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ITE 329 Performing Arts Expression, Elementary (O)
Elementary and Early Childhood Education Program, Institute for Teacher Education, UHM
Spring 2014, SW Cohort 509
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Herring
Cell Phone: !"##$"%#&
I. Descriptive Infor!tion
a. Course Description: ITE &#', Performing (rts E)*ression +", -& credits.
de/elo*ment of communication s0ills through creati/e dramatics, rhtymic mo/ement,
related arts -dance, drama, music. Pre"re1uisite: (dmission to the elementary cohort
*rogram. Co"re1uisite: ITE &$% 2ield E)*erience.
3. "ocus Design!tion: -4. 4ral 2ocus
c. Dis!#i$it% St!teent&'(')* +rogr!
If you ha/e a disa3ility and related access needs, *lease contact the +4+U( *rogram
-UH 5isa3led 6tudent 6er/ices 4ffice. at '7,"%7$$ /8te)t, +4+U(, or go
to 9oom !$& in the :ueen ;ili<uo0alani Center for 6tudent 6er/ices. Please 0now that
I will wor0 with you and +4+U( to meet your access needs 3ased on disa3ility
d. +rofession!$ Dispositions St!teent
The *rofessional dis*ositions shared in this course reflect the standards and
e)*ectations of the College of Education, the Institute for Teacher Education, and the
Elementary and Early Childhood Education Program. Teacher candidates must meet
e)*ectations during all *rogram"related acti/ities -i.e., coursewor0, field e)*eriences,
meetings, and conferences.. (ny category mar0ed with does not meet re1uires a
conference, *lan of assistance for im*ro/ement, or dismissal. Professional
dis*ositions can 3e found on the EECE we3site.
e. ,thic!$ -eh!vior
(ll wor0 you su3mit as yours must include *ro*er documentation and crediting of
sources. 2ailure to *ro*erly introduce and document *ara*hrased material or
3orrowed ideas is *lagiarism. Plagiarism carries serious conse1uences and *ossi3le
dismissal from the *rogram. 6ee the UH General and Graduate Information Catalogue
under =6tudent 9egulations> and the UH Student Conduct Code for s*ecific
guidelines related to *lagiarism.
II. St!n.!r.s/-!se. ,.uc!tion !n. the Co$$ege of ,.uc!tion Conceptu!$ "r!e0or1
5uring your teacher education *rogram, you will find yourself immersed in standards"
3ased education. The College of Education -C4E. and the Institute for Teacher
Education -ITE. set standards for teacher candidates. The Hawai<i Teacher 6tandards
?oard -HT6?. sets standards for Hawai<i teachers. The Common Core 6tandards and the
Hawai<i Content and Performance 6tandards -HCP6 III. for +"$# students are set 3y the
Hawai<i 5e*artment of Education. In addition, many of your teacher education courses
will integrate standards from *rofessional organi@ations. -i.e. Consortium of Aational (rts
Educators, Aational 6tandards for (rts Education.6tandards descri3e what teachers and
students at all le/els should 0now, 3e a3le to do, and care a3out. The College of
Education Conce*tual 2ramewor0 and the Institute for Teacher Education re1uire teacher
candidates to 3e 1no0$!#$e, effective, !n. c!ring. These three standards are a
*art of all learning e)*eriences in your teacher education *rogram. HereBs an o/er/iew C
!. 'no0$!#$e
Teacher candidates are 0nowledgea3le a3out content, *edagogy, and
*rofessionalismD human growth and de/elo*mentD and the *hysical, mental,
emotional, and social needs of students with di/erse 3ac0grounds and learning
#. ,ffective
Teacher candidates ha/e the *rofessional e)*erience and s0ills to teach so that all
children can learn.
c. C!ring
Teacher candidates care a3out students and their families and communities, teaching
and learning, and their own *rofessional de/elo*ment.
III. 2o!$s, Content, !n. (#3ectives of I4, 526
a. 2o!$CThe goal of this course is to assist P+", teacher candidates in learning to *lan,
teach, assess, and reflect on *erforming arts content through the integration of dance,
drama and music into content across the P+", curriculum. The e)*eriences in this
course are designed to *re*are the teacher candidate to de/elo* a 1uality art
education *rogram for P+", students that willC
Contri3ute to lifelong learning, a**reciation and *artici*ation in the *erforming
arts as forms of creati/e e)*ression and communication.
Promote the creati/e e)*ression of young *eo*le as a reflection of their
e)*eriences and /alues.
9einforce *ersonal worth and encourage indi/idual achie/ement in the
*erforming arts.
Include distant and local artistic forms, styles, themes, and su3Eects as
e)*ressions of culture, time and *lace
5e/elo* critical thin0ing s0ills a3out the *erforming arts.
3. ContentCThe content focuses on the integration of the Hawai<i 2ine (rts 6tandards
that encom*ass four maEor to*ics C -$. How the (rts (re 4rgani@ed, -#. How the (rts
Communicate, -&. How the (rts 6ha*e and 9eflect Culture, and -F. How Integrating
the Performing (rts with 4ther Curricular Content Enriches Teaching and ;earning.
+erforing *rts (#3ectives for ,!r$% Chi$.hoo. !n. ,$eent!r% 4e!cher
(d/ocate for the *erforming arts as an essential com*onent of the
elementary curriculum.
Honor inclusion through a fine arts education *rogram for all students that /alues
di/ersity, indi/iduality, s*ecial needs and /arious learning styles.
9ecogni@e the de/elo*mental stages of children and a**ly this understanding to
e)*eriences in the *erforming arts for elementary students.
5emonstrate literacy in the three distinct art forms that com*rise the *erforming
arts C dance, drama and music.
Identify the uni1ue *rinci*les, elements, *ro*erties, and *rocesses of dance,
drama and music and in the wor0 of others and a**ly these e)*ressi/e 1ualities to
your own wor0 and to elementary curriculum and instruction.
(**reciate multicultural art forms and share this a**reciation with elementary
Integrate study and teaching in the *erforming arts to content in literacy and
language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, health, and the /isual arts.
Im*lement a /ariety of instructional strategies for teaching the *erforming arts.
9einforce the Aational 6tandards for 2ine (rts Education and The Hawaii Content
and Performance 6tandards III, 2ine (rts, Performing (rts.
;ocate and de/elo* resources and materials for the study and teaching of the
*erforming arts in the elementary classroom.
Utili@e community and glo3al resources -human, cultural, institutional, material,
and electronic. for the study and teaching of the *erforming arts in the elementary
Practice classroom management strategies for safe and *roducti/e *erforming arts
Create, im*lement, e/aluate and reflect u*on de/elo*mentally a**ro*riate and
se1uential *erforming arts curriculum and instruction for elementary students
Present a *rofessional *ortfolio for study and teaching in the *erforming arts.
I7. 8e9uire. 4e:t !n. 8e!.ing 8esources
Claudia E. Cornett -#!$$.. Creating Meaning through ;iterature and the (rts: (rts
Integration for Classroom Teachers, 2ourth Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. -re1uired
Hawaii (lliance for (rts Education -#!!,.. (n Essential 2ine (rts Tool0it for the +"7
Classroom Teacher, Hawaii 2ine (rts Grade ;e/el Guide. Honolulu, Hawaii. 9etrie/ed from
htt*:88arts.0$#.hi.us8 -re1uired re/iew for current grade le/el in field *lacement.
Hawaii Content and Performance 6tandards III: 2ine (rts. Honolulu: Hawaii 6tate
5e*artment of Education. 9etrie/ed from htt*:88standardstool0it.0$ -re1uired
re/iew for current grade le/el in field *lacement..
