Zinc Oxide: Material Safety Data Sheet

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Chemical Name and Synonyms: Zinc oxide; Flowers of

zinc; Zinc white; Zincoid
Chemical Family: Inorganic metal oxide
Chemical Formula: ZnO
Product Use: Laboratory reagent
Manufacturers Name and Address:
Caledon Laboratories Ltd.
40 Armstrong Avenue
Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4R9
Telephone No: (905) 877-0101
Fax No: (905) 877-6666
Emergency Telephone No: CANUTEC (613) 996-6666
Ingredients % TLV Units CAS No.
Zinc oxide ~99 5 mg/m
(fume) 1314-13-2
10 mg/m
Physical State: Solid
Odour and Appearance: Fine, amorphous, white or yel-
low-white powder or hexagonal crystals; odourless
Odour Threshold (ppm): Not applicable
Vapour Pressure (mm Hg): <0
Vapour Density (Air = 1): Not applicable
Evaporation Rate: Not applicable
Boiling Point (degrees C): Sublimes at normal pressure
Melting Point (degrees C): 1975C (sublimes)
American process zinc oxide pH: 6.95
French process zinc oxide pH: 7.37
Specific Gravity: 5.607
Coefficient of Water/Oil distribution: Not available
UN: Not regulated
T.D.G. Class: Not regulated
Pkg. Group: Not regulated
Chemical Stability: Stable. Gradually absorbs CO
the air.
Incompatibility with other substances: Reacts violently
with chlorinated rubber at 215C. Can react explosively with
magnesium when heated. May react vigorously with strong
acids. Forms water soluble zincates with stong bases. Not
corrosive to metals.
Reactivity: Avoid excessiv e heat, incompatible materials,
generation of dust.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: None identified
Flammability: Non combustible. Does not burn.
Extinguishing Media: Use an extinguisher appropriate to
the surrounding material that is burning. Firefighters should
wear protective equipment and clothing sufficient to prevent
inhalation of dust or fumes and contact with skin and eyes.
Flash Point (Method Used): Not applicable
Autoignition Temperature: Not applicable
Upper Flammable Limit (% by volume): Not applicable
Lower Flammable Limit (% by volume): Not applicable
Hazardous Combustion Products: Toxic fumes
Sensitivity to Impact: None identified
Sensitivity to Static discharge: None identified
Toxicological Data:
: (oral, mouse) 7,950 mg/kg
: (guinea pig) 2,500 mg/m
Effects of Acute Exposure to Product:
Inhaled: Severe overexposure to dust can cause metal
fume fever, a flu-like illness. Symptoms occur several hours
after exposure and include chills, lassitude, fatigue, head-
ache, metallic taste in mouth, low back pain, muscle ache,
chest tightness and dry cough. The symptoms are reversible
and subside after 12 to 24 hours. Recovery is complete with
no apparent permanent disability.
In contact with skin: Low potential for skin irritation. Zinc
oxide is used in many cosmetic and dematological prepara-
In contact with eyes: Fumes or dust may cause mild irrita-
tion. Extent of irritation depends on concentration and
duration of exposure.
Ingested: Relatively low toxicity by ingestion. Swallowing
of large amounts may cause gastrointestinal irritation and
Effects of Chronic Exposure to Product:
Prolonged or repeated exposure to high concentrations of
dust may cause skin irritation. Occupational dermatitis was
reported in workers making zinc oxide, where zinc oxide
dust had combined with debris and bacteria on the skin as a
result of poor personal hygiene.
Prolonged exposure to zinc fumes eventually caused gastro-
intestinal disturbances, nausea, weakness where workers
were involved in processes such as galvanizing metal or
working in brass foundries.
Carcinogenicity: No information available
Teratogenicity: No human information available. Animal
testing shows that very high doses (4,000 ppm in diet) can
cause fetal toxicity or death.
Reproductive Effects: No information available
Mutagenicity: No information available
Synergistic Products: None known
Engineering Controls: Local exhaust ventilation recom-
Respiratory Protection: Up to 50 mg/m
: dust, mist and
fume respirator, or supplied-air respirator. Up to 125 mg/m
NIOSH/OSHA approved, powered, air-purifying respirator
with dust, mist and fume filter, or supplied-air respirator op-
erated in continuous-flow mode. Up to 250 mg/m
: full
face-piece air-purifying respirator with high-efficiency partic-
ulate filter, or powered, air-purifying respirator with
tight-fitting face-piece and high-efficiency particulate filter, or
supplied-air respirator with tight-fitting face-piece operated in
continuous-flow mode. Up to 500 mg/m
: positive-pressure
supplied-air respirator. Higher or unknown concentrations,
as in fire or spill conditions: positive-pressure, full face-piece
self-contained breathing apparatus, or positive-pressure, full
face-piece supplied-air respirator with an auxiliary posi-
tive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus.
Eye Protection: Chemical safety glasses
Skin Protection: Protective gloves. Other protective cloth-
ing, sleeves, apron, sufficient to limit contact.
Other Personal Protective Equipment: Safety shower
and eyewash fountain in work place.
Leak and Spill Procedure: Restrict access to area of spill.
Cleanup personnel should be thoroughly trained in the han-
dling of hazardous materials, and should wear protective
equipment and clothing sufficient to prevent inhalation of
dust or fumes and contact with skin and eyes. Transfer
carefully into labelled, covered container(s) and arrange re-
moval by disposal company. Avoid generating dust. Wash
site of spillage thoroughly with water and detergent, and
ventilate area thoroughly.
Waste Disposal: Follow all federal, provincial and local
regulations for disposal.
Handling Procedures and Equipment: Workers handling
this product should be trained in its hazards and its safe
use, and shuld wear appropriate protective clothing. Follow
routine safe handling procedures. Use the smallest possible
amount for the purpose, in designated areas with adequate
ventilation. Avoid generating dust or fumes. Keep away
from all incompatible materials.
Storage Requirements: Store in suitable, labelled contain-
ers, in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight
and away from incompatible materials. Keep containers
tightly closed. Avoid dust buildup by frequent cleaning. Pro-
tect from damage.
Specific Measures:
Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with gently running water for
five to ten (5-10) minutes, or until no trace of chemical re-
mains, holding eyelids open during flushing. If irritation
persists, repeat flushing and obtain medical attention imme-
Skin: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash thoroughly
with soap and plenty of running water. If irritation persists,
get medical attention.
Inhalation: Move victim to fresh air. Give oxygen and get
medical attention for any breathing difficulty.
Ingestion: If victim is alert and NOT convulsing, give sev-
eral glasses of water to drink to dilute. If large amounts
were swallowed or if victim feels unwell, get medical ad-
vice. If vomiting occurs spontaneously, rinse mouth
thoroughly and give more water to drink.
CCINFO disc:
Budavari: The Merck Index, 12th ed., 1997
Sax, Lewis: Hawleys Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 11th
ed., 1987
Sax: Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 5th ed.,
Suppliers Material Safety Data Sheets
Date Issued: December 23, 1991
Revision: November 2009
MSDS: 9170-1
Proposed WHMIS Designation: Not controlled. Not re-
quired to be updated every three years (WHMIS 1992, B-40,
Section 29,2)
Prepared by: Caledon Laboratories Ltd. (905) 877-0101
Caledon Laboratories Ltd. believes the information contained
herein is reliable and accurate. Caledon makes no warranty
with respect thereto and expressly disclaims all liability for reli-
ance thereon. Such information is solely for your consider-
ation, investigation, and verification.
CODE: 9170-1

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