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Project Management Group Assignment

Scope Statement & Report

Technology Associates, Inc.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents..............................................................................................................................................2
Key Elements of Success..................................................................................................................................3
Organizational Bacgroun!.............................................................................................................................."
Sco#e Statement................................................................................................................................................"
Critical Success )actors................................................................................................................................*
+ro,ect Timeline -.or Brea!own Structure/................................................................................................0
+ro,ect 1anagement Office............................................................................................................................23
+ro,ect 1anagement Ob,ectives.....................................................................................................................23
+ur#ose of $)+...............................................................................................................................................22
Executive Summary
This report outlines all the factors associated with the Windows XP User Upgrade
project for Technology Associates, Inc !ohn "o#erts, the $I% for Technology
Associates, is the Project $hampion for this project
In order to compete in an e&er'changing #usiness en&ironment, Technology
Associates must #e running on current technologies in order to meet specific
#usiness o#jecti&es This project will upgrade all the des(top and laptop P$s at
Technology Associates, Inc to the Windows XP operating system In order to
accomplish this tas(, all e)isting P$s will #e analy*ed for any possi#le
compati#ility issues and upgraded as needed A schedule will #e de&eloped to
ensure the rollout of the P$s and Windows XP is handled with as little
interruption to regular #usiness operations In addition, all P$s will #e tested
prior to deli&ery to ensure there are no application pro#lems To minimi*e the
impact to the employees, this project will include post'deli&ery support + for #oth
P$s and applications ' through the de&elopment of on line tutorials, user
manuals, and a fully staffed help des(
"ey Elements of Success
,)ecuti&e -ponsorship and participation in .//0 of all project updates
and re&iews
-ign'off #y all in&ol&ed parties of project deli&era#les
-ign'off of scope definition #y management


Upgraded technologies ' XP is a state of the art operating system in
today1s #usiness en&ironment
,nhanced security ' XP has much higher security measures than current
2igher producti&ity ' XP is the fastest Windows system to date and users
will e)perience less downtime
3/0 "eduction in $osts ' Mo&ing all P$s to a common platform will create
operational efficiencies and a reduction in the num#er of different support
areas re4uired
5uture enhancements + Tomorrow1s application upgrades will #e handled
much more efficiently with less system issues
$ontinued &endor support 62ardware, -oftware 7%perating -ystem8 and
-oftware 7Applications89


The completion of this project will create one software operating platform across
the company :y the end of the si) and a half month project time frame, all users
will ha&e the new operating system running on their machines and #een properly
trained on its functions This will #ring Technology Associates, Inc in line with its
competition The Windows XP User Upgrade has #een mandated #y
Technology Associates, Inc1s $hief Information %fficer and sponsored #y !im
-mith, the company1s Information Program Manager
rgani$ational #ac%groun&
Technology Associates, Inc was formed in .;<< to #e a consulting company that
pro&ides system and application support ser&ices for medium si*ed #usinesses
%&er the past thirteen years, Technology Associates has e&ol&ed as an