Consortium of Aational (rts Educators -$''F.. Aational 6tandards for (rts Education: Hhat
E/ery Ioung (merican 6hould +now and ?e (3le to 5o in the (rts. 9eston, Jirginia: Music
Educators Aational Conference.
9etrie/ed from htt*:88artsedge.0ennedy"*)
Kanuary #!$#. -re1uired re/iew for grade le/el in field *lacement.
7. Course 8e9uireents !n. Instruction!$ +roce.ures
ITE &#' meets during assigned class times. Class sessions will include in1uiry, analysis, discussion,
research, colla3oration, lectures, mini"lessons, demonstrations, *roduction, student *resentations,
sharing and self"reflection.
*.inistr!tive 8e9uireentsC4n"time attendance, *artici*ation, and on"time com*letion of
assignments are re1uired. (ttendance countsC3e in class e/ery session. *#sence 0i$$ resu$t in
the $o0ering of the course gr!.e. 5o not schedule tri*s, medical or dental a**ointments, teacher
conferences, air*ort *ic0"u*s, airline flights, or other meetings during class time. If you ha/e an
illness or family emergency, notif% the instructor in !.v!nce if you will 3e late to class or will miss
class, Eust as you would as a teacher on the Eo3.
*c!.eic 8e9uireentsCHe wor0 as indi/iduals and in grou*s to com*lete academic
re1uirements in and out of class. 5etailed assignment descri*tions and assessment criteria are
shown for each assignment in this sylla3us. Partici*ate acti/ely in class discussions, acti/ities and in online *ostings. Partici*ation in class and on will affect your
Come to class *re*ared. 9efer to the course calendar for assignments and due dates. Com*lete the
assigned readings 3efore class. Iou are res*onsi3le for the information in the readings e/en if it is
not co/ered in class. The *ur*ose of the readings is to *romote shared information and
understanding for *re*aring curriculum and instruction in the *erforming arts.
(s0 for clarification of acti/ities, *roEects and lectures as needed. It is your res*onsi3ility to 0now
when you need hel* and to let me 0now how I can assist you. Please feel free to contact me 3y
*hone, email, or as needed.
Ma0e sure you colla3orate with your mentor teacher to *lan *erforming arts lessons that are 3ased
on the o3Eecti/es and content of the curriculum in your classroom.
Each teacher candidate will com*ile a +rofession!$ +ortfo$io for Stu.% !n. 4e!ching in the "ine
*rts, which will include the Course ProEects as follows:
Course 8e9uireents ; of
$. Professional 5is*ositions for this Course
#. 9eading 9es*onses -& reading res*onses.
&. Hho am I as an (rtistL How are the (rts a Part of My ;ifeL
F. Performing (rts Tal0 -The Performing (rts Tal0 is Part of the Performing (rts Unit Plan.
7. Performing (rts Unit Plan
a. Title Page and 4/er/iew -7M.
3. Com*leted Unit Plan -$7M.
c. 9eflection on Teaching the Unit with Photogra*hs of 6tudents at Hor0 -$7M.
,. (rts (d/ocacy Presentation and 9eflection
%. 9e/iew of a Theatrical Performance
. 6mall Grou* 4riginal Performance
'. 9eflection on 6mall Grou* 4riginal Performance
$!. Professional Portfolio for 6tudy and Teaching in the 2ine (rts N Performing (rts 9e1uired to
Instructions and scoring ru3rics for each *roEect are included in this sylla3us. (dditional clarification
will also 3e gi/en in class.
7I. *ssignents !n. *ssessent&Course +ro3ects
The scoring system for this course is as follows:
5 5oes not meet e)*ectations -is unacce*ta3le and must 3e resu3mitted.
M Meets -meets e)*ectations for this course as a teacher candidate.
E E)ceeds -meets e)*ectations as a *rofessional teacher. C *rofessional goal
1. Dispositions: *tten.!nce, on tie to c$!ss, on tie 0ith !ssignents <in.ivi.u!$=
Iour full *artici*ation is im*ortant to the success of our class. Consider this class as
im*ortant a res*onsi3ility as ha/ing your own classroom. It is your res*onsi3ility to sign in
each session. Use this ru3ric to score your attendance, timeliness, attitude and
*artici*ation. It is im*ortant to assess yourself honestly and accurately. Iou recei/e credit
for an honest self"assessment, since teachers are res*onsi3le for reflecting on their own
*rofessional *ractice.
(t the end of the semester you will com*lete this ru3ric, *ost it in the (ssignments section in and *lace it in your +rofession!$ +ortfo$io for Stu.% !n. 4e!ching in
the "ine *rts.
Scoring 8u#ric for Se$f *ssessent of Dispositions&Chec1 %our 0or1>
5oes Aot Meet
Meets E)*ectations E)ceeds E)*ectation
OO 4ne or more
OO ;ate to class or left
OO ;ate with two or
more assignments
OO5id not use class
time wisely
OO5id not com*lete
course *roEects
OO 5id not chec0
written wor0 for
s*elling and grammar
OO 5id not assess
their own wor0 using
the ru3rics and
OO (ttended all classes
OO 4n"time to all classes and
stayed the entire time
OO 4n"time with all assignments
OO Used class time wisely
OO Com*leted all course *roEects
OO Chec0ed written wor0 for
s*elling and grammar
OO Cites resources used in all
course wor0
OO (ssesses own wor0 for all
OOIncludes name on each
document *osted in ;aulima
In addition to Meets
OOPro/ide written
e/idence 3elow of
how you thin0 you
e)ceed the
e)*ectations listed:
The following course *roEects will 3ecome *art of your +rofession!$ +ortfo$io for Stu.% !n.
4e!ching in the "ine *rts.
2. 8,*DI?2 8,S+(?S,S
The *ur*ose of the reading res*onses is to demonstrate your understanding of course
content. The second *ur*ose is to hel* you 3ecome more familiar with the Cornett -#!$$.
te)t and the resources in arts education. The third *ur*ose is to engage in a dialogue with
your *eers a3out what you are reading and how you are thin0ing a3out what you are
(ssessment Tas0s
There are three reading res*onses re1uired during this course and the due dates a**ear on
the course calendar that is *art of this sylla3us. Each reading res*onse will focus on the
s*ecific art form you read a3out and should answer the following 1uestions s*ecific to the
cha*ters assigned:
$. Hhat was ost re$ev!nt or e!ningfu$ to %ou regarding teaching and learning in the
arts or in the s*ecific art form you were reading a3out this wee0 -i.e. dance, drama, or
#. Hhat person!$ e:perience or e)am*les can you remem3er ha/ing that are related to the
s*ecific art form you are reading a3out this wee0 -i.e. dance, drama, or music.L
&. Hhat resources did you locate in 9esources or on the Internet that were related to the
s*ecific art form you were reading a3out this wee0 -i.e. dance, drama or music. that you
thin0 will 3e useful to youL
F. E)*lain how your fie$. p$!ceent has or has not integrated the s*ecific art form you were
reading a3out this wee0 -dance, drama, or music. into the school dayL
7. Gi/e four specific e:!p$es and strategies from the te)t with *age num3ers of how %ou
p$!n to integrate the s*ecific art form you were reading a3out this wee0 -i.e. dance, drama,
or music. into your teaching when you ha/e your own classroom. This will 3e im*ortant for
you to refer to again when you ha/e your own classroom.
Iou will *ost your reading res*onse in 2orums 3y the due date on the calendar.
Choose to res*ond to two *eers who do not ha/e two res*onses.
Then read the res*onse of two *eers and write a re*ly to each *eer.
Hhen you ha/e com*leted this *rocess assess yourself and *ost your wor0 and the ru3ric
3elow in (ssignments for instructor re/iew and assigning *oints.
