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Coordinates: 37.33182N 122.

Apple Inc.
Apple Campus (1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California!
Type "u#li$
Traded as
NA%&A': AA"L
NA%&A'(100 $omponent
%)" *00 $omponent
Computer +ard,are
Computer soft,are
Consumer ele$troni$s
&i-ital distri#ution
Founded April 1 1.7/ Cupertino California
%te0e 1o#s
%te0e Wo2nia3
4onald Wa5ne
Headquarters Apple Campus 1 Infinite LoopCupertino
California 6.%.
Number of
70/ retail stores (8a5 2013!
Area served World,ide
Key people
Art+ur &. Le0inson (C+airman!
;im Coo3 (C<=!
i"ad 8ini
Apple ;>
=% ?
Apple %tore
Apple %tore online
8a$ App %tore
i=% App %tore
i;unes %tore
!evenue 6%A 170..10 #illion (2013!
6%A 78.... #illion (2013!
Net income 6%A 37.037 #illion (2013!
Total assets 6%A 207.000 #illion (2013!
Total equity 6%A 123.*7. #illion (2013!
$mployees 80000 (2013!
Bile8a3er In$.
@rae#urn Capital
%ebsite apple.$om
Apple Inc. is an Ameri$an multinational $orporation +eadCuartered in Cupertino California
t+at desi-ns de0elops and sells$onsumer ele$troni$s $omputer soft,are and personal
$omputers. Its #est(3no,n +ard,are produ$ts are t+e 8a$ line of $omputers t+e i"od media
pla5er t+e i"+one smartp+one and t+e i"ad ta#let $omputer. Its $onsumer soft,are
in$ludes t+e=% ? and i=% operatin- s5stems t+e i;unes media #ro,ser t+e %afari ,e#
#ro,ser and t+e iLife and iWor3 $reati0it5 and produ$ti0it5 suites.
Apple ,as founded #5 %te0e 1o#s %te0e Wo2nia3 and 4onald Wa5ne on April 1 1.7/ to
de0elop and sell personal $omputers. It ,as in$orporated as Apple &omputer' Inc. on
1anuar5 3 1.77 and ,as renamed as Apple In$. on 1anuar5 . 2007 to refle$t its s+ifted
fo$us to,ards $onsumer ele$troni$s.
Apple is t+e ,orldDs se$ond(lar-est information te$+nolo-5 $ompan5 #5 re0enue
after %amsun- <le$troni$s and t+e ,orldDs t+ird(lar-est mo#ile p+one
ma3er after %amsun- and No3ia.
Fortune ma-a2ine named Apple t+e most admired
$ompan5 in t+e 6nited %tates in 2008 and in t+e ,orld from 2008 to 2012.
%eptem#er 30 2013 Apple surpassed Co$a(Colato #e$ome t+e ,orldDs most 0alua#le #rand
in t+e =mni$om EroupDs F@est Elo#al @randsF report.
Go,e0er t+e $ompan5 +as
re$ei0ed $riti$ism for its $ontra$torsD la#or pra$ti$es as ,ell as for its o,n en0ironmental and
#usiness pra$ti$es.
As of 8a5 2013 Apple maintains 708 retail stores in fourteen $ountries
as ,ell as t+e
online Apple %tore and i;unes %tore
t+e latter of ,+i$+ is t+e ,orldDs lar-est musi$
Apple is t+e lar-est pu#li$l5 traded $orporation in t+e ,orld #5 mar3et
$apitali2ation ,it+ an estimated mar3et $apitali2ation of A77/ #illion #5 1anuar5 2017.
of %eptem#er 2. 2012 t+e $ompan5 +ad 72800 permanent full(time emplo5ees and 3300
temporar5 full(time emplo5ees ,orld,ide. Its ,orld,ide annual re0enue in 2013 totalled
A170 #illion.
As of '1 2017 AppleDs fi0e(5ear -ro,t+ a0era-e is 3.H for top line-ro,t+
and 7*H for #ottom line -ro,t+. In 8a5 2013 Apple entered t+e top ten of t+e Bortune
*00 list of $ompanies for t+e first time risin- 11 pla$es a#o0e its 2012 ran3in- to ta3e t+e
siIt+ position.
1 Gistor5
o 1.1 1.7/J80: Boundin- and in$orporation
o 1.2 1.81J8.: %u$$ess ,it+ 8a$intos+
o 1.3 1..0J..: &e$line and restru$turin-
o 1.7 2000J0/: 4eturn to profita#ilit5
o 1.* 2007J10: %u$$ess ,it+ mo#ile de0i$es
o 1./ 2011J12: %te0e 1o#sDs deat+
o 1.7 2013Jpresent: A$Cuisitions and eIpansion
2 "rodu$ts
o 2.1 8a$
o 2.2 i"ad
o 2.3 i"od
o 2.7 i"+one
o 2.* Apple ;>
o 2./ %oft,are
3 Corporate identit5
o 3.1 Lo-o
o 3.2 Ad0ertisin-
o 3.3 @rand lo5alt5
7 Corporate affairs
o 7.1 GeadCuarters
o 7.2 Corporate $ulture
o 7.3 Liti-ation
o 7.7 Binan$e
o 7.* <n0ironmental re$ord
7.*.1 Climate $+an-e and $lean ener-5
7.*.2 ;oIi$s
o 7./ La#or pra$ti$es
o 7.7 ;aI pra$ti$es
o 7.8 C+arita#le $auses
* %ee also
/ 4eferen$es
7 Burt+er readin-
8 <Iternal lin3s
Main article: History of Apple Inc.
()*+,-./ Foundin# and incorporation
;+e Apple I AppleDs first produ$t ,as sold as an assem#led $ir$uit #oard and la$3ed #asi$ features su$+ as
a 3e5#oard monitor and $ase. ;+e o,ner of t+is unit added a 3e5#oard and a ,ooden $ase.
Apple ,as esta#lis+ed on April 1 1.7/ #5 %te0e 1o#s %te0e Wo2nia3 and 4onald Wa5ne
to sell t+e Apple I personal $omputer 3it a $omputer sin-le +andedl5 desi-ned #5
Wo2nia3. ;+e 3its ,ere +and(#uilt #5 Wo2nia3
and first s+o,n to t+e pu#li$ at
t+e Gome#re, Computer Clu#.
;+e Apple I ,as sold as a mot+er#oard (,it+ C"6 4A8
and #asi$ teItual(0ideo $+ips! ,+i$+ is less t+an ,+at is toda5 $onsidered a $omplete
personal $omputer.
;+e Apple I ,ent on sale in 1ul5 1.7/ and ,as mar3et(pri$ed at
A///.// (A27/3 in 2017 dollars adKusted for inflation!.
Apple ,as in$orporated 1anuar5 3 1.77
,it+out Wa5ne ,+o sold +is s+are of t+e
$ompan5 #a$3 to 1o#s and Wo2nia3 for A800.
8ulti(millionaire 8i3e 8ar33ula pro0ided
essential #usiness eIpertise and fundin- of A2*0000 durin- t+e in$orporation of Apple.
&urin- t+e first fi0e 5ears of operations re0enues dou#led e0er5 four mont+s an a0era-e
-ro,t+ rate of 700H.
;+e Apple II also in0ented #5 Wo2nia3 ,as introdu$ed on April 1/ 1.77 at t+e first West
Coast Computer Baire. It differed from its maKor ri0als t+e ;4%(80 and Commodore "<;
due to its $+ara$ter $ell(#ased $olor -rap+i$s and an open ar$+ite$ture. W+ile earl5 models
used ordinar5 $assette tapes as stora-e de0i$es t+e5 ,ere superseded #5 t+e introdu$tion
of a * 1L7 in$+ flopp5 dis3 dri0e and interfa$e t+e&is3 II.
;+e Apple II ,as $+osen to #e t+e des3top platform for t+e first F3iller appF of t+e #usiness
,orld >isiCal$ a spreads+eet pro-ram.
>isiCal$ $reated a #usiness mar3et for t+e Apple II
and -a0e +ome users $ompati#ilit5 ,it+ t+e offi$e an additional reason to #u5 an Apple II.
Apple ,as a distant t+ird pla$e toCommodore and ;and5 until >isiCal$ $ame alon-.
@5 t+e end of t+e 1.70s Apple +ad a staff of $omputer desi-ners and a produ$tion line. ;+e
$ompan5 introdu$ed t+e Apple III in 8a5 1.80 in an attempt to $ompete
,it+ I@8 and8i$rosoft in t+e #usiness and $orporate $omputin- mar3et.
1o#s and se0eral Apple emplo5ees in$ludin- 1ef 4as3in 0isited ?eroI "A4C in &e$em#er
1.7. to see t+e ?eroI Alto. ?eroI -ranted Apple en-ineers t+ree da5s of a$$ess to t+e
"A4C fa$ilities in return for t+e option to #u5 100000 s+ares (800000 split(adKusted s+ares!
of Apple at t+e pre(I"= pri$e of A10 a s+are.
1o#s ,as immediatel5 $on0in$ed t+at all
future $omputers ,ould use a -rap+i$al user interfa$e (E6I! and de0elopment of a E6I
#e-an for t+e Apple Lisa.
=n &e$em#er 12 1.80 Apple ,ent pu#li$ at A22 per s+are
-eneratin- more $apital t+an
an5 I"= sin$e Bord 8otor Compan5 in 1.*/ and instantl5 $reatin- more millionaires (a#out
300! t+an an5 $ompan5 in +istor5.
()-(,-)/ uccess 0it1 2acintos1
See also: Timeline of Macintosh models
AppleDs F1.87F tele0ision ad set in ad5stopian future modeled after t+eEeor-e =r,ell no0el Nineteen
Eighty-Four set t+e tone for t+e introdu$tion of t+e 8a$intos+.
Apple #e-an ,or3in- on t+e Apple Lisa in 1.78. In 1.82 1o#s ,as pus+ed from t+e Lisa
team due to infi-+tin-. 1o#s too3 o0er 1ef 4as3inDs lo,($ost($omputer proKe$t t+e 8a$intos+.
A ra$e #ro3e out #et,een t+e Lisa team and t+e 8a$intos+ team o0er ,+i$+ produ$t ,ould
s+ip first. Lisa ,on t+e ra$e in 1.83 and #e$ame t+e first personal $omputer sold to t+e
pu#li$ ,it+ a E6I #ut ,as a $ommer$ial failure due to its +i-+ pri$e ta- and limited soft,are
;+e first 8a$intos+ released in 1.87
In 1.87 Apple neIt laun$+ed t+e 8a$intos+. Its de#ut ,as announ$ed #5 t+e no, famous
A1.* milliontele0ision $ommer$ial F1.87F. It ,as dire$ted #5 4idle5 %$ott and ,as aired
durin- t+e t+ird Cuarter of%uper @o,l ?>III on 1anuar5 22 1.87.
It is no, +ailed as a
,aters+ed e0ent for AppleDs su$$ess
and a Fmasterpie$eF.
;+e 8a$intos+ initiall5 sold ,ell #ut follo,(up sales ,ere not stron-
due to its +i-+ pri$e
and limited ran-e of soft,are titles. ;+e 8a$intos+ ,as t+e first personal $omputer to #e sold
,it+out apro-rammin- lan-ua-e at all.
;+e ma$+ineDs fortunes $+an-ed ,it+ t+e introdu$tion of t+e LaserWriter t+e
first "ost%$ript laser printer to #e sold at a reasona#le pri$e and "a-e8a3er an
earl5 des3top pu#lis+in- pa$3a-e. It +as #een su--ested t+at t+e $om#ination of t+ese t+ree
produ$ts ,as responsi#le for t+e $reation of t+e des3top pu#lis+in- mar3et.
