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ELS EVI ER Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202

Skarn Cu- Au orebodies of the Gunung Bijih
(Ertsberg) district, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
Heidi J. Mertig, Jeffrey N. Rubin and J. Richard Kyl e
Department of Geological Sciences, The Universi~ of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA
(Received 17 May 1993; accepted after revision 28 October 1993)
A b s t r a c t
The maj or Cu- Au skarn deposits of the Gunung Bijih (Ert sberg) district in central lrian Jaya are
products of hydrothermal systems that devel oped in association with Pliocene magma empl acement
in an active continental margin. The Cu- Au skarn orebodies occur within a Cretaceous to Tertiary
sedimentary sequence that was deformed as the northern Australian continental margin entered a
north-dipping subduction zone at ~ 12 Ma. The intermediate-composition intrusions consist of fine-
grained porphyritic stocks, dikes, and sills that have K- Ar ages ranging from 2.7 to 4.4 Ma. Most
intrusions are slightly potassic, but these data could be affected by alteration.
The skarn orebodies in the Ertsberg district are hosted in deformed l ower Tertiary New Gui nea
Group carbonate strata along the periphery of the Pl i ocene Ertsberg intrusion. Maj or skarn orebodies
include the Ertsberg ( GB) , the Ertsberg East ( GBT) complex, including the GBT, the Intermediate
Ore Zone ( I OZ) and the Deep Ore Zone ( DOZ) , and the Dom. Chalcopyrite is the dominant ore
mineral in the GB and Dom orebodies, whereas bornite dominates in the GBT complex. Native Au
occurs within bornite and chalcopyrite in GB and GBT ores.
The district cal c-si l i cat e alteration assemblages are characterized by high-temperature skarn min-
erals, including forsterite, monticellite, and minor melilite. Diopsidic cl i nopyroxene is common,
particularly in GBT. Anhydrite and phlogopite are abundant in the GBT complex, and the anhy-
drite:calcite ratio increases with depth from GBT to DOZ where anhydrite is ubiquitous and calcite
rare. At least three types of garnets have been identified at the Dom and show a progressive increase
in ferric iron content. Garnet decreases with depth in the GBT complex. Talc, serpentine, t r emol i t e-
actinolite, and chlorite are common retrograde minerals. Copper sulfide mineralization is texturally
associated with early retrograde alteration.
Di fferences among the skarn orebodies are related in part to variable protolith composi t i on that
affected skarn devel opment within different stratigraphic positions. Distinctive fossil replacement
textures preserved within skarn indicate that the Ol i gocene- Mi ocene Ai nod Formation is the most
likely protolith for the GB and Dom orebodies. The GBT and upper IOZ orebodies probably are
hosted by the Eocene Faumai Formation. The DOZ and l ower IOZ orebodies, dominated by magnesian
skarn alteration, appear to be devel oped in a dol omi t i c unit within the l ower New Guinea Li mest one
Group, which probably is equi val ent to the Paleocene Waripi Formation.
0375-6742/94/$07.00 {3 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All i-ighls reser,,ed
SSDI0~75 6 7 4 2 ( 9 3 ) E0047- Z
180 H. Z Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
I . I n t r o d u c t i o n
The Gunung Bijih (Ert sberg) district of west central Irian Jaya, Indonesia, comprises a
diverse group of orebodies associated with Pliocene intermediate-composition plutons
intruded into a thick Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary sequence. The Ertsberg district
is located 120 km inland f r om the Arafura Sea within the Central Range of the island of
New Guinea (Fig. 1 ). The Central Range is a spectacular Alpine terrain of folded and thrust
faulted strata that was caused when the Australian continental margi n entered the north-
dipping subduction zone along the Melanesian island arc compl ex at ~ 12 Ma. Uplift and
deformation in the Central Range of central Irian Jaya probabl y began in the Miocene ( Nash
et al., 1993; Quarles and Cloos, 1994).
Exploration and devel opment of the Ertsberg district has spanned over 50 years, as
outlined by Van Leeuwen (1994). J.J. Dozy, a Dutch geologist empl oyed by Shell, was a
member of a mountain-climbing and geological reconnaissance expedition into the New
Guinea Highlands in 1936. Dozy encountered a prominent black peak standing about 140
m above the glaciated valley floor at an elevation of about 3600 m within the Central Range.
He named this exposure of Cu-stained massi ve Fe oxides the Ertsberg (Dutch for "or e
mount ai n" ). Although he recognized the high Cu grade of the samples he collected, Dozy
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Fi g. l . [nde map o f I ndonesi a showi ng sel ected cu l t u r al and geogr aphi c f eat u res wi t hi n the regi on, | nset map
shows selected features of south central Irian Jaya, including those associated with Freeport Indonesi a' s Ertsberg
Contract of Work.
H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 181
bel i eved that this deposi t woul d not have any commer ci al value because of its remot e
l ocat i on ( Wi l son, 1981).
Dozy descri bed the findings of the expedi t i on in a report ( Dozy, 1939) that i ncl uded a
descri pt i on of the Ertsberg. Wor l d War II prevent ed wi de circulation of Do z y ' s report. In
1959, a Dut ch mi ni ng company came upon a number of Shel l ' s reports i ncl udi ng Do z y ' s
and called it t o the attention of Freeport Mi neral s Company. Fr eepor t ' s Manager of Expl o-
ration Forbes Wi l son and staff were intrigued. Freeport mount ed an overl and expedi t i on
into the Hi ghl ands in 1960 to furt her eval uat e and syst emat i cal l y sampl e the Ert sberg
exposure ( Wi l son, 1981 ). A Cont r act of Wor k wi t h the Indonesi an gover nment was signed
in 1967 f or a 100 km 2 area cent ered on the Ertsberg. Drilling commenced in 1967 and
established reserves of over 30 million tonnes of hi gh grade Cu ore.
Const ruct i on of product i on and support facilities began in 1970, and i ncl uded a port
facility at Amamapar e, a 103-kin access road, an airport at Ti mi ka, and a t own site at
Tembagapur a at el evat i on 1,800 m (Fi g. 1 ). The second phase of const ruct i on i ncl uded
installation of a 6, 750 t onnes per day mill at el evat i on 2, 750 m, substantially bel ow the
level of the Ert sberg open pit mi ne at 3, 600 m. A 1.5-kin aerial t r amway cover i ng a vertical
extent of 760 m was const ruct ed to t ransport equi pment , personnel, and ore. A slurry pipeline
was const ruct ed to t ransport concent rat es to the port, and product i on began in 1972.
Mi ni ng and support facilities progressi vel y expanded with ore definition and product i on
f r om additional orebodi es (Tabl e 1). Drill eval uat i on commenced on the Ert sberg East
( GBT) skarn compl ex in 1975 and on the Dom skarn in 1985. Wi t h the di scover y of the
Grasberg i nt rusi on-host ed Cu - Au deposi t in 1988 ( Van Nort et al., 1991; MacDonal d and
Arnol d, 1993 ), the district achi eved worl d-cl ass status ( see MacDonal d and Arnol d, 1994).
