poems, chanLs and songs

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 13
X; T$B(B=) #=> $"R$"'"=(B=) I

8. use language Lo shape and make meanlng accordlng Lo purpose, audlence and conLexL
"=.QZX recognlses some dlfferenL purposes for wrlLlng and LhaL own LexLs dlffer ln varlous ways

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
>.P.7,- /01 /--7L +,0:.F:3/7 60,U7.1N.
dlscuss Lhe posslble audlences of lmaglnaLlve and
lnformaLlve LexLs

undersLand LhaL LexLs can Lake many forms, can be very
shorL (for example an exlL slgn) or qulLe long (for example an
lnformaLlon book or a fllm) and LhaL sLorles and lnformaLlve
LexLs have dlfferenL purposes(ACLLA1430)

dlscuss Lhe dlfferenL purposes of drawlng and wrlLlng ln
slmple LexLs

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
undersLand LhaL some language ln wrlLLen LexLs ls unllke
everyday spoken language (ACLLA1431)

ldenLlfy some dlfferences beLween lmaglnaLlve and
lnformaLlve LexLs (ACLL?1648)

ldenLlfy LhaL lmaglnaLlve LexLs are abouL 'characLers' LhaL are
represenLed by nouns and noun groups

demonsLraLe an awareness of wrlLLen forms of
communlcaLlon, lncludlng labels, symbols, emalls, leLLers
and phoLographs

$.9-,01 :, /01 +,H-,9. :.F:9
compose LexLs for known audlence, eg self, class, oLher
classes, parenLs

compose LexLs uslng drawlngs and oLher vlsual medla Lo
creaLe meanlng

reread own LexLs wlLh peers and known adulLs and explaln
Lhe purpose for Lhe wrlLlng

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 14
X; $"#>B=) #=> VB"TB=) I

8. use language Lo shape and make meanlng accordlng Lo purpose, audlence and conLexL
"=.Q[X demonsLraLes emerglng skllls and knowledge of LexLs Lo read and vlew, and shows developlng awareness of purpose,
audlence and sub[ecL maLLer

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
>.P.7,- /01 /--7L +,0:.F:3/7 60,U7.1N.
recognlse LhaL Lhere are dlfferenL klnds of lmaglnaLlve and
lnformaLlve LexLs for en[oymenL and flndlng lnformaLlon

ldenLlfy some famlllar LexLs and Lhe conLexLs ln whlch Lhey
are used (ACLL?1643)

undersLand LhaL readers/vlewers may have varled and
lndlvldual responses Lo a LexL

recognlse parLs of prlnL and dlglLal LexLs, eg fronL and back
covers, LlLle and auLhor, layouL and navlgaLlon

recognlse key dlfferences beLween lmaglnaLlve and
lnformaLlve LexLs

ldenLlfy some purposes of slmple and lmaglnaLlve LexLs
ldenLlfy Lhe lnLended audlence for a parLlcular LexL and glve

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
dlsLlngulsh prlnL from drawlngs
undersLand LhaL words can be spoken or wrlLLen
recognlse LhaL words and plcLures have meanlng and LhaL
words can be read aloud

explore Lhe dlfferenL conLrlbuLlon of words and lmages Lo
meanlng ln sLorles and lnformaLlve LexLs (ACLLA1786)

ldenLlfy some feaLures of LexLs lncludlng evenLs and
characLers and reLell evenLs from a LexL (ACLL11378)

$.9-,01 :,O G./1 /01 P8.U :.F:9
engage wlLh shared sLorles and [oln ln shared book acLlvlLles
on famlllar and lmaglnary books

explore sequenclng of a sLory, focuslng on Lhe beglnnlng,
mlddle and end and recognlse culLural paLLerns of
sLoryLelllng, eg 'Cnce upon a Llme', Lhe ureamlng

lnLerpreL plcLures wlLh labels, envlronmenLal prlnL logos and
oLher vlsual lmages

selecL slmple prlnL, vlsual and/or dlglLal LexLs Lo read
lndependenLly for en[oymenL and pleasure

dlscuss famlllar wrlLLen and vlsual LexLs

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 13
X; )$#CC#$O RA=4(A#(B<= #=> V<4#XA%#$&

8. use language Lo shape and make meanlng accordlng Lo purpose, audlence and conLexL
"=.Q\X demonsLraLes developlng skllls and knowledge ln grammar, puncLuaLlon and vocabulary when respondlng Lo and
composlng LexLs

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
>.P.7,- /01 /--7L +,0:.F:3/7 60,U7.1N.
begln Lo undersLand LhaL grammar, puncLuaLlon and vocabulary are
needed Lo achleve Lhe purpose of Lhe LexL

show a growlng awareness of words LhaL enrlch Lhelr vocabulary
A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
recognlse LhaL LexLs are made up of words and groups of words LhaL
make meanlng (ACLLA1434)

recognlse LhaL senLences are key unlLs for expresslng ldeas (ACLLA1433)
ldenLlfy sLaLemenLs, quesLlons, commands and exclamaLlons and Lhelr
funcLlons ln LexLs

experlmenL wlLh adverblal phrases ln sLrucLured and gulded acLlvlLles Lo
lndlcaLe when, where and how acLlons occurred, eg lasL week, aL home

demonsLraLe an awareness of nouns, pronouns and con[uncLlons
recognlse slmple pronoun references Lo malnLaln meanlng
undersLand LhaL puncLuaLlon ls a feaLure of wrlLLen LexL dlfferenL from
leLLers, recognlse how caplLal leLLers are used for names, and LhaL caplLal
leLLers and full sLops slgnal Lhe beglnnlng and end of senLences

ldenLlfy feaLures of senLence puncLuaLlon, eg quesLlon marks and
exclamaLlon marks, when readlng and composlng