;+e 8a$ ,as
parti$ularl5 po,erful in t+e des3top pu#lis+in- mar3et due to its ad0an$ed -rap+i$s
$apa#ilities ,+i$+ +ad ne$essaril5 #een #uilt in to $reate t+e intuiti0e 8a$intos+ E6I.
In 1.8* a po,er stru--le de0eloped #et,een 1o#s and C<= 1o+n %$ulle5 ,+o +ad #een
+ired t,o 5ears earlier.
;+e Apple #oard of dire$tors instru$ted %$ulle5 to F$ontainF 1o#s
and limit +is a#ilit5 to laun$+ eIpensi0e fora5s into untested produ$ts. 4at+er t+an su#mit to
%$ulle5Ds dire$tion 1o#s attempted to oust +im from +is leaders+ip role at Apple. %$ulle5
found out t+at 1o#s +ad #een attemptin- to or-ani2e a $oup and $alled a #oard meetin- at
,+i$+ AppleDs #oard of dire$tors sided ,it+ %$ulle5 and remo0ed 1o#s from +is mana-erial
1o#s resi-ned from Apple and founded Ne?; In$. t+e same 5ear.
;+e 8a$intos+ "orta#le ,as AppleDs first Fporta#leF 8a$intos+ $omputer released in 1.8..
;+e 8a$intos+ "orta#le ,as introdu$ed in 1.8. and ,as desi-ned to #e Kust as po,erful as
a des3top 8a$intos+ #ut ,ei-+ed a #ul35 7.* 3ilo-rams (17 l#! ,it+ a 12(+our #atter5 life.
After t+e 8a$intos+ "orta#le Apple introdu$ed t+e "o,er@oo3 in 1..1. ;+e same 5ear
Apple introdu$ed %5stem 7 a maKor up-rade to t+e operatin- s5stem ,+i$+ added $olor to
t+e interfa$e and introdu$ed ne, net,or3in- $apa#ilities. It remained t+e ar$+ite$tural #asis
for 8a$ =% until 2001.
;+e su$$ess of t+e "o,er@oo3 and ot+er produ$ts #rou-+t in$reasin- re0enue.
Bor some
time Apple ,as doin- in$redi#l5 ,ell introdu$in- fres+ ne, produ$ts and -eneratin-
in$reasin- profits in t+e pro$ess. ;+e ma-a2ine MacAddict named t+e period #et,een 1.8.
and 1..1 as t+e Ffirst -olden a-eF of t+e 8a$intos+.
Bollo,in- t+e su$$ess of t+e 8a$intos+ LC Apple introdu$ed t+e Centris line a lo,(
end 'uadra and t+e ill(fated "erforma line t+at ,as sold ,it+ an o0er,+elmin- num#er of
$onfi-urations and soft,are #undles to a0oid $ompetin- ,it+ t+e 0arious $onsumer outlets
su$+ as%ears "ri$e Clu# and Wal(8art (t+e primar5 dealers for t+ese models!. Consumers
ended up $onfused and did not understand t+e differen$e #et,een models.
()).,))/ 3ecline and restructurin#
See also: Timeline of Apple II family
&urin- t+is time Apple eIperimented ,it+ a num#er of ot+er failed $onsumer tar-eted
produ$ts in$ludin- di-ital $ameras porta#le C& audio pla5ers spea3ers 0ideo $onsoles
and;> applian$es. <normous resour$es ,ere also in0ested in t+e pro#lem(pla-ued Ne,ton
di0ision #ased on 1o+n %$ulle5Ds unrealisti$ mar3et fore$asts.
9citation needed:
6ltimatel5 none of
t+ese produ$ts +elped as AppleDs mar3et s+are and sto$3 pri$es $ontinued to slide.
Apple sa, t+e Apple II series as too eIpensi0e to produ$e ,+ile ta3in- a,a5 sales from t+e
lo,(end 8a$intos+.
In 1..0 Apple released t+e 8a$intos+ LC ,it+ a sin-leeIpansion
slot for t+e Apple IIe Card to mi-rate Apple II users to t+e 8a$intos+ platform.
stopped sellin- t+e Apple IIe in 1..3.
8i$rosoft $ontinued to -ain mar3et s+are ,it+ Windo,s fo$usin- on deli0erin- soft,are to
$+eap $ommodit5 personal $omputers ,+ile Apple ,as deli0erin- a ri$+l5 en-ineered #ut
eIpensi0e eIperien$e.
Apple relied on +i-+ profit mar-ins and ne0er de0eloped a $lear
response. Instead t+e5 sued 8i$rosoft for usin- a -rap+i$al user interfa$e similar to
t+e Apple Lisa in Apple omputer! Inc. ". Microsoft orporation.
;+e la,suit dra--ed on
for 5ears #efore it ,as finall5 dismissed. At t+e same time a series of maKor produ$t flops
and missed deadlines sullied AppleDs reputation and %$ulle5 ,as repla$ed as C<=
#5 8i$+ael %pindler.
;+e Ne,ton ,as AppleDs first fora5 into t+e "&A mar3ets as ,ell as one of t+e first in t+e industr5. &espite
#ein- a finan$ial flop at t+e time of its release it +elped pa0e t+e ,a5 for t+e "alm "ilotand AppleDs
o,n i"+one and i"ad in t+e future.
@5 t+e earl5 1..0s Apple ,as de0elopin- alternati0e platforms to t+e 8a$intos+ su$+ as
t+e AL6?. Apple +ad also #e-un to eIperiment in pro0idin- a 8a$(onl5 online portal ,+i$+
t+e5 $alled eWorld de0eloped in $olla#oration ,it+ Ameri$a =nline and desi-ned as a 8a$(
friendl5 alternati0e to ot+er online ser0i$es su$+ as Compu%er0e. ;+e 8a$intos+ platform
,as itself #e$omin- outdated #e$ause it ,as not #uilt for multitas3in- and se0eral important
soft,are routines ,ere pro-rammed dire$tl5 into t+e +ard,are. In addition Apple ,as fa$in-
$ompetition from =%L2 and 6NI? 0endors su$+ as %un 8i$ros5stems. ;+e 8a$intos+ ,ould
need to #e repla$ed #5 a ne, platform or re,or3ed to run on more po,erful +ard,are.
In 1..7 Apple allied ,it+ I@8 and 8otorola in t+e AI8 allian$e. ;+e -oal ,as to $reate a
ne, $omputin- platform (t+e "o,er"C 4eferen$e "latform! ,+i$+ ,ould use I@8 and
8otorola +ard,are $oupled ,it+ AppleDs soft,are. ;+e AI8 allian$e +oped t+at "4e"Ds
performan$e and AppleDs soft,are ,ould lea0e t+e "C far #e+ind t+us $ounterin- 8i$rosoft.
;+e same 5ear Apple introdu$ed t+e "o,er 8a$intos+ t+e first of man5 Apple $omputers to
use 8otorolaDs "o,er"C pro$essor.
In 1../ 8i$+ael %pindler ,as repla$ed #5 Eil Amelio as C<=. Eil Amelio made man5
$+an-es at Apple in$ludin- eItensi0e la5offs.
After numerous failed attempts to impro0e
8a$ =% first ,it+ t+e ;ali-ent proKe$t t+en later ,it+ Copland and Eers+,in Amelio $+ose
to pur$+ase Ne?; and its Ne?;%;<" operatin- s5stem #rin-in- %te0e 1o#s #a$3 to Apple
as an ad0isor.
=n 1ul5 . 1..7 Amelio ,as ousted #5 t+e #oard of dire$tors after
o0erseein- a t+ree(5ear re$ord(lo, sto$3 pri$e and $ripplin- finan$ial losses. 1o#s a$ted as
t+e interim C<= and #e-an restru$turin- t+e $ompan5Ds produ$t lineM it ,as durin- t+is
period t+at 1o#s identified 1onat+an I0eDs desi-n talent and t+e pair ,or3ed $olla#orati0el5 to
re#uild AppleDs status.
At t+e 1..7 8a$,orld <Ipo 1o#s announ$ed t+at Apple ,ould Koin 8i$rosoft to release ne,
0ersions of 8i$rosoft =ffi$e for t+e 8a$intos+ and t+at 8i$rosoft +ad made a A1*0 million
in0estment in non(0otin- Apple sto$3.
=n No0em#er 10 1..7 Apple introdu$ed t+e Apple
=nline %tore tied to a ne, #uild(to(order manufa$turin- strate-5.
=n Au-ust 1* 1..8 Apple introdu$ed a ne, all(in(one $omputer reminis$ent of
t+e 8a$intos+ 128N: t+e i8a$. ;+e i8a$ desi-n team ,as led #5 I0e ,+o ,ould later desi-n
t+ei"od and t+e i"+one.
;+e i8a$ featured modern te$+nolo-5 and a uniCue desi-n
and sold almost 800000 units in its first fi0e mont+s.
;+rou-+ t+is period Apple pur$+ased se0eral $ompanies to $reate a portfolio of professional
and $onsumer(oriented di-ital produ$tion soft,are. In 1..8 Apple announ$ed t+e pur$+ase
of 8a$romediaDs Binal Cut soft,are si-nalin- its eIpansion into t+e di-ital 0ideo editin-
;+e follo,in- 5ear Apple released t,o 0ideo editin- produ$ts: i8o0iefor
$onsumers and for professionals Binal Cut "ro ,+i$+ +as -one on to #e a si-nifi$ant 0ideo(
editin- pro-ram ,it+ 800000 re-istered users in earl5 2007.
In 2002 Apple
pur$+ased Not+in- 4eal for t+eir ad0an$ed di-ital $ompositin- appli$ation %+a3e
as ,ell
as <ma-i$ for t+eir musi$ produ$ti0it5 appli$ation Lo-i$ ,+i$+ led to t+e de0elopment of
t+eir $onsumer(le0el Eara-e@and appli$ation.
i"+otoDs release t+e same 5ear $ompleted
t+e iLife suite.
4...,.+/ !eturn to profitability
Main article: Apple#s transition to Intel processors
Apple retail stores allo, potential $ustomers to use floor models ,it+out ma3in- a pur$+ase.
(Apple %tore Nort+ 8i$+i-an A0enue C+i$a-o Illinois in 200*!
8a$ =% ? #ased on Ne?;Ds ="<N%;<" and @%& 6niI ,as released on 8ar$+ 27 2001
after se0eral 5ears of de0elopment. Aimed at $onsumers and professionals ali3e 8a$ =% ?
aimed to $om#ine t+e sta#ilit5 relia#ilit5 and se$urit5 of 6niI ,it+ t+e ease of use afforded #5
an o0er+auled user interfa$e. ;o aid users in mi-ratin- from 8a$ =% . t+e ne, operatin-
s5stem allo,ed t+e use of =% . appli$ations ,it+in 8a$ =% ? as t+e Classi$ en0ironment
,+i$+ meant t+at users ,ere a#le to $ontinue runnin- t+eir old appli$ations.
=n 8a5 1. 2001 Apple opened t+e first offi$ial Apple 4etail %tores in >ir-inia and
=n 1ul5 . t+e5 #ou-+t %pru$e ;e$+nolo-ies a &>& aut+orin- $ompan5. =n
=$to#er 23 of t+e same 5ear Apple announ$ed t+e i"od porta#le di-ital audio pla5er and
started sellin- it on No0em#er 10. ;+e produ$t ,as p+enomenall5 su$$essful O o0er 100
million units ,ere sold ,it+in siI 5ears.
In 2003 AppleDs i;unes %tore ,as introdu$ed
offerin- online musi$ do,nloads for A0... a son- and inte-ration ,it+ t+e i"od. ;+e ser0i$e
Cui$3l5 #e$ame t+e mar3et leader in online musi$ ser0i$es ,it+ o0er * #illion do,nloads #5
1une 1. 2008.
