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The Age of Revolution

A. Intellectual Background

1. Absolutism

a. Rise of nation-states
- Definition of a nation-state
Country formed by one people sharing the same heritage and
- End of feudalism
Ruler taking back power from the lords
Centralised rule
- Decline of the church
Pope no longer controlled kings and emperors

b. Absolute monarchs
- Characteristic:
Took power from the lords
Became the final authority
Centralised in the capital city
Took control of the army
In some cases took control of the church
Source of Power:
Believed they were chosen by God

i. France
- Louis XIV, 1643-1715
- Centralised French government
- Made all his lords live in the Palace of Versailles
- Demanded absolute unity and loyalty to the Sate
- Fought numerous wars to gain superiority

ii. Britain
- James I (1566-1625)

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Notes!(according to
Mr. Haack)
Authors annotation
Capital: where the
government sits

Absolute Constitutional

Change of

Absolute monarch: do not
need to obey her own law
(eg. Saudi Arabia)
Constitutional monarch:
answer to parliament or

Hall of Mirror
The Sun King
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- Unified England and Scotland
- Believer and author of the Devine Right of Kings

- Theory that the king was appointed by God and only responsible to God
- Forced to share power with Parliament

2. The Age of Reason

a. Meaning
- A time of independent thinking
- Questioning of old beliefs and superstitions
- Quest for knowledge
- Time of scientific analysis
Newton (physics)
Discovered gravity
Harvey (medicine)
Discovered blood circulation

b. Enlightenment

i. John Locke (1632-1704)
- English
- Believed in the Social Contract
- Governments power comes from the people
- People had the right to overthrow governments that suppressed their
- People had rights to life, liberty and property
- Father of Liberalism

ii. Montesquieu (1689-1755)
- French
- Believed in the three divisions of government
- Stop absolute rule
- Protection of peoples rights

iii. Voltaire (1694-1776)
1: Mr. Haacks mistake. Should be Divine Right of Kings
Execution: due
process of law
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- French
- Believed in the Rights of Man
Freedom of the speech
Freedom of the press
Freedom of religion
Right to liberty and property
- Constitutional monarchy

iv. Rousseau (1712-1778)
- French
- Believed all people were free and equal
- Kings right to rule came from the people not God
- People had the right to overthrow absolute monarchs

c. Influence of the Enlightenment
- Changed the thinking style of Europeans
- Lead to the American and French Revolutions
C. The French Revolution (1789)

1. Causes

a. Discount with the King
- Louis XVI was corrupt and incompetent
- His wife was ignorant and foolish
- Popular dissatisfaction with the French government

b. Economic causes
- Foreign wars
Conant warfare was expensive
- Court expenditure:
King and queen lived in incredible luxury
- Corruption:
Tax officials accepted bribes
Reduced real income of the country
- Famine:
1780, series of crop failures
Tax revenue reduced
dissatisfy his
People have no bread
~ Marie Antoinette:
Well, let them eat cake
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- 1789, France was on the edge of bankruptcy

c. Social inequality
- 1789, no sense of social class equality
- Divided between lords, priests, merchants and peasants
- Lords and priests had privileges and freedom
- Merchants and peasants paid the taxes

d. Effects of the Enlightenment
- Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau attacked the government
- Opposed Absolutism
- Opened the idea to liberal thinking
- Because more popular among the French merchant class

e. Effects of the American War of Independence
- French soldiers returning to France from the United States Brought in
ideas of republicanism and democracy

2. Course and Development of the Revolution

a. Definition of the Estates-General
- Form of assembly or parliament in France
- Could only be brought together by the kings wish
- Had no real power
- Divided into three groups:
estate nobility (lords)
estate priests and bishops (church)
estate merchants and peasants

b. Calling of the Estates-General
- 5 may 1789, called to solve economic problem
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estate left the assembly
- Decided to create their own National Assembly
- National Assembly declared illegal by the King

c. The Tennis Court Oath
- National Assembly regrouped at a nearby tennis court
- Swore an oath that they would not give up until the king granted France
Lords, priests: fat and wealthy but pay
no tax
Merchants, peasants: pay tax
Parliament origin:
<French> parlement
-: from parle ment
<French> parle = <English> parley
the biggest group
Louis XVI
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a constitution
- Now known as the Tennis Court Oath

d. Fall of the Bastille
- 12 July 1789, Louis rejected idea of a constitution; created a uproar in