9u3ric for 6elf"(ssessment of 9eading 9es*onses C Chec0 your wor0P
5oes Aot Meet E)*ectations Meets E)*ectations
OO 9es*onse is not su3mitted
OO 9es*onse is not *roofread for
grammar, s*elling and *unctuation
OO Candidate did not assess their own
wor0 using the ru3ric
9eading res*onse addresses
OO most rele/ant or meaningful to you
OO *ersonal e)am*les related to content
OO res*onse to s*ecific resources located in
9esources in ;aulima or located the
OO how field *lacement is integrating the
s*ecific art form into the curriculum
OO four s*ecific e)am*les from the te)t of
strategies you *lan to use including *age
9es*ond to two *eers
5. WH( *@ I *S *? *84IS4 *?D H(W *8, 4H, *84S * +*84 (" @A BI",C

The *ur*ose of this *roEect is to hel* you understand the role of the arts in your lifeD identify
your strengths as a *erforming artist, /isual artist and, or arts educatorD set goals for yourself
as an artist and arts educatorD and to select three artifacts that reflect how the arts are a *art
of your life. This is also a great way to get to 0now more a3out each other. This *roEect, li0e
all other *roEects in our course, can 3e modified for your elementary students and will hel*
your students 3egin to /iew themsel/es as artists tooP
(ssessment Tas0s
Iou will create either a slideshow *resentation or a word document that contains the
following com*onentsC
Iour name in the file name -KHerringHho(mI.
( self"analysis that lists
your strengths as a *erforming artist, a /isual artist and, or arts educator
three goals you are setting for yourself as an arts educator in the elementary
ste*s you can ta0e to achie/e the goals you are setting for yourself.
Iou will also descri3e a minimum of three artifacts in the *ages or slides that follow. Choose
each artifact to show something im*ortant a3out the *erforming arts and8or the /isual arts in
your life.
Each artifact descri*tion will 3e a written reflection of a3out Q to R *age or a slide with 3ullet
*oints. The reflection should indicateC
( descri*tion of the item
Hhy you chose the item
Hhat the item tells a3out the arts in your life or a3out you as an artist
6hare an image of each artifact on the *age where you descri3e the artifact
Iou will C
assess yourself on your wor0 using the teacher"created ru3ric that you will *aste into
your *roEect that includes your name.
*ost your *roEect in 2orums under Hho (m I as an attachment for *eer re/iew.
re*ly to three *roEects *re*ared 3y your *eers in 2orums in
*ost your *roEect and your self"assessment in the (ssignment area under Hho (m I
(s (n (rtist as an attachment for instructor re/iew.
*lace a co*y of your *roEect and the com*leted ru3ric in your *ortfolio or we3site

(ssessment Tool
Scoring 8u#ric for Se$f/*ssessent "or Who * I *s *n *rtistC & Chec1 %our 0or1>
5oes Aot Meet
Meets E)*ectations E)ceeds E)*ectations
4nline *osting:
OO The assignment
was not com*lete and
did not meet
OO The *roEect was not
*roofread for s*elling
and grammar.
OO 5id not assess their
own wor0 using the
4nline *osting:
OO Include your name on your
*roEect file
OO (ttach this ru3ric and assess
your own wor0.
OO Proofread your wor0 for
s*elling and grammar
Include an analysis that lists
OOIour strengths as a *erforming
artist and8or as a /isual artist and
arts educator
OOThree goals you are setting for
yourself as an arts educator in the
elementary classroom
OO 6te*s to meet the goals you
ha/e esta3lished.
OO Three artifacts
Include a descri*tion of each
artifact and tell us
OO Hhy you chose the item
OO Hhat the item tells a3out the
arts in your life or a3out you as an
OO 6hare a statement of
/alidation to three or more of your
*eers that indicates that you ha/e
read his8her entire *osting and
that you a**reciate something
s*ecific a3out his8her wor0. -e
sure %our v!$i.!tions refer to
specific st!teents !.e #%
%our peer. +rovi.e su#st!nti!$
In addition to Meets
OOPro/ide written
e/idence 3elow of how
you thin0 you e)ceed
the e)*ectations listed:
4. +,8"(8@I?2 *84S +(W,8+(I?4 +8,S,?4*4I(?
<4H, +,8"(8@I?2 *84S +(W,8+(I?4 +*84 (" 4H, +,8"(8@I?2 *84S )?I4 +B*?=

4he rese!rch %ou .o for the perforing !rts +o0er+oint is !n opportunit% for %ou to
eng!ge in te!cher rese!rch to prep!re for .eve$oping ! perforing !rts unit p$!n. Aou
0i$$ 0!nt to .iscuss %our i.e!s for %our perforing !rts unit p$!n 0ith %our entor
te!cher #efore %ou se$ect the content of %our perforing !rts +o0er+oint. -If you are
ta0ing this course during summer session you may want to create a *erforming arts unit *lan
for a s*ecific range of grades such as +"F or F",..
The first *ur*ose of this assignment is to hel* you 3ecome 3etter ac1uainted with a s*ecific
*erforming arts form -dance, drama, or music. and *erforming arts resources for classroom
use. This is accom*lished through the research that you do and your re/iew of the research
of your *eers.
The second *ur*ose is to gi/e you *ractice descri3ing *erforming arts *rinci*les, elements,
*ro*erties and *rocesses of s*ecific as*ects of either dance, music or drama and de/elo*ing
strategies that will moti/ate your students to loo0 and8or listen closely, thin0 critically a3out
what they see and hear, and articulate what is seen and heard and inter*ret the meaning of
the wor0.
The third *ur*ose is to create /isuals and8or sounds that you can share with your students
and colleagues.
The fourth *ur*ose is to use your research and images and8or sounds to de/elo* a series of
*erforming arts e)*eriences for elementary students that are related to either the conce*t,
su3Eect matter, techni1ue, or art formD to teach s0ill de/elo*ment while connecting the art
e)*erience to the li/es of children and to a thematic unit of study.
(ssessment Tas0s
6elect a s*ecific art form -dance, drama, or music., or a *rofessional *erforming artist, a
s*ecific techni1ue, or an art form of a s*ecific culture to research. Create a PowerPoint
*resentation that contains the following com*onentsC
Title slide that descri3es your *resentation and includes your name
?ac0ground information either a3out the s*ecific art form -dance, drama, or music. or
s*ecific s0ills and techni1ues the student students will *ractice in your unit of study.
Images or sounds that illustrate your content -fi/e or more.
( series -& or more. of o*en"ended 1uestions to get children and adults to thin0
critically a3out what they see or hear -6ee the Cornett -#!$$. for constructing o*en"
ended 1uestions, use inde).
?rief summary list of maEor conce*ts you want to share with elementary students in
the classroom -Conce*ts are 3ig ideas or maEor understandings.
;ist a series of *erforming arts e)*eriences that will 3uild on the *erforming arts
PowerPoint. -These e)*eriences will actually 3ecome the *erforming arts lessons that
are *art of your Performing (rts Unit Plan. Thin0 of how you may need to 3uild or
scaffold student 0nowledge and s0ills to create a final *erformance *iece. It is fine for
the *rocess to hel* students create one finished wor0 for *erformance and reflection..
(ssess yourself on your wor0 using the teacher"created ru3ric and include your self"
assessment on your last slide.
(ssess yourself on your wor0 using the teacher"created ru3ric and *lace in the last
slide of your PowerPoint.
(ttach your PowerPoint *resentation and the com*leted ru3ric in the (rt Tal0 2orum
To*ic for *eer re/iew and feed3ac0.
(ttach your PowerPoint *resentation and the com*leted ru3ric to the (ssignment ;ist
for instructor re/iew and feed3ac0.
9e*ly to three *resentations *re*ared 3y your *eers.
