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I need to write about an artist or culture using information and pictures shown to
I need to try out ideas.
I need to be able to explore materials and ways of working (for example using oil
pastels instead of colour pencils)
I need to be able to draw an object from a picture given to me.
I need to be able to draw an object from real life given to me.
You need to make drawings from real objects and collect images of things you have
found yourself.
You need to write about an artist or culture using your own words and pictures
that you have found yourself.
I need try out ideas and designs for my artwork.
I need to experiment with different materials and ways of working to combine
different textures or tones in my artwork.
I need to be able to select images and information to use in my artwork to
communicate ideas.
I need to make detailed drawings of real objects and from images I have found
myself and chosen for a reason.
I need to write about an artist or culture in detail in my own words with pictures I
have found and drawn myself.
I need to explore different ideas and designs for my artwork including my
knowledge of different materials and what effects they can achieve.
I need to be able to select different images and information to make my artwork
communicate my ideas and serve the purpose I want it to.
I need to write about an artist or culture in detail in my own words with pictures
I have found and drawn myself, presented in an attractive way
I need to explore ideas and assess images and information to decide which is the
most useful to making my artwork.
I need to be able to use my knowledge and understanding of materials and images
to communicate my ideas to a particular audience.
I need to be able to draw with good detail, including tone and looking carefully at
proportions from real objects and images I have found and chosen myself,
presented in an attractive way.
Creative Thinkers

I need treat all Art equipment provided for me with respect.
I need to treat my art teacher and my classmates with respect.
I need to bring appropriate equipment to all Art lessons.
I need to write down and complete all homework tasks in my planner.
I need to listen to instructions and take advice on how to get to the next level.
I need to be able to answer questions about my work.
I need to be able to take advice on how change my work to make it better.
I need to treat all Art equipment provided for me with respect and care.
I need to treat my art teacher and my classmates with respect.
I need to bring appropriate equipment to every Art lesson.
I need to write down and complete all homework tasks in my planner.
I need to decide how I can reach the level I want to get to and work hard to achieve
I need to be able to talk about and write simply about my work.
I need to be able to take and give advice on how to make my own and others work
I need to treat all Art equipment provided for me with respect and care and take
responsibility in class to distribute and collect those materials.
I treat my art teacher and classmates with respect.
You bring appropriate equipment to all Art lessons.
You write down and complete all homework tasks in your planner.
I need to choose a high but achievable level to aim for and plan how I can reach it.
I need to be able to talk and write about why I or others have done something in
my/others work.
I need to know how to change my work to make it look or work better.
I need to treat all Art equipment provided for me with respect and care and take
responsibility in class to distribute and collect those materials.
I bring appropriate equipment to all Art lessons.
I treat my art teacher and classmates with respect.
I write down and complete all homework tasks in my planner.
I can choose a high but achievable level to aim for and plan how I can reach it.
I need to spend extra time and effort to achieve my target level by completing extra
work or taking part in lunch/after school activities.
I need to be able to talk and write in detail about why I or others have done
something in my/others work.
I need to be able to explain why I have done my work and what meaning it has.
Effective Participants

Effective Participants

I need to allow all students in my class to learn.
I need to be able to share materials and space with my classmates with respect.
I need to be able to give and take advice on my own and others work.
I need to be able to try my best in each task.
I need to be able to take advice from my teacher and fellow classmates.
I need to follow the art room rules.
I need to support a calm working atmosphere for all the class.
I need to be able to share and help my classmates with materials and ways of
I need to be able to give and receive constructive criticism within my class.
I need to be able to give every task my best effort even if I dont feel
I need to be able to give and take advice on how to improve my own and others
I need to follow the art room rules and not support anyone who will not follow
those rules.
I need to encourage a positive and creative atmosphere in class.
I need to be able to share my knowledge and understanding with my classmates
if they need a bit of help.
I need to have confidence in my abilities and do each task as well as I am able.
I need to be able to share my skills and abilities with my fellow classmates with
I need to model a calm, productive and creative attitude in class.
I need to make the effort to help other classmates improve their skills and
raise their confidence.
I need to actively share my skills and ideas with my fellow classmates and
encourage other students to try their best.
I need to help organise and encourage students around me that need my help.

