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International House Name: __________________________

Cambridge CELTA
Assignment 1 : Language Related Tasks
(please submit with your assignment)
Marking criteria
to Check
Tutors Comments
Not to
Analysed discoursal features
Grammar (Meaning
identified the concept of the TL in
simple words
Used appropriate means to check
concept; ie concept questions
timelines etc!
Grammar (!orm
labelled the different parts of speech
Grammar ("ronunciation
Analysed relevant features of
phonology including sentence
stress (and "#A were relevant)!
Grammar (M# "# !
"dentified #roblems and $olutions
%ompleted &ocabulary Analysis
$heets (one per item)
identified ' correctly and used
appropriate %%(s
"dentified )orm and #ronunciation
"dentified #roblems and solutions for
each vocabulary item
written at a level of accuracy which
does not *eopardise clarity and
comprehensibility and which
reflects a knowledge of discourse
grammar punctuation and spelling!
included references to appropriate
resources where used
Cam%ridge C'LTA Criteria (or Language related tasks assignment(s:
%andidates can demonstrate their learning by+
a! analysing language correctly for teaching purposes
b! correctly using terminology relating to form meaning and phonology when analy,ing language
c! accessing reference materials and referencing information they have learned about language to
an appropriate source
d! using written language that is clear accurate and appropriate to the task
Statement o( Authorshi)
(to be signed by trainee before submitting)
I declare that this assignment represents my own work. I have not copied from the work of
other students and I have not allowed or enabled others to copy from my work.
Trainee $ignature+ ---------------------------- .ate+ -------------------
Candidate Grading
Pass Comments on the first submission
by date
Comments on second submission Pass/Fail
(resubmit as an appendix to the original)
Tutors signature: __________________Tutors signature: _____________________
ate: _____________ ate: _____________
International House
Cambridge CELTA
Written Assignment One:
Language Related Tasks
In this assignment you will be asked to analyse language in terms of:
Assessment criteria for this assignment:
Analysing language for teaching purposes
Correct use of terminology relating to meaning, form and pronunciation
Accessing appropriate reference sources
Using written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate
Suggested reference materials:
Practical English Usage: wan, !UP
About "anguage: #hornbury, CUP
Grammar for English "anguage #eachers: Parrot, CUP
English Grammar in Use: $urphy, CUP
"earner English: wan % mith, CUP
&our assignment should be well'presented and free of mista(es in spelling, punctuation,
)ocabulary and grammar* &ou must use appropriate reference materials to chec( terminology
and ensure understanding*
+nclude, at the end of the assignment:
a bibliography
a final word count
Length of assignment: !""" #ords$
All the language you will be analysing for this assignment is included in the text
This is an e/cerpt from I See What you Mean from Using Spoken Discourse in the Classroom by Anne
Burns, Helen oyce an! San!ra "ollin #$C%&'( )**+,! "t is a transcription of native speaker language!
Conte*t+ Two speakers Charlotte #Ch, and $aomi #$a,, are middle0aged women! They are friends and
have met at a restaurant! %harlotte1s sister2achel is 3aomi4s friend but is absent! ane is %harlotte1s
daughter Mary is her granddaughter and oseph is 5ane1s husband!
Ch. 6h! 7ello 3aomi!
Na. 7ello %harlotte! 3ice to see you tonight! 8here1s 2achel9
#robably stuck in a traffic *am:!%ut " must tell you about what " did today!
one of my most embarrassing moments:! " went to 'ary1s $peech .ay this morning
then we went shopping and on the train home " suddenly realised " didn1t have my
keys! " had left the car at home so " hadn1t picked up my purse with the car and house
keys in it! $o we got home and found a door open which only goes into the play room!
$o 5ane and " managed to get into the play room! Then we had to prise off a
-ly.screen and climb through the window : with my parcels in my good dress and my
high heels and that1s how we managed to get in! 6therwise we wouldn1t have made
it here tonight! 8e1d have been sitting on the doorstep waiting for 5oseph to come
home " think!
Na. 6h it1s a wonder ::!lucky no0one saw you! They might have thought you were
a burglar.
Ch. 8ell it took about ; minutes to break in and " thought if you were a professional
burglar you probably would do it in about half the time: so " don1t feel secure
any more!
" see: well and what about your holidays9 Are you still thinking about going to "taly9
" don1t know:! " mean we all are really looking forward to going on holiday% but &$$
,* -ow would you describe the communicati)e function .meaning/ of Hello Charlotte. Nice
to see you tonight* .line 0/
0* Pro)ide 0 other ways to perform the same function* &our e1amples should show
different degrees of formality* 2efer to the le)el of formality and say in which conte1ts
they would be used*
<! 8hat is the purpose of the following words in the te/t9 (%onsider such concepts as+ a!!ition, time
se/uencing etc0)! 2efer specifically to the conte/t of the te/t!
1ut (line <)
then (line ;)
an! (line ;)

