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Edited hy
Rose Weitz
Ar;zona State
Ncw York Oxtord



Socal scicncc rcscarch about bodic (tCll focust:s on bxlics, par-
thc parrs of bodics that arc most cxpli citly diffcrcnt from
mcn's-thcir and (E. Marri n1987; K. Manin
1996; but scc Conndl 1995). MCll and vomcn in thc Unitcd Statcs
a\so hold and rno\'c thdr ditli:: fcn rl y ( Birdvhi rcll 1970; Hcnlcy 1977;
Young 1990) thesc diflrcnccs 3re somctmes rclatcd to se uality (Haug
1987) and sOlllctimcs n thc wno1c. mcn and sit, stand, gcsturc,
and thro\V diflrcnrly. Gcncrally, an: rhcir
1l10VC1llcnt For cxampk, rakc smallcr stcps than t11cn, si t' in
closcd positions (arms and lcgs acros the body), takc up lcs
space th:lIl mcn, do 110r stcp, hst, or from rhc shOllldcr whcn
a ball, a.nd 3rc gcncrall y rcntativc II sing rhc: ir bodics
Hcnlcy 1977; Young 1990). $omc: ofthcsc ditTc: rc: nccs,
111 skills (c.g. , jll ll1 ping, fl1l llling, rh ro'ing) arc sccn in ca.rly childhood
(Thomas and Frcnch 1985). gcndcr, may find individua. 1
JitTcrcnccs, di fTcrcnccs bascd on cl3SS, and scxua. liry, a. nd di fTcrcnccs
bascd on sizt: a. nd sha. pc of body. Ycr, O!l a. \'cragc, mC!l a. nd omcn
di tTcrcntly
Such may sccm trivial in rhc largc ofgcndcr incqua. li ry.
Howc\' r, work by social scicntists and tcrninists slIggc
thcsc: may bc cnl1scqucntial. arc (unfinishcd ) rcs()urccs
(Shilling 1993:103) that must bc traincd, ma. nipulatcd, cajolcd,
organizcd and in disciplincd" (Turtlcr 1992: 15), WC usc otlr bodics
to our mcans ofliving, to takc carc to plcasurc
Originall)' K:! rin A. Mart;n. 1998 11<)]n;ng b. lv: of
Soofo.!JiCRf Revuw 63( 4) 9 511 1998 by i\mcricJn 50-
cioloW(JI Association
According to Turncr, sociallifc dcpcnds upon rhc slIcccssful pre
scming, monitorng and intcrprcting ofbodics (p. 15). Silllilarly,
to Fouc3ulr ( 1979), and disciplincd bdics dO Jll Qrc than
individual A disciplincd body a contcxt for socia! relations
Gcndcn:d (along wlh and parricular
for social n:latiOlls as thcy and intormarioll abou[
;Hl d t:ltUS, Gcndcr .kpcnd 011 thc prcsenta
tiOll, tIlonitoring, :lIld imcrpn:t:I tion ofbodics (Wcst and Zimmcrrnan 1987)
that clcarly dc1 inC::lIc gcnder status thc maintcnancc of the
gcndcr hicrarchy
3rt: 3150 onc site f gcndcr. Much postll1odcrn fcminisr work
( Burlcr 1990, 1993) suggcS1S th,,( gcnder iS:1 pcrforlll:1ncc.
ork {Wcst "nd Zimmcrrn"l1 suggest th:n gcndcr is sOlllcthing rh3t is
donc." Thcsc two conccprs, gClldcr and doing gcndcr," arc
simibr- both suggcst that managcd, adorncd, shioncd, propcrly
and l11 0ving bcIies cstablish gcndcr 3nd gendcr rcJ ations
Orhcr fc minist (ConneJ l 1987, 1995; Young 1990) arguc that
rcsrs not onl)' on the surfilcc of the bod)', in and doing,
but becomcs embodicd- bccOnlcs dccply part ofwholll are physically and
psydlogically. A:cording to Conncll, gender becomcs cmbcdd d in bod)'
pOStllr, and in our bodics
rhc soci:J.l ddinirion of Ill cn holdcrfpowcr is translatcd not 0111)' into
Il1cnul lx:Kly.imagcs alld but into Il111SCIe posturc, the feel
;mJ rCHllre ofthc This is OIl C mam 3)'S 111 thc of
I1l cn bccolllcs .. 1987:85)
(1995) suggcsts masntline gcndcr is partly a fecl ro oncs
bo(\" and that bodies arc oficn " lor mcn, Young ( 1990),
h()wcvcr, argll cs that bodics scrvc thc opposirc pllrposc for
lxxlics arc oftcn sourccs 01" anxicty tcntativcncss. Shc suggcsr.s rhal
\\'omcn lack of and agcllcy are embodicd and stcm from an
ill abilit}' fO mO\"C confidcntly in spacc, to rake up spacc, tO usc onc s lxxJy to
irs fullcsr cxrcnt . Young ( 1990) suggcsts the gCl1cral lack of confidencc
th3t r,vorncnJ h:wc abollt our cogniri vc or abilitics is
in part to an original dOllbt of OLl r bodyS (1" 156). ThllS,
theorisrs Sl1ggcst that gcndcr diHrcnces in minurc likc
gcstllre, stancc, posturc, stcp, and t hrowing 3re 10 our llndcrstand-
ing of gcndcrcd sclvcs and gcndcr incquality. This tminist thcory,
IOcuscs on aduh bodics
rhcorics 01' thc bxiy nccd gcndcring, and femin iSI of gcndercd
Ixxlcs nccd childrening" Or accounrs of devclopmcl1 t . How do adulr gcn
dcrcd g' :ndcrcd, il" thcy are nm narur.l lly so Sch13TS run
thc rs ()f contimring to vic\V gcndcrcd blies as natur31 if thcy ignore thc
rh3r gcndercd adult bodics. Gcndcring 01' thc body in
a Gmdcred Body 221
is hc on vhich nlrthcr gcndcring of thc body OCCllrs
rhrollghot1t thc lifc COllrsC. Thc gcndcring of childrcn, makcs gcndcr
tcl and appcar narural , for sllc h bodily
to cmcrgc thrlIghOll t thc li fc COllrsC
1 suggcst rhat thc hiddcn school curriclIlulll of disci1'li ning t hc body
is gcndcrcd and contribmcs to rhc cmbdimcnt f gcndcr in
making gcndcrcd b ;\p1'car and fccl narural. Sociologists of
havc dCTllOnstralcd that schools havc hidckn curricuJ lI ms (Giroux and Purpd
1983; ackson 1968). Hiddcn Cllrricull1ms arc co\"crr Icssons that school
tcach, and thcy oltcn a mcans ofsocial control. Thcsc indudc
teaching abom diflcrcJl tially by (Anyon 1980; and Ginris
1976; Carnoy atld 1985 ), (Wasburn 1986), and
training in obcdicnce and docility (Girol1 x 3nd Purpcl J 983). Morc rcccmJy.