The mill current l y treats about 60, 000 tonnes per day, of whi ch about 20% comes f r om the
skarn orebodi es of the GBT compl ex. Fr eepor t - McMoRan Copper and Gol d Inc. has
announced expansi on of the Ert sberg operat i ons to 90, 000 t onnes per day by mi d- 1996.
Thi s article briefly revi ews the geol ogy of the skarn orebodi es of the district based on
prel i mi nary results of investigations of the GBT compl ex ( Rubin, 1994), the Dom ( Mertig,
1994), and the Bi g Gossan ( Gonzal ez, 1994). General results f r om several compl ement ar y
studies in progress are i ncl uded as t hey pertain to the devel opment of mi neral i zat i on within
the district.
Table I
Tonnage and grade of the Ertsberg district skarn orebodies
Ore deposit Discovery Tonnes Grade
year" ( 106)
Cu Au Ag
(%) (g/t) (g/t)
Ertsberg (GB) 1967 32.6 2.3 0.8 9.1
GBT 1975 61.4 2.0 0.7 I 1.5
DOZ 1979 22.6 2.4 1.1 8.7
IOZ 1979 18.9 2.0 0.6 10.5
Dom 1976 30.9 1.5 0.4 9.6
Signifies year in which evaluation by drilling commenced; surface exposures of some of the mineralized zones
were known previously, e.g. Dozy's description of the Ertsberg in 1936.
182 H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
2. Di st ri ct geol ogy
2.1. Stratigraphy
Surface exposures within the Ertsberg district are dominated by the upper Mesozoic
Kembel angan Group siliciclastic strata and the Tertiary New Guinea Group carbonate strata
that were deposited on the northern Australian shelf (Visser and Hermes, 1962) (Figs. 2
and 3). The stratigraphic character, age, and regional correlations of the units within the
Ertsberg district currently are being reevaluated. Therefore, the nomenclature used in this
article (Fig. 3) generally represents the stratigraphic terminology that has been used by
Freeport and may be revised as additional information becomes available.
Quarles (1994) measured a well-exposed upper Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphic
section within a breached anticline in the Dugan-dugan valley, located just outside the
northeast corner of Fig. 2. The exposed sequence consists of about 300 m of fine-grained
glauconitic sandstones assigned to the upper D- member of the Kembel angan Group (Visser
and Hermes, 1962) (Fig. 3). The total thickness of the D- member is 600 m locally (K.
Her on, pers. commun. , 1993). In exposures near Tembagapura, Kembel angan Group strata
overlies fine-grained siliciclastic strata of the Triassic Ti puma Formation. The total strati-
graphic thickness of the Kembel angan Group is not well established, but appears to be on
the order of 4,000 m (Martodjojo et al., 1975).
In the Dugan-dugan valley, the New Guinea Group includes about 1500 m of carbonate
and siliciclastic strata, locally assigned to the Faumai and Ainod Formations (Fig. 3 ). The
Faumai Formation consists of 150 m of miliolid-bearing limestone, that has been determined
to be of Eocene age (Quarles, 1994). He r on (1990) identified a variable sequence of
interbedded fine-grained siliciclastics and carbonates, including a " ba nde d" dolomite
sequence in the Big Gossan area between these Eocene limestones and the Cretaceous
Kembel angan Group siliciclastics (Figs. 2 and 3 ). This unit may be equivalent to the Waripi
Formation recognized elsewhere in Irian Jaya (Pieters et al., 1984; Dow et al., 1988). The
Waripi Formation is considered to be Paleocene in age because of its stratigraphic position,
but could also include strata of late Cretaceous age (Pieters et al., 1984). The presence of
dolomite in the carbonate sequence is important with regard to the development of the
magnesian skarns of the district.
A coarse-grained sandstone unit as much as 40 m thick separates the Faumai Formation
from the overlying Ainod Formation and serves as a local stratigraphic marker; this sand-
stone probabl y is equivalent to the Sirga Formation (Pieters et al., 1984). On the basis of
large foraminifera biostratigraphy, this sandstone unit probably marks the Eocene/ Ol i go-
cene boundary, and the Ol i gocene/ Mi ocene boundary occurs within the lower Ainod For-
mation (Fig. 3). The lower Ainod Formation, 600 m thick, is predominantly a fusilinid
limestone with less than 20% siltstone and sandstone. The upper Ainod Formation consists
of about 300 + m of coral-rich limestones, including conglomeratic units. Lignitic horizons
occur in the upper section, signifying shallowing of the depositional environments in the
early Miocene (Quarles, 1994). The upper Tertiary limestones have been assigned many
formational names within the region (Pieters et al,, 1984), and additional studies will be
necessary to establish regional correlations and a consistent stratigraphic nomenclature.
H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 183
O { I I Alluvium
t [ ~ - ] Intrusions
~, Te = Ertsberg,
~, Tg = G rasberg
~ Ainod Fm.
Faumai Fm.
v { ~ Kembelangan Gp.
D Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg)
~ r ~ Gunung Bijih Timur (Ertsberg East)
Big Gossan
Fig. 2. Geologic map of the Ertsberg district showing locations of major skarn deposits. Generalized from 1 : 10,000
mapping of Freeport Indonesia geologists from 1970 to 1993. Limited areas of glacial cover are omitted from the
northeastern part of the area.
184 H. J . Mertig et a l . / J ournal of Geochemical Exploration 5 0 ( 1 9 9 4 ) 1 7 9 - 2 0 2
' 1 ' 1 ' 1 '
i i i i
I i I i I i I
t ' - i i t t
Q) , ' . I . ' l
I I ' I ' I
. 9 .. ~.'...-. :.'.....' ~ . . ~
I i I i I i I
' i , i , I '
. . . . i , i , I ,
2 , _--, --a_L
OQ1, . . . . .
13) e - ----------.--~--
~, ~ ' , ' l ' , '
I i I i I i I
i i i i
- - ~ - - I . . . . I . . . I . . . . . I . . . .
: : l : : : : : : l : : : : : : 1 ; : : = : : 1 :
~ . ~ i I i I i I i
t ' - i . , , , i i
~ I I I I I I I
~ , ~ i I I I I I I
0 I I 1
i i ~ ' I ' I ' I '
i . . . . . .
a , ~ e " , i ~
- - ~ . . . . . . . . .
i~_ 0 ~ " . . . . . ...
Ainod Fm
Ainod Fm
(Upper) 400 m
Faumai Fm
Faumai Fm o m
(Waripi Fm ?)
Kembel angan
Ti puma Fm
~ 1 dolomite
I undifferentiated
F i g. 3 . General i z ed stratigrap hic c ol umn f or the Ertsberg district. General i z ed f rom Hef t on and P enni ngt on ( 1993 ) ,
w ho c omp i l e d l ocal measured s e c t i ons by Hef t on, P enni ngt on, and Q uarl es, and ut i l i z ed regi onal stratigrap hic
nomencl at ure o f D o w et al . ( 1 9 8 8 ) , P i gram and P anggabean ( 1 9 8 3 ) , and V i s s e r and Hermes ( 1 9 6 2 ) .