%in$e 2001 AppleDs desi-n team +as pro-ressi0el5 a#andoned t+e use of translu$ent
$olored plasti$s first used in t+e i8a$ E3. ;+is #e-an ,it+ t+e "o,er@oo3 made
,it+ titanium and ,as follo,ed #5 t+e i@oo3Ds ,+ite pol5$ar#onate stru$ture and t+e flat(
;+e 8a$@oo3 "ro AppleDs first laptop ,it+ an Intel mi$ropro$essor announ$ed in 1anuar5 200/.
At t+e World,ide &e0elopers Conferen$e 3e5note address on 1une / 200* 1o#s
announ$ed t+at Apple ,ould #e-in produ$in- Intel(#ased 8a$ $omputers in 200/.
1anuar5 10 200/ t+e ne, 8a$@oo3 "ro and i8a$ #e$ame t+e first Apple $omputers to use
IntelDsCore &uo C"6. @5 Au-ust 7 200/ Apple made t+e transition to Intel $+ips for t+e
entire 8a$ produ$t lineOo0er one 5ear sooner t+an announ$ed.
;+e "o,er 8a$ i@oo3
and "o,er@oo3 #rands ,ere retired durin- t+e transitionM t+e 8a$ "ro 8a$@oo3 and
8a$@oo3 "ro #e$ame t+eir respe$ti0e su$$essors.
=n April 2. 200. The $all Street
%ournal reported t+at Apple ,as #uildin- its o,n team of en-ineers to desi-n mi$ro$+ips.
Apple also introdu$ed @oot Camp in 200/ to +elp users install Windo,s ?" or Windo,s
>ista on t+eir Intel 8a$s alon-side 8a$ =% ?.
AppleDs su$$ess durin- t+is period ,as e0ident in its sto$3 pri$e. @et,een earl5 2003 and
200/ t+e pri$e of AppleDs sto$3 in$reased more t+an tenfold from around A/ per s+are (split(
adKusted! to o0er A80. In 1anuar5 200/ AppleDs mar3et $ap surpassed t+at of &ell.
5ears prior &ellDs C<= 8i$+ael &ell said t+at if +e ran Apple +e ,ould Fs+ut it do,n and -i0e
t+e mone5 #a$3 to t+e s+are+olders.F
Alt+ou-+ AppleDs mar3et s+are in $omputers +ad
-ro,n it remained far #e+ind $ompetitors usin- 8i$rosoft Windo,s a$$ountin- for a#out 8H
of des3tops and laptops in t+e 6%.
9citation needed:
4..*,(./ uccess 0it1 mobile devices
Apple a$+ie0ed ,idespread su$$ess ,it+ its i"+one i"od ;ou$+ and i"ad produ$ts ,+i$+
introdu$ed inno0ations in mo#ile p+ones porta#le musi$ pla5ers and personal
$omputers respe$ti0el5. In addition t+e implementation of a store for t+e pur$+ase of
soft,are appli$ations represented a ne, #usiness model. ;ou$+ s$reens +ad #een in0ented
and seen in mo#ile de0i$es #efore #ut Apple ,as t+e first to a$+ie0e mass mar3et adoption
of su$+ a user interfa$e t+at in$luded parti$ular pre(pro-rammed tou$+ -estures.
&eli0erin- +is 3e5note spee$+ at t+e 8a$,orld <Ipo on 1anuar5 . 2007 1o#s announ$ed
t+at Apple Computer In$. ,ould from t+at point on #e 3no,n as Apple In$. #e$ause
$omputers ,ere no lon-er t+e main fo$us of t+e $ompan5 ,+i$+ +ad s+ifted its emp+asis to
mo#ile ele$troni$ de0i$es. ;+e e0ent also sa, t+e announ$ement of t+e i"+one and
t+e Apple ;>.
;+e follo,in- da5 Apple s+ares +it A.7.80 an all(time +i-+ at t+at
point. In 8a5 AppleDs s+are pri$e passed t+e A100 mar3.
In an arti$le posted on AppleDs ,e#site on Be#ruar5 / 2007 1o#s ,rote t+at Apple ,ould #e
,illin- to sell musi$ on t+e i;unes %tore ,it+out di-ital ri-+ts mana-ement (&48! t+ere#5
allo,in- tra$3s to #e pla5ed on t+ird(part5 pla5ers if re$ord la#els ,ould a-ree to drop t+e
=n April 2 2007 Apple and <8I Kointl5 announ$ed t+e remo0al of &48
te$+nolo-5 from <8IDs $atalo- in t+e i;unes %tore effe$ti0e in 8a5 2007.
=t+er re$ord
la#els e0entuall5 follo,ed suit and Apple pu#lis+ed a press release in 1anuar5 200. to
announ$e t+e $orrespondin- $+an-es to t+e i;unes %tore.
In 1ul5 2008 Apple laun$+ed t+e App %tore to sell t+ird(part5 appli$ations for
t+e i"+one and i"od ;ou$+.
Wit+in a mont+ t+e store sold /0 million appli$ations and
re-istered an a0era-e dail5 re0enue of A1 million ,it+ 1o#s spe$ulatin- in Au-ust 2008 t+at
t+e App %tore $ould #e$ome a #illion(dollar #usiness for Apple.
An =$to#er 2008
announ$ement #5 1o#s identified Apple as t+e t+ird(lar-est mo#ile +andset supplier in t+e
,orld due to t+e popularit5 of t+e i"+one.
=n &e$em#er 1/ 2008 Apple announ$ed t+at 200. ,ould #e t+e last 5ear t+e $orporation
,ould #e attendin- t+e 8a$,orld <Ipo after more t+an 20 5ears of attendan$e. ;+e
announ$ement also eIplained t+at senior 0i$e president of World,ide "rodu$t
8ar3etin- "+ilip %$+iller ,ould deli0er t+e 200. 3e5note address in lieu of t+e eIpe$ted
1o#s. ;+e offi$ial press release eIplained t+at Apple ,as Fs$alin- #a$3F on trade s+o,s
-enerall5 ,it+ 8a$,orld ;o35o and Apple <Ipo in "aris Bran$e t,o ot+er e0ents t+at t+e
$orporation +ad $eased attendan$e at. ;+e enormous su$$ess of t+e Apple 4etail %tores
and ,e#site +ad rendered trade s+o,s into a minor promotional $+annel and ,as $ited as
t+e primar5 reason for t+e $+an-e.
=n 1anuar5 17 200. an internal memo from 1o#s announ$ed t+at +e ,ould #e ta3in- a siI(
mont+ medi$al lea0e of a#sen$e from Apple until t+e end of 1une 200. durin- ,+i$+ time +e
,ould fo$us on +is +ealt+. In t+e email 1o#s also stated t+at +e reali2ed Ft+e $uriosit5 o0er
m5 personal +ealt+ $ontinues to #e a distra$tion not onl5 for me and m5 famil5 #ut e0er5one
else at Apple as ,ellF furt+er eIplainin- t+at t+e #rea3 ,ould allo, t+e $ompan5 Fto fo$us on
deli0erin- eItraordinar5 produ$ts.F
&espite 1o#sDs a#sen$e Apple re$orded its #est non(
+olida5 Cuarter ('1 BP 200.! durin- t+e re$ession ,it+ a re0enue of A8.1/ #illion and a profit
of A1.21 #illion.
Wi3ine,s +as related
Apple unveils
iPhone 4, iOS 4 at
Worldwide Developers
Conference 2010
Apple to give
free cases, refunds to
iPhone 4 owners
Apple unveils
new iPods, Apple !"
updates iOS, iunes
Apple unveils
new #ac$oo% Air
laptops, i&ife '11
software suite
After 5ears of spe$ulation and multiple rumored Flea3sF Apple announ$ed a lar-e s$reen
ta#let(li3e media de0i$e 3no,n as t+e i"ad on 1anuar5 27 2010. ;+e i"ad runs t+e same
tou$+ #ased operatin- s5stem t+at t+e i"+one uses and man5 of t+e same i"+one apps are
$ompati#le ,it+ t+e i"ad. ;+is -a0e t+e i"ad a lar-e app $atalo- on laun$+ e0en ,it+ 0er5
little de0elopment time #efore t+e release. Later t+at 5ear on April 3 2010 t+e i"ad ,as
laun$+ed in t+e 6% and sold more t+an 300000 units on t+at da5 rea$+in- *00000 #5 t+e
end of t+e first ,ee3.
In 8a5 of t+e same 5ear AppleDs mar3et $ap eI$eeded t+at of
$ompetitor 8i$rosoft for t+e first time sin$e 1.8..
Apple released t+e i"+one 7 ,+i$+ introdu$ed 0ideo $allin- multitas3in- and a
ne, uninsulated stainless steel desi-n ,+i$+ a$ts as t+e p+oneDs antenna. @e$ause of t+is
antenna implementation some i"+one 7 users reported a redu$tion in si-nal stren-t+ ,+en
t+e p+one is +eld in spe$ifi$ ,a5s. After a lar-e amount of media $o0era-e in$ludin-
mainstream ne,s or-ani2ations Apple +eld a press $onferen$e ,+ere t+e5 offered #u5ers a
free ru##er D#umperD $ase ,+i$+ +ad #een pro0en to eliminate t+e si-nal redu$tion issue.
Later t+at 5ear Apple a-ain refres+ed its i"od line of 8"3 pla5ers ,+i$+ introdu$ed a multi(
tou$+ i"od Nano i"od ;ou$+ ,it+ Ba$e;ime and i"od %+uffle,it+ #uttons ,+i$+ #rou-+t
#a$3 t+e #uttons of earlier -enerations.
In =$to#er 2010 Apple s+ares +it an all(time +i-+ e$lipsin- A300.
Additionall5 on
=$to#er 20 Apple updated t+eir 8a$@oo3 Air laptop iLife suite of appli$ations and
un0eiled 8a$ =% ? Lion t+e last 0ersion ,it+ t+e name Mac &S '.
=n 1anuar5 / 2011
t+e $ompan5 opened t+eir 8a$ App %tore a di-ital soft,are distri#ution platform similar to
t+e eIistin- i=% App %tore.
Apple ,as featured in t+e do$umentar5 Something
(entured ,+i$+ premiered in 2011.
4.((,(4/ teve 5obs6s deat1
Apple store in Pon3ers Ne, Por3
=n 1anuar5 17 2011 1o#s announ$ed in an internal Apple memo t+at +e ,ould ta3e
anot+er medi$al lea0e of a#sen$e for an indefinite period to allo, +im to fo$us on +is
+ealt+. C+ief operatin- offi$er ;im Coo3 assumed 1o#sDs da5(to(da5 operations at Apple
alt+ou-+ 1o#s ,ould still remain Fin0ol0ed in maKor strate-i$ de$isions for t+e
Apple #e$ame t+e most 0alua#le $onsumer(fa$in- #rand in t+e ,orld.
1une 2011 %te0e 1o#s surprisin-l5 too3 t+e sta-e and un0eiled iCloud an online stora-e
and s5n$in- ser0i$e for musi$ p+otos files and soft,are ,+i$+ repla$ed 8o#ile8e AppleDs
pre0ious attempt at $ontent s5n$in-.
;+is ,ould #e t+e last produ$t laun$+ 1o#s ,ould attend #efore +is deat+. It +as #een
ar-ued t+at Apple +as a$+ie0ed su$+ effi$ien$5 in its suppl5 $+ain
t+at t+e $ompan5
operates as a monopson5 (one #u5er man5 sellers! in t+at it $an di$tate terms to its
In 1ul5 2011 due to t+e Ameri$an de#t($eilin- $risis AppleDs finan$ial
reser0es ,ere #riefl5 lar-er t+an t+ose of t+e 6.%. Eo0ernment.
=n Au-ust 27 2011 1o#s resi-ned +is position as C<= of Apple.