somc thcorists and rcscarchcrs h:l\'c cxamincd thc curricll lllm that disci plincs
thc body (Carcn: 1987; Foucault 1979; McLarcn 1986). Thi s curricullllll
dClTl ands thc of in congrucncc with rhc goals of rhc
school as a11 insti ruti on. Ir rcworh thc srudcnts fom t hc oll lsidc in on Ihc
prcsumpri on that to shapc rhc b ly is to shapc Ihc mind (Carcrc 1987)
ln sllch a tcachcrs constantly moniror kids bodily 1110'cmcn1"S,
compornncnt, and Kids bcgin thcir day running vi ldly abOll[ thc
scnool groll nds. Thcn rhis hiddcn curriculllm fu nnds rhc kids inro lillC,
th,mgh thc hallways, qllictl y inlO a classroom, sining lIpright at thci r dcsks,
at thc fi"ont of rhc r)om, rcady to Icam" (Ca rcrc 1987;
1986). According: Carcn: ( 1987), thi CllrriculUIll ofdisciplining thc body
thc curriculums that seck ro shapc thc mind and children
physically rcady for cogniri\'c lcarning
1 suggcsr that rhis hiddcll curricululll that controls bodily
practiccs scrvcs also to turn kids arc simi lar in bodily cornportJ11cr1l",
and practicc inro and childrcn whosc bodily practiccs
arc dillrcnl. SchooJs arc. nor thc only prodl1ccrs Whilcrhc
p,oc ordinarily bcgins in thc family, rhc sch)Is hidden cllrriculum nrrlhcr
fcilitatcs and cncourages ofbodi lv diffc rcnccs bctwecn
gcn:rs and J11akcs thcsc physi cal diflercl
Data an d Mcthod
Thc dara for this srudv cmc troJ11 and dctailcd scmistructllrcd
f cld obscrvat i>1l S 01' prcschool of thrcc to fivc-ycar-olds in a
rnidwcstcm Four ofthc classrooms wcrc part ofa preschool ( Prcsch>oIA)
closc to thc campl1sofa large A fcw ofthc kids
01" f.1Clllry mcmbcrs, morc wcrc of sta!"!" and admini strators, and
lllallV \vcrc nor assc rhc frhc kids
Prcs t\ arrcndcd pan-rimc. Alrhough rcachers at this schoo[ paid somc at
tcntion to issucs ofracc and gcndcr cquiry, issl1cS of divct .'cre nor J.S largc
a parr of thc as J. TC 3r somc prcsch)Is (Jordan and
Van Ausdalc and 1996), Thc classroo!ll !ocatcd at
PrcschooJ , a prcschooJ rlln bya Ca(holic chllrch in rhc samc city as l' reschool
A. Thc kids vho attcndcd B wcrc of pro
tssionJ. [s, lll J. lly Ii vcd in prcschl. Thcse children
attcndcd prcschool full -timc"- fivc days a wcck 1110 t of thc day
Atoral112 and rourtccn diflcrcn\" (fvc hcad tcach
crs and ;l idcs) wcrc obscrvcd in thcsc :bssrOOlllS. A!1 vere
A assistant and 1 obscrvcd in lhcsc abOl1 t three times
a week tor eight l11onths. Our obscrvatio!l s as llnobtrusi"c JS possiblc,
and 1i ttle with thc kids ... . Wc obscrvcd girls Jnd boys for equal
JlllOUnrS of rillle, and heeded Thorne, (1993) about lhc big lllJn
bias" in fcld rcsearch Jnd were carefl1 l not to observc only the Il10st activc,
)UrgOl ng, popl1 lar"
Childrcns bodics arc by schools. Children are physical1 y active, and
institutions likc schools irnpose rhar regulate
bodies ;\nd for thc largcr social world. Whilc this
docik bodics (Follcaulr 1979), ir also gendcrcd
bodics. As operare in context, SOl11e
bccomc 1ll0rc rhan orhcrs. J examine rhe following
conrributc to a gcndcring of childrcn's bodics in rhe eHects of
or bodily thc naturc 01" forlllal and rclaxed
behavi)[s, hov thc litlen:nt OIl girls' and boys voiccs 1i lllit their
girls and boys bodics, a!ld rhc gendering of
and and :Ullong the
Ad, wt: Dn:ssinlJ Up
Pcrhaps rhc lllWr vav rhar children s bodies becomc gcndcrcd is
through rhcir and orher adornmcnts. Herc 1 disCllSS ho\\'
parenrs gender thcir children rhrough thcil drcss-up
pbye\pCflmcnrs making bodic fcminine and masculine, and 110 this
p1ay, whcn ir is gcndcr girls' and boys bodics
constrallllllg gl rJs
DRESSING Ul' (1) . that parcnts sClld kids ro in shapt
of thcir bodics in gClldcrcd ways. C1 orhes, panicular1 y
rhci r color, a childs gcndcr; gcndcr in is in
Qlla'cragc, abour 61 01" rhc girls pink clothing Boys
Bi:ComiIg a Gt1I dcrcd Hod)'
'crc morc likdy [0 \\'car prilllary olors, Arcs:cnt :md orangc
nc'C' )rc oink
rhc tC:lchcr is cach d\l ring cirdc (t hc d, that
lormal insrruct iou by thc tcaclu: r hi 1c Ihc il1 3 ei n.:1c) l their
is. Ad3m s:lys bbek. 1ill S;l )"S :olor that 1101 pink."
(1 }T3r-olds)
Fouf\"ccn 11[ of thrcc -ycar-old gi\'orc drcsscs cach day COlll\JJrcd
ro 32 pcrccnt of gi rJs. Wcaring :1 drcss limircd physicality
in It IS 11[ o nl y thc drcss itsdf, bur :1 bour
how [0 ill a dn:ss rhal is Many alrcady kl1 cw that SOI1l C
vcrc nm in a This kllowlcdgc COlllC
thc drcss rhcir gi r in drcsscs
Vicki , caring :l nd :t drcss-like th dcsk to look
IIlTO;l 'that S0I111': kids ha\'c buil t. As shc 1cans, hcr llrcssjshirt
ridcs Ip C! )sing h('" r Jcnnikr (anothcr ,valks by Vicki and as
docs shc \ dl s shirt back o\'cr hcr baTC skin and gi\"cs it a pat to
kccp ir in lt looks \.crv likc onc s morhcr 111ght do
FOllT girls ar itring at a t:lb1c- Cathy Danicllc, and Jcssc. Thcy arc
cuning pla)' 111cy Ollt of ]Jlpcr. Cathy \ 011 '"
Kim and 011 Cathy puts hcr tct \l p 011 rhc crsscs
hcr Icgs 1lI klc; shc klllS b in chair Ol1T1nU Ilting hcr
.. Danicllc imitatcs hcr. hk :11 ('"aeh lthcr :l11d Lmgh. Thc)' put
rhcir shouldcrs b;tck, posIIflllg having f\l n 'ith thi s nc 'a)' of sitting. Kim
essc to cur and la ugh 'ith thcm, but d 1101 put thci r tcr I1 p
Drcsscs arc 111 ways a:11. Tbcy ofrCll arc ,vorl1 with
rights thar ;l rc as ;l nd cOllsrmining. 1 o bscrvcd
girls cOlIst;l nrl y plllling;1t ;ll1d rcarranging thcir tights, lT)'ing to unlwist thClll
or pu!l IIp. Bcausc girls spcnt !ll m:h rimc
to and :l rrangi ng lhcir :lnd/ r rhcr bodics
Drcsscs also C:l ll bc liftcd up, :111 cmbarr.lssng rhing for fi vc }'car-olds if
donc jlurposcly by child . Wc witncsscd this 011 o l1 lv OIl C
boy pul 1cd up [hc hCJl\ of :l girl s skirt IIp. Thc gi r1 and rhc
told him [0 Stop alld that 3 I1lc cnd )f il. lifrcd 111'
girls d rcsscs scc if ;l child as drcsscd varml y cnough,
rcading ;l book ab(ur drcsscs, [0 scc if :t was U uallv thiS donc
thc child aml ;lS rnorc mall;lg.I11cllt ofthc rathcr rh;111 all
1Jllcra[1011 hcr. TI acht: rs wcrc 1lI 11ch lll()rc li kcly tO lllanagc gir1s 31l d thcir