Place a *rinted co*y of your PowerPoint in your *ortfolio or add it to your we3site -you
may *ut si) slides to a *age if desired 3y selecting *age layout 3efore *rinting.
Pre*are to share your PowerPoint with your classmates and your elementary
(ssessment Tools
Scoring 8u#ric for Se$f/*ssessent of +erforing *rts +o0er +oint
Chec1 %our 0or1>
5oes Aot Meet
Meets E)*ectations E)ceeds E)*ectations
4nline *osting:
OO The assignment
was not com*lete and
did not meet
OO The *roEect was not
*roofread for s*elling
and grammar
OO 5id not assess own
wor0 using the ru3ric
4nline Posting in 2orum and in
4nline *osting:
OO Include your name on your
OO (ttach this ru3ric and assess
your own wor0.
OO Proofread your wor0 for
s*elling and grammar
OO Include a title *age that
descri3es the *resentation
OOInclude your name on your title
OO?ac0ground information a3out
art form 49 s0ills and techni1ues
students will *ractice
OO Three or more images of the
selected wor0s of art
OO( series of o*en"ended
1uestions to get children and
adults to loo0 closely at the art
wor0 -dou3le chec0 that all
answers can 3e acce*ted.
OO ?rief summary list of maEor
conce*ts you want to share with
elementary students in the
OO;ist a series of *erforming arts
e)*eriences that will 3uild on this
*resentaton.-?ote: 4hese 0i$$
#ecoe the $essons th!t !re
p!rt of %our +erforing *rts
)nit +$!n.=
OO9es*ond in writing to three
Performing (rt Tal0s.
In addition to Meets
OOPro/ide written
e/idence 3elow of how
you thin0 you e)ceed
the e)*ectations listed:
5. +,8"(8@I?2 *84S )?I4 +B*?
4he purpose of this !ssignent is to give %ou !n opportunit% to .eve$op ! +erforing *rts )nit
+$!n for %our e$eent!r% stu.ents th!t inc$ the rese!rch, i!ges !n.Dor soun.s fro %our
+erforing *rts +o0er+oint +resent!tion. It is iport!nt to 0rite the unit p$!n in enough .et!i$
th!t soeone e$se cou$. fo$$o0 %our p$!n. Iou will *lan four re$!te. *erforming arts lessons that
guide students through an art *rocess that you can im*lement in your elementary classroom. The
outcome of the *erforming arts unit *lan will 3e one finished wor0 *roduced 3y your students in your
elementary classroom in your field *lacement.
Iou will include the Performing (rts PowerPoint in one of the lessons in your unit *lan. Iou will
*ractice teaching this unit *lan with at least one other *erson or with your family to see how you
might modify your *lan for teaching in your elementary classroom. Iou will conce*tuali@e a way to
ha/e your students *erform at the end of your unit. ( *erformance can 3e com*leted inside your
classroom with the students 3eing the audience for each other.
Thin0 a3out how you can structure your unit to 3uild student s0ills and to engage students in the art
*rocess to create at least one finished *erformance. In essence N Hhat will your students learn
through engaging in the art *rocessL Hhat new s0ills will they de/elo*L Hhat *rinci*les, elements
or *ro*erties and *rocesses of either dance, drama or music will they learn how to useL Hhat are
you teaching them a3out the *erforming arts, creating an original wor0 of art, and tal0ing a3out artL
(ssessment Tas0s
Iou willC
6hare your ideas for your *erforming arts unit with your *eers and your instructor.
Plan a Performing (rts PowerPoint that you can share with your *eers and your elementary
students as *art of your unit *lan -Aote that you ha/e already com*leted this tas0 in the *re/ious
assignment called the Performing (rts PowerPoint.
9esearch and *lan four related *erforming arts lessons for your students, using the criteria in the
Try the entire art *rocess with at least one other *erson 3efore su3mitting the unit *lan for
instructor and *eer re/iew.
Modify the unit *lan 3ased on what you learn from trying the art *rocess with at least one other
Im*lement the unit *lan in your classroom.
Use your assessment tools to assess student learning in the unit and share student outcomes
with mentor teacher.
Ta0e *hotogra*hs of students wor0ing during the unit and collect tangi3le e/idence of student
Hrite a reflection a3out im*lementing the unit with your class.
6hare your unit *lan reflection and *hotogra*hs of the student wor0 in forums and assignments.
+$e!se ?ote: Performing art unit *lans with student *hotogra*hs and e/idence of student learning
are something you will want to share with a *rinci*le in a Eo3 inter/iew. This will ser/e as e/idence of
your *erformance as a teacher candidate that is 0nowledgea3le, effecti/e and caring with the a3ility
to *lan and im*lement highly effecti/e and engaging e)*eriences for children, who can com*lete
1uality *roducts.

6TEP $: 7M
Post the Title Page and 4/er/iew of the Unit Plan in the designated 2orum and (ssignments for
instructor and *eer re/iew
6TEP #: $7M
2ollow the Performing (rts Unit Plan chec0list *ro/ided.
9ehearse what you *lan to do in your lessons 3y teaching at least one other *erson and ma0e
modifications as needed
Ma0e modifications to your *lan 3ased on what you learned while rehearsing teaching your *lan.
Post the Performing (rts Unit Plan on the 2orum for *eer re/iew and feed3ac0.
Post the Performing (rts Unit Plan in (ssignments for Instructor re/iew and feed3ac0.
9ead and res*ond to at least one other unit *lan.
6TEP &: $7M
Im*lement the Performing (rts Unit Plan in your classroom
Use your assessment tools to assess student learning and re*ort student outcomes to your
mentor teacher and instructor
9eflect on your e)*erience teaching the Performing (rts Unit Plan
Post the entire unit *lan with reflections, *hotogra*hs of student wor0 and e/idence of student
learning in 2orums and in (ssignments
9ead the Com*leted Unit Plan with 9eflections and wor0 sam*les su3mitted 3y one *eer and
*ro/ide feed3ac0.
6TEP F: 9e1uired in Portfolio or on He3site-re1uired to com*lete the course.
Print out all materials related to your unit *lan and *lace in your Performing (rts Portfolio or on
your we3site
?ring your Portfolio or *ost your we3site online for our last class session.
(ssessment Tool that 6*ecifies the Criteria for Iour Unit Plan in a Chec0list 2ormat
(s *art of this course you will *re*are your *erforming arts unit *lan o/er/iew, lesson *lans and
*erformance idea, which will include the following re1uirements as indicated on this chec0list. Please
note that this unit *lan uses the 3ac0ward design format.
4he Scoring Chec1$ist for Se$f/*ssessent of the +erforing *rts )nit +$!n
-Use this as a guide for the formatting of your unit *lan.
OOO4it$e +!ge for the Performing (rts Unit Plan
OOOthe title of the Unit Plan written in a 1uestion format -E)am*le: How does nature ins*ire
us to create a danceL.
OOOyour name
OOOgrade le/el the unit *lan is de/elo*ed for im*lementation
OOO I. (vervie0 of the Unit Plan that descri3es -one *age " who, what, how, why, when. C
OOOwho the unit is designed for and what the unit is a3out
OOOthe essenti!$ un.erst! %ou 0!nt for %our stu.ents
OOOa descri*tion of what the students will do in each of the four lessons that includes what
will ha**en in the culminating e/ent
OOOhow you will assess student learning
OOOhow it is related to the curriculum goals and when it will 3e im*lemented
OOOII. H!0!ii 4e!cher +erfor!nce St!n.!r.s that you are meeting through your wor0 with
students as *art of this unit *lan that includes the definition of the HTP6 selected and how you are
meeting this standard through your wor0 with students in this unit.