Ge ,as repla$ed #5
;im Coo3 and 1o#s #e$ame AppleDs $+airman. "rior to t+is Apple did not +a0e a $+airman
and instead +ad t,o $o(lead dire$tors Andrea 1un- and Art+ur &. Le0inson ,+o $ontinued
,it+ t+ose titles until Le0inson #e$ame C+airman of t+e @oard in No0em#er.
=n =$to#er 7 2011 Apple announ$ed t+e i"+one 7% ,+i$+ in$luded an impro0ed $amera
,it+ 1080p 0ideo re$ordin- a dual $ore A* $+ip $apa#le of 7 times faster -rap+i$s t+an t+e
A7 an Fintelli-ent soft,are assistantF named %iri and $loud(sour$ed data ,it+ iCloud.
(;+e i"+one 7% ,as offi$iall5 released on =$to#er 17 2011.!
=n =$to#er * 2011 Apple announ$ed t+at 1o#s +ad died mar3in- t+e end of an era for
Apple In$.
=n =$to#er 2. 2011 Apple pur$+ased C3 ;e$+nolo-ies a mappin- $ompan5 for A270
million #e$omin- t+e t+ird mappin- $ompan5 Apple +as pur$+ased.
=n 1anuar5 10
2012 Apple paid A*00 million to a$Cuire Ano#it an Israeli +ard,are $ompan5 t+at
de0eloped and supplies a proprietar5 memor5 si-nal pro$essin- te$+nolo-5 t+at impro0es
t+e performan$e of flas+(memor5 used in i"+ones and i"ads.
=n 1anuar5 1. 2012 AppleDs "+il %$+iller introdu$ed i@oo3s ;eIt#oo3s for i=% and i@oo3
Aut+or for 8a$ =% ? in Ne, Por3 Cit5.
;+is ,as t+e first maKor announ$ement #5 Apple
sin$e t+e passin- of %te0e 1o#s ,+o stated in +is #io-rap+5 t+at +e ,anted to rein0ent t+e
teIt#oo3 and edu$ation. ;+e t+ird(-eneration i"ad ,as announ$ed on 8ar$+ 7 2012. It
in$ludes a 4etina displa5 a ne, C"6 a fi0e me-apiIel $amera and 1080p 0ideo re$ordin-.
=n 1ul5 27 2012 durin- a $onferen$e $all ,it+ in0estors ;im Coo3 said t+at +e lo0ed India
#ut t+at Apple ,as -oin- to eIpe$t lar-er opportunities outside of India $itin- t+e reason as
t+e 30H sour$in- reCuirement from India.
=n Au-ust 20 2012 AppleDs risin- sto$3 rose t+e $ompan5Ds 0alue to a ,orld(re$ord A/27
#illion. ;+is #eat t+e non(inflation(adKusted re$ord for mar3et $apitali2ation set #58i$rosoft in
=n Au-ust 27 2012 a 6% Kur5 ruled t+at %amsun- s+ould pa5 Apple A1.0* #illion
(Q//*m! in dama-es in an intelle$tual propert5 la,suit. %amsun- said t+e5 ,ill appeal t+e
$ourt rulin-.
%amsun- su#seCuentl5 pre0ailed on its motion to 0a$ate t+is dama-es
a,ard ,+i$+ t+e Court redu$ed #5 A7*0 million.
;+e Court furt+er -ranted %amsun-Ds
reCuest for a ne, trial.
=n %eptem#er 12 2012 Apple un0eiled t+e i"+one * featurin- an enlar-ed s$reen more
po,erful pro$essors and runnin- i=% /. ;+e latter in$ludes a ne, mappin- appli$ation
(repla$in- Eoo-le 8aps! t+at +as attra$ted some $riti$ism.
It ,as made a0aila#le on
%eptem#er 21 2012 and #e$ame AppleDs #i--est i"+one laun$+ ,it+ o0er 2 million pre(
orders pus+in- #a$3 t+e deli0er5 date to late =$to#er.
=n =$to#er 23 2012 Apple un0eiled t+e i"ad 8ini ,+i$+ features a 7..(in$+ s$reen in
$ontrast to t+e i"adDs ..7(in$+ s$reen. Apple also released a t+ird(-eneration 13(
in$+8a$@oo3 "ro ,it+ a 4etina displa5M t+e fourt+(-eneration i"ad featurin- a faster
pro$essor and a Li-+tnin- do$3 $onne$torM
and ne, i8a$ and 8a$ 8ini$omputers.
After t+e laun$+ of AppleDs i"ad 8ini and fourt+ -eneration i"ad on No0em#er 3 2012
Apple announ$ed t+at t+e5 +ad sold 3 million i"ads in t+ree da5s of t+e laun$+ #ut it did not
mention t+e sales fi-ures of spe$ifi$ i"ad models.
=n No0em#er 10 2012 Apple $onfirmed a -lo#al settlement t+at ,ould dismiss all la,suits
#et,een Apple and G;C up to t+at date in fa0or of a ten(5ear li$ense a-reement for $urrent
and future patents #et,een t+e t,o $ompanies.
It is predi$ted t+at Apple ,ill ma3e A280
million a 5ear from t+is deal ,it+ G;C.
In &e$em#er 2012 in a ;> inter0ie, for N@CDs )oc* enter and also aired on
t+e Today mornin- s+o, Apple C<= ;im Coo3 said t+at in 2013 t+e $ompan5 ,ill produ$e
one of its eIistin- lines of 8a$ $omputers in t+e 6nited %tates.
In 1anuar5 2013 Coo3
stated t+at +e eIpe$ted C+ina to o0erta3e t+e 6% as AppleDs #i--est mar3et.
9citation needed:
4.(7,present/ Acquisitions and e8pansion
See also: +ist of mergers and ac,uisitions -y Apple
In 8ar$+ 2013 Apple announ$ed a patent for an au-mented realit5 (A4! s5stem t+at $an
identif5 o#Ke$ts in a li0e 0ideo stream and present information $orrespondin- to t+ese o#Ke$ts
t+rou-+ a $omputer(-enerated information la5er o0erlaid on top of t+e real(,orld ima-e.
At t+e World,ide &e0eloperDs Conferen$e on 1une 10 2013 Apple announ$ed t+e se0ent+
i=% operatin- s5stem alon-side =% ? 8a0eri$3s t+e tent+ 0ersion of 8a$ =% ? and a
ne, Internet radio ser0i$e $alled i;unes 4adio.
i=% 7 and =% ? 8a0eri$3s are #ot+
eIpe$ted to #e released durin- fall 2013
,+ile t+e i;unes 4adio %er0i$e ,+i$+ ,ill #e
inte-rated ,it+ AppleDs personal 0oi$e(assistant soft,are pro-ram %iri is s$+eduled for
release in t+e se$ond +alf of 2013. ;+e radio ser0i$e features more t+an 200 stations
a$$ordin- to $ompan5Ds statement.
=n 1ul5 2 2013 Apple announ$ed t+e re$ruitment of "aul &ene0e @el-ian "resident and
C<= of P0es %aint Laurent to AppleDs top ran3s. A spo3esperson for t+e $ompan5 stated
FWeDre t+rilled to ,el$ome "aul &ene0e to Apple. GeDll #e ,or3in- on spe$ial proKe$ts as a
0i$e president reportin- dire$tl5 to ;im Coo3.F
Alon-side Eoo-le 0i$e(president >int Cerf and A;); C<= 4andall %tep+enson Coo3
attended a $losed(door summit +eld #5 "resident =#ama on Au-ust 8 2013 in re-ard to
-o0ernment sur0eillan$e and t+e Internet in t+e ,a3e of t+e <d,ard %no,den N%A in$ident.
A report on Au-ust 22 2013 $onfirmed t+at Apple a$Cuired <m#ar3 In$. a small %ili$on
>alle5(#ased mappin- $ompan5. <m#ar3 #uilds free transit apps to +elp smartp+one users
na0i-ate pu#li$ transportation in 6.%. $ities su$+ as Ne, Por3 %an Bran$is$o and C+i$a-o.
Bollo,in- t+e $onfirmation of t+e a$Cuisition an Apple spo3esperson eIplained FApple #u5s
smaller te$+nolo-5 $ompanies from time to time and ,e -enerall5 do not dis$uss our
purpose or plans.F In No0em#er 2012 <m#ar3 $laimed t+at o0er *00000 people used its
An anon5mous Apple emplo5ee re0ealed to t+e .loom-erg media pu#li$ation t+at t+e
openin- of a ;o35o 1apan store is planned for 2017. ;+e $onstru$tion of t+e store ,ill #e
$ompleted in Be#ruar5 2017 #ut as of Au-ust 2. 2013 ;a3as+i ;a3e#a5as+i a ;o35o(
#ased spo3esman for Apple +as not made an5 $omment to t+e media. A 1apanese anal5st
+as stated FBor Apple t+e 1apanese mar3et is appealin- in terms of Cuantit5 and pri$e.
;+ere is room to eIpand ta#let sales and a possi#ilit5 t+e 1apanese mar3et eIpands if
AppleRs mo#ile $arrier partners in$rease.
=n =$to#er 1 2013 Apple India eIe$uti0es un0eiled a plan to eIpand furt+er into t+e Indian
mar3et follo,in- Coo3Ds a$3no,led-ment of t+e $ountr5 in 1ul5 2013 ,+en sales results
s+o,ed t+at i"+one sales in India -re, 700H durin- t+e se$ond Cuarter of 2013. In
attendan$e at t+e $onfidential meetin- ,ere 20 C<=s and senior eIe$uti0es from tele$om
and ele$troni$ retail $ompanies.
A mid(=$to#er 2013 announ$ement re0ealed t+at @ur#err5 eIe$uti0e An-ela A+rendts ,ill
$ommen$e as a senior 0i$e president at Apple in mid(2017. A+rendts o0ersa, @ur#err5Ds
di-ital strate-5 for almost ei-+t 5ears and durin- +er tenure sales in$reased to a#out
6%A3.2 #illion (2 #illion pounds! and s+ares -ained more t+an t+reefold.
In a $ompan5
,ide memo sent on t+e mornin- of =$to#er 1* 2013 Coo3 eIplained t+e de$ision to +ire
%+e 9A+rendts: s+ares our 0alues and our fo$us on inno0ation. %+e pla$es t+e same stron-
emp+asis as ,e do on t+e $ustomer eIperien$e. %+e $ares deepl5 a#out people and
em#ra$es our 0ie, t+at our most important resour$e and our soul is our people. %+e
#elie0es in enri$+in- t+e li0es of ot+ers and s+e is ,i$3ed smart.
=n No0em#er 27 2013 Apple In$. $onfirmed t+e pur$+ase of "rime%ense an Israeli 3&
sensin- $ompan5 #ased in ;el A0i0.
In t+e follo,in- mont+ Apple In$. pur$+ased so$ial
anal5ti$s firm ;ops5 one of a small num#er of firms ,it+ real(time a$$ess to t+e messa-es
t+at appear on ;,itter (e0er5 t,eet pu#lis+ed sin$e 200/ is ,it+in its s$ope!. &e#ra A+o
Williamson an anal5st ,it+ <8ar3eter In$. eIplained: SA 3e5 point is t+e5 are one of t+e fe,
$ompanies t+at +as a$$ess to t+e ;,itter fire +ose and $an do real(time anal5sis of t+e
trends and dis$ussions +appenin- on ;,itter.T W+ile an eIa$t amount is un3no,n t+e deal
,as apparentl5 ,ort+ more t+an 6%A200 million a$$ordin- to people ,it+ 3no,led-e of t+e
se$ret deal and Apple spo3espeople refused to dis$lose a purpose at t+e time of t+e
=n &e$em#er / 2013 Apple In$. laun$+ed i@ea$on te$+nolo-5 a$ross its 2*7 6.%. retail
stores. 6sin- @luetoot+ ,ireless te$+nolo-5 i@ea$on senses t+e userDs eIa$t lo$ation ,it+in
t+e Apple store and sends t+e user messa-es a#out produ$ts e0ents and ot+er information
tailored to t+e userDs lo$ation. i@ea$on ,or3s as lon- as t+e user +as do,nloaded t+e Apple
%tore app and +as eIpressl5 permitted Apple to tra$3 t+em.