dohi ng rhis v;ly- rcarra nging thcir d ot hcs, rllcking in rhcir shirts, a
pon)'l"ail gOllC frcn plJ\'S girls hodics lI ndcr rhc
nlllrrol of anothcr and c t1 1s girls attcmio ns ro tho.: ir and bodil y
:ldor1l rnctlts
DR.ESSING UI' (2). Ki ds likc to play n prcsc bool , 3nd .111 thc
rOO111$ had a drcss-up corncr virh .1 \'.Iricty of d orhcs, slcs, pxkctbook!;,
scar cs, and h:ltS fc)r drcssing Up. C1assrooms tcndcd [0 han: morc
clorhcs than mcn s, but thcrc somc of borh, as \'cll as somc gcndcr
ncutral dothcs--capcs, hats, and VCSt' S that wcrc nOI clcarly fi)r mcn or
somc itcms that wcrc clc.lrlV slI ch as m:lsks of
and logs and cl ip tails. tcndcd to play drcss-up 1110rC th:m boys
o\'cr ollc. half of drcssing ! dIlC by girls. Gcndcr dillcrcnccs in thc
amOllnt (l frimc spcnt pJaying drcss-up scclllcd to incrcase from :l SC rhn:c ro
agc fvc. obscrvcd thc boys up or lIsi ng clothcs
0' in rhcir play three ti l11CS, rhrcc-year-old boys
up almost weekl y. Fi\'c-ycar ld boys ,\lso did 110t' drcss up elahor:ucly, but
used onc piccc of clo1hing to ani l11at' c t' hcir play_ Oncc 1 hl \'orc largc Illcn 's
11tcr ski gloves hc playcd mOllSlcr. Holding up hs no.\' largc, chisclcd
looking h:-mds, hc stol11 pcd around thc classroom l1l aking monstcr sounds
On anot' hcr Rriall , a ncw ro thc classrOOI1l ho attcndcd onl y
two days a wcck, walkcd around by for a long timc a silvcr
and ho eri ng first at the cdg:S of girls play and t hcl1 at thc cdgcs
play. 0 11 the third Sal11 lsed ballct sl ppcrs ro animate his
play in circle
Vhcn kids dresscd up, they playcd at being ,1 ofthings frorn kitty
cat.s and puppies ro 1110nsters and superher)cs 10 f11C}' !adics." $ome of
this play 110r cxplicitly gendcrcd. For exal1l plc, 011C day in
1 obscn 'cd thrce gi rls \'canng rurkcy hars" rhcy had made. Thcy spcnt a
long ril1l c gobbling al cach othcr and pl aying at bcing turkcys, but thcrc fas
nothing cxplicirly gcndcrcd ab)ut thcir play. this knd ofadornl1l cnt
not thc most t'cqucl1l rype. Childrcn oftCI\ scclllcd ro cxpcrimcnt
both gcndcrs whcn thcy played drcss-up. Thc thrcc-yca r-olds tcndcd ro bc
morc cxpcrimcntal in lhcir gcndcr drcss-up than t hc fivc-ycar-olds, perhaps
bccausc cllcouragcd it nrc :11 lhis agc
and Jll :i n arc pla)'ins drCSS-llp. Borh h;wc drcsscs" madc out
)( matcrial thar is \'r.\ppcd ar\Ind thclll li kc a rogl or sarong. F.\'crctl hl S
, pxketbook and l camc!"".I o\'Cr h and Juan has a pair ()f play
binocular on a rap 0 cr his. has a scarf ar. UI1 his hcad and capc
JUln has big, grccn I'am (tcachcr) tclls thcm, Y)l1 guys
look Go look in rhc mirror. " to thc lll -Icngl.h !1l irror
and look ar and grin, and makc adjusllncnr ro thci r costumcs

Thc I \'c-ycar-old childrcll tcndcd lO drcss-up lllorc gClldcr Girls
l!l particular playcd ;11' bci l1g adulr
Franccs is dress-up. Shc is 1I':l lking in rcd shocs and c1rrying a
pockctbook. Shc and girls, Jcn and Iehd, bc:ecn
ten f1I 111nes looking ar and talking ahout lhc guinca pigs. Thcn thcy
Buo'9" Body
go 10 J.= rJllCC Jnd in adlll r
sh:S. Thcir bodv arc nor a pcrlct imirarion of an adulr 'Olllan's
'alk ln high hccls, yC! 11 docs 10k likc :m attcmpt ro imitatc
)Cn arul Ibchcl go blck 10 thc guincl Franccs, no\\' b)' hcrsclf, Is
rIl rtlmg l hccr, fri1l y shirt al1d lnd around trying ro
f gurc Ollr how 10 il 011 , 5hc gclS I on l l1d looks 31 hcr Ifi l1 rhc l11irror
Shc ad<!s a slu:n pink 1a\'cmkr SC'lrf ,md pink shocs. Looks in thc mirror
again. Shc hcr I 1)'- houldcrs, hip hips-nol
qurt 3 Ii: mininc bur c1osc. W31klng il1 big shocs makcs
hcr I'akc 11n1c bill)' slq, likc i11 hccls. Shc hutl1cs in thc 100 big
inm rhc 1111 ll c ofrhc ;l l a rcachcr. (,
rcachcr) SJys }'ou pink Jnd FrJllCn milcs lI P
at hcr and walks nOI 1 lIlg s( mLch this timc. 5hc, bad. ro rhc
nmr)T ;l dds a sc;l rf. Shc 11 rhc rnirror 1 holding hcr '3nllS
'3cross hcr chcsr 10 hotd thc scarf on (hc lic il) and she is holding ir
,\'ith hcr chin roo. Shc to blo arcl is and rhcn takcS Ihc
1)11' and ])lllS bKk 111 drcss Cl rCJ . YC;IT Ids)
l nor only \'ho d rcssed up, bur thc reaction 01" rhosc
around \'hclll to rheir drcss. This aspecI to bc Qtl C of the mosl itl tcr
csting parlS of kids drcss-up play. Childrcn intcrprclcd cach othcrs bodily
adonlmcnts ;l S l11tcrprctat1()Il s \lI sib!c. For
OI1C just bcti:)rc HaHo'ccn, Ki m drcsscd up and was scary"
bcca: shc d rcsscd a 1
Kim and tigh 10 school today. No\\' shc is trying to
n ;l ba l1crina Jnd ruflly has a hard
limc gcning il Oll. Its tisht ,l!ld wrillklcd IIp hcn shc gcts it
on. HCT \'tl clothcs arc bltlchcd UI mdcr i1. Thctl shc pms on a mask- a
fcc. 111C ll1:tsk materiaJ itsclf is a clear plastic so rhar sk ho
throllgh. bm is scIl plCd t "'" Anglo nosc and high chcek boncs. l
also ha thin c\'cbro, bluc cyc bluh, and lipsl ick I'Cl inred on il ,
mCl sk IS biggcr rhan Ki l1l 's Jl1d Kim at
:l nd spcl1ds IflC \\'ilh this COSWIll C 011. lnlcrmittcntly
shc picks 1p a pumpkin sincc it is Hallo ccn scas )11 and carrics Ihat
around t) 'alk.s lT)und rhc c1assf()()m for a limc Jnd hCI1 ntns
rhrough rhc block arca Ihis costumc. JaSOll ycll, Ugh! Thcrc l
'0111 ,1 l!" Hc Cl nd thc blocks shrick 'l11d SCJttcr abOlll Ihc
;1 1'l';1. Kim nlll S b;H:k to rhc drcss-up as ycl 1. Thcn thrvll gl10Ul
thc aftcrnoon and skips hrough Ihc (cntcr ofthc and
tlmc shc comcs thc block bo}'s one of thcm ycl ls,
thc woman agai n!" Thc rcacher c\'cn pi ks up on this and w
\Vo man, slow do\'n." (Fi1
Thc shricks thal Ki lll vas and t hi s is linkcd in
thcir COlIllllCntS about hcr bci ng a woman. It sccms cquall y plausiblc that they
could scary drcss as a t rick-o r-lrCatcr," gi\'Ct1 1hat it .vas
d osc to ' -bllowcen and shc carryng a plastic that kids
226 1'OL/TlCS, J: ODl , AND BEHAV!OR
candy 111, or thar rhcy l11ighr h3\'1.: bbclcd hcr;\ danccr or bal1crina bCC3USC shc
':lS ,\'..:aring a [Utu , Rathcr, hcr scary drcss-up was .lcd t<)r hcr by othcrs 35
types ()f rcsponscs to girls dn:ssing up also sccmcd ro thcir