2.2. Structure
As p e c t s o f t he c o mp l e x t ect oni c f r a me w o r k o f t he I ndones i an regi on has be e n studi ed by
many researchers; a us e f ul regi onal r e vi e w i s p rovi ded by Hami l t on ( 1 9 7 9 ) . Na s h et al.
( 1 9 9 3 ) ha ve recent l y eval uat ed t he structural de ve l o p me nt o f central Irian Jaya, bas ed on
i nf ormat i on generat ed duri ng F reep ort I ndones i a' s regi onal exp l orat i on p rogram. The maj or
structural features in central Irian Jaya f or me d as the resul t o f the Central Range s Or oge ny
w hi c h resul ted w h e n t he Aust ral i an cont i nent al margi n ent ered a north-di p p i ng subduct i on
z o n e al ong t he Me l ane s i an i sl and arc at ~ 12 Ma ( Q uarl es and Cl o o s , 1994) .
Tw o s t yl es o f def ormat i on have be e n r e c o g ni z e d w i t hi n t he Ertsberg district. F ol di ng is
t he mo s t o bvi o us me c ha ni s m o f short eni ng, and t he km- s c a l e f ol ds trendi ng about 120
rep resent t he l argest structural features map p ed i n t he district ( F i g. 2 ) . A seri es o f di p - s l i p
f aul t s have traces p aral l el t o t he f ol d axes. Mo s t o f t he f aul t s are s t eep l y di p p i ng and
i ntraformati onal , and ap p ear t o have reverse mo t i o n w i t h di s p l acement s p robabl y l es s than
H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 185
a few hundred meters (McDowell et al., 1994) The folds and vertical faults are offset by
high-angle faults that have a bimodal distribution, trending 030 to 070 and 170 to 180
( Fig. 2). Preliminary structural interpretation suggests that the NE-trending faults have left-
lateral offset and the N-trending faults have right-lateral offset (Quarles, 1994). The appar-
ent displacement along these faults ranges from a few meters to as much as several hundred
2.3. Ma g ma t i c act i vi t y
Intrusions in the Ertsberg district consist of fine-grained porphyritic stocks, dikes, and
sills, all of which have been hydrothermally altered to some degree. Local exposures of
altered volcanic strata have been identified along the periphery and overlying the upper
portions of the Grasberg intrusive complex (MacDonald and Arnold, 1993, 1994; Sapiie,
1994). The plutons represent shallowly emplaced magmas, as suggested by the remnants
of volcanic cover rocks on the periphery of the Grasberg complex. Fission track analysis
(Weiland, 1993; Weiland and Cloos, 1994) and reconnaissance fluid inclusion data (J.R.
Kyle, unpublished data) suggest emplacement depths of 2 km or less.
SiO2 contents of intrusive rocks range from 54 to 62 wt % with most falling between 59
and 62 wt % ( McDowell et al., 1994). Most intrusions are slightly potas sic with Na20 + K20
between 5.6 and 8.6% and K2 0 / ( Na 2 0 - 2 ) ranging from 1.3 to 3.8 (McMahon, unpubl.
data), but these data could be affected by alteration. Although alteration makes classification
of the igneous rocks difficult, most of the intrusions plot in or near the trachyandesite and
t r achydaci t e/ t r achyt e field on a Total Alkali-Silica plot ( Le Maitre et al., 1988). On a
QAP plot (Le Maitre et al., 1988), three samples from the Ertsberg stock range from quartz
monzodiorite to monzogranite (McDowell et al., 1994). All of the analyzed Ertsberg district
intrusions are silica-oversaturated and would be classified as alkalic-calcic to calc-alkalic
using the index of Peacock ( 1931 ) (McMahon, 1994).
Plagioclase is the most abundant phenocryst in all intrusive phases. Biotite, amphibole,
clinopyroxene, magnetite, and (rarely) potassium feldspar also occur as phenocrysts. In
general, groundmass mineralogy is dominated by quartz and potassium feldspar, although
plagioclase is also abundant. Apatite and sphene are common accessory phases (McMahon,
K- Ar ages have been determined for 15 biotite separates from intrusive phases within
the Ertsberg District. These data indicate emplacement of the Ertsberg intrusions within the
range of 4.4 to 2.6 Ma, with the majority of ages falling between 3.0 and 3.3 Ma. Three
analyses of the Ertsberg intrusion, with which all of the currently producing skarns of the
Ertsberg district are spatially associated, indicate ages ranging from 2.6 to 3.1 Ma
(McDowell et al., 1994).
Trace element characteristics of the intrusions are suggestive of an arc-like magma source
and are similar to those of intrusions associated with some Cu- Au deposits in Papua New
Guinea (McMahon, 1994). However, McDowell et al. (1994) conclude that the Pl i o-
Pleistocene magmatism of the Ertsberg district was not directly related to subduction, but
to an episode of asthenospheric upwelling resulting from arc-continent collision.
186 H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
3 . Ertsberg di stri ct skarns
3.1. General
The maj or skarn orebodies of the Ertsberg District are the Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih or
GB) , the Ertsberg East (Gunung Bijih Ti mur or GBT) complex, including the GBT, I OZ
(Int ermedi at e Ore Zone) and DOZ ( Deep Ore Zone) , and the Dom (Fig. 2; Table 1 ). Most
of the skarns average less than l g/ t Au and thus would be categorized as "bypr oduct Au
skarns" (Theodore et al., 1990). Although the Ertsberg skarn orebodies contain near l g/
t Au, they are not enriched in Au in compari son with their Cu contents and are typical of
skarns associated with porphyry Cu deposits worldwide (Meinert, 1989).
The Ertsberg cal c-si l i cat e alteration assemblages are characterized by high-temperature
skarn minerals, including forsterite, monticellite, and mi nor melilite. The maj or ore minerals
are chalcopyrite and bornite. Chalcopyrite is the dominant ore mineral in the GB and Dom
orebodies, whereas bornite dominates in the GBT complex. Native Au occurs in association
with bornite, and probabl y with chalcopyrite, in GBT compl ex and GB ore.
Producing skarn orebodies are hosted in the lower Tertiary carbonate units (Figs. 2 and
3). The GBT and Dom orebodies occur along the periphery of the Ertsberg intrusion,
whereas the GB orebody is entirely surrounded by the pluton. The GB and Dom skarns
show distinctive replacement textures within skarn of the abundant foraminifera of the
Ainod Formation (Fig. 4). The GBT complex skarns show only local preservation of fossil
The presently mined Grasberg Cu- Au orebody occurs in a potassic alteration zone within
the interior of the Grasberg intrusive compl ex (Fig. 2). However, deep drilling has inter-
sected an irregular zone of sulfides concentrated at the contact with the Tertiary limestones
(MacDonal d and Arnold, 1993). Also, recent exploration along the Big Gossan structure
(Fig. 2) has encountered maj or Cu- Au concentrations associated with cal c-si l i cat e alter-
ation zones. These calc-silicate zones are developed at least in part within the basal 80 m
of the New Guinea carbonate sequence (K. Hefton, pers. commun. ) , within a poorly dated
dolomitic sequence that is probably equivalent to the Waripi Formation (Fig. 3). Results
from the Big Gossan drilling program suggest the presence of structurally controlled skarn
zones with higher Cu and Au concentrations than the currently mined skarn orebodies
(Anon., 1992).