=n Be#ruar5 7 2017 Coo3 met ,it+ A#dulla+ EUl t+e "resident of ;ur3e5 in An3ara to
dis$uss t+e $ompan5Ds in0ol0ement in t+e Bati+ proKe$t.
Coo3 also $onfirmed t+at;ur3e5Ds
first Apple 4etail %tore ,ill #e opened in Istan#ul in April 2017.
&urin- t+e pro$eedin-s of t+e Apple In$. 0. %amsun- <le$troni$s Co. Ltd. la,suits a
pre0iousl5 $onfidential email ,ritten #5 1o#s a 5ear #efore +is deat+ ,as presented and its
$ontent #e$ame pu#li$l5 a0aila#le in earl5 April 2017. Wit+ a su#Ke$t line t+at reads F;op 100
J AF t+e email ,as sent onl5 to t+e $ompan5Ds 100 most senior emplo5ees and outlines
1o#sDs 0ision of Apple In$.Ds future under 10 su#+eadin-s in$ludin- a F2011 %trate-5.F
Nota#l5 1o#s de$lares a FGol5 War ,it+ Eoo-leF for 2011 and s$+edules a Fne, $ampusF
for 201*.
=n 8a5 28 Apple $onfirmed its intent to a$Cuire &r. &re and 1imm5 Io0ineDs audio
$ompan5 @eats <le$troni$sOprodu$er of t+e .eats -y /r. /re line of +eadp+one and
spea3er produ$ts and operator of t+e musi$ streamin- ser0i$e @eats 8usi$ for A3 #illion.
Io0ine felt t+at @eats +ad al,a5s F#elon-edF ,it+ Apple as t+e $ompan5 modeled itself after
AppleDs Funmat$+ed a#ilit5 to marr5 $ulture and te$+nolo-5.F In re-ards to t+e deal Apple
C<= ;im Coo3 stated t+at F8usi$ is su$+ an important part of all of our li0es and +olds a
spe$ial pla$e ,it+in our +earts at Apple. ;+atRs ,+5 ,e +a0e 3ept in0estin- in musi$ and are
#rin-in- to-et+er t+ese eItraordinar5 teams so ,e $an $ontinue to $reate t+e most
inno0ati0e musi$ produ$ts and ser0i$es in t+e ,orld.F As a result of t+e a$Cuisition Apple
plans to offer @eatsD produ$ts t+rou-+ its retail outlets and resellers #ut t+e $ompan5 +as not
made an5 furt+er indi$ations a#out +o, @eats ,ill #e inte-rated into AppleDs produ$t line.
See also: Timeline of Apple products and +ist of products discontinued -y Apple Inc.
8a$@oo3 Air
Main article: Macintosh
See also: Timeline of Macintosh models! +ist of Macintosh models grouped -y 01
type and +ist of Macintosh models -y case type
8a$@oo3 Air: Consumer ultra(t+in ultra(porta#le note#oo3 introdu$ed in 2008.
8a$@oo3 "ro: "rofessional note#oo3 introdu$ed in 200/.
8a$ 8ini: Consumer su#(des3top $omputer and ser0er introdu$ed in 200*.
i8a$: Consumer all(in one des3top $omputer introdu$ed in 1..8.
8a$ "ro: Wor3station des3top $omputer introdu$ed in 200/.
Apple sells a 0ariet5 of $omputer a$$essories for 8a$s in$ludin- ;+under#olt &ispla5 8a-i$
8ouse 8a-i$ ;ra$3pad Wireless Ne5#oard@atter5 C+ar-er t+e Air"ort ,ireless
net,or3in- produ$ts and ;ime Capsule.
Main article: i0ad
=n 1anuar5 27 2010 Apple introdu$ed t+eir mu$+(anti$ipated media ta#let t+e i"ad
runnin- a modified 0ersion of i=%. It offers multi(tou$+ intera$tion ,it+ multimedia formats
in$ludin- ne,spapers ma-a2ines e#oo3s teIt#oo3s p+otos mo0ies 0ideos of ;> s+o,s
musi$ ,ord pro$essin- do$uments spreads+eets 0ideo-ames and most eIistin- i"+one
It also in$ludes a mo#ile 0ersion of %afari for ,e# #ro,sin- as ,ell as a$$ess to t+e
App %tore i;unes Li#rar5 i@oo3store $onta$ts and notepad. Content is do,nloada#le
0ia Wi(Bi and optional 3E ser0i$e or s5n$ed t+rou-+ t+e userDs $omputer.
A;); ,as
initiall5 t+e sole 6% pro0ider of 3E ,ireless a$$ess for t+e i"ad.
=n 8ar$+ 2 2011 Apple introdu$ed t+e i"ad 2 ,+i$+ +ad a faster pro$essor and a $amera
on t+e front and #a$3. It also added support for optional 3E ser0i$e pro0ided #5>eri2on in
addition to t+e eIistin- offerin- #5 A;);.
Go,e0er t+e a0aila#ilit5 of t+e i"ad 2 +as #een
limited as a result of t+e de0astatin- eart+Cua3e and ensuin- tsunami in 1apan in 8ar$+
=n 8ar$+ 7 2012 Apple introdu$ed t+e t+ird(-eneration i"ad mar3eted as Ft+e ne, i"adF.
It added L;< ser0i$e from A;); or >eri2on t+e up-raded A*? pro$essor and t+e 4etina
displa5 (2078 #5 1*3/ resolution! ori-inall5 implemented on t+e i"+one 7 and i"+one 7%.
;+e dimensions and form fa$tor remained relati0el5 un$+an-ed ,it+ t+e ne, i"ad #ein- a
fra$tion t+i$3er and +ea0ier t+an t+e pre0ious 0ersion and minor positionin- $+an-es.
=n =$to#er 23 2012 AppleDs fourt+(-eneration i"ad $ame out mar3eted as t+e Fi"ad ,it+
4etina displa5F. It added t+e up-raded A/? pro$essor and repla$ed t+e traditional 30(pin
do$3 $onne$tor ,it+ t+e all(di-ital Li-+tnin- $onne$tor.
;+e i"ad 8ini ,as also introdu$ed
,it+ a redu$ed 7..(in$+ displa5 and featurin- mu$+ of t+e same internal spe$ifi$ations as t+e
i"ad 2.
=n =$to#er 22 2013 Apple introdu$ed t+e i"ad Air. It added t+e ne, /7 #it Apple(A7
pro$essor. ;+e i"ad mini ,it+ 4etina &ispla5 ,as also introdu$ed featurin- t+e Apple(A7
pro$essor as ,ell.
%in$e its laun$+ i"ad
users +a0e do,nloaded t+ree #illion apps ,+ile t+e total num#er of
App %tore do,nloads is o0er 2* #illion.
Main article: i0od
;+e 2012 i"od %+uffle i"od Nanoi"od Classi$ and i"od ;ou$+.
=n =$to#er 23 2001 Apple introdu$ed t+e i"od di-ital musi$ pla5er. %e0eral updated
models +a0e sin$e #een introdu$ed and t+e i"od #rand is no, t+e mar3et leader in porta#le
musi$ pla5ers #5 a si-nifi$ant mar-in ,it+ more t+an 3*0 million units s+ipped as of
%eptem#er 2012.
Apple +as partnered ,it+ Ni3e to offer t+e Ni3eVi"od %ports Nit
ena#lin- runners to s5n$+roni2e and monitor t+eir runs ,it+ i;unes and t+e Ni3eV ,e#site.
Apple $urrentl5 sells four 0ariants of t+e i"od:
i"od %+uffle: 6ltra(porta#le di-ital audio pla5er $urrentl5 a0aila#le in a 2 E@ model
introdu$ed in 200*.
i"od Nano: "orta#le media pla5er $urrentl5 a0aila#le in a 1/ E@ model introdu$ed
in 200*. <arlier models featured t+e traditional i"od $li$3 ,+eel t+ou-+ t+e $urrent
-eneration features a multi(tou$+ interfa$e and in$ludes an B8 radio and a pedometer.
i"od ;ou$+: "orta#le media pla5er t+an runs i=% $urrentl5 a0aila#le in 1/ 32 and
/7 E@ models introdu$ed in 2007. ;+e $urrent -eneration ,+i$+ released on
%eptem#er 12 2012 features t+e Apple A* pro$essor a 4etina displa5 and dual
$ameras on t+e front (1.2 me-apiIel sensor! and #a$3 (* me-apiIel i%i-+t! t+e latter of
,+i$+ supports G& 0ideo re$ordin- at 1080p and %iri.
i"od Classi$: "orta#le media pla5er $urrentl5 a0aila#le in a 1/0 E@ model first
introdu$ed in 2001.
;+e first(-eneration i"+one 3E 7 * *C and*% to s$ale.
Main article: i0hone
At t+e 8a$,orld Conferen$e ) <Ipo in 1anuar5 2007 %te0e 1o#s introdu$ed t+e lon-(
i"+one a $on0er-en$e of an Internet(ena#ledsmartp+one and i"od.
;+e first(-eneration i"+one ,as released on 1une 2. 2007 for A7.. (7 E@! and A*..
(8 E@! ,it+ an A;); $ontra$t.
=n Be#ruar5 * 2008 it ,as updated to +a0e 1/ E@ of
memor5 in addition to t+e 8 E@ and 7 E@ models.
It $om#ined a 2.*E Cuad
#and E%8and <&E< $ellular p+one ,it+ features found in +and+eld de0i$es runnin-
s$aled(do,n 0ersions of AppleDs 8a$ =% ? (du##ed i"+one =% later renamed i=%! ,it+
0arious 8a$ =% ? appli$ations su$+ as %afari and 8ail. It also in$ludes ,e#(#ased
and &as+#oard apps su$+ as Eoo-le 8apsand Weat+er. ;+e i"+one features a 3.*(in$+
(8. mm! tou$+s$reen displa5 @luetoot+ and Wi(Bi (#ot+ F#F and F-F!.
At World,ide &e0elopers Conferen$e (WW&C! on 1une . 2008 Apple announ$ed
t+e i"+one 3E. It ,as released on 1ul5 11 2008 ,it+ a redu$ed pri$e of A1.. for t+e 8 E@
0ersion and A2.. for t+e 1/ E@ 0ersion.
;+is 0ersion added support for 3E net,or3in-
and assisted(E"% na0i-ation. ;+e flat sil0er #a$3 and lar-e antenna sCuare of t+e ori-inal
model ,ere eliminated in fa0or of a $ur0ed -loss5 #la$3 or ,+ite #a$3. %oft,are $apa#ilities
,ere impro0ed ,it+ t+e release of t+e App %tore pro0idin- appli$ations for do,nload t+at
,ere $ompati#le ,it+ t+e i"+one. =n April 27 200. t+e App %tore
surpassed one #illion
At WW&C on 1une 8 200. Apple announ$ed t+e i"+one 3E%. It pro0ided an
in$remental update to t+e de0i$e in$ludin- faster internal $omponents support for faster 3E
speeds 0ideo re$ordin- $apa#ilit5 and 0oi$e $ontrol.
At WW&C on 1une 7 2010 Apple announ$ed t+e redesi-ned i"+one 7.
It features a
./0I/70 displa5 t+e Apple A7 pro$essor also used in t+e i"ad a -5ros$ope for en+an$ed
-amin- *8" $amera ,it+ L<& flas+ front(fa$in- >EA $amera and Ba$e;ime 0ideo $allin-.