to rhcm. For cx:t lllpk, 011 fWO I sawa rcachcr
tic rhc arms of girls shirts togct hcr 50 t' h;11" thc girls cOllld not movc
rhcir 3r1115. Thcy did this in fllll , of coursc, and 11 l1ficd as ma rhc
girls thcm to, but I ncvcr vitllcsscd this consrraining of boys
io play
11m, parcnts chi ldrcns bodics through drcssi ng thcm and
thc ,va) childrcn cxpcrimcm vith bodil y adormm:nts by drcssi ng up makc
gi rl s ;md boys bodics 3nd sccm d iffcrcnt to rhosc aro und thcm
Adorning a boIy ofcn gcndcrs it cxplicirly- sigllifcs that il a !crnininc
or l11 asclllnc AdornmclHS J11 0 cmCl1 t sm3lkr, Icading
gi r1s 1-0 takc lI P lcs, thcir bodics :I nd disallowing sornc typcs of





l"ht languagc COI1SiStS rcprocal f rst -narning, dc
!lIlking, pro6nit)', opcn cxual r rnarks, grpping, smoki ng,
rough 'sloppy" sitting and randing f dialccr
or subSTandard shouring, aggrc$i\'iry and
kiddi ng," 1]" rhc in lI1il1or bllr svmlli .:
minor physi 1 as Illlmming, hi stling, chc,vll1g,
nibbling h and Tlle stJg lx: hl l' i)r I:mglagc Cln bc
mken lS rlu: abSCllCC in SOIl1C SCllSC The sitc) th (p. 128)
rJlllS, 01l C. lllight nOI cxpcct lllllCh front stagc or bch,wi or in
and oITcn, cspcciall y dllring parcnrs drop-off and pick-up limc,
thc casc. Bl1t a gi:11 rcgion may sorncrimcs bc a backsragc
and s mcrimcs a front J idcnt'ficd scvcral bch: iors \h,lt
by thc rcachcrs, rcquircd by thc nslitutioll , 01' that bc rcqllin:d in
many instituti onal scttings, fimnal bchavior. lt.1ng OI1 Cs SIUlllg
borrom" (not 011 y)llr knc 110t squatting, nor Iying not
sra nding) during covcring oncs nosc ;H1 d 111011th or
sncczn g, or sitting l1pright ill ;l cbair arc all tormal ()f prcschools,
hols, and to somc C:.:tCllt thc largcr x: ial Crawling 11l thc floor,
yclling down dllring tcachcrs prcscntarions, and running rhrough thc
classrOOlll arc f rcla:.:cd rhat arc not in prcschool ,
ork scttngs, and lllany institution ofthc IJrgcrsocial \\'or (Hcnlcy
1977). Nor all bchavors fcll into OIIC ofthcsc Whcn kids
activcly cngagcd in plJying at thc atc r rablc, tr of thcir
Bu omiIg /J &dv
bchavlor W3S nor clearly form:ll or rdaxnl. 3S fim1;11 and rcJaxcd
bchaviors t hosc behaviors thal ould bc SCCIl as such if dnc by ad ulrs (o r
childrcn in m;lny ClSCS) in othcr social insti t utions for ,\'hich childrcn arc b:mg
In thc in th Sl"lldy, boys and to
rcbxcd 101 in ;1 varict}' of that girl s 110t. vc rc
morc likcly to bc enc uragcd 10 pursuc morc fOflnal bch:wiors , Eighry-two
01':111 f()Tmal bd m iors in cJassrlllS donc by
girls, alld only 18 pcrccnt by boys. 80 pcrccnt or thc
as rc1axcd 'crc b))'S
Thcsc obscrvations do llQt lcll Ll S JlI hy boys do rdaxcd bchaviors
:llld gi rls do morc formal bcha Ccrrainly m:my p3rcnts and OIhcrs .vould
arg thar boys arc morc prcdisposcd to 01'1')' posrurcs, on rhc f1oor,
and 50 on. Howcvcr, my suggcst thar rcachcrs t his
gcndcr diHi: rcncc in bodily bchavrs. morc likdy to rcprimand
girls for n.:lax:d bodily tl10vcmcnt and cll portm cnt , Sadkcr :1 nd Sadkcr
( 1994) fOllnd a simibr to hand- raising for ansVC f! ng
'1 ucstions- ifhand a and ca1l ing
()ut a rc1axcd rhc)' find that boys arc morc likdy to our m
r:li sing lhcir hands and Icm.lIld attcntioll
S011lClimes 'har rhey (boys 1 s:\ )' h:\s littk or nOlhing <10 ,\'ith hc
QUCStlOll5 :Vhnhcr commcn 3. re insightfl1 l or irrck\'3.Ilt , tcahcr
rcspond ro rhClll. 'hcn girls t hcrc is 3. fJscil:lIl ng 0 .. :
SI.l Idcl thc lcachcr rC ll1cml: rhc ru\c ab1111 r;uSlllg lr hand
yOll talk. (Sadkcr :\nd 1994:43)
rhis gcndcred dynalllic 0 1" hand-raising cxisrs c\'Cn in altho ugh
our ficld l10rcs d 1l0[ providc cntgh n)f(ling 0 1" hand -raising
to flll y asscss it. sllch a dynamic applics fO many bodily mo\'cmcnts
kids arc sitting ith thcir lcgs toldcd in a circlc lislcning to J3. 11C (the
lalk abollt li n(l wrs , is t hc most formal part "01" t hcir
prcschool is like sining ill ss. ) Sam has I.hc
on his hand alld is clapping togphcr rca l1 y 1)udly. I-1 c SWj"
and docs a halt: sOlllcralllt backvard OI1t ofthc ,l1l d ST:\ )'S Ihal 'Y
hi s lcgs i 1 rhc air. ys 3. nd CO!l tinllcs lalking ab)UI dinosaurs
SllC \ h sitting ncsr 10 Sam, jJushcs his leg our )f hcr \'a)'. Sam sit up
'", busv trying 10 pllT hc ballcl shocs on o\'cr his and hc is
looking at thc. othcr kids allllaughing, Irying 10 ger a rcaCl ion. I-Ic is
nor p3. ymg 3. ttClltiOlI to anc Slinoaur story and is li srracling Ihc rhcr kids
S:\m rakc rhl' shocs ald cl :\ ps thcm log' thcr again k ans and rclls
him to giw her Ihc shJCS. Sam docs, and rhen lics dowlI :111 Sl rctchcl JUt on
f1 oor, arms his hcad, Icgs ap;UL Adalll is ao 10 n
Kcith is Sara (tht lap. hcr s'cater ot1' Jlld
tillds it IIp. Thc othcr dlildrcn arc 011 thc tcachcr. Afrcr about
minurcs, S<11 ll lITI gomg t) ask you t say
to t\dam. ) UI hc !OCSIl 't " lC 19l10r s Sam Adam and
Olltlllm:s rhc Ics 011. !bchcl 110\ lics hcr t\ ftcr abOllt
lCIl SI:(uts Janc '''' hcl." R:u.: hd siu Up and liSlcns to
kind of painting thc cbss .m do HXb.y.
Sal11 s l1J. d to bc 1110rc di r upnvc, ;)1lC! informal tban
for rhc rC:Khcr 10 inStrllct him :llId his to bc
and /Of him to COlllport hi s body propcrly tx Notc rh,H th boys
\\'crc hut 110t disrUpl ivc Il ot to sit propcrly. h :1 IS0
for a to tdl a boy to SIOp SOJ11C bodily I>d13vior and for rhc
boy to rhc rcqlll':Sr :md tht: not t hcr instrw.:tims
although shc Ircqucntly rcpcatcd
rhc gcndcring 0 1' bocty 1110 Clllcnts, comportmCl1 t , and of
:lCC al , )cns in 1110rc subrlc I'ays. Ior cxampk, \\'bcn 'as
t il11C, boys spcnr Ul lIC 111 actil' irics than did
girls. In onc of boys frcc ri l11c was usually sp<: nt
building irh blocks, c1il11 bi ng m blocks, r cr:J. wling m rhc blocks or 011 Ihc
nr :l S orkcd [() build virh thc gi rls SpCll t l11 11ch
sitting :l t tabks C\1lt ing things Qut ofpapcr, drawing, sorting SIll:l 11
Pc"::CS ofblock Into rcading storics, :1 nd so on. t. bo}'s,
girls rarc1y cravkd on tht.:: f100r (t.::Xccpr whcl1 thcy pb ycd kirry cats).