3.2. GB/Ertsberg Skarn
The Ertsberg deposit was the original discovery in the Ertsberg District. The GB (Gunung
Bijih is "or e mount ai n" in Bahasa Indonesia) Cu-skarn orebody had original reserves of
33 million tonnes of ore averaging 2.5% Cu and 0.8 g/ t of Au. The GB reserves were
largely depleted by the mid-1980s, and open pit production ceased in 1989. Available
geologic information on the Ertsberg deposit consists of studies by Katchan (1982) and
Soeparman and Budijono (1989) on which most of the following discussion is based.
The GB deposit was surrounded by the Ertsberg intrusion and generally is thought to
have been a roof pendant (Figs. 2 and 5A, B). The bulk of the orebody was a plug-like mass
of magnetite-rich skarn surrounded by a zone of cal c-si l i cat e alteration as much as 100 m
H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 187
Fig. 4. Repl acement textures in the Ertsberg skarn ore. A. Ainod Formation l i mest one with abundant large
foraminifera. B. Magnetite-rich skarn showi ng chalcopyrite " wi s ps " relict after large foraminifera.
wide. Katchan (1982) divided the calc-silicate alteration into 10 assemblages presumed to
have replaced dolomitic limestone wall rocks and one assemblage that replaced intrusive
rock. Magnetite and calc-silicates dominate the more abundant exoskarn. Monticellite is
the most abundant mineral in the calc-silicate envelope, although diopside-rich skarn dom-
inates in the lower levels of GB (Soeparman and Budijono, 1989). A common ore texture
within both calc-silicate and magnetite skarns preserves original limestone textures, includ-
ing replaced foraminifera (Fig. 4). Copper sulfides preferentially replaced the foraminifera,
relative to matrix, in both.
According to Katchan (1982), initial skarn formation resulted from high-temperature
silica metasomatism of dolomitic wall rocks that produced a diverse suite of magnesian
calc-silicates, including monticellite, diopside, forsterite, melilite, spinel, and fassaitic cli-
nopyroxene. Later Fe-A1-Mn metasomatism, associated with decreasing temperatures,
produced glaucochroite, garnet (grandite, Zr-ugrandite, hydrogarnet), vesuvianite, clinton-
ite, Ca amphibole, and harkerite. The Ertsberg intrusion is the most likely source of the
hydrothermal fluids that initiated development of the skarn orebodies, and structural controls
probably played a major role in providing access for mineralizing fluids as the intrusion
cooled (Katchan, 1982).
Soeparman and Budijono (1989) observed that magnetite concentrations crosscut both
calc-silicate skarn and intrusive rocks in the eastern part of the orebody and interpreted this
18 8 H.J . Mertig et al. / J ournal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
relationship to indicate that magnetite skarn w as younger than cal c- si l i cat e skarn. How ever,
fragments of magnetite w ithin extensi ve breccias are rimmed by cal c- si l i cat es, sulfides, and
magnetite, suggesting that there are multip le generations of magnetite (and other skarn-
related mi neral s). Sulfide dep osition w as both contemp oraneous w ith and younger than
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I ~ , + , + , + , + , + , + , t , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + 1 + ,
l - - ] C o v e r e d ~ Q u a r t z i t e [ ] M a g n e t i t e -
c h a l c o p y r i t e
~ E r t s b e r g i n t r u s i o n ~ Mo n t i c e l l i t e , g a r n e t , ~ - ~ S p e c u l a r i t e -
d i o p s i d e s k a r n
c h a l c o p y r i t e
Ma r b l e ~ E p i d o t e s k a r n
Pi t o u t l i n e
at 3 5 0 0 m
F i g. 5 A. G e o l o g i c ma p o f t he Er t s be r g ( G u n u n g Bi j i h ) s ka r n o r e b o d y . Ge n e r a l i z e d f r o m 1 : 2 , 0 0 0 bench l e v e l
ma p p i n g by F r e e p o r t I n d o n e s i a g e o l o g i c s t af f .
H.J . Merti g et al. /J our nal of Geochemi cal E xpl orati on 50 (I 994) 179-202 189
N E 1
+ + + + + +
4 ~ + + 4 + ~ + + + + +
+ 4 ~ + + + + + + + + +
- - 4 + - - + + + +
+ + + + + + + \ ~ - . - ~ + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + ~ " + + + + + +
+ * +
+ + + + + + + + + 4 ~ + + +
+ 4 +
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+ + + + + + + + + .
. + + + + +
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. . + + + + +
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7 + + + + + + + + + ~ + + ~ + +
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+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
. . . . . . . . . . + + + . . . . . . ~ G a r n e t - m o n t i c e l l i t e s k a m
- % 0 1 0 0 m + + " + % + + + + + + + L
+ i + + + + + + + + +
. . . . . . + . . . . ~ E r t s b e r g i n t r u s i o n
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
f * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+ + < . + + + + + + + + + + 4 + +
+ + ' + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + ~ + ~ 2 ~ + + + + + + ~ + + + + + ~ V V *
f+ + + ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + +
+ + + + + + + 4 + + + + ~ + + + + 4
+ + + + + + + + 4 + + + ~ *
+ + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + ~
+ + + + + + + + + + * + + + ~ + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + + *
~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~
+ ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 +
~ ~ M a g n e t i t e - c h a l c o p y d t ~ k a r n
Fig. 5B. Geol ogi c cross-section o f the Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) skarn orebody. Generaliz ed from a 1:2,000 cross-
section prepared by Freeport Indonesia geol ogi c staff.
magneti te, and the Cu - Au mi neral i z ati on is concentrated w i t hi n the magneti te mass. Other
metal l i c minerals i ncl ude bornite, chal cop yri te, p yrite, chal coci t e, di geni te, mol ybdeni t e,
sp halerite, galena, bi smuthi ni te, native Au, electrum, and nati ve Ag. The most abundant
ore mineral is chal cop yri te w i t h l esser bornite. Nat i ve Au and el ectrum rarely are comp l et el y
e nc l os e d w i t hi n any si ngl e sulfide p hase, but grains up to 1 0 0 / z m t yp i cal l y occur al ong
boundari es bet w een Cu sulfides ( general l y borni t e) and quartz or calcite.
Local l y i nt ense retrograde alteration p roduced p hl ogop i t e, talc, chlorite, serp entine, mont-
mori l l oni t e and cl i ntoni te. P hl ogop i t e occurs both i ntergrow n w i t h magneti te and as an
3500 m
H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
4000 m
3000 m
Er t sber g i ntru s
For st er i t e m(
Chal c opyr i t e-
~ M arbl e
0 100 200 m
Fig. 6. Geologic cross-section of the GBT compl ex skarn orebody. HWF = Hangi ng Wall Fault. Modified after
Soeparman and Budijono (1989)
H.J. Mertig et aL / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 191
a l t e r a t i o n p r o d u c t o f c a l c - s i l i c a t e s , a l t h o u g h c l i n t o n i t e i s t y p i c a l l y r e s t r i c t e d t o c a l c - s i l i c a t e
s ka r n.