OOOIII. 2ener!$ Be!rner (utcoes that are e/ident in student *erformance as *art of this unit *lan
that includes the definition of the G;4 and how students will demonstrate they are meeting this G;4
through their wor0 in this unit.
OOOIJ. H!0!ii Content !n. +erfor!nce St!n.!r. in the +erforing *rts !n. (ther Se$ecte.
Content *re!
OOO-ench!r1s that students will meet through the e)*eriences *ro/ided in this unit *lan.
OOO+erfor!nce *ssessent In.ic!tors that the student wor0 will demonstrate. These are
directly related to the e)*eriences in your unit and are created to demonstrate how the
3enchmar0 is 3eing met through the e)*eriences in the unit. This is what you will assess with
the assessment tools you create.
OOOJ. *..ition!$ (#3ectives of your unit that are clearly stated and include high le/el thin0ing
s0ills. These should 3e stated as the students will 3e a3le toC and then start each *hrase
with an acti/e /er3. This is often used 3ecause the students will 3e doing more than Eust
meeting the HCP6 III in the *erforming arts.
OOOJI. *ssessent Str!tegies you will use during this unit to assess student learning in the
*erforming arts and other content identified. (ssessment 6trategies are ty*ically di/ided into two
categories that include"
OOOO*ssessent 4!s1s that lists what students will do throughout the unit.
OOOO*ssessent 4oo$s such as a ru3ric or a chec0list to hel* students create a 1uality *roduct
3y identifying s*ecific criteria you are loo0ing for that e)em*lifies 1uality.
OOOJII. Besson +$!ns that include acti/e student learning -More information a3out these lessons will
follow online.
OOOOBesson (ne a summary with 3ullets that focus on what the students will do
OOOOBesson 40o a summary with 3ullets that focus on what the students will do
EEEEBesson 4hree a summary with 3ullets that focus on what the students will do
EEEEBesson "our a summary with 3ullets that focus on what the students will do
OOOO*..ition!$ $essons -o*tional.
OOOJII. +erfor!nce I.e! for elementary students in an elementary classroom.
OOOIS. @!teri!$s you will need to im*lement this unit
OOOS. 8esources you used to *lan and teach this unit.
OOOSI. +hotogr!phs of students at wor0 or a /ideo cli*
OOOSII. ,vi.ence of Stu.ent Be!rning that demonstrates what students 0now and are a3le to do
as a result of the e)*eriences in this unit and an analysis of this e/idence
OOOSIII. 8ef$ection on teaching each lesson in your classroom that includes photogr!phs 0ith
c!ption of students at wor0
OOOSIJ. +$!ce !$$ 0or1 on unit p$!n in +erforing *rts +ortfo$io or on %our 0e#site
OOOSJ. +ost !$$ 0or1 on unit p$!n in "orus !n. in *ssignents
OOOSJI. 8e!. one )nit +$!n cre!te. #% ! peer !n. post ! response in "orus
Chec0list for 9eflecting on Each ;esson in the Unit -com*lete on a daily 3asis 3efore mo/ing on to
the ne)t lesson.:
OOHhat was my cueing systemL
OOHow did I engage the students in *racticing this systemL
OOHhat ha**ened during my lessonsL
OOHow did the students res*ond to the lessons, to each other, and to meL
OOHhat did the students learn a3out an art formL
OOHhat e/idence did I assess a3out student learning a3out an art formL
OOHow did I use the assessment tools I created to document student outcomesL
OOHow did I document this e/idenceL
OOHhat did I learn a3out teaching and learning in the *erforming artsL
OOHow did I use what I learned to im*ro/e my ne)t lesson in this unitL
6elf"(ssessment Tool: Glo3al (ssessment of (rt Unit Plan
OO5oes not meet e)*ectations esta3lished in the chec0lists
OO Is not *roofread for s*elling and grammar
OO The wor0 was not assessed 3y the candidate.
OOOMeets e)*ectations esta3lished in the chec0lists.
OOOE)ceeds e)*ectations esta3lished in the chec0lists.
E/idence is *ro/ided 3elow for how my wor0 e)ceeds criteria esta3lished:
6. *84S *D7(C*CA +8,S,?4*4I(? *?D 8,"B,C4I(?
The first *ur*ose of this *roEect is to *ro/ide you the o**ortunity to de/elo* a *rofessional
*resentation that *re*ares you to ad/ocate for the arts in education. The second *ur*ose of
this *roEect is to *ro/ide you e)*erience *resenting your ideas to audience in your school
community and to ad/ocate for the arts.
(ssessment Tas0s
Iou will create a /isual *resentation using slideshow software such as PowerPoint or
P9ETI. The goal of the *resentation is to =con/ice> or =*ersuade> your audience to em3race
the im*ortance of the arts in elementary school curriculum. ;imit the *resentation to $!"$7
slides or /isuals. Iou will need to ma0e *rior arrangements with your *rinci*al, grade le/el
chair or mentor teacher to schedule a time and date for your *resentation. Pro/ide notes for
your *resentation that you can use in actually *resenting your tal0. (fter you com*lete your
*resentation you will write a one"*age reflection on the res*onse of your audience. Thin0 of
a way you can engage your audience with either an energi@er or a /ery short acti/ity that
in/ol/es the audience in an e)*erience related to the arts. ( chec0list is *ro/ided to hel*
you com*lete all com*onents of this *roEect. ( self"assessment ru3ric is *ro/ide to hel* you
create a successful *resentation that meets e)*ectations.

OOOOTal0 with your mentor teacher a3out a selecting an audience and a focus for your tal0
OOOO6chedule a time and date for your arts ad/ocacy *resentation
OOOO6elect a focus for your *resentation
OOOO5e/elo* a strategy for engaging the audience 3riefly
OOOOCreate the *resentation -$! N $7 slides.
OOOOEngage in the writing *rocess to re/ise your *resentation and your tal0
OOOO6hare with a *eer to *ractice *resenting
OOOOProofread your *resentation again
OOOOPractice setting u* the digital *roEector you will use in the location of your *resentation
OOOOPresent your tal0
OOOO9eflect on the e)*erience and the res*onse of the audience
OOOOPost in 2orums and (ssignments
Se$f/ *ssessent 8u#ric for the *rts *.voc!c% +resent!tion !n. +osting (n$ine
Does ?ot @eet
@eets ,:pect!tions ,:cee.s ,:pect!tions
OOOThe *resentation is
missing one of more re1uired
com*onents and must 3e
The *resentation includes C
OOOTitle Page -including
name and date of the
OOO(udience is indicated
and the focus of the
*resentation is clear
OOO?rief e)*erience is
included to engage the
OOO ?ac0ground information
or research in art education
is *ro/ided
OOO (udio and8or /isuals are
are included in the
OOO4*en"ended 1uestions
-many *ossi3le answers are
correct. or references to
high"le/el critical thin0ing are
*art of the *resentation.
OOO9ele/ance to literacy
s0ills and elementary
curriculum is included.
OOO9eference list is *ro/ided
OOO9eflected on the
e)*erience of *resenting and
the reactions of the audience
OOOPosted in ;aulima in
2orums and (ssignments.
OOOThe *resentation meets
OOOThe teacher candidate
ela3orates on how they thin0
they e)ceeded e)*ectations
for this *roEect.
F. *44,?D * +8(",SSI(?*B 4H,*48IC*B +,8"(8@*?C,
The first *ur*ose of this assignment is to *ro/ide an o**ortunity for you to see0 out a
*rofessional theatrical *erformance in your own community to attend this semester as
someone who a**reciates the arts and is 3ecoming an arts educator in the elementary
classroom. The second *ur*ose of this assignment is to write a =re/iew> of the *erformance.