:l lld bo)'s did sh:l rc SOI11C For cxa!ll plc, p:1 inting and rcadllg wcrc
frcqucndy sharcd, and thc at fshing from a pJay
bridgc tgcrhcr is a lisl f"om my fi c1d 11lrcs 0 1' thc IIIlst C01ll1ll0n
rics boys ,lnd gi r1s dllring lhc actJ\'lty pCflds ofrhc
day during rwo !";1I1dlm 1)' pickcd vccks of obscrving
Boys: pJaycd blocks (flor), playt: d :11 thc (standing and splash-
ing), playcd supcrhcro (r unning aroulld and in play housc) , pJaycd wi lh
thc g:l ragc paintcd at thc (sranding)
Girls: playcd (sirting in ch;rs and arlUl1d ) drcss- lI p
(sranding), coloring (sining ar rlblcs), rt:ad storics (sirril1g On thc ),
cut Oll t plCtllrc ar ta,,)
Childrcll soncd ll1to thcsc acrivitics alld also crc sortcd (or
110t lI 11sor1 cd ) by tcachcrs. For Icachcrs rarc1y told thc thrcc bo)'s
rhat alwa)'s playcd \\'i1 thc thar thc)' had to a difl-rcnt activi ry
rh:l t day. also giris ro st at rabks by suggcsring tabk
:tel vitics for thc l1l- in a SCIl SC giving thcm frcc" timc or structuring
rhcir timc morc
],S lhc cnd and $usan tdls kids thJ.r thcy
rh r cggs ifthc',\111 TO. is a T;lblc SCl \11 I'ith
&"'8 (f Ge,d, Bod.r
and brushcs lor 10 do rhar. Thc kids listen ,U1d tl1cn .:attcr
to thcir lSlI;l1 activtcs. Sc\'cral boys ;l rc playing blocks, '0 bo)'s arc at thc
'atcr tablc. Sc\"cr.l 1 girls ;l rc Ing at thc hamstcr in thci r (:l SC and t31king
ah)u[ tht.:rll , r'0 glrls :l fC stringing plasric hcads. SUS;l11 says Kr
thc I nccd S011l C paint<.:rs, AJll y, Kcmbm" Thc 8irh ICl
thc hamstcr cagl" and gO 10 thc tablc. SUS:l n plllls )\11 .1 so Jov
can sir 1hc111 about thc Inting, projccr. )'c:lr-otds)
Thcsc girls spcllt much ()f rhc aftcrnooll cnjoyi ng rhcmscl vc painting thcir
cggs. Simon and jack joincd rhcm bur then b:1Ck to activtes
that wcrc [ ot reachcr-strucllI rcd
Evcnrs like rhec that happcn O]l a rcgu1ar basis o\'(r:m CXlcndcd pcriod
of carl y childhood ser\'c tO gc ndcr comc to lakc IIp
Illorc room wirh rheir 10 sir in more opt:!l positions, all c! tO fd fi-ccr to
10 their in rdativdy forlll ;1 1 scrrings. Henley
( 1977) finds tbat among adlllts I11CII arc morc rclaxcd tha!l
ill rhcir alld oll1 cn rcnd to havc tCl1 scr posttlrcs. looscnc
of body- foCllSCd hlnctilS (c.g. , bdching) is also morc OpCll to lllCll rh311 to
,\'Olllcn. 1n othcr "Ords, mCl1 arc morc likd)' t in rc\axcd Icmc3nors,
posturcs, ;md bchaviors. Thcsc dala sll ggc t that this gcndcring inro
lllor, rmal and morc 1110 cmcnrs, postllrcs, and cQmport mcnt is (at
lcast constructcd in carly chldhood by institutions likc prcsch ",1,
()r as s ofi"c n thc case virh kid ) i a bodily cxpcriellce
involvcs mlth, throat, chcst, diaphragm, and lcial expriOll. Thornc
( 1993) writcs an
h(cr an apt imagc of sw:mllS, spccd, 3nd constant
motion" (p. 15). J\t1issing fi-om rhis Il1ctaphor is rhc bll"l."l. ofthc bll mblebces,
as a constanr hllm of voiccs corncs from childrcn s play and act\'irics. Kids'
pJay that is giggly, loml , or makcs it dca r lhar is p3rt ofrheir
lxxlily cxpcricnces
Is 3n aspcct ofbodily cxpcricncc that tcachcrs and scbools arc intcr
cSl"cd in disciplining. Qucr tO bc rcquired for karnin in
3ppropriatc kvc! s and ound discipl inc childrens
3nd thClll fi-olll rhc inidc" to lcarn rhc rriClll Ll lllS
and to panicipatc in othcr social instirmiol1s
r hc discip1i ning of childrcns voiccs is gcndcrcd. I IOlllld that girls wcrc
rold to be qllict or 1"0 rcpcat a rcqlcst 111 a qlllctcr, niccr"
thrcc tim:s oftcn thal vcrc boys. This fnding is paniclllarly imcrcsting
bCcall SC boys play \'as frcqucIl tly much noisicr. boys
1oisy, thcy wcrc also bcha\ ,. , l 0 rs thc tcachcrdid llotallow, and
pcrhaps thc fOcuscd Icss on ,'oicc because rhcy more
\'ith stopping bcha iors 1i kc or Tllnl1 111g
vhcn bo}'S rold tu quict do\, 11 " lhcy erc rold in largc
grollpS, rardy JS individuals. Whcn thcy loud :llld rold to bc
lIJi CI, boys crc ()ftcn in t lu.: wha Jord:lIl Cowan
( 1995) call .varno r narrat
A grOllp of lys IS \.ith 1011 fgllrcs. Thc doll s art
tf b1c "-ers cfJ.shing 1l(O cach O1 hcr. Kc\"ill
l 1l1 1hc gro1 " 1' ." Kcth l m rhc Thcy knock thc figuTCS
mr1) c:\ch orhcr push cach Jrhcr :t \\'J. V. grabs a ngurc Irom Kcith
Kcirh picks up Ill orc and lJats OIlC thc Phil. NolV
all thrtc 1 )\"5 :ln' f.lshi ng thc figurcs imo cach othcr, making t11t:m dh'c
otft'crs. Thcy'rc h:wing hlgh fUI1. 1"\\'0 rllon: thc group.
:1rI,: n JW bo)'s rhc doll s thc hlocks.
brclking bk .. .:k buildillgs; things ..:rashing; re grJ.bng thcrs
fgur s 31ld loudly. Some ln: ycllillg frc , fre" lS thcir figures jUlllp
offthc block to'cr. Thc. rlQlll is \'cry l1ois)'. (Fi\"c-ycar-< l)
Girls as indi vi dual s :\ nd in groP' ; rc frcqucnrl y l01d to lowcr lhcir voiccs
that amc
l)mi ng sn3 k thc ;1sks thc kids fO ldl hcr lhc\' like bcst in
lhc na.:k mix. Hillary S. 1yS loudly, vigorou1)', and \'ith a
hcr arm. Thc tCKhcr wrns to hcr 3nd S3\' 1 m goi ng ro 3sk yOll
fO S3)' (]lI ictl)", " ,l nd I-lilla!")' 1T 111 ,1 VCJr
Thcsc t() () bscrvati1115 rcprescnr a promincnt pattc rn in thc data. Thc
phying th thc figu rcs ro cxpr<.c: ss thcir flln
,lIld I: nrhusiasm 10lldly Hill ary collld nOI loudly cxprcss hcr 10 : of
1ll3rshma[]ows. oiccs 3fC disciplinl: d [0 lx: SOtTCf am In 111:111)' \'ays
k s down rhcir voiccs tOIl CS [hcir Hi[]arv
cl11 phasizcd a largc gCstllfC ofhcr :mll thc first
ti mc shc ans:rcd thc blll <1 ftcr thc. IC<1cher askcd hcr ro
sa}' it qllictly shc madc no g. stllres whcn al1.vcri ng . !m:idcnts li ko.: lhcsc that
arc frcn in diffcrcnt' rcstrict girls phylit\
Ir cOllld bc argll cd [har contcxt rat hcr than gcndcr cxpbins thc
in how mllch noi sc is al10'cd il1 thcsc situarions. Teachcrs may cxpcct
forlllJI bchavior t"Oll1 childrcl1 si tring <l t the nack tabk rl1,ltl thcy do dllring
Sc misrrll ctllfcd Ho during play girls wcrc f"rcqucnv
lold to qllctdo
SlI S<! Il, AIllI' jlllllping il1 liuk jumps, i"rolll rhc of thcir
lcr allllosr 1i kc skipping ropc thc ropc. Thcir 111)uth '" and
rhc\' rc making 3 hUlll llling SOll lld, !(lQking ar c;lCh orhcr :md
thc l11 kc:p sticking rhcir ()() t. 1'hc h31' ing grcat 11111
Jidc sitting 11 Ihc fI )r in front f 1 hcm turns Jlld
S,1)'S, Shhh, finl Illclhing w ay. Vhy donr )"011 p1ay Silllon Sa)'s?"