organi*ation and now offers support ser&ices in the areas of mainframe
operations support, glo#al we# hosting, call center operations, and #usiness
ser&ices support
With re&enue of appro)imately =>? million in calendar year @///, and @A
customers o&er fi&e states, Technology Associates has seen growth in e&ery
aspect of its #usiness for each of the past fi&e years This is a trend that is
forecasted to continue for the coming years as well
There are currently 3// employees at Technology Associates that wor( in
5inance, Mar(eting, -ales, Accounting, -upport, and other #usiness functions
We pro&ide continuous learning through training seminars, off'site training
companies, and on'site lecture series %ur employees wor( mostly on site at the
company head4uarters in Betroit, Michigan We also ena#le out employees to
wor( at the client1s office andCor from home #y pro&iding them with mo#ile laptop
computers and cellular phones
Scope Statement
The Windows XP User Upgrade project is an internal project mandated #y $I%
!ohn "o#erts The project sponsor is !im -mith, Information Program Manager
for Technology Associates A series of discussions were held with each of these
leaders to understand and document the re4uirements of the project and
ascertain what acti&ities and deli&era#les were in scope for the project and what
were considered out of scope
5inali*ed re4uirements for the project identified the following items as in scopeD
P$ in&entory + an in&entory of all P$s within the company will #e
conducted and a detailed inspection of all pertinent components will #e
conducted and documented for use in e&aluating whether or not the P$
will need to #e replaced
Application analysis + all .> applications in use within the organi*ation will
#e re&iewed and tested for compati#ility with the new operating system
and applications that are #eing purchased
Testing en&ironment + a testing en&ironment will #e #uilt in order to test
the currentCnew hardware with the new operating system and applications
Application remediation + any application that is found to #e non'compliant
with the new operating system andCor the new applications will #e
remediated prior to rolling out to the users
User education + all users will #e pro&ided with user manuals for the new
hardware they recei&e and any applications that re4uired remediation and
functionality was either changed or added There will also #e training
pro&ided for the new operating system
P$ 7hardware8 purchases + for those P$s that are not &ia#le with the new
operating system, new, updated P$s will #e purchased to replace them
-oftware purchases + a new operating system and software application
suite will #e purchased for each user
%ut of scope items for this project includeD
Eew application de&elopment + no new application will #e de&eloped as a
part of this project
Peripheral e4uipment purchases + no other hardware de&ices will #e
purchased as a part of this project
FAE upgrades + the e)isting FAE will not #e updated as a part of this
Understanding the scope of the project and the time constraints that were
mandated #y the leadership of the organi*ation, #udgetary dollars ha&e #een
allocated for the project team The following is a #rea(down of the costs
associated with the project
Users 3//
P$s 7a&g of Bes(top G Faptop8 =.,3//
Microsoft Windows XP Ficense =.// C license 7@ seats8
Testing ,n&ironment =.3,///
Application changes 7a&g8 =@,///
H of Applications .>
T%TAF )*+,,---
Beli&era#les for this project includeD
Windows XP #uild for des(top and laptop P$s
Analysis and report of P$- that areD
. $ompati#le
@ Eeed to #e upgraded
Analysis and report of application compati#ility
Eew P$ deli&ery schedule
Upgrade deployment schedule
Testing schedule for applications
2elp des( materials
User education materials
The #enefits of this project to Technology Associates includeD
Upgraded, current technology + the new operating system and application
suite, along with the new P$s, will (eep the organi*ation in line with
current technologies and allow for the participation in future upgrades
,nhanced security + the new operating system includes the latest in
technological security software the will #etter protect the organi*ation1s
data and information
$ost sa&ings from common platform + there will no longer #e any need for