The Tennis Court Oath
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- 14 July 1789
- A place holding political prisoners
- Attacked and destroyed the Bastille by the people of Paris
- The revolution had begun

e. Declaration of the Rights of Man
- Issued in August 1789
- People were born equal and free
- Freedom of speech, press, religion
- Democracy
- Government was given the responsibility of protecting these rights

3. The Republic of France

a. Escape of Louis XVI

Prise de la Bastille (Fall of the Bastille)
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- Louis refused to accept the Declaration of the Rights of Man
- Tried to escape to Austria with his family
- Austria was Frances enemy
- Forced to accept the constitution
- Taken into prison

b. Execution of Louis XVI
- Went to his death with great courage
- Proclaimed his love for France
- Forgave his executioner

c. Revolutionary Wars
In name of treason

Marie Antoinette's execution on 16 October 1793.

1: For unknown reason, Mr. Haack put this picture on this slide
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- Austria and Prussia were frightened
- Neighbours of France
- Feared the revolution would spread to their own merchant and peasant
- Formed a coalition army against France

d. 1
French Republic (1792-1804)
- Establish in September 1792
- 1793, executed Louis XVI
- Aimed to eliminate all counter-revolutionary elements
- 40,000 people sent to the guillotine; 200,000 imprisoned
- 1794, Robespierre sent to the guillotine

e. The directory (1795-1799)
- Moderate revolutionaries to replace the excesses of Robespierre
- Stabilized France
- Paved the way for Napoleon to come to power

4. France under Napoleon

a. Rise of Napoleon
- 1769, born on the island of Corsica
- Brilliant military strategist
- 1797, defeated the Austrians
- 1799, overthrow the Directorate
- Set up the consulate and became First Consul

b. The 1
French Empire

i. Napoleon Reforms
- Social
Abolished feudalism
Peasants were given land from the nobility and the church
- Economic
Established a new tax system
- Legal
Introduced the Napoleonic Code
Everyone equal before the law
Used to be Italy, then France
December, 1804
Napoleon abolishes the Republic
Declares himself Emperor
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- Military
Created military schools
- Religious
1801, makes treaty with the Pope
Roman Catholicism to be the national religion

c. The napoleon wars

i. The Third Coalition, 1805
- 1806, Britain, Russia, Sweden, the German states, and Austria join
together to attack France
- Napoleon defeats Austria, Russia and Prussia

ii. The continental System, 1806-1812
- 1806, Britain destroys the French and Spanish navy at the Battle of
- Napoleon forbade all European nations from trading with Britain
- Was a failure

iii. The Peninsular Wars, 1808
- Napoleon invades Portugal
- Portugal was continuing to trade with Britain
- Britain came to the aid of Portugal and Spain
- 1814, Napoleon defeated

iv. The Russian Campaign, 1812
- Napoleon invades Russia
- Russia refused to submit to French authority
- Total disaster
- Many French soldiers died of starvation and cold

v. Battle of Nations, 1813
- Napoleon defeated by a coalition formed by Russia, Austria, Britain and
- Captured Paris
- Exiled Napoleon to the island of Elba

vi. Battle of Waterloo, 1815
Mr. Haack celebrates the Battle of Austerlitz
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- Napoleon escaped from Elba
- Returned to power
- Created a new army
- Defeated at Waterloo by a combined Anglo-Prussian army
- Exiled to St. Helena
- Died in 1821

5. Legacy of the French Revolution

a. For France
- Absolute rule came to an end
- Liberalism
Belief that all people were free and equal
Freedom of speech, press and religion
- Nationalism
Belief that peoples loyalty is to the state not to the ruler
France became extremely nationalistic

b. For Europe

i. Spread of liberalism and nationalism
- Napoleon gave people under his rule equality and freedom
- Problem:
Did not give him self-government
Rose up against him

ii. Restoring order
- Congress of Vienna, 1814
- Aimed to
Stop the spread to liberalism and nationalism
Prevent the expansion France
- Method:
Restore absolute rulers
Keep France weak
Restore the power of Austria
Put most of the Italian states under foreign powers

iii. Revolutions in 19
Century Europe
Last until 1914 (WWI)
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- Liberalism and nationalism deeply rooted in Europe
- 1820s, most revolutions suppressed
- 1830s, Belgium and France had successful revolutions
- 1848, Europe exploded into revolution

iv. Unification movements
- 1870, Italy becomes a unified country
- 1871, Germany becomes a unified country

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