%+ortl5 after its release re$eption issues ,ere dis$o0ered #5 $onsumers due to t+e
stainless steel #and around t+e ed-e of t+e de0i$e ,+i$+ also ser0es as t+e p+oneDs $ellular
si-nal and Wi(Bi antenna. ;+e issue ,as $orre$ted #5 a F@umper CaseF distri#uted #5 Apple
for free to all o,ners for a fe, mont+s. In 1une 2011 Apple o0ertoo3 No3ia to #e$ome t+e
,orldDs #i--est smartp+one ma3er #5 0olume.
=n =$to#er 7 2011 Apple un0eiled t+e i"+one 7% ,+i$+ ,as first released on =$to#er 17
It features t+e Apple A* pro$essor and is t+e first model offered
#5 %print (Koinin- A;); and >eri2on Wireless as t+e 6nited %tates $arriers offerin- i"+one
models!. =n =$to#er 1. 2011 Apple announ$ed an a-reement ,it+ C %pire Wireless to sell
t+e i"+one 7% ,it+ t+at $arrier in t+e near future mar3in- t+e first time t+e i"+one ,as
offi$iall5 supported on a re-ional $arrierDs net,or3.
Anot+er nota#le feature of t+e i"+one
7% ,as %iri 0oi$e assistant te$+nolo-5 ,+i$+ Apple +ad a$Cuired in 2010
as ,ell as
ot+er features in$ludin- an updated 88" $amera ,it+ ne, opti$s. Apple sold 7 million
i"+one 7% p+ones in t+e first t+ree da5s of a0aila#ilit5.
=n %eptem#er 12 2012 Apple introdu$ed t+e i"+one *.
It added a 7(in$+ displa5 7E
L;< $onne$ti0it5 and t+e up-raded Apple A/ $+ip amon- se0eral ot+er impro0ements.
;,o million i"+ones ,ere sold in t+e first t,ent5(four +ours of pre(orderin-
and o0er
fi0e million +andsets ,ere sold in t+e first t+ree da5s of its laun$+.
A patent filed in 1ul5 2013 re0ealed t+e de0elopment of a ne, i"+one #atter5 s5stem t+at
uses lo$ation data in $om#ination ,it+ data on t+e userDs +a#its to moderate t+e +andsets
po,er settin-s a$$ordin-l5. Apple is ,or3in- to,ards a po,er mana-ement s5stem t+at ,ill
pro0ide features su$+ as t+e a#ilit5 of t+e i"+one to estimate t+e len-t+ of time a user ,ill #e
a,a5 from a po,er sour$e to modif5 ener-5 usa-e and a dete$tion fun$tion t+at adKusts t+e
$+ar-in- rate to #est suit t+e t5pe of po,er sour$e t+at is #ein- used.
In 8ar$+ 2013 one of t+e lar-est $ellular p+one $ompanies in t+e 6nited %tates ;(8o#ile
announ$ed t+at it ,ould #e-in sellin- t+e i"+one * on April 12. ;+e announ$ement of t+e
i"+one $ame ,it+ t+e announ$ement t+at t+e $ompan5 ,ould #e-in
implementin- 7E $ellular ser0i$e for its users.
6pon t+e laun$+ of t+e i"+one *% and i"+one *C Apple sold o0er nine million de0i$es in t+e
first t+ree da5s of its laun$+ ,+i$+ sets a ne, re$ord for first(,ee3end smartp+one sales.
;+is ,as t+e first time t+at Apple +as simultaneousl5 laun$+ed t,o models and t+e
in$lusion of C+ina in t+e list of mar3ets $ontri#uted to t+e re$ord sales result.
=n =$to#er 1* 2013 6.%. Cellular t+e 6nited %tates fift+ lar-est $ell p+one pro0ider
announ$ed t+at it ,ould in fa$t #e-in to $arr5 t+e i"+one. It is t+e last of t+e fi0e maKor
$arriers in$ludin- A;); >eri2on %print and ;(8o#ile to a$Cuire t+e p+one. ;+e p+one
,ent on sale on No0em#er 8 at 6.%. Cellular stores around t+e $ountr5.
;+e finali2ation of
a deal #et,een Apple and C+ina 8o#ile t+e ,orldDs lar-est mo#ile net,or3 ,as announ$ed
in late &e$em#er 2013. ;+e multi(5ear a-reement pro0ides i"+one a$$ess to o0er 7/0
million C+ina 8o#ile su#s$ri#ers.
In a 8ar$+ 2017 inter0ie, I0e used t+e i"+one as an eIample of AppleDs et+os of $reatin-
+i-+(Cualit5 life($+an-in- produ$ts eIplainin- t+at t+e5 are $omparati0el5 eIpensi0e due to
t+e intensi0e effort t+at is used to ma3e t+em:
We donRt ta3e so lon- and ma3e t+e ,a5 ,e ma3e for fis$al reasons ... 'uite t+e re0erse.
;+e #od5 is made from a sin-le pie$e of ma$+ined aluminium ... ;+e ,+ole t+in- is polis+ed
first to a mirror finis+ and t+en is 0er5 finel5 teItured eI$ept for t+e Apple lo-o. ;+e
$+amfers 9smoot+ed(off ed-es: are $ut ,it+ diamond(tipped $utters. ;+e $utters donRt usuall5
last 0er5 lon- so ,e +ad to fi-ure out a ,a5 of mass(manufa$turin- lon-(lastin- ones. ;+e
$amera $o0er is sapp+ire $r5stal. Loo3 at t+e details around t+e sim($ard slot. ItRs
Apple T9
Main article: Apple T(
;+e $urrent -eneration Apple ;>.
At t+e 2007 8a$,orld $onferen$e 1o#s demonstrated t+e Apple ;> (pre0iousl5 3no,n as
t+e i;>!
a set(top 0ideo de0i$e intended to #rid-e t+e sale of $ontent from i;unes ,it+
+i-+(definition tele0isions. ;+e de0i$e lin3s up to a userDs ;> and s5n$s eit+er 0ia Wi(Bi or a
,ired net,or3 ,it+ one $omputerDs i;unes li#rar5 and streams from an additional four. ;+e
Apple ;> ori-inall5 in$orporated a 70 E@ +ard dri0e for stora-e in$ludes outputs
for G&8I and $omponent 0ideo and pla5s 0ideo at a maIimum resolution of 720p.
8a5 31 2007 a 1/0 E@ dri0e ,as released alon-side t+e eIistin- 70 E@ model
and on
1anuar5 1* 2008 a soft,are update ,as released ,+i$+ allo,ed media to #e pur$+ased
dire$tl5 from t+e Apple ;>.
In %eptem#er 200. Apple dis$ontinued t+e ori-inal 70 E@ Apple ;> and no, $ontinues to
produ$e and sell t+e 1/0 E@ Apple ;>. =n %eptem#er 1 2010 alon-side t+e release of t+e
ne, line of i"od de0i$es for t+e 5ear Apple released a $ompletel5 redesi-ned Apple ;>. ;+e
ne, de0i$e is 1L7 t+e si2e runs Cuieter and repla$es t+e need for a +ard dri0e ,it+ media
streamin- from an5 i;unes li#rar5 on t+e net,or3 alon- ,it+ 8 E@ of flas+
memor5 to $a$+e media do,nloaded. Apple ,it+ t+e Apple ;> +as added anot+er de0i$e to
its portfolio t+at runs on its A7 pro$essor alon- ,it+ t+e i"ad and t+e i"+one. ;+e memor5
in$luded in t+e de0i$e is t+e +alf of t+e i"+one 7 at 2*/ 8@M t+e same as t+e i"ad i"+one
3E% t+ird and fourt+(-eneration i"od ;ou$+.
It +as G&8I out as t+e onl5 0ideo out sour$e. Beatures in$lude a$$ess to t+e i;unes %tore to
rent mo0ies and ;> s+o,s (pur$+asin- +as #een dis$ontinued! streamin- from internet
0ideo sour$es in$ludin- Pou;u#e and NetfliI and media streamin- from an i;unes li#rar5.
Apple also redu$ed t+e pri$e of t+e de0i$e to A... A t+ird -eneration of t+e de0i$e ,as
introdu$ed at an Apple e0ent on 8ar$+ 7 2012 ,it+ ne, features su$+ as +i-+er resolution
(1080p! and a ne, user interfa$e.
See also: +ist of Macintosh soft2are
Apple de0elops its o,n operatin- s5stem to run on 8a$s =% ? t+e latest 0ersion #ein- =%
? 8a0eri$3s (0ersion 10..!. Apple also independentl5 de0elops $omputer soft,are titles for
its =% ? operatin- s5stem. 8u$+ of t+e soft,are Apple de0elops is #undled ,it+ its
$omputers. An eIample of t+is is t+e $onsumer(oriented iLife soft,are pa$3a-e t+at
#undles i8o0ie i"+oto and Eara-e@and. Bor presentation pa-e la5out and ,ord
pro$essin- iWor3 is a0aila#le ,+i$+ in$ludes Ne5note "a-es and Num#ers.
i;unes 'ui$3;imemedia pla5er and %oft,are 6pdate are a0aila#le as free do,nloads for
#ot+ =% ? and Windo,s.
Apple also offers a ran-e of professional soft,are titles. ;+eir ran-e of ser0er soft,are
in$ludes t+e operatin- s5stem =% ? %er0erM Apple 4emote &es3top a remote s5stems
mana-ement appli$ationM and ?san a %tora-e Area Net,or3 file s5stem. Bor t+e
professional $reati0e mar3et t+ere is Aperture for professional 4AW(
format p+oto pro$essin-MBinal Cut "ro a 0ideo produ$tion suiteM Lo-i$ "ro a $ompre+ensi0e
musi$ tool3itM and 8otion an ad0an$ed effe$ts $omposition pro-ram.
Apple also offers online ser0i$es ,it+ iCloud ,+i$+ pro0ides $loud stora-e and s5n$in- for a
,ide ran-e of data in$ludin- email $onta$ts $alendars p+otos and do$uments. It also
offers i=% de0i$e #a$3up and is a#le to inte-rate dire$tl5 ,it+ t+ird(part5 apps for e0en
-reater fun$tionalit5. iCloud is t+e fourt+ -eneration of online ser0i$es pro0ided #5 Apple
and ,as pre$eded #5 8o#ile8e .8a$ and i;ools all ,+i$+ met 0ar5in- de-rees of su$$ess.
Corporate identity
See also: Typography of Apple Inc.
3Apple logo3 redirects here. For the programming language! see Apple +ogo.
Birst Apple lo-o (April 1 1.7/ "rotot5pe!
Birst offi$ial Apple lo-o from 8a5 17 1.7/ to Au-ust 2/ 1....
Current Apple lo-o sin$e Au-ust 27 1....
A$$ordin- to %te0e 1o#s Apple ,as so named #e$ause 1o#s ,as $omin- #a$3 from an
apple farm and +e ,as on a fruitarian diet. Ge t+ou-+t t+e name ,as Ffun spirited and not
AppleDs first lo-o desi-ned #5 4on Wa5ne depi$ts %ir Isaa$ Ne,ton sittin- under an apple
tree. It ,as almost immediatel5 repla$ed #5 4o# 1anoffDs Frain#o, AppleF t+e no,(familiar
rain#o,($olored sil+ouette of an apple ,it+ a #ite ta3en out of it. 1anoff presented 1o#s ,it+
se0eral different mono$+romati$ t+emes for t+e F#ittenF lo-o and 1o#s immediatel5 too3 a
li3in- to it. W+ile 1o#s li3ed t+e lo-o +e insisted it #e in $olor to +umani2e t+e $ompan5.
;+e lo-o ,as desi-ned ,it+ a #ite so t+at it ,ould not #e $onfused ,it+ a $+err5.
$olored stripes ,ere $on$ei0ed to ma3e t+e lo-o more a$$essi#le and to represent t+e fa$t
t+e Apple II $ould -enerate -rap+i$s in $olor.