&""'J1 a G" ,dercd Rody
AlI rhrec iniriall y. Thcl1 Am)' J. 1l10rc limcs, bur I'rho\l[
1l1C1 king thc Il oisc. ycar-olds)
l}' limitin t hc girls hc IC;Jchcr ::11) limirs thc girls jumping and
thcir fun. Thc gi rls k ::t rn rhar rhcir supposcd 10 bc quiet, small , and
physicall y Al though l hc girls did nor rakc thc tc;\chcr s suggcstl on
10 play Simo n Says (a gamc hc rc can bc 0 111)' quictl y at thc
OrdtT ofanorhc r), t ht.y turn ro phy t hat cxplorcs quict'ncss rnes [0 maml:l lll
SOl1lC of rhc fllll t hcv h:wing
Susln, a Amy bt:gi l1 rring a pik oflittk-bitr)' pieccs of puzzlcs,
soft 1ldsoon iC:lI cgoncs 10 hdp" rhc
IhC1I1 W lx: .plicI ;md w d C3n up. Thc lhrcc of dll:m and rhc tcachcr :l fC
arII l1d :1 smal1 dcsk sorting Ihcsc (Me:l nwhilc
bo ln: pb ying blocks Jnd rhcir is sprcld :111 o\'cr rhc middlc of
room.) 1'h lc:l chcr turns hcr :l trcnt' ion to girl s
SIl' ltng thCIl bcgin giggl il1g 10 cJ.Ch It hcr. A$ Ihcy do, thc)
(ovcr tlll:ir Ill oulhs. This :1 gamc 011C imiutcs rhc olhcr. Susal1
nonscnsical th3t i supposcd to bc rhcn shc hcc
hccs" 'hi ll: ()\'cring hcr motlth lnd looks at lo hm hc has said
.\'ho hcr 1110lth 311d hcc -hccs" back. Thcy bcgin r ming thcir
ha ldsjfingcrs o\'cr thcir Ill outh 3nd hispcring il1 lrhcrs cars
a1 lhcn giggling .. rl]l' pi cs and
11 ipcring gal11C. yC:l l
f hus, rhc girls took insrrucliOll lQ bc quiet and ILI T1l cd it imo a gamc
This ncw gall1c madc thci r bcha\' iors smallcr, usi ng hands ;md mouths rathcr
than legs, fccr , ;Hl d bodi cs. Whispcri ng bcc:lIllC thci r tm, o f
jUlllping and hl1l11 l11 ill g. rcq\lI-i ng quicr, rh is \' hispcring gamc al so
gcmkrcd in anothcr Thc scclllcd to lIl illlic
fc mak gossipill g. Thcy 111 t wos and lookcd at t hc third girl a hc\'
lid ir :1I1d Iht n ro1cs. t hc in trucl io n 10 b quict , cOlllbincd
,vith the tClll;l lc ro1c \cd t hc girls to I1C o f lhci r undcTSt3ndi ngs
of fClllak quiclIlcss-gossip-a typc of f(:lll ininc quiclIlcss thar is pcrhap
Illost fun
by limit ing limit onc 0 1' gi r1s mechani m for
rcsisting ol'hcrs of t hc llI. Frcqucnrl y, VhCll ;1 had a d ispul'c
wit1t anorhcr child, tcachcr would ask t h gi r1 ro down and t1t c
problcm nicdy. Tcachcl al so askcd bo)'s t o solve pro b1c rns by t a\king, but thcy
usually d id SO on\y th inrcnsc dispmcs and thc insrruCl ion to ral k rhings o ut
carricd thc ro talk 'f/l ietly
Kci th p<:rsiSICl1\ l)' rhrcarcni ng 10 thc blli kling \11;" Amy bll ilr
Hc i n lllning aroulld it h toy rhat COIll CS dangcrIsl y
d os<.: to hcr hllilli l1);; cach [i l11o:. Shc
rhc omcs and asks H\' do that , Am 1" Am
at Kcith and says 1l10rc so!tly, !ryi ng to knx: k it Th<.: n:Khcr
rclls Kcith to nnd somc placc dsc to p1ay.
and arc at thc and tablc. Chcryl says rhc tcachcr
Julic look miJ\l' Thc \"cKhcf rclls hcr 10 sav ir m}fC
Chcryl it lcss loudly. Thc tC3chcr Iclls hcr, Say il a lrtlc qucrcr. "
Chcryl says it qUcrcr, and Ihc rcachcr says 10 Julk, !Icasc don1 takc that
away from hcr." (Thrcc-ycar
Wc that womcn are rclllCl" an\" to lI SC thcir to protcct rhcmsdvcs
Irorn a varicry 0 1' dangers. Thc abovc observations sll gg< CSt that rhc dcnial of
voiccs bcgins at Icast as carly as preschool , and thar rcstricti ng
usual\y rcstricts movcll1cnt as
wcrc t hc qlictncss rcqlli rcmcnt did not
girls Ixx.lic..<;. Onc class ()f thrcc-ycar-o lds includcd two A.sian girls,
Dianc and $uc, who not spcak English. Tcachcrs tcndcd to talk abour
the m and ovcr thclll hur rarc ly tO thc1ll. Alrhough thcsc girls said Ii ttk to othcr
childrcn and gcncral1y thcy 'c rc r tcrm bodv in tlgators
They gor artcmi on and playcd ther childrCIl ill lllorc bodily .vavs t han
most girls. For cX;lmple, Suc dcvclopcd a gamc \'ith anothcr girl rh;\I vaS a
sortof musical chairs . They d racc frOrll onc chai r ro :"lIlorhcr ro sec \\'ho cOll ld
Sil do\111 first. $ I1C nitiatcd thi 5 gamc by trying ro sqllcc.zc illto a chai r
rhc othcr girl. Also, for cxamplc,
starts l"X: ckillg into cardboard hou rhat is f\l ll of boys anJ
onc gl Shc loob li kc she \(1 g in, bUI thc door i blocked and thc
hOllsc s Shc rhcll gocs ro rhc 5idc ofthc housc alld stands
\'ith hcr back to il and SIaTtS bumping it wi[h hcr bun. [hc hOllsc is
rdboarJ , ir bucklcs and mo cs a he docs ir. Thc rcachcr tclls hcr, Sror -
no." tops and [hcn starts loing it again lmr 110rt lighrly. AII rhc boys
0\11 of the hOllsc ;\nd a k hcr shc's luing. Matt s right n
f,'l CC and Ihc tcachcr tclls him, her 110." Hc bllt all thc othcr boys
havc 011 t orhcr actI'1tlCS. I shc Matt go in thc hOllsc logcthcr

Thus, Diall c and $uc s lack of \'()icc in this Engl ish-spcaking classroom lcd
ro grcatcr physicality. Thcrc may othcr ways thal contcxt (e.g. , in OIl Ci
ncighborhood ofschool ) al1 d racc, ethniciry, and class shapc gc ndcr
and that canl10t bc dctcrmincd Irom thesc data (Goodwin 1990)
Bodily 11Jstru&tiolJS
1"eachcrs givc a lot finstructions t kids about what [0 do rith thcir bodics
Ofthc cxplici t bod il y instrl1ctions n:cordcd 65 pcrccnt wcrc to boys,
26 pcrccnt to thc rcmaining 9 to mixcd
groups. Thcsc I1l1 mbcrs suggcst that afC bcing disciplincd morc
than gi r1s. Ho\'cvcr, thcrc is to this story-thc typcs that
tcachcrs givc and children s rcspOllSCS to arc also
Bccomillg iJ GC1I dercd Body 233
Fir r, bo)'s obc}'cd bodi!y abour onc-ha!f of the
rimc (48 whik girls obcycd abollt 80 percent ofthc timc. Boy may
morc 0111 tcachcrs bccal1sc thcy arc !css !ikc! y to
and thl1s are told repcatedl y. Frcql1cnt! y r witncssed a
lcHing a boy or grollp of boys to stop doing somcthing- usually rl1 nning
throwing things-and thc rcpcatcd thcse instruction several times
in thc of the scssion before (if ever) taking t.lrthcr tion.
lI sllaJ[ y did not have to repeat insrructilS ro girls- girls cirhcr sroppcd on
thcir thc first )r rhc rcachcr torccd rhcm to
right thel1. SCTbin (1983) rhar boys rcccivc a highcr proporrion of
IOlld rcprimands, audible to rhc cntirc group. Such parrcf1l s
of rcsponse, intended as pUl1i hmcnt, bccn rcpcarcdly dC11l 0nsrrarcd ro
aggrcssion and other fonns ofdisruprivc bchavior" (p. 29)
Sccond, tcachCl 111srrucrns dirccrcd to bovs bodics crc Icss sllb
stantivc than rhosc dirCClcd 10 girls. That is , tcachcrs instrllctions to bo\'s
vcrc llsually ro S10p doing sorncthing, to cnd a bodily bchavior !i ttle
suggcslion for othcr thcy migbt do. Tcachcrs boys to
a bodily ior. A list of to boys stop
rhrowing, stop jllmping, stop stop sp!ashing, nO pllshing, dmt oy,
blocks <l rc nOl for on that .