I need to collect materials I need for my artwork from resources available to me.
I need to finish all work set in the project to the best of my ability.
I need to complete homework tasks.
I need to decide what material to use to get the effect I would like in my work.
I need to give all tasks a good try on my own before I ask for help.

I need to complete all work set in the project to the best of my ability using my
own ideas.
I need to collect several different images that I can use for my artwork from
different places and in different forms.
I need to complete all homework tasks on time.
I need to be able to look at my own work and see what I need to do to make it
look better and try it.
I need to complete all work set in the project to the best of my ability using my
own ideas and taking advice on how to improve my work.
I need to complete all homework tasks on time and present them with care.
I need to be able to understand and remember what different materials can do
and use them to create the effects I want.
I need to be able to review and ask advice on my work and refine it to make it
look or work better.
I need to spend extra time and effort to work on extension tasks given to me.
I need to complete all work set in a project using my own ideas and working out
my own ways to improve my work.
I need to complete all homework tasks on time and present them in an
attractive way.
I need to use all my knowledge and understanding to produce individual work
based on my own ideas and experiments.
I need to be able to constantly review and refine my skills and artwork.
I need to spend extra time and effort developing my own work as an extension to
the work in class.

I need to be able to answer questions about my work.
I need to be able to talk about what I have done.
I need to be able to talk about ways to make my work better
I need to work to the best of my ability.
I need to listen to advice on how to improve my skills and raise my confidence.
I need to be able to answer questions about my own and other peoples work.
I need to be willing to take part in discussions about my own and class work.
I need to be able to talk about ways to make my own and others work better.
I need to be able to take advice on how to make my work look better.
I need to work with care and to the best of ability.
I need to listen and act on advice on how to improve my skills and the quality of
my work.
I need to set myself achievable targets to reach my next level.
I need to be able to ask and answer questions about my own and others artwork.
I need to be able to talk/write about why I or others have done something in
my/their artwork.
I need to know how to make my work look better.
I need to challenge myself to improve the quality of each new piece of work.
I need to work out what I need to do to improve my skills and raise my confidence
in my abilities.
I need to be able to set myself high but achievable targets.
I need to be able to talk/write about why I or others have done something in
their work
I need to know how to change my work to make it look better and do it.
I need to be able to explain why I have done the work I have and what meaning
it has.
I need to use all my skills, knowledge and understanding of ideas and materials to
produce my best work.
I need to set myself high but achievable targets and plan how I will reach them.
I need to be willing to take risks and fail in order to learn something new.

I need to be able to spot similarities and differences between my work and
someone elses.
I need to be able to try out different designs and ideas for my artwork.
I need to be able to experiment with different materials.
I need to be able to compare the ideas, methods and styles between my own work
and that of my peers, artists and my teacher.
I need to be able to describe how a piece of artwork has been made
I need to be able to change my work to make it better.
I need to be able to explore different ideas, designs and layouts for my artwork.
I need to be able to use my knowledge and understanding of different materials
to pass on my ideas and feelings in my artwork.
I need to make sure I feel confident I can use the materials I need well.
I need to be able to look more closely at the ideas, methods and approaches used
in my work and the work of artists and peers, presenting it in my own words.
I need to be able to use the information I collect to develop and improve my work
taking into account how and why I am doing it.
I need to be able to explore and develop my own work using my own ideas
I need to be able to use the information I collect to make images and artefacts
(objects) for different purposes, bringing together different visual and tactile
(smooth/rough/textured surfaces) qualities to suit why I am making it.
I need to be able to explore my own ideas and assess images and other
information to decide what is most useful to me.
I need to be able to include images and artefacts from different times and
I need to be able to use the information I have collected to develop ideas taking
into account of its purpose and who it is for.
I need to be able to control with confidence, different materials and analyse
(study) the outcomes to suit your purpose (how and why you are making your
I need to be able to plan in detail how and why I am making my artwork including
notes in my own words and my own drawings.
I need to be able to extend my understanding of materials and processes and
explain visual and tactile qualities.

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