3.3. GBT Skarn Complex
T h e GB T [ Gu n u n g Bi j i h T i mu r i n Ba h a s a I n d o n e s i a ( " o r e mo u n t a i n e a s t " ) ] c o mp l e x
i s l o c a t e d a p p r o x i ma t e l y 1.5 k m e a s t o f GB a l o n g t he n o r t h e r n ma r g i n o f t he Er t s b e r g
i n t r u s i o n ( Fi g. 2 ) , a n d c o n s i s t s o f t h r e e v e r t i c a l l y s t a c k e d o r e b o d i e s [ GBT , I n t e r me d i a t e
Or e Z o n e ( I OZ ) , a n d De e p Or e Z o n e ( DOZ ) ] , t h a t t o g e t h e r f o r m o n e o f t he l a r g e s t Cu-
b e a r i n g ma g n e s i a n s k a r n s i n t he wo r l d ( Ru b i n , 1 9 9 4 ) . P r o d u c t i o n pl us r e s e r v e s ( a s o f
1990) f or t he GB T c o mp l e x t ot a l s 100. 2 mi l l i o n t o n n e s a v e r a g i n g 2 . 1 % Cu, 0. 8 g / t Au,
a n d 10. 6 g / t Ag ( T a b l e 1 ) . Th e r e i s p o o r o v e r a l l c o r r e l a t i o n b e t we e n Cu a n d Au wi t h i n t he
o r e b o d i e s . Al t h o u g h ma n y a r e a s o f h i g h Cu g r a d e s h a v e h i g h Au g r a d e s as we l l , Au s e e ms
t o c o r r e l a t e b e t t e r wi t h z o n e s o f f r a c t u r i n g t h a n wi t h Cu g r a d e ( A. Sc h a p p e r t , per s . c o mmu n . ,
1 9 9 0 ) .
Th e GB T c o mp l e x s k a r n s e x t e n d f r o m t he s ur f a c e e x p o s u r e s at a p p r o x i ma t e l y 4 0 0 0 m
t o a p p r o x i ma t e l y 2 7 0 0 m a b o v e s e a l evel , a l t h o u g h t he b o t t o m o f t he DOZ mi n e r a l i z e d
z o n e i s p o o r l y d e f i n e d ( Fi g. 6 ) . GBT , I OZ, a n d DOZ ar e mi n e d t h r o u g h s e p a r a t e mi n e
wo r k i n g s ; DOZ i s t e mp o r a r i l y i na c t i ve , I OZ r e c e n t l y b e g a n p r o d u c t i o n , a n d GB T i s n e a r i n g
Table 2
Geologic Features of the Major Divisions of the GBT Complex. Mineral identification is based on petrography,
X-ray diffraction studies, and electron microprobe analysis of more than 200 petrographic sections
Prograde: gar, cpx > fo; gar, cpx in upper levels
minor mnt, vsv, wo fo dominates lower level
Retrograde: chl, ep, srp tic, srp, trm-act, chl, ep
Accessory: ca = an; trace gy; an > ca; minor gy, qz;
common mica ( clt ) common mica (phi)
Opaques: bn -~ mt; common cp; mt >> bn; minor cp
minor py, mc, id, cb minor py, mc, id
Ore texture: bn, cp hosted by "BAS"; intergrown bn-mt; " BAS" ;
much ore BR-hosted also bn-, cp-an veins
Other: trace ga, sl, ar trace ga,sl with py, gy
trace mo in intrusion
trace electrum in bn
fo >> cpx; minor spinel:
locally abundant trm
tic, srp, trm-act, chl
an >> ca; minor gy, qz;
abundant mica (phi)
mt >> bn; minor cp
rare py
intergrown bn-mt;
also bn-, cp-an veins
Au avg. > 1 ppm (incl. i nbn)
trace Bi, bs, te in bn, cp, phi;
trace mo in bn; trace ga, sl
Abbreviations: act= actinolite; an= anhydrite; ar= argentite; BAS= "bl ack amorphous silica" (see text);
Bi = native bismuth; bn = bornite; bs = bismuthinite; BR = breccia; cb = cubanite; ca = calcite; chl = chlorite;
clt = clintonite; cp = chalcopyrite; cpx = clinopyroxene; fo = forsterite; ga = galena; gar = garnet (grandite);
gy = gypsum; hdl = hedleyite; id = idaite; mc = marcasite; mnt = monticellite; mo = molybdenite; mt = magnetite;
phi = phlogopite; py = pyrite; qz = quartz; srp = serpentine; sl = sphalerite; te = tetradymite; tic = talc;
trm = tremolite; vsv = vesuvianite; wo = wollastonite.
192 H.J. Merti g et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
Fig. 7. GBT compl ex skarn mineralization. ( A) Phot omi crograph of forst eri t e-magnet i t e-cl i nt oni t e skarn with
pore-filling calcite f r om the DOZ. Transmi t t ed light, crossed polars; l ong di mensi on = 4.0 mm. ( B) Phot omi cro-
graph of monticellite skarn wi t h pore-filling calcite f r om the GBT. Transmi t t ed light, crossed polars; long di men-
sion = 1.2 ram. ( C) Phot omi cr ogr aph of euhedral and subhedral magnetite wi t hi n bornite f r om the DOZ skarn.
Int ergrowt hs, principally digenite, are c ommon in bornite. Non-reflective mat ri x is quart z and talc, non-reflective
elongate grai ns are phl ogopi t e. Reflected light, plane-polarized; long di mensi on = 0.4 mm. ( D) Massi ve bornite
and bornite veinlets wi t hi n gray anhydrite f r om the DOZ. ( E) Phot omi cr ogr aph f r om same sampl e as in ( D) ,
showi ng opaque bornite filling cent er of anhydrite vein. Transmi t t ed light, crossed polars; long di mensi on = 2.5
mm. ( F) Native Au i ncl usi ons in borni t e f r om the DOZ. All Au in this sampl e is very hi gh-fi neness (0.9g--0.99
Au) . Reflected light, pl ane-pol ari zed (i n oi l ) ; long di mensi on = 100/~m. Abbrevi at i ons: a = anhydrite; Au = gold;
bn = bornite; c = clintonite; ca = calcite; cp = chalcopyrite; dg = digenite; f = forsterite; g = garnet; m = monticel-
lite; mt = magnetite; p = phl ogopi t e.