The third *ur*ose is to reflect on your *ersonal in/ol/ement with the *erformance as a
mem3er of the audience. The fourth *ur*ose is to connect what you are learning in this
class or understand a3out this art form to what you e)*erienced throughout the *erformance.
(ssessment Tas0s
Iou will write a one to two"*age re/iew of the *erformance that includes
Title, ;ocation, 5ate and Cost of the Performance
?rief descri*tion of the *erformance
5escri*tion of your *ersonal in/ol/ement with the *erformance as a mem3er of the
5escri*tion of how you can connect this e)*erience to something that you ha/e
learned in our class or understand a3out this art form.
Proofread your wor0 for s*elling and grammar
(ssess your own wor0 using the scoring ru3ric
(ttach the scoring ru3ric to your wor0
Place in the (ssignment 6ection for instructor re/iew
Place a co*y in your Professional Portfolio for 6tudy and Teaching in the Performing
Scoring 8u#ric for Se$f *ssessent for 4he!tric!$ +erfor!nceGChec1 %our 0or1>
5oes Aot Meet
Meets E)*ectations E)ceeds E)*ectations
OO The assignment
was not com*lete and
did not meet
OO The document
was not *roofread for
s*elling and grammar
OO The wor0 was not
assessed 3y the
4nline *osting in (ssignments
OO Proofread for s*elling and
OO Aame included in .doc file
OO Title, ;ocation, 5ate and
Cost of the Performance
OO?rief descri*tion of the
OO5escri*tion of your *ersonal
in/ol/ement with the
*erformance as a mem3er of
the audience
OO5escri*tion of how you can
connect this e)*erience to
something that you ha/e
learned in our class or
understand a3out this art form.
In addition to Meets
OOPro/ide written e/idence
3elow of how you thin0 you
e)ceed the e)*ectations
H. S@*BB 28()+ (8I2I?*B +,8"(8@*?C,
The *rimary *ur*ose of this *roEect is *ro/ide you the o**ortunity to wor0 with your *eers to create
and *erform an original *iece of dance, music and8or drama as a culminati ng e/ent in our
*erformi ng arts class. The second *ur*ose of this *roEect is to gain insight into an
artistic *rocess 3y 3ecomi ng an artist yourself. The third *ur*ose of this *roEect is to
*ro/ide a framewor0 to hel* you focus your wor0 as *art of our unit on Creation 6tories.
The *erformance should last for %"$! minutes.
(ssessment Tas0s
Iou will wor0 as a mem3er of your grou* to select a Creation 6tory from a s*ecific culture or
continent as the focus of your wor0.
Iou will wor0 with your grou* to create, *ractice and *erform an original *iece of dance, music
and8or drama to *resent to our class.
He will wor0 together as a class to de/elo* a student created ru3ric for what ma0es a good
Hhen you are a mem3er of the audience you will *ro/ide written feed3ac0 to your *eers a3out their
*erformance 3ased on the ru3ric.
(fter your *erformance you will write a one to two"*age reflection of your e)*erience creating and
*erforming. This *erformance and reflection are the =final e)ams> for the class.
6mall Grou*s with a 2ocus on a Creation 6tory
Creation 6tory Title Culture, Continent, 9egion Grou* Aame Grou* Mem3ers
Inca, Peru, 6outh (merica Maui Koann, (m3er, 6hana, 5emi,
+ahaBiola, Marina, Candace
How a ;onely Goddess
2illed the
Horld with Peo*le
China Mi)ed Plate +awehi, ;indsey, ;aBe, ;aurene,
Maori, (otearoa, Aew Tealand +auai 5a3in, 5ayna, Trineen, +aren,
2iana, 9oasalie
4nce you ha/e selected the culture, creation story or continent you are focusing on in your wor0,
add the information to the 2orum entitled Creation 6tory Performances. 4nce a culture, creation
story or continent is selected, it will 3e im*ortant to choose another story or location. Come to class
*re*ared to *erform. Plan to 3e a good audience. 2ocus your attention on the grou* that is
*erforming 3y 3eing fully *resent and attenti/e to their wor0.
(ssessment Tool
He will wor0 together as a class to de/elo* a student created ru3ric for what ma0es a good
Hhen you are a mem3er of the audience you will *ro/ide written feed3ac0 to your *eers a3out their
*erformance 3ased on the ru3ric in the unit *lan.
9. 8,"B,C4I(? (? S@*BB 28()+ (8I2I?*B +,8"(8@*?C,
The *rimary *ur*ose of this reflection is to *ro/ide you to o**ortunity thin0 critically a3out your
*ersonal engagement in the *rocess a**roach to creating and *erforming an original wor0 of art in
dance, music and8or drama and to share what you are thin0ing with others. The second *ur*ose of
this reflection is to thin0 a3out how you can a**ly what you learned through this *rocess to your
wor0 with children in the elementary classroom.
(ssessment Tas0s
Identify yourself as the author of the *a*er, the mem3ers of your grou*, the name of your creati/e
Iou will write a one to two *age reflection that descri3es your *ersonal engagement in the creati/e
*rocess and in *erforming an original wor0 of art with your *eers.
Iou will also descri3e how you can a**ly what you learned through this *rocess to your wor0 with
children in the elementary classroom.
Proofread your wor0 for s*elling, grammar and *unctuation.
Use the assessment tool to assess your own wor0.
Place your reflection with ru3ric in 2orums for *eer re/iew
Place your reflection with ru3ric in (ssignments for instructor re/iew.
(ssessment Tool
6coring 9u3ric for 6elf"(ssessment of 6mall Grou* Performance 9eflection
5oes Aot Meet E)*ectations Meets E)*ectations E)ceeds E)*ectations
OOOAo reflection is su3mitted
OOO9eflection needs
*roofreading for s*elling,
grammar and *unctuation
OOO9eflection was not
assessed using this ru3ric
OOOIdentifies yourself as the
OOOIncludes the names of the
mem3ers of your grou*
OOOIncludes the title of your
OOO5escri3es your *ersonal
engagement in the creati/e
*rocess and in *erforming an
original wor0 of art with your
OOO 5escri3es how you can
a**ly what you learned through
this *rocess to your wor0 with
children in the elementary
OOOProofread for s*elling,
grammar and *unctuation
OOOIncludes self"assessment
using this ru3ric
In addition to Meets
OOPro/ide written e/idence
3elow of how you thin0 you
e)ceed the e)*ectations listed:
10. +8(",SSI(?*B +(84"(BI( (8 W,-SI4, "(8 S4)DA *?D 4,*CHI?2 I? 4H, *84S
C()8S, 8,I)I8,@,?4 4( "I?ISH
The *ur*ose of this assignment is for you to com*ile the course *roEects into a teaching
*ortfolio or we3site that em*hasi@es your *re*aration in integrating the *erforming arts
throughout the curriculum. The *ortfolio or we3site is re1uired for you to com*lete the
course. Professional *resentation and organi@ation of your wor0 is im*ortant. Iou may add
to this *ortfolio or we3site when you ta0e the /isual arts course that is *art of our *rogram.
(ssessment Tas0s N Pa*er Portfolio -also include these com*onents is you create a we3site.
The Professional Portfolio for 6tudy and Teaching in the (rts will include the following
;arge three ring 3inder -Chose a we3 authoring tool such as Hee3ly or Google 6ites.
Plastic sheet co/ers are great 3ut not re1uired -Professional ?ac0ground.
Co/er sheet with title, name and date -Home Page.
Indi/idual (ssessment Chec0list for Course ProEects -;ist of what is included in site.
6ection di/iders in the following categories -Ta3s.