1"hc instructiollS that tcachcrs gavc abour thcir physical
of this undircctcd typc, 15 of thcir
to gir! s. 111 other wds, instrllctions to gcnerally \Vcre 11"
sllbstantive and m )rc dircctive, tclling girl rodoab)dily bchavior rarhcr
than to stop )l1C. lnstrllctlons to sllggcstcd rhat thcy altcr rhcir
bchaviors. A list of instructions to girls incllldcs: talk ro hcr, don'r ydl , sir
here, p that IIp, bc bc gcnrlc, givc ir ro mc, pur ir rhcrc
Girls 111ay havc bodily illstructions than did boys, bllt thcy
" civcd 1110rc s. This gClldcr kavcs boys a largcr rang<:
01" possibilitics thcy lllight chse to 10 thcir bodies once they
havc stoppcd a bchavior, vhcrcas girls dircacd toward a lefined sct of
11I teractio'1 betwee Tenchcrs
Tcachcrs also physical! y dircctcd kids. For cxampk, tuch<:rs ofi:cn hdd kids
to makc thcIl1 stop rUllnillg, tappcd thC111 to makc them turn around and
pay attcntioll , 01" turncd rhcir f.\ces thcm so that thcv vou!d !istcn to
\'crba! Onc-fourrh of a[J teachcrs and
chi!drcn vas tO childrens cality in 111<: and 94 perccnt of
verc at bovs
Phyical inrcracrioll and codcd into thrcc
carcgof1cs: or nCUlral. 1 vas as
if il hdpful , \yful , or gcntlc. lt V<l S as
negativc if it ias disciplining, assertive (no1" gcnrlc) , rcslraining, or
lIllwanted hy rhc chld (c.g. , thc chld pul1cd a,vay). 1hyscal inrcl<l ct'ion was
as nelltral i ir sccmcd tO havc lirt1c Cntcnt (c.g. , shouldcrs touching
during cirde, legs touching a tC3chcr g;l.\'C a group ofkids directiolls for
,\ Abour ol1 c-half of thc timc, whctl rcachcrs boys or girls,
vas positivc. cx3mplc, rhc tcachcr and child l11 ight havc bodi ly
:lS shc ticd a shoe, or tickled a child, or if a took thc
tcachcrs hand or got 011 hcr 1ap. For girls, thc rcmaining physical intcracti ons
indudcd 15 t hat disciplining or instructing thc body and about
onc-third that \'crc nctltral (t: .g. , lc:ming ovcr thc whilc
at a book). For boys, thcsc figurcs rcvcrsed: Only 4 pcrccm of thcr
physical intcracriolls ,vith werc llcutral in COlltcnt , and 35 pcrCClll
wcrc llcb'mivc and usually includcd cxplici r discpl inng and instrucri ng of
thc oody.
This discip[ining ofboys took a particubr fonn. llsually
atrcrnptcd to rcstrain or rcrnovc boys had gonc 100 in thcir p[ay or
who had donc somcthi l1 g rhat cou[d harm 311 mhcr
ln'ing to Ja k, drS-llP, and purs his arlllS up, Jll akcs
a nlollster fuce and Aaarhhh!" looks tart1cd. Irving runs and
jUlllpS in from of j3ck again s.a\'li Aaaarrhh!" again. Maric (tcacher)
COJll CS from behind Irving and holds him by the shouldcrs and arlllS from
bchind. Shc bcnd o\,(r hi Jll and sa)'s, C.alm do.>n." I-I c p and
c\'cntuallv shc kts him He rUI1S up to Jack again and growls. Maric says
Hc docsnl to 10 that." (Thrc '"
As Scrbin ( 1983) suggcSts, frcIUCllt lolld rcprimands ()f boys Illay incrcasc
thcir disrll pti vc bchavior; l1lorc freq ll cllr il1 tcracrions
bctwccn teachcrs and bo}'s may d o as boys morc frcqJcntlv
than girls cxpcricnccd intcractilS 1Il thc ir bodics vcrc
rcstraincd or discipl incd by an :adult who had Illorc powcr and angry, rhcy
!llay bc likd}' rhan girls tO associatc trugglc
and angcr, and thus may bc morc likcly to be aggressi vc or disrupti\'c
Pbysicnl bJtcractiOll flmo19 Chi/drw
rhornc (1 993) dcmJI1stratc I' ha l' childrcn parricipatc in lhc consrruction of
gcndcr among thcmsc1vcs. Thc prcsch)01 brings I'ogcthcr 1arge
groups of childrcn cngagc in III rhcy coopcratc wit h
hiddcn curricull1 lll and di ip1i nc cac h otbcrs in gcndcrcd
but thcy a[so cngagc in intcractiollS in rhcy rcsist this
Gi rls and boys thcir samc-scx pccrs aoollt thcir bodies and physi
cali ty. Childrcn in rhcsc obscrvations likdy tO imiratc Ihc
physical behavior 01' a S:l mc-scx peer than a pccr. Childrcn
othcrs ro imitalC thcm. Somc gcndcrcd physicality devdops in
this For cxample, 1 obscrvcd OI1C boy encouraging othcr bo} to
Up !ll{)rc pacc" in thc samc \\Y hc was
rt Gmdtrcd B{/dy
Jamcs (onc ofrhc 1110S1 bo)'s in all O\'(r the blocks
that 101.:, Gcorgc, havc buil t' into a road. Thcn hc srarrs nJlIl1
around his arms srrcrchcd O\l t on sidc ofhim. Hc has J. plastic toy
in onc hand is ling, Moo." l-Ic spins through halfofrhc
ducking undr his arms or around him
nC:t r thClll. Suddcnlv rhc CQ\V and still spinning, starts sho\l ting,
1' 111 a romato! I m a tomato!" Thc thn:c boys playing blocks look
at him laugh. I m a tomato!" again, and Joc says, rhcres
tomato Joc, Georgc, Jnd Paul 011 roaJ
Jamcs rhcn picks up a hlock and lobs it in thcir thcll
spinning this half of the saying hcs Joc and
Gcorge look up rhc blk b. nds ncar rhem rhen thcy get up and
imitare james. Now thrcc bovs spinning rhroughllJt much ofthc room,
houring rhar rhcy are tomatocs. Thc othcr in rhc clJS Jrc rrylllg
to go aoom thcir play .vi t1lt getting hit by a tomato. (Fin:-ycar-olds)
fhc within-gcnder physicaliry of thrcc -ycar-oJd gi rJs and boys vas morc
simiJar than it aJll ong thc fvc-ycar-olds . Among thc t hrcc -ycar-o Jd girls
thcrc more rough and tumblc lT1 0rc fighting and arguing
among gi rJs than there aJll o ng [he gi rJs
Dunng clcan lI P, Emily Sara arguc puttmg avay Thcy
borh pl111 on rhc ends of rhe ropc until thc tcachcr comcs vcr
thcm. Emily walks arOl1 nd rhc classrOOI1l thcn, Ilot c1caning IIp. Shc
sings to hnsdf, dm:s a gets in linc for SafJ. is bchind hcr in
!inc. Emily pllshcs Sar3. Aaahh," hits Elllily and pushcs hcr
!'hc tcachcr takcs both of Ol1T of linc and ralks ro rhclll abot getting
along and bcing to cach \'car-olds)
and Ann havc masks Oll . Onc is a kitty an onc is a doggy. Thcy"
arollnd 011 rhc and rhcy bcgin play and
doggies fight. Thc hcr ro rhclll , Arc yOll ok1" Tl1ey srop, lift lI P
their Ill asks, and !ook orricd. Thc rCKhcr eyo\l !ts
ok, I jusr to make SIlfC girls nod; rhcyr ok
Thcn, rhcy pl1T rhcir Ill asks on 011 thc tloor somc Thcv
rcsl1 lllc (Three -year-olds)
From kssons !ikc thcsc, gi rJs havc learned by age fivt: thcir p1ay wirh cach
othcr should not bc too rough." The cngagclllent of gi rl s wirh cach
othcr ar agc fivc had Ji nk rougb-and-tumble play
girls arc playing \'irh rhc dh s sitting at ;J tablc. Kcisha touchcs
A1ice undcr chin, hcr ahnosr, rhcn 1l1;lkcs her cat sOlllething
thcn tOllch ofhcr Ill ourh, rclling her to snlc. (Fivc
1 do not mean to suggest that g irls cngagclllcnt ,h othcr
is thc oppositc of bo ys or that a11 of physica! conTacrs rough
and tumblc. $, cspecially in pairs, hugged, gently guided, or helped cach
othcr or jump. Bur often, in groups three 01' and
cspccially 3ffiong the fivc bovs engagcmcnt highly
rough," frcquent. expericnccd thesc contacts as fun
not as hostilc or negarvc in any
Thc physica! cngagcmcnt of and girls with cnch differcd
S;l Jll C-SCX cngagclllcllt. ccausc girls and boys play is scmi
scgrcgatcd, collisiollS (lircral and figuratvc) ll play happcn at thc bordcrs of
rhese gcndcr-scgrcgarcd groups 1988; Thornc 1993). As Thornc
(1993) dcmonsrrJ. rcs, all bordcrwork is ncgativc---40 01' thc
physica! interacrions obscrvcd girls and I vcrc pOSItl VC or n ut.ral
Ntd n ll1s o\'cr to J bc \'our fricnd?"