H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 193
the depletion of its reserves. The GBT compl ex is bounded by the Ertsberg intrusion on the
south and by the near-vertical Hanging Wall Fault ( HWF) on the north, which places skam
against barren marble. The marbl e zone varies in width f r om less than 10 m to approxi mat el y
50 m. The orebodies and the HWF are offset by as much as 15 m by a series of low-angle
faults that are found throughout the GBT complex. Chalcopyrite and bornite commonl y
occur in fault gouge (locally termed "Bl ack Amorphous Si l i ca" or " BAS " ) and breccia
matrices with clay, calcite, anhydrite, and pyrite in GBT and upper IOZ. This material is
related to deformation along the HWF and probably to solution-induced collapse concurrent
with skarn formation. The breccias in GBT and upper IOZ, described in detail by Katchan
(1982), represent a variety of lithologies and mineral assemblages in both clasts and
The Faumai Formation is mapped along strike to the southeast of the GBT complex ( Fig.
2), and drilling from the DOZ production level has intercepted altered Kembel angan Group
strata. The DOZ and lower IOZ, both dominated by magnesian skarn alteration, appear to
be hosted by the basal Tertiary dolomitic sequence (Wari pi Format i on), and it is likely that
GBT and upper I OZ are hosted by the Faumai Formation. Fossil-replacement textures,
common in the GB and Dom ores (Fig. 4), are not well developed in the GBT complex
Skarn mi neral ogy in the DOZ (Tabl e 2) is dominated by forsterite (Fig. 7A) , generally
in contact with massive, fine-grained magnet i t e-borni t e-anhydri t e ore. Principal alteration
products of skarn include talc, serpentine, tremolite-actinolite, and chlorite. Grandite garnet
and diopsidic clinopyroxene are the dominant prograde phases in the GBT and upper IOZ
skarns, although forsterite is present (and can be locally abundant) there as well. Garnet
also is a mi nor endoskarn phase throughout the GBT complex, but decreases in exoskarn
below GBT and is restricted to endoskarn in the DOZ. Clinopyroxene is present in all three
divisions of the compl ex but is most abundant in GBT. Spinel is a minor phase in the GBT
and DOZ skarns. Zircon, sphene, and rare zirkelite-zirconolite are trace minerals in the
DOZ. Tremol i t e may represent both retrograde and late prograde alteration; more actinolitic
amphibole occurs primarily in veins. Amphi bol e is common in the DOZ skam but is found
only in trace quantities in GBT. Wollastonite and vesuvianite are rare and appear restricted
to GBT, as is monticellite (Fig. 7B) , which forms coarse masses in some areas.
The GBT skarn is considerably more Ca-rich than the skams of the DOZ. The GBT
mineral assemblage, including grandite gamet, clinopyroxene, monticellite, clintonite, wol-
lastonite, and vesuvianite are all calcic with varying amounts of Mg, A1, and to a much
lesser extent, Fe. The DOZ mineralogy is predominantly Mg-rich, i.e., forsterite, spinel,
serpentine, talc, and phlogopite. The only significant Ca-beat i ng silicates in the DOZ are
clinopyroxene and tremolite-actinolite, both of which are subordinate to forsterite; the
maj or Ca-bearing phase is anhydrite. Forsterite compositions throughout the GBT compl ex
range from FO89 to Foloo (avg. = Fo96) and skarn clinopyroxenes from Di76 to Di , ~
(avg. = Di95 ). Garnets in exoskarn range from Ad62 to Advl (avg.--= Ad68), whereas those
in endoskarn have a range of Ado4 to Ad98 (avg. = Ad67 ) (Fig. 8). Most garnets contain
traces of Mg and Mn; some have mi nor Ti (Rubin, 1994).
Magnetite appears to predate sulfides (Fig. 7C) , and clearly postdates forsterite, clino-
pyroxene, and possibly garnet, but is ri mmed by spinel. Some magnetite is zoned compo-
sitionally with respect to Mg and Mn. Magnetite generally occurs as euhedral grains, some
194 H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
GBT-Complex Dora
Pyralspite Pyralspite
/ ~ GBTintrusion (n=70) / ~ Late (n=13)
G BT ska~i(::~ ~ / "~k Intermediat0e (n=9)
\ /
. . . . \ / _ \
Fig. 8. Composi t i ons of garnet s from the GBT compl ex and Dom skarns based on electron microprobe analysis
( Rubin, 1994 and Mertig, 1994 respectively). See text for discussion.
of which are concentrically zoned and many of which are corroded and partially replaced
by sulfides. Magnetite locally has been altered to hematite along rims and fractures.
The abundance of anhydrite in the GBT complex is unusual in comparison with skarns
worldwide. Anhydrite generally occurs as cement of prograde calc-silicates and fills vugs
and veins in barren and mineralized skarn. Although anhydrite is present in GBT, it generally
is subordinate to calcite. With increasing depth, the anhydrite:calcite ratio increases from
GBT, through the IOZ, and into the DOZ, where anhydrite is ubiquitous and calcite rare.
Most anhydrite is paragenetically later than prograde calc-silicates and some magnetite,
but predates the bulk of sulfide deposition ( Figs. 7D, 7E). However, some anhydrite veinlets
cut bornite. There probably are multiple generations of sulfide minerals, and likely multiple
generations of anhydrite as well. Petrographic and isotopic studies indicate the presence of
sedimentary anhydrite preserved within the calc-silicated sequence (Kyl e and Dworkin,
unpublished data).
Phlogopite, with variable Fe content, is abundant in the DOZ but very rare in GBT; it is
earlier than most retrograde phases, and its paragenetic relation to anhydrite is ambiguous.
The phlogopite in the DOZ contains 1-4 wt% F and may be the source of the F anomaly in
the skarn-ore concentrates. Phlogopite grain size varies from ~< 50/ xm to > 5 mm, and
coarse ( ~> 1 mm) phlogopite is commonly kinked and hosts Cu sulfides and, more rarely,
hedleyite along cleavage traces. Phlogopite replaces early calc-silicates and locally appears
to replace anhydrite. Mica occurs in GBT dominantly as clintonite.
Bornite, and less commonl y chalcopyrite, form massive intergrowths with subhedral
H.J. Mertig et al. /Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 195
magnetite_+ anhydrite in the DOZ and the lower IOZ (Fig. 7C). The chalcopyrite:bornite
ratio decreases with depth, although chalcopyrite can dominate locally in the DOZ. Bornite
commonly occurs as fine-grained intergrowths with clay, calcite, anhydrite, and pyrite in
the GBT and the upper IOZ, and with magnetite and anhydrite in the DOZ and the lower
IOZ. In addition, bornite_+ anhydrite form veins several cm wide at and near the intrusive
contact in DOZ (Fig. 7D,E). Bornite and chalcopyrite also occur in anhydrite veins, with
the sulfides filling vein centers, and chalcopyrite-bornite intergrowths are common. Pyrite,
common in altered intrusive rock, also is present in exoskarn, whereas marcasite is present
as an alteration product of pyrite. Digenite and chalcocite/djurleite are common alteration
phases in bornite; covellite is less common, and appears to be an alteration product of
chalcopyrite. Idaite, and more rarely, cubanite, are found in small quantities in GBT and
IOZ. Covellite and idaite are most abundant in and near breccias and fault zones. Native
Au, with average fineness ~860, generally forms inclusions in bornite (Fig. 7F), but
locally occurs within quartz veins in the absence of Cu sulfides. Electrum has been identified
in a few samples. Argentite has been identified in one sample each from GBT and DOZ.