Professional 5is*ositions
Hho am I as an (rtistL How are the (rts a Part of My ;ifeL
Performing (rts PowerPoint
Performing (rts Unit Plan with 6tudent Hor0 Photogra*hs and 9eflection
(rts (d/ocacy Presentation and 9eflection
9e/iew of Theatrical Performance
6mall Grou* Performance 9eflection
(dditional resources that you thin0 are im*ortant to include, such as notes, Eournal
articles, /endors, we3 sites, and good ideas.
Professional Portfolio (ssessment Tool:
OOOOOCo/er sheet with title, name and date
OOOOO6ection di/iders in the following categories
OOOOCourse 6ylla3us, 6tandards, Handouts
OOOOProfessional 5is*ositions, 7M
OOOO9eading 9es*onses, $!M
OOOOHho am I as an (rtistL How are the (rts a Part of My ;ifeL $!M
OOOOPerforming (rts PowerPoint, $!M
OOOOPerforming (rts Unit Plan with Photogra*hs of 6tudents and 9eflections, &7M
OOOO(rts (d/ocacy Presentation and 9eflection $!M
OOOO9e/iew of Theatrical Performance, $!M
OOOO6mall Grou* Performance 9eflection $!M
OOOO(dditional resources that you thin0 are im*ortant to include, such as notes,
Eournal articles, /endors, we3 sites, and good ideas. UUUU
OOO5oes Aot Meet E)*ectations -Portfolio is re1uired to com*lete the course.
OOOMeets E)*ectations
OOOE)ceeds E)*ectations
OOOCourse Grade
ITE 329 Self-Assessment
Scoring Rubric for the Professional Portfolio in the Performing Arts
Name Date

and HTPS
Assignment Score:
oes !ot "eet
"eets E#$ectations
E#ceeds E#$ectations
" E
HTS: 9
1. Professional
HTPS: 1, 5
2. ea!in"
C#apters $%9
C#apters 12%1&
C#apters 1' % 11
HTPS: 2, (,
&. )#o *m I *s *n
*rtist an! Ho+ are
t#e *rts a Part of ,-
HTPS: 5, 0
(. Performin" *rts
ITE: K, E, C
HTPS: 1, 2,
&, 1, 0
(. 5. 2nit Plan
Title Pa"e an! 34er4ie+ 55%6
2nit Plan 52'%6
efle7tion 8 P#oto"rap# 51'%6
HTPS: 5, 1,
1. *rts *!4o7a7-
Presentation an!
HTPS: 5, 9
0. e4ie+ of
HTPS: 5, 1,
$. Small 9ro:p
HTPS: 1, $
9. efle7tion on
Small 9ro:p
ITE: K, E, C
HTPS: 9, 1'
In7l:!es all
1'. Professional
Portfolio for St:!-
<ine *rts
(e% to Assessment Rubric
ITE Standards:
K > Kno+le!"ea?le, E > Effe7ti4e, C > Carin"
Ha)ai*i Teacher Standards +HTS,:
1. Focuses on the l earner 6. Desi gns/ provi des meani ngful l earni ng experi ences
2. Creates/mai nt ai ns safe & posi ti ve l earni ng envi ronment 7. Uses acti ve student l earni ng strategi es
. !dapts to l earner di versi t" #. Uses assessment strategi es
$. Fost ers eff ecti ve communi cati on i n l earni ng envi ronment %. Demonst rat es professi onal i sm
&. Demonst rat es 'no(l edge of content 1). Fost ers parent and school communi t" rel ati onshi ps
7II. Course 2r!.ing
5etailed instructions for all assignments are *ro/ided in this sylla3us.
'! N $!! M of wor0 meets or e)ceeds e)*ectations
! N %!M of wor0 meets e)*ectations
%! N ,! M of wor0 meets e)*ectations
7!M of wor0 does not meet e)*ectations.
Hor0 is not turned in as a com*lete *ortfolio.
7III. Sche.u$e !n. S%$$!#us Ch!nges
6ome changes in this sylla3us may 3e made in order to coordinate *roEects with those re1uired 3y
other instructors, or to coordinate acti/ities with schoolsB schedules, or to ta0e ad/antage of
*rofessional o**ortunities as they emerge.
IJ. C$!ss Sche.u$e !n. Due D!tes
He will 3egin each class with a community 3uilder e)*erience to *romote care and connecting with each other in a
safe learning en/ironment. Modify these as needed and try these with your own students throughout the semester.
D!teD4ieDBoc!tion (ut$ine of *gen.! or +ro3ects +ro3ects Due in C$!ss, "ie$. !n. (n$ine
Kanuary $$
:!! N $#:!!
$#:!! N 7:!!
;6P F(
Helcome and Energi@er
Aame Game, (lliteration, 6ounds ;i0e,
9hythm, Mo/ement, Aon";ocomotor,
4/er/iew of the (rts
Hhat is (rtL Grand Con/ersation
Model Unit Plan: Creation 6tories
5rama Hor0sho*
(ssessing 6tudent Hor0
Hhat Ma0es a Good PerformanceL
6mall Grou* Ta3leau
Creation 6tory ProEects
9e/iew Course 6ylla3us
Model ProEect: Hho (m I (s (n (rtist
(nd How (re the (rts ( Part 4f My ;ifeL
Model ProEect: Performing (rts PowerPoint
Due in c$!ss:
Media 9elease 2orm
Hhat Ma0es a Good Performance 9u3ric
6mall Grou* Performance Ideas
Kanuary $&"$' Get 4rgani@ed for the 6emesterP
Course 6ylla3us
Creation 6tories Unit Plan and PowerPoint
KenniferBs E)am*le: Hho (m I (s (n (rtist and
How are the (rts a Part of My ;ifeL
Theatrical Performance to (ttend
Due: In fie$. p$!ceent !n. !t hoe
6hare ITE &#' letter with Mentor Teacher
6et u* your 2ine (rts Portfolio8He3site
Three ring 3inder8home*age
6ection di/iders8ta3s
Printed co*y of 6ylla3us8digital co*y
Printed co*y of Creation 6tories Unit
Plan8digital co*y
Kanuary #! " #, Hrite:
Hho (m I (s (n (rtist and How are the (rts
a Part of My ;ifeL
Due: J!nu!r% 26, 11:55 p
"orus !n. *ssignents
Hho (m I (s (n (rtist (nd How (re The
(rts ( Part of My ;ifeL
Kanuary #% N
2e3ruary #
9ead and 9es*ond
Cornett -#!$$. Part II:
5rama: Cha*ters V '
9e/iew 6elected 5rama 9esources in ;aulima
Due: "e#ru!r% 2, 11:55 p
"orus: 9eading 9es*onse focusing on
2e3ruary & " ' Performing (rts PowerPoint a3out Unit Plan
Ideas and 9esearch
Due: "e#ru!r% 9
"orus !n. *ssignents: Performing (rts
PowerPoint related to Unit Plan
2e3ruary $! "$,
Cornett -#!$$. Part II:
Music: Cha*ters $# V $&
Due: "e#ru!r% 16, 11:55 p
"orus: 9eading 9es*onse focusing on
2e3ruary $% N #& "ri.!%, "e#ru!r% 21, 5:50 G H:50 "2" Session
6haring in small grou*s:
Performing (rts PowerPoint a3out Unit Plan
Music Hor0sho* with 5r. +aren 5ro@d.
Punahou 6chool
Due: "e#ru!r% 21, In C$!ss
Performing (rts PowerPoint a3out Unit Plan
?ring la*to*s to class and wear comforta3le
clothes for the music wor0sho*
2e3ruary #F N March #
Cornett -#!$$. Part II:
5ance: Cha*ters $! V $$
Due: @!rch 2, 11:55 p
"orus !n. *ssignents: 9eading
9es*onse focusing on 5ance
March & N ' S!tur.!%, @!rch F, 1/5, "2" Session
5ance Hor0sho* with (my 6chiffner
Due: @!rch F, 1/5, "2" Sessions
?ring Com*uters to Class and Hear
comforta3le clothes.