multiple support groups to handle the &arying &ersions of software and
hardware for the organi*ation
Impro&ed producti&ity + the functionality that is included within the
operating system and application suite will increase the user1s a#ility to
conduct their wor( and pro&ide greater &alue to out clients
$ontinued &endor support + as part of the agreements for hardware and
software purchases from the %,Ms, the &endors that ha&e #een chosen
ha&e included the costs for support in their licensing agreements for three
The ris(s associated with this project are minimal, yet, each of them ha&e a high
le&el of impact to #oth the project and the organi*ation 5irst, the plan calls for
the implementation and rollout to all users #y the end of the calendar year This
concentrates the efforts of all in&ol&ed and ma(es for a timeline that cannot allow
for any missed milestones -econd, end users will need to #e in&ol&ed in e&ery
phase of the project, including communications Without this le&el of
in&ol&ement, the ris( to the organi*ation and project is a high le&el of end user
resistance due to new technologies and lower le&els of understanding 5inally,
there is the ris( of legacy applications needing remediation The analysis phase
of the applications will determine the le&el of ris( this poses It is #elie&ed that
the only modifications that would need to #e made to any application will #e
associated with the new &ersions of the software, which are minor changes
2owe&er, should testing identify remediation to the applications, there could #e
significant impact to the project and its timeline
Critical Success /actors
-uccess of this project is #ased upon ha&ing the proper scope for the project
defined and communicated to all parties Additionally, e)ecuti&e leadership and
support of the project will play an integral role in deli&ering the results that ha&e
#een as(ed for 5inally, the proper understanding and deli&ery of the
deli&era#les outlined a#o&e will determine the ultimate success or failure of this
0ro1ect Timeline 23or% #rea%&o!n Structure4
The project timeline for this project calls for the wor( to #egin at the end of May
and #e rolled out to all end users #y the middle of Becem#er
I. Tas%56ame .uration Start5.ate /inish5.ate 0re&ecessors
7 3in&o!s 80 9ser 9pgra&e .?? days /3CA/C@//@ .@C.>C@//@
+ Analysis 0hase .I days /3CA/C@//@ /IC@/C@//@
: 0C Analysis .? days /3CA/C@//@ /IC.<C@//@
, ,sta#lish standard P$ specifications A days /3CA/C@//@ /IC/AC@//@
; Jalidate specifications on current P$s ./ days /IC/?C@//@ /IC.>C@//@ ?
< Be&elop report on P$s that need upgrade . day /IC.<C@//@ /IC.<C@//@ 3
= Application Analysis .I days /3CA/C@//@ /IC@/C@//@
* ,sta#lish standard application specifications 3 days /3CA/C@//@ /IC/3C@//@
> Jalidate specifications of current applciations ./ days /IC/IC@//@ /IC.;C@//@ <
7- Be&elop report on applications that need upgrade . day /IC@/C@//@ /IC@/C@//@ ;
77 Application Testing ;; days /3CA/C@//@ ./C.3C@//@
7+ Be&elop re4uirements for Application Testing ,n&ironment 3 days /3CA/C@//@ /IC/3C@//@
7: Purchase and Install Testing ,n&ironment A/ days /IC/IC@//@ />C.>C@//@ .@
7, $reate Application ,n&ironment for Testing A days />C.<C@//@ />C@@C@//@ .A
7; $onduct Indi&idual Application Testing I/ days />C@AC@//@ ./C.?C@//@ .?
7< $onduct $omplete Application -uite Testing 3 days ./C/<C@//@ ./C.?C@//@ .355
7= -ign'off on Application -uite . day ./C.3C@//@ ./C.3C@//@ .I
7* Application 9pgra&e ;; days /3CA/C@//@ ./C.3C@//@
7> Be&elop "e4uirements for Application Upgrade 3 days /3CA/C@//@ /IC/3C@//@
+- :uild Application A/ days /IC/IC@//@ />C.>C@//@ .;
+7 -chedule Application for Testing . day />C.<C@//@ />C.<C@//@ @/
++ -ign'off on Application Upgrade . day ./C.3C@//@ ./C.3C@//@ .3
+: 9ser E&ucation < days /3CA/C@//@ /IC./C@//@
+, Betermine User Training "e4uirements 3 days /3CA/C@//@ /IC/3C@//@
+; Be&elop %n'Fine Tutorials for P$ A days /IC/IC@//@ /IC./C@//@ @?
+< Be&elop %n'Fine Tutorials for Applications A days /IC/IC@//@ /IC./C@//@ @?
+= Be&elop 2elp Bes( procedures @ days /IC/IC@//@ /IC/>C@//@ @?
+* Be&elop User Manuals for P$ A days /IC/IC@//@ /IC./C@//@ @?
+> Be&elop User Manuals for Applications A days /IC/IC@//@ /IC./C@//@ @?
:- 0C 9pgra&e ;> days /IC/?C@//@ ./C.IC@//@
:7 -chedule Purchase and Beli&ery of Eew P$s 3 days /IC/?C@//@ /IC./C@//@ ?