Galena and sphalerite, both Ag-poor, are sparsely disseminated as veinlets in and rims on
bornite throughout GBT. Other trace phases in DOZ include native bismuth, bismuthinite,
tetradymite, and molybdenite, all occurring as < 10-/xm inclusions in bornite, and two
unidentified Bi( Ag) tellurides, forming < 5-/xm inclusions in chalcopyrite.
Cl-rich apatite occurs as a minor or trace mineral in several samples. Apatite grains host
numerous solid inclusions, including phlogopite, zircon, anhydrite, calcite, Fe oxide, and
an Ag-rich phase with minor and varying amounts of Cu and S (Ag-rich stromeyerite?).
3.4. Dom Skarn
The Dom (Dutch for "cat hedral " in reference to the appearance of the nearby peak)
orebody crops out at 4200 m in elevation and is located 0.5 km south of GBT ( Fig. 2). The
orebody is wedge-shaped in cross section and roughly circular in plan view (Fig. 9).
Estimated reserves include 31 million tonnes of ore averaging 1.5% Cu and 0.4 g/ t Au
(Table 1 ). The deposit is surrounded by the Ertsberg intrusion to the north and is fault-
bounded on the west, east, and south. The south-bounding fault, the Dora Fault, places
barren marble adjacent to skarn, but movement on the fault is uncertain. The east- and west-
bounding faults are north-trending and essentially vertical, with right-lateral movement
implied by the positioning of marble to the west of the skarn and intrusive rock to the east
(Fig. 9).
The skarn is laterally zoned from intrusive rock in the north to monticellite skam,
garnet + magnetite skaru (Fig. 10A, B), a "bl ock zone", and a specular hematite zone
immediately north of the Dom Fault (Fig. 9). The "bl ock zone" consists of large blocks
of Ainod Formation limestone and marble (Fig. 10C) and skarn (dominantly garnet) within
a matrix of specular hematite + quartz + magnetite. It is separated from the massive mag-
netite _+ garnet skarn by a WNW-trending fault that trends through the center of the deposit
(Fig. 9), parallel to the Dora Fault. The specular hematite zone immediately adjacent to the
Dom Fault consists of coarse hematite + quartz with magnetite + chalcopyrite, and may
represent alteration related to fluid movement along the fault zone.
Fossil replacement textures, similar to those of GB, are common within the Dom skarn,
196 H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
0 5 0 I O 0 m
I ~ - ] Cov ered ~ Garnet + magnet i t e, chal copyr i t e
r ~ Ertsberg i nt ru si on ~ M agnet i t e - chal copyr i t e
Marbl e ~ Marbl e - l i mest one - skarn bl ock zone
Dol omi t i c marbl e ~ - - ~ Specu l ari t e - qu art z + magnet i t e, chal copyri t e
M ont i cel l i t e skarn zx zx z~ Brecci at ed
Fig. 9. Geologic map of the surface exposures of the Dom skarn. Modified by Mertig (1994) from original 1:2,000
mapping by Freeport Indonesia geologic staff.
i mpl yi ng the same host rock affinity. Fragment s of Ai nod For mat i on l i mest one within the
" bl oc k z one " cont ai n abundant forami ni fera of the same t ype preserved within the skarn
(Fi gs. 10C, 10D). Chal copyri t e and carbonat e preferent i al l y repl ace forami ni fera in mag-
netite skarn, whereas late-stage garnets, calcite, and chal copyri t e repl ace forami ni fera in
H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 197
D Gill
Fig. 10. Dom skarn mineralization. ( A) View of the surface exposures of the Dom skarn deposit. The bulk of the
orebody consi st s of magnet i t e-garnet skarn whi ch is the massi ve dark outcrop in the right hal f of the photograph.
( B) Surface exposure of garnet skarn surrounded by magnetite skarn. ( C) Recrystallized fossiliferous limestone
of the Ainod Formation showi ng abundant large foraminifera, Operculina cf. complanata. ( D) Foraminifera
replaced by late-stage " r e d" garnet within a finer-grained " gr e e n" garnet skarn matrix. The fossil replacement
texture preserved in the skarn provides evidence that the Ainod is the host for the bul k of the Dora orebody. ( E)
Phot omi crograph of large foraminifera (coarse blocky calcite) from the Ainod Formation limestone. Transmitted
light, plane polarized; long di mensi on = 9.7 mm. ( F) Phot omi crograph of replaced foraminifera within garnet
skarn. The " r e d " garnets replacing the foraminifera are generally isotropic with zoning along the rims, whereas
the matrix garnet s are zoned and birefringent t hroughout the grains. Transmitted light, crossed polars; long
di mensi on = 9.7 mm. For abbreviations, see Fig. 7 caption.
198 H.,L Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
garnet skarn (Figs. 10E, 1 OF). An Ainod Formation protolith is confirmed by the similarity
between the textures of the Ainod Formation limestone and the Dom skarn.
Magnetite and garnet form the bulk of the skarn orebody (Figs. 10A, 10B ). Chalcopyrite
is the dominant ore mineral and occurs with both garnet and magnetite, although Cu values
tend to be higher in the magnetite-dominant zones. Covellite and chalcocite/digenite occur
along rims, fractures, or grain boundaries as alteration products ofchalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite
occurs as fine to coarse pore-fillings, as fossil replacement, and in veinlets generally with
early retrograde phases.
Several stages of magnetite occur in the Dora, best exemplified within "skar n br ecci a".
The breccia consists of clasts of garnet, garnet + diopside, and magnetite, within a massive
magnetite matrix. Clasts commonl y are ri mmed by altered pyroxene or other calc silicates
and magnetite _+ chalcopyrite, quite similar to breccias described from the GB. The majority
of the magnetite skarn formed during an early stage, contemporaneous with or subsequent
to the bulk of garnet skarn formation. Under reflected light, two types of magnetite are
evident: ( 1 ) coarse, euhedral zoned grains, and ( 2) more massive, granular grains. Chap
copyrite occurs with both textural types.
Three stages of garnet have been identified based on hand sample occurrence, optical
properties, and composition (Fig. 8 ). The bulk of the garnet skarn is " gr e e n" garnet, which
is relatively fine-grained, massive, and green to yellowish in color. In transmitted light, the
green garnets are concentrically zoned and birefringent. Microprobe analysis indicates that
their composition ranges from Ads ~o. Late stage, euhedral, " r e d " garnets occur as coarse
vug filling and fossil replacement with calcite + quartz__+ chalcopyrite (Fig. 10D). These
tend to have isotropic cores that are extremely iron-rich, averaging Ad98, although the rims
of the red garnets are likewise zoned and birefringent. Zoning within the garnets is apparent
on mi croprobe backscatter images and represents variations in the A13 + to Fe 3 + content.