;+is lo-o is often erroneousl5 referred to as
a tri#ute to Alan ;urin- ,it+ t+e #ite mar3 a referen$e to +is met+od of sui$ide.
1anoff and Apple den5 an5 +oma-e to ;urin- in t+e desi-n of t+e lo-o.
=n Au-ust 27 1...
(t+e follo,in- 5ear after t+e i8a$ E3 ,as introdu$ed! Apple offi$iall5
dropped t+e rain#o, s$+eme and #e-an to use mono$+romati$ t+emes nearl5 identi$al in
s+ape to its pre0ious rain#o, in$arnation on 0arious produ$ts pa$3a-in- and ad0ertisin-.
An ACua(t+emed 0ersion of t+e mono$+rome lo-o ,as used from 1... to 2003 and a
Elass(t+emed 0ersion ,as used from 2007 to 2013. Wit+ t+e release of i=% 7 and =% ?
8a0eri$3s in fall of 2013 t+e lo-o appears flat and ,+ite ,it+ no -loss5 effe$ts.
%te0e 1o#s and %te0e Wo2nia3 ,ere @eatles fans
#ut Apple In$. +ad trademar3
issues ,it+ Apple Corps Ltd. a multimedia $ompan5 started #5 t+e @eatles in 1./7
in0ol0in- t+eir name and lo-o. ;+is resulted in a series of la,suits and tension #et,een t+e
t,o $ompanies. ;+ese issues ended ,it+ settlin- of t+eir most re$ent la,suit in 2007.
Main articles: Apple Inc. ad"ertising and +ist of Apple Inc. slogans
AppleDs first slo-an F@5te into an AppleF ,as $oined in t+e late 1.70s.
Brom 1..7J2002
t+e slo-an F;+in3 &ifferentF ,as used in ad0ertisin- $ampai-ns and is still $losel5
asso$iated ,it+ Apple.
Apple also +as slo-ans for spe$ifi$ produ$t lines O for eIample
Fi;+in3 t+erefore i8a$F ,as used in 1..8 to promote t+e i8a$
and F%a5 +ello to i"+oneF
+as #een used in i"+one ad0ertisements.
FGelloF ,as also used to introdu$e t+e ori-inal
8a$intos+Ne,ton i8a$ (F+ello (a-ain!F! and i"od.
%in$e t+e introdu$tion of t+e 8a$intos+ in 1.87 ,it+ t+e 1.87 %uper @o,l $ommer$ial to t+e
more modern DEet a 8a$D ad0erts Apple +as #een re$o-ni2ed in t+e past for its efforts
to,ards effe$ti0e ad0ertisin- and mar3etin- for its produ$ts t+ou-+ its ad0ertisin- ,as
$riti$i2ed for t+e $laims made #5 some later $ampai-ns parti$ularl5 t+e 200* "o,er 8a$
and i"+one ads in @ritain.
AppleDs produ$t $ommer$ials -ained fame for laun$+in- musi$ians into stardom as a result of
t+eir e5e(poppin- -rap+i$s and $at$+5 tunes.
Birst t+e $ompan5 populari2ed Canadian
sin-er BeistDs F1237F son- in its ad $ampai-n.
Later Apple used t+e son- FNe, %oulF #5
Bren$+(Israeli sin-er(son-,riterPael NaXm to promote t+e 8a$@oo3 Air.
;+e de#ut sin-le
s+ot to t+e top of t+e $+arts and sold +undreds of t+ousands of $opies in a span of ,ee3s.
;rand loyalty
See also: riticism of Apple Inc. 4 omparison 2ith a cult5religion
Apple afi$ionados ,ait in line around t+e Apple %tore on Bift+ A0enuein Ne, Por3 Cit5 in anti$ipation of a
ne, produ$t.
F;+e s$enes I ,itnessed at t+e openin- of t+e ne, Apple store in LondonDs Co0ent Earden ,ere more li3e
an e0an-eli$al pra5er meetin- t+an a $+an$e to #u5 a p+one or a laptop.F
OAleI 4ile5 ,ritin- for t+e @@C
AppleDs #rand lo5alt5 is $onsidered unusual for an5 produ$t. At one time Apple
e0an-elists ,ere a$ti0el5 en-a-ed #5 t+e $ompan5 #ut t+is ,as after t+e p+enomenon ,as
alread5 firml5 esta#lis+ed. Apple e0an-elist Eu5 Na,asa3i +as $alled t+e #rand fanati$ism
Fsomet+in- t+at ,as stum#led uponF
,+ile I0e eIplained in 2017 t+at F"eople +a0e an
in$redi#l5 personal relations+ipF ,it+ AppleDs produ$ts.
Apple supports t+e $ontinuin- eIisten$e of a net,or3 of 8a$ 6ser Eroups in man5 areas
,+ere 8a$ $omputers are a0aila#le.
9citation needed:
8a$ users pre0iousl5 meet at t+e
<uropean Apple <Ipo and t+e %an Bran$is$o 8a$,orld Conferen$e ) <Ipotrade s+o,s
,+ere Apple traditionall5 introdu$ed ne, produ$ts ea$+ 5ear to #ot+ t+e industr5 and pu#li$
until Apple pulled out of #ot+ e0entsOt+e $onferen$es $ontinue #ut Apple is not offi$iall5
represented at eit+er e0ent. 8a$ de0elopers in turn $ontinue to -at+er at t+e annual
Apple World,ide &e0elopers Conferen$e.
9citation needed:
Apple %tore openin-s $an dra, $ro,ds of t+ousands ,it+ some ,aitin- in line as mu$+ as a
da5 #efore t+e openin- or fl5in- in from ot+er $ountries for t+e e0ent.
;+e Ne, Por3
Cit5 Bift+ A0enue FCu#eF store +ad a line as lon- as +alf a mileM a fe, 8a$ fans too3 t+e
opportunit5 of t+e settin- to propose marria-e.
;+e Ein2a openin- in ;o35o ,as
estimated in t+e t+ousands ,it+ a line eI$eedin- ei-+t $it5 #lo$3s.
1o+n %$ulle5 told The 6uardian ne,spaper in 1..7: F"eople tal3 a#out te$+nolo-5 #ut
Apple ,as a mar3etin- $ompan5. It ,as t+e mar3etin- $ompan5 of t+e de$ade.F
in 2002 #5 Net4atin-s indi$ate t+at t+e a0era-e Apple $onsumer ,as usuall5 more affluent
and #etter edu$ated t+an ot+er "C $ompan5 $onsumers. ;+e resear$+ indi$ated t+at t+is
$orrelation $ould stem from t+e fa$t t+at on a0era-e Apple In$. produ$ts are more eIpensi0e
t+an ot+er "C produ$ts.
In response to a Cuer5 a#out t+e de0otion of lo5al Apple $onsumers I0e responded:
W+at people are respondin- to is mu$+ #i--er t+an t+e o#Ke$t. ;+e5 are respondin- to
somet+in- rare O a -roup of people ,+o do more t+an simpl5 ma3e somet+in- ,or3 t+e5
ma3e t+e 0er5 #est produ$ts t+e5 possi#l5 $an. ItRs a demonstration a-ainst t+ou-+tlessness
and $arelessness.
Corporate affairs
See also: +ist of mergers and ac,uisitions -y Apple! .rae-urn apital and FileMa*er Inc.
&urin- t+e 8a$Ds earl5 +istor5 Apple -enerall5 refused to adopt pre0ailin- industr5 standards
for +ard,are instead $reatin- t+eir o,n.
;+is trend ,as lar-el5 re0ersed in t+e late 1..0s
#e-innin- ,it+ AppleDs adoption of t+e "CI #us in t+e 7*00L8*00L.*00 "o,er 8a$s. Apple
+as sin$e adopted 6%@ AE" G5per;ransport Wi(Bi and ot+er industr5 standards in its
$omputers and ,as in some $ases a leader in t+e adoption of standards su$+ as 6%@.
BireWire is an Apple(ori-inated standard t+at +as seen ,idespread industr5 adoption
after it ,as standardi2ed as I<<< 13.7.
<0er sin$e t+e first Apple %tore opened Apple +as sold t+ird(part5 a$$essories.
instan$e at one point Ni3on and Canon di-ital $ameras ,ere sold inside t+e store. Ado#e
one of AppleDs oldest soft,are partners
also sells its 8a$($ompati#le soft,are as does
8i$rosoft ,+o sells 8i$rosoft =ffi$e for t+e 8a$. @oo3s from 1o+n Wile5 ) %ons ,+o
pu#lis+es t+e Bor &ummies series of instru$tional #oo3s are a nota#le eI$eption +o,e0er.
;+e pu#lis+erDs line of #oo3s ,ere #anned from Apple %tores in 200* #e$ause %te0e 1o#s
disa-reed ,it+ t+eir de$ision to pu#lis+ an unaut+ori2ed 1o#s #io-rap+5 ion.
After t+e
laun$+ of t+e i@oo3store Apple stopped sellin- p+5si$al #oo3s #ot+ online and at t+e Apple
4etail %tores.
Main article: Apple ampus
Apple In$.Ds ,orld $orporate +eadCuarters are lo$ated in t+e middle of %ili$on >alle5 at 1J
/ Infinite Loop Cupertino California. ;+is Apple $ampus +as siI #uildin-s t+at total 8*0000
sCuare feet (7.000 m
! and ,as #uilt in 1..3 #5 %o#rato &e0elopment Cos.
In 200/ Apple announ$ed its intention to #uild a se$ond $ampus on *0 a$res (200000 m
assem#led from 0arious $onti-uous plots (east of N Wolfe 4oad #et,een "runerid-e
A0enue and >all$o "ar3,a5!. Later a$Cuisitions in$reased t+is to 17* a$res. ;+e ne,
$ampus also in Cupertino ,ill #e a#out 1 mile (1./ 3m! east of t+e $urrent $ampus.
ne, $ampus #uildin- ,ill #e desi-ned #5 Norman Boster.
=n =$to#er 1* 2013 it ,as announ$ed t+at t+e Cupertino Cit5 Coun$il +as appro0ed t+e
proposed Fspa$es+ipF desi-n $ampus. =n 1une 7 2011 %te0e 1o#s -a0e a presentation to
Cupertino Cit5 Coun$il detailin- t+e ar$+ite$tural desi-n of t+e ne, #uildin- and its en0irons.
;+e ne, $ampus is planned to +ouse up to 13000 emplo5ees in one $entral four(storied
$ir$ular #uildin- (,it+ a $afY for 3000 sittin- people inte-rated! surrounded #5 eItensi0e
lands$ape (,it+ par3in- mainl5 under-round and t+e rest $entrali2ed in a par3in- stru$ture!.
;+e ne, $ampus ,ill #e #uilt on t+e former G" +eadCuarters neIt to Interstate 280. ;+e
mornin- of t+e announ$ement Apple C<= ;im Coo3 t,eeted F=ur +ome for inno0ation and
$reati0it5 for de$ades to $ome. Cupertino Cit5 Coun$il Ei0es 6nanimous Appro0al for
AppleDs Ne, Campus.F ;+e 2.8 million sCuare foot fa$ilit5 ,+i$+ ,ill in$lude %te0e 1o#sDs
ori-inal desi-ns for a fitness $enter and $orporate auditorium ,ill #e a#le to +ouse 17000
emplo5ees and ,ill +a0e enou-+ par3in- to a$$ommodate almost all of t+em.
AppleDs +eadCuarters for <urope t+e 8iddle <ast and Afri$a (<8<A! are lo$ated in Cor3 in
t+e sout+ of Ireland.
;+e fa$ilit5 ,+i$+ opened in 1.80 ,as AppleDs first
lo$ation outside of t+e 6nited %tates.
Apple %ales International ,+i$+ deals ,it+ all of
AppleDs international sales outside of t+e 6%A is lo$ated at AppleDs $ampus in Cor3
,it+ Apple &istri#ution International ,+i$+ similarl5 deals ,it+ AppleDs international
distri#ution net,or3.