anJ h, Ntd ;1 '3\' and thc agal 1 thrcc to four
TlIl r-oIJs)
cross-gcndcr intcractill1S vcre lllorc likely to hc ncgativc rhan
ln bct, physical intcractions among hildrcn wcrc
as likdy to bc a if bctwcen a girl and
boy rhan if rhcy alllong sa Jll c -gcndcr Approximatdy 30
of thc intcractions arnong girls ;md arnong boys ncgativc (hostik,
angry, hurrful), whcrcas 60 01' mixcd-gcndcr physical
ncgativc. Sixry pcrCCllt 0 1' 113 physical intcractions
wcre initiatcd hy Iy, 39 pcrccnt wcrc initialcd by girls, and only 1 pcrccnt
ofrhcsc intcraniolls llllltllally initiatcd
At thc borders of scmi -scgrcgatcd play thcrc arc physical interacrions
lbo\l t tllrf ;llld toy owncrship
Sy\ rhrows pby Ill oncy 011 thc f"o!ll pockctbook. JO!l gr.!bs
ir up. S)w wrtsrlcs hilll tor ir ;l1l d prics it f"om his In this
him onto rhc so rhar forward 0 1 his Shc
gcts bchind him and hilll on rhc fl)or sh grJh hi ;}nd
gcts rhc rnonc}' loosc. Thcn, two minutcs \a[Cf, glVlllg IIIlCy to kiJs,
and shc gi\'cs Jon somc, bllt apparcntl)' llOl cnollgh. Ho.: gcts right c\osc to
hcr, inchcs rclls hc morc. I-Ic
up his pur his arms srrJighr do\'11 b} s sidcs makcs tsts. SlC SICpS
back; p c\ osc again ro hcr facc T1 lrns (I'i vc-yc;lT-o\ds)
whcn an: or inrerrllptio!l s ()f
play among childrcn onc gcndcr by :hildrctl of anothcr
itting on thc f\< wirh rhc girls who Jrc playing kirrics t" hc
hJl'c 1 rh<.:ir drcss-up Jnd dr<.:ss-up shocs. Phi\ plltS 011 big
'intcr glovcs and in thc middlc thc girls ()Il thc f\ r. Hc
lands on thcir shocs. COllnnq' pushcs him avay am\ rh<.:n hcr lcgs Jnd
Jlld rutf c\ oscr 10 hcr. Shc takcs lI P lcss is sitting in a tight
ball tht floor. Phi\ No! AaJTI"hh." Ju\ic qys, ro
tf GtUiC1-ed
As Thornc ( 19n) suggcsts, shapc, and policc rhc bordcrs ()f
gcndcr. 1 suggcsr Ihal do so In this not only n
gcndcr segrcgarion, but als mainrain ;1 scnsc that girls ;111d boys afC phy icall y
diffcrcnt, rhar bodics arc ()f doing ccrt;li n kinds of things. This
scnsc f physical diOrcnccs may makc al1 gcndcr diOcrcnccs fcd and appcar
ChildrCI1 ;llso sOl11crimcs rcsist thcir bcing gcndercd. For cxamplc,
boys up in mcns sornctimcs . Fi\'c-ycar-old
girls playcd .vith a rc1axcd comportmcnt that is normativ Iy ( hcgcmonically)
mascu1 nc whcn rhcy sal with thcir fcct lIP on thc dcsk and rhcir chairs tippcd
1n onc classroom whcn bo)'s wcrc ;1 t thc hcighr of thcir loud
activity- runl1 ing and throwing toys and blok> girls took thc opportunity
10 bc loud too as thc vcrc p;lyillg lcss attcmion 10 thcm and trying
tO gct thc boys 10 scttle [11 individual as gi r1s 'crc
li kdy to bc loud and if a boy WJS bcing unusual1y so
Josi: is making :l m hr.$C f1y thc room, and thc playing
.. i[h thc blocks :l rc q<,ud and T".unbuIcnou Josi: flics thc toy horsc right
in front of f.H;C and thcn zoonlS arlI nd hcr and straight toward hcr
again. holds up ha ld alld '('S it aT i\aJarrrh." Jos
flics rhe 111 a 11 >Thcr YC:l r-olds)
lIlst3nCt:S of rcsistancc gcndercd 3rc not natu-
ral , nor 3rc [hc)' casily al1d straighrforwardly 3cqllircd. This rcscarch kmon.
stratcs thc rnany thJt in insrirutions likc prcschools fucilitatc
of gcndcrcd physicalit'ics
fv1cn and wOl11cn and girls and boys fll so spacc ilh thcir bodics
i11 diffcrcnt ays. QUf cvcryday rnOVC11l cnts posturcs, and gcstllrcs arc gcn.
dcrcd. 1"bt:sc bodi ly diflcrcnccs cnhancc thc secming naluralncss of scxual
and that thcn COl1struct bctwecn I11CI1
and (Butlcr 1990). fu Mac Ki nnon ( 1987) notcs, Diffcrenccs 3rc
incqllalirys post hoc cxcuc ... " (p. 8 ). In orhcr words, thcsc differcnccs
a for soal rclat" iolls in wbich incqualilics

uggcsts 011C thJt bodics arc gcndcrcd and physical
diffcrcnccs <l rc :onstruc[cd through s)Cial institutions and thcir
Bccausc this gcndcring OCClIrs at an carl y agc, thc sccl11ing l1aturalncss of such
diflrcnces furthcr I n bxlics bccomc gendcrcd
m I'ays that ;lrc so subtlc and tlkcll-for. granrcd t" hat thcy comc. ro fccl
;ll1d appcar ll:l tllral. is prcsl1 mably just rhc tip of I" hc
in rhc gcndcring Familics, ;lr1d
insrirutions ( likc churchcs, hospiral, and ,I'orkpbccs) childrcl1s
" 'Cl1
238 l'OUT1CS, }JODIIiS, A ,vD REHAVlO/(
J\b.ny fcmillSt sociologisr ;llld ZillltlWrm,H1 1987) and orhcr ICmi -
1115 (Butkr 1990, 1993) llaturalncss
01' gcndcr diffcn:nccs undcr1 ic incquality. Thcy h;lVC als( thcorizcd
that thcrc arc 110 mcaningful natural ( Butkr 1990, 1993 ).
c\'cr, how gcndcr dilli.:: rcnces cIllC (0 fi.::c1 ;l1l d 3PIcar nat \lr.t l in thc first pbcc
has bccn a missing ofthc puzzlc
thcorics 0 thc body that dcscri !x: thc rcgularoll , di sci plin-
illg, and m3. n:tging thar social illStit lltiolls d) [0 havc ncgkclcd thc
lIaturc of rhcsc proccsscs (FollC3. u[ r 1979; Shill ing 1993; Turn<.:r
1984). d,Ha suggcsr thar a parr 0 1" thc b1)'
consisrs of gcnd: ring it, C\'C1l in SlI I>lIc, micro, that makc
::a ppe::ar narur:l l. It is in rhis scnsc Ihar rne prcschool a an institution genders
cnildrcll s bodi: Fcminist thcorics about thc body ( Hordo 1993; Conndl
1995; Young 1990 ), 011 thc othcr hand, tCl1d to locus n thc adulr gcndcrcd
bodyand how thc body This llcglccr
accc ntuarc gcndc r ,Im\ makc sccm natural. This
pro\'idcs but 01l C aCCollnt of how bodics bccomc gcndcred. Othcr
thc bodics and adll lts arc (and raccd, cbsscd,
and scxualizcd) arc I1ccdcd in \'ario tS social conrcxr. thc lifi coursc
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