:+ :uild P$ with Eew %- and Applications ./ days /IC/?C@//@ /IC.>C@//@ ?
:: -chedule P$ Beployment to ,nd User . day ./C.IC@//@ ./C.IC@//@ .>
:, .eployment ..? days /IC..C@//@ ..C.3C@//@
:; Be&elop Beployment -chedule #y Bepartment . day /IC..C@//@ /IC..C@//@
:< Jalidate P$s on'hand for Beployment . day /IC..C@//@ /IC..C@//@ A.
:= Con&uct .eployment to En& 9sers @@ days ./C.>C@//@ ..C.3C@//@
:* ,)ecuti&es @ days ./C.>C@//@ ./C.<C@//@ AI
:> Admin Personnel . day ./C@.C@//@ ./C@.C@//@ AI
,- 5inance @ days ./C@@C@//@ ./C@AC@//@ AI
,7 Mar(eting A days ./C@?C@//@ ./C@<C@//@ AI
,+ Accounting @ days ./C@;C@//@ ./CA/C@//@ AI
,: -ales 3 days ./CA.C@//@ ..C/IC@//@ AI
,, -upport 3 days ..C/>C@//@ ..C.AC@//@ AI
,; %ther A days ..C.AC@//@ ..C.3C@//@ AI
,< 0ost?.eployment > days .@C/;C@//@ .@C.>C@//@
,= $onduct User -ur&ey 3 days .@C/;C@//@ .@C.AC@//@
,* Prepare results of -ur&ey @ days .@C.IC@//@ .@C.>C@//@ ?>
,> "eport out on -ur&ey "esults . day .@C.<C@//@ .@C.<C@//@ ?<
0ro1ect (anagement ffice
A project management office 7PM%8 will #e set up for this project This PM% will
#e utili*ed for centrali*ing the operations associated with the project, as well as
the communications and reporting functions Project status re&iews will #e held
on a wee(ly #asis with the following indi&iduals attendingD
Project $hampion
Project Manager
Application %wners
Testing Manager
,nd User -M,s
,ntire Project Team
,ach meeting will encompass a re&iew of the current status on all aspects of the
project as well as upcoming acti&ities and deli&era#les There will also #e
discussion regarding and identified issues and ris( items Beli&era#les coming
out of each wee(ly meeting will include, #ut not #e limited to, a listing of action
items that must #e completed for the ne)t meeting
0ro1ect (anagement b1ectives
The o#jecti&es of utili*ing project management for this project areD
Time @ this project will #e conducted in a compressed time, as mandated
#y the $I%
Cost @ there is a limited #udget that has #een allocated to the project
#ased upon the preliminary estimate that was de&eloped
0erformance @ there is an e)pected impro&ement in performance and
producti&ity to the organi*ation that this project will pro&ide
Prior to the start of this project, some assumptions ha&e #een made that will
ultimately impact the results of this project They includeD
Feadership in&ol&ement and support
Project will not #e cancelled due to funding constraints
Jendor capa#ility to meet target deli&ery dates
,nd user in&ol&ement and a&aila#ility for testing and training
Minimal software application changes
0urpose of R/0
The purpose of this "5P has #een to detail the specifications, re4uirements,
deli&era#les, and timeline associated with the Windows XP User Upgrade project
to all interested and impacted parties This information is &alua#le to the success
of the project and the appro&al of all re4uirements and deli&era#les is necessary
for the project
This project is #eing underta(en for two primary reasons 5irst, !ohn "o#erts,
$I% for Technology Associates, has mandated that the organi*ation upgrade its
in'house technology -econd, the organi*ation needs to impro&e its capa#ilities
Technology has e)ploded and e&ery sector of the #usiness world The
customers that Technology Associates ser&ices, and those that Technology
Associates pursues, ha&e increasing demands from a technology perspecti&e In
order to succeed, Technology Associates must #e a#le to utili*e the #est
applications, operating systems, and other technologies to #etter ser&e their

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