The earliest stage of garnet occurs as fragments or clasts within green garnet skarn. They
are generally brown in color, isotropic, and form anhedral masses. These early garnets are
more Al-rich, roughly Adso (Fig. 8). The progressive increase in ferric iron content of the
garnets with time indicates a general increase in the oxidation state during skarn develop-
Like the other skarns in the Ertsberg district, diopside (avg. = Di93) and monticellite are
among the higher temperature skarn minerals formed at the Dom. The bulk of garnet formed
paragenetically later, as it surrounds and partially replaces pyroxene laths. Retrograde
alteration of higher temperature calc-silicates is prevalent throughout the deposit. Chlorite,
talc, calcite, micas and clays partially or entirely replace garnet and diopside. Fine-grained
phlogopite, commonl y intergrown with muscovite, occurs locally as a late prograde and/
or an early retrograde phase. Chalcopyrite occurs in veinlets with coarse phlogopite in at
least one sample, and chlorite is observed replacing that phlogopite. Interstitial quartz and
calcite are ubiquitous in the Dora, suggesting a late lower-temperature hydrothermal event,
in contrast to the early, high-temperature quartz that occurs within the altered intrusions.
4. Di s c us s i on
Although the three maj or skarn orebodies of the Ertsberg district are associated with the
Ertsberg intrusion, significant differences appear to be related to local conditions. The GB
H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202 199
orebody is surrounded by intrusive rock, whereas the GBT compl ex and the Dom skarn
occur along the periphery of the intrusive compl ex and are fault-bounded adjacent to marble.
The devel opment of the GBT and Dom skarns may have been more influenced by local
structural features. However, the Dom skarn more closely resembl es the GB deposit in
mi neral ogy and fossil replacement textures. Both appear to be hosted by the Ainod For-
mation which occurs along strike to the northwest of the GB orebody and to the southeast
of the Dom area (Fig. 2). The GBT compl ex skarns are hosted by the limestones of the
Faumai Formation and the dolomitic carbonates of the Waripi Formation, based on strati-
graphic and structural considerations observed in diamond-drill core and surface mapping.
Cal c-si l i cat e mineralogy is generally similar for the GB, GBT, and Dom orebodies,
although ore mineralogy differs among the deposits. The GB and Dom orebodies are
magnetite + cal c-si l i cat e skarns, whereas GBT skarn is dominated by the cal c-si l i cat e
assembl age of forsterite, monticellite, or garnet; the IOZ and DOZ ores are hosted by a
magnet i t e+ cal c-si l i cat e assemblage. In addition, the high-temperature phase melilite
occurs in both the GB and Dom skarns but not in the GBT complex. Anhydrite is abundant
within the GBT complex, particularly in the DOZ, but is rare within the Dom and GB
deposits. Chalcopyrite is the dominant ore mineral in the GB, upper GBT complex, and
Dom orebodies, whereas bornite generally is the most abundant Cu sulfide in the DOZ.
Visible Au has been observed in the GB and the GBT compl ex orebodies, but is rare in the
Dom deposit. A wide zone of specular hematite, adjacent to the Dom Fault, is unique to the
Dom orebody, although a NE-trending hematite-rich zone was mapped on the south side of
the GB orebody (Fig. 5A). Retrograde alteration is prevalent throughout the Dom. Local
endoskarns are associated with all three of the deposits, although clearly subordinate to the
ore-bearing exoskarn. Although the Ertsberg pluton commonl y is referred to as " bar r en" ,
in contrast to the Grasberg intrusive compl ex that hosts the porphyry Cu- Au orebody, this
designation is one of degree because thin sulfide-filled fractures, typically Cu-bearing, are
common in the Ertsberg pluton.
Sulfide deposition generally is prompted by decreasing temperatures and reflects higher
oxidation and sulfidation states relative to earlier alteration (e.g. Einaudi et al., 1981 ). The
skarn deposits of the Ertsberg district likewise follow this pattern, in that the ore minerals
are relatively late stage and formed during decreased temperatures at the onset of retrograde
alteration. The common large-scale intergrowths between magnetite and bornite or chal-
copyrite may indicate a redox boundary where Fe is oxidized to form magnetite and sulfate
is reduced to allow deposition of Cu-Fe-sulfides.
5. Co n c l u s i o n s
The maj or skarn orebodies of the Ertsberg district were formed by hydrothermal systems
associated with the intrusion of the 2.9-Ma Ertsberg pluton into the Tertiary New Guinea
Group. These locally dolomitic, fossiliferous strata were highly reactive protoliths that
greatly influenced the evolution of the cal c-si l i cat e alteration zones. Although the pre-
mineralization relations are obscured by later structural and alteration events, structural
features probabl y also influenced the progressive devel opment of the ore-forming hydro-
thermal systems.
200 H.J. Mertig et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 50 (1994) 179-202
The three maj or skarn orebodi es are cl osel y associ at ed wi t h the Ert sberg intrusion,
occur r i ng al ong the flanks of or within the pluton. This relationship suggest s a genetic
associ at i on of the skam- f or mi ng fluids wi t h the Ert sberg magma. Many of the di fferences
bet ween the orebodi es appear t o be a funct i on of the stratigraphic posi t i on of the skarn host.
Lar ge scale deformat i on resulted in regi onal and local faul t i ng and brecciation, thus pro-
vi di ng pat hways f or fluid mi grat i on t hrough the margi n of the pl ut on and into the surround-
ing carbonat es. Prograde skarn format i on probabl y i ncreased the bul k permeabi l i t y of the
sedi ment ary sequence, thus al l owi ng infiltration of met asomat i c and or e- f or mi ng fluids.
Sulfides general l y were precipitated after the bul k of prograde skam format i on in the
Ert sberg district, and pr obabl y were cont empor aneous with the onset of ret rograde alteration
that accompani ed a t emperat ure decrease.
This article represents a progress report on a cont i nui ng i nvest i gat i on of the t ect oni cs and
mineral resources of Irian Jaya by the Uni versi t y of Texas at Aust i n and the Institute of
Technol ogy in Bandung, Indonesi a, sponsored by Freeport Indonesia. We acknowl edge the
ot her member s of the Uni versi t y of Texas research team, specifically M. Cloos, D. Gonzal ez,
T. McMahon, A. Quarles, B. Sapiie, and R. Wei t and, for their cont ri but i ons to the under-
st andi ng of central Irian Jaya geol ogy. Also, we are grateful for the opport uni t y to interact
with numerous members of Fr eepor t ' s present and past geol ogi cal st aff who generousl y
shared their har d- won col l ect i ve geol ogi c knowl edge of the Ert sberg district. As acknowl -
edged for several illustrations, Fr eepor t ' s geol ogi st s have generat ed much of the geol ogi c
backgr ound that f or med the base f or this research project. Revi ews of earlier drafts of the
manuscri pt by M. Cl oos, D. Flint, J. Hedenquist, K. Heft on, L. James, G. Katchan, L.
Meinert, J. Penni ngt on, J. Price, H. Shi mazaki , and S. Van Nort great l y i mpr oved the final
version. R. Trevi no prepared most of the illustrations. Thi s is Ert sberg Proj ect Cont ri but i on
No. 2.
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