=n April 20 2012 Apple announ$ed t+e addition of *00 ne, Ko#s to its <uropean
+eadCuarters. ;+is ,ill #rin- t+e total ,or3for$e from around 2800 to 3300 emplo5ees.
;+e $ompan5 ,ill #uild a ne, offi$e #lo$3 on its Goll5+ill Campus to a$$ommodate t+e
additional staff.
&orporate culture
Apple ,as one of se0eral +i-+l5 su$$essful $ompanies founded in t+e 1.70s t+at #u$3ed t+e
traditional notions of ,+at a $orporate $ulture s+ould loo3 li3e in or-ani2ational +ierar$+5 (flat
0ersus tall $asual 0ersus formal attire et$.!. =t+er +i-+l5 su$$essful firms ,it+ similar
$ultural aspe$ts from t+e same period in$lude %out+,est Airlines and8i$rosoft. =ri-inall5
t+e $ompan5 stood in opposition to staid $ompetitors li3e I@8 #5 default t+an3s to t+e
influen$e of its foundersM %te0e 1o#s often ,al3ed around t+e offi$e #arefoot e0en after
Apple ,as a Bortune *00 $ompan5. @5 t+e time of t+e F1.87F ;> ad t+is trait +ad #e$ome a
3e5 ,a5 t+e $ompan5 attempted to differentiate itself from its $ompetitors.
A$$ordin- to a
2011 report in Fortune! t+is +as resulted in a $orporate $ulture more a3in to a startup rat+er
t+an a multinational $orporation.
As t+e $ompan5 +as -ro,n and #een led #5 a series of $+ief eIe$uti0es ea$+ ,it+ +is o,n
idea of ,+at Apple s+ould #e some of its ori-inal $+ara$ter +as ar-ua#l5 #een lost #ut
Apple still +as a reputation for fosterin- indi0idualit5 and eI$ellen$e t+at relia#l5 dra,s
talented people into its emplo5. ;+is ,as espe$iall5 after 1o#sDs return. ;o re$o-ni2e t+e #est
of its emplo5ees Apple $reated t+e Apple Bello,s pro-ram a,ardin- indi0iduals ,+o made
eItraordinar5 te$+ni$al or leaders+ip $ontri#utions to personal $omputin- ,+ile at t+e
$ompan5. ;+e Apple Bello,s+ip +as so far #een a,arded to a fe, indi0iduals in$ludin- @ill
%te0e Capps
4od Golt
Alan Na5
Eu5 Na,asa3i
Al Al$orn
&on Norman
4i$+ "a-e
and %te0e Wo2nia3.
Apple is also 3no,n for stri$tl5 enfor$in- a$$ounta#ilit5. <a$+ proKe$t +as a Fdire$tl5
responsi#le indi0idualF or F&4IF in Apple Kar-on.
As an eIample ,+en i=% senior 0i$e
president %$ott Borstall refused to si-n AppleDs offi$ial apolo-5 for numerous errors in t+e
redesi-ned 8aps app +e ,as for$ed to resi-n.
Numerous emplo5ees of Apple +a0e $ited t+at proKe$ts ,it+out 1o#sDs in0ol0ement often too3
lon-er t+an proKe$ts ,it+ +is in0ol0ement.
At Apple emplo5ees are spe$ialists ,+o are not eIposed to fun$tions outside t+eir area of
eIpertise. 1o#s sa, t+is as a means of +a0in- #est(in($lass emplo5ees in e0er5 role. Bor
instan$e 4on 1o+nson ,+o ,as %enior >i$e "resident of 4etail =perations until No0em#er
1 2011 ,as responsi#le for site sele$tion in(store ser0i$e and store la5out 5et +e +ad no
$ontrol of t+e in0entor5 in +is stores (,+i$+ is done $ompan5 ,ide #5 t+en(C== and no,
C<= ;im Coo3 ,+o +as a #a$3-round in suppl5($+ain mana-ement!. ;+is is t+e opposite
of Eeneral <le$tri$Ds $orporate $ulture ,+i$+ +as $reated ,ell(rounded mana-ers.
6nder t+e leaders+ip of ;im Coo3 ,+o Koined t+e $ompan5 in 1..8 and as$ended to +is
present position as C<= Apple +as de0eloped an eItremel5 effi$ient and effe$ti0e suppl5
$+ain ,+i$+ +as #een ran3ed as t+e ,orldDs #est for t+e four 5ears 2007J2010.
9citation needed:
$ompan5Ds manufa$turin- pro$urement and lo-isti$s ena#les it to eIe$ute massi0e produ$t
laun$+es ,it+out +a0in- to maintain lar-e profit(sappin- in0entoriesM AppleDs profit mar-ins
+a0e #een 70 per$ent $ompared ,it+ 10J20 per$ent for most ot+er +ard,are $ompanies in
2011. Coo3Ds $at$+p+rase to des$ri#e +is fo$us on t+e $ompan5Ds operational ed-e is
SNo#od5 ,ants to #u5 sour mil3T.
;+e $ompan5 pre0iousl5 ad0ertised its produ$ts as #ein- made in Ameri$a up to t+e late
1..0s +o,e0er as a result of outsour$in- initiati0es in t+e 2000s almost all of its
manufa$turin- is no, done a#road. A$$ordin- to a report #5 t+e Ne2 7or* Times Apple
insiders F#elie0e t+e 0ast s$ale of o0erseas fa$tories as ,ell as t+e fleIi#ilit5 dili-en$e and
industrial s3ills of forei-n ,or3ers +a0e so outpa$ed t+eir Ameri$an $ounterparts t+at S8ade
in t+e 6.%.A.T is no lon-er a 0ia#le option for most Apple produ$tsF.
6nli3e ot+er maKor 6% $ompanies Apple +as a relati0el5 simple $ompensation poli$5 for
eIe$uti0es ,+i$+ does not in$lude per3s t+at ot+er C<=s enKo5 su$+ as $ountr5 $lu# fees
and pri0ate use of $ompan5 air$raft. ;+e $ompan5 usuall5 -rants sto$3 options to eIe$uti0es
e0er5 ot+er 5ear.
A media arti$le pu#lis+ed in 1ul5 2013 pro0ided details a#out AppleDs FAt(Gome Apple
Ad0isorsF $ustomer support pro-ram t+at ser0es as t+e $orporationDs $all $enter. ;+e
ad0isors are emplo5ed ,it+in t+e 6.%. and ,or3 remotel5 after under-oin- a four(,ee3
trainin- pro-ram t+at also ser0es as a testin- period. ;+e ad0isors earn #et,een 6%A. and
A12 per +our and re$ei0e intensi0e mana-ement to ensure a +i-+ Cualit5 of $ustomer
Main article: Apple Inc. litigation
Apple +as #een a parti$ipant in 0arious le-al pro$eedin-s
and $laims sin$e it #e-an
operation and li3e its $ompetitors and peers en-a-es in liti-ation (tr5in- le-al $ases #efore
t+e $ourts! in its normal $ourse of #usiness for a 0ariet5 of reasons. In parti$ular Apple is
3no,n for and promotes itself as a$ti0el5 and a--ressi0el5 enfor$in- its intelle$tual propert5
%ome eIamples in$lude Apple 0. %amsun- Apple 0. 8i$rosoft 8otorola 0. Apple Apple
Corps 0. Apple Computer.
In its fis$al 5ear endin- in %eptem#er 2011 Apple In$. reported a total of A108 #illion in
annual re0enues J a si-nifi$ant in$rease from its 2010 re0enues of A/* #illion J and nearl5
A82 #illion in $as+ reser0es. Apple a$+ie0ed t+ese results ,+ile losin- mar3et s+are in
$ertain produ$t $ate-ories.
=n 8ar$+ 1. 2012 Apple announ$ed plans for a A2./*(per(
s+are di0idend #e-innin- in fourt+ Cuarter of 2012 per appro0al #5 t+eir #oard of dire$tors.
=n %eptem#er 2012 Apple rea$+ed a re$ord s+are pri$e of more t+an A70* and $losed at
a#o0e 700.
Wit+ .3/*./000 outstandin- s+ares (as of 1une 30 2012!
it +ad a
mar3et $apitali2ation of a#out A//0 #illion. At t+e time t+is ,as t+e +i-+est nominal mar3et
$apitali2ation e0er rea$+ed #5 a pu#li$l5 traded $ompan5 surpassin- a re$ord set
#58i$rosoft in 1....
$nvironmental record
&limate c1an#e and clean ener#y
=n April 21 2011 Ereenpea$e released a report +i-+li-+tin- t+e fa$t t+at data $enters
$onsumed up to 2H of all -lo#al ele$tri$it5 and t+is amount ,as proKe$ted to in$rease. "+il
4adford of Ereenpea$e said S,e are $on$erned t+at t+is ne, eIplosion in ele$tri$it5 use
$ould lo$3 us into old pollutin- ener-5 sour$es instead of t+e $lean ener-5 a0aila#le
=n April 17 2012 follo,in- a Ereenpea$e protest of Apple Apple In$. released a
statement $ommittin- to endin- its use of $oal and s+iftin- to 100H $lean ener-5.
2013 Apple announ$ed it ,as usin- 100H rene,a#le ener-5 to po,er t+eir data $enters
and o0erall 7*H of its po,er $omes from rene,a#le sour$es.
In 2010 Climate Counts a nonprofit or-ani2ation dedi$ated to dire$tin- $onsumers to,ard
t+e -reenest $ompanies -a0e Apple a s$ore of *2 points out of a possi#le 100 ,+i$+ puts
Apple in t+eir top $ate-or5 F%tridin-F.
;+is ,as an in$rease from 8a5 2008 ,+en Climate
Counts onl5 -a0e Apple 11 points out of 100 ,+i$+ pla$ed t+e $ompan5 last amon-
ele$troni$s $ompanies at ,+i$+ time Climate Counts also la#eled Apple ,it+ a Fstu$3 i$onF
addin- t+at Apple at t+e time ,as Fa $+oi$e to a0oid for t+e $limate $ons$ious $onsumerF.
Ereenpea$e +as $ampai-ned a-ainst Apple #e$ause of 0arious en0ironmental issues
in$ludin- a -lo#al end(of(life ta3e(#a$3 plan non(re$5$la#le +ard,are $omponents and
toIins ,it+in i"+one +ard,are.
%in$e 2003 Ereenpea$e +as $ampai-ned a-ainst
AppleDs use of parti$ular $+emi$als in its produ$ts more spe$ifi$all5 t+e in$lusion
of ">Cand @B4s in t+eir de0i$es.
=n 8a5 2 2007 %te0e 1o#s released a report
announ$in- plans to eliminate ">C and @B4s #5 t+e end of 2008.
Apple +as sin$e
eliminated ">C and @B4s from its produ$t ran-e
#e$omin- t+e first laptop manufa$turer
to do so.
In t+e first edition of t+e Ereenpea$e DEreen <le$troni$s EuideD released in Au-ust 200/
Apple onl5 s$ored 2.7L10.
;+e <n0ironmental "rote$tion A-en$5 rates Apple +i-+est amon-st produ$ers of note#oo3s
and fairl5 ,ell $ompared to produ$ers of des3top $omputers and LC& displa5s.
In 1une 2007 Apple up-raded t+e 8a$@oo3 "ro repla$in- $old $at+ode fluores$ent lamp
(CCBL! #a$3lit LC& displa5s ,it+ mer$ur5(free L<& #a$3lit LC& displa5s and arseni$(free
and +as sin$e done t+is for all note#oo3s. Apple +as also left out @B4s and ">Cs
in 0arious internal $omponents.
Apple offers information a#out emissions materials
and ele$tri$al usa-e $on$ernin- ea$+ produ$t.
In 1une 200. AppleDs i"+one 3E% ,as free

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