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M P,+/S37/GL
begln Lo bulld personal vocabulary
know Lhe meanlng of commonly used words
demonsLraLe an awareness LhaL some words have mulLlple meanlngs
$.9-,01 :, /01 +,H-,9. :.F:9
compose effecLlve senLences ln wrlLlng uslng approprlaLe word order
begln Lo use sLaLemenLs and quesLlons wlLh approprlaLe puncLuaLlon
aLLempL Lo lncorporaLe unfamlllar words ln wrlLlng
use a growlng vocabulary Lo descrlbe everyday evenLs and experlence

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 16
4; (DB=EB=) BC#)B=#(BV"%& #=> 4$"#(BV"%&

C. Lhlnk ln ways LhaL are lmaglnaLlve, creaLlve, lnLerpreLlve and crlLlcal
"=.Q*]4 Lhlnks lmaglnaLlvely and creaLlvely abouL famlllar Loplcs, slmple ldeas and Lhe baslc feaLures of LexLs when
respondlng Lo and composlng LexLs

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
Lngage personally wlLh LexLs
respond Lo LexLs, ldenLlfylng favourlLe sLorles, auLhors and lllusLraLors

share plcLure books and dlglLal sLorles for en[oymenL and pleasure
uevelop and apply conLexLual knowledge
undersLand LhaL lmaglnaLlve LexLs can be composed for a range of
audlences and purposes, uslng a range of medla

engage wlLh and appreclaLe Lhe lmaglnaLlve use of language Lhrough

A01.G9:/01 /01 /--7L 60,U7.1N. ,M 7/0N3/N. M,GH9 /01 M./:3G.9
recognlse some dlfferenL Lypes of llLerary LexLs and ldenLlfy some
characLerlsLlc feaLures of llLerary LexLs, for example beglnnlngs and
endlngs of LradlLlonal LexLs and rhyme ln poeLry (ACLL11783)

dlscuss creaLlve language feaLures ln lmaglnaLlve LexLs LhaL can enhance
en[oymenL, eg lllusLraLlons, repeLlLlon

8espond Lo and compose LexLs
use lmaglnaLlon Lo represenL aspecLs of an experlence uslng wrlLLen LexL,
drawlngs and oLher vlsual medla

respond Lo a range of lmaglnaLlve and creaLlve LexLs, lncludlng vlsual

reLell famlllar llLerary LexLs Lhrough performance, use of lllusLraLlons and
lmages (ACLL11380)

share feellngs and LhoughLs abouL Lhe evenLs and characLers ln LexLs

dlscuss lnLended personal wrlLlng Loplcs Lo form Lhe basls for composlng

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 17
>; "?R$"''B=) (D"C'"%V"'

D. express themselves and their relationships with others and their world
"=.Q**> responds to and composes simple texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own experiences

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
Engage personally with texts
share responses to aspects of a text that relate to their own life

engage with a variety of simple texts and begin to understand that
readers draw on their own knowledge to make meaning and
enhance enjoyment

Develop and apply contextual knowledge
recognise that texts are created by authors who tell stories and
share experiences that may be similar or different to students' own
experiences (ACELT1575)

understand that different languages and dialects may be spoken by
family, classmates and community

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features
understand that language can be used to describe likes and

explore how language is used differently at home and school

Respond to and compose texts
compare and connect own experiences to those depicted in stories

compose simple written and visual texts that include aspects of
home, personal and local community life

use visual, multimodal and digital processes to represent simple
aspects of home and community life

respond to texts that depict aspects of home and community life,
eg short films and digital texts

respond to Dreaming stories, eg stories from local Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander communities

respond to literature and a variety of other texts from a range of
storytellers and cultures, using picture books and online sources

read and discuss stories that reflect students' social and cultural

begin to recognise points of view in text

Abermaln ubllc School Scope and Sequence CheckllsL Larly SLage 1, 2014
ueveloped by S WesLwood, adapLed by k Plll and W ower 18
"; $"^%"4(B=) <= %"#$=B=)
E. learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English
"=.Q*I" demonstrates awareness of how to reflect on aspects of their own and others learning

(.GH * (.GH I (.GH J (.GH K
Develop and apply contextual knowledge
develop a growing understanding of how a rich text environment
underpins learning

begin to recognise that there are different ways of learning in

demonstrate an emerging awareness of criteria to enable the
successful completion of tasks

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features
contribute to guided discussion about how people learn to read and

develop an appreciation for books, poetry and song and the
importance of narrative

Respond to and compose texts
discuss what it means to be an active listener

discuss what it means to be a cooperative group member

reflect on own reading and discuss the pleasure and challenges of
learning to read

discuss likes and dislikes after reading texts

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