March $! " $,

Hrite Unit Plan Title Page and 4/er/iew 5ue: Unit Plan Title Page and 4/er/iew
March $% N #&
54E 6*ring ?rea0
Hrite Unit Plan Due: @!rch 22, 11:55 p
"orus !n. *ssignents: Com*lete Unit
March #& N March &! Hrite Unit Plan Due: @!rch 50, 11:55 p
UH 6*ring ?rea0 "orus !n. *ssignents: Com*lete Unit
March &$ N (*ril , ?egin Teaching Unit Plan and Hriting 9eflections
9ehearse and8or Plan:
Creation 6tory Performances
Due: *pri$ 6, 11:55 p
"orus !n. *ssignents: 9e/iew of
Theatrical Performance
(*ril % N $& Teaching Unit Plan and Hriting 9eflections
9ehearse and8or Plan:
Creation 6tory Performances
(*ril $F N #! Teaching Unit Plan and Hriting 9eflections
9ehearse and8or Plan:
Creation 6tory Performances
(*ril #$ N #% "ri.!%, *pri$ 25, 5:50 G H:50 "2" Session
Portfolio 6haring and He3site 6haring
6mall Grou* 6haring:
Teaching the Performing (rts Unit Plan
Creation 6tory Performances
S!tur.!%, *pri$ 26, 1:00 G 5:00 "2" Session
Creation 6tory Performances
$:!! N $:&! Getting 9eady
$:&! N #:!! Grou* $ Performance and
#:$7 N #:F7 Grou* # Performance and
&:!! N &:&! Grou* & Performance and
&:&! N F:!! ?ac0stage Party
F:!! N 7:!! 6emester Hra*"u*
Due: +ortfo$ios !n. We#sites
9eflection on Teaching Unit Plan
?e *re*ared to de3rief a3out teaching
*erforming arts in the field *lacement
Due: 6mall Grou* Performances
(*ril # N May % Com*lete (ll Course ProEects Due: (ll Course ProEects
9eflection on your *artici*ation in the 6mall
grou* creation story wor0 and *erformance
Professional 5is*ositions
Course E/aluations
Uni/ersity of Hawai<i
College of Education
Institute for Teacher Education
Elementary and Early Childhood Education Program
To: Mentor Teachers
2rom: Kennifer Herring, Ed.5. (ssociate 6*ecialist and Instructor
ITE &#', Performing (rts E)*ression, +",
Su#3ect: 4e!ching +erforing *rts )nit +$!n
(loha Mentor Teachers,
Than0 you for your wor0 with our teacher candidates enrolled in the College of Education Teacher
Education Program. I a**reciate the maEor role our mentor teachers assume in the *re*aring
*rofessional educators for their wor0 with children and their families.
(ll of our teacher candidates enroll in ITE &#', Performing (rts E)*ression, +",, which focuses on
integrating the *erforming arts -dance, drama and music. throughout the elementary curriculum.
Most of our teacher candidates are wor0ing in *u3lic school settings where the classroom teacher is
re1uired to *ro/ide consistent se1uential instruction and e)*eriences in the fine arts. In some
settings our candidates ha/e the o**ortunity to colla3orate with *erforming arts s*ecialists to
de/elo* arts lessons that are lin0ed to content across the curriculum.
4ne area that we focus on is integrating the arts across the curriculum to 3uild on and reinforce
conce*ts that are im*ortant in other disci*lines. He 3elie/e that *erforming arts e)*eriences
*ro/ide tangi3le e/idence of student learning and achie/ement and are alternati/e forms of student
assessment that demonstrate what students 0now, are a3le to do and care a3out.
He *ractice the artistic *rocesses of creating, *erforming, and res*onding. He 0now that ha/ing
e)*eriences in the arts also re1uires some time to reflect on these e)*eriences in order to create
new connections and new ways of 0nowing.
4he infor!tion printe. on the #!c1 of this p!ge !rticu$!tes the fie$. coponent of our course.
4his !ssignent re9uires our te!cher c!n.i.!tes to .eve$op !n. ip$eent ! unit p$!n in the
perforing !rts.
He also 3elie/e that seeing what students are really ca*a3le of doing re1uires them to create all of
the wor0 themsel/es. This eliminates using any ty*e of adult created scri*t and *ro/ides a more
authentic assessment tool that focuses on the child and his8her a3ility to communicate through the
It is my e)*ectation that the teacher candidates will discuss their ideas with you and share their unit
*lans with you 3efore im*lementation of the lessons.
Please contact me if you ha/e any 1uestions or concerns.
Dr. Jennifer Herring
Su!r% of "ie$. ,:perience *ssignent for I4, 529, +erforing *rts ,:pression, '/6
(vervie0 of the )nit, Bessons, 8ef$ection, Stu.ent Wor1 !n. C$!ssroo +erfor!nce
The *ur*ose of this assignment is to gi/e you an o**ortunity to colla3orate with your mentor teacher
to *lan, teach, and reflect u*on four related lessons in the *erforming arts that you will im*lement in
your elementary classroom. The culminating e/en will 3e a classroom *erformance *iece. Iou will
*re*are a unit *lan, which will include the following:
Unit Plan Chec0list which includes the format of the Unit Plan
Title Page
4/er/iew of the Performing (rts Unit Plan
6tandards"3ased ;earning and (ssessment Plan
PowerPoint Presentation a3out an artist, an art form, a media, techni1ue or culture
2our related lessons to 3uild student 0nowledge and s0ills -PowerPoint is *art of one lesson.
( 6tudent Performance -tal0ing a3out or writing a3out the *erformance is one lesson.
9eflection of your e)*erience teaching the unit that includes what you learned a3out yourself,
what learned a3out your students, what you learned a3out teaching, and how you would
im*ro/e the lessons the ne)t time you teach.
Photogra*hs of the students at wor0.
These lessons and the classroom *erformance may reinforce themes and o3Eecti/es that are
already *art of the curriculum and are de/elo*ed in colla3oration with your mentor teacher.
These lessons will include o**ortunities for students to create, *erform and res*ond e)*eriences in
dance, drama or music. The theme for the unit may also 3uild u*on a math or literacy conce*t
taught for other courses this semester.
Iou may choose to team with one other *eer wor0ing at the same grade le/el to de/elo* the unit
together to create a rich art *rocess and high 1uality student *roducts.
Medi a Release Form for Teacher Candidat es
To: Teacher Candidates
From: Jennifer Herring, Ed.D.
I am asking your permission to share your, Performi ng rts Po!erPoint
Presentati on and your Performi ng rts "nit P#an in an e#ectronic format that may
$e copied $y the mem$ers of our cohort. I am a#so asking permission to use
photographs and !ork samp#es as part of a research pro%ect or in documentati on
a$out our teacher educati on program.
P#ease sign and return in the space $e#o! to indicate your appro&a# or denia# of
this re'uest. Thank you for your assistance.
I, ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()printed name*:
+i&e my permission
Do not gi&e my permission
P#ease check the items you are !i##ing to share in this format.
(((((( Performi ng rts Po!erPoint Presentati on
(((((( Performi ng rts "nit P#an
(((((( ,tudents at -ork
For me to $e photographed, &ideotaped, and.or audio recorded at !ork in his.her
c#assroom and for his.her e/amp# es of his.her !ork to $e used as part of a
research pro%ect in teacher education or in documentati on a$out our teacher
educati on program.

+i&e my permission
Do not gi&e my permission
0ame of Teacher Candidate(((((((((
,ignature Date((((((((((((((
)Teacher Candidate

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