DIC!"#$ $%A&'L$
=! The communicative function of 2&et3s go out tonight3 is suggestion!
>! "f you4re not busy would you be interested in going out tonight (a bit formal ? perhaps between
newer acquaintances)
Are you up for going out tonight9 (more casual ? between friends)
<! Well #line )4, .iscourse marker that is used here to link %harlotte4s statement back to 3aomi4s
Look at the following two sentences taken from the te/t+
I su!!enly realised I didn(t have my keys0 I had left the car at home0(lines ; @ A)!
:if &ou 9ere a professional burglar &ou )ro%a%l& 9ould do it in about half the time (lines =; @ =A)
: Com)lete a Language Anal&sis Sheet (the one &ou 9ill start using as o( 9eek + in &our T"s and
lesson )lans 9ith attention to the (ollo9ing three areas: Meaning# "ronunciation and !orm
!$ 'dentify the concept of the T( in simple #ords$
)$ *rite t#o to four concept chec+ ,uestions (#ith ans#ers) to chec+ students
-$ *rite two anticipated problems and solutions for the meaning.
3* -ow would you highlight write the form on the board, elicited from the students4
5* 6rite two anticipated problems and solutions for the form%
7* -ighlight any rele)ant features of phonology
8*6rite two anticipated problem and solutions for the pronunciation
)#A&&A# $%A&'L$
Che$%ing Meaning& Pron'n$iation and Form
.ere #rite your mar+er sentence(s)and sho# exactly ho# you #ill chec+ the form% meaning and pronunciation
features of the target language
Com(lete this sheet for all grammar/f'n$tions lessons that )o' tea$h.
Lang'age area and 'se: *hat is the grammatical structure you intend to teach and ho# is
it/are they used0 1or example2 modals of deduction% present continuous for future use$$
'dentify the T( and concept in simple #ords:
To be loo%ing forward to doing something$
The speakers in the present are positively anticipating a future event.
Target lang'age: pro3ide an example sentence (that you will use in the class)
Mar%er !enten$es *the (ossi+le senten$es )o' will ha,e on the -. to CLAR"F )o'r target
*e are loo+ing for#ard to going on holiday$ (Pre-intermediate le3el)
Fo$'s on meaning: .o# #ill you C45678 95 C.7C: the meaning of the target language and its uses$
(Please include all timelines% concept ,uestions etc$ that you intend to use$) 8ou should start by thin+ing of a
situation or context that #ill help you con3ey the meaning and bring the language to life$
' #ill refer learners bac+ to the text and as+ them CC;s to fully chec+ understanding of the
a) are they on holiday now? (No)
b) Do they want to go on holiday? (Yes)
a) How do they feel about it? (excited)
Fo$'s of form: *hat is the brea+do#n of the form=as it #ill appear on *>/.andout$ .o# #ould you highlight #rite the
form on the board% elicited from the students0
.be/ 9 look + ing forward to 9 verb + ing
Verb to be .present simple/
am 9 9
is 9 9
Fo$'s on (ron'n$iation: 'nclude any rele3ant #ord/sentence stress% contractions% intonation% #ea+ forms% etc$ #ith
phonemic transcript of +ey #ords$
2ele)ant :eatures of phonology .chwa, sentence stress/*
; ; ; ;
#hey are looking forward to going on holiday*
!o'r$e or Grammar Referen$e 'sed to (re(are for this lesson:
rite title! author! year! "ublisher and "age number here of the grammar reference you used to analyse your
Target language.
#nglish for $anguage %eachers! &arrot ! '(()! Cambridge *niversity &ress.
Potential Pro+lems of Meaning: ( #rite the potential problems learners might ha3e #ith <eaning- #rite
at least 0 potential problems AN1 their solutions)
Pro+lem !ol'tion
,/ +tudents might think the holiday ,raw a timeline now holidays
is ha""ening now. 1'''''''''''''''''''''9

0/ +tudents might think she is literally -sk CC./s to check the meaning of what it doesn/t
0looking forward1. #.g. -re they looking at a "icture of a holiday? (no)
,o they 0see1 their holiday or are they thinking about it?
(thinking about it)
Elicit other ea!ples of things we "look forward to#.

Potential Pro+lems of Form: ( #rite the potential problems learners might ha3e #ith 1orm- #rite at
least 0 potential problems AN1 their solutions)
Pro+lem !ol'tion
a* ++ use the wrong "art of the verb Highlight form on the 2! model and drill to
e.g. 0$ook forward to go31 reinforce it.
b* ++ leave out 0to1 Highlight 0to1 in a different color and
model and
drill. *se finger highlighting to show the "osition
of 0to1
Potential Pro+lems of Pron'n$iation: ( #rite the potential problems learners might ha3e #ith 1orm-
#rite at least 0 potential problems AN1 the solutions)
Pro+lem: $$ pronounce "to# as /tu:/
!ol'tion: %odel& drill and beat the stress. %ark the /BCsound on the board and contrast it againt
the other phone!e
Pro+lem: (earners might pronounce ?they are@ separately e3en thus not producing ?nati3e li+e ? speech$
!ol'tion: ' #ill elicit the contraction (theyAre) and the corresponding 'P9$ ' #ill #rite it on the
board and drill this in connected speech$
$6CA;7LAR< 5 "R6N7NC8AT86N
The following words appear in the te/t+
embarrasing (line D)
managed to .line ,@/
burglar .line ,3/
:or each item of le1is, complete one )ocabulary analysis sheet as though you had selected
these )ocabulary items to pre'teach in a lesson*
&ocabulary Analysis $heet ? &ocabulary
<eaning (+eep it simpleB)
.o# #ill meaning be con3eyed0
*hat are your CC;s0 9nticipated problems C Dolutions of
1orm (e$g Dpelling% regular% irregular%
transiti3e% intransiti3e% collocation)
9nticipated problems C Dolutions of 1orm
Pronunciation 9nticipated problems C Dolutions of
&ocabulary Analysis $heet ? &ocabulary
traffic *am
$eaning .(eep it simpleA/
a line of cars which are not moving! "t could be because there are lots of cars on the road because of an
accident or road works
-ow will meaning be con)eyed4
#re0teach by using a situation and storyline
T+ E$o " woke up very late today =FamG " start work at =F+<Fam so " didn4t take a shower " was really
worried! $o " got in my car and started driving desperately: then!! what do you think happened9
$$+ you: (thinking)
T+ " got even more worried and stressed outG " saw something on the road: what did " see9
$$+ cars
T+ yesG 6ne or many9
$$+ manyG
T+ HesG 'any many cars! " was in a Traffic 5amG
6hat are your CCBs4
"f the cars are moving fast is there a traffic
*am9 (no) .o people like being in a traffic
*am9 (no)
8hat causes traffic *ams9 (road works
accidents rush hour etc!)
Anticipated problems and solutions of 'eaning
#roblem+ Learners might still not get the 'eaning of the word
(even after %%(s and elicitation)
$olution+ " will show pictures of traffics *ams and ask learners
if they have been in a traffic *am where and when what
:orm .pelling, regular,
irregular, collocations4/
compound noun
countable: a traffic Eam
To +e in/ st'$% in a traffic Eam
Anti$i(ated (ro+lems and sol'tions of Form
Ds may ma+e it plural by adding Fs to traffic$ 7licit
that traffic is uncountable$ Tell Ds that compound
nouns are made plural by pluraliGing the second
/tr I fIfJ+ I m/
Anticipated problems % olutions
Dome Ds ha3e difficulty #ith // sound$ Correct%
sho# 'P9% model and drill as necessary$

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